Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 22, 1911, Image 5

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Improved and Unimproved Farms
City Property
We Specialize Fruit Lands
1 H
Unite County Cyaimncr
i iiuhhay. Ji'Nt mi.
L. I. Hoy, of tho Thousand Spring from their camp near Camas Prairie.
Valley at Summer Luke, wan in town , They attended the dance at the Opera
Saturday on mallrra of business, j houso that evening for little recrca-
j:imer Ahlatrom and family spent
lr, Anmden. of fine Creek, v
town I net week.
LndicH ollk Iviw at M) ccnu ivi tln
rarlxliiii Millinery.
CtiHdn'iM . at hM 15 cent nt
(Iim I'aiUiiiu Mlilliii-ry.
I'roa.u NuIiihv Pudding nt Cloud'
( . Crvnui I'urlor today
A. C Kobinett, of Mne Creek, was
one of Saturday'a viitors.
l.iidl.a neat Outing Wulat. 7.i eta
at Dm I'itrlMliiii Millinery.
KUIer Itiley, of the Went Side. was
one of last week' visitor.
One Ni'im.l lutnd witter t oi ler nt
Tin' From ktniil.v Kitchen
Itim't u Uh tin La Vogue milt culi'
ut the Men-untile ( Stuns
Ahk to e tin I.ndle Athena Un-'
ilcrwear al Mercnutlle Co's More
Miaa Mary rangre. is now employed
as waitrciui in the Hotel Lakeview.
KIiiuh huiI Fourth of July docoia
tion at lb FriMtCttudy Kil:lit'ii
M tliiH l.lnlii Iiuhi' nt JW rente, op
.'I pair for $1. Mort'notllM Co'a Store
Ib.b Snyder, of the Da via Creek
o.i try, was one of Sunday' visitors.
F.KU'H wanted "t Aug. Poring a city
bakery, iiuiiket pruc, cunIi or i(
See l.fikcvlcw A bat Met A Tltl Co.'
ad fop Hi-il price on OA .1.. almtiacia
I.. C. Meyer the well known atock
man wan In town lust week on 'mid
lie. Finis llickeraon, of Hidwell. ap
arcd in our tnidat the forepart of this
We luive them in tun nnd bUck,
allk hoae al fiTi cent. Mi n auille Co
I .ltd lea long In button allk glove
all color, ft. 76 at the I'nrlaino M
lliwry. Mr. and Mra. W. K. Allen, of Twelve
Mile ("i-eek, vlnitur the first of
he week.
Andrew Morria and fumily fame In
from Camas I'rairie lant Saturday for
mippliea. I
IreHHnmkliiK done by Mra. II. I.
(illibliia at itooui 10, Aotli-r'a Itoom
Ingllouw. ft
Will Itchart was in town on Tuesday,
coming in from the ranch for a few
days vlait.
H. M. Fleming, the New Tine Creek
merchant, was in town during the
pant week.
Mr. and Mra. Henry HoydHtun, of
the West Side, were in town last week
on busine"!'.
Mr. and Mra. Henry Fox. of the
Weat. Side, were Sunday viaitora In
Dr. I.yoiiH returned during the week
from a visit to Klamath Falla and
other Hiinta.
Gabriel Arzner, of the Auger Valley
taction, Friday came into town on a
buaineHB visit.
Mr. und Mrs. Wulter Dent, well
known residents of Flush., were among
this week's visitors.
Mr, and Mr. John Fitzgerald, well
known Warn r residents, were viaitora
during the pu.l week.
Mr. and Mra. K. M. Hntttain went
over to Cedarville yesterday, making
the trip in Miller'a unto.
Reverend M. O'MaJley. of the Cath
olic Church, Monday morning left for
A Hums on it business trip.
Ibirber McCurdy is having hia new
house painted a creutn color, which is
appropriate and hccoinming.
N. Waldo Taylor and fumily, of the
Veyasade ranch. Monday arrived in
town for several days visit.
Murry Hurd has HgHin ussumod hia
duties ut the ISailey & Massiugill atore
after a aeveral week'a illness.
Frank Gunther left Tuesday for
A I turns with an auto, having a com
mercial limn for a passenger.
Tim McCarthy has accepted a posi
tinn with the Palace saloon and will
now be employed there steady.
Mr. and Mrs.George Chandler were
in from their Chewaucun ranch aeveral
days the fore part of this week.
