Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 30, 1913, Image 5

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"We Soil The Real Earth"
Lakeview : Oregon
City Property
Good Values for the Land Seeker
$10.00 per acre for a good Went Bide 160-scre ranch, Improved with building and
(21.00 per acre for a 230-aire ranch five mi let from Lakeview, 70 acre la first crop
. thli tear; splendid slope fur irrigation and within balf-mile of O.V.L.
$10.00 per acre for 80 ao ret Are miles West of Lakeview, irrigation dltoh crosses
one end which give no me water right.
A large number of 10-aere tracts with five-acre water right, at right prices.
,3000,00 For a 7-room Iidiiw, lot of fruit trum and about one at-r of choice
land close In. lay tna i,
$2000.00 Take a 7-rooin bungalow almnat new, lot 100x160 feet. good location.
Easy term. ,
14000.00 Will buy one of the finest homos In the city. 7-room modern bungalow
with B fine Iota, a bargain, don't mlM It. Easy term.
Vacant lot lor In different parti of the city from (125.00 up.
Xahc County examiner
THUIIHDA Y, Ot.TOHKIi 80. 1913.
Uuv your flour from the Lakeview
Ktra nloe lot of all the oeweet dress
and coat good. Mercantile to.
Herman (Jraber waa In town Satur
day from bia ranch at the head ot the
L. D. Hoy, a well known Summer
Lake aheepman, was here a few daya
Jaat week.
tienry tttlne. keeper of the Rook
Creek elation, n apendlng a few dava
in Lakeview tbls week.
L. E. McCulley of Cedarvlllo wai
here a few daya thia week, he having
come over In bia Dorria car.
WOOD We are now prepared to
take order for yoor Winters wood
b an quantities, at f 0.00 per eord.
O'Neill A Duolap. J J 10-U
Franeia Andirson of Plosb, cam
over (o the County aeat 8onday and It
apendlng a few daya here attending
to bnilneaa matter.
For Halo Cheap Three buggiea, one
rubber tire, with eat of barupse; one
phaelou almOMt new, and one Mingle
aeat buargy. Enquire Win. Harvey,
Lakeview, Oregon.
H. M. Soutbatone and family and
Morrla fcjouthatnne and family expect
to leave (hortly for Loa Angeles to
locat permanently.
Chas. Mahan and family who nave
had charge of the Mineral Spring
bath houie below town tbe past sever
al month expect to loon remove to
Fallon, Nevada, to locate.
II. F. Swingle of Ft Hock in tbe
northern part of the county recently
sold live span of mule to Jamea Camp
bell ot Fboenix, Oregon, receiving for
tbem the neat price of $160 per bead.
Rev. Geo. A. Crawford, pastor of
the Lakeview Presbyterian cnurch,
and wife returned home laat Tburaday
evening after a two week's viait to
Portland where tey attended the
.Synod and rrcsbyteris.
Several mote car loada of lamb and
motion heep were ahipped from tbe
local yarda Saturday and Sunday by
McKendree & Arthur whojhave pur
chased the greater portion of Lake
County' aheep thia sesson.
J. M. Small of Silver Lake Saturday
delivered 100 head of apring calve
J) ere which he fold to C. E. Sherlock, j
The price paid waa $30 per head, and
the atock will be wintered by Carl
Lew on the Sherlock ranch a few miles
.below town.
Ueorge Eester, who fur the paat
aeveral montha ha been employed
hauling aupplie from here to the
Dre'vs dam by the Gooie Lake Valley
Irrigation Company, ha returned to
Fallon, Nevada where he ha tome
real estate.
The Lakeview C. L. S. U. will meet
with Miss Snelling, at 7:30 p. m.,
Mondsy, November 8. Program: lloll
call, current events, "Where Civilize
turns Meet" (The Chautauauan.) I,
The Classic Mediterranean. Mis
Knight. II. Ixlam: Race and Religion,
Mia SneUing.
The member of Darnell's band, ac
companied by a few other Lakeview
people, went to New Pine Creek last
Thursday night for the Harvest Bull
given in Wendt'a opera house at that
pluce. The dance proved a success
and the bard netted about $25 aa their
share of the proceeds.
Darnell's Band will give a Halloween
dance at thj Snider opera bouse to
night. The dancing hours are from
9 to 1 o'clook, tbe price being 91.00,
with a 25 cent charge for male specta
tors. The band boya have been re
hearsing some new and popular dance
music and promise a program that
will please.
A troupe traveling under the name
of the "Mysterious Marshall" gave
performance at tbe Snider opera
house Friday and Sunday evening.
