Lakeview Saddlery A complete line of Wrtgon and buggy robes, bits, rlte, spurs, quilts, roney ettes, etc., etc. Everything In the line of carriage and horse furnish lnga. Repairing by competent men. THE BEST VAQUERO SADDLE ON THE MARKET AHLSTROM & GUNTHER, Props. Successors to S. F. AHLSTROM THE LAKEVIEW ABSTRACT & TITLE CO. ABSTRACTS TO ALL REAL PROPERTY IN LAKE COUNTY, OREGON Our Complete Tract Index Insurosi Accuracy, Promptness and Reliability Such an Index ia the ONLY IlLLI ABLE system from which an Abstract can be made, showing all defects of title. We Also Furnish WffiV&V&' H. W. MORGAN, Manager, LAKEVIEW, OREGON POSTOFFICC BOX 23 PHONK 171 LAKE COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY Incorporarcd. A Complete Record if have made an entire transcript of all Records In Lake unty which In any way, affect Ileal Property In the county. We have a complete Record of every Mortgage and transfer -vcr made In Lake County, and ever Deed given. Errors Found in Titles in transcribing the records we have found numerous mort gages recorded In the Deed record and indexed; and many deeds are recorded to the Mortgage record and other books. Hundreds of mortgages and deeds are not Indexed at all, and most difficult to trace up from the records. We have notations of all these Errors. Others anuot flu a them. We have pot hundreds of dollars hunting up these errors, and we can fully guarantee oar work. flanager. J. D. VENATOR, Lakeview Steam Laundry HARRY C. HUNKER, Prop. We give efficient service and do good work. Send your washing and give us a trial. TELEPHONE No. 732 BARGAINS in REAL ESTATE ICO acres on Thomas Creek, all meadow land and good water rights; five miles jrom town; cuts 175 tons oj hay; all fenced and a fine dairy. Price $22.00 per acre, one-third cash, 0 per cent interest, easy terms. 120 acres on Cottonwood Creek, about 25 acres into Timothy hay, wheat and oats. Small house and barn, good outside range, SO acres tillable, lots of water, a fine small dairy ranch. Price $12.50 per acre. A nice 4-room house, furnished, and large lot for sale at $1,000 at Plush, Oiegon. 4 acres, a good house, out-buildings, good gar ?en and orchard, for sale at $1,000. A snap. We are blocking up the O.V.L. Tracts. If you care to buy or sell tell us your wants. We are Agents for the Bankers Life Insurance Company. Curtis & Utley Real Estate, Lakeview, Ore. M-$"H"H"H"H M H I -H I H I M tf IN THE 8HEEPF0LD. Unless you want your sheep to mm llle Mil winter keep them In nut of the fall rains. He sure the sheep barn has tljrht roof, a dry (loor nnd irood ventilation, with no drafts. It Is a mistake, and a serious one, not to provide an nbund inos of pure water for the (look dur ing the winter. It Is poor econ omy to let a flock quench Its thirst by entlng snow. An abundance of roots fed with a little grain will bring a Bock through the winter In the best of sli po for profit. Keep the sheep In out of every storm. The feet and the backs of the flock should always be dry. n i n i in i m m m hh SELECTING THE BOAR. Bswars of Mongrsls and Culls With a Long Psdigrss. In selecting a bonr to bead the herd the first desire should be to secure a good Individual for a reasonable price, not a low priced boar of a mongrel type, but a representative animal from one of the pure breeds from a prolific family of heavyweights and good feed ers. Never uses mongrel because he has good form, writes II. A. Stone In the National Stockman. One never knows what such a sire will produce when mated with good sows. Often their litters are disappointing as to size and quality. A poor pig makes au expen sive porker when matured. Look at your herd of sows crltU-ally ns to size, length of body, length "f leg. shoul ders, hams, head and general confor mation and see where you can Improve by judicious mating with n bonr which will correct many of tlue defects In their offspring. 1 Now may be found good specimen of all the different breeds at the faint It Is not necessary to buy n show bour at a fancy price. Ofteu the breeder has Just ns good In Ii l liml mi home which can be bought 'for h. money Don't buy a cull of any one lieennse he has a pedigree and you can bu.v him cheap. But get a good one from a careful breeder who has tal;en pains to develop his herd. 1 do not advocate extreme hih prices, although a breed er would win out quicker with a high jitw.ii.smsjisw The high class Berkshire hog of today has many admirer, because of lis conformation and uniform color markings. It Is claimed for the Brrk.hir that It ia a much more active animal than the other breeds, and. being a good forager. Its exercising habits conduce to health and strength. Activity Is an aid to the digestive organs, keeping them In good order, which means additional