Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 29, 1909, Page TWO, Image 2

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I. A K
Man J . now m n.
t arrt Pj.pi,. n.1 Impost i initiation
l.a.tcrn anj SittllH-rn Oregon
t'l lil.lsllM KVim rili'HHlT.
I...I :';,. 'ii I -I
..Mn1 t lu- Mmi.
I HI N I V I'! I I' HI 1 in K
Hi ,t.l n'l.c.
f x tr,i'-!.-
.1 in ! mi . iv ti 50 Ihc ifm.
'rem .
Notice to Subcritcr
Kir- to l ht r Kin :i c ilit ti'iiiitu
of I he cities with in. mere ureal em
pire of wheat or com land to romp
In, tnea;. constantly increasine
demand for food product. The
American land owner in noii'i to
have, Hll I 111 fact. nlrcndr ha the
lest ttiinit in cixtit.
Get yours now I
H I It M ! It Till S.T
The (jovern in cm has laid the
ground work for another numitio
Hnti trust suit by ihe in.tiotment el
the American Sucar Ketliiiiit: com
pany m corporation, mi l its i i
directors an. I two prominent Ltwvers. j
They are charged with oonpsiratey j
in resttamt of trn'le in violation of
the Sherman antl trust law.
The penally p-ovlded by law is a
Hue of not more than foiW in the
case of a corporation and imprison
inent of not more than one year an. I
re than ."(HX tine, or both, in
Heart to Heart
H'i' : Ul.l,
t'AKMIMxi I'C'.'k
p:-..;. , i .1 li..w
..ini.iii a . i cc
.i.n I... I'i. 1. 1 i
I ii.' ;
.; I U . 1 1 . '. i v i
. iv I.. I i.i in ( lie
i ul 1 1 r a 1 1 ..'ii
. i l.
DOGGING STEPS j susa wigr
Ur tllLVLllil" fTV m, m 15
rrmce Kiiperi
Your Opportunity
i.. i
last mm
1'ie p...
i .1 1 .i
One of llarriman's Men
Follows in Wake j
or Hill's i
e.i i s
'l . r
cl I
tl"ll (l M
cl ; i, ,;i i rrt
l. H1. F. i.M H
Cr. n.v.-
I-. f n I
4 iy Trs ii
ITU . Hv!i ii
All hi . 1 1
dr.. p Uiis i itu r .nr.i o Hi. it (.I '-f '' i t lie ease of i n I i r i 1 mil s. 'I hose in
j diete.l ere : W It I h inn-, presi
r " .lent ot t lie i-.. moan v Arth ir Pimer
Cue II Snetf an-1 John '. . lHrti:i!.
iif New York, .lohu Mayer, l orriston,
ami Heorue Ii. l-'mrier, ot Pliila.lel
phia, allilueetora of the e iiipuny,
an.t Hutafe KiKel an I Thoina 1?
for Aitolph Seiiel
head of t je I'eunsyl vhuih Kelitiiiis'
It v-serteil that the ilefen.lant
corupauy controls :H) per cent of the
eiik'ar tra le of the I'uited States.
Si--;! icr'n I.n!:er
. i '. -
Ml. 1 1
II.- I ; II
l. Wlilll -
I 'or h
i rH .v i
H 1' r. iv'. ..ii '.. .'. . 'f
!1 ..'I 1' .All "ill i.: n l
K'To!l!rt I ..( ol lOtl.pi'.l
! ! II I ll!l!ltfl'!l I'I Mf.llll
i Mi.'rt irrm ntt csrra
...111111!. UV i.r in. i' rrh in
M... .hi,,.,!, ol Hartiiett. council
; ...if 1
. ii; . tv. rm.iic n i Job Print-
ii.l H!i.e
t I..- I'Hi.i tht ti r ? t of I'd.'b mmitb.
'1t' !!ii;e!i !r,ir.i iIum- t. rrn.