Frank Lane, manager of the J7T
ranch at Flush, was in town the fore
part of the week on matter of buai-ncsg.
large variety
Suudny at the home of hia fathcp-lndaw
S. It. Chandler at Crooked Creek.
Mr. Ilertrand, proprietor of the hotel
at (V'larv.llr, was a visitor here for
aeveral daya during the past week,
i I. A. Jerome, the Went Sliie aaw
mill man. waa In town last week with
a largo load of ahlnglei for the local
I Many of the house on our main
'atreeta were numbered last week,
, which ia another city featuro long
! waited for.
F. I. Light haa had the exterior of
hi house on Main atreet nicely painted
and it now present a much Improved
A large number of people attended
the Saturday night dance at the Ojiera
House and a pleanaant time wa enjoy
ed all around,
Mra William Kerrigan, a resident of
San Francisco, ia now spending a few
day viait here to her sister Mra.
W. K. Harry.
Reverend M. O'MaJley. of the Cath
olic Church, Saturday return
ed from a aeveral day visit to Silver
Lake and vicinity.
M. D. Williams, who is employed by
the Davis Creek Orchards Company,
Thursday came up from Davis Creek
on matter of business.
Frank llarne and family arrived
here lust week from Summer Lake
and are now attending a few days re
newing old acquaintances.
Ren Armstrong, one of Alturaa' lead
ing business men arrived in the city
Monday and remained for several daya J
renewing old acquaintnee.
Mr. and Mra. John Walker last week
cume in from the Bower' Bridges
shearing corrals, where they havo been
employed for sometime past.
Mr. N. Fine, who has been ajiend
ing the winter month in Sacramento,
Friday returned to Lakeview en route
to her home in the Warner country.
John Arzner, who has been employed
on the new house being erected by
Win.' Hotehkiss at his raiu'h north of
Valley Fulls, came into town Satur
day. Southstone Rros. are excavating
in the rear of their garage with the
intention of enlarging their present
building owing to the increase of busi
ness. Miaa Ida Howard, who for sometime
past haa heen residing in New York
City, is now aiH'nding u few days here
at the home of her sister. Mrs. C. D.
A trip to either of our two garages
and a glance or two along our main
street will convince all the doubtful
one that we certainly are very much
of auto fiends.
Mr. und Mrs. O. W. Higby, well
known residents of Flush, were visitors
here on Sunday last and report them
selves a much pleased with the way
Lakeview ia growing.
Frank DeaCombcs, of the Summer
Lake country, Friday came into town
for a lurge loud of wire fencing, which
he intends to use in improving his deB
ert claim in that section.
Jimrnie Hurry, who has been em
ployed by his futher in the aneep busi
ness, came in from the range lust week
and ia quite ill with la grippe at the
home of Mrs. Lora Barry.
Jas. Dodsoti arrived Fridav from
Reno, Nev.. where he had been to pur
chase new fore-door Dorri Automo
bile. It ia a fine machine 'and Mr.
Douson Is very proud of it.
We have been informed that the
Chewuucan hotel, at Paisley, is now
in running order. This hotel has long
been needed and will no doubt be ap
preciated by the traveling public
The house occupied ty Mr. and Mrs
A. McNub. at the south end of Water
Street, is receiving a fresh coat of
paint this week, and when completed
will assume a very neat appearance.
Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. M. Faulkner are
over from Cedarville on a brief visit.
On thier return they will be accom
panied by Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Clark,
who will be their guests for a time.
The ludies of the Presbyterian Aid
Society met this afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Marion Barnes, and a pleasant
time waa enjoyed by all present as
well as many business matters discuss
ed to be glad to ee Lakeview once
more) especially after the aevere
winter on the desert, and Immediately
noticed the many improvements alnce
Walter Howard, who ha been quite la,,t Mi with UB
ill for aeveral week paat at the home' A very enjoyable band concert was
of hia sister, Mr. C. D. Arthur, la given on the Court House ground
now feeling somewhat Improved. I Sunday afternoon last, and a large
which new hi many friend are glad
to learn.
William S. Towner, a former resi
dent of New York city aeveral day
ago arrived here and I now employed
a clerk in the local Government land
office. Mr .Towner ia under Civil Ser
vice apMintment.
R. K. Wattonburg. a contractor and
builder of Klamath Fall, arrived in
the city Tuesday ami ha been getting
acquainted with our business 'men and
incidently looking out for future busi
ness In Lakeview.
Several young cougars, the proper
ty of Bird Wade, were shipped to Port
land a few day back for the animal
collection In that city. The cougar
were unusually fine specimens and
attracted quite at little attention.