weight put on for the food consumed. The sow shown Is a good type of the Berkshire breed. There Is a place for pure bred Berk shlres on every farm. priced bonr than with a high priced stallion or bull, for the progeny are more numerous. A ixmr that has been well fed and well cared for by a breeder who has developed him properly will not thrive and meet your expectations If turned Into a lot with a herd of rows, nnd left to shift for himself on corn and oats. If you adopt such n radical change do not blame the breeder if the boar falls to do well. Inquire of the man from whom you buy how the pig has been fed and cared for and then comply with the methods he Is used to and you should have good re sults. A Umr properly developed should be ready for light service at nine months of nge. lie could lie used once on alternate days without Impair ing his future usefulness and should be a reliable stock getter for ten years. If lie gets too large for young sows use n breeding crate. Pure Breds In the Dairy. Some live years ago a young man started dairying with a good scrub dairy, but became dlssatistled nnd gradually stocked up with a few pure bred Ilolsteln heifers Today these two and three year old heifers hip mllldiiir from fifty to sixty pounds per j day mid when fresh milked over sixty i nnd seventy pounds per day with first and second calves. You could not make this young man believe that scrubs ure Just as good, for experience has taught him better. The only thing ho Is kicking ubout Is that he dldu't start with pure breds at first, and the reason be didn't was - because he at first took advice of pessimists who had been and are still and probably al ways will be milking scrub cows. O L. Prludle In Ohio Farmer. GERMANS INVITED TO OREGON LANDS Immigration Commission Issues Books to Herald Possibilities of State, In resalncss for its compalgn in fcurope to secure substantial fsrtnsrs lo com to Oregon to make their homes, the Oregon State Immigration commission bai iuit Issued two books for distribution In Germany. The first is tha statistical year book, simi lar to the Oregon Almanac, translated Into German: tha other it tha "Immi grant's Guide : A third volume, known a the Oregon Album, containing about 200 pbotogrspha ot agricultural acenet, will be issued within a week to sup plement the Bret two. Though designed primarily for work among the prospective immigrants in the old country, copies of all three booka will be placed in the Oregon exhibit at the Chicago Land show. P. E. Schwabs is head of tha Ger man department otthe State Immigra tion commission and the work of com piling these books has been done by him. 'Ibe album, showing the pic tores, will have captions In both English and German. The tame book will te issued later, with Swedish cap tions. Editiona of the almanac pub lished in Swedish and Norwegian Daninh are also planned, that the story of Oregon msy be carried to as many peoples aa possible. Wonderful Achievement Will wonders never ceaseT Appar ently not, especially in the electrical world. The other day a young electri cian named Roy Thompson of Sacra mento county, - according to the Dee, made a demonstration of power by a wireless outfit that has startled the world. Securing the loan of a 85 horae power motor, he attached it to bis wireless outfit snd in the presence of several auto loads. of people started it st full power with electricity taken direct from the atmosphere. It re quired 400 vol 18 to start the motor. The young -man attracted the power from the atmosphere by magnates, Leyden Jars and tuning coils. Elec tric people who win tensed the demon stration pronounced it a perfect suc cess, and declsrid street cars could be run by the asms device. $1000 Dollars Reward We. VV. F. Detert and V. D. Duke, own all the cattle branded 70 or XL and formerly owned by Cox & Cwafk and the lieryford Land ot Cattle Company. These cattle are now on the ranges ot Modoc and Lassen Counties. For Information leading to the arrest and conviction of any party or parties Illegally branding, killing, driving off or dis posing of any of the above cattle we will pay ONE THOUSAND IOI, I .A ItS and the costs of arrest snd prosecution. Bend ull Information to E II. Day, Altoras, Modoc county Cel., or to us at Latrobe, El Dorado County, Cat. If guilty party might es cape, promptly notify the Sheriff ol the county In which the Illegal ntt wax committed and ad vino us by wire at our expense. W. V. DEVEK T, W. D. DUKE. All funds available for the erection of the Klamath Conniy court house have been expended and work has been shut down until, spring. It is said that the court has so fur expended about $80,000, and the building is folly half completed. The crew employed on the court bouse will row begin work on the new Carnesie library, which is being erected on fhe site unjoining the court houHe. 