WILL DISTRIBUTE WILLOW CUTTINGS Hio United IStati' Forest Service will have eultlngn for distribution thin prlng of several epoch; of I m h k u t willows whirl) Iiuvo been grown In (ho Government furolry turnery rn'iir CiirHftn, Wnnhlngtun. Thcur cutting will he il'stribiiltd tn fiirmi-M and othi'M wishing to make trials of lnn k t willow mi IhiuIn In wet fur nt her rropH. From M tn 100 Milting wdl ho given to each prri'iiii, fur which no chargc'ls made, lull the ro -ijiii-n lit be expected to report from tunc to time on the condition of the willoua In order that I he (.ovcrtimei t may deter mine what varieties tire lu nt a aplcd to thin region. Cuttingn will not ho furnished lor ornament al or wind break planting, hut In those who wImIi to make a triitl at growing low rod for tiNHkt't making. Any poron desiring Cutting Of llMdkt't WlllDW UIMllt' tliCS, condition rhotild miiku a pin at , on to tho Ibatili't Forester, Fnrct Home,', I H 1 1 ifid, Oicg.iti, In font April fm.i, ah,u( which linn' tint iHtribu(in will In- Hindi!, In til! basket willow IllVlHlU'lllillll rnnlcd on by tie Fount Service, par ticular litleiitloil ha I ceil i.fArii lo Ihe di vcliipiniMl of A mct'cur: i.prric lir basket making purpi'n. I In- Knrn pcan specie upd In htiski t inaHi in this rout, try have fever proven H or o.ighly mtlafiictnty and uy.i.rniiie effort i" being nimlu to Mud i n Ivi- wi' lowa wliii'h will ho M'lspted I i iliff- t' r.t parts of the country In ndiiitiun t'i thorn grown at tho !i ii.l imrMrry near (Larson, Wainn:tii", II, Government i" prowipg gruHi V'rii'i ft lir Arlington 1'iirlri, Ailing tin Virginia, tt'id lit Ames, low The willow garden nl tho former plnre contain tonrly MK) Iota :utii rcl from h 1 1 purl of thu country. m COESGP.ETE mm a Old Kfeuway Rooted Dp and a SuS72u8 Formed. LHYKIXTCRE 7 INCHES DEEP Clilliln'tiK llniiilltuit l!fin "lines Just, in, go. il shapr and iioiik "i r for wear. Mfit. Co. "Rough hauling? " "I don't mind. This is a Studcbaker Wagon' that's why I bought it. I noticed that men were using the Studebaker where over the worl; was hard hauling steel girders in the city, logs in the woods, stone in the quarry." "My woik is l . -.rJ and I know it. My wagon ia on my payroll az A must earn its salary. That's why I bought a Studcbaker. I can't afford to buy a cheaper one." "G t in touch with a Studebaker dealer, he's a ocxl m?n to know." Farm Wni'on, I l.y.. Trucki C lutraetora Wuons Dump Wacom Surrey See our Deatet ut write u. STUDEBAKER South Bend, Ind. NP.W YOKK MINNhACuUS rilli-Ar.ri DALLAS KANSAS CITY DENVER bALV LAKE CITY bAN F1ANCISCJ I'ORTLANU, OH. IF IT COSTS MORE TO LIVE IT COSTS MORE TO OVERLOOK THE ADVERTISEMTEN5 w HUN Things cost more, opportuni ties to buy econo tnicallyareworth more. No house wife in this city, who feels and knows the silliest hardship on account ol high prices, can afford to remain blind to the weekly opportunities of sav ing offered to her by the ad vertising merchants. These alive merchants are often able, through effecting quick and large sales of an artie'e to cut the selling price t" very nearly cost pi ice. I; housewife should se" th.'U when they do this the volunn of quick sales will always ve pay them. Watch Uxarniiv r Ads week by week. It pa s Lake County Oicat Cr Muot Bo Tkn t KP It c.