Their entertainment consisted ot a
varied program, including spiritualism,
trunk mystery, magic, singing, danc
ing, travesties and other mode of
Ft, Bidwell New: Dan P. Brown,
superintendent of the Corporstion
Rsnch ot Warner Valley, accompanied
by bis wife, departed in their auto
from here Tuesday morning tor Berks
ley, where tbey will remain until
spring. James Wall accompsnied them
from here being on bis wsy to Los
Angeles, where he will be employed
until spring, when be expects to .re
turn to ihe High tirade mining district.
New - line of coats for ladles and
misses. Mercantile Co,
Wm. Kouah wss In town yesterday
from bia ranch at Clover Flat.
P. J. Crattain and family of Paisley
were registered Sunday at Hotel
For Rent Roomy house and barn,
$7.60 per month. Enquire Frod
Hpangenburg. Oct. 23-tf
Miss Ids Howard of Drews Vslley is
visiting In town tbls week with ber
sister, Mr. C. D. Arthur.
I. O. Orero and fsmily last wek
left for Mulino, Clackamas County,
where they expect to locste.
Tbe Embroidery Hbop will be located
one door Houtn of the Matchless
Store, opposite the P. O., alter Nov.
let. Mr. II . B. Alger. O30 tf.
Sheriff Snidr bas been sending out
election supplies to tbe different vot
ing preelnots over tbe county for tbe.
speoisl elsction next week.
Miss Edna Hswley, Supreme Court
litrarian, announces thst copies of
tbe catalogue of textbooks, are ready
for distribution among the lawyer of
the stale.
Ed Casebeer and Jas. Wstts of BIy
last wees delivered 2260 lamb here
which the latter sold to McKendree &
Arthur. Tbe price is reported al
$3.00 per head.-
J. A. Uoeling, who was formerly
employed in the Lakeview Garage,
accompanied by hi wife Tueidsy
went to KUmsth Kails where he bas
a position in the White Pelican Garage.
A. J. Hickerson is out on tbe
streets alter a continued period of
sick nets, suffering from an attack ot
appendicitis. Lie expects to soon go
to dsn Francisco to undergo an opera
C. R. Seager and wife, formerly of
Lakeview but recently of Sacramento,
are bere this week attending to tbe
shipment ot tbeir funiture to Davia
Creek where they will locate on their
An eastern editor sarcastically re
marks : "Tbe biggest trust on eaii-h
ia tbe country newspsper. Jt trusts
everybody, ge's cuised for trusting,
mistrusted for cussing, and If it busts
f ir truating, geta cussed for busting."
Cedarville Record Wm. Rinehart
was in from Guana last week after
auppliea. For tbe past sixteen yesrs he
hss been foreman out there for W. T.
Cressler and bas at all times perform
ed bis duties in a satisfactory manner.
The balauce of the former slock of
Mra Nellon's ladles' furnialilog Ure
and uilllluery, will lie moved into the
building formerly occupied by the
Lakeview Variety Store on Nov. lot.
where it will be on wait from now on.
Opposite tbe Post Office.
John Eremosbe and Dominica Ere
roosbe were married last week In
Allures. The groom ia a brother of
the late Mr. Eremoste who was mur
dered In Little High Rock canyon by
ths Snake renegades, and bis bride is
the brother's widow.
Realizing that this la the closing
week of tbe deer season for Ibis year
there was quite an exodus of hunters
Monday morning to tbe different
haunts of these animals. The season
closes tomorrn v and s a consequence
tbe nimrods are compelled to limit
tbeir pursuits to that time.
Ed Franklin ot Ft. Bidwell was in
Lakeview last week with a party of
Loa Angeles capitalist who had been
inspecting the Cow Head irrigation
project in upper Surprise Valley, in
which George H. Ayre formerly of
this plsce is interested. From here
the patty was taken to Alturas.
.New Era: Pete Keegle, superinten
dent of the Hess mine, was up the
other dsy. He brought up tor ship
ment a 7 pound brick of sold, the re
sult of a ten daya run. The mine is
now running night and day crushing
ore. while a force of men under around
re taking out tbe ore and doing de
velopment work.
A blanket Indictment ha been re
turned against Hsrry Tbsw. The
count cbsrges be and our others with
tbe consplrscy in connection with his
escape from the New York Stste Hos
pitsl. Tbe indictment will be used a
s weapon by Willism Travers Jerome
In his effort to extradite Thaw from
Mrs. Maude Sharp and daughter,
Mis Erma, arrived last Saturday
evening in Lakeview from Park City,
Utah, to take up tbeir permanent
residence. Mrs. Shsrp is a daughter
of Mrs. Jackson and a sleter of Mrs.
