Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 08, 1906, Image 3

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fflMtionnl Xocnl
Mr. 0. W. Morris and Mm. Anna
Whetstone were In town last Satur
day. There will Im n meeting of dm Went
Hide Waler Users' AMMCK-lntiiui,
Thtirsdiiy evening, Feb. 15th, fit tint
school IlllllMO.
J. 0. Oliver, Pres.
At k meeting of the executive com
inlttea of the Nut bund Woolgrowcr'
Assticliitlnn nt 1 cn vt, Colorado, on
Jllll. Hint, I t'Holllt iotIM WITH adopted
rniidcniuiug the itiltti i H In) ration 'n pol
icy of taxing stockmen for gru.lug In
forest reserves, A ('(limn II left was sent
to t ho Niitltiniil capital to oppose tin
t'nl. Thompson of Urn AltiiniH l'hiln
dcalcr cIiIiIhtiI nrtniml a great tlt'iil
last week over ft hat ho allrgt'd n Tin'
Examiner's discourtesy to llm lli-rsld,
which itlarlfil In Ijiiki'vli'w hint wcrk,
an though hn were part owner, or Its
fighting editor although hi drilled
llll Hllcll COIIIKH tlniiH when ho WHS in
Ijakeview h few week ago. Nobody
pay Hiiy at lent Ion to what Mr.
Thompson says, and Tho Examiner
pays no attention to tint I'laimlealer
or any other piir tluit is on tho
scrap, unless Hitch fighting pa pern
have n subscription lint sulllclcnt to
Interfere. Tho Examiner Iiiih no
lighting I'd I tor. It diK'Hii't need one.
Tho necnsltni doesn't (leinatiil it. We
give the iiown n wo hear it, and wo
do Dot have to light to get it nor do
WO pro Mice to fight to defend it.
When Tho Kxamlner publishes h
thing an lucre rumor tho reader take
It an such, and when it publish"
fact reader believe it. We have
too many subscribers to burden with
replies to attack. Tho I'laindeal
er, or other paers need not trouble
tlll'IHSl'VlcS W ith Olir UffliirH, utiles It Ih
enough of their business to make it a
Council Mettlnjc.
A regular meeting of tho cou lull
wan held Tuesday night.
Present, V. L. Snelllng, mayor; II.
Halley, J. W. Tucker, D. I .Mnlloy,
J.S. Lane, ciillliclllili'li; U'. It. Snider,
Tho llinr license of Whortott &
Iine and lien Jniiimcrt Iml wan rend
and granted, bond accepted and a
license ordered Issued fur three
months fur t itch applicant. H'horloii
& Iune from Jan. Is, (ieo. Jammer
thal from I eh. 1, p.HMi.
Report of A lliclier, Treasurer,
(ieuerul Fund.
imi. on mum .inn, y .1 .1
Receipts lo Fell. II, 11HMJ .'110 0
lilHluirNc inc ntH to Feb. ', l'f"!
Hal. mi hand
Fight Fund. on band .Inn. 'J, l'.HHi,
JlecclplM to Fob. .i, "
llihl.ii im inciitH to Feb. !, 1 Imm;
I!al. on hand to " "
III I !!
I'l US
l i; US
i;u.i mi
T.Vt 7s
:il t7
On niiitlnii (he report WHM accepted
nild ordered liled.
The lolhiw Ing; blllrt were now pre
Hcnted and the Uecorder wan order
ed to draw warrantrt on the
tirer for the miine,
leiieral I'und.
ChaH. TonnlngHeii, nal. .Ian.
W. II. Snider, Hal. .Inn. Kec.
A. P.leber. " " TreH.
T. K. WatMoii, labor
Fight Fund.
J. F. llernard & Son.
A. Storkmaii Jr., work,
Fake Co. Fxuiiiliif r,
7. (Kl
I'.'i 00
10 INI
1 r.o
. 1
s 00
W. U Snider, collecting elec
tric light bill and cuali paid
Jt. V.. Fee for Hiiwlni: and
delivering three coiiIh of
wood 10 ro
It wan ordered that no 1U1h pre-
Hented for HUppllcit wouhl be palilun
Ichh ordered by the y.'eoordcr.
