r v n4 mtnmeti W4P W0t VOL. XXIII. BEST HORSES IN LA K I: CO. Ctinmle Condition arc Itcttcr In Thl County for Raising Morses Minn niiy I'lice In World. hi Mm Idlers In tin- l ircgniiliiu Al I I'll I lllillllllll t(lH CIlllHllll-rilllll' In IV- mini In I he ivhi mi ri'i'M i if I ,u kf I mill y. Mi' tells In mil- li t li r admit IiIm visit Hi I III' IIiikhIu A Tct Im ranch In I lir ui ii-ii ii, iiinl w tin I t ln-y arc di ilug t I . n 1 1 it i t- tin- In r-i' ImliiMtrY nf Lake 1 'illlllV. lie says It Im mi In- east lde nf I In- iimiihIi' M hi Ii I m I ii m Hint I III' llnl'M- lll'lll-l IN Im III 1 1 h Iii'hI 111 i iiim i Mm-: iiihi iih-iv nri- reason Ii.v I IiIm lllll llN IH M Im- Mil. The i-iimIi in region In m I i iiii c imi in-i li' m li'il, imi it ' Im'h II v lulling In IIm Miirfiii'i-M iiml I I 'MM llllll-t lllllll I I 1 1 I l.llllll'V. :i ii I l lii-Ht- ri im III 1 1 iiim ii 1 1- ii II f. hi ii nut i' in their relation in Ihr Iinix'. Tin. If m 1 1 hi ul I'M him w i 1 1 I . I In- hill I I UI'i'M ii'V chip InilH, uliif Mlirnlli iiilln- gi-nuiiig lull, fix- drier iiinl ilin I li-r ri mil I rv i:Im'h Ii mi in- mii'I i ( mIs l mih i - I i IiIm In ii .f. riicic i, 1 1 h i, in I In- native iii-mi'm nf tin- ilr I'lii-I c ii uimI iiii-m ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 i I which i i .lit l i I ml I'm 1 1 1 l In- mI reug 1 1 1 1 if I In i mi- special I Immiu m 11 nl I ii I lie miIi It nin I Ml M, I nt; ii i i tm i if I In- Ik i r. iiniini.il cpe rii-iicc givcN li-Mli I iiiony to llic powers ami valiir nf tin- InilirlisfriiMM Isnl'M-. irlvi-H which j i'imcw im-iv would lit- iiviiii-( rnii'l nr ii'1k)mmII.1i- hiv regarded mm u inatti-r if cuiirMi-In l In-I'HMti-rn rrglon. Mini i In- homes stand 1 1 1 iimlrr them with surprising spirit nml ciiduruii.c Jim Howard, thii well known cattle man of Crook County. Iihh a iairnf blacks which he drlvcsovcr tin- Last- - ( kmirmt maila Im nit-' 7". inlli'H a day, nfli'iil Iiiicm fnr several days In hiii ci'mmIi ui. ami In my m r miiiiuI ktmu ledge lln-.v arc mm game .in any carriage pair In Pnrllaml t hit h gels w -I k enough hanly In h.ii llnin in appct Id-. Wallace r.iyluf.nf I ,n ki-( mnt , ilrlxi'M a rnan nf moili-rnli-size, bred nil t In- desert nnrlli nf SiiiniiiiT Lake, anywhere Mull. r.KIn lHt mili'M III a Imv wilh- i it. :tiiMlviil I.V affi-rl lug lilm. line day last l-'all, ill an emergency, he drove I IiIm linrsc ln."i inili-M t with i hive ii'itta taken nil at different stages nf I hi- day's Jniiriii'V I, nml I In- splendid animal win upnli t In- lilt a I t In- cm I ( if t In- il.i v, a ml fresh fnr service Ilii' n.-il innriiiug as If untiling iinu.siial h i.) liaiM'ln-il. I lut t- m,Mi-lf, in tin' rn'jrMi' nf a recent Jiiiiriii-y In the Klamath country, ilrlvi-n a ti-niii hi -vera I days In Mi. ri-hKli hi .".ii ami iki mile Mtasi'M. ami al tlii-clnl nf 1iIi.im nl II nil 'i I t In-Ill In 1 1 it'll' Hi M 1 lt III lict li, i ninlll inn than at tin- Marl. 1'iii'Mi-iiiMtMiii-i'M mlt;lit In- lniill lilii-il n lli.niMaml lliai-H fi'iiin I lie c ci vila v ! M-rli-in i- nf I In- cnmit rv, fnr in tin-ca-tli-ni ivlnii tlii'illMliini i'H nii'siival, I In only way nf K'ttliK i ii t In liy i-iirriiii- nr huIi I lt'-l itu-k, ami tin li-iiSAtli nf n tlrivt- Ih only llnillt-il liy i In- con vciilciiiv of tli! driver. Xo HtvrtU-r li-Ht of lmrMi'lli'Hli cniilil In iii.nli than the rniiuiion umiiki- of the niiintry, ami liy It the KuNtorn Oiv i;.iii tin imc mIhiiiIh approved an it Ih iimI of nneiiialtd (iiiulity. TIiIh fart Iimh Ioiik Ih-cii riH iinnled liy the market, and, other tlilnH lii-f nic eiiial. n horne lired "in t he liuni'huriiMH" of I'liHtern Oregon or Ni-vmiIii will fetch from .1 to 10 per i'i-iiI more t Iimii a Imi-He iin-d In tin- Inwei' ami iiinii' hninid I'csaIoiih of on s;nn ( ii' ( 'a I ifi iriila. Men of Inruv ex pci'ii'iice iih Ihi'i'iIith and of lai'ui' c.iiilal an- i-iiiiiin to nndei'Ht a ml llu-Hpeclal value of 1 he eondil Ioiih in I lie IninclinriiHH country iih related in I In- hoi'He; and in one liiNtance ut leait a lies-inninsA' Iuih lieeii made lo v a rd I Ik- chI a lil IhIi men