Classified Want Ads A Want Ad In The Lake County Examiner KqR'uted n few times, if nccessury, will find a customer for that property of yours. They nre scanned closely by inteiuliiiK buyers, nnd the cost is nominal 5 cents the line for each insertion. Special long-time rates. ran MALBP KOM KA LE Ouaraiiteed (lovernmcot acrlp. will patent any agricultural litn l In Oregon. $ in per acre. P. O. Hos KM. Kseter, Cal. FOR SALE To the highest 11I r. SO acres. Hee. 7. T. 37. 11. 10 Kant. Lake County. Ort-in.n. Bprugiie River ro. a thiough it. Mm. J. I. Klrhy, Hf Joseph. M. FOR HALKitM span matched bay guldlngs, 4 years old, well broke, sound, weight U70 ponnda. oi... unu K'iii n "r" V. aoulid, truii team, wcltfht W I'm. Price for four with chrln harness $.VI. Write or a M. D. WIIIIhiiii, Davis Cjeek, lir Jn27tf FOR 4. Hales Hiauie located at Plush. Oregon. Com plete outfit Including " le, corrals, etc. Will -ell for eon aldorahh U tban lh" tl'T alone cost. A money maker for genu livery iiniii. address J. J. van Keiilcri, Plush. Oregon. Joli!" TOK BALE Lot 42. bha-k 73, tract of NX of N U bwX, N. IH. Twp. :W, Uange 20. 10 nf". 6 acres watVr right. Tax. P"jd. IT ;e -- eash Address K. J. Gogln, Oallup, N. Mexico. FOR sALETract m, Mer 7, twp :w. . rnniee. . un.l lot 10. bin . quick hhI gets It. Ad .lie. W S. Mulrlii.', H3 Llndule Ave N, Minneapolis. Minn. For Ba ie - Lot si, bi7c k 73, tract 18, Township :w. Ran-" 20, 10 acre . raw paid on additional water lights. 1'ilrti li'iO. J. K. Strong. OltlMIII. Neb. FOull-K T'io bcsteijulpped freight ing oiitllt In bake County, Inquire of Oliewniteaii Mercantile company. Paisley, Oregon. FOR HLE-2U acre lo cultivation U,,.u Prt of thKK JBX HiiVin-y Co. Price 2 P-r '" ' would take lot In Portland, tlray twal Ac Lucia. 5T.2 Union Ave. No., Portland, l)r. t7OKHAlTC5) ncn-ii In iK:tlon l towimlilp :W. raiiR Ki"iulw of .SeaK-r llrow.. Lakeviuw. Ore. TUK Lakwview AliMtractJt Title Co. ttt mkina bimcI1 otUm oti Amtrct to t. V. U. Co.'e TrBctn mid Town Lot. Toit o.i i.-. in ukmi ill land. NWW of KF.W. MtH-tlon 2lt. Town. hip .W. Raiij 20. Ka-i W. M , ud lot No. IH, Mock. No. 05 of the Orj'tfon al ley Land Co. Addition. Ukevlow. I'rlcv i:Hi(0 cHh, 1 br, FcriidaU-, lluinholt Co. ( ahf., ox 2W. KOK iALt- Uu I. block 47. trot I. crllon off r ou Wo bovor rlr on the o)lilu a. u 11.... ....flulil laniiB. .I"? . m.wi F)K HAl'.K lxi Sl7 block 7S, otl Trol H', ol W ol N W Wol N W. TwpW. KaiiK.- . 10 kim Kull wter rliilit AadriM KrcJ Utruuiir, uikiDi iorm io KOB HAI.K-Tr i. hm. 14.T.BH, R. I. WcrM. 1.. J. I'oru-r. Horlltid. Ti-it. KOK BALK -lr. l 1. 1 0. I.T. 7. R.K4. 40crf. J H. reif.o, UK AUrnt'd At Ihiuw.Col. VuK '.AljilMl, bloc, m V'cJ'?r,li"i i 41. K IH. W n-. AdilriMTIIUeu Ward, 111 h, il M. ! Mollii't, low. jOK BALK-LOU4, block HW.udN!i of HKS of NWi, Hoc 17. 1B. - i ;. '''i'.1 14. RldKeflul -'b- rrlo.iO0. AMre J Hlerc V.i.' Vn.i-n ' " KOK HAl.K-lxl iM. block I.. ; . ;--; .nd HU of NW ol Hmi ' . i KH4, acrni. Artdri-M C. . Hrmon 108 Kna Mt, HedHnld. rt. II. WAXTKII TKAMd WANTKll Uood whoh, ni- ply at the Kxniiiluvr utucv. A-a. WANTF.H to t hnuited on llrHtclaHB 100 avreH. itve particiilarH, an to hoII, climntv, Ux allon. waicr, uiu l.. r Mt. W. M. ltrown, 112, K. 10th St., Portland, OrcKon. Wo Dfr d a HBlcHinart in each of ev ral excellent fliflda to hoII our npleu did nurwirv .stock. A permanent place, canh wwklv and a kquare tlrni a:k of you. WiiU for particulars WaMldiiiton NurHcry Co Toppeulnh, Wash. Wunttnl Avieiit. WriU Health 4 Ae clilent liiHurance. Orenon "Surety & CauHallty Co.. 322 Hoard of Trade, Portland. Oreuoti. MINCK1.LANKOV8 I, Audrew Vlnyard, have ono hay ImrHo that came to my ranch June fi 1912. llraniled TK on the lu.t ahoul der, owner please oouie and pay for ad and tuko tho horno. J n 20-A 22 Camas Sawmill U now running riifht along. Any and all person wanting lusher will find li here. All orders promptly