Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 25, 1914, Image 1

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l'nM-nKr Service Will Be Provided
Kr Day Trmelern Nitrogen
Headlight" Ordered ami
Hdl MkI( '" Cant
Kamney M. Cox. general manager
of the Nevada-Callfornla-Oregon
Hallway, while In lakevlew last week
made the official announcement that
ii lictit passenger service on the line
would be started next Sunday iilKht,
Jun 28. With the Inauguration of
thla service, passengers may reach
points In thlH valley and other place
from Kenu by rail seven days a week,
InHtead of 'lx as at preMtmt. They may
go by day If they bo prefer, ait the
morning freight train will carry a
passenger coach. The frelKht now
Iravela only three times a week, but
after June 28. dally freight and pas
henger aervlce. except Sunday, will
be Inaugurated.
The new Hthedule calls for n pas
senger train to leave Keno at 9:45 p.
m., arriving at Lakevlew at 9:45 the
following morning, Train. No. 2 will
leave Lakevlew ut 8:05 p. m. and
arrive at Reno at 8:00 the following
morning. In addition to thla daily
service will be established between
Keno and Clio on the Sierra Mo
hawk branch line from Pluuius Junc
tion. Mr. Ct otiiU-M tliul In- I cuUnlM-i
witli the recent tests on ilit- mtrogt n
headlights for Hie road engine, and
w ill Instull them as noon a the equip- j
liient t'li ti be secured from the east, j
which will take several weeks. Meun-;
while the present headllKhta of the,
. nglnc will Hiillice. Willi the arrival
of the nitrogen lights, Mr. Cox pro
mises another linproveiiient. There
are many small stations along the
line which are imt lighted nt night,
and It in proponed to liiKtall electric
llghlH on the side of the night pas
senger trains, which will be operated
by a switch in the engine, to illu
minate stations as the trains pull
in at nights.
Ah an explanation of the adoption
of the change In service and answer
to protests entered by patrons against
It. Manager Cox has Issued the fol
lowing letter which Is self-explanatory:
Keno, Nev., June 18. 1914.
Gentlemen : In response to in
quiries as to the proposed new train
service of the Nevada-California-Oregon
Kallway. and In reply to pe
titions from residents of Alturaa,
California and Lakevlew, Oregon,
asking that the company refrain
from instituting night passenger ser
vice between Keno and Lakevlew, J
wish to say that the protectants
against the proposed new service are
not Justified in assuming that the
company intends to dispense with Its
day trains, it Is the intention of the
company to improve Its passengeH
service, not to impair It.
Keferrlng to the protests against
the change to night passenger ser
vice, permit me to say that the rea
sons given against the change do not
seem to over-balance the advantages
that would accrue, both to Keno and
to Alturas and to Lakevlew. Espec
ially Is this true of the proposed
dally combination freight aud pas
senger service between Lnkevlea and
Since preliminary announcements
wore niude of the proposed night
passenger service, many have ex
pressed themselves to the railroad
management In favor of the change.
1 nuote from a letter received from a
resident of Lakevlew.
"I have hoard Indirectly that you
contemplate runnnlng a night train
und In discussing the matter with
thoBe lu a position to know, I see no
valid reason why a night train would
not be beneficial to our community
as a whole. In talk'ng the matter
over with the postmaster and others
who hare the conditions at hand, I
(ConUaued on Paga Eight)
Judge H. Daly of Ike County Wn
. Prettent at Ceremony On the
Columbia River
lleautifut Multnomah falls Is now
the property of Multnomah County,
say the Portland Journal of the
Yesterday In the presence of Mate
aud county official and other repre
sentative cltlcen. S. HciiHon turned
over to Kufus C. Holmati aud !. V.
Hart, for the county, tlio deed to the
beauty sjiot of the Columbia river.
The ceremony took place on a
grassy plot Immediately In front of
the Kalis, and Kalph Karle, represen
tative of the I'athe Film Company
took moving picture of the cere
mony. Inasmuch as this film will
be shown In all their picture houses,
approximately 30,000,000 people will
see the ceremony, and will be shown
one of Oregon' prettiest spot.
Samuel Hill had a his guests to
witness the formal transfer of Mult
nomah Falls from private to public
ownership, the following, Julius
Melr, president of the Columbia
association; Hen Oleott. Secretary of
State; Thomas Kay. State Treasur
er; Ezra Meeker, the trail maker, 84
year old; Judge Bernard Daly of
Lake County; K. V. Ilolmau. presi
dent of the State Historical Society;
Kufus C. Holman. chairman of the
Hoard of County Commissioner; I.
