The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 15, 1908, Image 1

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Mostly Rd PPr in
Klnmath FbIIh ....
Our Advertisers Gtt
tlio Best RpjiuIU . . .
Iecond Yeah, No. 475.
Price, 6 Cbnts.
Jamath Oil Company Elects Its
First Set
Ihorouqh Investigation of Klamath County Oil Prospects
May Result in the Development of an
Industry of Vast Importance
At a meeting .l llt lnrormratM ol
. ... .. . mi ii ....... i. .i.i ...i...
l Milliaill ill. umiiii '" --
lay, the Mlowlng omcera m elected:
I, IMUeuir, Jr.. I'rraWrnlj K. II.
lall, Vo President and Oeiirrel Man
ner; I'leice Evans, Herniary, and II.
ft. While, Treasurer.
After tlir election Hip Imok wet
ktied and WW worth ul stock sub-
rrlld Immediately, showing that I hose
ll.o hatelnvMllgsted lli proposition
pave entire faith l the liiluto prncia.
Mi iwiili ol Klamath mo last l-ntl"
Linat t rrallm that the oil business In
Ida county ! well founded. People art
nually skeptical ol any new II;ovrjr
i many Ullvd that Klamath eoJn-
ybadasinsnyrd hlns ' "" '
ntltled to, l.ut poslllv pron! U alweye
uOTlnclnii, and Hi number ( solid
kualnrs mtn who have. leum Inter-
piled, atitr a thorough investigation,
Lows that Hi lliiill has iil yt ln
ehed In oar county' ncbos.
Th company already ownt atiout
1100 Kin lying In Id st nd nl I'o
Galley, and have a Ira, with privllct
il purrhaae, on the dies. Ilorlon ranch.
making about 3U arc In all. Thr
la a spring at on point on their land,
from which the oil 1 now ooi'ng, ami
hll there an many plae In the
county wher lhr ar the lwl Indica
tion ol nil, tli Mprtt claim that thle
iround la Ilia moat likely lor demon
strative purpose at a shallow depth.
lonanza Bulletin Item
Charles I'lckert and alio, of Tule Uke
Valley an In Hi city visiting frlsnd.
It, i. Wallenberg, nl Klamath Kail,
an I vet I In tlmtlly and will remain lor
low da) a.
Horn In Honanu Ore,, Wednesday,
Fvtrnrary 13, 101, to Mr. aad Mr. Wm
Hprks, a aon.
J. II. lilacoll, returned lioma Mon-
llay Irom Klamath Falle, where lio Itaul
lieon lor a week talking Kllllca,
John himmnnt arrival Monday trout j
aaaaW I Aiaaaw aaaaal
gaaaaaaw flVVtaaaaal B
taaaaavW flaw taaaaan H
aaaaaavW aSaaaaawBl a
gam ijLH A
You will uv yourstlf Umt, trouble, worry and many
other discomforts of "shopping around" if you will
"order, your Spring suit or overcoat of us. 800 new
Spring and Summer suitings to make selections . from.
And ws will refund your money with a-smile if 'the
clothes don't fit and ara not satisfactory. Try us.
Klamath jTilla iMMon ttop
of Officers
Klamalli Knlla and lift llm next ilay
lor l.akvlew on land limine!.
Ilert ChiMera and nlfo More in tin1
city Tuesday fii'in Klamath Fells. They
left nut inmnlnit for llielr liontt-In
Krll alloy.
W'v lli lnmrrfCl tlm I Itor nl tlm
laming llrrald a lo tlin ii.tinx cil our
doctor. Ho lia liad It Dr. rtliro:i In
two ihone mefai(rt kmi! Mm. It nlioiiM
have read Dr. W. H. Jiilinn,
The Klamalli 111 a--f am ruin
plaining adotit tlm itt lionrr attain.
Ilvronld doatlirivliiK lmiin'i In tlili
little ImrK iovldliiK tin could Kel llm
ttir maiity cur to cut Id niwm-d
Titer l a coal oil fanilnn In llonama
at Ilia irnt tlino and a utrnt many
am wonderinc what tlti-y will do lor
llglila. We would iifgrat a oup howl
ol Krraa and a twUtrd woolen rag tlin
atmria our (real grandfatlieri urd.