An Ordinance to tax dogH; to pre
vent the unlawful recovery of the
name, and to provide for tho killing
of tlione upon which a tax tdiall not
have Ik en juild, wan Introduced and
read for the llrnt time, and laid over
until the next regular meeting of the
Cou null.
Take cold ehsffy? Throat
tender? Luags weak? Any
relatives have cpnsumption?
Then a couch mtjans a great,
deal to you. Follow your
doctor's advice and take
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral., .Jt
heals, strengthens, prevents.
-Ym 40 yrt I bava riflpamteil on Am'
niinrrr J'miliuiil lor iiuuiilia anil aohl. 1
kuuw It KM'iaif irsnKtlisiia wnnk Iiiiik
Mum, K A. kouisauN, flallui), Mich.
mi. ..MH..SI.BS.' ' . . " Jr. e. irks co.
all iliwulal. T.inh. Mall.
Weak Lungs
Ayer's Pills '.ncreoae th activity of
tho liver, and thus) aid recovery.
fvi.-.n.?; wit
Absolutely Puro
A Cream of Tartar Powder,
free- from alum or phoaa
phatlo acid
aovAi AKiNa rvHDin co., ncw vwm.
Am a uiittter nf fairness and Impar
tiality tu nil cnndldnteH wlmmi nu-
111 U liri-ini'll I H ri 1 11 i'ii r under the above
heading, the editor wishes It under
stood that, du ll iiutioiiuceiiientM are
placed here by thecandidateM or their
frletitlM and paid for, and are not to
lie ctiiiMldered a eilllollnl comment.
To the Democratic Voters
J nnuoiinee myHtdf iih ti cnndldntc
for tho olllce cif Sheriff of Ijtke coun
ty. Oregon, subject to tho act ion of
tho Democratic party in I'rimary Fle
ction, to Im held on April 2ith, UHIO.
M I) Ilopkimi
T lh Drmocrallc fmtty ol Lak County.
I m oft retyped fully hiihinit my
mime iih a cutididnte for tho nomina
tion of Kherilf of I, uke county, Ore
gon, Hilliject to the net loll of the Dem
tH'ratie Party in Primary Flection to
U held on April '.11, 1"..
F. P. Iane.
To Republicans of Lake County.
I hereby unbuilt my name an a can
didate for tho olllce of Sherilf of Ijike
County, Oregon, Kiibject to tho action
of tho Republicans of tho county, in
primary Flection 011 April 'J'th, V..
AlU-rt Dent
To lh kepti blkansol Lake County.
I a)iire to lut the iCepublicau nominee
for County Clerk of Iiko county,
Oregon, at tho general election next
Juno, and w ill unbuilt my namo for
your coiiHideration at the Primary
Flection to bo held April '-Hth, 1!!.
I'atk nt your hamU a careful coiiHid
eration of my tpialiflcationa, and, if ia
your opinion, I um capable and wor
thy, recpoct fully ak your Mipport.
Vouri Truly,
F. X. Japiiih.
To The Republican oters.
I hereby unnounce mynelf n candi
date for the tilllco of County Clerk of
Jako couuly, Oregon, hiibject to the
(lecUloll of the Fepublican voters of
Ijiko county at. the primary elect ion
to be held oil April I'Oth, !XHi.
J. W. Tucker.
Because He Wants It.
Some candidates are born. Others
become candidates at the urgent solic
itation of their friends, but J. L.
Smith is a candidate for county clerk
of I.aku county, subject to action of
tho Pcpuhlican Party in Primary Flec
tion, April 0, I'.HKJ Ilocuiiso hit wants
the olllce.
Democratc Voters, Notice.
I hereby iiniifiuncc myself a cuudi
dute for the tilllce of Sherilf of Luke
county, Oregon subject tu the decis
ion of tho Democratic voters, Ht the
primary election to be held on April
iR'tn, J'.tti.
Leo lteall.
For County Commissioner.
