'HURSDAY. OCTOB 2 dWHi LEGION PLANS FOR BUSY SOCIAL SEASON SCHOOL NEWS rtine ic tningi raplifhed expanded or which He was HOOD HIV VAX (iLACIKI! ' Nobcrty thinks anijthin now of gpin away on a trip 1 i wzz 'c&' Iff Select your tiros ae- M v cnriliiiif in the mails I try, wherever the going is apt to be heavy The U. S. Nobby. For front wheels The U..S. Plain. For bent results every w hero U. S. Koyal Cords. V Unit IJ fen TPHE railroads were partly i responsible. But it wasn't until the automobile reached its present state of develop ment that the old barriers against travel were finally broken down. More pe mobiL thought and buggy in That's bees motoring hat within reach citizen's pock auto i ' ever Anino" a ' hor inc oiQ. Qayj, the cost of cn brought We look upon as part of 'here. If it weren't for the trade of the man with the medium priced car there wouldn't be much in this tire business for us. The less a man has to spend on motoring, the more important it is that his tires should be of first quality,- Any tire is not good enough for the small car owner. ) wants a tire that will give 1 Just as much for his money in the small size as th -car man gets for his money in the large size. IV In thinking over wor', i no of tires we would represent in this community we tried to put ourselves in i. place of the car owner. Ji.n.d we believe we hit it t ly when we selected U. S. Tires. mates':; I CAMERON MOTOR CO. HOOD RIVER, OREGON -T Apple Boxes Order Your Supplies p, NOW Bluestone Lime " - nt .lo)in:ilh UNDERWOOD OAK GROVE Horman ilukar Matson anil Jainptl the enl- FARMERS' DITCH COMPANY IMPROVES Folk 1 team on Phe visitors them and wend th ersSby the end of with i datives at Vv'oi Miss Grace PJSm lort cards will next Wednes ita are ured arefully, sign to the teaeh- yBciefioe de land Sunday Republican Committee to Mi litical activity is increasin aaturcla; tra! eon: inesapfl foi odd varirti W arner Henders is work inij for Mi from Underwood p make the trips M and Fridaj i. tit it t: Johnson, tatineci in Rend K The Holme siai packing apples fur it e Sal it nifs dur arteo a jitney In A iliard II.' , tl.P,S. VVclli. --d:.' and family rrn ! hri'e w eeks hi; late fair in Salem, nd Richard I 'm v. : Mrs. Li Mrs. Schu DUCK WALL BROS. Phone OdeU 59 I a r.mki won ninjr last week. irs for "The Bt Middle -West" H1 ll - ." ir.v naiht i LARGE APPLES hi led. o I! SliiRIDANBF:CKLf:V CO., H. S. BRAAKMAN Painting. Timing and Papering you t'fr fii Card of Thanks Christian and Missionary Alliance Sunday School at 0:30 every Sund SPECIAL SALE at the Liberty Furniture Store Saturday, October 9tH 42 piece Set Bluebird Dishes at $9.99 Brooms, one to a customer, 59c Every article reduced. Come and see our bargains in New and Second Hand Goods. LIBERTY FURNITURE STORE 07 Oak St These , .J Tell Their Own Story On September 30, we received the following night letter: Detroit, Mich., Sept. 30, 1920. E. U. CATE & CO., Hood River, Ore. ' This telegram announces a new model Commerce Truck to be known, as the Com merce Mercantile Express, a high-speed delivery 11 l"-rv uw-uu pounds pay load capacity listing as follows: press Body, $1450; I pr Body, $1550; Stake Body 127 inches, Continental W Self Starter, Generator, M Lights, Willard Battery, Sf Cast Tank Radiator, High Rear Axle, Ratio 5 to 1 Goodyear "All Weather 1 x 4' inches, Stewart Vacuu world, eliminating every co on the market. THE COMMERCi 5; Open Ex Canopy Top ; Wheel Base i x 5, Electric Full Electric iversal Joints, Bevel Truck Windshield, urd Tires 34 m, the finest i type in the IOTOR CAR CO. On October 2, we had this message from (he Portland branch of Scripps Booth Co. : Will gua prices up in an envi We are ready to do business with you on prices mat cannot be berte d. E. U. CATE & CO. Te L