V. Hart. County Commissioner; Sam
uel C. l,anccester, highway engineer;
Major II. L. Bowiby, state highway
engineer; Or. K. J. Hill of Minnea
polis, brother of Samuel Hill; Her
man Michel, of Cologne. Germany;
Eben F. Wells and J. C. Potter, offi
cials of the Home Telephone Com
pany, and Fred Iickli y, of The Jo'ir
I ni i i i cineiitK on Track Will I teg in
Soon Gitelle Representative
Accompanied Mr, Cox
Ramsey M. Cox, general muuuger
of the Nevada-Callfornla-Oregon
Kallway was an arrival on the train
last Friday evening and spent Sat
urday morning In Lakevlew. He was
accompanied on the trip by Mr. N". L.
Cbapln, staff correspondent of the
Keno Gazette.
Asked as to the purpose of the vi
sit. "It Is only one of the many and
frequent trips that I intend mak
ing over the road In order to keep
in touch with the people and study
their needs." stated Mr. Cox. "I
want this to be known and called
our railway or the people's railway."
he said. " aud It Is the aim to do
everything possible in the way of
serving the people to their best In
Speaking of the immediate Im
provements planned for the line, Mr.
Cox said that work would begin on
July 1st on reballastlng at least
seventy-five miles of the track. He
is very sincere in his convictions
that the change from day to night
passenger service will be of great
benefit to all the country adjacent
to the road.
Mr. Chupin of the Gazette Is a
very pleasant gentleman to meet and
is wide awake to the interests of the
publication which he represents.
The Gazette Is an evening paper,
receiving nsuoctuted press service up
to four o'clock In the afternoon, and
with the inauguration of the night
train service will reach Lakevlew at
least 12 hours in advance of any
other paper.
A New Method
Albert Ward, or Bldwell bus a
novel way of effectively gutting rid
of Bqulrrels that infest Sits ranch,
and one in which his uutomobtlo
plays an . important part, says the
Cedarvlllo Kocord. He simply drives
up to a squirrel holo with a rubber
hose attached to the exhaust pipe of
his machine, Inserts the hose Into the
hole and starts the engine. The
fumes of the gasoline kills the squir
rels. In this manner he has rid his
place of the pests after many unsuc
cessful attempts.
Water Can Now IW Taken for Con
idderable DUtance Tliroutcli
I he North Canal Flume
Work I Wing Done
A trip now over the Ooose Lake
Valley Irrigation Company's project
on the West Side reveals the happy
fact that the system Is no longer In
Its infancy.
Making a business trip to different
points of activity along the ditches
and to try out his lately purchased
I lonia car Chief Engineer Rice last
Friday afternoon took along (as bal
last) a party composed of A. L.
Thornton, Dr. J. L. Lyon and an Ex
aminer man. Considering the brief
trip and few places visited a fair re
view of the canals and flumes was
gained. Kapidly nearlng completion
as the project now Is its magnitude
and grave Importance to the develop
ment of a vast acreage of practically
waste land Is more appreciable.
Workmen are now completing the
rock work on the 9 o u t h
Drews Canal. The last piece
of trestle work for the steel flumlng
Is also being finished on this branch,
and Mr. Itice states that next month
he hopes to be runnning water
through this ditch to the J. F. Han
son ranch nt the Point.
Water for tills will be di
verted through the main canal from
the dam to the llrrt trestle going up
the an von from where It will be
transferred through n heaclg.ite in j
the flume to the south cunal. ! How-,
ever, for permanent use a dam will!
be constructed across the natural
chunnel a short distance up the can-j
yon and water taken directly there-1
from into the south ditch. '
The north canal in places Is also I
being cleaned with scraper so that j
it will be ready for immediate use.
At present, with the exception of a
short bent of (turning near the saw
mill and which Is being replaced,
water can now be taken through the
north or main canal to the Liscolm
homestead west of town. Or for Im
mediate irrigation purposes it could
(Continued on Page Eight)
In An Increase of HtMi..1I Over the
Amount Received From the
State Last Year
According to au apportionment
made by Secretary of State Oleott of
the tax raised under the county fair
bill passed by the last Legislature,
Lake County will obtain $623.44
which may be used either for hold
lug a county fair, or in the support
of any land products show, livestock
agricultural or horticultural exhfbl
tlon. Should the money not be used
for any of these purposes It will on
Januury 2, next puss into the gener
al road fund of the county.
The total amount of money dis
tributed in the state for fair pur
poses is $47,714.19, apportioned
among the different counties as fid
lows: Hakor. $1301.19; Renton. $S4 7.
21; Clackamas, $200(1.48; Clatsop,
$1354.43; Columbia. $1006.22; Coos
$1271.06; Crook, $977.58; Curry,
$418.47; Douglas, $1838.40; Gil
Hum, $666.03; Grant. $618.26; Har
ney, $628.70; Hood Klvor, $733.55;
Jackson, $1846.90; Josephine, $741.
