LAKE CO. EXAMINEE VOL. XXI LAKEVIEW, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPT. 27, 1900. NO. 38 CREAMERY THE DRAMA Lakeview Citizen 'Above the Clouds' will Engage in j to be Presented the Industry Here Sept 29. S. N. Guilliams Makes a New Pine Creek Amateur Purchase of Land to Build on Thomas Creek. The Examiner has made a hobby of the Creamery business ami for a year past ha agitated the establishment of such an enterprise in Goose Lake valley. It now transpires that one of our wide awake citizens looks Uon the proposi tion favorably, and is arranging to en gage in the business. S. N. Guilliams, who is an exerieneed dairyman, hart completed ngiiat ion. for the purchase of a piece of land on Thomas Creek, 8 miles northwest of Lakeview, from E. V. Lew is, uon which he will establish a cheese factory and later on a creamery with all facilities for carrying on the business on a large scale. There is little doubt that such an enterprise will be a substantial one and will pay from the start. The splendid stream of pu-e, cold water, from the mountains and canyons, known as Thomas Creek, will flow directly across the land selected by Mr. Guil liams, and has fall sufficient to furnish ample jower for the operation of a plant such as the promoter has in view. Mr. Guilliams should receive the hearty co-operation of all our people, especially the business men of Lakeview, in his undertaking, as no more beneficial industry for the community could be conceived than the one in which he in tends to engage. Mr. Guilliams will find that his business, well managed, will soon become a very profitable one, and his products will not have to depend on the home market entirely to find ready sale. The railroad is creeping nearer to this valley each year, and probably by the time the industry is in good work ing order this valley will be spanned by many miles of 6teel rails, upon which rolling stock will be run to carry the Jroducts of the creamery and cheese actory, as well as other products, to outside markets. The Examiner intends to keep track of this creamery plant, and will have more to say regarding it in the future. Frank Marshall, the sheepman, will spend the winter in California. lie will accompany C. E. Sherlock as camp tender on his drive to Montague with the bunch of sheep he recently pur chased from Mr. Applegate in Klamath county. Dramatics to Appear Assisted By Our Local Talent. The New Pine Creek amateur drama tics, assisted by Lakeview talent, are to favor Lakeview with their pi esence next Saturday night, ."epteuiber 29th, in the thtilling drama, "Above the Clouds." AlHjutone mouth ago the drama wai presented at New Pine Creek by this company of talented young people, who were rewarded for their labor by a housecrowiU-d to "standing room only," and a reception well worth the play. r-o well was the drama given that those from Lakeview, who attended the i pl-i iormance ai the Mate line town, j prevailed ujon the management to come I to Lakeview. The promise w as somewhat I reluctantly made, owing to the fact that j thu play was given as a strictly local church beuehi. However. The Ex aminer feels assured in saying that when the amateurs appear in Lakeview they will meet with a hearty welcome and a big houe. The drama, "Alove the Clouds," is full of pathos and has for a variation a strain of provoking mirth within its lines. The performance will be given as a benutit for the M. E. Church of Lakeview, aiul should be well patronized, as the object is a most worthy one. Several ftell known Lakeview people will take part in the performance. Mrs. A. J. Keilon will recite, and all who have had the pleasure of listening to that lady heretofore can realize that there is a treat in store when Mrs. Neilon appeara. Miss Lillie Walters, the well-known vocalist, will also appear in song. Fol lowing is the dramatis persona? : ABOVE TIIK CLOCDS. Hester Thorne Ntttie Vinyard Craxy Phil Oliver Reynolds 8uie Gay lord tua Vinyard Amos Gay lord timer Heed Grace Ingalls Ollie Hart Lucretia Uerrish Lura Amick Thus Turtle Charles Oliver Alfred Thorpe Frank Thompson Howard Gay lord Dtxter Amick Curtis Chipman Albert Gallagher Nat Nayloi Arthur Follett Remember that the entertainment will be given for our local M. E. Church. The price of admission has been placed at 25 and 15 cents ; reserved seats, 50 cents. Seats can be reserved on Saturday afternoon from 1 to 5 o'clock. Competent ushers will be in attendance. DEATH Passing of Wm. S Morley, After a Brief Illness. A Distressing Occurrence Wife and Child are Dangerously 111 with Fever. Few people in Lakeview were aware that W.S. Morley was seriously ill until the word was passed trom mouth to mouth last Monday morning that he w as dead. And few there were, if any, who knew him in life that were not im pressed with a feeling of sadness upon learning of hi death. Th is is the sec ond death within a month that has been attended with particularly sorrowful details. The Morley home is truly one of sadness and mourning to-dav. The ile and little son of deceased are each reclining upou a bed of serious, it not dangerous illness, and when the cold hanu of death was laid upon the brow ol hu0and and lather the faithful phy sician ana attendants feared to convey the had intelligence to the wife, lest the shock might overcome her in her weak ened condition. Soon, however, she had to learn the truth, and w hen it was gen tly whispered to her, the silent, tearless sorrow, the paled, blanched lace, gave unmistakable evidence of inward suffer ing and deep anguish. Deceased had been ill for a few weeks preceding his death. He was compelled to go to bed alter several nights of watching by the bedside oi his wife and son. The best medical aid was given him, but the ravages of fever and other ailments proved too much ior human skill, and he passed away quickly after an hour's apparent surcease from pain, during which time he conversed with attendants and seemed better. Death came at 7:45 o'clock a. m. on Monday, September 24th. William Seward Morley was born in Iowa, August 28, 1863. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Morley, who moved from Iowa to Oak Run, Shasta county, California, in 1874. Deceased arrived in Lakeview from his Shasta home twenty years ago, but did not then make "his home here. He came here to live five years ago. He leaves a wife and two young children in Lake view, mother, father and two sisters in Shasta county, Cal., and a large circle of friends to mourn his death. Everybody who knew Will Morley liked him, and passing acquaintances had a kind regard lor him. He was a trusted employe of the Frankl Company in Lakeview for about three years, and at the time of his death held the position of Stock In spector of Lake county.