t of the IhimI-iii-hh on n urent Hcale and under Mcleiilllle ciimlil Ioiih. Within llu paMl year Mi'mmi'Im. IIiikIii & TcvIm, I he t 'alifornin rniichownei'M, ha ve iiiiiiHfiTrcd their Html of about n iloeii nl allloiiN audJnckH from their Kernl'iiiinly rnucheH to their estali- I I -i it ii -n t In l.nko niinly, In IhlHHlale, due I o I he opinion declared by Mr. liansilu (lull "I he condition for breeding hoiHi-H lu Lantern Oregon are better than In any other place In LAKKV1KW, LA KK i 4 1. -V ' '' vrM.,-JUidtl7l",! PRINCESS CHARLES OF DENMARK. It t iiiili-rntvxl that the rrlncpim CharU-ii of Fnmark Is tnln; flooded with pi-q m-Ht a from puhllHhem to tj allowed to publish hrr flmt book, which U rlrculatlnsj In manuBorlpt in court clrc-h-a Tb prlnceNa la the aecond daugh ter of King Kdward of Knglaud. tlu u-nrlil." 'I'lie HtiH'k Involved In IIiIm I in i k r t ji 1 1-ui Im the iiiiimI Itnpnrt aut julilit Imi to the animal IndiiHtry nf t hi- mIii Ii- hllice t In- faliHUiM aKKre- Kallnli nf I ,.nl. I A: Keiil at th Kivd - villi- farm in jiMhlns;tim .'HI yearn ann. II liiclii'li'M llii- Mln-M alreadv inenliniii'd -and tin-Mi- uivfrom the lii Kt llnpoi led MtrailiM, iM MidcH lielng can-fully xrli-cted for iiidlv idual merit Moini'thlnir nmre than L1K heavy inareM, tin- very Im mI that j could liefoiilid, picked upall over the; count r.v under ii KHti iiinf Hclcctioii w hlch iiiMilec.iMta Mi cnmlarv coiimIiI- eratlou. TIh-mc MiiimalM, liy far the largi-Mt Mingle iuipnrta I Inn nf hornc IIcmIi ever made into Oregon, are at the Chew ain-Mii and Sicau ranchi'M of llaggiu& Tevli. and they will mooii lie cMtalil ImIiciI In wliat Ih to lie the In -ii 1 1 I n n r I i-I'h of tin- heavy weight horne in livgoii. Iiici.iineilii.il witli IIiIm Inipi nl a, Ih. n Mr. Ilaggln Iwih iiImii Kent, fnr I hi-Mpii ial MTV Ice i if IiIm n n ranchi'M, wil h a view In saddle Ntnck, a t Imr- oughlired Mtallion which In color ht Ih a rich Morrel form and Maddle polntH Ih the er of any horne In ex iMtence. He In Mired liy the faiuoUM luipiirted Mtallinn St. Hlaze ami out of an Imported mare, and wan bred by AugiiHt Itclinont at IiIh Kentucky cHtatillHlimciit. Ah a colt hlnproiniMO uh a turf borne wan great, but under an liijudlclouH and premature train ing a tendon gave way and he was retired to the ntud. Thin Hplelidld animal, In the eye of many exK-rtH cniiHldered the fini-Mt light borne ever brought Into Oregon, Ih now at the t'hewaiican ranch, where he Ih lielng mated with the ranch mnrcH. And now lu connect inn with thin IioI'hc coiiu-h the neiniel of inv re- markM ycMlcrilay in exploitation of the history of I he t'ayuse and 1 1 1st special inei'iis. Mr. Taylor, the man ager of the llaggin A: Tevln raucheH, Ih about to try the experiment of mating this line Mtallion with a t ui i ii-li of I'D more t'ayuse mares to be selected from the bands of the l-v la Hi ll t ll 1 iuHji ii ivserva t lou. Ills Ideals to pick the mures for form, size and other Individual ipialitlcH, to give them ideal coiidit Ioiih during the period of gestal ion, d siiitoiiiiiI the fouls wil h t he best ci mill I inns and to see wiia I will come of it. It is one of the most interesli'ig experiments in hoi'Melireediug ever made lu America, the llrst attempt ho far iih I know to revive In the native W'entern home the merltH of IiIh Arabian anccHtora COUNTV, OREGON, am i J: r -. r ( IL of i:i centurli-M isxo. CurloiiMly enough, there wan no effort on the part of the Oregon piiilliviM to miliKle the lilnnil of the ) "'Hive norm' w ith mat ol the ho-call- ed American horne which they hn nielli acriiMM the plain. Iunplte ,llH pructical Hi-rvlcenlillity, of w,,i('n ,n,'J' ""K'e the litllloMt use, th''' "'1'1 t,lt' ""'' ill i-outeinpt for I'l" Inferiority of nlze, IiIm w hiuiMicali- ,lrH ,"-r. IiIm tricky unrelialilllty "0,lilr'd through long xavage use, '"r very cheapncMH. In the ,,"'", opinion of that time it wouhl have ln-en wante of Mervlce to breed a good American horHo to an Indian mitre a nort of degradation. It will Im- interest ing to note the pro greMHof Mr. Taylor'nexperiment ; and I shall be a good deal