'Ibis build ing is to cost $24,000. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL ArrMCATIONS, tlii-y cannot i cacti llio -ut of liii U1M.-UM?. Catarrh 1 u blood t,r cuttHlitiulouul tlUffiuv, uud lu oicli-r lo cure It yua uiiit titkv Internal reim-ilk-a. Hull's Cuturru ure 1 taken liili-riiully. unci sets On lly upon ! the blciocl ami mucous surfuri-N. Hull's L'utHi-ru I I ure Is not a uuac-lt uit-ilk-lne. It wan lire- H-rlle4 by one of the beat iiliyslcluHa In tlili country fur ji-nrs snd Is regular irrarlptloii. It Is comiKCM-d of lliu beat tonh-s known, com bined villi tha bent blood uurluera. actluir ill recti on the niucoits surfaces. The iH-rfecl i oinlilnsilon of th two InsTi-dli-nta In wbut pro duces auc-b wonderful results lu curing catarrh Bend for teatlmonlula, free. f. J. til EMS X & CO., Props., Toll-do, O. Hold by Druggists, pric e 75c. Tsk IIsll's family Tills (or constipation. Selecting a Dairy Bull, In selecting n bull to bead the dairy herd It Is not enough that the animal be a pfire bred and registered bull, says GeorKe It. Samson. Instructor in animal husbandry at the Oregon Agricultural college. He should be both of these, It Is true, but lu addition be should be from an advanced registry dam. If this Is ImposMlble because there are no advanced registry - cows In the locality the bull should be the calf of a cow which Is known to be a fairly heavy milker, n blub tester and rt per sistent milker. Ills sire should be a tegister of merit animal. If possible). BUBSG1UBE FOR TUB EXAMINER TYPHOID DEATHS and sickness sre bo more nec essary tban Smullpox. Arm medical experience has dem onstrated the almost miracu lous cmcacy ol antityphoid vaccination. Be vaccinated now by your physician, you and your family. Aik your physician or druggist, or send to us for Information concerning Typhoid Vaccine and results from its use. THE CUTTtl LAKHIATOIIY, MM. CUV. CAL. reoeuciM vacciats a una uimi w. s. ucsasg ao. TH1 OM)K8T EBTABLIHHED REALTY , riHMjlN BOHTHKRN OftEUON ONE TO 12,000 ACRES OF LAKE COUNTY BEST LANDS For HHle either for stock or ttgrl cultural purtovea. J. W. MAXWELL & SON LAKtVltW, OfttOOM 2,000 NAMES! HOMESEEKERS We have that number of people writ ing us about Goose Lake Valley that number of people who are thinking about changing their location YOU MlCHT GET ONE OF THIS NUMBER TO PURCHASE YOUR RANCH-OR AT LEAST A PART OF IT. Perhaps you are trying to farm a larger acreage than you can farm profitably why not let the other fellow buy half of what you have and place your self in a position to make the half you re tain more profitable? You can list the property for sale with us and get the advantage of all this ad vertisingan advantage that will appeal to you at once. We are In close touch with these homeseekers. DROP US A LINE AND ASK US FOR. LISTING BLANKS. We will explain every fea ture fully. Address: The Fairport Town and Land Co. F AIRPORT, CALIFORNIA WALLACE & SON iWm. Wallao; Coronmr tor Lakm County) UNDERTAKERS PROMPT ATTKNTION AM) SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Parlors, next door to Telephone Office WATSON BUILDING Lakeview Ice, Transfer and Storage Co Telephone No. Ml .i. i. ii:c:kwoktii. Manaokk Buss to Meet All Trains. Trantfer and Drayage. Storage by day, Woek or Month "OUK CUSTOM KI18 AItU OUIl ADVKHTISEKS' Goose Lake Valley Meat Market R. E. WINCHESTER, Proprietor We endeavor to keep our market well supplied with FRESH, SALT AND SMOKED MEATS 5 lbs. Lard, 90c; 10 lbs., $1.80 83 Your Patronage is Respectfully Solicited "TSa ML CENTrtAL QHEGaN LIKE The Owl for Busy People DAILY 77U.V VAC 1 WAY HKTWIiliS CIC.STIIAL OA'.YfJ.V I'OSTS ASI I'OtTLASH. TOUIllST SLKIil'ISa CAH (ii mm is $i.oo), ritsv class coacu:s. SA VEADAY EACH WA Y FROM CFSTRAL ORFCOS Lenve llrml H Ml I'M " DvhvIiuU-h 8 4S I'M " Retmom 0 10 I'M " Tertvboiuif) 9 21 I'M " Culver 10 02 I'M ' Mtitollus 10 SO I'M ' " MuilrtiH 10 30 I'M Arrives Portland 10 AM TO VliSTRAL ORKQOS Lvnvu 1'ortlnml 700 PM Arrive M nil run 0 00 AM " Metollus (IIS AM " Culver a 28 AM " Terrebonne 7 OH AM " Redmond 7 S3 AM " Dem-huteH 743 AM " llend 8 00AM Prompt despatch of frolght, Botwmon Control Orogon and Portland and Portland and fas fern oltlom. Connections made lu Portland to und from Willamette Valley, Astoria and Clatsop Reach points, Fuftet Sound, Spokane, Montana, (Jkilurttdo, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City and Chicago. Fares, time hchedplvH, and other Information by letter, or upon ap plication to R. II. CROZ1KR, A. Q. P. A.; W. C. W ILK ICS, A. O F. A P. A, Portland, Oregon. J. II. CO It RETT, Agt., Bond, Oregon. fsj SUBSCRIBE FOR THE EXAMINER. Read The Examiner Want Ads