Mm muiutt HAS THE CIRCULATION- PRINTS THE NEWS- REACHES THE PEOPLE THE EXAMINER IS VOL. XXXV. TAX COLLECTING BEGUN TREASURER RECEIVED TAX ROLL YESTERDAY Grand Total To Be Raised By Taxation In Lake County For 1913 is Nearly $160,000 Old Laws Are Repealed. Beginning today taxes are payable in tbe office of County Treaurer Haw kins at the court homo. Complete recapitulation of the assessment toll for 1913 including botb real and per aonal property under (be jurisdiction of the County Arsessor has been com pletcd and the roll was turned over to the treasurer's oltloe yesterday after noon. The roll shows a total valuation of SB,g.'tO.OC8.r4 in Lake County, which with a tax levy of .HIM) mils will pro vide $i;2.74S.7x The total tor ailsuec ial Hchool purposes is 21,339.44, fire pairol I242.0H, and town of Lakeview, S4.031 28, making a grand total of ir,H uca.19. Following are the amounts tor the vsrinus school dlntrlcta in thu county: District No. 7 $3,727.03 1 2Hf..C5 " 3U b32 30 "11 1,41)1 21 " 12 .".C7.4U "II 3,lo0.3ti "lfi 862.bfi "18 las si " "22 1.409.10 " "23 464.93 "24 6,44 1.4H "27. 320.20 2S 013 08 2! 1.2.rI.r0 iaxe legally Icvieil anil charged ahull he paid before inu first day ot MANY ASPIRE TO GOVERNORS CHAIR Candidates Are Becoming: Numerous For Various State Offices. During the seversl dsys deloy in mail service wo have not been able to keep lu line with the numerous candi dates lately coming out for different elate offices, but among those noticed are the follow ing : Judge A. S. Uennett, of The Dalles, has announced bis axp'ratinn lor tne Democratic nomination for Governor, making tho political ring cluttered, so to apeak, with four Democrats, five Republicans, one ProroKsivo and one Independent-Republican-Progress i v c Single Taxer for tne oflico of Chief Kxoeutive of the stale. F. M. dill, ot Dutur. ia the candidate for thu Pro gressive piirty nomination for Imv ernor, he havicg arnounced himself IsHt week. TlimniiH 1). Kay, appealing to thu people (in Inn pHHt record us State Treasurer, Iihh announced his candi dacy for thu Kepubliciin nomination and reelection to his ollico. T. J. Cleeton, judge of a department of the Multnomah Circuit Court, has declared his cmuliducy for the Rcpub Mean nomination for Supreme Judgo, and Circuit Judge L. T. llarria of Kugene, ih a candidutu for thu Repunli can nominution for Supreme Court JuHtice. Testing- Auto Law Aahland automobile ownera are watching with interest the outcome of a test case which in being made to ducido the legality of the State motor car license. Harry Uoydon, member of tho Jackson County Automobile Association, voluntarily submitted to arrest recently. The case was taken directly to the Circuit Court at' tor Hoy den had been released on habeas cor pus. Within a few days and after arguments have been submitted, a de cision is expected irom Judge Calkins. In the meantime automobile owners are organizing all over the county fur ther to contest tbe issues involved if necessary. April, the new law, fcowevnr, provides I that a property owner may pay one half nf Ma tasea before April 1, and the remaining ona half between tbat data and Sent em ber 1, but on tha sec ond half he shall pay a penalty of 1 per rent a month In otber words the old law permitting ona to divide his taxes Into two equal payments wihtout be ing penalised thereior baa Deen repeal ed. The provision in the old law, al lowing h rebate of 3 per cent for pay ment of taxes prior to April I. was also rcpraKd by the last legislature. The penult) nf 1 per rent a month attaches to any portion of taxes re maining unnaid alter April 1. All taxcH remaining unpHid on the first day of September are dehnaunnt, and there shall be charged and collect ed a penally nf 10 per ct.t and inter eat at the rate of 12 per cent per annum on such ihxcb from the day on which they becouiii dclir.iient until their payment. Alter October 1, the sheriff la re quired by law to issue a tax lien in the form ot Cfirtiilcato of delinquency, upon property tor which the taxes arc delinquent, to any individual making demand for aame. These certificate of delinquency draw interest at the rate f IS per cent pur annum fr un nate of iooe until redeemed, 'these I una may be foreclosed alter the ex piration of three years from the first date of delinquency. SKELETON FOUND AT SUMMER LAKE Rains Wash Out Bones by Roadside on Woodward Farm. Dave Woodward discovered the com plete aKeleton of a man near their home on Summer Lake this week, says the Chewaucan Press. It was found beside the driveway woich runs from their house to tbe county road. The roud cuts into the bank and tho recent raina had washed it deeper uncovering a part of the skull. Dave dug it out ami found tho entire form. It. won Milling in h cramped position, the head bent, down upon the breaHt iiinl the iirnia and legs cramped as though it had beep pushed down into a small hole: in the ground. The skull l huh slightly crushed but it wiia im- j tjossiblu to tell whether that had ho'n I nunc i'i him utn in, if, ty rumr. 