Sure fire mNp8g$3glP itf Accuracy Penetration TVReeilaetortCubs Ml f"W The World's Record Holders Rmrmngfon- UMC .22 cal. cartridges have broken two record in two years. The present world's 100-shot gallery record, 24S4ex25O0, held by Arthur Hubalek, was made with these hard hittinj J22't. They will hetpyou, too, to break your best shooting records. Made with the same care from the same tested material at the heaviest big game cartridges. Remington - VM C .22 ' s are made, too, with hollow point bullets. This increase their shocking and killing power. Look for the red ball on every boa yow bay. 22 aWrb. 22 leas. 32 leas' title Hack. SweailMS aai UmI asweVra, ficmixiifon Arms-Union Metallic Cartridie Co. 299 Brae-way 2 New York Qty Automobile Bargains .AT. Lakeview Garage One "1910" Buick. Model 1 7. 40 H. P. Just overhauled and in fine shape. Guaranteed to give satisfaction under ail conditions. Come and try her. Cheap for cash. One "1910" E. M. F.. 30 H. P.. also in fine shape. Cheap. WALLACE & SON Wm. Wallace, Coroner tor Lako County) UNDERTAKERS PROMPT ATTENTION AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Parlors, next door to Telephone Office ATSON BUILDING &1i p Fit Ibvd J.a!; YOU LEAVE OUR MEAT MARKET with admiration for the perfect cleanliness which Is everywhere t couldn't lie more frr-e from even the slightest suspicion of dirt. So there Is an added satisfac tion in cowing in person to se lect the choice cuts we always bare on hand. Give yourself and us the pleasure of a call to-day. Lakeview Meat Market. HAYES A GROB. props NEVADA -CALIFORNIA-OREGON RAILWAY Daily Service Reno to Lakeview Except Sundays No. 1 Arrives Lakeview at 8:35 P. M. No. 2 Leaves Lakeview at 6:45 A. M. Daily Except Sunday Pullman & liuft'ettService between Lakeview and Keoo C. W. CLASS, AGENT :: LAKEVIEW, OREGON Twin Valley Land Ccs Incorporated C. R. BLOOD, Ast. Sec; C. O. MISENER, Gen. Agt. We have for sale: Orchard and Alfalfa Lands Farm Lands, Timber Lands Homesteads and Desert Lands Special attention given to O.V.L. Land Holdings We are agents fur The Fairport Town & Land Co. PAIRPORT TOWN LOTS now on s Make yvnr selection U.o.e the Lot uach mc soiii. A big investment ior a small amount of money. EXHIBITS PROVE WORTH OF SOIL Adaptability of Lako to Fruits and Agricultural Products Proven Today the greater number of the de legates to the Central Oregon Develop ment League convention will take thetr departure for home, all well pleased with the work accomplished. We of Lakeview have been much bene fitted by their presence and they in turn have doubtless adddd much to their knowledge of the resources and possibilities of tbe whole State, and more particularly what is known as South Central Oregon. All agree that the opportunities awaiting the husband man in Lake county cannot be realised by those who have even made a casual trip throuah the country, for owing to its sparsely settled condition it la only by assembling the product of various farms at one point that a fair idea can be gained of what is really grown here. Even the most skeptical would have been convinced had he seen the won derful gathering of exhibits at the High Scoohl duriag tbe. League meet for, while not matured yet the sam ples of fruits and agricultural products showed conclusively that this is a land where things grow to perfection. B. K. Chandler, of Quincy Cal., was formerly engaged in gardening on an extensive scale, and be expressed him self to an Examiner representative to tbe effect that there was no question ss to ibe possibilities of tola agricul tural standpoint. He came here with the idea that this was simply a