LAKE COUNTY EXAMINER f$&& fijc Ladies Elbow Length Cha- LADIES' HOUSE DRESS- Mens Neglige Outing moisette Gloves ES AT $1.50 Shirts White ami Chamois color , Yer.v rcci,a v"lu tho,80 with plain or military stylo dainty dressos of 1 rrcnle, coiars 50c to $2.50. At 60c Pair Chambrays, assorted light colors. Plain an.1 figured Men,s d Ladies' Waists lawns, many styles at Straw Hats A large and splendid so- T,uiv ww jm), m)1),)V lection of lawn and voile ..WARHERS RUSX summer styles from waists, exquisitely trim- pRQ0F C0RSET 5Qc $1 5Q Always comfortable, yes, 75c to $4.50 Each thats one of the pleasant Men's Leather Belts ; features of a perfect fitting w-. i i ... '. , it h plain or initial Ladies Fibre Silk Hose W anier Corset. AN e have ' the proper model to meet ,mckK'- r,u' n"w 111,1 Mt Black or tan color at vour inaividual require- 50c and 75c 50c a Pair ments at 75c to $3.50. : Brassiers from Mens Silk Neckwear Ladies Lisle Hose 65c to $1.25 o,Mn , ivwrsihlo Best values at 35c pair MENS SUITS at Pairs for SI 00 e r ,o w 25c and 50c rairs Ior AUU Our line of Mens' Suits is superior n many ways. If . Ladies Gauze Union Suits you want a suit that will Poroskmt Union Suits . i on please you in every parti- At $1.00 " v cular, come here. Suits ready to wear at Jersey Ribbed Shirts and Ladies' Summer Vests $1250 $1500 1750 md Drawers 3 for 50c $20.00 Colors, blue, pink, echru Middy Blouses B0YS' SUITS brown nt 5Cl The Norfolk Model. An at $1.00, $1.25 $1.50 mh. ()f Fm, Men's Silk Half Hose and up to with ,.ach suit ony $5.oo. Cr black, tan, navy $2.50 Eacji : and grav at STAR BRAND OXFORDS 25(J pair Whip Cord Norfolk Coats f(r ladies, Misses and : and Pants Children Gun Metal, Nu- Men's Fancy Summer Vests Buck and Patent Kid. All An Ideal outing suit. 1U.W lasts, Colonial Pumps, Washable, plain and lig- Coats, $2.50. Pants, $1.50. shown here from ured from Suit for $4.00 75c to $4.25 Pair . 75c Up Fills second endorsement." Trice BOo, at all dealer. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy Ret Don n't Kidney Fllla the same that Mr. Kremer had. rooster Mtlburn Co., Props., Puffalo, N. Y. Highway is Now Assured '(Continued from First rage) the State raise 1260,000, yearly for highway purposes, but it It e pected that this will be so amended at the next Reunion of the Lcglsla ture that a one mill levy will be made. This would provide a million dollar fund, apportioned one half to F.astern, and one-half to West ern Oregon, the former to be used In construction of the Central Oro roii Highway. The financial condi tion of Multnomah County and short roads Justifies Its elimination from the Western Oregon Fund. Such an apportionment it Is believ ed would be most equitable, Inas much as the trunk highway through the central part of the state,, with brunch roads would adequately serve entire Eastern Oregon. The trip of thene Highway offi cials is of vast importance to the ; cttUcns of Lakevlew. Lake County 1 and the entire state of Oregon, as the statement can be unqual- tfledly that it means more to Its ; people than a railroad. Mr. Hill I said that In 1913, 1000 cars came to The Dalles through different roadn in Oregon, and In ,1915 he says 50,000 people will go through I Lakevtew over the Central Oregon I Highway. These figures seem onor- mous, but he says that they are I most conservatively calculated. ' Lake County also owes much to ! Judge Daly for his efforts and In terest taken In formulating plans for the county to he taken care of a year In advance. It is Indeed a commendable move and one that should be encouraged and supported by every resident of the county. countloa. In Multnomah county the excesa this year la $8,129.31, which was apportioned amonR the other counties. o More Errors Found (Continued from First rage) tie the nomination. It Is Bald that In at least 17 precincts in Multno mah county the books were blotted, erasures made, or the officials who handled the books made mistakes In placing the tallies, and In order to make positive determination of the totals the tally sheets In the hands of officials will be referred