disappointed if he does not produce the very best type of saddle brute that ever felt a cinch. Local Exchange Nnuf Cnmnlpfp Next to lielng a railroad town Lakeview Ih modern in nearly every thing. The new local exclutngi' telephone H.VHtem Ih now complete and Ih in line working order. Noth ing could lie more convenient than the syHtein Jnnt put In. l:p to the piVHent time 1!S phone have been put lu and no two lire on the Maine Hue, ho that a conversation lietwwn two person can lie carried on ivh prlvltely iih if they were In a room together. TheHyMtein works In conjunction with the line from Lake view to Silver Lake, and any phone in Lakeview can be connected to the main line by calling central. Thecrewof men under thedirectiou of Mr. Itobeiison, the telephone ex- pert, have gone to 1'aisley to put in a switch board at Paisley nil this same line, and the local exchange there will be under (he same management as at Lakeview. A switch board has already I teen put in at Silver Lake. A Hue will also be run out from Paisley about 10 miles to the I y v l. ii . 111 in 11. Pan Applegateof Ashland has been awarded the contract for the Anh- land-Klamalh Palln daily mail Unci at lilKI per year, he being the lowest bidder, nervlie to begin Pec. '11. The former contract was .fl.'loo. ,1. A. Melntlre will be superintendent and the prencut teninn, driver, etc., will lie retained. ' -',1-lli -.-- "-.--. V'f - THURSDAY, DEC. II, LOTTIE SAYS GOOD BYE. Another Indian Tires of Life and Attempts Self Destruction, Hut Lives to Tell the Tale. i-rv in ncapM oi trouiili- in the Indian caiiiptn Milliard Omyon these days. Ilurdlyu day passes but there Im a wrap, and the last two Immiii-h of The Lxamlner contained mm runny deaths of Indians, all caused from over Indulgence in firewater. Monday night Lottie, sister of Sam who hung himself in the County jail last week, and was Is-lng held for the murder of his wife, attempted to emulate hT brother. She tied a handkerchief over a Iteain in the Piute cabin ami prociivih-d to die, but was discovered U-fore the last j spark of life had flicked out. Other Indians Interfered with her attempt Jat self destruction and cut her down from her perilous position. When : inters icHi-d by a spii-iul representa- live of The i:.amilierslieM.iid: "Oh, j I like tu die very bad. I want to Idle like my own dear brother. I get ! It I ired living t hat way." i Large tears came to the renorters ears when he asked her what the trouble was. "My neck awful sick How, cause I didu t die good. Some- tinn-Hl tell It to you about that Piute's troubli-H." 1 nen the reporter had to lie taken away. j,oitie najH she will not at tempt Hiilclde ugaln anyway until her neck getH well. Christmas Tree .And n flrw.H Tim To the Citizen of Lakeview. Pear FriendM: At a meeting held in the M. E Church hint Thursday evening, for the purpose of considering plans for our public Christmas tree to lie held on Christ mas Kve, the following committees were appointed: President of all commit tcco, C. M. Sinythe. Committee on iK-coration, Mr. Wilcox, Mrs. Snelliug, Mrs. Ayren, Mm. iMinlnp, Mm. Sinythe, Minn Sni der and Miss Sands. Committee on Music; Prof. WilHtm, Mr. Ayres, Mr. Nickemon, Mr. Ileach, Mm. Sinythe, Mm. ltlair and Mm. I yer. Prudential Committee; Mm. Itlair. Mm. Harris, Mrs. McKee, Mm. Iew is. Mrs. Peach and Mm. Schlagel. Leeching and distributing Com mittee; Miss Callaghan, Miss Kuth Nickemon. W e fully appreciate the efforts that some will have to put forth to nerve on some of these committees, but reincmlier that the nacriflce we make Is for the pleasure of others at thin holiday time. We have made ar rangements for the decoration of the Horry 0era House, and those who nerve on the decorating committee are requested to enlist n many oth ers impossible to help In the work. All appointments on these commit tees w ere made tentatively so tliat others might be Induced to help. I will call and explain to the members of the Prudential committee their duties. I will also call on the mem bers of the Mush- committee. The Leech ing and Distributing commit tee will be at the hall