J BRIEF MENTION -AcrcPree ?. I a ..... .Wei. " i-HfST 'llf:i; '"r "" "; ! f.r rt-Nil .! It nmy I... niiollier U. linn' . I ,ci ... intlmlH ' u l ,'y imli'fM Klir nil) nynlri tnlcti ii the Tli l""1'" """', "'' '" w ..jl-riillMli"". "'""" tp,ian--- , KviirvllniiK K)ii(ti(uvil lit Winter,' Tliu ali-iimer Klitinntli I. Mill lM up Bll,iiii'or ,Ul tl'MTVU III UpUW" ill Hill''1 lilt Lit"1 kafr ti. uiK-'i'if '",,i,,y Merrill r'ib ,7nJ fo.ir-fool wowl fur ..,tllv. I.fv oruur. . .J.wrlry 8tw r Now- lta-ltt M P- H" . ...ii. h,.i.ii Library l .KU"""' " .." ,M kiehtYfWi'i: " . ir.i i..ullHllnll U la. ,',tock.' A W i lo ill. fire Alarm District ,No,j...Wnl aide of river. . u .....I. r Main atreel ll NO. i" " . ib brWg to CVr.tr trc-t. lt No. t-Coniirr biiii -"" V II, Hull mil "ill vmi n IIiii- Hindi In I llix KUiimlli liaaln nt ruaaminhlit Huiikh ninl n may term. Olllre, '.'ml Moor,1 Hal.lwlii block. ' V. II, lli'llwimn rctiiim-tl Irniu Wcul ynateril.iy iivriilnu accimpniiltil by 1 1 i h family, 'llify hail Ikhii nwny mi mi vx tended villi ami I in III ft llii'lii nt Hint place. I'lvu nerc '.' mlli-a (nun Klmnntli l-'ttll! iikm khiiIi'Ii IihuIIoii, Will Inr. nlali (cueing tnati rial liijlm party wlm will film mill Him llm plate lui llin U III lilt trft Oil till (ill till. i-Mllt M'lt.llll, Aildleaa, I', O. Una II I'urkr-r .V Tn) lor have llii'lr bout tor tliri Wood lllver Inl'lma. nllfioal nmly for Iminrlilnif. 'Iln lt Mill U- nut In. i ' i In the water the Inal nf thla mil, Imt tlm machinery will nt l Imlnlliil' lor aoveral aeeka At It Mill nut unite hew until llm Hut nl May. Willi llm it rritiiiiiiliiitlliiK'i ii fewpleci-anl utrrl ulirvtlim tlinUml l now irmly fur naler. (,Ho.I-KmbII'M"' i 'lia , H,. in. t No 12 Suti 'f Main, " . ." .. .. ' Irt fl. ' ' ill. K W K If!,,. lCw,,',T,'ir,l i mMKo. H-Seuth in, "" I lie nri-ngi. nil llm niiirnmi iik iwi n ,TVWif"l r'l"1'' (laid oil Im-x I'lMay. It bruin ttnuti IS'm 15-S.Iutll "f Main. ta'lriiiiiAOiUlnllt rnillif. nvvnat !) In' tUI"n r'"1'' '"' 'cvcn,, '1 liil'Miinnliiu nnli-r aimlii, 1iNo.I6- N"" "' " '" . " " ,. nit-. Mxisovmti.. ACCIDENT FAKIRS. i Ko. 21-Suuth of Main lo . kitattn Sovrrilli ami Ninth. Ma Wha At. Abla to lmila Ilia In. L, No. a-NWlh of Main I. ,,."':"' ''"" ... ., " - u i .infirm iii.iiihiii .' .i.im'MMii l ttHrtl SVrntll BDll Mnlll. .u.i,tln. ..r nil nrrl.lmla llin.lt . irirtNo.3 Hut ty'rink-a illdrict - niry , ,J0 i.,,,.,. (r t , ,i, ..i u.lmnil Ninth. knro Hint tlm arrlilcnt fnllr niatalr BiKilct N.2l'Smli of Walnut to Mr," LUtarrn rvurtliaiHl MUln. 't bo aakvr, a miiki-oIi, fronlinl ana Wirt No. 2S Swutli t Walnut to wrnt on i Utarrn Sixth ami Klhlh. "Thrrr are men Mini malo a llvliu itt No. 31- South uf Walnut ami nut or rake acriiinin iin-y warn uaiti No. E North uf With " onuinajr that liir arcMnit llclr: trtoe. Utwrn SUth an.l Klhl. ". wl"' n '".. Injury. Iliry i.roi-mi irt No.3l-Nuriii ol Jtiicraon. "". " . i.ik ..l Vwlitr- "A" ecMrlil fakir fiir call iSUthtmlMi'liir. , , ., V x . Soilh of Huh to "" mii u.w.ii, m -... ...-. ... t o. i .'