12; Klamath. $975.61; Lake, $CrJ.
44; Lane, $2178.49; Lincoln, $529.
43; Linn, $1748.79; Malheur, $796.
07; Marlon, $2344.64; Morrow,
$699.48; Multnomah, $10,239.10;
Polk. $1094.52; Sherman, $652.83;
Tillamook, $1053.79: Umatilla,
$2217.13; Union, $1216.75; Wal
lowa, $768.31; Wasco,. $1024.02;
(Ceatlauea oa Paga Eigkt)
Military Chief Said to Favor Efforts
of United State to Kettle Squab
bleMediator to Soon
Prospects for a settlement of the
Mexican situation are now said to
be brighter with Villa as an import
ant factor in the peace plans. A
news dispatch from Niagara Falls
says that arrangements have been
completed by the mediators for the
signing withiti a day or two of all
protocols in the peace plan which re
late to the international differences
between the United States and Mexi
co, except the plank giving the com
position and personnel of the new
provisional government.
The intention of the mediators is
to have the entire peace plan ready,
so that at informal conferences, the
Huerta and . Constitutionalists may
be charged with the task of select
ing a provisional president and cabi
liot ofllcers. Before these confer
ences are held the work of the med
iators and American delegates will
be practically finished. Represen
tatives of the two Mexican factions
then will assume the responsibility
of making or breaking the peace
?k The mediators announce that
there is good reason for belietiug"
that Villa is in sympathy with the
ellorts of the United States to ef
fect a settlement of the Mexican em
broglio through diplomatic channels
and that the constitutional delegates
now enroute to Washington will
have the approval of Villa, regard
less of -his relations with Carranza.
in whatever they negotiate.
Hostilities have not yet been sus
pended between the constitutiona
list forces and the forces of Huerta
but hope for the end of this strife
is entertained through the invita
tion of the United States govern
ment and the good offices of the
South American mediators, repre
senting the warring Mexican fac
tions in bringing them face to face
in an informal conference distinct
from the mediation proceedings.
Re-Check Being Made of All Coun
ties in the State No Krroin
in Lake County
The County Canvassing Board
composed of County Clerk F. W.
Payne, Clias. Umbach and W. F.
Paine made a re-check of the votes
cast for all candidates for Justice of
the supreme court at the republican
primaries, May 15. This was done
upon instructions from Secretary of
State Ben W. Oleott owing to the
number of errors made in the official
canvass of the votes cast for Justice
McNary and Judge Benson as Repub
lican candidates for this office. The
re-check here, however revealed no
change from the canvass first made,
the vote standing Judge Benson, 166
and Judge McNary 66. Neither were
there any errors discovered In the
count for the other candidates. All
counties In the state were ordered to
make a re-check, and owing to the
various discrepancies found and be
ing reported it is yet undecided who
is the successful candidate.
Circuit Judge Benson who has boeu
see-sawing with Justice McNary for
nomination for over a month, has re
turned to Salem and will remain
there and at Portland until the con
test is definitely decided.
Unless a stipulation between the
two candidates Is entered into, and
which has not been done according
to late reports, It la probable that
court action will be asked to aet
(Contlauai oa Pag Eigkt)
Clip are of Poorer Quality Than
Those Offered Earlier at f
Public Sale
The last public wool sale of the
season in Oregon was held last Fri
day at Shanlko, says th Oregonian. !
There are about 500.000 pounds of i
wool left scattered throughout the '
state, mostly in small lots, and the I
next week or ten days will see these
remnants of the 1914 Oregon clip
picked up and the season brought
to an end.
The market has lost none of its
firmness, as was shown by the prices
paid at Shaniko recently. The qual
ity of these wools was not equal to
those offered at the big sale two
weeks ago, which explains the dif
ference in price. Particulars of the
sale are given in the following dis
patch :
Shaniko, Or., June 19. (Special.)
The wool sales at Shaniko today
cleaned up all the wool in this dis
trict for this season. There were
only four buyers in the field and
the prices paid were 2 cents lower
than at the first sale. The wools
were not equal in quality to those
sold before.
The lowest price paid was 15 1-4
and 18 3-8 was the highest. There
were several small lots of one and
two sacks bought by Livingston at
1 8 cents.
There is not much likelihood of a
reaction in foreign wool prices this
summer. Boston wool men predict
a substantial advance in medium
crossbreds at the next series of auc
tions in London, which open on
July 7.
Upwards of 500,000 pounds of
wool were sold at , Madras, Oregon,
tlM dr previous to the Shaniko sa.
T;. hi 'best price realized was IS
cents and the lowest was 16 cents, t
Intel-mountain Kale Order is Upheld
Itcversinj; Commerce Court
Bonds Given Title
The Supreme Court of the United
States on June 22 reversed the com
merce court and upheld the inter
mountaln rate order of the Inter
state commerce commission.