.I 111,-
' -.111,!
I lie i liier Si
i;l:',.- .1 In i .u
S, en ...
.,..i.i i i i, i. i 1 :
l-m!.i rr.Mi
i l.linn',1 t,i I e I
r. ii in e-t i.r i :
Al'.H'i.i; ll:e ,i
II sinlie
i i 17."i I
f i!u i.i;o i ;
: ::;im il i iie
I I lie l
II e lie ti. i .1 he
i:t.ol, wen:
i .. : .11 I 'i
i;.i.. I I.,..'.;
1 1 1 . 1 : I in.1
. I. i . ' I lo'lllO
l:i, il ,. , oil
ier i
lie iii.
. 1 I .
.v I'
1. :n .1 I
I' In
; 1.'
1 1".
The lliirney TlMmn of the 17th limf.
Iihk this to fiiy of a Kiintlemiin ho
hum here lnt eek, foll.iv intf the
trail of ,lo tin I''. Nlnvoii. repre.entit
live of the Hill Interoit :
IJiiV ' i 1 1 1 1 k.-, the cUtl tlik'lreer ho
H chief ilriittMiiim ilnriiitf the Mir
vev of the (lii'ton I umIitm tiillnin.1
t lir.nii.'li here an. I ! In Hurt. a for
(.iViTiil in on ttm iliiiniK Unit time, ar
rived In this city Monday. Menpent
luit one liv lure and mi I I he wiim h
inw' throoijti to l.iik. vieiv. Mr. mint;
is still with Ihe Short Idne with
hea. I. mutters In Suit Lake. lie did
not state Ills Mis in i el Here, mil ii
nns ev I lent I V In connect ion with the
tullr.iad i rk,
lim.' .Til. i
nui rri.-t
:! I tie lit I. ' I.'ak k'lt
l.lwrt!ii:ii tf.-n v V2 Hniut
.-s:i rrnu. iMi.. i i., iicrr
r H.ivi'riiMiiit mn U umle tor it. I
Jiiines ,1 Hill r Itcratt i in a recent
Biiicarine arii'-le Ins opuiiuii tln the
whHt enprly of the unti l w iii
fail tn iveet the demand lint be b.1
O'iti t !.:.! "we need not woiry. Na
ture is ti ii to take cure -jt thinuc
tav? the Fotlaul Joii" Hut il is
!u' he sbys al out fruit that is i f
fs f.'i.i! ii tert-st to (ireirnu. The
von n in m tut mi i.
A uevr tmu has been started in
Klickitat county, Washington, aud
is named Maryhill after" the thiee
Miirys. in the family of James .1. Iliil
wife daughter Hiid r'an'hter in la.
yiel 1 i f the fruit sections of the east, ! Coast
he say.-, is yearly iei'itii'iic less,! 'I s,,.
I It will he the most model city in the
SOt U ! state, if the preseut plans are c irricd
It u il 1 I e in the midst of f hi mini:
couiiiiuuity, rtitballthe inoilern or
tian cuu vu iencea, such as daily mail
delivery, lailv new spapers, telephones,
water and soer system, on a .-cale
uever I e'ore attetni ted on the Pacific
n t il- t t'e dniiat d is
he coy t inuet :
"ire:it rchard region
ons fur their apples and pmrs, are
tein ii'.au lonei. In n.i i it it. u to soil
exhaust i hi is the cnr:stsntly increas
iPL' I'e-triif tion by pests Climatic
coi.iiit 'on.- rend-r tie Little a hope
Jess one on the part ol the fruit pro
er wlwi is forced to sni render ar. J
Ifl.iv.- t1'" li-iis in p.--esino. Th
Kxamiuer would be clad to
and j have James J. Hill locale another
! Maryhill iu Lake county, Oregon,
Au exoh'jnue pertinently remarks:
You can't atford to be too poor to ad
vertise. When you cut expeusea do
it some other way. The people read
the paper and use it is an iuda. of
what the town is and what the stores
and business bouses are. If
don't advertise you had just as
easlt-n unit v;roer mu-t combat the I put up a sheriff's sale announcement
dbir ! as far as getting ahead is concerned.
el-m-nti U A cr etery
year is nil fiit he cm b.i:e fur. Yei.r
at'.-" vwir fr i-t '. '--- bi nr;lits. His
fruit K e i r ''"s jn pmlity aud Le
Mil not srll aliiiii .-lie the pr
r? t'. e re .i.r r rctiard reebms. "
Hill says.