-iooth nd Evn Work on Homo tv.iHo Floatv Ten Ton Roller Utd o i Shoulilora of Cravol or Stona. i When ii eon ni rr roml In t.iken ovif i i- Improvement It In Crul civen n .i. .;. ii:.ii; .'ly the one ty wlilrli It N o-e 'I.V known lo tin; p'lienil puiIW-. Mirvey, pliiiis mid piolllt' lire then :(! end li'i'd wltli the M:ite hl(;hw:iy ;o, :i i.'iienl. together with ii I'opy of tin; -i llii n'loni. 'I hN 1m ilolie. iniyH Uli'.lneMM. lifter :he oiil rm il U routed up wllli h m ari ..i r oi- y. int.' plow; Hie Hiitirriuli U pre .ireil, hIi;i i ! it ml rolled hard with n i,n ion roller, nnd the eonerete to n i::llillnulil ileptli ir xeven I IK heH Is laid relit on the nafiinil mihsoll. Mlde ralN of 2 by 7 liu-li lumber nre .i id. nnd t lire protected on top by a two Inch iinu'le Iron When the . on rete hill becoino Klllllclelitly 111 111 lo penult lhi removal of the rn!l thu ;!! ilu l M pan on" the outer ed(.'e-. which M" fonnid iii'Xt to the ralln to precnt : Nhin'p ilhlillnt; line between the con i n !i. anil the travel xlioillder. '1 lie concrete 1m put down wet. no Hint no taiupliii: I iieciKnry nfier It N im-e phiccl. When tliin U done no - oi l.nmii Ih permitted In any way to ' iiiil. the concrete by stopping In It ir throwing nnyihln on 11. The utrike .." nii-ii nee a plank trimmed to the :: v i!ii:e of the road nnd Iron loiind i liie lower edce It rlden Fin'Nithly ii th" iron edt'i of tin form boards or : at t'n Kide of the concrete and Is i.iihIIciI '.ith Kiilllclenr care to ellml .'. Hie ni'.esslly of liny considerable '.ailn by the follow ii men. 'I li.'sc tloalers work on a brld'.v !il. h re! on the form planks at the i I'.e of the road, no there Is never any untact with the eonerete. This rule I A ?i ALL HEADY TO LAY TTIE rONrillrTK. keep off the coin rcle Is rigidly en fo:ced. Siiioothin,; Is done with wooil en tloutx of home manufacture. K.iieh day'n work Is liiiisheil up to an emnsion joint, ami not more than twenty minutes Is permitted to ehipse beiween batches during the day. The '.voik of the day is covered wall can vas, and the next day the canvas is removed and the eonerete covered lo i he ilciuli of nlxiut two inches with an) yniid.itr loose soil that may be available, to Keep the concrete from drying out too quickly. The gravel or stone shoulders are put on in layers three inches deep and also rolled with a ten ton roller, but this work is not started until the adjacent iiuicrete Is at least three weeks old. .Machinery is used wherever the same or better results can be secured, and it is a unique spectacle to see the law haulim: engines traillut; from ; wo to four la rue wagons, each loaded wilh seven tons of stone. traders are also drawn by steam, doing the work of from six lo eight horses. Water is pumped for miles by gaso lene engines. Stone and sand on some of the roads are unloaded with steam grab buckets, and the concrete is mix ed in mechanical batch mixers that move under their own power. The mixed material Is dumped Into a bucket, which Is run out on a pro jecting boom mul deposited on the road where wanted Kach batch of eon rete Is turned over tliret complete revolutions dry before water Is added. The stibgrade Is thoroughly wet liefore any concrete Is placed on it In order that the water will not be ttbsorbed from thu concrete. Trunk roads are usually built slxteei feet wide, with gravel, or llmestoiii shoulders exleniMng four feet farthet on each side. The u-ss traveled roml have twelve or lll'loen 1'ii't of coucreti wth a mini nuin width over nil ol twenty four feet. The sections arc f