Lake County Examiner Official Paper of Lake County, Oregon ADYBRTISINO It A IKS. drftilw un1lng an trifh. ilnilt lino ipar. f-r mwli All lUndlng !. ca uigrd fiw lwle a t'Ml ot compel 1 a chantl forall pun chm. All jolJ portion extra. Al! ihort Win ada utra l.-f : !il otuirirm, lor. jr llnach In- tlon. 'ani 1. Sc. a Hue each lon-rtloa trd of think II .00. RenolutloDi o. eoado fi wit p.i upward. rVTni:lriit AdwtUluf and Job Prtat Bf.oaih ti advanoc. A I bllli mmt bcpitd thi llritotaaca month. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. On mr, In adTim. Hi month, rhr month, " IS .1 tfll not paid la idYiup,ll.0 thifeil Notice ta SabacHbera oohnTioori to Thi Kxamlnvr wLo tvmon O Imm nn locum? to another, or cnnft tasssmsnasmz n'mrmwr to imo a card to thi-lr paper can b ad- druurd to the rink I poitofncw. their poetofllca addren ihould drop thti i Lakeview, Orejron, Thursday, Aujrust lttli! OUH COMMERCIAL CIA'II Nt Mnnrlaw nichL September 2 U tne time set for election of Lakeview Commercial Club officers. This wm to have been done at the last regular monthly meetirs but it will be remem bered was postponed owing to lack of attendance at the meeting. The real worth of and the good that can be obtained from a sound organisa tion along development lines was fully demonstrated at the meeting of the Central Oregon Development Leagoe in Laaeview last week. A Commercial Club is a necessity that we cannot well get away from. It is an essential factor to pro mote and further advance the welfare of.Lkeview. And it must have the sup port ot the town's citizens both morally and financially. In order to elect a set of officers who will best serve the or ganization will require manifestation of interest in the Club and this the people must f bow in order to get results. The only way to acquire desired results for the municipality is by the concerted efforts of all who are interested in or identified with the upbuilding of the town and the development of the rick country surrounding it. Let us hoDe that the people will at least come out to the meeting next Monday night and if possible take an active part in working for the rnsin tainance of the Commercial Club and share tbe responsibility of choosing a set of officers to carry on the good work tnat hs been started by the pre sent incumbents. They have faithfully done their part and done it exceedingly well. STEAM LAUNDRY BEEN OVERHAULED Mr. Hunker Says Every thing In Shape To Give Efficient Service Even should there be no further re sults from tbe meeting of the Oregon Development Leagoe held here in Lake view, all will agree that the benefits all ready derived have fully repaid us fur the expense and trouble we entailed. We know what can be done in the way of ra eing troits. vegetables, grains, grasses and the like, and whenever a similar affair takes place there will be no doubt be a much better exhibit, for the rivalry betweeen tbe individuals aa communities will no doubt manilest it aelf. Tbe Examiner heartily favors preparing Lake County exhibit for the Klamath County fair and sending it in charge of some person able to ex plain to visitors tbe possibilities of this country. There is no denying the fact that many bomeseekers go into Kara atb that would come on into Lake if the situation was put up to them prop erly and a booth fitted up at their fa-r would no doubt be of value to us Since being overhauled and renovated by Laundryman E. D. Rudd, who came