I ttl.'.v.-t
I l I il'n U!
I Ii
- Hif 1.'H lesir.d ly imtuie for
fr :i raisi: .' vt.ero the natural eiif
r.ict can le Mii'ct--f,illy cnuibhlec'
a i d iruit cnA iijj d' vel.-p. 1
prii"t I'-al - :ii,c(. certain of it
rial rew ar ! . ' '
1 pi h.'V Dot
Vakinia, Wnnacliee, Ibiml river, Hiid
li'issibly t the Il-'U'ie lliver, tint it
is ii ti :! ,i I v pertbwit t,o Lake
Oouiity, Sh i e par.- ,f which. f'ir
're, i-.1t. tld wir mid ki irwi i i k-ep-iiik'
q ialilu-s i.f its ;.i the near
furnr ' ill couiman l the attention of
Th. Klamath Falls Herald is call
i iu' for general use tor ceptic tanks.
h ts in or Jer to retain ie purity of the
" water of the lakes. Such Ban taiy
that "it ' contrivances are comini; iu to use.
that the i more and more as the danger iu al-
ni hiiik' Monii! sewerage to pollute ami con
I -l S.' -I Ier m ! l it ii
lie I'I' I I'llpl ' I'll I I I. k
ie Miss,.. ,,,
'l 111.1 lll'llt llll'lov .'.: 1 1 1
lil.ule sin. e 1V'.M are an s'si... . si
deie e ubli a I'l. -ilern eold si oi l i e pl.i n.
In l he l'ii i-; :ii! 1 1 and a Menu p'.'v;'
in pi. ill! t! ji draws water fr .;n til.
i'es Moines i:er. Imlf il Ii lie aa.
and lifts It ll." feet Into mi I mucin.,
reservoir lie has nNi bu,li ilht
The w.iier may be used f,.r tirli
tlou If in e.!i i!
The s-lt, i,'iii-iit thai Mr. Sesi,, r !it,
Ulade Ills i.,lin yield 11 gross Income i f
$:!' to M'i per il' re reads like the
udverl iseiia i t f a laud nccnt Iri i
ploltiuc i he ntl-'iis that are u Meted
to f. w-r!i miik ami honey, but l! !s
I It k' i s without saying Hint he la an
unusual inaoaer.
t!ie .T ri:, laorlte i Tops Is toma
toes. lie ..'.ipshi ed the methisl
i ralslnt; tom.ii. es in polea. He plant
j alsnit 3.i tin's to the nere nuil j;ets
I a y ield of T.'i buslie's tine fruit that
' commands: the hlchest market prb e
In one yean Mr Sestler bns made us
: mil' h ns f'.' .'ii.t .m lettuce nloiie.
j This yiui!:i; man has never attendisl
; an ntrb ul: i'ral eobete or taken n
course In f.irmliic, but he rendu nrl
cultural rmpi rs cL.selv.
i f course he has had the mh antace
t!;et for li'.s produce, and
i.-veti e.iM he has paid
ents per m re f. r fen ill
; Zers-I. .. f.' In seven years. The sol!
Is almost as rh h now ns when It huh
; vlrcln.
