Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 19, 1903, Image 1

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Untie Jimmy" Johnson's Place
Convenient for Traveling l-We
County Stock Raisers.
(I'i'l. I' l.Y I 1'imTHMi Jul .)
Alkali is u hIih kinun'H station In
inl'l ilcwrt In Lake riniiit.v. It Im
about 72 iiiIIch friiin I.nkcvlcw and 40
iiiIIi-m from Paisley. Tin' nearest
point to other water Is nt the head
..f AImH Lake In Hi'' south ihkI
mIioiiI miles. Alkali In tin- last
mI tipping point w here t here Is water
in tin riti(4 from civilization to the
desert. 1 1 Im in tin- i niter of a Kicat
jilkall lu ll, tin- plains for many miles
ji ri ii ml belngi ou'ivil with tin' white
-ulinl nine, ultinlt tli' npiearancc
from a distance of prcnt snow beds,
1 1 Iii tin' oiilrr nf tliU waste a
niaiiiiii'il !i spring I10IU foil li, hi'IhI
intf oul a slii-aiu of pun- water
w lili li is col in absorbed li.v t In' alkali
.1 ml i rv h!i iin.
i i; i H In i s n 1 1 IM hi I o .
.(.inn i. .IoIiiixoii. a w lilli-linlred old
man konwu throughout t lie count r.v
jim "I 'mil - .1 im in le," ki-eps t lie ht at Inn
jiI Alkali. The station consists of a
'.' roniii slun k , n few haystacks ami
a w a I" 1 1 1 plate for horses. It wan
-tllliliHli. il i-IiimIm V for stiMkluell,
mostly sheepmen, tin' only persons
w ho c cr vent lire t lint way, saw an
occasional triiier. "I 'lnle.1 Iniliile"
reiiiiiiiiH at lliln station year in ami
tear mil. though there are times
I hat lie iloeM not nee a lillinan being
for wirU. I n t lie fall ami Hprluu it
is lively at Alkali, Imt in I lie winter
luiM'l Ih M aire, ami in laitl-siim nier
ji x l-lli.r - a novelty to I lie old man.
The hlieei'liieii uo to t lie desert early
in t lie fail to take ml wintauc of 1 1
w Inter inline. At l Ills season of t In
var tin- snow falls and melts, pro
ducing a urow th of short g rnss suit
able for sheep fooil. All through the
u Inter tin' slii-cp thrive on lids grass
ainl eat snow In t he adjoining inoiin
lulus ami foothills for water. I'.y
t lie time spring opeliH t he grann U all
gone lltid t he sheepmen ilrlve their
Mocks from the desert iH-forc the
scorching huh kills everything In the
way of vegetation ami ilrlen away
I lie hiiow ami water. Am t licscsliecp
ineli conic and go I 'm le .1 iminle Iiiih
IiIh liamlH full entertaining them,
lie known every man from one end
of the ili'Hert to the other, ami all
I enk well of I'lit'le .llmmie.
Tho olil man JiiHt HiiitM the place.
Ho reiiiomlierM everything he henrn,
Ih a (airly good cook, always good
naturcd unci niakeH li Ih guests feel at
home. II Ih biscuits may Ik a little
yellow with Koila, his lim-oii may In
irled a little too lii'own, IiIh coffee
may a little too lilaek, for IiIh con
densed milk gives out oecusonally,
Imt I'm le .llmmie makes up (or Hu-ho
defects in Home way. lie will sur
prise hU guests with fried duck for
supper occaHlonally, or give thein
liolleil eggs for lireakfaHt or make
rice pudding. It might not look
tempting to the rugged stockmen
at home, but after month of caiH)i
IiiK out ami eating their own cook
ing one of I'ncle Jliinnle'H mealn Ih
couHhlercil a treat from many poiutn
of view.