to. FundsJAppropriated (Continued from First Page) Washington. $1523.62; Wheeler. H45.0K; Yamhill, $1264.52. Last year Lake County received $536.9.1 for county fair purposes or Ian Increase this year of $86.51. This fund Is derived from a one I twentieth of a mill, tax levied for the ! support of county fairs, etc. The law provides that if this levy pro duces more than $10,000 In any one i county the amount In excess of that 'sum shall be distributed among the Night Train Next Sunday (Continued from First l'age) find the night train is favored." With the new service, persons In Keno having business at any point along the line, will be obliged to lose only one day's time from their business. Similarly a businessman In Lakevlew could go to lteno and return with the loss of hut one days time, that actually spent In transacting his business and lie would have the further advautago of traveling at night, when it Is cool, Instead of suffering a long day's hot ride. Local " travel should not suffer by the change, being well taken care of by the combination service. Thru east and west travel will bo equally well cared for. In either case the time in transit would he Just the same, the difference being that un der the old schedule the passenger had a day trip over the Oregon-Call-fornlu-Nevada Hallway and a night trip to San Francisco ovet the South ern or Western Pacific Railroads, while, with the new schedule, the night trip will he over our line, a combination thut should prove pre ferable from the points of view, of comfort and expedition in traveling. The change should he an advan tage from the aspect of better mall service. It will mean that all of one day's mail will reach Its destination early the following morning, Instead of waiting twenty-four to thirty-six hours for delivery. As to the question of berths and accommodations, railroad compuuy under Its present management will at all times make It an aim to give the public every service which Is jus tified by the putronage extended. It DON'T DARE NEGLECT A COUGH Relieve the discomfort and avoid the serious complica tions n neglected cough often lends to, by using .Rexall Cherry BarK Cough Syrup Ve sell more of it than all other cough syrups combined It is extremely pleasant ' to take. Hnch bottle contains more than most cough reme dies sold at the same price. We guarantee it to relieve vour cough or your money hack. Sold only by The Thornton Drug Co. THIS KIvXALL STOKIv Is the desire of the company to work with the people to the utmost ex tent for building up the territory which It was constructed to serve and uny suggestions which may be extended for the betlerment of the serv ce will b. rppreclated and will be gl 'en rir .til coirJration. As already announced, much work for the Improvement of the road bed has been ordered. It will be our con tinual effort to provide both safe and adequate passenger service for all points along our main and branch lines between lteno, Clio, and Lake-view. Water Ready Next Month (Continued from First l'age) be .taken down Antelope to accom modate all present demand for water In that vicinity. Carpenters are now employed on the wooden fluiuing of the north brunch and this work will be com pleted as fust as the lumber Is cut at the mill which Is fifing operated at Its fullest capacity. With the finishing touches being added and tills mammoth enterprise being moulded Into concrete form, it seems that whut might be termed a long and wonderful dream is soon to be realized, and one that will doubtless bring progress and pres perity to un undeveloped empire. EE EE IE EE NEW PINE CREEK DEPARTMENT DEVOTED TO LIVE NEWS NOTES OF THE STATE LINE TOWN SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE Fire crackers, pistols, paper caps, torpedos, flags of all sizes, at Wedut Kandy Kitchen. Mrs. D. W. Thomas who has been in the lower country for about six weeks returned one day last week. New Pine Creek base ball team defeated the Willow Kanch team on Sunday before last, by a score of 3 tol. Will C. Fleming who has one of the best garden spots in the valley Informed