.oein ol iiign w i.uriwwlr KM. Mnrn tJgnui na icnuu .,,,. ,, ,,, , 0 ,,. " l l l Tti. """on lianl, aharp ol-idr, .ui. I.I. knw out , IS 1. Z . i i ilrftly. ral n IIk holliT o aa to a. Kt No. 42-wit "f canal. ,,,. .,,, ,., ,,i, ,,.. .,i n,,.,, ,,i., tfttwral alarm lll ! aouialwl by ()n b()Ulct : Ua rifia ttrokra . in will, ,.ie ,urll,'t notify hi, lutiiraiira ty the numlrr of the ulttrict ' f,iatlr4 t n,r m-it ilay. Ily tlicu lb Arc It lixalrtl, which will' hla knc U m anullvii that an nccuratn Whrn the dla' eitinilualliiii of It ) Imi-o-nllilr. Wn HORSESHOE CRABS. Tha Nfeaially For Turning Trum Ovar In tha Aquarian Pool. It I nut mi luminal wcurrenr nl tlm ii'iunrliiiu fur nnmn liiimntio rlaltor In niiroi;h mi rilli'mlnnt ami any; '"Ihi'ii.' n Imrrn'MliiH trail luninJ otrr mi IU imik In dm p,, (.r,.( unt il iin't Ki-I dink iiuilu Won't you I'li-naii rmiiii ninl turn It nwr'i" ' 'Mm Mti'iiiliiiit ki-u it dip ml a hi) i Hindi mi In lui r,,inK nroilliik the li'Kil In '-Mill llm Wk ji,r,.w t.r, nrn l-it ami ri-mhi-a iluwn In the w lr wlili ll nml Inrim tlm honanlioo rli-lit alilu iii, Iiitimihiii io crab iiiiivm off I'limfortalily 'llili, liuHoiiT, nri ilium In audi com "Imiii ri'iiui-iil, In only hIimI kiMncr or luli'i llin iitli-nilntit Muiilil imu ilono of lil mm niirinl, fur llii-y hcru kri-p an i-jii on tint hurti'-diovii in llicy do on nil llm dllicr IiiiiiiihIiiI irintnri, It luliihl iirliiii Ihi wiiiiili-ri'il If llio liurai-ahiKi crnli tin tn Imvr n man In ki-fji It turiiiil mcr liirn hot It ilwa In tlm Iirnnil iiicii wnler In nlilch II lliiilii n Inline, iiiin npnrt from in nn run) wliciii nn'l Imiu any audi altlniii'i- 'llm nnatvi-r U that In Ita no t urn I Iniuii. the riiinllllniia nrn vary (llffcri'iil ninl Hmi then. It U atlu lo luru out llM'If. 'llm hnrM-alioo i rnli lini n Ionic, atlff, itLHIku lull, wlikli la )uum to Ita Ixuly with nn nllndimviit Hint worka llki) n IiIiikh. In ilto vn tilirn a liurae alini. ki.h liirucil liter on Ha l.nck II ,Hk tlm Hid nf II (nil Into llm aaiiil or mini on llm bottom, ami with that In hoM ti) It rnlaca lb lull flul of Ita hiity iii on Hi" Irfitlnm lii tbat mora nilvniiUttiini, iotoii ninl with tli mil Ih'IiIiik M.ini' nn n li-irr Ilia horne li'ix l ulilit In luru ltir ntrr. In nn nijiinrliim mhiI, ulilch la Hunt nlth imrri'tnlii lllii. wi Hint It ran tie lcit clcnn, ihe ImriH-alKa1 irnb can't do thin, Iimiiiim. ihcni It ritu't tlml aaml or mini in il I nn tnii luiit in get n lirnrc (liiii.liinnll) n Imrx-iilioe Hint ho Ihiii uii'rliiriiiil will by dinner gtt llm lli nf Un mil Into tin- ntiulo furin l by the rtiwir ninl llm wall of the iaw ninl , Willi niiniMhllii; In hotil nk'iln.l. k.i I li-,.rni.v i'IioiikIi lo turn Itwlf u it. but hvnrrally Un' Ms out turiiiil bor'liiN- ll,. un ttn-lr hnrka III llm kI until limy lire rlKht'il. Tlm rU'litliiK up of l be liurx'iihoea ah nitji liiliTt-al-i Ihe m-,Ic alnmtlns nruiiint tin- mmiI, nuioiii; whom thrre arc llkrly In ! mim who dew It with n iiiiiti- mtIiiii plfnaiiri1. A woman rot M to an nlti'inlaiit who hail Juat turn fl out two bit tmrM'iilioc crabi; "I am rlnil to ! Hint you treat llmin wllh klmlni-M" tNUFFIOXES. kakfc naf three tlinn. httpmnlr. by more thanonuj cannot trll whether II la one of thoae rtMNo.2i.iflrrlvlniUi-Kn. rnke. aelf allipln-j kimra or not. o .UM...-i..iiu,iiil.