Futher O'Malley. of the Catholic
Church, on behalf of self and congre
gation wishes to thank the members of
the Lakeview band for their services
at the laying of the corner stone.
Their kindness was much apprecitatcd.
Gu Schlngle made a trip to New
Pine Creek Sunday and while there
witnessed a rattling good ball game
between the PineCreek anrt DavisCreek
nines. Ho states that the score wa VI
to 8 in favor of the New Pine Creek
Walter Dutton, who recently return
ed from the Oregon Agricultural Col
lege for the summer vacation, has ac
cepted a position with the forest ser
vice and will probably be stationed in
the Chewuucan Valley during the fire
scum n.
Bud Paxton. who has been running
a band of the Chandler sheep during
the past winter, this week came into
town for a few days viait with hi
folks. Bud, of course, was glad to be
with , once more after a hard winte
on the desert.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Finley. of Bly
arrived in the city Friday and were
guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Willits
Saturday morning they left for Warner
Valley where Mr. Finley will look over
the Walter Dent ranch, which he thinks
of purchasing.
With potatoes now selling at 5 and 6
cents per pound it is a matter of won
der to us why more eastern people do
not take advantage of the many oppor
tunities which this section offers tnnd
tuke up the growing of 'garden pro
duce. There's money in it.
O. U. Metoalf, traveling freight and
passenger agent, at Reno, Nev., for
the Southern Pacific was in Lakeview
a couple of days the first part of the
week calling on the business men. He
will return here on July 8 to be in
attendance at the wool sale.
A very pleasant meeting of the
Catholic Ladies' Altar Society was
held Thursday afternoon last at the
home of Mrs. A. McNab. After the
necessary business had been transacted
refreshments were served and a social
time was enjoyed until a late hour.
Some very nice. pictures of the lay
ing ot the corner stone of the new
Catholic Church are now on exhibition
in the window of A. Kaufman's jewel
ry atore. The pictures were snapped
by Stone the photographer and are
being sold by him at sixty cents each.
G. K. Harrington, one of the
attendant at the Salem Asylum arrived
in Lakeview Monday evening and left
the next morning for Sulem with Thos
J. Dijurnette who was brought here
from New Pine Creek several days ago
and upon examination was adjudged
audience was pleased with the selec
tion rendered. If anoyne doubt that
our band lioys can deliver the goods let
them listen to the music orce or twice
and we have no doubt but what they
will sec things as we do.
Dr. C. D. Marsh, of the Bureau of
Plant Industry. Sunday evening arriv
ed here to work in co-operation with
W. W. Kgglcaton. assistant botanist
of the same bureau, who has been on
the ground for the past few weeks.
Dr. Marsh is an authority on sheep
sickness, and any owner who has the
misfortune to lose any of his stock
through poisoning otherwise should
immediately report the matter to these )
officials, who are making their present,'
headquarters at the local Forest office. :
On July I
Forest, with headuarters in this city
will be decreased in arae by several
thousands of acres,
of the Forests, that portion lying north
of the town of Silver Lake and west
of Silver Creek, with a portion of the
Des Chutes National Forest, wi'l be
included in what is known as the Pau
lina Forest and will be in charge of
Supervisor Cryder. Mr. Cryder wa
until recently a Ranger on the Des
chutes district, from which position
he was promoted to the place he is to
We arc now ready tj Jurnish Complete
Abstracts to O, V. L
Tracts and Town bo
at, the low figure of each
iNuf Oakland, California I
the Fremont National Ttie only Woman' College on the Pacific Coat. j
, . . ... .. Chartered 185. Near two great Lowemiie. '
Heal climate throughout the year, tntrance
and graduation requirement equivalent to
lhoe of Stanford and L'niveraity of California. ;
The northern part Laboratonea for acience with modern equip-1
economics, library atudy, muic and art. j
M'xlern (rymnnium. Special care for health I
of iim mti. out-door life. I'rciident. Lut-lla 1
Clay Carton. A. I Lift. D.. LL. D. tor
catalogue addreta Secretary, MilU College 1'.
O.. C alifornia.
Lynn Croneniiller, Chus. WeyLurn
and Walter Dutton were in Saturday
Mupollno at
Tf.- ill -.t. -
until vriinin a lew weeks ago we
have been obilged to confine ourselves
principally to beef, us the only meat
availalle. However, now that sheep
are beginning to come in on their way
to the summer ranges it is possible
ocoasionaly to buy mutton, and the
change Is certainly appreciated.
County Sheriff Warner Snider, who
recently acquired a new Ford auto,
may be seen about our streets almost
any day now in his new purchase.