I-'. T. Kradenuurith, ol Henley, Cal U
here looking over tlio Koxpmuient "anal
with a vlnw toilarlng aldd on noma r(
tlio woik, llohatahoill Ally head ol
hnraei In California which will bo ntcd
In rao ho nrriirra n rontrart.
Harry I'ninter, nlm tulfvred a (rac
tuieol Ilia kneo aomo tlino uko, ex
pecla to leatn for rorlland in tliu morn
ing wlieru h will undergi an opera
tion. W.ll. 1 1 ii n ry ol Illy Oregon, l her aa
wltneMlor Mike Dooher and ('. II.
Uuaenhery agalnat Ieter Klrkpatrirk.
II arrited her Friday ovcniiiK.
Karl llauinker, ol the llonanra llnllr
tin, cam in today alter tlin papvr cut
ler, whlrh tli iliillrtln purchaoil nl tliu
W. F. A rant la In I lie city tmlay Irom
hla ranch.
KlMaaOi It NbSc Ukrary
The KUmath Kalla Public Library ia
open every afternoon from 2 to 6:30
o'clock and each evening from 6:'M to
10 o'clock. A cordial Invitation U en-
tended lo all.
Tailoring Co.
Date for Holditif State Con
vention Will Not Be Fixed
Until it March
Nut until Hull alorijt In Mauh may
lliu llepulillrnn Hnlo Central Cummltle
hold IU prftiiilred mtllig for aetting
the day fur llm alato contention that I
tocliun'o four ilclej:ale to I ho National
onvi'iitlmi and tioinirmln four taiidl
oln fur I'M'ildentlal electon. fjtat
Chairman 0. A Weatyatry nay that he
Ik-IIpvi'h Ii Ix-it for Id'puhllcan intereitta
In allow further cniinlderatlon oliin
porlant (luenllonahfore the tto com
iiilttco mei'ta, In order that lUpuhlicana
tuny makp up Ihelr inlnda what pollrlea
they with lundopt.
l:neh of tho two (ingretional ill
trlcta ha a central i-omuilttee, which
' lll rail a rmiw-ntlnn for it dlatrlcta, to
'rliooii two ileleKatra fur the National
coiui-nlloii. flieicm lliercfore will Lav
oik'ht illeK"il'' in tho National conven
tion, four it'pri'M'iitini: tho Mate at large,
two rrprrni'iitliiK tho Kirat (ongrea
(otial dUtrlit and tan representing the
Heroml ilMilcl.
V. II. Il'jwiloin i Klamath Countl'a
repri'irntatitoriii the lato committee,
and J. W, Siemens n llierongreaional
examination of 36 Men Was
Necessary In Secure 12
Unbiased Jurors
Alter xaii.iiuiii; ."Ji men, tho Jury
which I In decide tho guilt or inno
cence of Kranl. Corpron, waa finally -I'cled
at ":3H tin afternoon. Tho lUte
It repreaantril liy Atlornry Moore and
r-'tone and tin- defenio )) Noland and
Kn.ith. Tlin law) el i are now prraent
liiK tho rare to tho jury ami it l not i"C
peeled that any wllne-e will Uetam
incdlotla. The iuucl ol tho jury
ia: J. II. .M. C. Ilrown,
Klmer Moore, Jamea lxgue, Chat,
Stooman, Ivan ).uiIeN, llurrei h'hort,
II. K. Hawklna, K. S. Terwilliger, Jot
rph h'tukel, Oeorgn Keefer and Rohl.
320 Acre Homesteads
Tho public landa committee ol the
.Senato retried favorably the flmoot
bill toenlarco the homratcad unit to 320
acrea and amending it to make realdenc
on and improvement ol land Bereaaary
for patent. Henator Fulton accepted
tho bill for Oregon, reaerving the right
to withdraw on the Moor II necettary.
A proportion I being considered hy
Weatern rn-naloia and ItepreaeuUtlvea
to form n tpccial committee to ducuaa
and agree If poialhl on land leglatation
n nnt dnno on Irrigation.