-i.,.,-.li-ie ' ' l"T I'" '"inn hl money, nml he . B&rtl ai tiMallttratai Ulltkt ptuar. followed by fourj ,.,,, ,, , j. ilkiloni-cr pau'. ami then re-' n,in.H1(, ! ,,.r cnllcclr.1 our nirnireoeuire aounuinB mo j.UO In arrhlint illrl"i with the JiUrra attain. hrhi of a knn- that he rnubl allp out I na rnnlly a I llp my haml nut nf my Jlove' New Orlrnm Tliuralleinoerat Treasurers Notko i It U only lii)n'tfivlluii lb.it complain f what l lniierfrrt Tin inurv per-, feet we are thti more kviiIU' mi'l l"l wt liecome tuwnnl tlm iltfec'ai of oth arm. I'eiirlo'i. Iriircialicrrby Klrru that tberu are I It the county tiraniiy for tlio re Mn ol all niitiiUnilinK connty itU tirnlclr.l on ami prior In .m. Inlriraion .ame will Q PclloW5 , Take NotiCC a lioco Itila ilatr I Ul at Klamath 1'illi ihla lBtliilatr' ' IWIIl I1MJ, L, Alia l.euli, County Tri'Aiurvr. MIKt 10 CRIMIMS THE COUNTY UtitMtT OF TJIK HE OF OltKliON Foil KLAM. TO COUNTY. aTE Or" JOSKI'll CONnr.lt. 'KlASEIi. IwUlier,liy I,n thai the lait M tMttiiirnl ol Jnacph Conger, '" ieii duly proven ami nil V) probate ami that John V. I Mil Cha. II. Wlll.no li.w. T aDIlOlnlMl nai.VurillMM ll.ra. All fraon li.viin- clnlin. atialmt ltt'licrchy ri-iiuatei to pre ""tua llli the .mT vonchrra, WH rcontln Iron, the dale ol till '.wtue umleraliiiieil at tlm Flrat 'Ml Hank In thu dty o( Khuitath 'Wton. W Klamath Fall., i),f(.w, t,l. "JolMiruary, liHW, i .. mi r,2:ff,.?."i'... IHDIn.. l .1 , "' n ' Hll.llll. iTiT'0 !) I't will nml I,,. .. ""pnuoiiKer. ItecMwd, P'E.SwIu.rn Im, taken charge r?jwrlcat .linini room, which ikWitmoiii.ii.,i in .. . Uo,fcl. t , o"i"cooa baiJ.i. " lm l"M att ""alilniown il jftt-mehfoaiekMnd U lo Win- Helming & Co. ' iMerchanti ,IUrM,OMiomor. ""'lU.Oreiow A lmiH't will Ihi tiiv.-n at tin' A.'1., II. W, hull on hatiinlny tilitbl, tnu .nu of April, In cclcbrnllnu nl the cidity nliilli annlviTiinry nf our onlcr. All Oil I Fellowaarul lliplr when, IteU-kaha mnl their liiulmnila mo cnnllally In vlleJ. Jty order ol Klamntli IkIj-i", Nn. 137, JI.O.O. F. (), A. Ku-uisn, rVrytary. To the Electors of Klam ath County A Womm'i -No." There are pleiil) nf happy marrlaiei which lint it iH'tfiiu wllh "no" nnJ cud nl wllh "ye" It freileiitly bapiena Hint Ihe woman who nfc the Drat Hum roiortiN wlllluiily iini the aec (nut nr tlilttl. Nur la the rmnm for IhU far In aivk. 'Ihe woman who an awera wllh n lirualhe often doe ao U-Ilevlni: that If her aultor really ineniia what he anyn he will nut accept iIMmloal wlthnut uinLlui; nn effort to reuTt her declaloii, 'I he dilute lotcr, when declllnil n n huaband, lieja humbly for frleiiiMilp and procveda In make hlluaelf m-enry tu hi lady love' rnttifurt and hnppllieaa. lie atudlea her tnttea. humor her wbline. la ninny nit hand when needed, yet never In llm way. In abort, ho playa thu pnrt nf "cavalier aervaut" ae ndroltly Hint aume day when he be take hlmaelf lo Japan nr I'arle bt luil J love wake up to the knowledge that he baa U-onmo ludlipeuaable to her. n p.irt of her life, which, with drawn, lenu- n u-nao of Inck, a void. Moat fortrvaae will capitulate If tb ktei;o bo Ioiik ciioukIi a lid well conduct ed, nml the rulo hold good lu lov well n In war.