Umpqua gazette. (Scottsburg, O.T. [Or.]) 1855-1855, October 03, 1855, Image 1

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mmu fiisiTTs.
Lr r?
Tslellcterr. -To
-nil Paybox or the Uare.UA Oa
skttb : -After valaly ttruggliag for many
Maths with adverse fortune, disappoint
BwtU, dnaa and delinquent patrons, il be
cesses or duty to larae this little sheet to
.Worm yea tkit the Unrv.UA Oaikttk is bo
stelylag more frequent communica
Mm betweea thla place aad San Francisco,
we allowed eereelvea to get too near out of
paper batata we'ordered more. .The conse
queaee is that wa And ourselves now lit a
peeltloa where il will be impossible for us to
get a fresh supply or paper rhort of one or
two Months. Aadaa our patrons probably
weald aot faacy paying for a weekly paper
which waa oal published quarter-yearly,
we deem it the best for all parlies to move
ear preaa and typa to some point where wa
will not hara to contend with these annoy
Aa boob aa wc can settle up oar business
here, we design commencing tho publication
ol paper at sosae point south of this, and
these who hare aot received the Gaxettk
to the amount of their payments, will re
eeiva the proper numbers of the new paper.
We regret exceedingly, that clrcutuitaces
have thaa made it necessary for us to leave
Seettaburg a place that we had built so
aa bright bopaa upon for the future, a
puce possessing so many natural advanta
gee, aad so few ebataelea to a aacceMful and
proaperoaa commercial city, that the com
Maed wealth aad ialacBce of mil steamahip
sestpaalcs wUI aot alwaya keep its riling
pis, rem dawa aad althoagh its prospects,
Jar the time being, nay seem discouraging,
yet that a brighter destlay awaiU it, no
eaewlll far a moaaeat doubt. We leave it
with sassy legrtU, and ia whatever poaitioa
wa may be placed hereafter, we shall nerer
be slew U advocate the lalereets, and vin
dicate the wrongs of ScotUburg, aad the
Jmpawt harbor.
v Te theae who hare patronised wa so liber,
ally, durlag ear abort career of journalise
iaSeeUaearg, we retara oar sincere and
beartMt thaaka, aad ahall ever be bappy to
leara of their prosperity aad happiness.
These "BBBHaer f Heads,'' who bare takea ao
sash laterest la oar welfare, who bare tat
smear paper regularly aad aever paid a
avfchbjag, have a plaoe ia oar memory.
t seea again.
L K aj.iamji
Tav -mwrni
reiwespealtestiary.whew! There-
late! wawe ia wen saowa 10 ma
pa. Ortgmin.
JfeweWt, Mr. Oregoatan. That's
farbida'sB gTeaad. Has aet Watsrmaa
lib that taut was his eve t and
ajkat 4W waag eiag la give as "eteraal
aWjt f seea as bisredsysd promp
ts ftf she werd f Oh, it were along
sjafjrf mi aac geed pea will have a
BWteeVag- when eaee 'tis com
anassa. ' The atery af "The Thieves'
HNriaf . fata etveral etar acters, whe
undoubtedly will thank Mr. Waterman
Tor their being broaght forward again
from a well merited obscurity. We
have had oar failings, and our dtlin
quemeiei, the cause of all of which we
can trace to heroes of "The Thieves,"
among whom Jonny Waterman stands
"foremost." Oh, it were a long atory !
full of trcschery, lies and theft! and
Jonny Waterman wss tiie pliant tool
of the principal hero.
And again, it ia very becoming mod
eity In you, Tom Dryor, to apeak of
our delinquency. We acknowledge it,
'make a clean breast,' and oar exertions
will be unceasing until the "yards are
squsre." Can you say the ssme t How
long has it been since the District Court
of Washington Coanty forced you to
pay a poor printer for a year's work,
who you wete trying to swindle out of
his honeit wsgcsf You have just
come oat of Court with that case at
yoar keels, and yet that labor was per
formed nearly three years since. What
workman ever received his psy from
you without aueing or threatening to
sue you ( and how long has it been
since yoa dared to put the word pro
prietor at the "latter eend" of "Toddy
Jep 1 " You never plead anything bat
nihil debet. Every thief, ao matter
how bare faced bis crime, invariably
pleads "not guilty." Your lectures to
delinquents are about as appropriate
as was your preaching temperance with
a bottle of liquor in your pocket, and
both were eminently worthy of one
whose unscrupulous demsgogucUm has
no parallel this side of h II.
Correspondence of the Umpqua Gaiette,
Babbb,, Jane 25, 1855.
FbibxdBoyd: Since I left Ore
gon I have keen travelling nearly all
the tine, and consequently I have aot
falllled my promise to yoa of writing,
very often. I wrote yoa a letter frosa
Washington- did you receive it t
limes are better now in the States
than they have been for the past .ten
years. Money is plenty, and laborers
and Mechanics get good wages. Pro
visions are high, and gradnally increa
aing in value. Politics is raging ; eve
"rybody has turned pratriot and politic!
tan. Knownobingisra, niggerism, abo
'litioaisre, whigism, and all the other
vile isms this side of has confus
ed aad distracted the good citizens of
New England, until it would be taken
for the concentration of the vile hosts
of Pandemonium, rather than the quiet
homes of oar once peaceful Pilgrim
father. Such is modern politics. It
has ao parallel! in the nistory of the
United State.
J G has sent mo your paper
occasionally, the local gossip of which
I read with much interest En pan
lant, I see that your correspondent
"Avon" takes off Jonny Waterman oc
casionally in flno style. I have leant
ed some items since I have been in this
village, of an individual by the name
of Waterman,, who formerly lived in
these parts, but who left here under
rather auspicious circumstances, for the
fsr west. It is said that Waterman
was a printer, who had a good employ
vr, who had the utmost conBdetiee in
the seemingly innocent W. The era
pi oyer having occaaion to visit a neigh
boring town, left W. in charge of the
oiiice. In a few days the good old
editor returned. Mr. W. had gone.
