The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 14, 1908, Image 4

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Get the Essence of Satisfaction
By Deallntf with Strictly Reliable House
When it's Jewelry, Watch Repairing,
Optical Work or kindred lines you
want, come to the Leading Estab
lishment in those particular lines,
where you get your money back if
you are not satisfied
Our reputation is pretty good, too, as
the old saying serves as proof,
"Imitation is theSincerest Flattery,"
so it don't make me mad to have
others copy the simple and upright
business methods I am using
leading Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician
TORE Bex Suits are "Dummy" Suits
all rltiht as loail as rcatlail quietly apoa
the "dummy " that doeaa't more a mmcU
all wrong wiwa pat oa a lire. aovutf,
actlre nan, for whom they were Hot aude,
and who quickly brlatfi oat erery tfUrlatf
For clothe that fit your fona, follow
erery norencnt of yoar body, aad retala
perfect shape, hare take yoar aieatare
aad scad It to Ed. V. Price 0 Co., faaioaa
as nerchaat tailors who make clothe to
order excloslrely.
Fabrics No. 4404 L, 4198 K. 4489 J,
4268). 4161, 4158), 4S20I, 41061,
oat of 500 Magnificent patterns for Spring,
and designs 486. 489. 490. 491. 493 from
ear new fashion plates, will be of serrtce
la helping yoa choose a nifty salt.
Made la either direct or modified style,
a tsllored-to-measure suit will coat yoa
bat 125 to 140 here, aad it will embody
high clans workmaashlp, permanence of
shape, and aerrlcc ralue only found In
clothes for which small tailors charge
twice the money.
Try one and be conrlnced.
lultt. Ic1 npratMUClra U. V. Pric ft C.
ISMClaal TaUaAtCfclMf.
The Pantatorium
fceo Winter tor Jewelry.
AiMitor J. r. law l Hillng property
for the 1W3 roll.
Lost Flannel Imliy almwl Friday 3rd.
Kinder pleato rvturn toKKK atore.
K. M. MiuM ii now employed as !
taut county Ireamrer.
For Kent Furnlihed room to rout
reasonable.' On Flllli Street la-low Wal
nut Aenne. Mr. Cox. 4 10
Willie, the n of Mr. and Mm. II. V.
Mitchell, in very lck.
Five acre ",lt mllo" front Klamath
Fallaj good garden location. Will liir
lush fencing matt rial to tke parly lin
will fence mid clear I lie place for the .i,vinm-..4 (or the IVinocratlc nomliiv
uh of the i; Mil ml for the prctent icaioti. . . ltji
AddtcM, 1. O. Itox II.
n c i ti ivmi..... i. laidle and Chlldmia Slra Halt ol
" - "v- - " i ., ,..., .. .. . .,..,
IV '
i 1 can lOrattt )n in n liiHiifMnul. I
t ..... ..ll .... .I , at 14(1 nrri a 111
our atih I. sick ten.l It to Win1 UlB v,,lloj.nt price Hut lll ull
(era llotpltal. jml( II. W. Ki-eme.. ll.
F. M. I'rlett left today for hit homo. , New bracelet! at M Inter.
For Upper l-aku olnt by lauiuli cull
nnU. I'.drccnryA Son.
llert llagaii mid lf ww ,kn
Merrill to have lic-atlng tafore V. P.
fommliiluner Alex. .fatlln, Jr.. who
hat been at Meirlll Inr torer! ilaa
looklii attor the hmik hllo Caihlcr
Merrill It at Smi Francltoi.
A. Ilelmlnit A Co., Ir inr-n-liaiita.
pn) lilithett cnh ptlce for nil kind of
hide mid Inra. Ilcad.piarlert Ameri
can lintel. "
It. St. tleoiite ninlinp h n turned
from a trip to lloiiatita, Menlll and J
aewal other -olnt IIiioiikIioiiI the I
county, lie feela ery nanisnlne oxer'
lining nurvejIiiK mid politic.
Time to Dye
Easter Eggs
Paaatels Tranafer dye Seta a pk.
Buster Brown Triniferoi Sets n pk(j.
White Rabbit Transfer!,
16 colors Sets a pkjl.
White Rabbit dyes. 8 colors,
100 ahades Sets u plq
Also Nice Line of Easter Curd;;
and Novelties.
Star Drug Store
"The Store that Saves You Money"
Mead near lkmanta. Ho exprcta to U
gone H-veral da) t.