weiil.v-nve teet III leir in. with a pro tectilig p . tli'-ee si d'cliths of an Inch and iir.e indies wide at each cnti'iieib 0 vlni I'hose metal plates are liitdic' i' to pr .'i'. t the edges from -IimIIIiiv' I h' ' -mi.' rilev are shap ii.i. " io'ii'vii of the tin i i 1 1 1 . . i -r - of an ii 'li i i i ! "'' Uncases ol ' iiiartev of 'i" Or I ' i .".' II,. , , i:,f ' . .''I'lll of CO'l etc Wid Apart. If Is told iik ihni l wo old schoolniafif met i- oil', It tin 'I In en Hfteeo tears jIiki- tiieli mul meet lug. but the recou lillioli Kii. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I One was sleek well fi'il. well sliiivcii. well ilre-'o'd The otlii-r was rai her thin, raiiier iiilv. "Well, well" tiolnlnied the prosH-r-inn- one; 'what are oil doing now?" "I inn an actor " iiib"l? Well. I'm n bnnker. And you an on the iitace? Ileal inn! If'n liceli loo yiiirn slneai I whs III a then ter ' "Veu ve ioi uotliilig on llle. It's tieen looi'iT in, n licit since I was III fl He i k ' Mien lln v imrtiMl. piu-h thinking n bit ... ,,i u. ,,ilicr lhan he had thought iielor. tin- meeting -Cleveland I'lain 1 1. ii icr Solona In an Uproar. Solcc ca! ago the Spanish cabinet id. nl..i in lake legal proceeding L' lin-t -eMail! iiitfinlsTs of l'nrllameni ttii" im-ii- tispii led of misusing pub u- imoiii-v The opiK-sitioti resovi mi an rii.ni to prevent lids, and l"i lull! Il'illl" oil eilll tliev kept IIP n Inns! .iinaiug iiprom I'hey cheered ami1 -IioiiIiO ami Miilig lltllliies m chone' I ,e . Moi l ot the latter performance was elraorilmil One deputy Wounl ii.nili! intoiie a verM-. nil tils friend- -iiaiited Mie retoiiM'. anil )o they went on loi nearly two flays and nights uti le ti u.-e was proclaimed Pearson wU' ft Lakeview Saddlery A rornplH llneol whkoii aii'l 1iik (jr j harness, wblis, rohes, bltM, rlat, spurs, qtillts, roHo tt4, etc., eW. fp JHcryUiliiix In tbc 1 1 nc of h r r I h g c iiimI li(re f urnlxji Ings. lcilring l y C in j c t e ii t mm. , THE BEST VAQUERO SADDLE ON THE MARKET AHLSTROM & GUNTHER, Props, Successors to S. F. AHLSTROM Followed Inatructiona. MiioL-e This watcli has been stops-il foi tn ur three days. Jeweler --l.em nit see It There is nothing the matter with il except that It has not la-en j union Modge-I thought maybe thu I was It. I remember you told me to i wind It up Just ts-fore I went to bed. uud I tiaveu t lieen to bed for thre nights A Crafty Old Lady. The following advertisement apiean I la m fashionable Knglbh newspaper ; "luiel! nidi wishes to exchange si-an 1 dal with another Keplles requln-d onl; from those in the iwst 'society ' " Comfort is but a homely name .'ol hapi'lness North Water Hortee Frequently. Take to the Held n barrel of water for the horses as well as a Jug for yourself If. after turning their heads to the wind, you give them a drink very time you take one yourself or every time you oil the machine you will be snri'ns.'il what an efTct It will have iiui t!i. ream. In addition to being kept fresher In the field, the liorses will not gome themselves at the tank when they cn'ne In nnd will be In much betfer shuts Internally to han die their feed Plenty of good water never hurls a horse If the wnter ' given frequently Instead of waiting tlt. t!! the animal becomes half exhausted from thirst ANNA RIVER IRRIGATED LANDS Productiveness demonstrated by growing crops. Lands surround new town of Spring River. Best in vestment in Lake County Dodson