H4S THE CIRCULATION- PRINTS THE NEWS- REACHES TH-A PEOPLE THE EXAMINER IS THE OFF I OAL PAPER OF LA.XE OOUNTY , . VOL XXXIV. LAKEVIEW, LAKE COUNTY, OREGON, NOVEMBER 6, 1913. NO. 45 LOCAL PARTY GRANTED PATENT Alger and Mayftold Invent Valuable Device on Meat Grinder. II. M. Alger of this cit an J. F. Msyflsld now of Fallon, Nevada, re ceived Ilia glad tidings Init weak that their application for a patent on a device for self-sharpening the knives on meat grinder had been granted by the United Statea Patent Office. Tbey hare been working on the Im provement for over two years, the ap plication having been filed October 6, 1911. The arrangement consists of a left band feed screw to be supplied to meat cutting machines of the "Enterprise" make: also means of reversing the direction in which the machine may bo ran, together with a ccttlng knife that la arranged to ran either way, wbloh results in miking the cutting edges constantly becoming sharper while the other edges sre in use. By reversing the direction of the motion of the cutting psrts a sharp edge Is alwaya ready for use without grinding the parte. The cutting parte have teen used and their practicability demonstrated by the Inventora. Various partlca who ar familiar with the use and mechanism of such midlines and who have been given an opportunity to eiamine the principal upon which the invention la based, hsva pronounced it the best thing ever thought of in msst catting machines. Badges for Vetrans American veterans, both volunteer and regular, may now obtain badges commemorating their service at the front during campaigns. The super intendent of the United Statea mint will supply them on the authorisation of tba adjutant general of the army. This new provision of the war de partment appliea to soldiers who ser ved in the regular army before 1905 and in the volunteera during the Civil War, Spaniah war, Pbillloines, Chinese and Culsn campaign. Upon applica tion, ih udjulaut general will verify record, u( veterans and will authorize the P 'rcrintendent of the mint to sell the bsilgrs to the applicants. MORElAllTES FOR RECEIVERSHIP Scramble For Local Land Office Job Promises To Wax Warm. I ho Democratic brethren do not seem to be of one accord In regard to whom ahould be awarded the receiver ship ot the Lakeview Land Office. When Allen Sloan came over from Klamath there waa no avowed candi date for the position in the field, and while be was unable to secure the un divided support of the local democracy, yet he felt that there would be no ser ious opposition encountered. Later developments tend to indicate that the contrary would be the cane. It Is un derstood that A. J. Foster, our present County Assessor, has shied his hat into tbe ring and proposes to stay until the last dog la hung, as It were. There are other receptive candidates, both in Lake and Klamath Counties, and the fight promisee to wax warm. It is tbe general concensus of opinion that the position will go to a resident of tbo Lakoview Land District, and the report that a Portland man was a candidate for tbo position Is generally considered to bavo been a political move to secure tbe endorsement of the tbo local democracy for tbo Klam ath candidate. Duhme Creditors Effected Last week Superior Judge O. A. Raker rendered a deolalon In favor of B. F. Lynip against tho Alturai school district, and against the trustees of the ssme, says tbe Plain dealer. Tbo amount of the judgment Is about 14.000. Ibis week a decis ion was also rendered In tho Fandango Lumber case, tho Court holding that tbo mortgage given by Mr, Duhme to oaatern parties without tbo 'consent of tbo board of directors was null and void, and that tbey could only recover their pro rata with other creditors, INCOME TAX LAW VET INEFFECTIVE People Granted Month's Extension For Taking: Out Necessary Licenses. A one month's extension of time for eorporstlons, firms or persons doing business thst brings them under tho provisions ot the mw' income tax law ba been granted for tsking out nec essary licenses from tho collector of internal revenue. Word to this effect was received in