Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 22, 1900, Image 6

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    OVER 76,000,000
The Census Shows That
Number of People in
the United States
A Gain of lj.2is.464 Human Brings In Ten
Year-It Caat J6.j6i.oftl to Find
Out tha F-'att.
The ollicial announcement of tho total that ,. Kosition was a gigantic 1
population o( the lnittl States for l.HK mw (mm Miiit of attendance. More (
in "ti.lW.'.W, of which 74.tiL'7,!K7 are j ,),, yt.lHHt.tHHt poo pie saw the show. J
contained in the forty-five states, ropro-1
venting approximately the population Two men have been taken into cus
to be used for apportionment pur-v-we. tisly in New York for cmnggling a for-j
There is a total of 134.1.V Indian not j tune in diamond into this country
taxed. The total population in lSSHt.with the famou jewel onco worn by Max ;
which the aggregate populalion of the j imilian anl hi K.mpres Carlotta, of
present census should U coinpare.1. was i Mexico. The jewel are worth 7tl,mn. j
tv-S.W.'.Toti. Taking the ISIM (Herniation j , ,. . . !
a . basis, there has boon a ga.n in po,m- The Kmpres lM-wer of ( 1 .
lationof 13.225.4iM. .biting the last ten
year, representing an increase of nearly
.... . . , ,1 "dead" Ktniress is to licheail a number
Following is the ofhcial announcement , r '"' 11
... , . , ., 1. .:. i,., 'of telegraph ollicial who accepted a
of tlit noiiniHtion of the I 111 ted Mates . 1
r 1 i
by States:
Alabama.. . .
Arkansas . . .
California. . .
Colorado. . . .
IVlaware . . .
. 1 ,S2S,ti79
. 1.4SO.0.V1
. 5.v.7t0
. '.HlS.ItVi
. 52S.542
. ?,2iti.:i2
HW.4.1.1 j
351 1. 422
tieorgia . .
l.!ll SlHi
Idaho lril.771
Illinois 421..Vh)
Indiana 2.51t.4i
Iowa 2,251. 82!
Massachusetts . .
New Hampshire.
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina.
North Dakota . .
Pennsylvania . . .
Rhode Island . . .
fcmth Carolina. .
South Iakota. . .
AYest Yirginia.. .
. . l,4ti. 4!
. l.lSMMi
. . 2 .Kti5.34
. .2.4UI.7S2
.. I,7til,3;t5
. .1.551.872
. .3.107.1 17
. . 243.2!
. . i,oi8.'.n
42 334
. . 411,5nS
. . tvN3.tid'.
. 7.2tiH.lHi9
. . 31fMM)
. .4.157.545
. . 413.5:;2
. . 4' 11. 55!
. 2.022,723
. .3.04S.S2H
. . 27H.5o
. . 343.IM1
. .l,a4,lS4
. . 517.1.72
, . !t5H,!MK)
, . 2,0iM,!H3
..... iwt-
1,042. 3! Hi '
2,2:W.t43 j
2,"03 .Ss
j .,sw ,m,( ;
l.ti7t.IS4 :
132,150 j
l''5S.JI0 . - 'e - 'A
5.W7.K53 !
,-.. -it
5 2-.H.014
1 'Vs'.S0H '
1 707 51S
207 .005
Total 45 states . . .74,027,007
Territories, etc.
Alaska, estimated.. 44.000
Arizona 120.212
Hist, of Columbia. 27S.71S
Hawaii 154,ool
Indian Territory.. 391,inj
New Mexico ...... 103.77S
Oklahoma 39H.245
rti i :e
.. I 1
Total 7 territories. .1,007,31 3
' '
Indians not taxed in the states
1,540 1
Colorado 5.007
Idaho 2.207
Minnesota 1.70H
Montana 10,740
Nevada l.tfio
New York 4.711
North liakota 4.002
South Dakota 10,032
Utah 1,472
Washington 2.531
AViwoti!.iri 1 IkT.T
Total 4-1,017
Indians not taxed in Territories:
Arizona 21.041
Indian Territory o0,o:',3
ew .Mexico 2.0.K
Total 80,5-11:
.. . ,
I ersons in the service of the L nitt-d
States stationed abroad (esti-
mated) 84,4-Ki
Indians, etc., on Indian reserva- i
uoi.s, except Indian territory . Mo.zsl'
Here is a dialogue that recently oc
curred between two rural members, of
the Kentucky militia which brings
out some of the curiosities of dialect:
"We've bin ordered to Frankfort." "I
(fad, I hain't goin'!" "I (fad, you hev to
o!" "I hain't, and there' lots more
that hain't goin nuther!" "I pad,
youns awored you go, and, I gad,
you've got to go!" "I gad, we don't
got to go! We hain't got no unicorn
and we hain't got no guns and we
hain't goin, nohow. We 'most friz last
time, and didn't git nutliin' to!"