moun tainous country principally adapted to stock growing, and of little value from any other point of view. After seeing tbe exhibits be at once reached a con trary opinion, and is'now confident that a wonderful change will take place in this country in the very near future. HOME IN WATSON A. C. Pratt Looses All Household Effects by Fire Thursday Morning: The residence in the Watcon addition occupied by A. C. Pratt and owned by E. E. Bond was destroyed by fire Thursday morning. So quickly' was it enveloped in flames tnat none of the household effects were ssved, and the loss falls very besvily on Mr. Pratt, who is fireman on the N.-C.-O. Tbe fire was caused by coals dropping from the stove. Mrs. Pratt who was visiting a nearby neighbor, directed her little daughter to replentisb the tire, and in so doing the coals dropped to the floor. The little one failed to notify ber mother of the accident, and a few moments the flames burst out, and be fore the fire department reached tbe scene the building was completely gut ted. However by bard, heoric work on part of the citizens the flames were prevented from reaching J. P. Duck worth's bouse which is occupied by Mr, ana Mrs. Harry Vernon, end stood about twenty feet from the one destroyed. SHERIFF SNIDER GETSHIS FEE Deficiency for Serving: Subpoena Still Rests With a County Officer The Crook County Journal this week publishes the article from the Oregon Journal in regard to Sheriff Snider of Lake being unable to recover money expended in serving a subpoena issued in another county, ana adds: "When Sheriff Balfour of Crook, read tbe artiule he clipped it out of the paper and inclosed it with a check for the amount of the bill to Sheriff Snider. This squares the Lake County official but leaves the sheriff of Crook County holding the Sack. Sale of Indian Lands The President and the Secretary of the Interior have ordered about one and one-half million acres of Indian lands, in tie former Shoshone (in Wyoming), Uintah) in Utah), and Crow (in Mon tana) Indian Reservations, to be sold at public auction by James W. Witten, Superintendent of Opening and Sale of Indian Lands, at minimum prices charging from 50 cents to $1.50 pur acre. The tales will begin at Lander, Wyomnig. on September 19: at I'rrvo, Utah, on October 8, and at Hillings, Montana, on October 21, VJl'i. Not more than six hundred acres will be sold to any one purchaner on bids made in pe.aoii or UiioUkl. agents, and no residence or cultivation will be required. Patents will be iasued as soon as the purchase price is paid. KLAMATH MEN BUY MEXICAN CATTLE - - t Loul Gerber and Alex Davis Will Ship In 1BOO Head This Fall Klamath Northwestern : Louis Ber ber and Alex Davis, Klamath. County cattle men, nave returned from Mcxl co where they purchased about 1500 head of cattle which will be brought here in October. The cattla will be wintered her and shipped south In the summer months. "Mexico Is all right," said Gerber yesterday, "but 1 do not think much of Msdero's sol diers. I think 1000 of Unols Sam's soldiers could whip the whole bunch without much trouble." "Thev are still pegging away," said Davis yesterday, "but are doing very little real fighting. Once in a whim they blow up a train or dynamite a town or bridge but o far as real hand to band lights are concerned they are not In it." IF YOU KNEW ME AND KNEW YOU Apropos with tbe good that has been accomplished and that which will re suit from tbe present session of the Development League meeting we swine the following poem, the tenor ot whlcn shows Its author to be a booster of the proper spirit. It 1 knew you and you knew me, Tia seldom