a telegram from the chief of tro de partment at Washington, D. C, by Collector Milton A. Miller of Portland. Tbo law was to go Into offset Novem ber 1, but under the provisioo ststrd in tbo telegram will not go into effect until December 1. After that date any ono affected by this law who does not secure tho nec essary license la deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and for each offense is subject to a fine of nut more then $5000 or Imprisonment for a trm not exceeding ono year, or both. Tbe provision of the Income tax measure which sets this out is as fol lows: "All persons, firms or eorpors tlons undertsking as a matter 6f busi ness or for profit tbe collection of foreign payments of such interest or dividends by means of ooupons, checks or bills of exchange, shall obtain a license from thi Commiasloner of in ternal revenue, and shsll be subject to sucn regulstions, enabling the gov ernment to sscertsin and verify the due witholdmg and payment of the income tax required to be withheld and paid as the commissioner of Inter nal revenue, with the approval of the aecretary of tte treasury, snail pre serioo, and any person who snail knowingly undertake to collect such paymente aa aforeaald, without having obtained a license therefor, or without complying with such regulstions, susll be deemed guilty ot a misdemeanor, and for each offense be fined a sum not exceeding 15000, or imprisoned for a term not exceeding ono year, or botb, in the discretion of the court." All members of the Antlers Club snd their wives and' lady friends are expected to be present at the club quarter. next Saturday evening. SODAPROJECTS AREJMPORTANT Lake County Has a Great Asset In Inexhaustible Supply of Product. - V. L. Young, superintendent of tbo American Soda Products Company, which company Is engsged in develop ing the soda deposit st Alkali Lake, was a busintss visitor here the first of tbe week. Mr. Young has plaoed some of the raw material at both The Lakeview Mercantile Co. store and Dailey & MstsBingill atore for free dis tribution. Lsrge quantities of the soda hsvo been extracted and it la tbe in tention to begin hauling the product to Lakeview next week. It Mill be stored here and shipped to outBide market next year. It is safe to say that few local people realize tho importanoo nf the soda snd potash Industries of Summer, Abort and Alkali lakea in this county, nor tho benefit they are bound to bring to this entire section of tho country. Tbe protect ot tho American Soda Products Co. is an extensive one. It provides Immediate development of tho soda products in Alkali Lake, and these deposits are now In the form of carbonate of soad a product that enjoys resdy merket. By chemical treatment this carbonate of soda can bo converted into bicarbonato of soda. soda ash, or caustic soda, commodities thst aro in constant demand. Alkali Lake contains carbonate of soda in its puro form. It needs no treatment except pulverising to place It on tho market as common ordinary washing soda. Alkali lake, with the exception of a small deposit in Klamath County and one in Africa, la said to to tbe only place where this carbonate of soda is present in its puro crystalised form. In fsct these crystals alone form tbo lake, there being no water in Continued on page four OFFICERS ARE ELECTED D. J. WILCOX WINS THE RACE FOR MAYORALTY Eight Tickets In Field But Vote Was Light er Than Last Year Little Interest Is Shown In Special State Election With four tickets in tbe field Mon day avemng for the Town election, and four more rusbed out at a lata hour Tuesday morning, tho election for tbe town of Lakeview on tbat day was quite exciting, as well as confus ing to the electors owing to tbe num ber of tlckes. Tbero were 2S1 votes polled, which notwithstanding tbat women have been granted tbair franchise since tbe last town election, this is less by 63 votes thsn were caat at last year's election. Aa a final result of the election. officers for the coming year were elected as follows : Mayor, D. J. Wilcox ; Recorder, Wo. F. Paine; Treasurer, A. Biftber; Cooncilmen, Lee