! It puvs t, f iriu-lf you know how
The Kei.tu ky farm on whj. h Lin
coln ,mi burn Is known ns "the farm
that raNid a man." That Is dlstlnc
' tion enough. It never raise.1 much In
i he way i.f
iintl.r is hereby tlen that nil iii.d
tnill. ul' lllilll.lte illti lies mi all trmit
ti'eniiis hiiumht I .ii ke ( 'i iiin ly , h e--..II
must lie mi. i lie. I with It slll.'lll w ire si rei lil'ii. nt llielr bend ur
jiili. with the in lit! i haiiliel i.f
stieMiii Also nil dams ur i dit met -I.
his mi Hiild stic.inii iiiiimi Im1 ru-
I'le. i w it tia ti-li iiiib Ier, i if nt lur eiiy
I ilea lis i it p.iiH ur,-. M t i if lien r t be In Id
ie uf th.- in am cli.'iiiiii l. sii a- to nl
iiii ill. iiimii:i' i d tiuiit nl nil lltui'4
.'! e,,. (s pluvi'liil b lllW Sllld
i.i I. t.i I.' iliiiu . i ' Ii i w a t. i 1 1 mi
ir tu i mill.!. -le. ! Ii I'. li. 7. LaiT.
I : . ii . I.r ul I A.I ''.irbiiin
Mi-ciiil iepnt nli Warden fur
! . l kel i HI lit . ll'i'Ci HI
I'riiue kliM., the I'm lllc t'l.n-t In. iiiIium of I he I irand
I'llink I'hclllc Kailwny, urlers the re,ilei.t ipin ul unit y fur
pl'lilllnlile IiiVcn tiielil III VlllerliM. 'I'Iiiinii wb.i have i"l
nil t lie I'ai iilc ( 'mist knuw id Hie cii.iritioiift fiirtuneH cn-aleil
In the itrnw l Ii in ievilo n t ol I'm I laud, Sent I le and Vu u
culiver TIicim. ell Irs atf elali.Hliei, y nur i iiii ir t mil I v iim-h
imt ell In no . -1 ; 1 1 1 1 1 -i 1 1 1 1 1 illy lint In m new illy In 1 1 h tank
liii. I'I lin e Unpen n eell t s a a i im il l 'I ill t y 'i linl 1 1 1 an y uf
t be n I ii i v it, Nuw a 1. 1 ml taklii : ml vantaici. "f I be oppiiri unity,
tiii: riiiNci; uitm- k r i: .al kstatk in vlstmi.m
M l'. T CO , I IM., npi'i ,! In c. mi 1. 1 ne I lie hiiviiuh ttl niiuill
iivo.t ira, ami aie. i th M i a pi m tit r Ii n con ;) j . At
I si nli- fui I in. cm We offer tu in venliifa II limited niiailier nf
mIiii li'M i if I Ii Is I 'i in 1 1 ,i Ii v n t iur, III (HI per Mliare, pay able 10 pi r
cent c.imIi itinl ten per i-ht lit . .tit III ,v . or II ( Imn mil t fi ir .' per
cent furciiHli I In- until Im m ulnae tunable In pun bae
Well wlei led. Im le.priiiluclnc n imTI .V. IIIIV Invent Ills
surplus biiiiM In thU ('uiiipaiie nml slum, in the prullls
feallle.l la pr..inr I Inn t.i lite allliilllit IllVesteil. the prnfltM
I mm nil I hat prni I need bv 1 1 1 pniiert y ItMelf fruiii rental lue. one
Biol Ini reMse In value. The bme ol this Cnaipimv inculpn
rate tlie three ecMoni nIm i if all l.b'iil luvi-Btim-nt. nAI'TI'.Y,
;.SM A YAM. Allll I TY and llllill IIAUMM) I'MVVKK.
Kverv delal i.l tl, biiNliiexr U n matter i.f public reenrd iiud
lias I be end..: he, ne, it ,: the best b, nines inteienlM Iu Ihe
Nuriliwi Bi. um.. Ill H I". It.WK KI I I lii:ri;s.