here for that purpose, the Lakeview Steam Laundry baa been rendering satisfactory service. Before leaving Mr. Kudd thoroughly acquainted Harry Hunker tbe proprietor, with all the wrinkles in the business, who is now capable ot supervising the plant himself. The mangles have beer, revised and adjusted to give proper results. A hot water tank that greatly adds to the facilities of tbe laundry hs been added and numerous changes and additions are noticeable tbrougout the plant. The collar and cuff ironer is in shape to do efficient work in that line and Mr. Hunker informs us that be Is arranging to install a body ironer that will be a valuable addition toward finishing rough dry work. A steam laundry for Lakeview is a very convenient and valuable enter prise. Wnile tbe laundry that we have has made good in many ways, it is an unfortunate circumstance that Mr. Hunker has bad so many adver sities since ha started the plant. The public will be glad to know that the deficiencies have been overcome and that he now feels he is adequate ly equipped to take competent care of all laundry work. Portland is the next city to go under the microscope. Upon instigation of Governor West an investigation com mittee has been busy the past several weeks delving into vices and corrupt policies of low dens in the state's me tropolis, and their report has just been filed with the governor. Governor West has proved himself to be no Fruit Crop Good A sample of the peaches raised on the Taylor ranch this season was brought to this office by F. M. Uuke. Tbey were of excellent quality, and sufficient to assure a good eiop of' late fruits in this valley. The berry rop which Is practically over wss bountiful this season and sufficient to supply the local demand, 'the fact that this cduo try would make a profitable producer in this line is shown by the demand being met by only few growers. It is reported that apples will be plentiful and probably more than can be consumed locally. The flavor and quality of Goose Lake apples can not oe excelled and they have twice captured the blue ribbon at the Wat eonville State Apple Show in Califor nia. These were the Winter Banana variety grown on the Urilea ranch al Davis Creek. FALL STYLES Of MEN'S GOOD CLOTHES 1 1 12 NAMIJ on the suit you wear is of more significance than the mere fact that it is a silk embroidered label. Is it a name that has a reputation behind it? Ios it mean that every suit bearing it is unequalled in fabric, fit and finish? If you wear a Hurt SchnlTncr it Mnrx Suit you are getting every detail of clothes perfection for your money. Our fall stock of Hart Schaffner ec Marx Good Clothes is now arriving and includes the late fabrics Tweeds, Cheviots, and novelty mixtures. The prices are reasonable, too. $22.50, $32.50 Bailey (Eb Massingill THE HOME OF GOOD VALUES GROCERY Department FANCY CAKES AND COOKIES Strictly fresh. Direct from the factory. Manv nrw kinds in the assortment. Try sonic of these for your sweet tooth: Lemon Wafers, Newsboys, Cream Sand wiches. Fijj; Sultanas, Sunllowcrs, King lice. (Jraham Crackers, Fancy assM Cookies in packages Panama Creams and Wafers. For strictly fresh and hijrh juality Groceries. PHONE 27 B(&M Store Phone Two-Seven LAKEVIEW SESSION PLEASEDVISITORS What Exchanges Say Of Meeting In Lakeview Last Week Body Reaches Portland The Portland Journal of Augjm 25 says the body of Charles B. Merrick, accompanied by Register A. W. Orton. of Lakeview