"Well, mebhe youna won't go, but if
youns don't you'll git found like hell!"
Three centenarian in Philadelphia ; which 53,540 were males and 2!4,'J13 fe
are aaid to be the oldest white per- males. They carried with them $7HH,
aoiia in rth America. They are Mr. ; Jusf 1 ,441 Italians were refused
('destine Nigro, an Italian, aged 110; admittance to the United .St-ates.
Mrs. Sarah Doran Terry, born in New j
Jersey, aged loa. and Michael Mooney, J' M' I'"biH- of ""'"-". "ve f'ak
of Irish birth, aged 1U7. The ohlest : count'' '' ''x., own a ateer whose horn
colored oerson is Jcrrv Hkin. of Home, i fr""' to ',oi"t "' '"'"
f 1. I... !.. I ... A I.!..
uu, v nu stij a lie in nu, out inn t:iaiiiia
liuve not been verified.
Henry Yillnrit, tin' tfrcat railroad miiik
nate, litMl Ht lKlil)'n Kerry, New York,
on the 12th instant.
j Columbus, Indiana, is declared by tho
late census to Ih the center of muIh
tinn of the I'nitcd .State.
j Th Paris l'xHitiin tiiltl on No-:
' vetnlier ll'th. Tin' ottiiial KtMt ir-tirM j
"" HO '.'- ."
ladv continues to behead thoe che doc
not like. Tin latest phono urn of the
secret message Irom r.iuHror rvwang
lSin. ; Hsu to Count von Waldcrsce infoi ming
l..M:-S.OI! : hitu that ho (the Kmperor) was being
1.12S, I j. prisoner and was unable tore-!
4r,r.Sj,,ir" '"cki" ir- l-hmdy woik for a
74.2- S "dead" woman. J
The foreign envoys have tinally agreed
I to a joint note, which will In- pressed on
k'hina as the basis of a preliminary
ttreatv. An-ong the acts which China:
must fultil are : Krect a inonument to,
Karon von Ketteler on the site where he !
was mimteri'U ami seim au imperial
I'rillir HP ovrililllil iii unim-i kii n"'i,
she shall inflict the death (K-milly upon
eleven prince and officials already
ia1, ,j Bll,i (.uspt'tid provincial exami-'
... 1 ., . i
nations for five years where the out-;
rages occurred; in future all official ,
failing to prevent anti-foreign outrages
w itlm, their jurisdiction are to be ilis -
missed and punished; imlemnity shall'
paid to the slates, corMiratlons and
individual; the Tsung li Yiimen shall
u. a .1, u in mul lls Iiini lKiIiH Vesleil III
a loreign minisier t rwiiomn iiih-h nuiw
shall In permitted itli the Kui eror as
in civilized countries; imperial procla-
mations shall be stiil for two years,
throughout the empire mppreusing the
Boxers. 1 tiere oilier comiutoiis, ti l
the ones mentioned are the most 1 in-!
There is a plan on foot arnonfr th
colored people of Omaha to restore the ;
Lincoln car. built at the opening of the
.I..I1 tm it. ririt..l . ..rwlitior. and 1
it In a public building, where it
' , , ,. .
e kept permanently. Ihefn.oi;
will be
racinc company oougin no- i-ur wxu
after the war and used it in the west
S ! h I a a Pay car, it being especially desir
Iho.102 able for thia purpose, as it had within
15.3.503 it8 aides, concealed by uphoUterini,'
. . ... . .. .
n mahogany, half-inch boiler plates.
They were placed there aa a protection
. , . :.i r : ..I..
lij jiii'.rui i icaiuriji j.iiii tiiii iii'iii ivr-
'nK hot while at the front, where he
frequently went in his armored car.
