The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 04, 1908, Image 2

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baaa aaBr. ntKl aaaar. br Um
HtraM PubMring Company
. W, , SMITH. tattf
r MB. tarn Bwniha,
tSSjIt, SatlVtfM Vf lal I Wf ft WftNE,
. l.B
. .1
pmenai cmck oa roar mai tank.
Haass 41 s Law r Otaxxm.-Sxtkxi TO of
Ik lav at Onwon mitln Ual 'thwwrrr anjr
WW ssalf uHtoa a iwwsiiapar W mill siKh
aaaar to anr varaon In Uib 8u without
Int tailiai an entar tkarafor, svth nrpixr
kail M aaaavid to b a rift, and no drtl I'oMlca.
nan aaaN mm aaalast men canon. Oouiw
au nasrsaaaar It tavrlTM kr la paraon to hom
It la Malar not.
MARSH LANDS Orefe richest soil
SO per cent, vegetable matter. Klamath', greatest bargains at S20 per acre and upwards. Easy Terms
Ha Wat Tn Hasty.
A.promlnent automoblllst condemnis!
acorctatnf it dluner.
"I coadamn." be said, "scorchlug tuJ
tbt acorcaar, but I iloa't condemn tba
acorcatr unheard. I dou't condsinn
tea accuaad aaao hastily. Hatty con
daaaaatloa to always mistake. One
ob Caaadlaa railway I got off tbt
train tot a Art minute luncbton at a
railway aaUag bar. There was n man
beside m cobbling away, and w bn be
flalsbed I beard bin any blttrrly, at
aw took out hit ours:
"CaU that a bam sandwich? U'a
tbt wont bam tandwlcb I ever ate.
No bmcw taste, than sawdust and to
mall you could Lordly act It,'
"Te've ct yer ticket,' said tbe wait
r. This herc'a yer bara sandwich.' "
-lattadelrhla Bulletin.
3500 Acre Free
Tim Laketttle company has 2500 scree
of Istul under tlio Adams illicit t lint It
will gtvo RKNT KREIJ for one )rnr.
Thlt Includes the use ut the land and
nttrr. The tenter mint clear and
place the.laml In cultivation. The rent
or gelt all the crops hot wo rrsone the
right to put uro the stubble.
The Lakeside Company,
J. Frank Adams, Malinger,
Merrill Oregon.
Pasture For Rent
Snake Myth.
Saakea hart no medicinal qualities,
aaS th following otular notions are
gaytha: That gall of snakes are an
antidote for snake bites; tbat tbclr oil
la good for rheumatism. baldue notl
oWafaeat: that wearing their skins will
cure rheumatism or stiffness; that a
tuake heart, oil or blood Is pooj for
cosmuaaptlon or other IiIh: ibAt sua
Beak ahould be eaten for bll i1Ior
dera; that a second Mte of ihu nuke
In the same place will cure or counter
act the first bite; tbat rattlers of
are charms.
The MsaJsrn Rattleatnaaa.
Like tbe Athenians of old, most peo
ple are vainly searching for some new
thing, only to look upon It when they
lad It with suspicion. Of the vast
majority it la aa true today aa It waa
Seat wrtcatB"
Thar eat ther aria, they atop, they
Thar go to church on Sunday,
Aa4 many are afraid ot Ood,
And nor of Mrs. Grundy.
1 London Ladles' Field.
Cottuag Dewn CempetHlen.
1 saved S3O0 this year by moving."
"Cheaper hooter
"No; I found that my wife was try
ing to ontdrtet a rich woman to) the
tame block."
etfitetl Waist Hangars.
Skirt waist botes are all very well
but they cannot accommodate mort
than two or three waists without
crashing, and Invariably tbe wait
which one wants is at tbe bottom oi
the box.
If -one has plenty of closet room It h
a much better plan to use waist hang
era on a clothes pole extended acroti
the platform.
Every woman delights In dainty tot
let belonging and will appreciate pret
Oly covered watot bangera acented with
her favorite perfume.
The frame ahould first be coverev
wHh eettoo plettdfully tprtnkled wit)
C. C. Low hat Icnteil the Hot Spring
lsture. coniirUtni! '.W ncrcD, ami will
lake a nmubrr ot lUnk to pasture nt
1.60 per month.
TUbcr Land Notice
UnitelMstci l.niul Oillce, laUi'vl
Orecoti, February IS, l!V.s.