tilled. HtlmfllK & 4JhrlBtla. Jn20-tf Lltlt UKH ANIMIUAKH. J. II. CUTLFH WHISKY AT Tit K Hotel Lakevlew bar. The bBtand pureet whisky made. tf .. Kriin!.. LM)K ATT1IK NOTICK KOK 11 K ward IhhimhI by tho 'IVlephone Company for destroying Its prop erty. l'tf An ordinary cant of dlari-linea uitn, a rulo, tw cured by a iiuula Uox ol Cliauiburlalu' Voile, i holiru aud DUrrlioea ltuwtdy. Tliln vctnedy baa oo iupiTlor for Lowcl romi.lalnU. Vat ih liv all denim. I.KUAI. AI'KMTIHIK4 NOTICK OK CONTF.8T Iflarliiieiit of the Inteii-ir, United Rtate Lano t)fllc. tiakvlew Ore eon, Antrim 14, IM12 To th heirs of Martin K. lrake.d. coated, of prvacnt addrtM unknown, ('onleatee Yon are herby noillled that lwl K Penrowt ho gives Fort Itock, Or.. as tils p 'ni ullliv address, did on Jul.. IH. 1HI2. flip In this olllre his ln!y ror rolmraied appllcntioii toroniett and stnn ihe caiiwliail-m of Homestead K.mrv. Hertal No 01821 mede April 81, linn;, for Lots 1. 2. 3 Heettnn 5, Town. !iM , Kai gH 14 K., VMIIamett Mrrld Ihii, and a vrotiuds for bis in test lie allege lliat said land has leen liandotied liv li-lr of aald eu try man for more than el i moo Ilia Inst past; that the hi lr ol said entryinati I ave not cultivated or Improved aald land In any manner. You are, therefore, further notified that the said alienations lll tw tak en by this off! a as haying tseii con feMM. d by you, aud your said entry will he canceled thereunder without your further right to Is heard there in, either before this office or on ap is!, If you fall to file In thla office within twenty day after the FOURTH publication of till notice, as shown below, your annwer under oath, sjie clrically meeting and responding lo t hese allegation of content, or If you fatl within that time to file In this ollloe due proof that you have nerved a copy ol your anawer ou the said eon tentaiit either In peison or py reels tered mall. If thin service in made by the delivery of a copy of your an swer to the conteataot In htnio, proof d such service must Is eliher the said contestant's written acknow ledgment of his receipt of the copy showing the dale of Pa receipt, or tin affidavit of the person by whom the de livery was maa stating when ami where the copy was delivered; If made by rtttflstared mall, proof of audi service must consist of the a 111 davit of the itereon by whom the copy was mailed stating wle'ii aud the post office to which It was mailed, and lui affidavit must be accompani ed bv the pontmaater's receipt for the letter. You ahould state In your answer l he name of the postolllre to which von ilealre future notices to lie sent to y ou. A. W. OIlTON, Reglau r. Date of first publication Aug. 16, 1912 " "second " " 22, " " " third " " 2i, " ' " fourth " P-' J' SoflCK'e'oiTFWlTiuN (Not Coal Landn) Untied States Land Office at Lake view, Oregon. July 20, 1U12. NOTICE i hereby given that James L Wheeler, Jr whoso post-ottice ad dreaa In Lakevlew, On'gon. did, on the 11th day of May. 1U12, file In this office Sworn Statement and Applied tion, No. OuflSH, to purchase the Si SEJ. Section 14. Townnhlp 41 b. Kaoge 18 E, WillametU Merldan, and the tlmlMr thereon, under the pro visions of the act of June 3, IN7.H, and acts amendatory, kuown athe"Tliu Irr nml Munc Law;" at such value as might be fixed by appralsment, and that pursuant to such appllca tlon, the laud sud timber thereon have Ik'C" appraised, at a total of 2K the titiitK-r estimated 70 IXK board feet at (2 00 iK-r M, and the land H0 00; that said applicant nl offer final proof in aupport of thin ap plication an: sworn stateim nt on t he 21nt day of September, T012. he fore the Keglutor & Receiver tf the United Htatea Land Office, at Lake view, Oregon. Any iierson Is at lllierty to protest this purchase before entry, or Initiate a contest at any time before patent Issues., by filing a corroborated affi davit lu this office, alleglug facts which would defeat