Then lie known the neWH. lie Ih a
yoHHlper liy nature, lie ivmeinliorH
everylliltiK' dull KtH'Ht hm.vh, It mat
tern not how many of them theru
lie at one time, and ho tell the next
KUi'Ht what the former gucHt did
.and Hdld. If ono man luingH lu news
from clvlllal Ion alioul tin' w arn and
polltliH ami hoi la I evetilH of the
kind that IlltclVNlH IheMe people, l ll
cle .llmmie rciieatN It all to future
UHi'hIh until he Ki'tn MomethlliK liet.
ler. Then oi-cnxlonally Homeone
leaven a neWHpaH'r with I'ncle Jlm
inv, TliU lie rcndH over ho many
timcH diirln IiIh Idle diiyn that he
Win It committed to memory and If
It chaneeH to I' Worn out when the
next KUentH collie, he tellH tlielll what
wiih In It.
The old man llmU many iIIvcixIoiin
ilill llIU t he lollU perlodn of lolilllieHH.
He Iiiih IiIh doH, IiIh catn, chlckeiiH,
duekn ami no-ne and In' Ih HillTound
ed li.V coyoten. While the liolllll.V
law wiih on lie made Home extra
money trapping t hew iiiiIiiiiiIm. lie
Ci'lmui oecaHluiiiil w ihlcat and hcIIh
IIh hlile. The outMlde of ll Ik hhark Im
coered W ll ll hl'li'H and all klll'ln of
imW tnipH. He Iuim t wo or t liio-old
UUIim, Imt lie Im a dead nhot with
t lioiu. lie hunt" for ueeMi- and din k-"
! and iroeM iiMhlny: iH-euHlomilly.
Ilow 1'inli' .1 i 1 1 1 in v catihi-M lili
and 1111m ililc kn ami ui-m- out on tie
ilenerl Im a 111 Mtery to the nt ranker,
dut I'ncle .llniniy noon comino'M
one that he iIim-h it. The MprliiK ImiIIm
forth from a crater like opening in
t he ground. The hole Im I'll or .'in feet
acroMH ami of unknown dept li. I n
cle .1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - Iiiih throw n up a circular
euliankiiient around llieHprln which
hIvch It t he apM'iirance of I he liiHide
of a circiiM rin. except that It Ih full
of water to tln to. - A illicit cut
throuuii thlM dam enalili-H the old
man to Irrigate a hiiiiiII nardcil Hpot
and hln pond around the t-prlnx Iiiih
lieeu planted Mil ll IInIi. He Iijim coli
Htrilcted a Willi out ovel'the pond to
I he hprliitf and he w alkn out to t he
HprliiK ami IImIich in the deep water
w here he Iiiih no troulile iu landing a
IUCHH of lieailtleH for favored KiK'HtH.
The man w It h the Hinall hot tie iwnnl
ly receivi'H tlu'ne HMi lal fnoilM
A reinarkalile tiling alioiil thi"
HprliiK Ih that it apparently Iijim no
bottom. HuudredHof fi-et of cord
have Im-cii let dow n into it with a
weight attached, and none Iiiih yet
been found long cnouuli to reach the
now m: nt'.vt'H
And the duck hunting U jlint iih
Hluiple an HhIiIiiK' I'ncle .Jimmy Una
only to chme up IiIh houne and hide
liiHide and ke'p Mill for a day or two
and the wild duckn will come to IiIh
pond and attempt to catch IiIh (IhIi.
lie waltH until a lare iiuiiiIkt of
them IIrIU on the water and then he
turiiH Ioohc one of hU old faHhloucd
KUiiH, and he never (jiIIh to do execu
tion. He never K' tn but one whot
but lie makei It count.
