veW'. 4- dm : VOL. XXI. LAKKVIKW, LAKE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOV. 8, 1900. NO. 44. I D T JIL1 UUUUuLJLJ U UUWWLJLJ U LiLJ L ..35t! : V;ilp?iJII lilt- 1 : .." D r y. rV ' ' , i0 g- 1 ! oret stock I r.'A X. ' -.V- V ..-jV . JVX':,. OUTPUT . ' j.'SAV " T "X. . M. "lull in PROVED AND HI-AVY I'KIISMKI- I -ipi; ami SYSTEM LAKIiVILW WATLK COHI'ASY Contemplate .Some Gigantic Improvc mcnta in It Plant--Will Pipe the Water lim Spring to Ijike vicw Next Year. S. V. Rolmrt will noon leave (or Cali fornia and u ill -n I tho w inti-r ln-twoon Sun Francim-i ami I-h AiwuIch. II' will return next f J ini when ho hii.I hi HM-uH'iiitfM ill tin l.nkoviow Water Com pany will Infill i m provt'iiicn t h in (liu plant mi nil oMcliMVo mule. Mr. l!o hart's idea, and c umli rHlaml ho if hacked up in it liy his iihi-ociatoH, in to carry water to I.akeicw frmn their fcprinu in liu- mountain in pipe tiling, hIiiimI inside Hint nut. Tin; piH' will In- 7 ami 5 inches nml the intention in to cither curry the water to a big reservoir on the (- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i t of tin- high hill on tin' Houth side of Billiard canyon, or to Imilil tho reservoir high " in tho can yon to get a hi'iivv pressure for power as Well II H lor llollll'Htil' IIHOS. While ground in yet thiinp in tho early fpring h force of men w ill l put ut work diguing ditches and building triiniN torurry the pi'. Alremly aeonlruet Iihh lieen ent'ri'il into hy the company w ith C'liihlem, thu eoiitiai'tor, for lS.tHK) lent of tiling for pipe to he reaily hy next hprinK. Tho coiupany will f n r 1 1 i m 1 1 the leiiielit ainl tho pipe will lm ut on tho lino of the rompany'H ditch at lit ivntH per fiHit. Ity piping ilirrrt from tho HpriiiK all tho water will ho mivotl nml il iH OHtiiiiateil that it Hulllcieut hlroam of water will Mow through the l oin pany'H HVHleiu to accommoilato tho entire town at any seiiHou of tho year, IichUIoh always having a titorago Htilli cient for II ro purpoNeH. In tho djirinx all tho oU wihmIoii piie8 ItelonxinK to tho water company, now laid ahout tow n, will he taken upmxl ro placed with tiling. Mr, Kehurt Hiiyn it ih K(,'K t I'o coiiHiileriihlo money to inuko tli iH hi improvement, hut hia company iletcnniiH'il to undertako it ami give Lakeview a much hotter water Hyittcm than il Iihh over hefoio hail. With tho I.ukoviow Water Coiupiiny's wyHtcm and tho Hytitem now uiulor way hy tho town, mircly Lakeviow nhoukl novor Again go dry for want of water. tat i'- on . ,i i I I 1 ft I Wi ... . . HcKlfiCr ov $625,000 QREAT SHOWI.NQ OF INDUSTRY Cattle $450,000; Sheep $i5o,ooo; Horses and Mules $25. 000--A ! Wonderful Display for One Stock County In Oregon, LATEST NEWS. Special to The Examiner., Nov. 7, 6 p. in. Sixty precincts out of 103 in Nevada, including 12 pro eincts in WhhIioo given McKiiiloy 810, Hryan -lOL'H, Forthingtou (for Congrong) 2tmi, Nowlands 38(kl. y Han ruANcmi'o, Nov. 7, 5 p. 111. Me Kinley'H plurality in utatu 12, (MX). All CongroHttman elecUul and returns nearly comploto. TJutc is i)tittln shadow of ilouht now of tho ro-olootion of William McKinley to the 1'rosiiliMioy of tho IJnitcil Statos. Tho Ainoriean jiooplo hayo ap;ain cmphasizoil at the ballot box thoir iiiioijuivooal faith in tho llopublioan administration, sound money and irotoi'tioii to Ainoriean industries. They have also said that the President's policy in tho Philippines is just and riht. They have said that the Flag shall not be pulled down, and that the Nation's r4v,honor and integrity shall be subserved. While every man who voted last Tuos yA1 l'av waovor political faith, is to be respected for upholding his honest co rir.'' mictions and voting according to the dictates of his conscience, it is significant fliat the great majority of the American people believe tho Republican principles are right and "just. We are to have four years more of prosperity and business revival in place of four years of doubt, uncertainty, and possi ble panic and ruin. Tho battle was fought and won on sound and clean-cut issues. I LATEST ELECTION DISPATCHES, f NATION. Follow ing in tho Hummary of tho dis patches received last Tuesday night up to midnight, in tho order they were ticked off: tireator Now York gives Bryan u plu rality of 5li,(HK). Tho voto was, 15ryau 222.1KK1 McKinley KXI.IMHI. New York utato gives McKinley a plurality of 110.000. Tho New York World concedes the