A New York uperintendcnt of
schools Bays: "We have had more
eases of corporal puniahment to invea-tig-ate
thiit year than usual. (Jur boys
seem more thau ever (fiven to fighting.
1 think it is due to the way in which
most of the t.ewspHpcrs exploit the
doin;1; of prize fighter Not only is
a great dot! of apace devoted to prize
fights, but th-t pugilists and seem s at
t he ure f ally illusl rated. Now,
all tliH 1U(J f, bluJ ff,.,.t on the bovn
and in the cause of most of their dia-
nruerly acts.
... , ,
I came ax-rosa a colored man who
. , ...
spoke wi'.h a (.errnan acc. M. the other
day," said a prominent stock broker.
"He huh u waiter in a restaurant, llii
accent was ro pronounced that I awke
to the proprietor about it. and found
that the man v.aa a full-blooded negro.
but he had been born and reared in a
small town netr Reading, urid had ul
waya ussociated with the whites, who
Kpoke l'ennsylvania Dutch."
Thirty thousand map'., treea in
Franklin county, N. Y., arc owned by a
Krooklyn millionaire. He has contract-
ed fo. a bitf maple sii(.'ar plant, to con-
sist of a group of buildings lighted by
electricity and provided with concrete
if marble floors. Three railroad lines
will be laid through the woods for the
purpose of gathering the sap.
During the past year 71,40 Italians
emigrated to the United States, of
"...ill in. lien.
L.. ......
It will he sent to the
aria exposition.
The Bei
rrii only
12xUmI VO
III I ..itl vi v
All The latest Up-To-Date Styles
I.rt. Ilrr I.ISM tkln.
"Mrs. t i it 1 1 1 olmrrvrd n friend of
the f.'imily. "is a eiy aupi rior worn-
t it VI... khii .-..I,. ..fb.. 1 11 I I I i in.n t I I
on A thousand dilTereut top'
' sighpd Mr. Gabbe, "and ahe
A Had Hrpolafoa.
( That man U train wrujk-
Clnrn I didn't know that he had
anything to do with rnilroftda.
lirace lie hasn't; but he a my
partner in the lat cotillion. Town
i. Take I.axative Knuno
lets. All druggists refund the
fHil1 , (.UI(. ,.. W UrVl
laKe i.axative uroino iimiiiin jai-
money if
rove signa
ture in on each liox.
For Sale.
Will sell at my raii'di, one in. a- north
of New I'ine Creek, HO tons of meadow
lBy, at f5.(m per ton. Hay can In-fed
on ranch or hauled away at option of
I 414
Call or address
New I'ine Cieek, Oregon.
"Where have you been nil evening,
(ieorgv? What luia kept you out ao
"Why-why, mother, I waa coming
home, and I nu t a lot of the bovs.
They said there was going to be a lec
ture at the- the hall, you 1.1. ow. Hl.d
aftir the lecture was over I missed the
street car. That's why I mo so lute."
"O, tieorgc!" sighed the iriiij-lniinil
mat ron, "woir cnciih h arc not m .rl.V
aa good its your father used to inln.e!"
- Chicago Tribune.
Notice to Woodmen.
I Instal.ation ceremony w ill take place
at tint meeting of Lakeview Camp No.
I 520, W. O. W. on Wednesday evening,
.January , All Woodmen are
I earnestly requested to be present. The
! installation will be public for the fami
lies of Woodmen, and each member is
privileged to invite one or two friends.
i. S'lll.AliKI.,
Council Commander.
Mam.y S'oiitox
Clerk. 45-3
Soiitlici-M ( n I i fo in la.
Notahle among the pleasures afforded
by the Muisla Koiito is the winter trip
to hoiithern (Jaliforniu and Ari.onia.