arrived there Saturday on Klamath Herald : The session uf the Central Ureogn Development League in Lakeview was one of the most suc cessful meetings of the kind ever held in the West. This is the unanimous opinion of those who were in attend ance. Klamath Northwestern: That the second annual meeting ot the Central Oregon Develpoment League at Lake view this week jas one of tbe greatest boosting meetings ever hold in Ore iron is the unanimuus word brought here yesteiday by the Klamath Falls and Portland delegates who aVe returning nome bv way of this city. Port Biriwell News: Among tbe Fort Bidwell visitors at the Lakeveiw celebration were Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Franklin. Floyd Smith. Fred Mecsneri and Billy Crow ho went over Wednes day by auto. ; Reno Journal : Tired, but well satis tied wi'h the trip and enthusiastic over the po89ibilities.of the country they saw more than fifty of tne Lakeview excur sionists returned to Heno last night on the N.-C.-O. They had been in Lake view for the festivities commenting on Monday over the meeting of the Central Oregon Deveolment League and every day of the vibit was a revela tion of the marvelous resources of that country logically trinu'ary to Reno. so.y.i BEND to riim- I AM) AND RETURN f!).!5 Portland Kctnrn via Oro Kou Trunk I y for tin Portland Fair Aiwu-t 2( to 31m. Return limit Set. 2. Through train Icbvcm Iti'iid at C.'SDA.M I 'ally. ScheduU- and detail will be fiiriilxht-d ou r-ticNt. J.F1. t'nrtx-tt. Aircnt. IJend, Ore. A '."J 1 Milt &ALK: U o.l Milch cow. In quire Mr. W. r". Kikii'I"h, Lakeview, Oregon. . ALU LOST: II lack liorm v I'hinc uliuiil buckle Uraud, also "HL, mIuhI. Lxtat wt'ii at New Pine Creek Satur day, Aug. 17th. Itindl.v I u form L. O. Vau Itfllfii, Hitch Ura.le, ( al. A IB. It FOU tSALE: Liucolu and Black face yearling (hichm. Alt-o lauilm. , W. A. bherloi k.'Allur.B, Ol. A2:K( FOB HAM-: NW4 of nWUof 1 Seel loll :i5, T. X!. it. 40 K W. M In Mulli.-ui t'ounty, an i SEJ$ of SK' of Sec tion 17. T. 3'-.. It Ll. and S1 of St of NK'-j of WJ of Section 13, T. ."if U. 30. 1-: . M with a wuU-r rlht. Altto 4 loU In o.V L, (' Addition to LrftkevifW all for f I.LSOn If taken alone-. A liHrmu. In vi-Hii'uto. A. K. I'aj; iui-Miiiorma, l al. A'-.l FOL'.VM: Iu Lull-view Inst week, lady's HNiall Kohl watch with chain attached. Owner call at tliu Kxatn lner -tiMl prove properly and they may have eame nv paving lor tlint ad. ' A 2D the Shasta Limited and that a'range- quitterand that Portand will go throuhg J ments were being made for the funeral to take place Monday. a nne seive during inis clean up cam paign is assured by the examples re cently set elsewher? in the Etate. Closing Out To make room for u r New Stock BROKEN LOTS of MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S SHOES Amongst these remnants arc some of the famous Gotzian Brand The funeral was to be private. Num-1 emus business houses closed their doors ' during the ceremony. The Journal j states that Mrs. Merrick had been! proatrBte ever fcmce being informed of her husband's death that occurred last week at the bath house below Lake-view. It will pay you to investi gate these Bargains Ejconomy Store! NO'I ICK TO CKEDITOKS hi the County Court of the State of Oretfnti, for" the County of Lake. In the matter of the L:ate of) Clara H. Clnppel. 