On enquiry it wss ascertained that W.
had collected some 300 in bis era.
plovers abience, and had left for parts
aaknown. He was traced to Boston,
where his employers an ivedjutt in time
to learn that the villain bad taken pas
sage for California. Tlio white sails
of tho ship that bore away this an
grateful scoundrel, were bsrely visible
ia the west, when tho good old man,
the victim of his vile treachery, turned
upon fata heal, and retraced his steps,
thanking hia God that these shores
had got rid of one criminal, snd that
our good Penitentiary had been cheat
ed of an inmate, who would have re
quired board at the expense of the pah.
lie. Subsequently be was heard ef
in Ssn Francisco, and he bow lives ia
Oregon. Frequent are the acts of ras
cality by those who lesve this coast far
the Pacific, but this occurred to me to
be one chsraeterized bv aurh villainy
and base ingratitude, tfiat it called for
publication in the community where
this hesrtless iugrate now atalks at
large. The old man, his victim, had
too high a regard for the famiiy to
mako this matter public, hoping that
long years of penitence aad the bar
rowing remorse of a guilty conscience,
might make a better man of him ; bat
it leaked oat, and his name and memory
are sow detested by bis former friends
and companions. May he, wheat be is
attempting to rise ia the estimstioa ef
the public, in bis new home when his
eavious nature is trying to injure the
reputation of others let him
bar, aye. remember that did justice al
ways get her daes, that the bolts and
bars ef our Penitentiary would shut
him oat for many years from a cold
hearted and ungenerous world. Think
you, tbeso thoughts ever visit him in
his more quiet moments In his dreams
what does that "still, small voice" say t
Na rest this side the the tomb for the
Fblom I 1 will write again soon.
Yours, truly, A. A. E .
Fobtlaxu, O. T., Aug. 20,'1W5.
Dsab Horn : Tba enclosed comsaualca
tic waa reciered by last malt. You caa
uas it as you ace It. As Watemaa says yoa
are a renegade whig, which 1 kaew te be
false, as you bsve acted coaeUssatly with
the desaoeratk party ever alaceyea was eld
rnnark to vote, it would seem that a
truthful retaliation, ia thU iaaiaaee. weald
prove of some beaelt to the egetiatwal a
toawtoB of the Times." ItUaktbsrseaaS
attack ia the Times" apea yearatlf weald
justify a pablicatiea of my former letlsva,
which are founded oa facta. I aaa'l aaaf
thiaklag tkat Dagaerrcetypes," '
Furniture," c, weald look well laprsaSt
use your beat judgment, however.
Yours traly. AYOH".
. MorrrwiJKB. Vt., Jaae ff, 113.
Dkab 8ib -Your Utter easse te. bead
iesterday, aad I avail myeetf ef tba test
ttsure moment to answer It, Ifyewreaea
tioas concerning the editor ef the Otilw
"Time," bad taken a wider raage, aad bad
you enquired into the private cliawiler ef
that gentleman, ay aaawer weald have
been: slteaee, for thereby hears a tale."
but aa you (imply ask, MIid yea kaew Wa
terman ? What were hia psHwsal praam
aiotu V I caa answer yea pulaly.aad with
out reserve ; bat I coaieaa that I am enabls
to see your object, for with a weak letelWet,
almost amounting to Bataral foeliabataa, it
ia impossible that Waterman eaa ever eaer
clse any Influence with aay party, (kaew
him wbea he waa learning te aet type, aad
he was pronounced by every oae mcoetpe
tent for the busiaesa. Cause Uuk fhrmmt.
During his minority, be waa a raattag whig,
aad for some time after. Previews fe hm
leaving for California, be hswe a bet
beaded abolitionist, aad aa hia faaatlcalra
sy nature so admirably adapts him er aaek
profession, it would be a pity. Indeed, if be
. . i . x.
were ever to rcUaqaua am
Yours, Ac,
To ,
Portland, Oregon.
(& Our readers will please aardoa
as, if tho unprovoked attack ef the ed
itor of the "Times," makes k tiii use
ry for us, in self-defence, for a few
weeks, to deal somewhat large! fa
personal discussion. With tret est
rtWr Sit A.. nlHM !. Ai "
duff! and damned be he who init 'tries
hold ! enough ! " We are vaia sasagh
to think tkat we will make MPestr" trill
in his boots like a young eahaage eft
a hot summer day. Macbeth was aet
the last person whose guilty sou! Je
nied him sleep. There are petseaa,
e'en nowadays, whose feverish dreaasa
betray a heart black with crimes of ev
ery grade. Yes, we "summered aaal
wintered with tiie editor ef ihe.Tisaes,
aad we profited by if Let hhm aet
his vaia boasts afcd idle threats lata
execution, and wa wUI make him drksfc
of the bitter sap of hamillstiea, deep,
Jeep to the very dregs.
8 H .
(KT The articles referiaf ta she Part-
land papers were pat ia typa at m Haae
wbea we thought we
the publication of the GASBTTB,aa4sf
need be, the diMestiea. Aa this aatla
sheet ends our editorial aaraar for she
p-eeeiit, our "dearly beloved" Breth
ren st Portland asay eajey their earn
sided discussion ter the time aeief ; w
hope to be on an equality wkh them
agala sooa. It were a sssMfp; atft If
them to cossmeaee a psraeaal wasasre
when they kaew wa vara eat at peaer.
Yea will aaw have a shaaaa to Mew
yeartelrrs off wkheat resistance.