we should disssgrce: But. never having yet clasped bands. Both often fail to understand That each intenda to do what's right, And treat each Uber "honor bright". How little to ccmpain there'd be If I knew vou and you knew me! When'er we ship you by mistake, Or in your bill some error make, From irritation you'd be free, If I knew you and vou knew me. Or when Jthe clerks don't come on time. And customers send us narry a line, We'd wait without anxiety, If I knew you and you knew me. Or who some goods you "fire back." Or make a "kick" on this or that. We'd take in good part vou see, It I knew you and you knew me. With our customers thousands strong. Occasionally things go wrong- Sometimes our fsult, sometimes tneir's Foretearance would decrease all cares : Kind friend, how plessant things wojld be if Iknew you and you knew me. Then let no doubting thoughts abide, Of firm good faith on either side; Confidence to each other give, Living ourselves let others live; But any time you come this way, That you will, we hope and pray; Then face n face we shall see, And I'll ku.w you and you'll know me. Maney Bros Get Job Maney Bros. & Co,, were the lowest bidders for the construction of the Poe valley canal and laterals of the Klam ath Project. Their bid was 107,221.60, while the next lowest bid was that of W. H. Mason, S76.607.50. The Berney Construction Co. bid on a part of the work, as did a number of other con tractors, but none of the combined bids were as low as that of Maney Bros The bida have been forwarded to Wash ingion for acceptance or rejection bv the Department. Race Meet at Klamath The purses offered at the County Fair to be held the latter part of Sep tember are not large, although the pro gram is a varied one and offers oppnr- tunitieafor ail kinds of horses to com pete. Tbe largest purse, S160, is for a trotting race, while the next is for $1U0 each for a mile dash, a relay race, three-year-old trot and double harness race. There will be half mile-and quarter daHb and repeat, wild horse races, as well as bucking contests and tbe like, the purses beintr. S75. Child Is Operated On Dr. J. La Rue Robinson the eye, ear, nose, throat special iHt, of Reno, assisted by Dr. S. K. Morrison, also of Reno successfully operated on the 3 year old son of E. C. Thruston, on Tuesday, for the removal of adenoids, and the Utile one ia doing nicely, Drs. Smith and Kverett were also in attendance. Bitten by Rattlesnake Mike O Sullivan, a sheep herder working for Julin Cronin near Crane Lake wan bitten by a rettlesnuke Tkury evenim?. Hn was brought to Lukevic tor u.kUKul aliei.lioii, ai d while buffering severly from tne effects of tue bite as well as the heroic treat ment given be will ultimiately recover. MONEY BACK PILE CURE Piles permanently eutcd or money refunded. I have cured the worst cases in Oregon. NO FAKIJ. Terms: $2.50 down, $2.50 when cured. Address RKFRKKNCBt Msilrss Dsnk J. D. ROBINSON Madras .... Oregon SSSfi The Reflex Edge mm PATENTED Fish Brand Reflex Slicker prsvMts a0 water boas raa ina la at As Inmt wmI Htm fc to th bottom ol smI. Tin lUJk Is bJh wauipraof at avfy point. Ths ami nnetiosl shcW for voa. $2.00 Everywhere. cCjWQt SatiafaetioB. Cuaraataad. A -n m A. J. TOWER CO.. 3l OS TON ' . I Canxliaa Ca UJ., Toronta rent PRUDENCE SaBSBBBBaWSBBBYaBSBBBaBaBBBSSSBBBB It pays to he prudent when it comes to pro tecting your gardens from tho squirrel varmin HALL & REYNOLD'S SQUIRREL AND 60PHER POISON FOR SALE IN ALL QUANTITIES TTTGood wiring is 1 1 the very best insurance policy you can have and the cheapest. We do it. E.T.SPENCE $1,000 REWARD Tn. Orcn'in t si. Ilornls sul N.rwla l.lvc