Silver Lake, Ore., Jan. 1!KH.
I hereby aunounco myself as a cnu
ditlatu for the nominiit ion to tho
olllce of County Commissioner, of
Lako County, Oregon, subject to the
decision of tho Republican voters at
tho Primary Election to bo held April
20, 11KK5.
H. K. Henderson.
Candidate for Mate Treasurer.
lion. Frank W. llenson, of Iloso
burg, Oregon, has announced himself
as candidate for tho Republican nomi
nation for Secretary of Stuto, at tho
coming primary election. Mr. llenson
has no platform other than to assure
tho public that iu the event of his
emotion to this high olllce, he will de
vote all his time, energy and ability
to : gtvijig a faithful, prompt, econo
mical, and satisfactory admiulstratlou
of ,tho affairs of the ofllce. Mr. Iiou
son is v,-U kaown to thi people of the
State of Oregon, having been a resl
dont of the 'State' 'for ' more than 25
ywarsi . ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 ) t ) J . -!ii
,', lie u a lawyer of acknowledged ab
ility,, a man of oouservutive business
habits, i i President of the, i Diaigln
County Bank at flosoburg, and has
tho ooufldonee.-oi all ths 'uieu who
kuoW Llm. Jhe voters of jLake Coum
tr will make no mistake If they cast
their ballots for hitrn ... . ,.
Beginning to-day, we will sell all Ladies' Shirt
Waists at COST.
All Ladies', Misses' and Children's Coats, Capes
and Jackets at a DISCOUNT of 25 per cent.
We are also making a great SACRIFICE in
all Ladies' and Misses' Walking Skirts.
Call and see us and be convinced that what we
Lakeview Mercantile Company
Report of the Condition of
No. 7,244.
The First National Hank of Lake
view at Fakevlew In the State of
Oregon, at the cloae of business,
.lauuarr 2llh. 1!Mi.
llt.MOl III KM j lltll.l.Aim
I, nans iiml HimcouiiLh
lei.lmi 11
4, G.T1 75
Overdrafts, necured and
F. S. ponds to secure cir
culation Premiums on F. M. Ponds
Ponds, wHHirltles, etc
Hanking house, furniture
and fixtures
Due from National Hanks
(not reserve agents)
Due from State liauks
autl Paukers
hI.OOU 00:
,7(K) 00 1
S.0.W 4S
Due from approved re
serve agents -is.fv'li U
Checks ami other cash
.,. .l
Notes of other National
Pa nks
Lawi-ti. Mo.nkv Kkskkvk
in Hank, vi:
Kedemptlon fund with F.
S. Treasurer (5 per cent
of circulation;
k ri'tt in
2.500 00
.241,153 53'
I'Kl I.AI.'K i
Capital stock paid in
Surplus fund
I'nilivlded profits, less ex
penses uinl taxes paid...
Nat it mil 1 Pank notes out
standing Due to other National
I ilvlilc ihIh unpaid
Individual deposits Mili
Ject to check
0,(MH) (HI
1,11)0 00
1,!521 J'1
15,000 00
1 . 1
:iio 00
1W.40!) 42 !
Demami certificates of tie
posits 11,579
Cashier's checks out st a tul
lntf 1.240
00 ,
Total . $211,15:1 53
Statu ok Okkoo.n )
Ciir.VTV ok Lakk )
1, S. O. Cressler, Cashier of the
above-named ' bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement Is
true to the best of my knowledge
and Is'licf.
S. O. Citcssi.KK, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to lieforeine
this 5th day of February P.)0t!.
.1. M. iiKi.mcit, Notary Public,
for Oregon. Skai.
coitiiKCT Attest:
Dick J. Wn.cox 1
j Directors.
.1. 11. Ho lt iikikk
Dled at Los Angeles.
The sad news of the death of S. 11.
Chandler at tho Soldier's Home near
Los Augeles, Calif., where he went a
couple of years ago was received hero
last week.
Pazailial S. Chandler was born Oct
oImt 23, 1H25, in Ashtahulah county,
wnio. m inn ne ieu unio auu weuii
to Illinois, and in 1851 returned to!
