The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 24, 1920, Image 2

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Al. Till M D. MOE. Publisher.
Subscription, 82.00 Per Year.
Display advertising, per inch, transient ISM
25 cents llrst time and H) cents lir same ailv.
again: contract rate, first time fO cents ami Id
cents lor same artv again
Local reading not Icea, S cents ler line.
Classified Ads -ifi cents lor one insertion, 5
lines or less; 10 cents for each additional taut,
lion of same ad.
When subscribers desire a changolii address
t ills office should be not tiled promptly, and a
week before if possible. Always give Old ad
dress as well as the new. - A lso, Hood Hlver
subscribers should notify this office Hi once
when changing their address from one rural
route to another, or from city delivery to
country delivery, or vice versa. If you do not
gel your paper prompt ly, notify us by mall or
tele pi and Ibe mallei will lie invesl Igaicu
Welcome, Shriners
Members of the Mystic Shrine, who
have come from the four corners of
the country to make the great scenic
Northwest and Portland in particular
vour mecca. we welcome you. Your
will is ours this week. Our homes and
all that we possess are for your pleas
ure. All of you are members of the
world's most serious fraternal organiz
ation, who, however, in your activities
as Nobles, lay aside for the time the
cares of life and seek mortal pleasures.
We hope that you who have come 1o
the Portland Imperial Council mav al
ways consider the Northwest as one of
the pleasantest oases you have ever
We are expecting many of you here
in Hood River. Fill your eyes with
our scenic views, your lungs with our
pure air. Our spark ling waters, aw
refreshing as Zem Zem, will quench
your thirst. Our cider sparkles for
you. and our strawberries have put on
their deepest blush to tempt you.
All hail, Nobles, and here's the key
to Hood kiver.
We weclome the articles of George
Aiken, Oregon newspaper man, who
has gone to Noiih Dakota to get brut
handed information on the Non-Partisan
League. The first of Mr. Aiken's
articles appeared Tuesday.
It appears that the Non-Partisans
are supported by a large element of
over credulous farmers of North Da
kota, good citizens who are being man
ipulated by shrewd leaders. A huge
sum has been collected through assess
ments for waging a socialiaticj cam
paign. The fund is further augmented
by taxation. At this distance, and the
beginning of Mr. Aiken's series of
articles indicates such, it looks as
though those North Dakota farmers
are plaving the goats. The Non-I'arti-san
leaders, peddling their reform
tally, are shearing them. In the end
Non-Partisanism, we believe, is going
to be found woefully destructive.
Oregon farmers, who harken tc
appeal of Non-Partisan organizers
$18 assessment membership fees
playing with fire.
(Continued from First Page.)
Hood River's "silent cops" have been
decorated with Shrine colors. A paint
er was busy all day Monday striping
the cones red, yellow and green. The
cones are topped with welcome greet
ings. The general public did not gather the
significance of the Shriner decoration
in a First National Hank window. A
Kewpie's head was placed on a mirror,
and a beautiul Kewpie bathing girl
looked down with outstretched arms.
The mirror represented a swimming
pool, the head was G, A. McMullan
He was enjoying a dip, and was invit
ing the maid to join Inm.
When the Wichita Falls special Shrine
train went through Monday a local man
placed a basket of loses aboard.
"Gime here, you all," cried a lanky
Texan, "I've just got a drink aboard
for you." He disappeared down the
aisle of a Pullman while the local man
awaited with his mouth watering. Just
as the train started the Texan handed
out a bottle. The local man slipped it
in his pocket and hastened to a place of
privacy while bystanders looked on
with covetous eves. It was only gin
ger ale, however. Texas has long been
in the dry column.
The most disappointed man in Mood
River Monday was Rev. D. M. Hel-
mick, a member of the Salt Lake Tem
ple of Mvstic Shrine. Mr. Helmick
spent all morning trying to learn when
the Salt Lake caravan would pass
through on their special train. He
thought he learned, but he was mis
taken, and while he was away from
the station the train slipped In. Mr.
lielmick missed tutting the great oasis
at Portland with his own Nobles.
Local roses have scored again at the
Portland Rose show. Mrs. Robert 0.
Dieck, who has taken numerous prizes
with flowers produced on the Topside
ranch of her and her husband in the
Oak Grove district, writes friends that
her Moschata Alba took a first prize at
the 1920 show. Her Austrian Copper
was awarded a second prize.
The rose gardens at Topside are now
very beautiful.
I diHBIIjirlBUPBBBjMBBI aaasaamss
. i
All regular passenger trains were
running late Monday. As a result
mrs. i.nas. iiaii, who had come up
Irom Marshfield with her son Keith,
who is here the guest of the F. A.