-Cblcar Tribune. One HW an Important Part In (kt Ceunalla ef Natlena. Ko lontr appllcabl It an olt dlplo mat'a advice to "take auuS. often aail lowly," yet according to the Hon. John w. Foafer, author of "Tha Trae tic of Diplomacy," the time waa when aniiffboxea held an Important part la I ho council of nation. The present which the Hpanlati government ten dared lo Oeneral I'lnckney lu 1709 and which congreaa withheld from blm waa a gold anurTboi. Tba Hrltlah plenliotentlary who at tended the conference at tba cloae of thu Napoleonic war received aa pre enta Iwenly-foiir anuffboxM of the value of (1,000 ench. lllchly jeweled boica were the diplomatic faahlon a century and mure ago, hut the faahlon ha changed. Aa n reminder of tbe olden time, Mir fharlea Ituaaell, afterward lord chief Juatlce of I'nglatid, tbe Hrltlah aenlor counacl In tlm lb-ring aea arbitration at I'arl In Ihtra, a great collector of hlatorlc anufTlwie, carried a prectoua oue and waa conatantly offering Ita coulenla to hi colleague. After the treaty of I8SC waa coiclud ed wllh I'erala the American mlnlater tu Turkey, who algued II, wrote tn tbe aecretary of atate; "I would auggeat the following pre ent: A dlauioud auuffboz of tbe value or K.CKCj for the ahab; to Mlrta Agbra Kbau, tbe grand vliler, a diamond anurTboi to the value of 13,000; to Farrukh Khau, with whom tba treaty waa negotiated, another of tba eatna value; to Mlria Ahmed Kban, tba I'eralan charge at Cooatantlnopla, a diamond auuffboi to tbe value of 12.000.- YPSILANTI. Nearly four HundraaJ Way ef tl. ing Ihe Name. Curlou mtal officer lu Mlcblfaa and Waahliigton have been keeplag for yeara paat a record of tbe dlffereat way Vpallanll baa ma apelled on mall Uatlera, and by comparing tba notea Ihey have preaerved a llat of veritable orthographic wondera baa Im-u compiled. Tlila llat eailly eatab llahea Ihe claim that wore dlffereat waya for aiwllliig Ypallautl bava been devlaed tbau for aellluf any otbet geographical name lu America. lu all no leaa than 372 dlatluct waya nf a-lllng the name bava been count ed, and It la probable tbat tba greater number, perbap all, have beeu need lu good faltb by peraor.a who actually believed tbat tbe orthographic comb!- ; nation reproduced were tbe correct I coiiibliiatlone fur representing Ypsl- lautl on tbe written or printed paga. Every letter lit tba alphabet eicept "II" baa been uaed aa tba Initial letter of tbe name, though why ao obvloo a combination aa llypallantl tbould be neglected vrjteu otbera much leaa ob vlou bale been employed la dUBcult to explain. A a matter of fact tba vartatlona In tbe apclllng are chiefly conDued to tbe flrat ayllable, "Y" be ing a letter lacking or having only an Indifferent landing lu many foreign languagea. Tlnay lutl and Zyp Sllaull are mat wllh, and auioug the apclllng fartbaat away from tbe accepted and official alaiidard are Wbyiaorlanter and UlB aaalandder. Chicago Inter Ocean. fli:s-Ti.KiKS: llavhiK icfelved Iho iinniliiiitlun nl the llepiilillciiii party for theunico uf alierlH, 1 wlh to exirea lo you my nppieclntloii nl jour vflnrln In my beliHll. I feel the nmio grntcliil, kuuwlniia liln, Unit It a Iho people without nny po1ltic.il combination, who have no lionotcil inc. I extend locnch of you ieroimlty my thiuik for your cf fort and cunllilenco in me. . Itvipecifully Your, W. II, IUrnc. DKPAnTMKNrOK'rilK INp:illon. ojNaaai. lano orrice. Waililnalmi. II. v. Marn IWaT "orica or aTiiTioN ok riiauo lani TOMTriiaiaHT ahu NTav.-NotU-. la h.rjby live that tha .tuiHr.lryof the Jnlefirhaa vaeaud dapartnuintal order of wllhdrawal In ao faaThrirnV. ajfwta 'M fJS'Kl lion imrtioaM undar tha act of Jy, ."At' 'S BUt.Taall for uae In commotion wllh Ilia Klamath proJaatrOrVaUb ot the followlna .lrload Unda roatuSrai?ion"an.i bv hi. ".''