Hum- Holer Inn AMortstou, ol which th unrtiT signed I a rnxmhar Will KlT. I' ,000 UC reward lot srlaeuce lending tn the (ret and convlutloo of an jr psrij or sr-tW-Knti aliiiK hnrx'a. caltlnor mulii he- louitlnif loany ol Its DjumiM-ra. Id addition tn ths above, tho undrralennd Sertoli the same conrl itlno J.VO.On for all hnr s branded horw hw liar no both or either !sw Brand recorded lu Might counties. Haunt' Harney, l-kc and Crook uouiuina, lioraci reuted when aold. Nont tint irrnwn hor-a aold, aud only In !ari obrbet W W. HaowN. Kile Oregon What the Kidneys Do Their Unceasing Work Keeps Us Strong; and Healthful All the Mood In the Ixuly iiihhih through tlit) kliliit'va onct every three inlnutfH, The kiilneys filter the blood, Tliey work tiiulit hikI dy. When healthy they remove about 500 gralnH of Impure mutter dull v, wlien tin healthy sum urt of thin impure matter U left la the Wood. Thin brlnx on ninny dlNOHHes anil H.vmp lorna pain in the back, headache, nervotiHiieMS, but, dry nkln, rheu matic paliix, uout, travel, dimrdnrn of the eyeHitfht utid heaiiutf, iliz.lueHH, Irregular heart, debility, drowblneHB, dropHy, depiMiia In tho urine, etc. Hut If you keep tlio flltern rilit,vou ill have no trouble with your kid lle.VH. A. It. SoofleM, AhIiIiiihI, Ore., nayti, "It uivt-H tnti Kr"it pleiiMure to tn tlorbe Doao's Kidney Pills. They brought me rreat relief from a Hevero Httack of kidney complaint aud I am now entirely Iree from the trouble. loann Kidney Tills can bo relied pon to dlnpoMeof backache and dltll- i uity with the kidney uecrettoiin." For Halo by all tlealerM. 1'rlco 50 centH. ! otiler-Milburil Co.. Ibifralo. N. V'., sole evtnta for the Uulied SI at en. Uriiu liib'T file llfune Mouii'h and liko no oilier. TIUKAL . President Wlllam ll.Tarl Vine president , , , jamea B, Khei maa rtec-raiary of Miate I'lillamlrr t', Ktins Sneintary of Treasury ...... Franklin MaeVelia Secretary of War Jacob B iHcklnena Attorney Orneral drome W, Wlckerehaia I'netutaater fieueral f rank II, llllchrnck neirvtsrynf Navy,. Uoorge Vnti l Merer -miretary Interior W. A. r'lalier He retary of Aurlciillnte James Hum Hearetrryot t.oiomcroe t'harlce Naeel CUInf Jualioe , Charles Kdwsrd White D. H, Veltalon t)niniiiluloiiel W. X. Klcharrta U.S. l.amt Ooinmlaelouer STATS KoTrnor (lew aid West secretary of Htale , Hen W. olcoil Iraaaurer , Thin. H, Kay Mlorney Ueneral A. M, Crawford 4u tl, fubilo luatruolloD L.K. alderman Printer W. H. Hunlway Dairy and Food Onm ...J. W. Hall.y IS A a.n,u,u I JoBsthau Hourne.Jr. u.a. senators j u.a K ( tumberlala ).;': 1I.V.SJ surasascoPRT Chief Juallp. H.a. Heaa t. A. Moors tl'.rnett T.A. alobrl.l. si itk ;vdiuiai. Disraiet. lud. Mcnry I.. He nan a Altotney 1). V, tuykondaa LSUIIUTITS Jilut nenator U. II. Murrymss til I Helkuak W L Thorn aon u a. land orriLi. Arthur W. tirton ,, Realskst fred I' Croiieinlller Ketelirar roKattrTTKKilii (illberl D. II row n Htipervlaor Nelauu J. HllliniiS..'. Urailna Aaalaiaut Norman Jacobiu run at Aaalataat t. r. llmuusti tuniai t lerk LA K COUNTY ud. B. Daly rw, l-ayue 'hTl W H Holder Treasurer F. O. Ahl.trom Aaeeaaor A.J. Foeler Vtoool eupu J. y Willita turrejrnr h. a. Muabea Uoniuiasloaers i';AL l''hr I r. K Anderson County Hock InatierUir.. D. I'.Malloy . TOWN OK LAaaVIaW. It. K. Kinehs't stsror K. K t hei eyl r M. Duke OoinuUmso I K Ma field K. II. -iuIid t W'ui. Wallara Reoorder ,Jlr"'f Treasurer I.AKKVIKW C'OMMaKCIA L IX' B Prealdrut K L Hrlttsn lee I n aidant Xlmer c. Ahlairara JHJiatary ur. K. l. tverett Treaaurer Krai k Kltch Trustaes J. W. Hunter, II. W. H.r(an, f. Welch CHURCH DIRECTORY fIRHT WKTHODlKT I'll CH(II MUN OA V 