f COUNTY TTT TTT TTT TTT TT? TTT VTT TTT Tint Post A King lirlck is Hearing com ili'tlin. (ieorgit Miller innl family have reached ' Yoncallu. I'r. II. I'.. Smith U on duty nguiuafter a ttlcgit of iiiiixy. MixN Birdie Brown, (if Kt. Bidwcll, i visiting in Kt-iin. l!cad Ahlntroui Bro.'s new advertise incut evi-ry week. Mrn. I-'. . Bunting Ih enjoying u visit to the country hI the 1 rcw ' valley fiirm. Albeit I't'lll, till' woolgrowcr, wits in Lnkcvicw last week after a load of w in tor supplies. I ri 11 k nothing I ml Jeswi ore w bisky nil you'll always Im liniy. On sale Hi Wliorlon .V FitrpalrickV Xl-lf Virgil F.. Orcein, crtwhiht delivery- limn, left to n IiihI Wednesday fur tln Sacramento valley. ieorge Jammc rlhal has Imd construct id a neat idcwalk mid wire fence about his inMTty on Water street. When yon waul promof acting little Iii I In Unit never riM- ue )e'itt l.illlc Curly Kiwrit. I.akcvicw I'rug Co. hylesler Oallaghcr Hlld nitT, MlSS Ini'K iallaght-r, of New I'iiiu Crit:k, wcte in I.akcvicw hint Thursday. J tick Wili'ox Iiiii i'oinlt'l'd H sidewalk fronting In residence property on Smith Ik' wry street, mid hivk everything do n tliut way would Ixi all "htinkadoru" if other would do likewise . I leWilt ' Little Marly Bin'rs n re tin? Ih-hI liver iill ever tuiidi'. F.asy Intake Hlld never gripe. l.aLcVli w I'rug Co. Work iiii'ii cominc need clearing ofT the ild Lakcvicw Brewery lot lat Friday to make way for tin- new brewery building that Ay res X Sihlagcl priioii' construct ing ax kimiii iih tin bunder run In' placed on tin- gruuinl. A . I., llout'll started for Sacramento valley lust week ith uliandof IS mules, t li it'll In will put on tln market for sale. Nunc i f lln-tn animals were pur chased (rum llcryfnrd Bros,, uml tlit re in a i to 1 1-r from the iiortlii'ru valleys. To prevent roimuiii it ion tiuickly cure throat iind lit iijx trundles with (iin Min ute Cough Cure. I.akcvicw l'rug Co. Mart iii'-tlaki-, lin killi-.l U. I!. Watt, I former resident of Paisley , this county , was recently found guilty in Sacramento mid sentenced to life imprisonment in tin enilentiary. A close wiit. li in kept on WcHlliiki', a n In- ihri uti'iiN miirido. I -Wilt'M l.iltli! Karly Hi-crn an iriniiit, i:ilniiilili'. l i-jt m it ii t . I'liHcrlnl. jiiinfyiiiK liltli- pillri. l.akfV'it'M lii'ii Co. Tin' luiildiii) tin'd ii h triiiorary iU;ir-ti-rti I v S. It. Siilili'tti- A Co., f ii rm t ii n li-aliTH, Iuih hi'i'ii huld lo l tlivt-r A Iryiiif of tin KiihiIit, who will t'oiivt-rt it into a iiintiiu olliiv. Tin' ('. II. Ikiiilaji liuildiii, liK'atcd on tin- l.akcvii'W SIoiino lot, hint U't-n iiirihaHi'd hy II. (', Wliit worth, and will In' lined hy t'hinii i-am for a ni-w ri'Htauraut. No otlnT pillM can iiUal Ik-Witt'it l.itlh' Karly I i imth for iriiti t lit-cm. cer taiiilv und I'llii iclicv. l.akt'vii'W J 'i UK Co. I .nut Fritliiy J. Mirriuiiii KuMor, dene, to thy Held frame buihl.ng. next ' to the brick, on Main xtreet. Mrx. Kax ter'alxo occupiex one nide of the room for her milinery dixphiy, nnd Mrs. I'lielpHwill have a drcHmniiking parlor in the rear. The building has been nicely remodeled in the interior. I'oxt & King lost it big xtock in the lire but they have another iuxt ax good. Fine liipiorx and cigars ; A. It. C. beer. I'nder the opera limine. L'.'t (i. M. lludxeth, the soda manufac turer ami bicycle repairer, has gone to Surprixo valley on a brief visit w ith rela tives, after which he will go to San Francisco to remain during the winter, familiarizing himself with the latest work in hoc I a making uml to take Ioxxoiih in bicycle repairing, lie will return in the spring to open his soda plant. V. CONN THE PAISLEY MERCHANT. NEWS. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTT TTTTTT TTT Mr. mill Mr. ('. It. Aiidcmon will iMTiipy the rt'-iidi'iiou of (J. A. Folli'tt. A a hriirer Jih-nii Mooro never failit. (il'O. J (4 III llll-r t tlH I IKiU) HKtllt. 1 hi) tiiiKt l ard of the Nevada, ChH fornia iV Ori'K'iu Itailroad aiH'iim in thlH innni'. There in no liendiirhu In JehRo Moore whiki'V. That'll hii'mimi it in mre. tieo. Jaiiiiuert'ial no It) HKi'llt. I'luler the nipt ion, " Ittim F rotn the People," IiuiM (icrU r, the well known nto' k iinin iind old-line Ik'inoc.rt, Iiuh H ! KmhI nrticle in thin int.ie. I on't ntart on vour j mrncy without iilttiiiK il ImiIIIk of Jenie MiMirti "AA" III your rip. (ieo. Jamiiii'rlhal nolraxt. 111 I lniniiierley, the I rpier, Imnoiir thankn for a (' Ih-cn of line uioiintain nheep. Kill in preparint to K out on ! hia iimiiuI winter trappinx oxpfditiuii. You don't want to forget that 1'ont A Ktutt, the popiilui diHH'iiHerM, are Mill in it.. They are under tho oja-ra h'ine. Call Mild nee them. 22 i The Ili'iiHM ratn nirrii' I Modoc t'ouuty on the National tii'ket hy only K!) plu rality. J. A. Iluhhard, (I k in.) carried the county hy 12 majority over Auhle, i lii'p.) Kvervlxnlv flop to ml iii ire that Ix'hu liful all i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 mounted ntiik't' at Ma k'llton'N hardware xtore: lie hax all kindi of teH mid raiitfi'M xiid a full xtix k of hardware and tinware. There are many tonn of line potatocn, HppleH nnd X'uardi in Ijtko county tliix vukiiII that could lie xhipx-d to fon-ikiu luarkctN w ill) u profit if we had a rail riulroad to carry them away. Torturing fkin eruptioiiii, hiirnx mid nori'it are soothed lit once and pruliiitlv healed hv applyinif Ik'W'itt'x Witch lla.fl Halve, the Ix'nt known cure for pile. Iteware of worlhli-HX coiiuli-r-fi'itH. I.i'keview Ini( Co. In thii ifxiie Hpx'Hrx an artiilo on Civil iovernmctit from the pen of I.. N. Chicipiette. a like county teacher, that in eminently worthy of iktuhiiI hy every reader of The I'.xaniiner. 'i h in wax one of the Ix'xt paperx read la-fort the latt M-i-Mini of the Teachcrx' liiNtilutt of I .nk e county. If you ever have ft-cti a child in the aony of croup you can realize how grateful niotherx are for One Minute Cough Cure which vivex relief ax noon an it ix inluiiiiixti red. It qui kly cures coug h x, i oh I x and all throat nnd Iiiii trouhh-x. Lukeview lruiCo. ! Clyde l'li-xaiitH win up from 'Willow Uanch laxt Friday with a load of fine nppli-H. There ix u nmile hovering alxiitt the young inan'x countenance, an imlica tioii that xoinethiug very 1'h-xaiit ix xoon to happen to hiin. They tell tlx that wedding Ix llx will ring at Willow Kanch in the near future. lioth inaki-rx and circulatorx of conn tcrteitx commit Iraud. 1 loiiext men w il not deceive you into hiiying worthlexs coiinterfeitx of Ik-Witt'x" Witch Hazel! halve. The original ix infallible for cur- lug pile, iiijiiricH, eczcina anil t-kiu tlix eaxex. Itkeview llrugCo. l!ev. I'M ward Ik.nnellv prea-hed his farewell xermon in Axhlaml on the 11th ! inxtaut. Father lonuelly, who is U great favorite with the people in Axli laud, has Ix-eu tranxferred by Arch- f l'rwli to Cx,x and Curry coun- ties, with headquarters at Marshfield. lev.J. M. Ilii key of (irant's Pass will succeed Kev. I'oiinelly at Axhlaml. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve will quickly heal the worst burns and scalds und not leave u scar. It can le applied to cuts and raw surfaces with prompt and soothing effect. I'ne it for piles mid skin diseases. Beware of worthless counterfeits. Lakeview IVug Co. John W. Whalley, it prominent nttor ney at the Oregon bur, long a resilient of Portland, and formerly of Yreka, Cal., and Jackson county, xifys the Ashland Tidings, died suddenly in Port laud Saturday of apoplexy, aged t7 years, 10 months and 12 days. He was a teacher in Yreka in early days and County School Superintendent of Siski you county in 1801-2. Look I Here N. C. & 0. RAILROAD STOCK SHIPHENTS An liftmen. Traffic Over th. Tcrmo-Ueno . LlncSoulhca.l.rn Oregon a Big Patron, j Iti nn (t.ii'itn. The N.