'nnotiif wagon. Dave Iihm saved tho hones. BENSON IflLLNOT RESIGN JUDGESHIP Gale Not Eligible For Cir cuit Judgo of Lake and Klamath. In a lotter published in the Merrill Hecord, Circuit Judge Henry L. Hen son of Lake ana Klamath Counties, and also nn announced candidate tor the o lfi co of Supreme Court Justice, states that he has no intentions of resigning his illico until after the November election, and then only in the event of his election to a higher ottice. Regarding the rumor that he ie to resign from the circuit judgeship in favor of Judge Gale, Judge Pennon further status: "It is also noteworthy that Section 2756 of the Code provides that no one can be elected or appointed Circuit Judtre who has not been a res ilient of the state for at least three years, which condition would disquuli- fy Judge Gale. THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF LL'vT- COUNTY LAKEVIEW, LAKE COUNTY, COUNTY ATTORNEY LAW HELD VALID All Vacancies Prior to 1917 Will Bo Filled By The Governor. The question of whether the section in the 1913 district attorney law, pro viding there shall be no eleotion of district attorney until in 1916, is valid hss been put up to the attorney gen eral by the county clerk of baker, and he has rendered an opinion upholding tha law. It Is pulnted out by the attorney geneial that a constitutional amend ment adopted in 1911 removed tne dis trict attorney from constitutional offi ces. Since the provision for district attorneys bss Deen msde by statute. Tha 1913 law repealed the old law. thus leavlrg no provision for any election of district attorneys until in 1916. The attorney general points out tbst all vacancies occurring in the office of district attorney prior to 1917 are to be tilled by appointment by the govern or. The 1913 law provided for a district attorney for every county. The dis trict attorneys in ottloe at tlio lime the law went int" effect remained district attorney for their home county, and the governor appointed attorney's for the other counties. DENSON WILL DE STRONG CANDIDATE Circuit Judge of This Dis trict Seeks Supreme Judge Office. Honor tble Henry L Uvnson, who for a period ot twenty years has been rid ing the circjit as district attorney ana circuit judgo in the judicial district which embraces Lake County, and who is row Circuit Judgo of this district, hu announced his candidacy for jus tice ot the Supreme Court. His many friends throughout the district, and particularly in Lake County, will rec eive the announcement with joy and gratiiicaliun. For years Judge Ben son has been recognized as one of the ablest, moat courteous, and hard-work- 'it 4v s VCnVV m - i fA i,.t iu - I.- V- Henry L Itciison ing jurists in the State of Oregon, and his friends have felt that he should be elevated to the Supreme tiench. Judge Benson has an enviable reputation as a trial judge. He has never Le.en re varied in a criminal case, ytt as dis trict attorney and as Circuit Judge he ' bus tried many of tne most important I criminal cases in the State ot Oregon. ' Judge Benson has also preBi ied at the trial ot civil cases of unusual import ance. Particularly has the iudge had a hand in moulding the water laws of the State of Oregon. Examination of tho reports of the decisions of tn Supreme Court uf the State of Oregon shows that the most vexed water tan glea have been unraveled in Judge Men son 'a district, and many ( t the new and advanced ideas of water laws were first promulgated from the bench upon which Jidge Person tat. liecaure of the Judge's long life ia southeastern Oregon, Ins lonu experi ence upon the bnch in this district, and the very many problems that are peculiar to this eaBtern Oregon cotin- Continued on puge eltht . ... v 1 1. .: OREGON, FEBRUARY 5, 1914. 3.48 IS RECORDED FOR TWOHONTHS Abundant Precipitation It Reported In December and January. C. C. Colt, co-operatjve observer for ihe government weather bureau, has favored the Lxsmincr with the follow ing weather report tor Janusry. 1914. Temperature: mean. msiimum. 