election of McKinley and Roosevelt. In 504 districts, in llostou, McKinley 12,07H; Hryan 10,508. I11 Chicago, 180 districts out of 1110 gave McKinley 28,480; Hryan 2(5,2118. Outside of tireater New York 101 dis tricts out of 2124 gavo McKinley 24,104 ; Hryan 15,201. Hryan loses uhout 50 per cent, of voto outside tireater Now York compared with voto of 180(1. McKinley has made largo increase. Kepublicans claim utato of Nevada hy over 2,000. California goea Republican from 12, 000 to 15,000. San Francisco gavo Mc Kinley about 3000 plurality. Nebraska in claimed by both parties and will be close. to to New York state pluralities crawling up as the outlying districts come in. The Republican plurality will ho any where from 120,000 to 150,000. Wednesday 10 a. m. Maryland goe Republican by 3,000- hy 100.000 120,000. California Republican by 10,000 15,000. New Jersey Republican by 30,000. Nevada Republican by 2,000. Indiana Democratic by 15,000. Illinois Republican by 5,000. All Kastoru States and states carried by McKinley in 1800, carried by him again, but some of them at reduced majorities. This must ho an error, as McKinley carried Indiana in 1800 by about 18,000. Kn. LAKE COUNTY. Following is tho vote in precincts of Lake county received up to the hour of going to press : North and South I.akoviow gives Mc Kinley and Roosevelt 120 majority. North Lakeviow, McKinley 119; Hryan 35; South J-akuviow, McKinley 70; Hryan 25. Crooked Creek McKinley, 19, Hryan 11. Thomas Creek McKinley 28, Bryan 11. Goose Lake McKinley 34, Bryan 16. Irews Valley McKinley 16, bryan 1. Cogswell Creek McKinley 31, Bryan I Lake county stockriien have sold $70, ; 00O worth of cattle this fall, most of i them going U the San Frruicisco market. 1 Ashland Tidings. I The above from our Ashland con- temporary is misleading. The $70,000 ' worth of cattle mentioned is only a drop ! in the bucket of wiiat Lake county has done iu the cattle business this fall, j This is only the amount received by the i farmers and stockmen oi Goose Lake j Valley, independent of all the other stock sections of the county. A safe estimate of the sales of cattle in Lake county this season is $450,000, and probably the sheep sales, which are not so great as they were in 1899, will amount to $150,000. The horse and mule sales can safely be estimated at $25,000 in Lake county for the year 1900. This makes a grand total of stock sales for the present year in Lake county, Oregon, at a conservative estimate, of SIX HUNDRED AND TWENTY-KIVB THOtSAND dollars ! The Examiner hopes that itn esteemed Ashland contemporary will make a note of this, as frequently sales of stock in this county have amounted to more than $70,000 in a single week. People w ho are not aware of the ex teiiBiveness of the stock industry in Southeastern Oregon can scarcely rea lize the enormity of this single industry, aud the amount of money that changes hands in Lake county during the selling season. Our woolgrowers haye probably turned off $80,000 worth of mutton since the lambing season commenced. 30. South Warner McKinley 25, Bryan 14. LATEST NEWS. Special to The Examiner. Portland, Not. 7 5 p. in. Oregon goes for McKinley by a plurality of 14,000. Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 7 p. ui. Bryan carries Nebraska by 1,400. Louisville, Nov. 75 p. ni. Accord ing to the Democratic State Committee of Louisville Y'rekes (Republican) is elected Governor of Kentucky. From returns from 74 out of 78 counties, the Democratic headquarters claims the state for Hryan. Denver, Col., Nov, 7, 5 p. ni. Re turns up to noon indicate plurality for Bryan 35,000. Seattle, Nov. 7, 5 p. in. Democrats of Washington concede election of Re publican electors, and they claim re election of Governor Rogers. Chicago, III., Nov. 7, 5 p.m. Ill inois gives McKinley a majority of 100,000. New Y'ork, Nov. 7, 5 p. m. New York state gives McKinley a majority of 146,000. Greater New York Rives Democrats 27,000 majority. Indianapolis, Nov. 7, Indiana la safe for Mckinley by a big majority. Perfect land-slide for McKinley. 0O ELECTORAL VOTES Iidianapolis, Nov. 7. Indications are that Republicans will have 300 votes In the Electoral College, Charleston, Nov. 7. West Virginia is Republican by 1,500. Returns from 213 out of 356 districts show Republicans have elected 178 Con gressmen, Democrats 140,olher parties 2. Altcras, Nov. 7. Modoc county gives, Bryan 140 majority.