on the after noon of the entertainment to receive the presents for the tree and to nee that they are given to the persons they were intended for. A tire committiv hen bivn appoint ed no that the risk of losn of presentn and accident to citizens will be elimi nated. A steady, Holier man has Urn secured for that afternoon and evening as a tire patrol around the building. The fire company's fore man will have hose at nearcmt hy drant, ami no coal oil, gasolene, or candles will bo used to light the building. The doom of the Hull will be nailed open and curtains put In their places on the evening of the en tertainment. Hoping that everyone will unite to have a good time, I re main sincerely yours C. M. Smvthe. 1902. NO. 11). HERYFORD WILL WIN. Jim Meryford says Birdie McCarty Refused to ilarry Him in His Reply to Breach of Promise James I). Heryford, of Ijikevlew who was sued by P.irdie McCarty, a school teacher, and lit present a res ident of Michigan, for 7o,iiuo dam ag( M for breach of promise, has fileil his answer In the United States Cir cuit Court at Port land, in w hich he admits that he entered into a com pact w it h her for marriage, but he claims that Miss McCarty and not himself Im the one w ho failed to carry out the nuptial contract. The only hitch mi nis to have la-en that Pirdie wished to live half the year in Michi gan and the other half with her hus band In Lake County. Heryford would not agree to this. Heryford apparently makes out a strong case, for in his answer, which was filed in the federal Court, he as-Mi-rt that on Si-pti-mlM-r l'.Hil!, he mailed her a letter, with postage prepaid, in which he agree-! to marrv her but that she refused. As this letter is said to have bi-en mailed a wi-ek after theoriginal suit was filed, the defendant claims to have fully exonerated himself. The denials are first set forth, Heryford claiming that birdie Mc Carty is not willing to marry him and denying that on Decemlier 2T, 1901, he refused to become her hus buud. As a separate defense It Isj stated that on January 10, 1!1, he entered Into an agreement with th plaintiff by which he was to marry IWO'ulJl'o'tOTitchiBlin to te tnnffled " In April, l'.Hil. Heryford says Miss McCarty left for Mlchlgau and after her arrival there wrote him a letter In which she stated she would not marry him unless he would agree that she might live half the year in Michigan and the other half in Ore gon. In September Heryford notified Birdie of his willingness to marry her, and further sent her $lM with which she might travel toKeno, Xev., and there meet her future husband. but even this would not avail, ac cording to Heryford, who now ask 8 ... that the damage suit lie dismissed. . Dring In Your Coyote Scalps. County Clerk Manring having the welfare of thestockmen at heart, and wishing to further their Interests, and those who are employed in the work of exterminating the coyotes and wild cats of this County, has made It possible for those who wish to take a chance on the State Legis lature making an appropreation for the delinquency In the scalp bounty fund. A few months ago the County Court of this Couuty ordered tho Clerk not to Issue any more warrants on the County Treasurer, according the law, passed at the last session of the Oregon I-eglsluture. The clerk will now Issue the following receipt to all those who bring tn scalps, and If the legislature comes to the rescue thej' will be paid for. I, A. W. Manring, Couuty Clerk of Lake County, State of Oregon, do hereby certify that has presented at this otliee. Witness my hand and seal of the. County Court of said County, this; day of 11KV. Clerk. -Deputy. liy- S.J, Studley drove in three regis tered Hereford yearling cattle from F. O. Hunting's Drews Valley Hery ford stock farm timt of the week. Mr. Studley Is settlug an example that every farmer In Lake county should pattern after. The time has come when It Is necessary to breed up In the stock business If we expect to meet outside cunqietctiou which Is dosing In at a rapid rate. Each farmer should have at least one bull of pure blood that Is adopted to thin couutry.