35.7: mean, minimum, 23.4: mean, 29 6; maximum 46, on dates of Jan uary 6 and 6 i minimum 9, January 9; greatest daily range, 25. Precipitation: Total, 1.63 inches; snow, total fall, 17 inches, tnere being tan days in month with .01 or more precipitation, and six clear oajs, and five partly cloudy. Mr. Gott also reports a total ot 1.85 Inches precipitation during December, 1913, making a total of 3.48 inches during the past two morths. Ibis station is located at Mr. Gott'a homestead five miles northwest of Lakeview, and while it cannot be taken as exact conditions in Lakeview, it will give a general idea nf the weather in the valley. Mr. Colt's place is about 75 tret higher in elevation than Lake view. The Cxaminer is pleased to acinuiiiice that arrangements have been made with him to pahbsn weekly re ports hereafter. LONG SUFFERING ENDEDBY DEATH Mrs. Frank J. Struck Died January 30th at Salem Hospital. Viola Sherman Struck was born at Madison Wisconsin, April 1st 1875, Died January 30, 1914 at the Salem hospital. Her age was thirty-eight years, ten months and one day. She was married in 1893 to Frank J. StrucK at Bristol, Wisconsin. After living in Bristol four years they moved to lreton, Iowa. In 19U8 tbey moved to Uellville, Kansas and in 1910 to Lake view, Oregun. In her decease she leaves a daugh ter, Mildred, a son, Vernon and her husband, a father in Missouri, a brother in Superior, Wisconsin and a sister in Bristol, Wisconsin. During the past 15 years she bas been afflicted witb nervousness and heart trouble. For ihe past several monlbs she bas been an almost con stant sufferer. Two weeks before ber death she was taken to the Salem hos pital but she kept growing weaker until the end came. She joined the "resbytenan church here last June 29th and was also a member of the local Kebekab lodge. It was in her early childhood that she accepted Christ as ber Savior, uniting with the 1'ie.snyterian church ana faithfully walking in His fuoUteps until ihe final cull. Her sorrowing friends bear witness to her goodness. 1 hf home lite was beautiful and tne good wife and mother knew how to show her devotion to rer family. Noth ing in her power that she ci.uhl do tor her children was left undone and she enjoyed it all. She thought of others and many were the acts of charity un known save to God and the thankful beneficiaries. While she wad in the world, the world was the richer for her life; when she passed out of it the world waa Ihe poorer tor her death, but we rejoice that her name is writ ten by God in the Book of Life. A few months before her death she alfo led ber two cliildien to the Savior, both uniting with the Presbyterian church. In this act the blessings of God rest not only upon the children, hut upon the mother as well. She was baopy in seeing her daugnter and son walk in the truth. The remains are hemg removed from Salem to Lakeview and will reach here tomorrow. The luneral services will be held next Sunday atternoon at 2:30 o'clo k tioin the Methodist church, set vices to be conducted by her pas tor, Rev. Geo. A. Crawford, of the Presbyterian church. The brother, E. E. Sherman, of Supeiior, Wisconsin, is enroute to Lakeview and will arrive here for the funeral. POLITICAL POT STARTS TWO ASPIRANTS DECLARE THEIR CANDIDACY Many Rumored Candidates Are In The Field and Interest. Promises to EnlivenSheriff's Office Seems the Most Desirable. Althoogh the time ia approaching near tor tbe candidate to begin "shy ing their bata into tbe ring," ai it were, up to this time there are bat two avowed candidates in tbe field for offices in Lake County. Those who hsv declared themselves thus far, and whose cards appear elsewhere in this issue, are W. B. Snider, present Sheriff, and F. W. Payne, present in cumbent in tbe clerk's office. The offices to be rilled at tbe general election, November 3, 1914, are: County Judge, one County Com miss Sheriff, Clerk, Treasurer, Cor oner and two representatives from tbe Thirteenth Judicial District compris ing Lake, Klamatb, Crook and Grant Counties. From the many . street rumors that s re begining to circulate it is evident that interest in local political circles will soon wax warm. County Judge Daly hss been fre quently mentioned of late as a possible aspirant lor gubernatorial honors, and such being tbe case this would elimin ate him as a possible candidate for re-election to County Jndge. So far we have heard no mention of any can didates for tbe office of County Judge. Ampng those rumored as to who will oppose Sheriff Snider for the KepuDli can nomination