the entry. Jy25-0t A. W. Orton, Register. AUMlNlSTKATKlX'd NOTICE In the County Court of the State of O ret; i ii, for the County of Lake. In the Mattel ol the Estate of) JOHN N. WATSON, deceased ) TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given, that the un dersigned has been, by an order of Hon. H. Daly, Judge of the County Court of the state of Oregon, for the Couuty of Lake, duly uppointed Ad ministratrix of the eatate of John N. Wat sou, deceaaed, and has duly qual ified aa such Administratrix. All persons having claims against said decedent or said estate, are here by required to present the Banie, duly verified, together with proper vouch ers, to suid AdmlulHtratrlx at the Law Office of L. F. Conn, In the town ol Lakeview, Lake County, Oregon, within six months from the daie of the tlrst publication of this notice. Dated and tlrst published this 18th day of July, 1U12. CORNELIA A. WATSON. Administratrix of the Estate of John N. W a tHou. deceased MOTOR TRUCKS ON EASY PAYMENTS Our aalea plan euablea your truck to pay for Itself. Remember you buy direct from the manufacturer. No commission! or bouuses to pay. There are no Jokers in this prop osition, Just practical, good business preneptliiu on our part, which ae commodates a lougielt need among many presunt aud would-be truck Uflcra. A simple note cf inquiry, which will bo treated as strictly coutldeutlal, will receive our prompt response. AddroH. E. R. GERLINGER, Bales Manager 0S8 WaMtlngton St. alUt Portland, Oregon. NOUCB OF CONTEST Department of the Interior. United states Irfiod Offlcs, Lakevtew, Ore gon, AU4USI i, iwiz. To James Itoblaoo of preeent ad dresa unknown, Contest1: You aro hereby notified that Nor wood Naali who gives c o James Italo, Law .Ibrart , linurt House, Portland. Oregon, as his post.offic addresa. did on July I.'J. 1H12. tils In this office his , iimy corroboiatad application to con test ami secure the cancellation of your HomcKtead Entrv. Serial No. 12411 mads HetifetnlMtr 10. lOnW. for ' Lots 1,2, Kp W, ruction IK. Town- Aieiiiiian, ani as grounds for hi- con lent alleyes that eutrynian has abao doned aald land for more than six mouths last pat. That aald entry man never cultivated aald land, or used the same tor grating purpom-s. You nre, therefore, further notified that the said allegations will betaken by this office ns having been confess ed by you, and your said entry will lie canceled thereunder without your further right to he heard therein, either before this office or on appeal, If vou fall to file In this .office within twenty days after the Fourth publica tion of this notice, as shown below, your answer, uuder oath, specifically meetlug and respondlna to these al legations of contest, or If yon fall within that time to file lu this office due proof that you have nerved a copy of your answer ou the aald contest ant either In person or by registered mail. If this service is made by the delivery of a copy of your answer to the contestant in person, proof of such service must la either the said contestant's arltten acknowledge ment of his receipt of the copy, show ing the date of Its receipt, or the affi davit of the person by whom the de livery was made stating when and where the copy was delivered t if mad b registered mail, proof of audi hi tv I re must consist of the affi davit of the Mron by whom the copy was mulled stating when and the post office to which It was mailed, and this affidavit must be accom panied ny the postmsster's receipt for the letter. You should atate in your answer the OMin- of the poetoffice to which you desire future n -tlces to be sent to you. A. W. ORTON. Register. Date of first publication Aug. 15, 1!12. " second " T2, ' " " third ' " 2, " " " fourth " Sept, 5. " ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County ol Lake. In the matter of the Estate of 1 Earnest M. lirown, deceased. ) TO AbL WHOM IT WAY CONCERN: Notice Is Hereby (ilveu, that the undersigned, Administratrix of the estate ol Ernest M. Brown, deceased, has filed with the Clerk of the above entitled Court, the final account of her administration of said estate, and Hon. If. Daly, Judge of the above entitled court, by an order duly made and entered in the above emltled matter on July 23. 