'trbotil at IU a. in. I'reaehllia every euuilay al u a. in. and 7:l p. m. ki.eurlh liuu, etrtiry untlay orculnn ai Vrayer S4cellii( Tbnra 'ayal T:iii, m. hilr mr. iinj at S:ip. at, adlea Aid Ktery W lnealay at I :0 p. at, eeryliody cordially Inelted to all eervlcea. M. T. W1KK, l aauir. flKMT IIAII'IHT t ill Hi ll lK I.AKKVIKW rreu'hlns 11 AM aud J : ? M oa 1st snd Urd Him. Hunday Hchoul at Is A M ;uulor Hocluty at :H0 I' St. Itaiitlat Ynuutf f'eople't Colon at 6:110 H M on each Hunday frayvr Meeting al 1:M f si Wedneaday era slug. KrerjlMjdy lnll.-. to attend all aer ' 'a. kKV. A. F. H1S4MONS CATHtLlt CHUKCH AVKMY HI'NDA Y MAM alk:taud 10a. in. Hosery st T:1K p.m. Mass on werkdeys at 7:iu a m. ft.-rv ! In ths New vourva. . MA 1 IIIAB W llMITT. kj. riHHT fHKHBYTKKIAN t'llt'Kt H OK L.K VIKW. meets In the Maaunla Hall. Sunday Hrbool at 10:00 A.M. : Morning Kerr Ire al UllO Krvnliis Her vice al T:f0. I'rayer Mertlof on Wedmeilayasl?:a P.M. All are cordially lu Tiled. KtV. O. T. MOHOA.N I'll. Il fulor. P1HMT BAlMTMt CHCKI II UK I.AKK i mi nue .reek, oreeon. Preachlns ser rices at II A M and T:i .M nf rai-h Hundsr al every mouth, tiuuday at lu A M Prayer Hrrvlre at?: V)ou Ws.liua.lar evening 9f eaj-b wertt. All are oor.llally Invited to HUurt i he services kE V. U K. H KN IIKKSOK, LAKEVIEW LODOKNo. 71. A. K. A A. M. llolda atated uiet-tlnes Saturday on or Ix'lure full moon. Jauuary I'.lh. March tnd, March Sutb April 77lh, May 2Mb, June ?.nh, Hpuclal me-tlusa upon call, acuorally Haturday even lima. VlaliniK brethren welcome. W. Lair Thompson, W. M. A. W. Orum.beo'y A O. V. W.-I.AKKVIKW UMKiK NO. Ul. Meets .Tory second and fourth Thuraday ot taih month. In Maieinlc Hall, lakeview. t;has. Toiitiluxaon. M.W'.i Wai.Ounther, H. DKURKK OF IIONOH I.A K EH1IOKK U.DOK No.77. II., A.O. II. W., Meets .r.i an. I third Tliurailsya of each month I ,uiu Hall: Marr Host, C. of If.; J Hdls Arsner, L. of H. Lors Hnyder C. of C; Alameda Brown, Recorder. I. O. O. P--LAKKVIKW UllMIK, No. SJ. I w O.K.. uieela every Hatiirday evening t Kcllowa Hall, al 7:30 o'clock, from Ootoix'i I to April 1, and at olclock from April 1 i. Heptcruber m. I). U. Iluuila. N. O.: . Olieuoy, Hi'crotary r -' AKeviKw kni:ami mknt no. i I O. O. P., meets the llral and lliird Thura u ly evuuliiKaof each mouth In O.I, I Kellowa II i 1. Ukcylew. i:, u. Arthur. O. P.. A. II tsinnnT.ley, Hcrlbv. UKHKKAH IXJDOK-I.AKKVIKW LOfXiK, NO H. I. O. O. K., meets I he second slid fuiinb Krldayanl each .niinih In Odd Kellowa Hsil Mrs iiulla Chcu.-y, N (1; Miaa IxjuI.o Htork maii, va; Alice niuitlng, Treaaureri M. D. Moss, beu'y. O.K. H. ORIKNTAL (.'II A ITKR, NO 6, LAKE view, Orciton,-Meets on Tueaday, on or be ore full moon and two weeks therealter, In viasoule 7:Huo'oliM-k. VI.Hlug members are cordially Invited. .DAI-MHAII.Hjclr!:!.1rV,A5K,8'VV-11' PieOFHSSIONAL CAKDS A UNI UK W. OUTON Attorneyat-Law Notary Public All 1'ractlee Kxcept U. Laud Ollce HunlneHH. If you want a really yood smoke lor a oickle, try Ktorkman'a Leader. Attorney at Law and Notary Public OKr.c'K-i.i, nuihiia,. f). VKNA'i'OU Attorney at Law, I ji ml Mattera Murlalty OPflCE-Dalr Bnlldlns (J n A K I. KHV Mil At ! M Land and Law Otilce Abstractor of Title EBtabllshedJiSMH lakKTlew, Ors V. LA JH THOMPSON Attorney at Law Office lu O, V. L. Gil's Huildifitf. LaKKVIKW . tuiEOOl Cuts and brulaca may be licnlcd In ulioul olio third tbe tliuu ri ijulrcd by llin imiial Ircatrnent by S.lyiiif Clianibi rlulli'. I.lii.niont U la an autlai'ptfc and imusuH such Injurlm to heal without insturntlon. This llniinciit also re lieves soruiiuss ol the inuaclus and rlicuuislls pslns. Kor sale by all dealers.