Chas. Umbach. She and her daughter
are quite well known in Laksview,
they having spent seversl months bere
last year.
And still ths good westher continues.
Good line of ladles wool dresaee
just in. Mercaotile Co.
L. P. Mautey and C. F. Dixon Sun
day csme over from Wsrner Lake.
Banner Brand floor $26 per M.,
Fsncy Pstent, H0 per M. st tbe Lake
view Flour Mills.
Attorney E. S.Sherman came un yes
terday from Alturnson business bsfors
the Circuit Court.
Cy Burgess of tbe Windy Hollow
Mining diatrlct is spending seversl
dsys in Lskevlew.
L. Gerber, the well known stock
buyer arrived in Lakeview iaat even
ing from Klamath County.
Leland Crump, son of T. A. Crump,
of Adel waa here the first of tbo week,
be having come ever 8unday.
F. 1. Lvons, an attorney of Cedar
vllle, is spending tbe week here visit
ing with his brother Dr. J. L. Lyon. .
Mrs. McCulley end daughter Nora,
of Cedarville have gone to Santa Roaa
where they will spend tbe winter,
while Miss Nors attends school.
John Rhodes and fsmily and father,
Louie, the first of tbe week left by
private cor.veyances for California
where tbey will spend the winter.
J. T. Sharp of Cedarville was com
mitted to the Stockton Insane Asylum
for one yesr by tbe superior court of
Modoe County Isst week and he has
been taken to that Institution.
H. A. Hunter of tbe Hewitt Land
Company waa bere few dsys Isst
week from Minneapolis, Minn., on
business connected with the company's
extensive holdings in this valley.
Closing out our corsets $3.60 comets
at $2.60 (3 00 cornets at (2.25 $2.60
corset at (1 76 (1.75 corteta at (1.25
(1.60 and (1.25 corset at (100 Par
isian Millinery Main St. W. of Court
Mr T. S. Farrell, wife of Deputy
Diatriet Attorney Farrell. Monday
morning left for Salem with Roaie
Mellott, who waa committed to the
Oregon State Industrial achool at that
Mrs. Nsnnie Trscy and son, Roy,
this week went to Crook County where
M rs. Tracy bas filed on a homestead
in tbe Millican Valley snd her son
bought a rsnch nesr that plsce. C.
S. Crosby took them up by auto.
The qsulity of Goose Lake Valley
wheat thia year makea tbe flour
superior to all other brands. the
Lakeview Milla respectfully request
dealers and jobbers to consult them
betore placing tbeir orders elsewhere.
Lou McCulley ot Cedarville thia
week bought tbe J. C. Sbellbammer
sheep consisting of 130 ewes snd 250
iambs. The price psid wss $3.75 for
tbe ewe snd $2.50 for the lambs. Tbe
Sheep will be driven to Surprise Val
Workmen are making good progress
on the Daly building to be used by
the Lakeview Garage. Nearly all the
material is on the ground and with
tbe present favorable weather the
building will be well underway this
Fall. j
Victor Hshner, who has been resid
ing st the Drews Gap a few miles west
of town, has gone to Mt. Angel, Ore
gon to attend the German Lutheran
school. He was accompanied by his
mother on the trip aa far aa Weed,
S. K. Hilderbrand and daugthter
Mrs. Joe Uertandt and sons arrived
last week from Ft. Bidwell and are
visiting here with Mr. and Mrs. W.
F. Maitland. Tbey expect to soon
leave for Modesto, Cel. where they
have property interests.
Gordon Robertson, local representa
tive of the Reno Brewing Company,
waa last week distributing a number
of handsome souvenir clothes brushes,
bearing tbe advertisement of bis com
pany. The article ia useful a well as
being a good advertiser.
. County School Superintendent
Oliver i in receipt of a letter from'
State Superintendent Churchill sug
gesting that he require the school dis
tricts of this county to report their
ipecul levies to his office, County
Clerk and Assessor, aa otherwise some
question st to their legality may be
The Circle lodge held a very eniov
able Halloween party in the I.O.U.F.
ball last evening. A musical program
was given in the fore part of the even
ing as well ss numerous games suited
to the oocssion. After refreshments
were served the hall wss olesred and
dancing waa in order. About fifty
couples were in attendance and all
report having spent a very pleasant
Dick Gulnee a business msn ot Pale
ley was in Lakeview Saturday.
Motor Cycle, In good condition, for
sale cheap. See Curtis & Utlev. A7-tf
Mr. snd Mrs. F. B. Whittsksr were
shopping in town Mondsy from their
home st Clover Fist.