Ohio anil was married to Miss Reliec
ca Mc Kinney on Oct. 20, and they
moved to Wisconsin the same year.,
resitting there till the year 1H02, when
they moved to Iowa, whore they lived
four years, coming to California in
the fall of lSCnt. .They resided in Calf
iforuia till 1874, when they moved to
this place, locating iu Crooked Creek
valley, where they resided until a few
years ago, they sold their ranch1 to
their son and moved to town, whore
Mrs. Chandler died threo years ago.
Mr. Chandler remained in Lakeview
for a while and then weut to the Sol
dier's Home near Los Angeles, where
he died on Jan. 2-sth, 1100. ' ...
There were 8 children. 0 of whom
survive their father, Soloman NI1.
Dan.Heatou L. Mrs. M. E. Klnisey,
and Mrs. J. W. Tucker, of . Laeview,
aud James Chandler of Washington.!;.'
Mr. Chandlor enlisted in the array
in 181)3 and served three voars iu Co.
P. 3rd Iowa Infantry." He was buried I
with' Military honor and lleligjous
ceremonies. ". ' ,' .V
! .v Call Meetlnir. u.tJ I "
Lake County Development League
members' are1 'earnestly ' rerusted''' o
meet at "the ttaurt ' House, 'Monday'
eveuliuj Feb. 10th at 8 o'clock sharp,
, Puslness pf importance will is poni
bidered, -r' . .. , ..-,. v.,t '.
Hi;i!l i J W. Maxwell, Secretary.
R.eduction Sale
Popular and Picturesque.
The only thing necessary to make the
Denver and Kio Grande the moet pop
ular, aa it has ever been known the
moot pleasant and moat picturesque
way to croa the continent, baa come
altout. This ia the establishment of
through sleeping car service.
In connection with the O. It. & N. a
through Pullman Standard Sleeper is
now run from Portland to Denver, leav
ing Portland at p. m., arriving at
! Kail Lake at 8.40 a. m. the second
12,0(13 GS morning, leaving Salt Lake at 3.50 p.
l.V 00 1 m' an rriv'n8 Denver 4.20 p. m. the
' following day. This schedule gives paa
r,4(i!l I'S ' sengers seven hours stop-over in Salt
Iike, affording an opportunity to visit
the Mormon Capital as well as a day
i light ride
througn the grandest scenery
, jn the world
reservation in this car and for il-
lufttrated booklets picturing the scenery
contiguous to the Denver & Rio Grande,
: Prving it to be the ''Scenic Line of the
World," w.ite to W. C. McBride, Gen
j eral Agent, 124 Third street, Portland
Administrator's Sale.
GIVEN, that Edwin Hartzog, adininis
j trHtor tif the etate of E. II. Gibbins,
; deceased, and also of the Partner
ship of Hartzog A uibbius, in pur
suance of an order of the County
' Court of the State of Oregon, for the
County of Lake, duly made and en
tered on the l.'lth day of January,
r.KH, in the matter of said partner
ship, will.on the 2Hh day of Febru-
ary, KM!, at the hour of one o'clock,
P. M. tif said day, at the store build-
ing of Fleming Pros. ,011 the premises,
sell at public auction for cash iu hand.
subject to confirmation by said
' Court, all the right, title, interest
1 and estate, which said partnership of
(Hartzog & liititiius, had at the time
1 of the Gibbins,
and all the right, title, interest and
estate which said E. 11. Gibbins and
j said Edwin Hartzog had at the time
. of the death of said E. II. Gibbins,
I and all the right, title and interest
that said partnership and said Edwin
j Hartzog has acquired, by operation
of law, or otherwise, other than or iu
addition to that of the said partner
ship, and that of the said Edwin
Hartzog at the time of the death of
said E. II. Gibbins, iu and to all that
certain lot, piece or parcel of lauds
situate, lying and being iu said Coun
ty of Lake, State of Oregon, aud
bounded and described as follows,
to-wit: commencing thirty (30) feet
East of the South-west corner of lot
No. Four (4), tif Section Nineteeu
(10), Township Forty-one (41) South,
Range Twenty-one (21) East of Will
amette Meridian, aud thence ruuning
North Seventy (70) feet; theuce East
One Hundred and Ninety-two aud
three-fourths (102.75) feet; theuce
South Seventy (70) feet, to the State
Liue; thence West One Hundred
Ninety-two and three-fourths (102.75)
feet, to the place of begiuuing.
