""111'' """P" - fteniim ht lostlyftaul Papur in Our Advertisers Get tJio Best. Results . . , Clumnlli Fulln .... )N Yi:an, No. -177. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18. 11)03. I'ntcE, 5 Cents. Herald. IPORTANT LAND RULING :ision in contest Is favorable to Homesteader tND IS TIMBERED ttlcr Make Substantial iprovements and Show Good faith rry lmjoilant land drclilou Iim len tendered by Hip Comtiilaaonr lie (Irnerat Uml Office, wlilch will rl liilrn-altoiiiany Klamath inuntr rtlradrre, who have had ronteate I egalntt their clallna, Tin how. Jrr a.t favored, where it waa proven I he had ahoan (11 I lib by mile riili1aiillal Improvements, even In the Idol wee inure valuable lor cr. on C. Meery fllrd an affidavit sntral egalnal ll entry of William Pryn on a oillon ul arc. 'J. T. 17-10, dine, In auhalanrr, that defendant failed In rraldr mi, cultivate and tuve lli Unit at required by law. lis drclelon rrade : flier are tome clrcumelaiir ahoan It rate that, du not Imllalo good' on Ilia part ol the ilefeadanl in king tald entry lor a liaeaeatead. i U town evidence tending In lion I ! ib-.lrrj It rliially for Hi timber Hi fact that be hat furnlehed ii , 'that lie eeuMJibed a rraWUrx l anil remained enatlnuoiuly lor at moathi aaaTlaaa MaitaaavMawit rlroat for a much aa all jmmtht at mi llmr, taken laglhr with IliP , that Ihe entry wa mail let llian jeart before III ronleal we fill, Indiratr K"l fallti on hit ri. tittering It lor a Iioiup. lie evldenrp at a whole lull In ealab- I plaintiff' chargee. tfald cnnWat U. trior, dletntrtpd, ami Hip rnlry hrld kd." all eiek highly ol lilt work. Till end nl IIiii enmity In unruly i-iillllrd to tome thing and aa o runny nl llio atplrauta for the nuinlnatloii am retldenlt ol Kin- inalli I'ullt, ami aa Merrill hat no man t In Id field Prof, llnbtit thould win liainli down. Merrill llrcoril, A telephone ronimiiiiicatiuii today slated Hint I'rnf. Ilnbb liml i-onscnled lo makp lit rare, ami lliat xttlllon ' wn Mug i Imitated, Clood Words for rloljgatc Harry L. Ilolgate rotdrnnl t til Iioiik- In Klamath County, Thuraday, alter a wrek'a vlll among CVr vatlla rrlatltca ' ami frlen.lt. .ulnc leaving Hi 'Invent I uirrit arrvlre, three, or four yrara ago, li liai Ukrn an active part In the ilvrlo mriil ol tint progremlu-, proaprrnua trctlmi ol Oregon known aa Ilia KUin- alii country. Iln la now conducting n liank at llonania, a rapidly developing loan about V-l iitltrt from Klamalb Kail. Harry It nun nl Hip tactful, brainy young in an ul llm atate nnJ r air glad to Irani tint Iip la doing w ell. A recent itltpaleh loTlirdrrgonlau alalea lliat tip will baarimlMalpfnr Joint aenalor (loin Klamath, Crook ami lake Counllr. II It (V)iular anil a huMler ami ahouM niak a fowl ahuwlng In Hie coinlni iri marie III familiarity with the nreda ol Orrgon rou0ai i It I hie uiiuaual ei rtlrtrr In lb irrparalion ol lawa nn.l the banilllng ol Irglilatlon make him an exritonally well iiiatlf1rI twrami lor Hip lar. Ilrahli'l llil Iip haa a atalv Id arualnlanie among men ol itaml. Ing ami Intlueiirn which Mould I ol In. HIS LAST STATEMENT I revenue, nml other important maltera of inlrrcft to the city. Tim commilleo npioInlnl nt llio mart merling to 'rrrmeilnlinn obtninlnic city watPr, will rrmkr lln-ir rrfort Hilt t-veiilng. FOR BETTER MAIL SERVICE Admit Johnson's Declarations As State's. Evidence DEFENSE REGISTERS OBJECTION Widow and Several Others Testify Johnson Was Rational at limes Before Performing the Operation for the Removal ef the Eye rVnnlor l!ouriif letler to -volera I nml (MmliiUtr for olficra In Orcxon lire- nu iliprn toitaml by lalernent So. I, Hill not rany ruiirh