1012. has fixed aud appointed Saturday, the 24th day of August, 1U12, at 10 o'clock lo the fore noon of said day, at the Court room of said court, lu the County Court House of Lake County, Oregon, In the town of Lakeview, as the time and place for hearing of objections to said final account. If any there be, and for the settlement thereof. Thla notice Is publlched in the Lake County Examiner, a newspaper pub lished at Lakeview, Lake Cuouty, Oregon, for four successive and con secutlve weeks, by order of Hon. H, Daly, Judge of salil Court, and the date of the tlrst publication hereof Is July 2d, 1912, aud the dute of the last publication hereof Ih Atitit 22. 1912. ALAMEDA M. BROWN, Administratrix of the lactate of Earnest M. Jy25 a 22 Urowu, Deceased. Nt tTlCc. FOR PUBLICATION Nut Goal lands U S. Land Office at Lakeview, Ore- lion. Atlgnst 0, 1912. Notice la hereby given that (leorge W, Wimer, whose post-office addrees Is Fort Hldwell, Cal., did on the tit ti Say of October, l'Jll, Qlu In this olllce Sworn Statement and Application, No OotMl, to purchase the NWltf. HtfSEU. Section JM, Tp. 40 B., R. 22 E. Willamette Meridian, and the tim er therein, uude1 t ho provlalous of the act of June 3, 1878 and acts amen datory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might be tixed py appraisement, aud that pursuant to such application, the land and timlier thereon have leeu ap praised at a total of 1400.00 the timber estimated at 020,000 board feet at 23 and 50 cents per M, and the laud at $155.00; that mid applicant will olfer Dual proof in support of hla appllca tlon aud sworn statement on the 11th day of October, 1912. before the Regis ter and Reviver of the United Stutee Laud Office, at Lakeview, Oregon. Any person la nt UU rty to protest this purchase before entry, or initiate a contest at any time liefore patent Jnsucs, by tiling a corroberateii affi davit lu this office, alleglug facts which would defeat the entry. , A. W. ORTON, Register. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATRIX'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Lake Couuty: Notice is hereby given that Myrtle Payne, formerly Myrtlu Baruutn, administratrix of the estate of Ell Baruum, deceased, will veil at private sale for cash In hand, pursu ant to un order of the couuty court of Lake County, Oregon, the follow ing described property, to-wit: Com mencing at a point thirty feet North and two hundred aud Hfty-dve and three -flourths (26,'J) feet East of the Boutheust corner of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest qaat'ter of section ten ( 10) lu townnhip thirty nine South of Range twenty East of the Willamette .Merldtun, running thence east one hundred twelve and three fourths ( Vl) feet ; thence iuu n I rig North two hundred sixty four (204) feet;; thence running wetit one hundred twelve and three-fourths (112ft) fnet; thence running' South two luiiidred sixty-tour (204) feet to place of ttt-ii ti iiiii', khM property bo lug; tltuuU-il lu the town of Lakeview, LMI, AtVBRTItlU Oregon. The above described property will Ire sold from and after the 30th day of August, 1912, at private sale, aub l"ct V the confirmation of the above entitled Court. Date of first ptbllcatlon August 1st, 1912. MYRTLE PAYNE Administratrix of the estate of Ell It irntim, deceased. NOTICE OF CONTEST Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Lakeview, JOregon Aug. 3 1912. To Clarence W. Walker of un known, Cootestee; You are hereby notified that Jacob II. Heixer who gives 2P5X Russell St., Portland, Oregon, as his post on ice aunreMi, did on July o. iui, me la this office his duly corroborated application to contest and secure the cancellation of your (homestead, Serial No. f'484 made September 4, 1908, for liOta 7, 8, 9. 