Ymir balni Ha Hiillehed. Write.
The Princs Ruasrt Real Estata Invest nsnt Co. ltd-
I H lam lliljj, itiii iiuver, It. I'rln iiM-rt, II. i'.
A carload of doors
tei'i ived al II A .M 'a.
and window
i of n near m
I during i.ll ! !.
! out onlv .".ii
Zers-1 e .
I 'In, id .ii. om' tnss la Lake cniiutyj
'ii-l H'lir llent ad ipted In ti. nU nf ;
this kic 1 1 ni i , I n-' Iriiiii all tllwiiMcn. '
Linlnrwd hv fruit liins'tiirH.
f. b.MI K. K. l'ATt II, Lukcvlcw. I
Louis Shaw
Dealer In Real Estate
1 have listed sou e ol the bis
Kanclies, Timber Lands and Town
properly iu Northern California, a
country that is bound to Improve rap
idly. Alf'iras, California.
llefiartment of the Interior, V. S.
Land Olllce at Lakeview, Oreyou,
July il, l!Xa
Notice is hereby uiven that ('. ('.
LotfuH, Crane Lake, Ore., udmiuia-
The Real Home Pape. g
The San Francisco
Chronicle. S
M. H. de YOUNG.
Sane, Conservative and Well Edited. 9
Daily Sunday Weekly v
Sunday's in Colars 2
Wra, Wallace. Dealer at Lakeview, Ore. V
Order Now ;
K4 M
with the sUl.r,ority of town and ""ir L " iLU Vtf Tt f 9v We Have Found Those Er-yj
. i . . i ...... m hi vm hi a m m in
tamiuate streams and lakes is better l C"",M ' l,,Ml ue 4 ",,'e" 'veni.y intf out trator ot the estate or t'anlou ISrow ,., VU EM m M IIIH v.a( ln Vic ftiintvr Dtrtv1e IH
uLderstoo.1. It is time for L,keview 10 iuve-te.l in thous- Jr.. deceased of Aoel. Oren. I"V CO A V V M ' J " " IYJ
. i ... i.-1 . . . . ini Muv nn. lis i.l. inmirt III 1 IIHllilli k.A
people to plan such sanitary arrauK'e- , " ";-'- ". "e .,a,i oiiiy , K; , No. ( ,0.-,. f(ir j ITJ
.1 . .. . I'linil nll-r In .lib'icluw in pa In il liar. .. h.i. . ... ....
ili'i a ments ror ineir Homes. ; v r; UHiI . i, nuHrter, v, tiair r. uuar-
fjuun- he would have h eated. , ter. Section 1, Townahip S. Uane
I - U2K, Wi lauiette Meridian. Iiiih tiled I VU
A promiuent resident of Koirue The Alturas New Km hi.- I, n I notice of intention to make rinil n
lil'll"s to
jliiver valley attended railroad day at
1 Klamath balls, and was impressed j
We call yoi.r special attention to
our line of Cluett I'eahody shirU
at IS. A- M's.
A OT I i.l:
f lO'ilil
S tl
e 1
ti e mill ket-. id tin
fd the !:ne-t uppl
nu n I i !
Then, t tie autre It . sh land, iji.w
Nlieeii'J hi I v thos" wfci only e-,(,se
t)i-ir f i' ifu) iu-jMHUe-M in so doii:t'.
r. llj ri n, ri.Mf! I nee- t el a'T-. at
I Spring cood-i will arrive
days at Lakeview Mercantile Co.
Children Cry
taken over by 11. L. Sloss
been enlarged to a 5 column quarto,
aud is much improved in appearance.
Mr. Sloss has the knack of a KO'id
newspaper man. He bus the beet
wishes of The Kxaminer.
, ! live year proof, to establish claim to
il Has !,... ,....,1 ..i ... ,i.,. 1 1,.., 1 1, . . ,,, i......
" 1. 1 1 'I
't y.
s"t-t o '
ar' in.
let tic
k),h !