Services At The Churches
Service" will bo held In the icvcral
churches of Klamath Fall tomorrow a
Chriatian Science Society Regular
aervlccH will bo held at KUmath Con
servatory of MiihIc tomorrow morning'
it 11 o. in.
Daptlat Bervictt-Sunday School 10
a.m. Preaching U a. m. B. Y. P. U.
7 p. a. Preaching 7 :S0 p. m,
Mtlbodlat Bervlcet-Suoday School at
10 a.m. Preaching U a. m. SubjKt,
"Th Divine Man."
Spworth Leagat, 7 p. m.
Preaching, 7:48 p. ru. by Rev. Upp.
RF.V. P. CONKLIN, Pattor.
Pwtbyltrlan Cburcb-Bible School at
10 a. u. 0. E. prayer meeting at 6)30
p. ni.
There will be no morning or evening
aarmoa on account of the nliai cl;th
RBV.QB&;TrWUtrr Patter.
Postmaster Murdoch Secures
Most Desirable Change
in Schedule
I'oMiiiiilci Murdoch iriehf.l a ll
grum Irom the fXAUMcc nulhoriliea l.i-l '
evening, foment Inn to the chaniro in
Khedulo aikel ordering the mail to
leave Klamath Fall at ""Jn, commencing
thii luorninir. Thli will enahlo the
mall Ui make lonnectlnnt with the mil
road at l'okruaiua, and aavi- a delay ol
24 li'iiira in the outgoing mail.
O Now if n further chang could ho
made, providing for the mall In leave
Pokegama for Ihla city immediately on
arrival there, it would rnlt in the citl
fn of thin county receiving their mall
13 hoii'a e.irlier than at preaent. Of
conrMi tlila would liereftltate n night
arheiliite fur tho mall Mane, Imt the
hiitineM Interetta of thla city nnd county
arocvilainly of aulllcii-iit Importanri. to
demand oven that. UV arn far otioiiith
out of touch witli tho out'iiln world
now, without allowing thii lime to to
added loo unneceararily. If we exrct
to hold our own in the lino ol progreaa
wo will find that time ia important.
Says Direct Primary Law Is
With Us and Good or Bad
Must Be Adhered to
"We have been repeated to make
public tome of the argument a lor and
agalnat the holding of a caucus. An I!o
nanta haa not been heard from no print
the following from that city:
In replying to your circular letter ol
the 10 ult. asking my opinion a to the
adviaihllity of calling a caucut of repub
lican voter to diacuia the political sit
uation and recommend a ticket to be
preeented to the voter at the coming
primary election, will lay that I believe
that aoch action would be iltadvited and
any ticket inch caucua would pot out
would be looked upon a arbitral)- and
in direct contravention ol the primary
"Wo will not dlacusa the direct pri
mary law, however good or bad It may
be we have it with na ai we mnat ad
here lo it.
"Aatothadeaire ol the aspirant to
office to know jutt bow they "stand"
without any unnecessary expense, I
believe that it one doe not care to in
cur the expense incident to such a cam
paign he should keep out of it. A man
who submits hi naino to the considera
tion ol hi parly through tho direct pri
mary should in all conscience support
the choico of that party. At a caucua
or convention there always arlaea from
th defeated candidate the cry of "un
falrnesa and hnstlsm" which ill the di
rect primary is supposed to cure. To
avoid accusation ol unfairness and to
launch our ticket on the Held without
handicap should be tha aim ol all good
republicans, and believing that a ticket
chosen by such a caucus would bo ser
iously handicapped I am for the direct
primary law whll It la with us.
Yours vry truly,
Costs Honey To Run
It ii animated that the candtdatts in
th primary elecUow in Klamath County
will pnd between S600 and 3000 In
their effort to get the nomination.
There arc already 25 announced candi
date and an average expenditure ol $100
la believed to be a row estimate. It Is
stated hy thote who know that 9160 la
the laut on can figure on who expect
to cam the county. 01 court thtr
will be aeuM who will not sptnd thl
mTJT bot'lt a itrtct account 1 kept un-
Klamath Should Have Repre
sentative Float in Parade
Chamber of Commerce Should Take Hold of Preposition
to Secure Itppresentation and Score An '
other Sacramento Victory
til after llm primaries, there will he
many ramlMatrr who will find that their
etK-nfr lime Ui n far In excM of thl
inu.ntmt. I( tin-lltne apr-tit eliouM ho
figured in, the roM nnuld l.e more
i than diili!i-..
