The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 17, 1908, Image 1

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1 Mostly Read Papr in
Our Advertisers Gat
the Rest Results . . .
Klamath Fulln ....
coNi) Yeah, No. J70.
Price, 6 Cents:
21 he
&- amnatLaas eVL(' Anl LBl BLa U ft j
Evidence Being
Corpron Murder Trial
real Legal Battle lor the Liberty ol en Accused Man Is
Now in Progress Large Number of Wit
nesses WMI
ri)iiiill) al nine n'clink thiaiiioiriliig
rdgr Itenaon called Ilia (Villll In older
hi Ihe curtain wrnl upon what la go-
lo lr Ihe gieeteal legal liallle ever
ktil In llila munly, TliU I nut K"i"K
na lli t rial nl Corpron o much a Ihn
Inl Ihnnbllltleiollleo. NnUnd and
I K. Hlone.. llolh are turn wwtil nl
r.lllnllon being great h'gel gladla.
, mil Ihe llltl nlil murl home will
imliln llifto two men llmhrr up
i llirr gretl at niggle one In lfr
i nihrr to ronvlct Frank Corpton.
L'ofi'ion ia tlir. Utl man one would
rk out m bring implicated In a tniir
r. lli I nl flao ili;iliiio and liana!
rue, annate Jaw ami cliln, an honrat
land clear roinpWslon a man who
kulj I ruvieal home dancing chlldirn
Ida kite than In Ilia dork. Ilia ap-
aranre made fatorable Imptetaion
Inn tlio (clalnr ami will no doubt
llikawiae Willi the juiy.
Iln irijuaal ul Uw U, Ik rf 'm
Mlatly following Ihe enlivening nl
art,tllled the erttne ol llm trouble
i Klamath Iter. To llila pronwdliig
t objection wa entered by Hi defenae.
Iln their ml urn in tlic romlrnnni, the
al wllnraai ailed waa l.tirlua Kineraon
liok, ,,'l jenra cM. lloawurolhal tin (
ii In Hi Hirlm mIooii between H ami U
ilock on th evening ol December .M,
lie waa watching a xlo game,
km Jotintnn entered Ihe alooii. He
nr In and went in llm counter, mi
llrh he placed aby carriage, wltlng
the floor n aack fontaltiing rmnie
nkrta. llelnok Iwudrlnki. Al llm
wem thelwolJlehni, Kchmlill ami
ir nirn, Krnni Ihlt lie walked In the
Blerd table ami made lew alioti.
nronn al llm Ur (poke In him ami he
ked inward It wllh Urn run In hi
"When ha reached llm bar, they had
bio talk among thrni, then I heard!
, uJKHHHbmjm V
Whan the birds coMMnce to chirp and the flowers blouom and tke luu
la Jut want ciovAh to aakc you aatlafled with life them ia when you will wat
to at la tint with nature aad tog up with a aJca lilt or two. Don't wait too
lonjL, Com aid aa the glncry. anappy patttna wa are ahowln In our
lpHntffiTtlaa. ,
WHY BOTH1K WITH ILL FITTING 'itaady Madea" when we
re ready toilll your erery whla at the aane prlcea.
Taken In The
Be Examined
aoini-uria (all, ami I looked In aee who it
e, ami ll waa Mr. Pchmldt. Iln
bleeding pmfimly. Jnliiiaon llirn
grabltrd the baby i arrlagt In hit right
ham! anil llm rack In llm lull haml ami
huirledly If It llm alnnn, I iliil not ere
what hapeiied alter till" on arcount nl
lb khtii In front nl the door.
"II m followed by Mr. Corprnn
and Mr. I'rrrritrlnvr, Corimn bring
(Int. Corprnn ill' I not havn anything
In bla haml but I think IVtrrntr-iriir illl
I ttlil tviUif Ihn blllianl enn in Jnlm
on' haml nllrr kchmlill fell. The In
JuimI man tnki-n to the ul llm
aaloon whrrr hli wnund wa waahidarid
bamlagnl. The nrxt llnm I aaw Johtinun
mi wbrn hu nu rarrlnl In ant laid un
the floor. If r aald nothing until tho doc
tor ramr. The doctor aiitrl In look al
llm wound, but Jnhnion cnurd him,
Hllng him to ge' away, that he wanted
aonie Irr. I'orpmn went not ami got
a annwbell whtrli hi gi Jntirim and
Iik plaerd ll on Ida r;.