1 tended ) TO all whom it may concern: Xo'lafe N hereby (riven tlmi the niiileridirnwl ww, by n or.h-r of lion. H. Italy, .Mi'le of the above (-untied court, ilulv made nu I entered in said matter on thet'Uth day of Auuuf-t, lltll?, duly appointed us adrnlulM'rutcr with die will aimexed of the State iu Oreon. r.f i lara ti. Chapped, deceived, and hiiH duly qualllied uh hucIi Adiiiiniatru. tor. All perHotitt having claltin against f aid decedent or nald estate are here be required to piesent the Hume, duly verified, together witti li e iro;r vouchero, to hh Id Admluihtraior at the La w office of L. K. Conn, in the town of Lakeview, Lake County, Ore j?on, within monthB from the date of the first publication of thin notice. Dated and lirnt puhllahed tlilrt 211 th day of AufUbt, V.iVJS. OHON L. DUMiAR Adiiilriiotiator with will an nexed, of the estate Iu () (jon, f.f Clara 15. Chapne , deceived. Advertised Letters C. M. Lougdon, S. S. McKarland, Mrs. Joe McCault-y, Walter McAdama, Mrs. Willie Marks, S. f. Morris 2, James Franklin Scott, Kdgar Corthell, Mrs. A. M. Crocker, C. W. Kirzey, Frank Knowlton, Klzer Chase, Heibert Hamlin, John Hilton 2, Martin Van nlencon, Mrs. W. Anderson, George Heleza, John Fredric-ka, JoBeph K. Dolhey 2, Mrs. Kossie DenniH, Calvin Odam, Claude Moore, Mrs. Judith Con rad, Mr. E. Burke. Geo. II. Cou"tant, M.l). 2, C. A. ClBrk, I. W. Kioney 2. Frank Coin 2, Chan. H. Lamott, Hobt. NOTK K Fi)U 1'UltMCATIoN Not Coal LhiiiIs Department of the Interior, United Statex Land Ottlce, at Lakeview, Ore- I gon, Auuxt LI'J, No llee is licrehy Kivun that JaiiieH 15. bearing, of Lakeview, Oregon, who, on March U, MUU, made homeHlead entrv, No. (KilLM, for SV,'4, Section 12, TownHhip ;i!l.S , linn;e 1 7 10, Wllla niette, Meridian, linn tiled notice of In tention to make 11 mil three-year proof, to eMahliHh claim to the hind above dew-rllo-d, before the KelHter and Itecelver of the I'nlted btateti Land Office . at Lakeview, OreoD, on thel'7th day ol Sepn-mher, KllJ. Claimant ii.-iiiio1 as witueHHea: ijeorge llonner, Ian Chandler, OeoiKe llunh Weal ami Lawrence Tracy, all of Lakeview, Oregon. A. W. OHTON, KeKiMter. Tnose from Silver Lake who attend ed the Lakeview meeting are, F, M. Chnsman and fami'y, G. W. Marvin, Dr. Thorn and family, J. H. Lane, Os car Ho'man and A. B. Schroder. ! ADMl.MSf KATOJi'ri NOTICK ! In the County Court of the State Oregon for the County of Lake. r- .1... ..1 Sullivan, Jas. Mckeloy, Scott Heeler, ,.:(,wur(, A. Sov(1)!r u.t.(.aM,.(). , Ben Doelverson, W. A. Wagner, Lena To u), whom it may concern: No Burke. Fred Mulley, H. L. Olsms. W. th e Is hereby given, that the under Louis. Mr. Lona Butler, (Jeo. T. Kline, wigncd Admiuirator of the entate of ... n, r, . . ii , Kdward A. hnyder, deceaHed Iihm W. W. Rose. Alez 1'r.ce, O. A. Faith, Hjm, th8 fiuH ;t;.0olIit of ,,iH lmlnM. Geo. J. Wilson, John T. Ihomson, A. tmtiou of ald ewtate, with the clerk N. Bucanan, Patrick Webb, F. B. J of the ahove entitled Court, and that Kiri-.LUr It. K. kantlehertr. Frank noo. o. jiaiy, . I uokc oi num wun, of eherg. Precicado, Lakeview Brick &. 