-C. O. Iiuh tthipped livextotk i from .lanuary I, '), to (ktola-r .'Jl, l'.HHl, an follow ii: I January, wi-xthound Cattle, llficara; j hliti-p, 17 cara; horsex, 12 tarn; mult-x, I Mcarx. j l-ehruary, weMtlKtuiid Cattle, 124. car ; xheep, 4 earn ; liorxi-x, 7 carx. j March, wext'xiund Cattle, l.'Ji) carx;; horxex, 4 carx ; nitilex, 2 t-arH. J April, wexthoiifid Cattle, 411 cars; horxi-x, carx ; mulex, 1 car. May.wextlxiuiid Cat tie, 2 carx ; horxt-x, 2 carx. i June, eaxthonnd Cattle, M rarx. I J uly, wextlxin nd Cattle,! cars ; sheep j 111 carx ; liorxex, 1 cars I Aiiguxt, eaxtlxiiind Sheep, 104 cars; liorxex, 17 carx. Wcxthound Cattle, IW , carx; xheep, "7 carx ; liorxex, 24 carx. I Septemher, eaxt hound Sheep, 87 carx ; j horxex, 14 catx. Westho'ind Cattle, Hli . carx; xheep, 7S carx. OcIoIht, caFlhound liorxex, 44 carx. WchtlHHiml Cuttle, 117 cars; xheep, llC.) carx ; hogs, 2 carx. The following will xhow the number of xhipineiitH from August 22d to No vemher 12th of thin year, and the esti mated value. Thexe shipments were all made from the south of Aniedee: Six hundred and fifty-five cars of idieep, !H head to the car; IW7 cars of cattle, lit head to the car; 1.'52 carx of liorxes, 20 head to the car ; ! earn of goatx, Wi head to the car; I! carx of liogx, 92 head to the car. Total value, f S.Vj.tHK). lliere were I.xj carloads to come in yet. Draft Ilorsi's Wanted. One hundred head of large, well : hroken horxex, averaging l.titH) pounds j each, not lexx than nor over 8 years ; old. Prefer matched teams, (iive price "'il I'hice where animaU can bo Been, as 1 !" ''I. '". 4i-3 IIknkv Schih k, Yreka, Cal. The Canner. t A canner, pxrevillngly canny. ' Out- morning rcnmrki'd to lii granny, "A dinner rn om Anything thl he ran, Km a canner can't can a caa, ran tit-?" Mrs. Harry Bailey started for Ashland and Portland last Friday, taking with her the infant of Mr. and Mrs. G.A. Follett, who has been in her care for some time. Mrs. Bailey will meet Mrs. Follett at Ashland and give the child into its mother's keeping, after which she will go on to "Portland to spend to a few; weeks with relatives and friends. From there Mrs. Builey w ill take steamer passage to Hun Francisco, visit in that city for a time, and then return home. Tom Burrua took Mrs. Bailey as far as Bly in a private conveyance. Lakeview's bold, bud burglar is a nov ice who likes his gin. C. U. SNIDER.. THE PIONEER MERCHANT OF LAKE COUNTY THE CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY Armours' Convassed Hams Breakfast Bacon Leaf Lard 5elf-Rising Buckwheat Flour J I -3 pound packajr Buckwheat Flour, to lb sacks drape Nuts, Postum Ceral, Sa polio and Savon Soap Ptarline and Gold Dust Wash in Powders Canned and Dried Fruits of all kinds Canned Vegetables, Etc. S.& W. Tomatoes 20cts Can This advertisement is changed every week Watch it. Ahlstrom Bro's Have a full line of Men's, Ladies'and Children's .SHOES. Come and look at them at The Monogram DON'T, Send away for your Cards or any other kind of print ing when you can get as good work at this office S tewart's Livery Hypnotic School Hypnotism Thoroughly Taught Residence CENTURY Tomatoes 15cts Can UNDER OPERA HOUSE LAKEV1EW, OKEOON d Sale Stables Comfortable Buggies and Hacks Grain for Sale Rates Reasonable Horses Boarded Day or Month WILLIS STEWART, Proprietor Instructions tt prof. 3. 3D. Scaton ..Charges Reasonable.. 0 o.