us that he did not loose any thing the last frost. Dud Baker and Fred Hammersley are painting Mr. Louis Lund's resi dence. They will also repaper the State Line School in the near fu ture. Oscar Smith was appointed City Marshal for New Pine Creek at a special meeting of the City Council June 16th to fill the unexpired term of George Wendt, who resigned. The Ladies of the State Line School District have organized a club for the purpose of improving the school grounds. The club is known as the State Line School Im provement Club. F. M. Green is having a large hog house built, the size of which is 18 x 128 feet. Lester Vernon and Clarence Boyce are doing the ft'" I !' W ""J nimiipt n i IF SsLsSSS ill li i . work. Mr. Green will also have a garage built and other improver ; nients made. . j It looks as thouifii August lioring I of the City Bakery and K&ctauran expects to take on to himself a life partner as he has just had hits place of business newly papered and lie surely Iiuh a nice neat looking place. The work was done by I'eter Follett. The New Pine Creek Base Ball Boys organized on Tuesday night, June 15. J. L'. Gentry was elected rnanager of the team. They went to Davis Creek with several friends last Sunday and were defeated by the Davis Creek boys to a tune of 16 to 17. Sam Davis invested in a new hack last Monday and that evening when he stopped in front of Arabolad's store one of the horses, a young colt, tore a bridle off her head and had It not been for Chas. Heed who was standing near, Mr. Davis might have had a smash up. A. 11. Fuller and wife, II. C. Walker and wife and others of Fair port and Mrs. (',. M. Taylor, Hilda Taylor, Thelma Taylor, and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Taylor spent Sunday, June 14, in the beautiful canyon leading to High Grade mines. They spread a fine picnic dinner at the big spring of ice cold mountain water. Everybody enjoyed the trip. o l CK.SI.C; .MISKKV, THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Koine Iikeview Kidney Sufferers iet Little Best or Comfort to be equal to any Beer brewed. Bot tled and on draught at all leading saloons Reno Brewing Co., liic. . . , ...Tnp- There is little sleep, little rest, lit tle peace for many a sufferer from kidney trouble. Life is one continual round of pain. You can't rest at night when there's kidney backache. You suffer twinges and "stabs" of pain annoying urinary disorders, lameness and nervousness. You can't be com fortable at work jlth darting pains and blinding dizzy spells. Neglect these ailments and serious troubles may follow. Begin using Doan's Kid ney Pills at the Jlrst sign of disorder. Thousands have testified to their merit. Lakevlew readers will llnd convincing proof in tho following testimony: John Kremer, farmer, Jacksonville Oregon, says: "For years I suffered from kidney complaint. I tried one remedy after another, but nothing gave me relief. A friend who had taken Doan's Kidney Pills, told me to try them. After I had used three boxes, the trouble left me. I am glad to say that I have never suffered from kidney complaint in the fast two years. I willingly give Doan's With the change of time, effective June 28th, on the N. C. O. Ry., passengers may leave San Francisco on train No. 6 at 7:40 P.M., arrive in Reno at 8:20 A.M., remain in Reno all day and leave Reno for points on the N.C.O. Ry. at 9:45 P.M. Or, leave San Francisco on train No. 20 at 10:20 A.M., arrive in Reno at 9:05 P.M. and leave Reno for N. C. O. points at 9:45 P.M. Passengers may leave Lakevievv or Alturas at night, arrive Reno in the morning, take train No. 5 for the west or train No. 6 for the east, or they may stay over in Reno, if they desire, and connect with evening trains, both east and west. Tickets are sold and baggage is checked through to destination from all points on the N. C. (). This arrangement 'will permit visiting Reno dur ing carnival week, June 29th to July 4th, and see with out charge Flying Machines, Ralloon Ascensions, Base Ball Games and Auto Races. THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. SAFETY FIRST