Kcnewed Hciitiiiintanco w ith this section
will ever develop fresh points of inter-
..mi I iiil'leil konrces of en iovinellt
est ami auneu sotin.i s oi "oym m,
under its sunny skn.s, in the variety ol
its industries, in Its proline vegetaiion
and ainoiit; its numUtrlesM rcsortH of
moiintaiii, shore, valley and plain
The two daily Shasta trains from Port
land to California have hein recently
equipped with the most approved pat
tern of standard and tourist sleeping
cars, but the low rales of fare will still
continue in effect. Illustrated guides to
the winter resorts of Calfornia ami Ari
zona may lie had on application to
(;. II. AlAIIKIIAM, ll. I . A.,
Portland, Oregon.
irorc Stohk
ilsiiiiiiiiiiiiili Ifi
d , 7
h x
Higlj Grade
z laGliinery
ri l ntoor
I sii'l I Itii-r at I ik, I. m , Orr.i.ii, on.. I- r 3,
wi. Nut n i- i. In n In all li Inlliiti inn
iiaiiie'1 M-ttli-r Iimk Itlcil ni.tii'i- i,l ht Ititi-iit Ion
In uiNkt litiNl ( riMil In fenisiri ul liU claim,
ami iIiki unlit .r.. will f . . . 1 - I, Im,- ihr
lOKim. r ami lo H. r al I mkr n- . Or. ami, mi
l.-. .inlH-r sil, Im. ir : A I. I liurln . II K.
I'"ss, lur tin- . ul s .. i . s. r ft. V I- i, i. V.
. s. .-. 7. X. W . nf S. W . i. S.C. s.T.. J7. H.
II. LI K.. W M.
lb naini-a I h fi I Noting -s linrtun lo .rivr his
ruin iiiiiiiim ri-tlili ni-r ti nil ami eiiliM atlim nf
alii Uii'l, l : Kmiik i.rnvi', ' Aii'lr. ai, or ,
A . I.iiiiilin, i.l AiilriM. Or, II. II ut4lix.ii, i,l
AmlrcM. or , I . M Mi Ma. nf, or.
k. M. It It A IT A I S .
on. ill 4.1 Iu ki.1i r
1 l Al. rKiior.
t'nili-il Mian lain! olTlrr l lakrvlra . Ilrr
gi.ll ls i .v. I'm N, it li i' la lirti It iiUi li thai
III fiillnwlttll liNlllfil ai-ltlir haa fTj la-.f tinlli'e til
10a Oil. til. mi iii iii a It final inot In iiifl nf
Ina la I ill . I tin I aal I pr.sil Hill lx inaili
lirfnn id. II i l r ami lli i -.It. r al laki vli u ,
lr.-K,.ii, i,u .S,,i . .in. 1aai vl: OAS III JUSk.
St II K No .'17s r I In Inla I. 2. :i, 4 ami :. H.e.
7.T. .V. s. K K, W Hltt uii'l n nn rliliaii. I inn-nil.
Il- lialm a lli fnlloM ttiir ulllt-aa tn l'rnvi-
hla rtitttlniiitii n-Rl'li'tii'i iinii ami cultiva j
tl"ll nl aalil lalel.vlt . W . I . IjtlrU. nf I'luali.l
uri'itim, Ilarrv II ikk. nf l.aki . li u , (in anii.;
S. Kim, nl - ii all , liri'Snii, II. Manrina. nl i
I'lliall. I tr K'UI' 1
in-l. .tin K. M. II K A IT A I N, lliKlalir
linilr.K I.AM lOIII K
t'nlti cl Alali a l.nml iiltl'-, l akfi lew, On-ioin.
Snv. s. li, N, it in a lirr. I- ulifii tlial In
4-i no ft I H lii-l- With till prnvlalnlia nl tin art nl
I nnur aa ..( Jinn. it. 1N7S. llllllUil "All act lor
tin -slfi.l tlniiii-r Inn, la In tin sit,a of Call j
n ii i ii . i ir. K" li. .Mvaua ami aaiiniatnn l ,-r-ninrv,"
aa . x I li1-. to all Hi nilille Iniiil
-I m a l,y art nf AiikuhI 4, In'.'l, Krank on. l a nf
I I iiik'I Valli'V, i'iiiiiii,- uf KlHinatli. staii ,f
I iri'Kiiti, liaa id la ilay llli'il III Ihla iiltli'i Ilia
j avinrn aiNi'-t- -tit Nn. !si, fur tin inrrliNa nf I In
INK', ii. - . MTtlnll Nil. h III Tn lialil, N,i
II . Ii'-..;i Sn I'i K, ami will nft r .ni.if tn
! ali'iu- .luit Ho latel amiKlit la ninri vsIiihIiIi Inr
1 Ha ilinlii'i nr alum' I tin ii l,r aKriiulliiral intr
liiiHi-a, tamt tn iatalill,li lila t-lnlln In anl'l laml
lilnri lln Ki'glaO'r ami l(inuir nf Una nltici
al I n lt"v iH , i iri'ifnn mi Sat unlay, tin I'.Uh usy
nl Janinir" I'kll. Hi liamra Ilia trllni an a: J.