-'Corptnii itati-,1 that lm wna wury
thai llm ironblo orcnrird, ruperlally on
that nvrning
"When I'rlrrtlclnrr leturnolihc u
cnrrylng thi rdmtt end nl n hllliaid rue
In hi right hand. (Wittier Idrntlllrd
mr and lali llitioiliirnl II a utale'a
hlbll Nn. I.) I wa ultbln alx or arrn
(ret Irom lilm. I did not nv any blood
on Ihr ril;. My vyrilght ll gooil and
Ihn light wrr bright."
Tim wllnr deM-ribnl llm run cntriiil
by Jnhnaon when he went lornard In
tho bar. It waa mlorrd n uno pidc.
On rma viauiinatlon the witneaa In
allied that, though Jnhnann wna behind
htm, he could am rvcryllilntf ho did and
waa aitru that he did not change the cue
which wna l)lng on tlm table iv cue
that had a rnl atripo on one aUlo of it.
Thl red trlo la going to play an lit
portant art in the trial, (or tho broken
Do It
cm Dial la lo Ik- Introduced ha, no audi
mark. '
On croaamnmlnallon ho further Mat.
nl (hat Corpron alated that ha old net
Iwlinvo tlii'fe would Im any trnuhln that
(veiling, thill Irvllratlng Ihn dr(endanta
dlapoilllon In be (iracrablr.
joiiW aJMMIIrr
John Hchmidl, a laborer, agnl -II, waa
Ihu rieit wllrivan. Unit waa who wa
atruik by Johnaou, He waa "landing
nl Ihe bat when Johnaon carnn In and
anld "Hello, Johnaon No. 2."
"He told me about the pruwnla Im hail
purchased lor hlarhildren and what Uiey
mat, He eel up hi drink. 1 waa
talking with Henry JaiiMn about Ilia ap
proaching wedding and the innilc for
Ihn aaine. It waa during thla coMTaa-
I linn that Juhuaon hit pie. I retrMinbcr
' nothing uiorv until I waa fixed up and
it-luriin) InlhelNirinom."
On croaaeiamlnatlon hn alall that
Im had hail hiahaad bandigtd (or three
werka, that (nrtlm week following Ihe
blow Im thought he would aurrly die;
that the Injury atill trouble hlm.
Jraao I). Hart, jmlice officer wa then
called, lie haa refilled here aUt lb
month"! and lived in Oregon about two
"On Ihe cAonltik' nf Hrcember24, 1007,
I waa in my way to tlmChrialina tree
at the Itaptlat ihurch when I paaard tho
Klamalh liar. I beard a nnlae a if
aomennn nrrn ecullling. I alopinl In
avo whit llm trouble wna when the door
burat open and Johnunn rame nut at If
he were knoikiil ir pnahel nnt. It ie a
dllllcult matter ludelrrmlue uit wheth
er ho catne nut with Ilia back or hU fare
loaardamr, it liappened no ipiickly.
1 1 heard twnbl.m nf which
aoumle.1 liken atii-kcninlng in contact
wllh wool, and lln'iilber aa if it hit
body. 1 heaiil Jnbiianii av 'Don't hit
law. Yoti ar' Ulllng nm.' I llirn Marl
ed arroM the ui-ct nnd wtTi almoat tn
Ih? Klnt wheitt JthiKon waa laying 1
hark Corpron any 'Jlon'l hit hint any
luore. you'vn ibii hlaryei out.' Trier
telnr dro'"-l llm bfltt end of a bll
lianl cno down on I in- nrri't to the right
ol the donr(wltnrM hlftil tiled pleetlnf run
and It tt.ia Inlroiiicol nl riihni'U).