forn- if tin; preilic- , tiont of tome nl llinui':iolitiriniit aielo j ! fulnilvil. Tliry nrKiif lliAt the ."rna- J tor lint been nwuy from tlntnto fo long that bo it not in touch uith the real sit- ' imtlnn, ami fot tlil ri'non hit letter will In a inrutuiu -. lnuieil bv tbr i rank and flleol tlm parly ari'l nlro the party IrAdrrr In .Multnomah county not half a iloen rnndiilntct (or the fen. mtr nml l(ou' uill plnlp llirrnpvn i in Inv.ir of tatrmeiit Nn. I. . Should Present the Matter to the , Department PEOPLE MUST ACT Staqes Carrying Mail Should Leave Pokegama as Soon Train Arrives with Hip bull eudol n cue ami krirckcil me dawn. While I wat down Frank, - - - - j t. f0pl o'( Klamath Fall have) an A.J. Ilale. uliulmt Ln-n tltlting K.opjrtunlty of receiving their mall I J J. Murray for cevcral montba left for'houra eirller than at preaent if they han Franrivcn on vctterilav'a boat. He . .!.. I lt it,. ...rln... rl,iU .a.I a.. 'nipanlni; CorpronUlu- big bartender w111 llnt l-o Ant'il.-t U-forr till re- Kaniitlgnt of Hilt city Intend to remain Jabbed the email end of a cur In my eye.. ,,,,n ' lnctle, or will they win the pralaeol i our cltiient by doing aomethlog toward Then I got up and got nut ol tbr door, ' When com I convened at nine o'clock Judgo Denton aniiGUCrd that lie Inul not la-en a bio tit-reach a decitlon aa lo the ndmlaiability nf tin- atatrmenl of John mti relative to Ida di-alh or recovery. He ..... . . . ..... . . .. accordingly fcn--l tlir Jury and had I when Peleralelner hit me Iwlci-.' "y'of"-" '' ' K""0' Improving our mall lervlceT eubporiia for lira. Merryman, Whlli-j At the lirneof Hip or.itioii I a I n'1 C K' t"',n H'" cimlMaieelVir! The poetolTice department liaa ahowa and I'arkrr. j preaent at llm lima )r. Matlon opera- ,U "nlni" '' iro.ecullDg attorney I . ,i,fl0,ti()n l0 accommodato the peo- Mm.Jobnton, Mr. Hlxon. Mr. I'hlll- led on him and aw thp doctor remove a ' "" "" 'P,"'n nu iwmocraiic . , M M - jm,,! ,battheli Ipa, Mr. Itrnnle. Mr. Caaey, 5lr. Hattle j tlhcr of woo.1 from Hip eye. iWllnet1 ' Wilaou, A. I., l-4-avitl and Mr. Gentry I here identillnl tin- r-livcr and it wat' .. . in. i i . .1 I ,. . . , . , 'he linger, ol the Klamath county were callnl and gave additional teall-l marked fur Identification) ,,.!,,., . .. .. ... , ., , ,' bank will act a deputy county trraturer iniiny aa to llm rendition of Johnaon "llclwi-en Hip time I rame and the ,,.,,,.' i . .i .. . . i. .i . ........ , during the. IIIii-m nl Tiiaturer Alva prior to bit death. The court took operal inn he waa rational about hall of I. . the matter under adviaemtnt' and the llmr. Allrr Ihe operation he had at II nVlock court took n rereea until leaa lucid interval, hut rcvernl limp he I ft. referred In ihe fncl that Iip would not Thermit! convened at 1 inland Judge reroter. II. J. Winter, tlio J--rler, returned 'I--. - !.. , - . l ii rti-ning iioin iiirrir, wuere ne naa i valuable aid lo hlniNn rcuriiig Irgiala- trnm ilecldiil that the ttatrment to On rroaa examinatioii HUon t lad-! live aatfon. Ilimii and Mia. Jolintun by Johnaoa oa .y inltol tip nn two important olnl I At br It an old Corvaltia ly and a ritimlay morning pi lr lo Hie lime ol the I that of what waa actually raid and what ' graduate of lb OAC, bla many Irlrmlt i,wratl"ii lor Hip n-moval nl hla evr, W'occnred nt the door ol the raloon. (In barn will anainitlv watch hit ramnatdi admitted. T-i lln llm U-liftie entered Croat eiaminalion he ttated that John liren titllini: tilt branch ttore. Hntiinlay a Hip tenth anniversary of the dettruction of the battlerblp Malue 1 in Havana harbor. i lur the nomination and earneally hope i an objection on