.i,r iii ' !. lew, I iri'iinii V A. Kli(,nl
rli k nl I I.. 'in ioiii, H. Hi'i raO nf I.hiik. II i
VHlli y K. Imi , , i nf I aniti'll VkII, y. An) i
a '-Ii. " ' In 1 01 1 ii K ailverwly llieal""
i ' - i imV ,. ' are n-'; ilealeil tn ' lie 11'
i , ill lieu on n. l.' fi'r- - Ii iluy
nf Intuitu j , i f I. K i.iinilii.
Hi KiKi-lr. I
I'lilli 'I Stale I. Hint llltiie, I.akevlew . I Iri'Knli.
S, .t, nil,, r Jl. I'aai Si liee la lien liy K li Hint
I It i n in ,l l HIH 'i u II ll I In irnv Ifliilla nl t lie art I if
I nltitr aa nl f 1 1 1 1 a II, s;a, i 111 1 1 I'll " A II all fur
tile anle ol IIiiiImt lalnla In I In1 Stall a of I all
fnrn im, iresnii, Nei'aila ami V al)lnitiiii T'T
rllnry," aa i xl' liili il In all tin I'nlille l aml
Hlalealiy ail nf A IiiihI I, Vt, Job II A . Willi
era, ol 1'alalrv, eniiiity ol Lake, stale of Ori'Koti,
haa llii. ilay llli 'l In ilna oltli-e hi. aorii ihii
nielli , So. '7h. for lint iiiireliaai of thcN-gof
NWi.of a,rion So HI. In low nlili.ll H., raiiKe
Nn, 17 K.. ami w ill offer proof tn aliow Hint tin
laml annxlil la inore valtiatile lor lls timber or
atiine lliaii fur airleiillnral ,iir,naea, ami In
c-itiililifli lila lia I in lo n ll laml lirliiri lln Ki K
liter ami Keeelier nf llila latllee al l.nki yleu ,
I iri'Knii.nii I- rltjay tin mil Ii ilay nl N 1 1 i in her. I 'aal
He lialtii-a aa w llneaait I,. A. .Mnaa, nf I'alaley,
iireKnii: I'. M . 1 'urrv. nf bakey lew, Ori-iii'ii : I.
K Mel'iirniaek, of l.aketlew , liri'Koii, ami H. I'. ,
Moaa.of I.akevlew, Oregon.
Any ami all ihthoiin elnlmliiK ailveraely lln i
alaive ileai rllieil laiela are rnini aieil In Hie i
their I'laliiia In Hi Im oHI'I on or In lore aalil ,'lnili
Nnvenilier. Itaaj. i
eia7-:i K. M. IIKA'ITAIN', Keglaler.
tlnltetl HlHtra ImiiiI (iftlee, l.nkevlew, llri'K'ili,
Heplemher lil, I'I!. Nnllt'l la herehy Klvell t Ii hi
in i'iiniillHiiec Willi Hie ,n Mmia of the act nf
( oiiKri'Kh of Jinn II, Ih7, e ii 1 1 1 1 i'I "An ail lor
(lie Mile nl lllnher lilll'ln III III" Hlatea nf t all Netailil Hint H iiahlllllliill 'I'er
rllnry," lis enlemleil In all Hie I'lihllit I, it ml
, Htaim hy art of AiikuhI 4. iswj, A mile Mnaa, ol
! I'aiali-y, eminiy nl bake. Hlale nf HreKon, hna
()iM llliy -j,, thlH ,,.,, BM(irl,
.!, si . , for the iiureliaaii of tin Nk' , of
m.', oi sei non mi. u, im i.. n-ni mi. h
ikiii,' i-in, 1 1 r.., nn. him i 'i,i .,, nniin
that tin liui'l KiiiiKlut In more valinihlu for lln
llniher nr Mime Hi ii n for HKrlcnllurnl imrpnarH,
ami In enlalillsli her claim In aalil Imiil hefnre
,ln KeKlMlcr uii'l IIiti Iii'KiI IhlaolllreHl l ake
view , On iioli, on krlilay, the iUHh ilay of No
vein her, r.kHI. Hhe liamra an wllneanea: John
A, Wlthern, of I'lilhlev, oresmi; I'. M.l iirry.ol
l.nkevlew, Oii'Koii: J. K. MeCoriiiHi k, of biike
view, liri'Koii, ami A. W. ( liurllnli, of I.ake
vlew, OrcKon.