New line of fancy Souvenir ipoona at
I An extra largo ihlpnieut of Knicker
bocker (tilts and extra ,auti for boy, at
1 the Uotton Store,
I Spring lino ranama and Straw Half
at tho KKK itore.
Fimil.hcd home hir lent. Apl'l) at
the McIntltoTraiiipoflAtlnii Co. I
Safes Free
The I'lr.t TruM A hahm Hunk h
icceUeil 101 melal rafm nhlch tin) "III
loan to aii)onc o-hhi)! an nvoiint nlth
a deiHHll d II or inure. Theeaic
r-henff Obcnclialn ha. colhctivl taxraian W kept at jour home to put jour
to tho amount of SIIS.OOO, leaving about chaise In. When (nil they can U
:!IX0 on the roll to bo collected. brought to the bitik an.l the mnry ill
It ii not nccc.-aiy to leave jour J l''" )'" """- r'"' ,,a,,k
aU-hvatolonir at Wintvri. Wo areipaj 3 -r lent . n tlie.e.le-oll. In-
row prepared to do jour work prompt terett paid ml-aiiiiiiiillr. xife. mi n-
ly, All work guarantied for onu Mbit at the bank and at the rfi nl-lican
Thetkatlnir rink draw a lart:otnmd ottlce.
of joung people eery night. The place
. hai l-eeii fixed up to that It I quite g-l '
i .. .
Subscribe for The Herald
kUmnth N Pu.lic librar
for tkatlng. The Klamath Falla Public Library U
To get a home talk to K. II. Hall about open every afternoon from 1! to IXfs
the Summero-Klnncy place. Ollice, 2nd o'clock and each evening from 0J0 to
floor, Haldwln block. ' 10 o'clock. A cordial invitation la r.
J. 1). Carroll hai teturntd IroniatWt ' l'nJ"1 ,0 "
to I'ortlaml and Seattle, lie hai g-ine
back to the ranch to woiry aIhiiiI cuokt,
crops an I h(-g. i
Ment l'anama Hat KKK (tore. I
ror the belt rig In town call at the I
Mammoth Stable. II. W.Mraw, Pro'
Auitin white ha received Id motor
cycle. The machine la onu of the belt
manufactured and li capable of attain-,
Ing a high rate of ipeed.
Try Zlm for plumblnjr. ',
Kver thing guaranteodat Winter.
Jackson Hotel
Fort Klamath, Ore.
Clean roomn, good beds,
and the table always sup
plied with the best the
market affords-Terms rea
sonable. C. C. Jackson, Prop.
invented tint plionoKmptt.
He tnmlc it an entertainer
fnr nil. It i nmnufactureil
at n price which overvono
can atford, and wo noli ft on
the easy payment plan, ho
no one need tie without it.
Have you heard and seen
the New Model.
We Want Your Trade
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Klamath Falls, Oregon
.Mt,. W, I.. Svtmrn hat takni cliaryn
of the American lining kmii, which
hat Wen remolrhil. , women r-)k
aremplu)r.. Tbi, , the plarw tit grt
the lirtl lliraltin timn
You ihould Buy your
Watches from Us
-1st -
Wc have the Larcn ultckon ol
Walchca In Southern ortgoa
Buytnji Walchca aic Join Urft
quantities, we can glvcjoatM
Lowest Market Price for
Good flood
Wc hive an ratabllihcd Bulata
ami here to atay If jou
Watch floca wrond jouwill
know where to find n
H. J. Winters
Leading Jeweler,
Watchmaker and
If your r)e am ft
fit, m-o Wlnl( n.
lltlMt )XI
The Store That is Doing the Business
v -'
Our Silk "tmderakirts
will please you as they
are of the quality that
refined taste calls for.
When down town call
and look them over.
A ( t Pl
There's value visible
and invisible in "Sin
cerity" Garments-one
as much as the other.
What puts it there?
Sincerity Style, Know
ledge, Tailoring Skill,
Fabric and Range-but
more than all the Sin
cerity idea that covers
all, the initiative the
quality-insistence that
have created and up
held the "Sinreritv"
m . 4
stanoara ana nave made possible Clothes-Economy
without cheapness; that's most acceptable just now.
You'd be surprised to know how many of the
best dressed men wear "SINCERITY" Clothes and
you'll find your home clothier sells them.
$10.oo to $30.00
Our Easter display of
Shoes will please the
most fastidious. We
have the niftiest line
of Oxfords in Klamath