.'t o
ill tin a I.i
II d ll't b
lirl I I'I- ,-tatilijflit.
t 1 f t , ,:.r nart ov. t;:..-. , t r:. .
! a lit tb- in hitiiilur rtaini ':. ',
liyht nf e.j ei imce lernork. t!
ci in u r,t f rem v 0111 di inn !
To Home Builders
Itl Ml Mil; 1. A l
r -' j.- ' ii : t land i "i y
Lt 1 i-ar S' t kaiji; thnm-nnda
chance to yet j, t w
in Southeastern dm
a a
A ti'-I c.
a 1 (j I h k i t. K
Jon, v.itl.iji and iiiilesj
.T'TU any. wore th" ie'i:aiuiup fr- 1
; r ti t.-j e n lau bi lire I ctu rapidly lak-j
n t.i those who Kaw wine fore
thoutLt of the fuf'iie. 'J',h nilfer
may jeur at the i li a ot .-aoe Inish
'id I elug .'.nrth H.iythint.', but Lose
tin l.hve she their fun) ishne, like
heir !nii is and in yeais to man 'ho
i.oih wid be reverst-d., in
U'riptural tiun-s si :ne foolish vukius
b it tb-ir lamps liiiti iLiiined to their
etiaenu later, uijd ho it will be iu
Uieue later days t(i those who lauuh.
and ;,!ln others lift ho foolish to ke
cure II. lizes in kroveruuient iar.i
klill to I u bad fur tlie taku.p iu
.louthuastei 11 1 Irttjoii. And iu another
jear or two at most, the government
ill have no more free laud
While you are thukioK of tttir.
that tract of laud, let it simmer triiud
and deep into your mind t lib L it
doesn't seem probaUe that we will
-aver see aucb low prices for farm pro
ducts as we Lave seen iu the putt.
Sla tic tics dhow that at the prtneut
rate of luciease, la eleven yeara frori
now mora people will Iiv4 in the
citiei of tlie United Status than in
tbe country. Tbis inarveloua xrwta
1' " linn Ired late-t decfus J1(1d
plans of
Bungalows ana Collates
1 iistinu fn in
$500 to $5000
i Uijilire nf
and Builder.
Main Street, next tu A hint rmnV.
nuroiooiraiur s isuiii.e
In the County Court of the Stat of j
Oregon, for the County of Luke, la 1
the matter of the estate of OHO ft I
A. HL'LKTTK, deceased. j
To whom it may concern: Notice,
is hereby piven that the ondei sinned,
administrator of the estate of Oscar
A liulefte, deceased, baa made and
tiled iu the above entitled court this
dual account as administrator of said
estate, aud the lion. Ii. Oaly, Judtfe
of sal I court, baa. by and order duly
made and entered in said matter, on
July l.Ith,, appoiuted H'llday.
the Kith dav of August. A . I).. 1 !KJ
the laud above described, before iict
later and Receiver, U. H. Laud Olllce,
at I-akeview, Oregon, on the '.'th day I
of September, VMJ.
Claimant names as witnessep: J. V.
Lotfua and K. II. l.otfus of Warner.
Valley, Oreaou, Win. Oavle, Crane 1
-I Lake, Oregon, aud Henry Stine. Mud
Creek. Oreenn. J.W1 1
AIITHIT: W.OItroN,Koister
S Abstracts of Title to all Lands
I ! VU
Lake Country Furnished.
Terms Reasonoble.
Tract Index Abstracting Co.
Wm. JACOBS, Manager.