Beall, H. A. Funk, J. P. Duckworth and W. P. Dykeman. Tbe final meeting of the old board will be beld next Tuesdsy night, when the new officers will organize and take the oath of office. MANY ELECTIONS HELD ONTUESDAY Democrats Gain In Eastern States New York Over throws Tammany, Mew York, Nov. 4. In three ststes Msssaschusetts, New Jersey and Virignia where gubernatorial elec tions were beld today, tbe democrats were successful by large pluralities and in Maryland tbe democrats elected a United States senator and a con gretaman, and late returna indicated a two-thirds majority in both houses of tbe legislsture. Virginia furnished a non-competitive election, Henry J. Stuart, democrat, being elected gov ernor. In Massachusetts, David 1. Welsh, democrat, at preaent lieutenant-governor, waa elected governor by a large majority. Tbe success of the fusion ticket in the city ot New York was shown on tbe face of returna. Besides John Purroy Mitchel, fusion nominee for msyor, the allied parties elected three borough presidents, president ot the board of aldermen and comptroller, thereby gaining control of the board of estimate, tbe financial governing body of the city, in New York state tbe republicans gained control of tbe legislature by a good working majority, but the result for chief justice and associate justice of th court of appeals remain ed in doubt at a late hour, witn tbe republicans claiming tbe election of both of their candidates for these places. William Sulzer, outtted from the gov ernorship of New York last month by a high court of impeachment, was elected to tho state assembly today for tbo sixth distnot by a sweeping msjority. The New Jersey returns indicsted OREGON FIRST Portland Telegram : A telegram re ceived by the Oregon State Immigra tion Commission from Tillman Keuter, of Madras, Or., in chargo of the Oregon exhibits at the International Soil Products Exhibition, held in con nection with the International Dry Farming Congress, at Tulsa, Okla., announcea tbat Oregon bas worrthe grand international sweepstakes trophy cup for the best exhibit. Tbe mes sage from Mr. Reuter follows: "Oregon state exhibit awaraed and international sweepstskes, trophy cup for best exhibit, soil products, dry farming exposition, over all otbwr states of tho United Statea and Prov inces of Canada, Australia, South Tho eight tickets were ushered into tho field with tbo different classifica tion of Citizens, Town, People's, City, Republican, Democratic, Progressive and Independent. Tbo name of at least ono or two candidates appeared In some position on nearly every tick et, wbile some of tbe tickets contained tbo ssme names aa otbera. only being transposed. No strsigbt ticket was elected. Tbo candidates named for mayor and tho number of votes each received were: 1). J. Wilcox, 138; E. E. Rlns hart. 83: K. H. Smith, 16; F. M. Duke, 10; H. A. Funk, 3. and W. H. Shirk, not on any ticket. 1. There were three contestants for tbe recorder's office, namely Wm. F. Paine. Wm. Wallace, present incum bent, and R. A. haxton. T be vote was: Paine, 112, Wallace. 104: Pax ton, 35. A. Bieber, present city tressurer, de feated fred Reynolds for that office Continued on page eight O'CONNOR CASE TO FINISH TODAY Court Has Numerous Naturalization Matters For Consideration. The clerk's office st tbe court bouse was a very busy place this morning owing to a number of naturalisation matters tbat have come up before the circuit court. aince Tuesday. Judge Benson beld a night session last even ing when a tew applications for citi zenship were grsnted. There are over twenty applications filed. Tbe circuit court beld an adjourn ment from Friday to Monday of thia week, owing to tho absence of wit nesses in some cases to bo beard. The case of James Young v. the Lakeview Land & Lumber Co., asking for dam ages, waa compromised out of court, and tho damage suit of O. C I Hale vs. W. U. Snider was continued to the May term, owing to ono witness being absent. Tbo case of Wm. Brown vs. James O'Connor has been on trial tbia week and will in all probability bo finished today. Tbe defendant is charged with