at tbe Drirnaries, we have heard tee name of L. D. Frakes. of Warner Valley, and also reports COUNCIL ADOPTS NEW ORDINANCES! Laws Directed at Minors and the Abusers of Dumb Animals. At the regular monthly session Tues day evening tbe Town Council passed an ordinance prohibiting any child un der the age of fourteen years to fre quent any public street within tbe town after nine o'clock P. M. during the months of April, May, June, July, AugUBt or September, full copy of which is published elsewhere in this issue. An ordinance making it a mis demeanor for any person to wilfully cruelly mistreat any dumb animal ith in the limits of t lie town was adopted also. VioLmon ot this law carries a penally ot a fine of from five to fifty dollars or imprisonment in town jail for a period not to exceei twenty days or botn. COLONIST HATES SOONEFFECTIVE Railroads State Wage Earners, Not Home seekers, Accept Rates. Railroads in the Northwest are be ginning to advertise the Spring col onist rates which will be in effect for 32 days Degmning with March 15. The rates will be the same as in fornur seasons, $33 from Chicao, (30 lrom the Missouri River points and f2" from the Colorado region. Although the re duced rate will te advertised to a con siderable extent, the roads state they will make no special etlurt to induce organized parties ot -tiomeaeekers to come west. They state that heretofore the low rates have been taken advantage of by wage earners, principally, and that but few bona fide homeseekers are generally included in the iarge parties NO. 6 have it that there will be ona or two aspirants for this office from tbe Northern part of the county. On the Democratic aide lor tbe Sher iff's office there promises to be more interest manifested, as we have beard tbe following names mentioned: K. P. Lane, Willard Duncan, Lee Heall and F. M. Duke. Notwithstanding tbat no opposition to F. W. Payne, as Democratic nom inee lor County Clerk nas thai far come to light, it is understood thai the local Democrat League has a dark horse picked to oppose him at the prim aries. While theie are no avowed candi dates for the Clerk's office on the Hepublican tide thus tar, L. C. Ahletrom, present Poetmaster of Lake view, is being tatktd of quite freely as teir.g a candidate. As a successor to County Commiss ioner F. E. Anderson, who declines to run again, we have hecrd mentioned tho rsrees of such prominent and sub stantial citizens as K. A. Kemington, of Lake: H. A. Brattain, of Paisley; ana L. A. Carriker, of the West Side. K. A. Hawkins, wbo was recently apnointed to the oftiice of County Treas urer, following the resignation of F. O. A Mat rum, is the only candidate beard mentioned . to auccead himself, and it is understood that be intends to Continued on pa?4 eight SCHLAGEL WILL DE THE ICE MAN Ice and Storage Plant to Be Installed In Lakeview This Spring. No longer will Lakeview citizens have to depend upon freezing weatner to make their ice if present plans ot G. Schlagel mature. Mr. Schlagel has announced that be will install an ice plant and cold stor age system, the same to ba located on his property at the corner of Main and Rullard Streets. Sand is now being hauled on tbe gound for the cement foundations for the compressor, engine and otru'r apparatus, and it is expedit ed that a representative of the c ira pany will arrivo tnU -week to make plat s and specification of tha mach inery 'o be ordered. It is ihe intention cf the promoter to establish a ,ilsnt with sufficient cap acity ar.d eiiii;.;iit:,: to meet the entire local demand t r ice, and to have it in readiness for tbe Cuming season. The superiority in quality of the manu factured product together with tv.j. convenience ot handling over the sour ing process, not considering a unTer ence in cost, should prove a ucces for thia venture as well a J a coeRt tc users of ice. Train Service Resumed Delayed train service between here and Reno was partially resumed Sai t urday with the arrival of a train uring ing in considerable mail and express matter that had teen held up at Keno for over a week on account of wash out of the N.-C. O. track. Another train reached here Monday night, the next one getting in this morning at 4:31). It was nesassary to transfer yesterday over the damaged track be low Dylc, but it is reported mat thia will be tressled and regular service resume.! today. A freight train is ex pected tomorrow. that come out each Spring and Fall. Genuine would-oe settlers will come at any time of the year without waiting for special rates.