10, Section 1, Township 2(1 H., Range 14 E , Willam ette Meridian, and as grounds for his contest he alleges that said entry man has wholly adandoned aaiil land for more than six months last past. Yon are, therefore, farther notified that the said allegations wll. lie taken by this office as having ts-en confessed by vou, and oor said entry will be canceled thereunder without your further right to be heard therein, either before this office or on appeal, If you r.U to file in this office within twenty days after the fourth publica tion of this notice, as shown lelow, your answer under oath, speciflclally meeting and responding to theas alle gations of contest, o If yon fad with In that time to file in this flice due proof that you have served a copy of your answer on the said contestant either In person or bv reglxtered mall. Jf this service Is made by the delivery of a copy of your answer to the con testant In person, proof of such ser vice must tie either the said contest ant's written acknowledgment of his receipt of the copy, showing tbe date of Its receipt, or the affidavit of the person by whom the delivery wss made stating when ami where tbe copy was delivered; If made I y regis tered mail, proof of sutb service must consist of th. affidavit of the person by whom the copy was mailed stat ing when and the post office to which It was maped, and this affidavit mnst 1m accompanied by tbe postmabter's receipt for the letter. You should state in your answer the name of the poetoffice to which you desire future notices to le seot o you A. W. ORTON. Register Date of tlrst publication Aug. 15, 1912 " " second " " 22, 1912 " " third " 2a 112 " fourth " Sept. 5,1912 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Not Coal Land Department of tbe Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Lakeview Oregon, August 9. 1912. Notice is hereby given that Orover Wimer. whose post ottice auaresa is Lake City. California, did, or the 23rd day of Octotier, 1911, file In this office Sworn Statement and Application, No. 050S3. to purchase the EW NEf, N SEitf, Section 33. Township 40 S:, Kaoge 22 E., Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the nrovislons of the act of June 3, 18 8, and acts umendatory. known as tbe "Timber and Stoue Liaw, at eucn value as might be fixed by appraise ruent, and that, pursuant to such ap plication, the Innd and timber there on have been appraised at a total of $470.00. the timber estimated 740,000 board feet at 25 and 50 cents )r M, and the land $110.00; chat said appli cant will offer Bnal proof in support of his application and sworu state ment oi the ll'h day of October. 1912, lii'iore tbe Register and Receiver of the Uulted iMutes Land office at Lakeview. Oregon. Auy person l at lllierty to protest this purchase liefore eutry.oriultiatea con tent III any tune neiore pao-m, innut-n, by tiling acorroborated affidavit in this office, alleging fact which would defeat the entry. A. W. ORTON. Register. ATTENTION O. V. L. CONTRACT HOLDERS. As a contract h bier I recently spent some time lu Lakeview an. thor otiglily invest Igatlug matters pertain ing to tbe laint ana irrigation project. 1 1 vou will correspond with me I will give you a correct statement of the facts as 1 louiKl tnem. Aaaress, R. ss Farnutn. Bend, Oregon. BLANKS Complete and reliable F o r m with Affidavit Blank attached. Also containing copy of Ore gon Mining Laws. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY THE BEST EORM OB TAINABLE. D ESC RIP- TION THE MOST COMPLETE Price. 