the larceny of iiorses, and - is repre sented by W. Lair Thompson. The esse to immediately follow this, after the disposal of further naturalization matters, is the damage suit ot Elmer McCulley and L. E. McCulley vs. tbe Nevada-Calif ornia-Oregon Railway. tbe election of James F, Fielder, democrat, by a plurality of more than 200,000 over Edward C. Stokes, repub lican, a former governor, and Everett Colby, progressive. Late returns also indicated gaina in the. assembly whicb the democrats will probably control by a vote of 40 to 20. The democrats will control tbe sen ate, 12 to 9. IN DRY FARMING America and balance of world. This is tho main prize for which all atates. frovioces and countries were compet ng." At Tulsa, last night, the state of Oregon waa preaented with the aiiver loving cup wbicb waa given by tbo Chicago Association of Commerce. Oregon won the trophy in competition with 15 states of the United Ststes and a dozen provinces of Canada. More than 5000 delegates aro gathered at tbo exhibit to diaouss methods of dry form ng. The Northern Pacifio Railroad and tho Great Northern each furnished 250 lo defray tbe expenses ot tbo Oregon exbibits at tbo Tulsa show. All other expenses were met by too Oregon State Immigration Commis sion. ,. POTATO BUYER IS COMING TO LAKE Western Pacific Repre sentative Aiding Farm ers To Sell Tubers. One of tbo best potato crops reported this 7esr was thst grown by R. H. Boydstun on the Mrs. Annie Bsrvey rsnch on tho West Side. OS fiom three and one-half acres of land Mr. Boyds- tun scecured 84,738 pounds, or sn aver- ego of 992 1-3 pounds or 65 1-3 bushels ot potstoes per aero. Tbe potatoes were of exceptionally good quality, as tho West Side is considered the best portion of tbo valley when it comes to rsislng dry lsnd tabors. K. S. Resder, tho genial Western Pacific Railway traveling freight and passenger agent, is a visitor in Lake view this week, be bavins arrived Monday evening. Ho is now tsking in a larger territory, bo being an official representative of tbo uenver ft Rio Ursnde R .K. Co, Tbo Missouri Pacific Ry. Co., and tbo St. Louis, Iron Moun tain & Southern Ky. Co., as well as tbe Western Pacific. He baa been distribu ting some new iitersture, "As Seen From the Trsin," an attractive folder portraying some beautiful natural scenes taken between Denver and San Francisco. Mr. Reader is endeavoring to- inter est outside buyers in the Goose Lake Valley potato crop, and informa us that be bas tbe promise of a party be ing bere in tbe near future. Some potatoea have been already ahipped out from New Pine Creek and Davis Creek this season, and it is understood that the growers received $20 per ton in Reno. The N.-C.-U. bas a rata on potatoes of 30 cents per hundred from Lake view to Reno, and tbe rate is 87 1-2 cents from hero to Sacramento or 40 cents to San Frsncisco. Following is the latest market report on potstoes st Sacramento and San Francisco: Sacramento: River White, 85 cents snd 81.15 per cental; Salinas, 11.85 1 and 2.0O. percental; Uregon, 11.25 and $1.50 per cental.' San Francisco: Delta Whites. 75 cents snd $1.12 per cental; Salinas, ( $1.90 and $2.00; Oregon Burbsnks1.35 snd $1.60. DEALlFORANA RIVERPROJECT Policy of Enterprise Would Not Be Effected By Change. TotbePublio: Some misspprebension exists in re gard to tbe Ana River Irrigation pro ject and it is fitting that I make this explanation. Mr. Mallery arrived in Portland from bis trip to the lakes October 23rd and found - the following telegram awaiting him. New York, Oct. 21. 