.;,':; of aaldtrMtaaahavanot lawn hf ratofor llnally rMtarWahdaranototharwlMlthlrawn.raairvra or aueroprUtad.wlll tw aithjocl to wttunncnt under th.KCkVGnyiaVr.of thaUnllfd Hiawaon and af lar Juna W. line, hut ahall irwi b aubJael to -try, allna-, or aetoatk-n until July to. IWtJ tin tad lU'w land offloa at UkavkivT. Onon. wirnlna belna aapna-hr given that no para.m will linnttaatoatn.orrclaany rUht what, var uniiar any aetllament or occuwtlon baaun afurlraeruary.llt. In and Prkirto JunoM. im --CfalanaralUndOmce rBA.VAalunt SKratary of tha Intartar A Hare Worahlpar. 'Micro I teatlmony to Sir Walter Scott' popularity with nil claue In tlm "Burford raiera," a chronicle of former day nml doing In Kngland and Scotland. In 1831 Scott lva Invited to a break fait nt nu FMInburgh homo. He waa ao pleated with the Yarmouth bloat. era that were acrved piping hot tbat oue of the femlnliio iiueat went to Ilia market thu uext day to order aouio for hltu to bo acnt to Hutaes place, where ho waa ataytug. "1 don't end ao far," aald tbe flab monger. "I atu aorry," aald tbe lady. "Tha order waa for Sir Walter Scott" Tbe rough dahmouger alnrtcd-back, then puahed forivanl to the lady through hi plica of flab. "For Sir Walter Scott, did you aay. madam? Sir Walter Scott? Hleaa my aoul, he aball httvo them directly If 1 have to carry them myaeUI Sir Walter Scolll They ahull bo with him to ultiht," Thou panning, "No, not to night, for tomorrow morning a frell cargo come In, nnd ho ahall have theaa for bla breakfaat. Sir Walter Scottf The turning of Oreen Wood. F.very one who enjoy a alttlng by a wood dro muat have obaerved bow tba wood aputto.-u and blaet aud frequeue ly gives oil little Jeta of Annua aud bow the plice crackle and dy off at a cotuldernblo dtatauce. Thla U cauaed by the water lu the wood, which, con fined lu the cell, become heated and generate atcam. It la a curioua fact that liitouao beat nud. Intent cold produce fructuret In varlout tub itances. I it tba moat extreme cold Weather It U not uncommon, eapeclally If tba cold baa coma on suddenly, to And trees that ant split from tba ground to tha top by tbo action of frost. Freexlug axpanda tba water la (be cells of tba wood, aud ao suddenly U this dona tbat tha tree bunt aa would a pitcher or mug to wkrtl wa ter wat confined. The tawflah. More energetic than auy other aharka are tbe eawflab, whose snouts are pro longed lulo a broad blade of cartilage, which Is hortaontal when tba flab la awluuuliig In a normal position and baa both Ita edge act with allgbtly curved teeth about an Inch apart Tba end of this formidable looking weapon la bluut and comparatively soft, ao that It Is quit Incapable of tba feata popularly attributed to It of plerchaaj whales' bodtsa,ehlpa' timbers, ate. It attacks other lab, by a awlft lateral thrust of tba aaw beneath then, tha keen edge dlaeeabowtllng them. Than It feed upon tb soft tatralla, which are apparently tb oaly food It can eat from tha peculiar abac, ef Ita mouth. It baa an eaormoua auatbar of amall teeth, sometimes aa many aa fifty rowa In on Individual but they are evidently unfit for tha rough dutlea required of their teth by tba garbage eating member of tba fata lly. Natlenal Qardena. There are two gardeus of England tamely, Kent and Worceetershir. Tbat of Irelaud la uaually aald to be Car low, In Lelnstar. Italy and Betgluaa