5 cents Eaoh Special rates on quan tities EXAMINER PRESS LAKEVIEW, OREGON Pnone 521 MINI! LOCATION OREGON AGRICUL TURAL COLLEGE This great institution opens Its doors for the fall semester on Septem ber 20th. Courses of instruction In clude I (Jeneral Agricultural Agron omy, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Husbandry, Bacteriology, Botony and Plsut Pathology, Poultry Hus bandry, Horticulture, Entomoloyy, Veterinsry Science, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mining En ginerlug, Highway Engineering, Domest Ic Science, Domestic Art, Com merce, Forestry. Pharmacy. Zoology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, English Language and Literature, Public Speaking, Modern Languages, History, Art, Architecture, Indus trial Pedagogy, Physical Education, Military Science and Tactics, and and Music. Catalogue and illustrated literature mailed free on application. Address; Registrar. Oregon Agricultural Col lege, Corvalbs, Oregon. School year opens September the 20th. Iv25s20 $5,000 School District No. 7 Building Bond Treasurer of Laks County, Oregon. Dated at Lakeview, Oreogn, August 13, 1912, Sealed proposals will be received by tbe undersigned County Treasurer of Lake County, Oregon, nntil Oct. 2nd, 1912, at tbe hour ot two o'clock in tbe afternoon of said day, at which said date and hour at tbe office of tbe said County Treasurer in tbe town of Lakeview, Oregon, all proposals to purcbsse said nonds will be opened and uonsioered for tbe purchase of $5000 coupon building bonds of said School district or sny part thereof to be issu ed in pursuance ot subdivision 31 of section 3389 of Bellinger and Cotton's Annotated Code and Statues of Oregon. Said bonds wib be payable twenty years fium date of issue. Optional af ter ten years. Interest to be paid semi-annually on tbe 2nd day of Oct. and April of each year. Principal and interest payable in lawful money of the United States at the office of tbe County Treasurer ot Lake County, Ore gon, or at such Bank or Trust Company in the City of New York or as may be designated bv tbe purchaser of said bonds. Said bonds shall be sold tor cash paid down at date of sale, and not at less than their par value and be issued in tbe denomination of bve bonds of $1000.00 esoh. Each proposal to ourcba8e said bonds must be accomp anied by certified checks upon some responsible bank for 10 per cent of tbe amount of the bid. Tbe County Treasurer reserves tbe right to reject any and all bids. F. O. AHLSTROM. County Notice to the Public All outstanding bills owing the Lakev4ew-Plue Creek Electric Co. for electric wlriug, globes, etc. now due must tie paid to the above company a: the First National Bank of Lake view. r.. c. T:ikisiok, President. For the very best shooting, join the Peninsula Oun t lub Member ship $5 including use ot duck boats etc. Train service best for one day outiugs. While In Paisley drop In at O'Con nel & Kelgen's and get a glass ot real refreshing Ranter beer, the kind that is recommended for family use. tf LOST: One red roan horse, wearing 111 aud hobbles, branded J C. Last seen about two weeks ago on Cottonwood west of Lakeview. Will pay $5.00 for information lead ing to recovery. D. P. Jdalloy. Lakeview. Oregon, tf FOR SALE About 1000 ewes and GOO lambs. Ewes nearly all uuder five years old, and sheared 10 lbs. this year. Lambs-froiu Rauihou lett bucks. Sheep Range at Foster FJat. Apply to Thos. 11. Sherlock, Davis Creek, Modoc Co., CaL tf A well known Pes Moinea woman after suf ferine miserably for two days from bowel com plaint, waj cured by one dose ot Caamberlaln's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by all dealers. CONSOLIDATED STAGE CO. P. Mm CORY, ! LAKEVIEW - OREGON Operates Stage, carrying United State (Mailt, Express and Passengers aa the following routes: ALTURAS TO LAKEVIEW; LAKEVIEW TO PLUSH KLAMATH FALLS TO LAKEVIEW AUTOriOBILES OPERATED IN CONNECTION WITH THB 5TAUE5 PAIteSi- On Way Koand trip Klamath Falls Route - - - $10.00 $18.00 Davia Creek Route .... 