Any nnil hII peramm elalinliiK ailveraely I hi
aliiive-tleai'i I licit liimln ant rii nealeil to llle
their ( I u 1 n im In Ihla i ltirr on or licfore anlil llluli
illiv nf Nnvenilier, ri.
k. M. IIKA I I Al, Itrgiatrr.
ri(( Al
t'", to. MMITII. n. I.
1'bialrUH m4 NHiBraa.
I.ahrt Irw, itr.
Of Hit II. .11 aWlllr) .trK Xut. ( nil, nWa
iiiily da ur mnlt.
I'h) lrlan anil fcargraai
lkrvlrM. Or.
OKKO: Ukxlr iiu( 'a. Hu ta,
: i Mri.mtv.
AUrnr)-all aw .
I.akrtlrn , Or.
OKIIt'K (Mil itnnr KHilll n J. K, Hi ruatil A Sell.
I. M III N-ltO M
l'li air Ian ami Mnrta
I akrtli-M , Orrgoia
OKHl K X. Alftli r'a It alii in r,
i. r.
.4 1 lorn try al law
l.akrtlrw. Orrtta
oKMCK- Hal) I I.i,
'. II l.t I.M1 Mi l k
Ijikr view , Or
nl i n : i.i) iiuiiiiii',
'. II i Almoi
.llarnr-i. .jim .
4'hland. Orra
W III annul In ae i ll l.ii.inr.. lo him
Iii an ol tl, , K.uiiiir. i,f n,r Jieiiu.i um.i.
AllarMr).al lM , al.r) I'aklU
l.akrtlrw . Or
'M ICK ll) Hull. II...
WHS M J Mil l I H
I aaat) Mtaiirr Inr Ihr
ll lONI'IW.
OKHl K Main SI Uk.lra. Or
llarar Tralnrr
l.akrtlrw , Orr(m
lH O '. Hi nOMlHT
l.akrtlrw, O rr g a ta
'Ki ll K Inly Hull.hliK.
IMI II tllOI.II I. til 14
I'alalr) , Orrgatat
ll a K. MOOHK
Mtartrjar a'trifltll Inilarrr
Mf-rr.ull ait, I'ldllnil anit I'lUb
livrlliia Tltnlal ami mlirr lamia nainltiKl
fur artira ltvliix al a illalam-v
Ijikrtlrw, Orrcata.
Sail! I I Hll.t!lM
James Barry
llrmla w lih Saallnw link In
IKllI ear for rai l; Irn tM
for ui'tliera. Hi. tin. ran hijuarr I rni ami sill
III rlKhl ear. lar lltatnl III. ItaliKe. I rana
l ake I'naloHlre a'hlri aa, laki'Vli H , Ori'itnn.
rlii In fnr ewea; r er. n.r weii.. i, Tnr llrainl
W. Kaiia. Kl -Ii I'reek. rnati ftlii alilna,
I.ake lew , iri-K"ll
Notice of Tlnal Account.
In I In Mailer nf lln Katale nl l.e I' Kehart,
it' l'i aaeil : Nolli i a lieredy lllveli thai I l,ae
llleil my linn I arioiiiit aa a'linliit-'riil ,r of anl'l
kalale. Willi lln I on n t y l I. rk nl I aai niiinv,
liri Kim. ami Hint lln Jii'Iki- i.I Hie lotiiil'y
l oiirl ol anl'l I oinily liaa art Hit hi-nrlnit Hn re
nf Inr 1 iiea'lny. lln- lit itav nf Jniinnry, lli. al
llto'elnrk n. 111. nf aalil ilny, al lln- lolltilv
JmlKe'a nlllre of anlil I i, limy, nl H Ii Ir Ii time
ami place, .,ji-i ilmia. If any there In, ran he
liffiTeil In till' allllMHIire nl "al'l Imal arrntllll.