The date of the first publication
hereof is January 25th. 10U1.
Administrator of the estate of E.
H. Gibbins, deceased, aud also of
the Partnership of Hartzog & Gib-
: bins. 4-5-
m ma. 4.x i k. 7 1 k vt t i a. v. umm
1 : Mtmx rtxKttmrm
, r'Hiinn. in, I im 1 'i i"' 1 '
! rt Iaa)d Flaal Prf.
United Sutes Land Office, Lakeview
Oregon, Jan. 29 1900.
NOTICE la hereby given that Mich
ael P. Parry of Adel Oregon has fjled
notice of intention to make proof on
hU desert-land claim No. 459, for the'
E. half of Sec. 15 TP. 40 S. IP 27 E. w. j
M. before Register and Receiver at-
Lakeview Oregon on Monday,
12th day of March, 1900.
He names tee following witnesses
to prove the complete irrigation and
reclamation of said land: John P.
Barry of Adel Oregon, John Fitzger
ald, Elmer McCulley and Robert Mc
Culley of Lakeview Oregon. 5
J. N. Watson Register
Department .1 the interior, Land Of-
fice at Lakeview, Oregon, Jan. 2C, 190C.
NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice ol
his intention to make final proof in sup
port of his claim, and that said proof will
be made before Register and Receiver at
Lakeview, Oregon, on the 12th day of
March, 1906. viz:
Usnjaman F. Cannon, II. E. No 21 G4,
for the y NEJ, SEJ NEJ. Sec. 33 and
SWJNWlSec. 34, Tp. 35 S., R
. W. M.
He names the following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence up-
ou und cultivation of said land, viz:
J nines McDonald, Win. Hartlerode
rhonias Stanley Paisley, Oregon,
S. P. Moss Lakeview, Oregon. 5
J. N. Watson, Register.
Xot Ire For I'ubliealion. j
Department of the Interior. Land Of-'
fice at Lakeview, Oregon, Jan. 24, 1900. j
NOTICE is hereby given that the fol
lowing-named settler has tiled notice of . Hcan candidate for confess from the
his intention to make final proof in sup-1 First Congressional district, compris
port of his claim, and that eaid proof ' ing Western and Southeastern Oregon.
will be made before
Register and
ceiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on the 9th
day of Mareh 1900, viz :
David E. Henderson, II. E
No. j
2454, for the SEJ NEJ and NEJ
Sec 25, Tp. 40 S., R. 20 E. W. M.
He names the followlug witnesses
to prove his continuous residence
upon and cultivation of said land, viz:
Silas J. Studley, Edward C. Trus-
ton, Thomas B. McGrath, George
McGrath, all of Lakeview, Oregon.
J. N. ll'atson, Register. 5
Lost on Goose Lake."
That which was lost was,
soft cheeks and two sojt hands.
ThorntonV Favorite Cream
chaps." - ' ' '
Bean tl. yf iM Rmd TOU Haw Always Bot?at j
r '
is all the more ap-
:Cpreclatedlf jthat t
bottle 01 good old
is by
Pulton on Land Law.
At tho Benate Committee meeting
held 11 few days ago to discuss tho
public lands qnestion, Bcnator Fulton
outlined his objections to the propos
ed public lands legislation. He anitl
in part:
"I am opposd to the repeal of tho
timlier and stone act Unless some pro
vision shall lie snbstltuted whereby
timbered land may become private
proierty. Oregon is to lie developed
by men, not trees. What we want are
industries, population and revenue
producing properties. Land owned
, by the Government and withdrawn
from entry or settlement furnishes.