Warner has learned to handle the
wheel like a veteran, and appears to
have no trouble whatever whizzing
around the corner.
Dun Sullivan, a well known sheep
man apieared in town last week for
the first time since hia departure for
the desert early last fall. Dan appear-
Cottolenta fur etk at
Paisley Pick-ups
(CheWrtUciin Press)
Chas. Arthur and Fred Snelling, of
Lakeview, were in Paisley Sunday.
Mrs. Sherlock and daughter. Ena.
returned from the Willamette Valley
Saturday. i
Al Potts, of Lakeview, was in Pis-!
ley. Sunday, on a visit to his brother,
the saw-mill man.
W. V. Gaisyer. government stock
inspector, stayed over night in Paisley
last week, leaving for-Silver Lake.
Saturday morning. j
Two big wagon loads of wool started !
for the railroad Saturday, shipped by J
the Chewaucan Mercantile Co. i
Mr. Ci'ori'p Conn has comnleted his !
new irrigation system and turned the , O
water into the flume on Saturday.
From the flume the water passes into
the small ditches and can be switched
from one ditch to another. Mr. Conn ;
found that surface irrigation was un
satisfactory and so at considerable ex-
pense changed it to sub-Irrigation. 1
He is one of the few men in this sec-'
tion who conduct their farming opera-!
tions on up-to-date lines. He proposes .
buing a traction engine with which to
do his plowing and land clearing. ;
Loss by Fire
Saturday morning Samuel Riley, the
well known Weit Side rancher, receiv
ed a telegram from San Angelo. Texas
stating that a house owned by him at
that place valued at $2500 had been
struck by lightening and completely
gutted by fire. The loss was covered j
by only $1200 insurance. At the time
of the fire a family was occupying the !
house but fortunately no one was in
If you want a bice little home,
this ia the place for you.
Neir three-room house, neatiy
papered. Lot and Furnishings, Just
as it stands; Rang and Cooking
t'tensile; act of Ilaviliu China;
flOO Victor (Jraphapbore and Re
cords; 11 x 93 Wilton Velvet Kug.
good as new; Airnlnlater Rug and
Carpet; Oak Morria Chair; Princess
Dresi-er; Sanitary Couch and Cush
ions; Spring Mattress: lVdding,
Curtains, Pictures, Books and other
things too nuinen.ns to Mention.
Also Ten acres of good land.
fC50 takes the whole thing at
once. Ceo. Wealeder, Owner.
Enquire three doors below- Mr.
Patcbelder'a bouse.
When you pur
chase a corset you
want one that has
It is e cruelly im
portant that the
same corset be
and if you can al
so have one that
and that corset can
be bought at a
you have an the
requisites of a
splendid corset.
have 'every one of these excel
lent features and many more.
Every improvement as exacted
by fashion is combined in these
dainty garments
tiS, J
MAIN H' ;EET, West of Court House
At The
Mercantile Co. 's
Chief Deputy Here
J. B. Gentry. Chief Deputy Grand I
Master of the A. O. U. W.. is in Lake- j
view again and will meet with the I
lodge to-night. Mr. Gentry states that i
the organization is in a most flourish-!
ng condition and that many unsolicit
ed applications are coming in all over
the State. This is due to the high ,
class policy they are issuing, it being'
the only guarantteed polciy issued by ;
any fraternal organiztion. It carries !
the same values as any of the old line 1
policies only about 25 pre cent cheaper, j
with just as good a guarantee. Mr.
Gentry wants to meet all the members I
tonight at the meeting.
Farewell Dance
A very nice farewell dance in honor !
of Miaa Erma Sharp was given Thurs- j
day evenig at the Civio Improvement
Society's Hall. About fifteen couplea
were present for the occasion and it is
needless to say that all enjoyed a
very pleasant evening, music was
furnished by the Lakeview Mandolin
Club and punch was served to the
ancers. Miss Sharp, accompanied by
her mother, Saturday morning left for
Haley, Idaho, where they expect to
reside permanently.
Walker's Grnpe Juice
S bottles $1.00 at
For the warm weather we
have nice airy White Shirt
Waists in endless variety
with prices that will help to
keep you cool. All sizes and
styles to draw from. We
have a good variety of Silk
Waists in good colors as well
as in white and black Jap
Silks. Our Ladies' Lawn
Dresses are going fast so
you had better hurry. :: ::
Lawn Dressing Sacijues, all sizes and colors,
G5c to $1.25. Now is the beginning of warm
weather and you will surely need them.
oo car lorsJ