are both called tba garden of Europe, while that of Franc U Ambolse, In tb department of Indre-et-Lotre. Tb gar den of Italy la Sicily and of Spain An daluala. In tba east Ceylon and Bur ma have both received tba till, aud the district of India ao houored la Oud. aiamorgansblr Is often apoken of aa the garden of aoutb Wales. To tbe region waat of our nobla Missis sippi tb till "gardeu of tba world" baa been given. A Oeed Answer. In a public school examination aa acentric examiner demanded, "What views would King Alfred take of Mi rer! suffrage and printed hooka If ha war living now?" Tbe Ingenlou pu pil wrote lu anawer, "If King Alfrad were alive be would be too old to take any Interest lo anything." Loadoa Telegraph. Menotanoua Menu. Fogg Well, there' on thing I will aay about thla house' Baaa-Aad wbat'a that, for goodneae' take Ftogf When you alt down to brttkfaat y atwaya know what you'r going to get Boston Transcript. It la tb flrat ol all probUaifr a man to tod out what kind of. work U to do to Hvto uulvr,-Crly 1. THE OFFICE E. H. DuFAULT, Proprietor Choicest of Wlnei, Llquori and CltUn r Catcra to the better class of trade, with nothing to offend the most critical. You'll notice the difference when you try it. Just the place to drop In for a refreshing bever age when you ncec" a stimulant. Pure liquors of all kinds for family trade a specialty The Cream of the Best Old Continental Whtokey Normandy Rye F. F. V. Rye Bottled Under the tapcnrlaloa of tbe Gorenuacnt . . . None Better . . . SoU By C. D. Willson Wholesale and Retail Llqnor Dealer ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH Of Furniture it on its way to the Klami ath Falls Furniture House, opposite the jmerlcaii Hotel Mattresses already jrriving. "Our aUapoaaibUlty eada whenever job are tatlaOed." E. W. GHLETT & GO. Bert E. Withkow, Vic President Auxn Sloah Secretary Abrtrtcting taaat, Ftau, Blue Mitfl, Etc. Klamath County Abstract Go Surveyors and Irrigation Engineers Don J. Zumwalt, C. E. President M- D. VYiujams, C. E. Treasurer Klamath Falls, Oregon Professional Cards DR. WM. MAKTIN Dentist Office oyer Klamath County Bank c. r. STONX Attorney at Law Offlic over poatofic, Klamath Falls, Oregon T autraoNs it D. V. ITOTKENDALL Attorney at Law Klamath Falls, Oregon DR. C. F. MASON Dentist American Bank & Trust Co.' Building We Make Little Fuss But there is always something doing at v our place in the House Furnishing line. We carry the largest stock of House Furnishings in Klamath County. See us for a Square Deal. VIRGIL 6 SON At Uw arM) M Mala stmt Furs Wanted 0 D. WlUaon It In th market for all klada of fura, for which h will pay th highset market price. Address him at Klamath Fall, Oregon. CENTRAL CAFE Open Day and Night Private Dining Parlor Oysters Served la Any Style J. V. HOUSTON, Prop. Klau.au. rails fi Wiaenu Truck & TTcinsfer COMPANY Furniture and pianos carefully moved. Baggage wagon and general draying. Au work given prompt attention. Busa to and from all boat. Phone 103 COLBURN & TOUNG Proprietors IZiin's Plumbing Shop Contracting and Jobbing Firttclast Lin of Plumb ing Specialties and first class Workmanship. , A. O. U. W. Biiilding Itbuuth raUa Jackson Hotel Fort Klamath, Ore. Clean rooms, good beds, and the table always sap plied with the best th market afforda-Temsrsja-sonabie. C.C. Jackson, Prop.