I neither revenue nor opportunity for
! industrial development. I am frank
j to say that I do not want the general
j Government to retain a foot of land
I in Oregon outside of what is neces
' sary for its public buildings, fort,
I military reservations and kindred ob
ijects. When land passes into private
j ownership it at once tiegins contrib
J nting to the public treasury. ,
I I have not opposed the repeal of the
I timber and stone act absolutely, bnt
i have opposed its repeal unless some
I other plan for the disposal of such
! land should be substituted. I have
stated that, if ample provision shall
I be made for the sale of matured tlm
I ber and for a reasonable share of the
j proceeds being paid to the counties
I in which the land is located, I would
be content. As a result of that ques
tion, Senator Hansbrough has altered
bis repeal bill so as to provide for the
sale of matured timber at public auc
tion 10 per cent of the proceeds to go
to the counties in which the land is.
located in lieu of taxes lost to such
counties by reason of the retention of
the land by the government. I am
contending for a larger percentage for
counties. Am I wrong?"
Expenses of Counties.
An increase of about 1170,000 in tbe
annual expense of maintaining county
governments in Oregon is shown by
the summaries of expenses, filed in
the office of Secreary of State Dunbar
the several County Clerks. This
increase is shown by a comparison
with the reports of four years ago.
during which interval nearly every
item of expense has shown a marked
Only six counties in the state have
cut down their running expenses.
Lake county in 1901 expended $16,-
C85.49, while last year, but 111,032.50)
was expended, a decrease in expendl-
tores of $5,052.90, one-third of the
i 8um Paid in 1901 Other countiee that
nave reduced their Tunning expenses
are Benton, Clackamas, Lincoln,
Wheeler and YambilL
Kins Christian Dead.
Christian IX, the aged King of
Denmark,' dean of the crowned heads
of Europe, father of King George of
Greece, of Queen Alexander of Great
Britain and Ireland, and of the Dow-
19 ager Empress Marie Feodorovna of
j Russia, grandfather of King Haakon
VII of Norway, aud related by blood
. or by marriage, to most of the Eur-
. opean rulers, died with startling sud-
denness in the Amalienborg palace at
; Copenhegan, Jan. 29, aged 85 years.
The accession of his
accession or ms successor.
Prince Frederick, his eldest son, who
will be known as Frederick VIII, haa
already been proclaimed.
Visited Klamath Falls
The Hon. Walter L. Tooze, Repub-
visited Klamath county several days
last week iu the interests of his can
didacy. Lake and Klamath are tho '
Eastern Oregon counties in the First
district. Mr. Tooze delivered some,
fine addresses to the people of Klam
ath county, aud weut back on tho ,
other side of the mountain to liuiali
his campaigning tour. .
The Klamath, Republican says Mr,' (';
Tooze is the only politician of the.
three candidates for congress from'
the First district , and is making a
hard tight on political linos. v ,
,, EuCortrfiued Friends. ! '
1 The C' nandier young people enireiaini : -a
' ed a few friends at their handsome
home lust Sunday evening. V.
Games were played, fortunes toldj I)
j and delicious nome made candy en-1
until 1 A. M. when the young'!'
people repaired to the restaurant )' '
w here a fine 1 supper, awaited them., k
Those present were Geo. Roy, and .,'
Lottie Chandler, Ottie Fields, Alice i.
MeGrathilftuiuia Mntzker. EthlMo-(! Vl
Kee. Fred Reynolds, Rofj-Rehart,
Chester Curry.
,1 I'
1 (!
Yellow Fever Germ.
recently. 911 discovered.
1 t ' v i 1. i. .. . 1. .
1 . 1 ' v i ' i. .. . 1. 1
Mcuid tt tnuse rvseuioiuiil.e 1110 uitu ' j
aria gerui. To free the eyetem from M J
uisease germs, me most eneewve rem- 1,
edy is. Dr, King's New Life Pilla. '
Guaranteed to cure al diseases da
to' malaria poison and constipation.
J!5c. at Iee Beall'ti Drug Store.
, "Keep oft Goose Lake." r;
"Or use Thornton's Favorite Cream
for chapped and red kin."