The hoHt at Alkull has a lare Hock
of wild Kt'He, which have become
jM'i'fiH'tly domeHtlcated. He found
the nt'Ht of a w lid goone down tuuoiiK
the HaK'H in the alkali pond and
watched It from day to day. When
thi' old k'ohc bewail "Hcttlnn'." I'ncle
.llmmie 'Vwiiieil" her i'H'h'h nnd plac
ed them under one of IiIh common
heiiH. They all hatched out, took, to
t heir lien-mot her hundmunely, have
continued to lnwd.'ind now he Iiiih a
lat'no flock. They nwlni upon the
circular pond iu IiIh yard and never
think of leaving1. They are an gentle
an the nnmt common domeHtlcated
Then he Iiiih IiIh (iiuuy eplHoden to
help kill the time. He Htartcd la
with a pair of catn and noon had a
dozen more. He wiw too tender
hearted to kill any of them and there
f- ,J-, ai- ''rim 1 m n iffn i hut - i fii tnk ' I , 'hi i.ii
For week SoutU Afri'-n bin tieen I'mkliiR forward to the nrrlviil at Cape
Town of the l!rltlhli colonial nwretary. Mr. Johci1i Chanil.iTliiln. A rouBlng
reeclitioi) Iiiih lieen plHlilied, the chief feuture of which in to be nn otliclal
welotuie t Mr. CliiiinlH-rliln nt the Iiouim of assembly, where the Cup
Colony prriinuient meet.
wen- 110 nciyhboiM with whom to
Hliarethcm. ('VoteHiind wild catn
are death on I oue catn but the cat
never nt rayed far from the Iiojim- and
but few were lout in tfi'M tnnnner.
The catn were taking the place.
I Whenever he left the kitchen door
open the catn raiiHackeil the cup
board ami table iu nearch of food.
There wan not hlni; else for t hem to
I eat near the place, and animal i'l
jHtln't warned them agaiiiHt Htraying
I out into thcdcHcrt when- the coyoten
were watching for them.
Tin' old man found, by accident, a
way of keeping the catn out of the
kitchen, but it worked HiicceHKfully
and iH-rmaneutly. In w Idling a way
the time lie divided to make Home
t rnamentH for hin "parlor" and
ntarted in by HtuffingacoyoteV nkin.
When he had newed together and
Htuffed it he found that he had no
head for It, an the ncalp had Urn
taken. Not to 1h outdone, lie cut
the needed part from a wildcat's
nkln, wwe.1 It to the coyote wkin and
Htuffed It uccorI.'.'gly. placing giant)
niarbleo of different colorn iu the
oiH'iiingH (or eyeH. Stuffed anil plac
ed erect on a board theaulmal whh
a ragged looking one an well an a
novel one. It did not look well
enough to phut' in the parlor, ho the
old man titood It in the kitchen. The
cats were under the floor, watching
(or an opportunity to enter. Ily ac
cident the old man left the kitchen
door open while he went (or a buf k
o( water. The catn all entered in a
body, and in a moment he heard a
iioIhc that Htartled him. I lo rushed
back and found the catn clinging to
the walln and celling and mewing in
a moHt pitiful manner, at the name
tlincgiulng at IiIh Ht titled animal.
They had torn the table cloth and
the cloth from the cupbourd Iu their
attempted flight.
The old man wan dtimfounded. He
thought they had all gone mad on
the npot. Ho attempted to drive
them out and lu doing ho broke the
only window pane iu the room. This
wan all they needed. They made a
grand rindi (or the owning and they
poured through It like ruin until the
hint cat lind t'Hcnped. Two or three
ila.VH afterward they approached the
place cautioiiHly, the old cat in the
lead. She reared up on the ntoop
and looked in. There titood the fake
animal. It wan HUllicieiit. She ran
for life. The ot hern followed. I'ncle
.linunie wan not troubled further
with hin catn in the kitchen. A com
bination of two of their luont de
Hlructlve cncinicH wan too much for
For motitliH after thin episode the
old man entertained Ills guentn by
telling the story and denioiiHtrating
the truth of it by taking the animal
In IiIh hands and chawing the catn
from one point to another about
the place.
In IiIh isolation the hont nt Alkali
doe not find life so burdensome af
ter all.