Hip ground that It tut lilt Mtccr. Cortallia (lairttp. errlll Ha, a Candidate liu many lilen.lt ol I'rni. J. II. Hold Ida place are trying In perauade lilui liter llio rare for Ihe nomination for inly Kchool rSnperinlendent. Ml. iib U a genial gentli-maii well liked HI who kmm him and bat been very rettlul in aehool work In till cjunly rell aa In other part el Oregon. He lioen lit hla pieaent iioalllon for le aucreaaive year, am) Ida patrone Looks Like It II. I. Winlrra I tiled Itorrit Bunday jneee eejla). and lomr ol hi Inlimalp Irienda patted out the Information lliat he bad gone tin-IP lo l-ilii Hip l-nrdlrt The lacl that In- hat tlnrehrru patting out rlgar hla dpalli ten ila to all nl hit Irienda alio have calletl at hi Jewelry ftoro ruakra It appear that the report it not manufactured out ol whole clolli.- .on al the uhlln ami on pieilnntly Iho tldewalk;! ulatril that hla mind aremnl perfectlyclear. Tliea . i riloila wottlil In- ol varying iianuwn. Aa there waa not a iiiuiniii I'nljutHrn from ten uilnulea lo hall an the city council did not hold ita tegular i jnur ml-montlily meeting latt night. There 0 aatlitY ivcember SW. an tuade in view nl Impending death, at be ing Irrelevant and Immaterial. )M Hltona laborer aa Ihe flrtt alt- He raid: "On Clirl-ttnan morning Mra. Johnaon tent (or me toatii-t litr In caring for thp blow In Ihe eye by Corpron. He her butband. I niunimil tbeie until finally admitte.1 that inott of bit teiU- Inter, llurlng inony or, tliit point w tuppotllion. that time be wat rational an.l ir A to the convertation held prior to rational. Win n rational be neemed to the operation he wa doubtful a to the be noaetiuiiol all hla factilllea and exact word, and wat uncertain a to whether Johnion referred to the dla figuration nl hit (ace through the Iota ol hi eye, rdiould he recover. ift the blow alruck by Peter- . , , . ........ . ... , '" oau game win ue rriuay kprewnaaar uuUIdu nl, . " ' 1 V.nifl II. la tral. In.luil l BalLa Ini.r anil nn llm tl.lraalr? " """ "' "-'""7- III- .1,1. blow knocked Mm down in-LILtNSED TO TEACH aide the door, and wa there fjllowed by " Applicants Are Highly Sue cessfid in Passing the laminations i Mra. J. M. Johnaon waa next called 'On Sunday IVccmber SU, an opera- and Mated that Chritlma morning, be- will U no meeting until the flrat Unn'' on aa performed to remove bin eye. ' tween 0 and 7 o'clock her buiband came day in March itnUta a apecial meeting la ' .at ninrrtlias when 1 came into the mom , home. He waa muddy and bloody and called by the Mayor W. It. Davit, the alago man, con ducted anexrnrilon veaterday toTetefa Landing on tf atramer Klamath. Quite a number nl the builnett men ol thn city wont along. we talked about the operation and John- hla head wai tied up. Ho undreed eon aald, 'The operation will do no good, ' and went lo bed, complaining about be- (or I am too badly Injured ' We talked about Ihe trouble he had at Ihe time he waa Injured and he laid 'When I reached Ihe door, Petcnleincr hit mo kt n UM Do It Now! T. , ' Whm ih. Mniai nxwt-nr to chlrn and the flowert blOMom and the iun ! iuit wan MiMtth to raaka vou aatlifled with life theB ! When you wlU wait to get Intra wlthiitmrt awl tog up with a nice amit or two. DonH wait too loni. Coa aad the JlMery, aaappy aatteraa we are ahowlngta our tprtng tvlUaga. WHY BOTHBK WITH DLL FITTING Wet? Madea" when we are ready to fill yomr every whin at the aame pricfe. GET THE TAILORING HABIT KKK STORE KLAMATH FALL FA1H10N SJMr' Ing cold. He toon went toaleep. He aaa rational and teemed to know what he waa laying. Ho waa deliriou about hall the tlmo until bo died. Sunday following Chrlittuaa Dr. Matton