Notice l hrrrliyitiveii HmI In rttm
pllaticu with tliM pnitUlons i( the sit of
Congress o( J mm 3, IS73, iiilHIul ".Mi
act lor the cutout timticr Units in the
states ( California. Oiritnii, .i-vila niul
Wstlilnittou Tvrrltoiy," as cxtiiultil to
all the l'ulillc l.nml Mates by act of
August 4, 18S2, Charles It. IVU, o(
Ktamath Falls, Cuiinty ot Klamath,
State ol Oregon, lias filed In this ollli-e'
his sworn statement No. 401V!, for the
purchase of the swneJXi nti'v
tec. 3, tp. 3S H. ranK D K.V. M., nml
will offer proof to show that the Isial
sought It more valuable (or its timber
or ttono than for agricultural purities,
ami to establish h,la claim to sul.l land
Iwfoie the County Jailgo ot Klamath
Connty, at his office at Klamath Falls,
Oregon, on Wednesday the 13lhdav of
May 1003.
lie names as wttne-rvs; T. F. Nicho
las, L. I), rtitchisoii, True II. Peljip,
A. M. Jamison, all (if Klamath s Falls,
An) ana all persons ciniuutii: miverre-
ly the above described lands are request
ed to file their claim in this olflco on
or before raid 13l!i day of May 1004.
2-M 5-13 J. N. WatMiti. remoter.
Want 'em in a hurry
That's the case nine times out or every ten when
you need groceries. When you get caught in this
pr dicament Just call up 516 you'll get 'em
in a hurry.
Van Riper Bros
"Get the Hablt"-Use Chase 6 Sanbortfs Coffees.
Heavy FreitfhtlniJ Specltlly. Baggage Orders Are
Given Prompt Attention
0. K. Transfer S Storage
Having up-to-date piano
trucks we solicit your PHONES
fine piano moving
office 871
Bant 071
Realdence 645
Aa ndaatloTis. touch of daintiness
may be. had by tuspendlng alx or mors
day eachet bags from the center with
That la alto a very good Idea for a
' for lightweight skirt.
Odd Haitdkerehlef Cat.
. pretty handkerchief caae can be
saade of two Jananeae paper aervtettea,
with plate borders. Cat a square of
cottea wool the exact else, aprinklt
wtthaeeat or aachet powder or inaerl
wtthla tt a aaaaU aflk hag of powdered
erria root and place the acented wool
betweea tbe eerrlettet. Baate flrmly
bat lightly together and then neatly
bind wRh ribbon matching the pattern
of the' serviettes. Now turn in each
rot the corners toward the center in en
velope ttyle and on one of the points
fix a place of ribbon to lie together Id
a bow.
A glove aachet may be mad tbe
aaaae way, only tbe serviettes are fold'
ed lengthwise, and tbe corners of the
upper part are turned down, a tiny
bow of ribbon at each point. The edges
are bound same ns handkerchief case
and lightly tied In tbe center with
bows of ribbon.
Petition for Liquor License
To the Honorable County Court of
the Htate Orrtion for Klalnnth County.
We the undersigned, residents and le-1
pal voters of the Precinct ot .Spraituel
ltiver, In tlio County ol Klamath and
Htate ot Oreicon, and actual resident
therein and who liavo actually resided
therein for more than thirty days lm-
mediately preceding the date ol sliming
and filing this our wtltion, ilo hereby
respectfully etition tour honorable
Iwdy to grant and isniio to J. C. F.dsall
and T. M. Edisll, f the firm ot Kdssll
llros., a license to sell rplrltous, vinous,
Icrmentcil or'malt, liquors in lets qusn
titles than one gallon, In the precinct
aforesaid for a period of one ) ear, from
the Oth day of May. A. U. UtiS.
Notice It hereby ghen that this pe
tition will he presented to the County
Court of the Statu of Oregon, for the
County of Klamath, at the court house
in the city of Klamath Falls, on the Dili
day ot Msy, A. D. 1003, at the hour of
one o'clock I. M. or at soon thereafter
aa ssld petition can be-tieard.
Dated this 2Wi day of March, A.I).
O.T. Anderson, I.. I.. Griffin, I. T.
Anderson, F. A. Campbell, W. W. Fin
ley, E. W. Whetston, A. W. F.ans, J.
M. Basaer, Win. II. Garrett, Kil ".loom
Ingcamp, John 8. Furber, H.J. Lang
kam, Ross V . Finley, W. W. fimith,
James Phillips, V. K. hutter. R. P.
iViurirlifht. II. L. Anderson. C. R.
L totitx, Amos l.undy, Mat loiwry, J. A.
C. E. Uerg, J. 11. Ilo'd, James M. IV r
rn, FmnK Uliencbain, L. A. Itlilunl
on, George llloorninxcHinp. Q. M. An
lerson, Torn Itory. Juait-s Dell, Frank
Bhamley. J. A. Parker, G. G. Dews,
Charles Trupp.