Justice White first decided that
the long and short haul clause was
The commerce court had held that
the commission could not make
blanket or zone rates. That is the
contention of those who are opposed
to the five per cent increase in.
freight rates now being asked by
the eastern railroads.
The chief justice next upheld the
making of rates by the commission
"The zones selected by the com
mission were In substance same as
those previously fixed by the carriers
as the basis of the rate making which
was . Included in the tariffs which
were under investigation and there
fore we may put that subject out of
view," said he.
Under the decision of the United
States supreme court in the so-called'
intermountain cases, it Is said
that seventeen railway companies,
constituting the transcontinental
freight routes, are liable for many
millions of dollars in reparation on
shipments since the institution of
the cases.
Another importaut decision was
also made by the supreme court on
Monday when the transcontinental
railways wou their fight for the title
to some $700,000,000 worth of oil
lauds, the court holding void the
clause in the patents making the
land revert to the government If
found to contain minerals.
The United States Supreme Court
has now adjourued until next Octo
ber. o
Noting improvement at and about
LaPine the Iutermountain says:
"The charter has been Issued for the
new bank and It is expected to be
ready for business in a few weeks.
The amount of improving: and fenc
ing In all directions around LaPlne
shows that the tendency is for big
ger and better farms this year."
IX-cved Tlial Work Will Start oa
Central Oregon Highway ext
Year Highway Fund to ,
le Increased
Making the trip over the propos
ed route of the Central Oregon
Highway, a party composed of Sam
uel Hill, president of the Good
Roads Association of the United
States and of the Pacific Highway
Association of the Northwest, Ma
jor H. L. Bowiby, State Highway
Engineer, Robert Johnson, of the
editorial staff of the Oregon Journal
and a brother of our townsman. G.
W. Johnson. Dr. Richard Hil! or
Minneapolis, brother of Samuc! Hill
and County Judge B. Daly of Like
County, arrived In Lakevlew last
Thursday uoon. The party was ten
dered a royal reception by the busi
ness men of Lakevlew in the Ant
lers Club rooms where they wwe
entertained at lunch.
Speeches were made by the visi
tors as well as different local men.
Each was an ardent booster for tae
highway and they highly praised
this portion of the country and its
hospitable r'-,ople. It was regret
table that thc.vlsltv.-s could not re
main longer .vith biit win., to
oth"r impoife s-'j engagements had
'yi .-ye. VA"jry?ic afternoon going
as far as KUuuth ' Falte. ; .
Good roads is the hobby of Mr.
Hill and he is doubtless the best
authority on the subject in this en
tire country. In a quaint and most
interestingly way he told of his ex
periences in road construction at
his home at Maryhill, Wash., the
Columbia River and Wasco-Blggs
Highways now being built. He is
greatly interested in the highway
through Central Oregon and was re
sponsible for the party making this
trip. "Labeview," he said "situat
ed as it is, is the gateway a gate
way to wealth and opportunity, and
I trust you will open the door."
Major Bowiby, State Highway En
gineer, under whose direct supervi
sion all state road work is done,
stated that he did not consider
hard surfaced roads practical . in
Eastern Oregon. The expense
n 1. a auljl that it rAnrinrn t
COV, .IV- . V. , was - - - w.- -
next to impossible. He says that the
condition of the soil is such, how
ever, that with the use of oil very
splendid results can be obtained.
He is very much in favor of the
Central Oregon road, and says It is
the only route across -the state that
will afford all-year travel. He spoke
very flatteringly of the road worn
done on the Silver Lake hill and
especially that part of the work
which is being done by S. R. Hanson
In Crooked Creek Valley. He promis
ed Judge Daly that he would return
here next fall to spend severaL
days in studying the roads in Lake
County and making maps for his re
commendation to the State Board.
The Central Oregon "Highway
commences at the Columbia River
where the first unit, the Wasco
Biggs road is being constructed and
runs to the California line at New
Pine Creek, passing through Sher
man, Wasco. Crook and Lake Coun
ties. It connects with the highway
from Redding to 'Alturas, Modoc
V Olllliy, ttllU ULl-UIIIUIb t-V mo wro,
of authority, will afford a road for
all- year around travel. Connections
with other branches of the Pacific
Highway are made from Seattle
southwest and from Spokane south
east to where they meet the Cen
tral Oregon Highway at the Colum
bia Ulver.
At the present time there is no
available money in the State High
way fund other than for i in meruit
purposes for the completion of the
Wnsco-lSlggs unit and for other
highways under construction, but it
is now considered u definite assur
ance that work on the Central Ore
gon road will bo started next year.
Under the present system, by the
levy of one f surth of a lutU t-s
(Continued oa Pag Eigkt)
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