re moved a all'ver of aood from Ida eye and later removed the eve. "On Iho morning of Hi nieration I had n conversation with tny huibnnd relative lo the amault that waa made on blniChrlttmaaeve. Heaaidthat Peter atelnerhlt him on Hie head with a bil liard cue and knocked him out thoioor on to the tldewalk and that Iho bar lender Jabbed him lu iho eye with the mall end of the cue. "He protected agalrm tlm removal ol Iho eye, lor ho aaw no reaton why it liould Ui taken out (or he might na well die with It In aa out. Alter tho opera tion lie expreaaed n with that he waa In Portland, where he could go lo a hos-i i pltal and receive proper care and atten tion. Though I told him he would get along all right, ho believed he would not get veil." ThetUte. brought out, by Ihe nit Mil, the (act ol Johnaon' death and burial. The defence then took then li nen in charge (or croai-examlnatloh. Prof. Dunbar ami II. F. Murdoch have completed the examination of teacher (or ttate and county paper. Three gentlemen Hale that thli hat been one of Ihe atrongeat claiao that hat been examined (or tome time. The average grade of the entire clans waa 90 percent. Following are tho ancceaaful applicant: County paper Edith New ton, Sarrah Gritllth, Rarbael Applegate, Lulu Wllkeraon, Nellie Wood, Ruby Nlcholat, Archie Kirkendatl, C. Lam bert, T. H. DeLap, John Irwin, C. E. Mulkey and T. K. Gritllth. State paper Ilyron Hall, Ella Callahan and Anna Conn. pie at toon at they learned what their withe were. Klamath County hain't Ihe only mall line in Hie United Bute, and Uncle Sam li not going to order any change, a long a tb people, by tbeir apparent dialnteretledncea, appear tat iafled with the prwaot tetvie. Poet matter Murdoch itatee that be ia ready and willing to endor any recoeaaaeada lion or titioni made by the comaaer cial bodla of the city, tending toward the improvement oj the tenrice. Uader the contract the department can order the mail contractor to leave Pnkagjgajia wltn the mall imaediately apoa lit ar rival at that place. II thla wa doee-Uf anil wwli iitn here early in the rnoTBiBg aad Ut pat roni ol tho oeBcw woald have all, 'day to aniwer their corroepomdeace. TbU woufd alto In a great oonTeoktac) to the local office. Under tb achedol the entire roalli from Pokegama, Fort Kla math,' Bonanza, Lakevlew and way eta- tioui, arrive here within (w hour ol each other In the evening. Ttila neceet latel working a gratr part ol the night and lometimei, on account ol the balk ol malt, it ia not poaaible to get it all distributed in time to make op tb outgoing mall in the morning. Imtead ol the ontatde mall laying over at Pokega ma, it ahould be here being distributed during the day, and there woald be only tho eait mail to handle at night. C. D. Arthur, ol Lakevlew, cam in last evening from the railroad en route home, having In cuitody Ellli Wllbelm, whom he apprehended in Eugene on a chargo ol horae stealing In Lake county. I .on It Qerber and I. D. Applegate left this afternoon for Merrill. leeting Tonight The Chamber ol Commerce will hold a' regular nttetlng tonight. The City Council, uiembeis ol the Civic Federa tion and the public hai been extended an Invltatlonlo meet with the chamber for the purpose of discussing extending the boundaries ol the city, so ai to get more GOOD LUCK ' I Attends the Fisherman that OUR FISHING TACKLE Fly Hooks, Spoon Baits, Keels. Lines, Steel and Bamboo Rods. They are constructed for sclea tift fishing and no.matter how unskilled the fisherman sttccess will attend his efforts If he uses our tackle. .. .. .. .. . Roberts & Hanks Phone 173, lama Block " & , $ "S. -. Ti'ii i . A-cr:--' - "iv'f :