Notice lor rbllctlon,
rtment of the Interior, U. S. f
Oltlce at Lakeview, OrrKnn, I
I, MV.. I
ee ia hereby uiven that ItKOI- I
A. UltADLKV, of 1'Iuah,
Land (;m
June VI,
(JteKon. who, on Kept. 1!, 1!K)', mai'e
deaert Land Hntry, No. JiHO, Kei ial
No. On 15, for HK quarter KW 'pmrter,
W half Kb. ejuarter, Soctlon 2 town
Last. Wll
ahip :J7 South. K iiih '11
lamette mepldiau, lias tiled notice of
at the hour of ten o'clock iu the fore- ! intention to make tlnal I'roof. to ea-
noon of said day as the time forbear
ot objections to niieli bitial Ac
count, if any there be, aud for the
set t einent thereof
This notice is published in the Lake
County Kxaminer, once a week, for
four successive weeks, immediately
prceeediiiK such date ho appointed,
aud the date of the tlrst publication
thereof ia July In. VMS.
Dated July In, WJ
Adminstrator of the estate of Oscar
A. liulette, deceased J15A12
l-'ull colored Sectional
flap of Oregon.
I'l ii c iO.- wliile thi l.iist.
Shown nil aiirveyed I.itnlsi, by sec
tions, jiihI every itnpnrtiuit Htreain
and divide, Towiihlilpa ami Kiino
plainly . marked. :: ::
Alan hIiowh nil 1 .11 nd (iranl Lands,
and li wtlicOkUON niLITARY KOAO
(irant complete, by hcciIuiih. Inval
uaMc to Hiiyoiic who now ia or t-x-licctM
to be intereatcd In lunds; In
Mont bel li Oregon. :: :; ;:
KM ire output of IbU map owned by
s:il CliarulH'r of Commerce,
Portland, Oregon.
Blue Prints Made
I will make Line 1'rintH o
any township of bind in the
Luke view Lund liistrlct, and
do abatract work. Cull or
Lakeview ' . Oregon
tablirh c'aini to the laud above dea-
cribed, before Iteiiiater aud Iteceiver
at Lakeview, Ori-Kou, on the '2'ith
dav of July, l.MJ'.l.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Henry Deppe, liert I'elrl, John
O'Connor and Charles Kliolataud, all
of I'I nab, Oregon.
J17J'-"J J. N.WATHON HoiKBter.
2 iTsUiiij l ruiii Water, Jiur.r
M i' 'L jAv 1 ilk it, Rcparu'.oi',
7 v-'-y Hiiv,'s Waffcs
-r Ftato your Iieeilu
.)''J " Writ. tor. ulalny. ili:tlun iwjkii
Pvnfcnioi. Mlor tU-uilf.eElltinri. B'-an PtB'ft. Boll. t
6 tn"'.U y---' 'hn)'")! VV'Urn.lipnrni. Pip: iMInU,'
Ui Cati.itl If 44KU ta I'lMiil. V.NU, vtoo
are for sale by all progressive
Hardware and Sporting
Goods Merchants
I) Ay HEARD'S HfbmUd effort
will Is.- mailed postpaid to any
applicant by J. Stkvkkh Akmh
i. I00L COMPANV, Lhicopeo
Fulls, Jlasd., upon
receipt of price,
l'or paper cover edi
tion forwurdSdceiits;
forclolll boillid bonk
send !l) cents.
f.irainl niilt-
li.lieu i,y
I P. 0. tot 4099
Blacksmiths and
North Water St., Lakeview, Oregon.
syKv-rythlutf Iu the line of bbieksinlt liln or Iron or
work done In a nat lafuctory maimer ami al bedrock iu Iccm,
patronage rt'Hpeclfully Nollciteil.
Furniture and
New Pine Creek, - - Oregon
Trade-MarKs, Designs, Labels, Prints, I;tc.
All cliiHHcH of liualni'HH before tli . United Rtatea I'atcnt Ollice jclvtm
I'rompt ami Careful I'crsomil Atlcntlon. Teriim the moat rou
Houabli) ami Kimil work K'l'iruiitaml Addresa all luipilrlca to
( Member of the Bar of the U. 5. Supreme Couat, )
2407 V Street N. W. Washington, I), c!