Wbest Germ. Grshsra Flour Rolled
Bsrley and Brsn snd Shorts st tbe
Lakeview Flour Mill.
John Rose, foreman of the 7T ranch
in Warner last week returnel from a
abort business trip to Klsmsth Falls.
Wanted : Pnpils un all Brss Instru
ment Mandolin, Violin, Guitar,
1'lsno and Harmony. Apply to Jesse
Darnell. 8 25-1 in.
Tbe stste militia of Colorado hss
been cslled out to settle tbe oosi strik
ers riot snd seversl bsttles bsve
E. W. Smith bought the Co-Op store
at Adln a lew days sgo, paying 66
cents oh tbe dollar according to invoice
prices, lays tbe Alturas New Era.
Henry Boydston and family have
removed to town from tbe West Side
for tbe winter. They are oceopying
tbe Cbas. Rhodes bouse in tbe south
ern part of town.
H. C Hanson, V. W. Alger and Ola
Morgan constituted a party which left
Mondsy morning on a deer bunt. Tbey
will return tomorrow, expecting to
bring In a good supply of venison. j
It is detriments! to every farmer,
business msn and citizen in toe county
to send money out of the county for
flour when tbe very best can be bad
bere at tee Lakevlsw Flour Mills.
Attorney D. V. Kuykendsll arrived
yesterday evening from Klsmsth Fall.
He is interested in tbe Young v,
Lumber Company case, which is tbe
next to appear on tbe court docket.
I have In mv possession one brown
horse, branded 81 on left stifle. Any
one calling and. proving property
can have same by paying charges.
James II. Owens Blv, Klamath
County, Oregon. Oct 23-12
' F. P. Lane is having his Center
Street property renovated in excellent
shspe. During tbe Summer be com
pleted a large addition to it, and now
be is bsving the entire building re
painted. H. O. Kuhl is doing the
Gua Scblsgel is now tbe owner of an
sutomobile, be having purchased one
of tbe Soutbstone cars Isst wees. He
bas been msnlpulstlng the gas csrt
the psst few dsys. Dut ss yet we have
hesrd of no arrests for exceeding the
speed limit.
E. J. Davis, of Paisley spent several
days in Lakeview during the past
week on business. Mr. Davia is one
of tbe homesteaders that made good
in that section, and he is well pleased
with tbe land he secured from "Uncle
Ssm." -
Those who went to tbe lake for duck
shooting Sunday report very good suc
cess. In fsct it is stated that tbe
shooting had on the east side that day
was tbe best yet this sesaon. Nearly
all birds bagged were canvas backs,
the most vslued wild ducks obtainable.
Mr. snd Mrs. R. K. Funk will leave
next Mondsy on an extensive trip in
cluding visits in Los Angeles, Kansas
and lllinios. They will spend a montn
in the former plsce and tben proceed
esst where they will viait during the
winter with relatives and friends.
They expect to return home next
W. Earl Forbes and Miss Esther
Southstone were married in Lakeview
last Thursdsy evening by County Judge
Daly. Both young people are quite
well known in Lakeview, tbe bride
being a daughter of H. M. Southstone
of this plsce. Tbe young couple will
mske their future home in Los
Quite an excitement was created just
before noon last Friday when the tire
alarm was sounded. Large crowds of
citizens responded and tbe hose carts
were .quickly brought into play. A
large smoke arising from . the north
western part of town indicated a
serious fire, but alter rscing seversl
blocks it was detected thst it was only
sagebrush burning near the railroad
track north of Slash.
Tbe beginning of tbe regular month
ly socisls for the winter to be held by
the locsl Encampment order will be
Fridsy evening, November 7, In the
I.O.O.F. ball. Dsn Bemis and Gilbert
D. Brown constitute the committee in
chsrge and tbe program wilt include
dsnoing and other forms of entertain
ment, to be followed by light refresh
ments. All Oddfellows and Rebekahs
and their families are requested to
Win. F. Paine & Co
For warmth-service and dressy appearance, in'
greys and plaids, price $9.00
Corduroy Vests with chamois lining, price $3.00
Moleskin Vests with chamois lining, price $3-50
Benjamin Overcoats ;.$i8.oo td $25.00
We have Just received a new line of Ladies
Suits by Express this morning, and we in
vite you to call and look at them. Every
one new, nobby styles. Also, we have a
very large line of Ladies heavy and medium
Dress Goods that are selling every day. If
in need of any thing in this line we can please
you. Big line of Ladies and Misses Sweat
er Coats, Ruff Necks and Norfolks, all sizes.
Many other new goods in Winter weights
that cannot be mentioned in this space. You
will find the prices lower than many others
are asking for them.
& st a COMPANY ss &