Corpron .i llm lit Ft om- to come out
of the aalnnii f..lliwiil by IVlrriteiner."
He liirthir hallUvd that he rould not
awcar that any blow wa atruck More
Johnaon rame nut of I ho door nr when
he waa coming out ; he aaw no blow
atruck but heard it aoiao a if aomelhlng
had atiiick tho baby carriage. Johnaon
had In hi haml Ihe handle nl tho doll
carriage, tlm lly of llm carriage waa
"Corpron nnd I carried Johnaon Into
Ihe aatoon and Corpron aikeil we to get
a doctor. I went and got Pr. Maalon.
Johnaon kept rrmarklng that hi head
nan liurllrig nnd pulling hli hand up to
lila head. Thl provoked Dr. .Mnalnn
and he rernnrked In let him nlnrm until
ha gel tnher ami thru rend for me."
Tint uitnera further lealifled I tint
IVteraleiner muted to aatilt Johri'on
alter he waacarrlel Into llm aal'n, but!
wa prevented from doing f by the wit-1
nrMj that IVIerMnlner lemnrked t lint I
Im would "kill Until it ." Hart
waaori Ihn alnnd uhi'ii i-oiirt ndj'itirneil I
for dinner ,
When i-ourt ronvi'litil, .Mr. Hml ii-;
urimd hli ral ami teMlfied aa to tin. I
Iwation of llm acn-rri N'tui-en Iln- door
and Ihn bar.
On rim I'lamiiiitiori Im tetlilliil in
amner lo ipieitiona that Johninii inlght
haut count nut face 11 ml, but r.nt aa il In
had alumbli'.l arid fell, but aa though he
had been knocketl or piched out of the
door. The rin i-iaminalion wm very
Chatlra N. KhUIi,oI ISoneiini, a car!
i-iilvr. fiL.ii fill veAia. foltouiil Hurl. Ale
waa in Hit- Klamalh liar nn tin- Evening
of IlerrmberSI, 1WIT, prior lo the trou
ble. He left and met Jolmon going to
Ward tlm aaloou, pn-iing him nt the
Klamalh l.liery. He returned half an I
hour later and aaw Johnaon tying on the
floor injured, mw two plicea of blllanl
(Concluded on lait pagr.)
"" ""
Will Be Presented Thursday
Under Direction of Mr.
and Mrs. Mong
On Tnuraday night Mr. and Mia. I
Mong will pretent their beautiful drama
"The CUy Baker" with nome of our'
foremoat dramatic talent in the catt.
When Mr. Mong gave thl play in
Houaton'a Oprra llouae tomi time ago,
thoaeof our ptople who witnrard the
production, not only declared Mr. Monir
the jn cat eat character actor evrr aecn
nn the local stage, hut pralaed tho plav
'as one of Jhe strongeat and moat beaut
I Iful drama they had evrr wilncs!.
j The play dealt with the experiment
of I'etcr Denifc. an old Inventor, who
in AS in
haa atriven to re-produce unbreakable
china and who in hit moment of deepett
dttpair, when hit antmlet have appar
ently triumphed over htm and hi pov
erty, and hia home and hia furnacei aro
to to taken from hint, find the eecret'
hi bat labored many year to dltcowr.
There It a lov story or two, the machi
nations of designing? men andothtr tide (
lighta to give th play the diversified
dramatic proportion, but main interest
I of course centers In th clay baker him
self. I Mr. Mong keep this Interest at high
teutlon throughout by his unquestioned
ta'ent Ha haa constructed his deline
ation of tht old inventor along lines
ttotararafaladraraofth late Joe Jf
K aral
V ''aaaVeMBBM
bbbbbbbbbbbbH "IbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI
IH 777777777777777771
BBaV 1
From Ashland to Pelican Bay
During Next Summer
Portland Partie. Will invest $12,000 in EsUbLkMng aad
Equippinq the Line With White Steamer
Machines to Handle the Traffic
feraon in hia farnoua character of "Hip
Van Winkle" and he ha not failed to
produce n striking, an original and a
complet't picture.