A Valentine Party
llrv.nn4.Mti. Geo. T. Pratt enter
tained a number of jnunp cople Thurf
day at n Valentino piilv. An auction
ale of valerilim-t too' pljco ttitli the
young ladlea n vah-iillne. 1 he bidding
became high m limes and Hie young
ladle m-rn auctioned piicet rang-
' ing from llftci-u cent to rwou thonrand
I dollar. Kt-lrothment iero tervcl and
a infrtt onjovahle time waa hail by nil.
, The houro prettily deeor.ited with
I heart and valeiiliner.
Hornets Vs. White Stars
I The firrt of the championship garnet
tolluftvt ball hat Uvn arranged for
Ihla tvi-nlii!, at tho opera bouto, be-
tnecn the Hornets ami White Stars.
J The proceeds ol tho i-crlci ol games
will be Klven to charity hy the choice of
the patronaof tho garni-. Each ticket
of aJmi-tion Is attached to a Mub with
the words Library, IliyhScoool Athelet
Ic Aasociatlon and Firo Department,
printed tberton. A blank space is left
opposite each word, in which the user
(an denoto his favorite charity by mark
ing an x. The proceeds will be given to
the charity receiving the highest num
ber ol votes. Admission: galtary, -5c;
stage, 35c.
Following is tho lineup for the first
Hornets White Star
Fred Cllft Oscar Wright
Geo. DuFault II. H. Kirkpatrick
Roy Fouch a Virgil Noland
Howard Bog-ga Austin Hayden
Will North Perry DeLap
Vernle Cllft
P. J. Ronrne camo down from Bonanza
yesterday, to remain a low day.
Phone. 1 73,
IteglnninK Monday, Jane 1, and con
tinuing tint ill r-atnrday evening, Jane A,
the Portland Hose Featlval will I the
feature of the northwest. The first one
was held bit year and waa tuch nn un
equaled tucceta that the people of Port
land decide! lo make it a permanent
feature, and with that end in view In
corporated a company, who object It
wasio collect funds and promote the Fes
tival. That it meet the hearty rapport
of the business men ol Portland ia evi
denced by the enormoa amount that
has been subscribed and the vigorona
manner in which they are posblog it.
It will be advertised from the Pacific to
tlio Atlantic and tho railroad will give
special rate. It will rival in Importance
the Madri Ora ol New Orleans, the
Wiled Prophet ol Ht. LouU and th
Flower Carnival ol Lo Angel and will
undoubtedly attract a vat namber
ol people Irom all over th eooatry.
That it would be an opportune tlaao for
KUmath to he presented la certalav ad
that it ought to be rpreatd with a
float of some kind is th opinio) already
been expressed by anambrof it citi
zens. The Chamber ol Commerce did a
tplendid piece of work at Sacraaaesito.
Would it not be polbl tor It to do the
same at Portland? The expee of plac
ing a float in tbe parade would not be
very great. One of tbe meet noted
builder of float in th United Stat
hat been employed to detlgn and bUd
the float for the Featlval aad It would be
an eaty matter to employ hla to pre
pare the float lor Klamath. Th oooaty
no doubt will hav a large dtlagatloa la
Portland at th time of th Festival aad
they could make thir preeewc felt ia a
manner that would do much good for
Thl is a matter which the Herald U
lieve the Chamber of Coaamere sbsvld
take in hand at one aad asak prepara
tions lor proper reprntiitlon. It of
fers splendid opportunity for an lav
menense amount of advertising at a
minimum cost.
the Fisherman that
Fly Hooka, Spoon Baits, Reek,
Lines, Steel and Bamboo Rods.
They are constructed for sctea
tific flrtlng and no matter how
unskilled tke flttireman i
will attend Ma efforts If ki
our tackle. .. .. .. ..
& Hanks
Imma Block ,
" --? 'ftr
: t ::-.,