Then it a atory that Charlotte
Bronte when a girl of alxteen broke
oat aasjUy at tome one who said the
was alwaya talking about clever peo
pie, each aa Johnson and Sheridan.
"Now, you don't know the meaning of
clever," aha aald. "Sheridan might be
ettvtr leampa often are but Jobnton
aaaat eaark of 'cUverallty' in bun."
Tbat remark reaUy gives the essence
at Jotaeea and the key to tbe great
aaalltlea.of bla work, for in his case
Tea BMrt.thaa la moat the prose waa
the Man. Whoever wants "cleveral
Sty" had host leave Johnson alone. Tbe
aafaal hsarit of Johnson' writings la
that be alwaya means what he says
JM alwaya saya what be means. He
awy actea have talked for victory, but
eaVjaat arhap1ita,;tha political, pam.
SkUfa ka alwaya wren for tratav-
J'f,sa,s sgvsgarjiaaaaf -av
aM-i-a,, ssa-ajtw. ' ' i f
Klamath. Lake
In Connection With
Stage Line
Uave Thrall at 3 P. M.
Arrive at Pokegsma 6:06 P. M.
Leao Hokegama at 7 A. M,
Arrive at Klamath Falls 6 P. M.
Leave Klamath Fulls every morning
Connecting with Klamath Lake
Train which leaves Pokegsma
at 6 P. M., arriving at Tnrall
at 8:20 P.M.
. President
The American Bank and
Trust Company
Ctoltal Stock S 100.000
Open for biulnea. vvcry day In the year .xcept Sunday and
legal holidays. Interest Paid on Saving Deposits
Ais't Cathicr
Sixteen inch and four foot wood in any quantities.
Orders can be left at Navigation Co., Phone 461
orKKK Store, Phone 174
JT FiTJIYER Wood Yard and Office
jU ritiMjULiR Neir CIIy Hill
Phone 84
The Eldred Company
F. C. ELDRED, Manager
j,. Bonanza, Oregon
Saddles. Harness and Supplies
We make a specialty of first-class, guaranteed,
hand-made Saddles and Shaps. Our; Saddles
have an established reputation.
Orders From Everywhere Solicited
The Gem
Restaurant and Lodging House
Special accommodations for Family Dinner Par
ties. The largest and best arranged eating house
In the city. Open day and night.
Having purchased the entire stock of Furniture
fromB. St. George Bishop I will be pleased to
meet all his old friends, and also extend a cordial
welcome to the many new residents of Klamath
County. Our line is complete, and lots of goods
are on the road from the best supply houses in
the citie.
Successor to B. St. George Bishop
Incorporated November 28, 1900
Statement of Condition
. ...of I lie
Klamath County Bank
Klumnth Falls, Oregon
DKCKMDKK 31, 1007
IuuiH nml Diticountst $340,030.00
HoihIh mill Socurillfii 03,525.(14
Heal L'titutc, HuiMliH8 mid
Fixture M.740.1.J
Cush nml SIkIiI Kxrhmific 100,247.00
Cnpltul .Slcel, fully pitltl
Surplus iiimI I'nilltji
Due Other lliiultti .
I, Alex Moi till. Jr., Cashier of ihu
hunk, ili soliintily swiar that the mImivo stji.
mvnt It Hue to the Ix-al of my knu!t,;ii utidlxrliM
Al.i:X MAItTIN. JR., Catltiir
Suhscillil nitil tnurn to lfuru me thlt Cth iSf
of Januarv, l'.HM,
(Stolf C II. WlTllllOW,
Notsiy I'uhlie tvr Oiecfii
Asa't Cniihlcr
Floneer Bank of Klamath Basin
are Advancing in Value
When blocks in Mill Addition were offend
nt bargain price ti number of ltnmd limn
turn bouicht; since that tlmu value haw
increased materially.
These Lots ure Bargain Buyti
nt present price, and there Is overy le.tion
to anticipate an advance in price. Itewein.
ber these lot are FlrTY feet in width nrd
deep-more than double the urea of inct
town lot offered to investor.
Office on Fifth Street
Land Salesmen.
Plumber and Steamfitter
Klamath Falls, Orego
Strictly First-class Work
Estimates Furnished
Phones: Business, 396; Residence, C04
Bennett's Feed Stable
Next to Martin'a Mill
Now Open for Business
The Chute System of Feeding which permits Stock
getting their fiill, has been installed
Plenty of Wagon Room
East End Meat Market
CRISLER & STILTS, Proprietors
Prime Beef, Veal. Mutton, Pork and Poultry
Fresh and Cured Mcnts Hnd Sausages of ull Vd
Wo handle our incuts in tho most modern way In clean
liness and surroundings. Try ua and wa will be molt
hPpy to havo you for n customer. Frco Delivery.