Realty Company LAKEVIEW OREGON GOOD LOOKING tin our pork, lamb. Itef, etc., arv, they are even Ix-tter tast ing We handle only the choic est ami so even our clieajivst cuts are tastier ami toothsomvr y than the most exieiislve cuts from inferior stock. Try tbem soon, to-day if possible. You'll enjoy the experience. Lakeview Meat. Market HAYES A GffCB. props Frpsh Over From The Irish Sews The Irish p pul'tinn of f.ake County was mat. risily added to Friday even ing. March i!S whe' -even Iri-h boys arrived here, direct from the old country. Tl.y were Michsel ar.d Con Fitzgeri-id, from Kiskean: Maurice Bucklev, Matthew Neonan, Maurice Murphy ard Martin Paly, from New market: and Pe'er t'uitin, from Maelin: Five m"re of the hoys i-topp-d off at AltU'as, D n SoHivar, Kinir w illiarrsto n : Fianw Cil'in, New market: Tim Doherty. Vet It; Michael Leary, Mil-street; rharles McCarthy, Newmarket Dr. James Withyc imhe, dire tor of the Oregon Experiment Station at I'orvallis, is authority for the state ment marie at a recent meeting, ttnt the hog has paid more debts, built more homes and bought more clothes and scho il bonks tor f jrmers'and their children than any other one product in Uregon. The Semite has passed a bill author izing the preparation of plans for the j erection in Washington of a pedestal I upon which it is proposed to place the jptatueof Msjor-tleneral George Gor Idon MeHde. I his officer won cotieider j at le renown in the War of the Rebel I lion, and participated in many impor tant battl'S. H wa- of Irian descent. ma I THE LAKEVIEW ABSTRACT & TITLE CO. ABSTRACTS TO ALL REAL PR0?ERTT IN LAKE COUNTY, OREGON Our Complete Tract Index Insure: Accuracy, Promptness and Reliability Such an index is the ONLY KLLUBLE system from which an Abstract can l made, showing all defects of title. We Also Furnish sVSt2S?r The United States circuit court of I appeals at New York has handed down s decision wh ch permits relatives of "Tit. nio" virtiros to begin suits imme jditly against the steamship company I f r full oamaires. The aggregate of t' e-ie su1"1, hich will prrbitdy be brought ry relntives or heirs of every one of the 600 or more persons lost on the ship, is expected to exceed $10, 000,000. AU suits must be begun be fore April lf, a year tfter Hue date of the diaanter. According tn the s a' "') nt just com pleted by W ill Wrifht St tte Suptrin U ii -ent of Hanks dtpoHts 'n all i f the banks in. Ibtgon tot.ol,. , 12,191, 9S& h8 at the t lo-e of bu-i". Febru-ry 4, 1913. The- is an tner, is of S5.03!', 4ria.26 ove'- 'he depeit- at the ilose of bnriresa FehrKBrv 2'), P.1I2. Large in creases ul n are rni'(o ' b- ii. the loans i and disccu.i H !n o .'apt ul and FU'plus, b riicwii i 'he t. ment. (in the o ' i bund, i . l i-rrer.se is sho n Ih. im"' if fhs ever J " , a-- I.. oi,.. l ad i'' I. a Viivfuo suits and coats, I uc.v anappy styles, Merc. Co, H. W. MORGAN, Manager, LAKEVIEW, OREGON POSTOFFICE BOX 243 PHONE 171 1 NEVADA-CALIFORNIA-OREGON RAILWAY Daily Service Reno to Lakeview Except Sundays j No. 1 Arrives Lakeview at 8:35 P. M. No. 2 Leaves Lakeview at 7:05 A. M. Pally Except Sunday Pullman & liufietttiervice Between Lakeview and Keno C. W. CLASS, AGENT :: LAKEVIEW, OREGON THE PALACE BAR J. P. McAULIFFE - - PROPRIETOR A Popular Gentlemen's Resort PHONE 32 CHOICE BRAND WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS r A WANT AD IN THE Lake County Ex&?miier WILL BRING RESULTS