4.00 7.00 Plush Route - . - - 4.00 7.00 OEPICES:- Lakevlew . i Otflcs Ptuan Klaauih Falls Devil C eek LATEST DOINGS AT HIGH GRADE By E. Cbapis Gabd Many surprises are booked for Camp High tirade in the near future. Heavy New York and Europesn espitsl bss been pledged to develop soma of tbe most promising properties of the dis trict. All doubts ss to the esmp's merits were removed by the recent visit of Stste Mineralogist Storms, snd the un qualified indorsement be gsva tna dis trict. Ibis Indorsement was prscti csllv. though impliedly asnctioned by Mr. J. M. Hill, of the U. S. Geological survey, wbo completed bis genersl re coniaisasnce of the camp Isst week. Capitalists of the great money marts of tbs world have turned their atten tion to High Grade as a sura winner. Tbe emtiroytio and experimental stsgea of tbe district have been met snd mas tered. The csmp is now in the list of stesdy producers.. The mines and lbs mills sre grinding out the real, 'old yellow gold, and sending it to market, and annexing its value to the wesltb of tbe world. One greet New York firm bss bve million dollars to invest in Csmp High Grsde. One London firm bss ten mil lion dollars to invest in tbe District. The future of Camp High Grade will be written In letters of gold tbat will amaze mankind. The Great West Tunnel and Trans portation Company la being organized to drive tunnels into tbe heart of Camp High Grade to great depth to intersect tbe net work of blind veins known to exist, and which, as yet, have not been opened on tbe surface. Tbe immensa flow of rich boulders on tbe surfsce above these veins indicate their pre sence. Locsl ptople and investors from Pennsylvania and other eastern ststea are raising a large fund to push the) project. A lung time lease and option on one of tbe btst aeveiopment properties in tbe di-trict bss been secured by the promoters of this big protect High grsde ore is niw on the dump of this property, and work is being vigorously prosecuted to mine at least a car load of tbe picture rock. Tbe work of securing property and organizing tbe company has been quiet ly done, but tbe results when given to the poDiic win occasion a surprise. FINDING A PAWN TICKET. 8omstimas It' May Be Just Walking Into a Trap. "While walking through one of the prominent streets the other day," suid an Innocent looking individual, "I es pied an important looking piece of pa per on the sidewalk and, picking it up. found It to be a pawn ticket for a dia mond scarfpln which some careless person bud apparently dropped. "According to the ticket, tbe pin had been pledged several weeks before for $15. IIow am I to find the owner?' thought I. 'Shall I take it to tlie pawn broker? Perhaps if I do the owner wilL never see it anyway. Tbe pin must surely be a good one and doubtless worth three times the amount for which It wns pledged. Why not appropriate It to uiy own use?" "The name on the ticket was Brown, and my conscience was relieved when I found several hundred of that name In the directory. I soon made up my mind and started for the broker's of fice. I asked to see, tbe pin before re deeming it. stating that I had bought the ticket, and upon the payment of 25 cents was allowed to examine it. "It looked all right to me. although I am not u qualified Judge of dlnmonds. so I paid the principal of $13 aud the interest of $1.80 and the pin became mine. "The next dny I showed it to an ex pert, who declared it to bo worth far less than the amount I bad paid for It, "'It is a trick of aome people." he .aald. to defraud unwary persons like yourself. The scheme consists of lasu: lng tickets for spurious pieces of Jew elry for amounts many times in excess of their value and dropping them on the sidewalk in different parts of town where nntuspectlng persons might find them nnd redeem them, as yon did. thus yielding a bnndsomo profit to th nernetr-MrnrV " Philadelphia Record. Sullivan Hotel Americas Hulal Slags Orllc