Taxes Collected,
The total amount of taxes collect
ed by Sheriff Dunlnp up to Monday
evening, March ltith, amounts to
more- than three-fourths of the total
tax (or 1902. The amount is con
fllderbly more thuu was paid In last
Total amount on the 1902
tax roll was $44:245 111
AHHCMHinents inado by the
Sheriff CI 54
J4430.S 73
Totat a mount collected up
to and Including March 1G
liMKI S-JSS1 12
I Amount of Rebate allowed.. 1011 9.1
?a."Ksi;i o."
Amount apportioned to the
School (and 0119 !W
Amount apportioned to the
Road fund 11. "h" to
Amount of special School
tax In District, No. 7 71 .V
Amount ot special school
tax In District, No. 11 14S 42
Amount of bpeclul school
tax In District, No. 21 2S3 81
7778 HO
State tax s2;W.tK)one lial(
to bo paid on or lief ore
Muy, leaving a balance,
to bo applied on redemp
tion of warrants f209S7.7tJ
Total auiouut yet to bo col
lected 10413 CS
A Few Straight Hits by Our Pop
ular Representative State
Should be Reapportioned
Keno, Orcg., Mar. th, l.WI.
A. Y. Rkach
Lukevlew, Or.
Dear Sir and Friend:
I notice In the Kxarnlwr (your
J paper) about Portland gettingevery-
thlng they nsk (or except the I.. S.
Senator. Your ivmarks are well
taken, only hardly strong enough to
do real Justice.
The State, and particularly Kant
em Oregon, will never get any Iwne
fical legislation they need until such
time an they can combine againnt
.Multnomah ami Marion counties.
People from ndir do not notice this
j as the iiu-iiiIm-i-m of the legislature
j do, Ix inon the ground.
j Jackson County with a normal
! school loii-liif with a normal
school and soldiers home. Lane with
the state university, lienton with
the agricultural college, and Tolk
with a normal school; then Marion
with the insane asylum, the ieiiiten
tiary, the reform school, blind school,
deaf mute school, exjH'tise o( state
house, etc. All these must enter to
Portland to get uliat eacli o( them
want, and if any otherCounty wants
any State assistance they must in
vade this combination or go with
out, no matter bow small the assist
ance ask for may lie. All the gentle
men from tliesecountiesnssunietole
the "watch dog" of the treasury
when any other county knocks for
admission. Wo rvinemlier that Mult
nomah has s,tXK),tNH) taxuble prop
erty, Eastern Oregon $:B,0o0,00O, and
the remainder of Western Oregon
only ?."i9,0li),tHit). You will therefore
take notice that Eastern Oregon
comprises more than of the whole
States area and pays more than half
tut much taxes than all the rest of the
state outside of Multnomah County.
We simply good naturedly poor our
shekels into the hands of the tax-,
payers for the benefit of thesp people,
and get nothing. If thing are uot
changed on this line, the people of
Eastetn Oregon will lie justified In
clamoring for a division of Oregon,
the geographical line of which will
be on the Summit of the Cascade
Again you will obserse by exam in ..
Ing the matter, that Eastern Oregon
is not properly represented in the
Legislature. Multnomah county
has 20 members. Western Osegon 50
members, while Eastern Oregon has
only 20 memlters. Every member
from Eastern Oregon represents 1
million dollars taxable property,
while the rest of the State including
Multnomah county, where million
lares are as thick as musquitoes in
the month of June, each member
represents only a shade over a mil
lion and ono half, and tho remainder
of Western Oregon, exclusive of Mult
nomah county, each mem Iter only
represents one and one fifth million.
We know tho representation Is not
based on tho taxable property, but
should hear no more about the "poor"
people of Eastern Oregon.
After the census of 1905, the Legis
lature should, and doubtless will
enact a general apportionment law
bused upon population, which will
enable Eastern Oregon to demand a
better recognition. Mark you that
within tho next ten years Eastern
(Coutluued ou fourth puge)