1913. Ellis Mallery, Hotel Portland, Portland, Oregon. You must stay in Portland until I get into wire communioation with you regarding immediate sale lor four million answer immediately your per manent address for next forty eight hours stsy there regardless of any personal deals. R. L. Bernier. Mr. Mallery wired mo at once to meet him in Bend without fail. 1 left Lakeview at noon Thurhday and arrived in Bend tbat ssme Cay at mid night. Next day tho 24th Mr. Mallery and I who own tho controlling interest in the property accepted tbo New York offer. Saturday tbo 25th Mr. Wallace left New York to meet Mr. Mallery in Portland to ooncludo tbe deal. Monday wo started wor!i at Ana river as tbts wss psrt of tbe agreement, Tbua it would seem that tbero is about to bo a change in ownership in the Ana River project. However, tbe policy of tbe enterprise bas been firmly established and this will be carried out. Thia policy la to get the people on tho land and make them use tho water. It is provided in tho contract that Contnued on page four tTEINER VIOLATES EIGHT-HOUR LAW Question Arises When Both Sides Consult Attorney General Crawford. An interesting legal question has been created at Salem in connection with tbe prosecaticn of Dr. R. E. Leo Steiner, formerly of Lakeview bot now superintendent of tbe inssne asy lum, for violating the eight-hoar law, by tho State Board of Control issuing; a communication to tbo Attorney General requesting him to defend tho superintendent. Prior to firing the comolaint against tit. Steiner, Labor Commissioner Hoff ealled open tbe Attorney-General and asked bins to represent him. Tbo state official bolda tbat ha cannot ap pear in dual capacity, and tbat be will abide by tbe re!-, "first come first served." Attention was also further called to tbe fact that Dr. Burner's prosecution is a criminal case and that in all such tho state la tbe plaintiff, and it is tbo duty of the Attorney-General to rep resent tho state. To ssy tbat tbe state is the defendant or interested in tho defense would bo tantamount to say ing that tbe state can commit or wink at crime, it is said, and this would bo a most ludicrous construction of the state's laws. All persons violating a criminal ecatote, wbetber state offi cials or not, must obtsin private coun sel and cannot draw upon tbe state's legal machinery for assistance, it is declared. Forest Reserve Funds Lake County will receive $4,373.15 as ber share from the . rental and aale . of forest reserve lands within its borders for the fiseal year ending Juno 30. Tho ' entire amou t coming to Oregon lor forest salee. totals $55,. 950.72. This is 25 per cent of tbo revenue derived from tbe reserves in the state, and tbe money ia to be divid ed equally between the school and road funds. Tbe entire acreage of timber in Oregon forest reserves is 16,023,220, wbile the acreage in Lake County ia 1,252,387. Grant County re ceives the largest amount of any county in tbe state, and Lake County ranks fifth. HOTEL WILL SERVE ELABORATE DINNER Manager Light Will Fea ture Home Products on Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving Dsy in Lakeview promises to bo more generally observ ed this yesr than usual, and to tbat end Hotel Lakeview Is already mak ing extensive preparations to serve its patrons with an elaborate feast. Owing to local conditions, it ia not feasible to Bervo dinner in the even ing, and hence Col. F. P. Light, man ager of tbe hotel, bas announced tbat between tbe bours of 12 o'clock noon snd 2 o'clock p. m. he will be ready to serve the general public with a dinner fit for any American citizen. Included in tbe menu will bo Lake County turkey, Lake County potatoes, Lake County celery, Lake County pumpkin pie, and many other delica cies raised in Lake County. It is to bo a regular homelike affair, and res ervationa can bo made at any time. It is quite likley thst there wtyl be numerous dinner oarties on the oocss ion, inasmuch aa it will eliminate much of. tbo work at home and at tho aamo time afford those ao inclined an opportunity to entertain their friends. Tbe Colonel Is now preparing tbe menu and promises to have it ready for publication In tbe next issue of tba Examiner. Oregon Heifer Wins At tho Cbicago National Dairy Show a yearling Jersey heifer, exhibited by Dsrrow Stump, 12-year-old son of J. B. Stump, of Monmouth, Oregon, esr ried off the sweepstakes prize over cattlo from all parts of the United States. Oregon is going into tho great Land Show to be beld in Cbicago the latter part of this montn and it ia fully expected tbat ber exhibit, which is probably tbo best ever assem bled by the ststo, will land tho third prize of tho aeries.