I l l John Mrki iiinnkv.
1 1 I. ritoo
t'nllnl vtniea I ami (illlre, l.ak. lrv (invoii.
Nov. nth. I'.ai. Niitire la hen hy Riven Ihni Im
lolllIU IIIK. I tin I arltlrr llA. llli 'l llnllri nl
hla liileiitliiii to make II nn I proof In auppnrt of
ln claim, ami thai -nl, pmni will Ih mnili lie
lore ii. II. Wnnlwell I'. M. I'tiiinianiiiiier nt
Miter l ake, iirevnn, on lire. 2ii. I'hhi, mi Jh.
M. Wi IhIi, II k Nu .Maai for the .. nf HI'.',. Ki.e.
I. ami V, vl NK.' . of rtee. II. I p. nil K, It V'i k,
W lllninel le Mel lillall, I Ireiliill. He linlnea the
Inllnw nig Itneaa.'a to prim hla cnnl Inmiiin
realilence iinii nml eiillhatliiii nl anl'l laml,
vim K i. Ilailh y. H. r. fn.ier nml W. A.
I nrrlrr all ol I'aian y, Oreiton ami A. II. Krhrnili r
nl silver Lake. k. M. Iirallaln,
I'll lli'Klaler.
I'lilleil stale I ami I mice at I akcvlew, dr.,
(irlnher Jl, I'.aai. Nntlce la In reliy uivrli that
lln fnlliiw IliK llnlneil aelllera hate lllril lliilll e
ol th'ir Intention In make final proof in auppnrt
nl their t'lnlina. Mini Hint anlil priml will he inntltt
licfiire lln Keuiaier nml Kerelver al l.nkevlew,
lirevi ll In eeinlier S, liaai, vl : JiHIN Ml.
kkV. II. k. No. -.'iis, lor the Wi,. of NW'., Sk1;
of N I,. Mt I , of Nk'4 Hec. ah, Tp IS, H. Ii. 114 K.
Wlllaim iti Merlillnn, Ori Kon. lie linnira llio
follouliiK wlineaaea (n prove Ina 'iintlniiiiiia
realilenre ii i ... 1 1 ami cult iVHtlnn ol anlil laml
.lit: I. M. Mehla, A. I .ii ii 1 1 1 1 . krniiK lirovea,
Win. Motimoiiiery, nil ol Antlrewa, (iri-L'tm.
VI: AXkb I.I SIHN, II, K. No. I'i for lln.
of SKI , rlrr. V'S, .M, Nk ' . Ne Hit, 'I p IIS, S. H !I5
k Wlilmiirlte M rli lln ii . On K'ui. Mo iimnia
I III follnu IliK w lllieaaen to prnve hia enlilinil
nlla realilelll e llpnn ami ell HI VIII Ion ol anlil
laml, vl.: John Huffev, Krnlik lirove. A lex I ,
llnrkii, I'. M. I Irl'li. nil nf Amlri ua, lin Kon.
-Illli k. M. IIKA I I AIN, Kegialrr.
I. ami lilllce al kaki'Vlew, Or., Nnvi'iiilu r X,
I'.aai. Notice la heiehy alven that the fnllim
Inn limilr'1 aelllrr lina lllnl m, tire nl hia Inten
tion to imike Until pmnf in aiiiport of hla
i-lnlni, ami thill aulil proof will he niHile liefnrn
HeKl.t r nml llecelver al I.akevlew, lire, oil
lieeeinher li, I una, vim llenjaiinn k. llratiKh,
II. k. for I he M. i, H. W. i . Si c -.'7. anil N. W.
I . N. W. '4 Hrc, H4, ami N. k. '., N. k. I , (if Hei.
:n, 'l'i. ii.'i h. ii. w k , will. Mcr., in ton
fie lilt nn a I In liillnu Inn ulltl'K.ra In prove
Ilia ciilillliliiiiia leM'li'lire iipoti nti cull I vh I loll
ol aalil liui'l, viz: Win, Mrkrr, krmik Kriil, k.
k. llama, II . It. IiiiiiIhp, all of l iikevieu , lire.
Xnv. l II ll HrgiHIi r.