'file Co., G. II. Beany, Kuth McCallum, Geo. Van Tuyl & Kennerth, Mauthon Ldor olia, fat Wert, Julian Ygoa 2, I'ierre Berjman, Ed Bower.. One Kegister for Wido Masannvick. . $11.95 BEND TO SA LEM AND RETURN $11.05 round trip Bend to Salem via Oregon Trunk liy. for the Oregon State Fair. September 2 to 7, 1U12. Tickets will 1 Bold August 29 to Sep t mher 7th inclusive, with reiurn limit of Keplemher 11th. Through daily train for Portland leaves Bend ot 6:30 A. M., arrive Portland 5::id I'. M. in Haine ntation with Orejron Klectrlc liy. lor Salem. Detail) fur nished on recjuewt. J. II. Oorlwjt, Agent, Bend, Oregon. A2'.i-2 Iihm fixed and anpolnted Saturday, the 2Hth day of September, 11)12, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon ol Muid day, at the court room ot Raid Court In tliu County Court llouae In the towQ ol Lakeview, Comity of Luke, State of Oretton, aa the time and place for hearlui; of ohjectioaa to Much final accoiiut, if any there be, anil for the acttlement thereof. Dated ami first nuMlnhed thlH 'JDth day of August, l'Jl'2. JOHN Ak.NI'X, AtJuiitiiHiiator of the estate of Kdward A. Hnyder, deceaoed. ALGER LAND COMPANY Kcu Estate Urohcrs High (It rule Mining Stock Ofteae at NEW PINE CREEK & LAKEVIEW BRADLEY ENGINEERING CO. Mining A Civil l'ligliicern Minluu Ligation and Patent Surveyx, Farm ami IrrlKallon Work, orrtcw. 4.'4 MONAHNOCK HLIxl , .. PAS PKAKCIhi'O KAIKPOK T . CAI.IVOKNIA NEW IINKI KKKK OUKi.ON til HI lf MIIY IIMtl-Itt mutt IT. nrltr Itiiiin'illiitfly tn II'. Y. HWIIT. ntljlcm attorney, I, nun .v Tmt lihltt . W.Sll lITU., II. t J. D. MARINER MUSIC HOUSE RENO, NEVADA Box 422 Sells for the Factories the World's Ilest Makes of Pianos, built to stand any climate. Factory (Uiar antee furnished with each instrument. Mehlln & Sons Knabe, Weber, Vote, Fischer, Stcck Krell, Lauter, Shonlnger, Wcg man, Cable & Sons Kohler & Campbell Steinway, Mehlln, Weber and Lauter Player-Pianos Standard and Wurllster Electrics Mado In Now York and Boston Sold For Cash or On Easy Payments We sell Pianos for 8L'.S. .00 that you cannot buy elsewhere for $ l-OO.OO. Huy nt home and save money "Coupon Schemes," ' (iuessin Schemes," "Club Schemes" and "Special Sale Schemes" arc fake meth ods lor unloading cluap pianos. Ilih (irade Pianos are not sold through fake schemes. We make a Specialty of Tuning and Repairing Call or Write for our Catalogs and Prices. 123 NO. VIRGINIA ST. Phone 487 RENO, NEV. Vacations at the Sea Shore Clatsop Beach, Pacific Ocean 7,oiv rniinil trip fitri'H jiro In t fTi i t nil suiniiirr. This hrmit llnl bniu'h strrtrln-s I weiit.-tlt inilrs smith nftln iimulh nflhi' Cnhinililii lilst'r. t-ivHxlilu mill (Ifiirhurt Iiiiyv lirsl c.i.s.s ImirlH. inltiirs uikI runiiiiiK filiu o.s, surf Imtliliifs; lishiiiK, nioiiiir.iln wuli r, vtc. Low Round Trips Eost TliruiiHhotit tin minimer, mi tin- ihiti hi'ii hrlow, round trip tickets will ho solil to the pnlnls In the eii.-t si, own helow, mill mnny ut the the reduced ftircN limited. ySv (Hi .--."ST t7- - y tbJl 1 til 1UI 111 HI la CENTRAL OREGON LINE Great Northern and Northern Pacific Railways Atlantic City... fill 00 Detroit f fiL'.W ttm.ihn. juiaimure in, vu iniiuiii Huston lit) 00 Kansas City.. HufT.tlo VI r,i Milwaukee .... Chlenno 7l'b0 Minneapolis .. Colorado Sprs... iiii 00 Montrnel Denver &J 00 ,cv York S (10 00 00 00 I'hiladelpliH 10.S60 00 00 J'lttsdurir DlfiO 72 M St. Louis 70 00 0( 00 St. J 'a ill 00 00 I or, tn) Jus :,o Toronto ill M Wushliiffton lo7oo Dates of Sale July 23, 20, llo, ,11, 1D12 A ukusI I, 2, 3, (I, 7, 12, 10, 22, 23, 2!), 3n, 31, 1012 September 4, r. 0, 7, S, 11, Ii', :t,,t mrj. Stopovers and choice ufrouten allowed In vneh dlrivtlon. linal return limit October 31, lull. Train leu vtui Jleiid 0.30 n. m, connects directly at I'ullhrldv with Tast thrcQi Train Last W. E. COM AN, Con'l Frolyht &. p. Agt., PORTLAND, ORE. J.H.. COHBKTT, Mgt., BtND, OMf, 1 U