Mr. Moo has arrarged to give a per-ct-ntaKe
of tho proceed nf Thuraday
nisbt'a performance to the Public Li
brary and thia coupled with the fact
that our people may expect t aee one
of the itrralrst dramatic performance
evrr given in Klamath Fall, will un-
dcubtedly pnek the heme. The aemta
WII,BaiWMlf.t,he1.erfmlon.l ,.
o'clock In-morrnw.
Girls Are Plentiful
To Ihe Kdltor:
'e noticed in your paper a ttatement
that there are aoinany more boya than
girla in Klamalh county. Wo call your
attention tnjhe fact that you have over
looked tho Title l.ako barin and eipeclal
ly Ihe upiicr portion. Here in an area
of leaa than Hirer milei Mjuare are eight
famlliea ninlalning twenty three child
it'll iimlcr turnly )eara of age, Ave of
whniiintv lw and eighteen are girla.
Secretary (Jarflcld has announced a
new land llry and ha iii'lructrd
landoRiciali and npinal agent that
henceforth their dalle will camlet at
much aiding honeit lettlera in comply
ing with the land law at in Indicting
and convicting offender. The policy ia
directly opood to that ol Secretary
Hitchcock, who looked upon every man
who filed upon public land at a tuapi
clout character and jtutly entitled to all
the annoyance and odium that official
of Ihe department could catt upon htm.
Two hour after he had retigned aa
president of the Carnegie Trutt company
of New York, I-eille M. SIiaw, former
ecretary of the treattiry, opened hit
presidential campaign. Hereilgned at
8 o'clock and two hour later he made
hi opening addreat Iwfore tho Hepub
liran club of Manhall, Mich,
. . . Phone 173.
The Aahland iaperatat that J W.
Whitney, of Portland, who baa been rep
resenting ihn Hemlngton type writer
company in Southern Oregon lor the
paat two yean announce that be ha
made arrangement with Portland
partie whereby he will pot on an auto
mobile aervice Ihe corning tumoaer to
handle the touriit and other travel to
Klamath county. Mr. Whitney baa
ttadied it out that the Aahlaad-Pelican
bay I tho mott direct, beat and aborteat
route from the railroad to the accnle
attraction In Klamath county and ho
will work it out that way. Mr. Witney
aay the illatancoof 40 mile (ram Ath
land to Pelican bay can be covered in
good aeaaon to connect with the boat
from Pelican bay to Klaaaalh Fall
which I only a two an oM-batl boar
ride and thl will give hit roata by clot
connection with the boat a Arat-clae
opening (or Klamath Fall travel.
Mr. Witney expect o atart tha Ma
ton about June lit aad will bare two
White Steamer automobile to atart
with. He expect to btalM np a good
tiarel over thl route to Ft. aTlfatb
and Crater lake. Than ia MJM to to '
invetted in the plant aad the aaiaaa ia
expected to ma from June to October.
Remove Duet First
W. Lair Thompaon of Lakevlew U
tpoken of at a potilbU rapabllcaa can
didate for Protecutiog Attorney. From
what we can learn of Mr. Tboropeon ba
would make a good oBcial. Aa the
Circuit Judge livetln Klamath county.
It woold ba nothing but fair and joatto
hare the Proeecatlng Attorney com
from I.ake county. We are a Ira be
liever in an equitable dlTiaion all
around. Kvery aectlon baa a right, aad
thould be .repreaentad. Silver take
Leader. A to Mr. Thompaon' qualifi
cation we cannot writ intelligently, aa
ha baa hardly been In Lake county long
enough for oue to Judge. Il might be
well to give him time to gat th dut of
Linn county out of hit clothing before
electing him lo office in Lake. Lake
view Herald.
the riiherman that
Fly Hooka, Spoon Balta, Reela,
Llnet, steel and Bapboo Rode.
They are coaatructed for acka
title tlahlnd and no Matter how
untklUed the flihemun i
wlU attend hia effort! If he i
our tackle. . . .. v.'
& Hanks
buM Block