Oram family, feared she would be late
in meeting friends in Portland. Sh
decided that perhaps she could board a
Shrine special, anil it was permitted
that she get aboard the Salt Lake
"Who comes?" cried wearers of the
fez, as Mrs. Hall entered a Pullman.
"A Noble's lady," was the answer."
"Gangway, then!" was the cry, and
Mrs. Hall was welcomed aboard.
The Hood River Anti-Asiatic Associ
ation approves the course of Governor
Stephens, of California, in writing
Secretary of State Colby and asking
for cooperation in excluding Japanese
from the state. R. E. Scott has writ
ten to Secretary (kilby in support of
the Stephens letter.
"While we of Hood River are not
facing the crisis that is apparent in
many California districts where Japan
ese predominate, says Mr. Scott,
"we have begun agitation to prevent
iust such a calamity here in our own
valley, where Japanese land ownership
is increasing very fast. Pacific Coast
states, with the aid of the national
government, must act to prevent Jap
anese aggression."
Changed Names Annoy
Mrs. J. L. Henderson declares that
Hood River has violated terms of an
agreement under which she dedicated
"In the terms of the dedication,"
savs Mr. Henderson, "it was under
stood that a street running east and
west and connecting up with Sherman
avenue was to'be called Adams street.
The city has termed it West Sherman.
The dedication calls for another street,
which the city terms 13th, to be named
Paradise street."
Mrs. Corey's Father Passes
News has been received here'of, the
death or W. J. liibler. father of Mrs
W. H. Corey, at his home in Hamilton
Ind. Mr. Milder, who resided here a
short .time, ia well known in Hood
River. Funeral services were held at
the home. Mr. Bihlcr is survived by
his wite. lie was 09 years old.
Get Ready for the 4th
Booth Kiver is going to celebrate and you will want to
join in and help. We have all the articles necessary to make
you look ritflit, feel right, and thoroughly enjoy the day.
Nifty Suits for Young Men
Made for us by Hart, Schaffner & Marx and
Clothcraft and fully guaranteed.
The newest styles and leathers in Shoes and Oxfords
Dress Shirts, Neckties the biggest Values in the city an
ything you might wish from a lawn string tie to the finest
of silk. Ties with wide flowing ends and silk knit. Ties
from 10c, 15c. 25c, 50c, up to $1.98- Come in and look
at our display. The largest assortment in the city to choose
Half Hose for men in cotton lisle and silk, plain and
fancy colors. You'll always find the biggest assortment and
lowest prices here. Come in and let us prove it.
John B. Stetson and Rothchilds Bros., Star Brand bats.
These hats stand the test and give the best of satisfaction.
All the season's newest styles and colors, at prices that will
please you.
A most complete assortment in Percales, Madras and
Silk. By the way, 'you should not overlook the extra special
prices we are offering on our Silk Shirts for Men. You'll
find these very cool, comfortable and agreeable for the Sum
mer wear. Don't miss this chance of securing one of these
shirts at this special price.
A Good Assortment at Lowest Prices
A very large and complete line of the newest shapes.
We can supply you with a becoming Cap at any price you
care to pay. Let us show you what we have
me PAR 15 FAIR
Three Brilliant Artist Musicians Coming to
Chautauqua on the Second Day
READY FOR NOBLES tom cor wine
While HikkI Kiver will welcome hack
her sister, Miss 'I' Stanipher, the
citizens of the Appple Valley will re
gret the departure of Miss Josephs
Stanipher, who has been head of (In
Collage Hospital the put six years
mi Af
me community in general, as well as
the management of the hospital, owes
Miss Stanipher a debt of gratitude
She is not only an efficient nurBe ami
angel of mercy, but she has a very
high executive ability. Under hei
management the hospital has made
record that is remarkable. Whil
most such institutions lose money, the
local hospital under Miss Stanipher,
with whom the town's physicians hav
cooperated, bus come out a littl
We wish Miss Stanipher continued
success in Cortland.
Marshal Frazier's warning against
shooting of firecrackers by children
should be heeded. The dry season is
coming on, and the explosion of the
crackers may cause a serious fire in
It is stated that children have been
tailing crackers to nearby wood plots
to shoot them. With the sun. warming
to summertime intensity, the ground
ing copses arc becoming dry, and this
surreptitious explosion of lit WW In
may set off a bad brush fire to fill the
mid-Columbia with an offensive haze.
It is up to parents to prevent the pur
chase of the firecrackers.
We are all glad that Stranahan I
Xlaven have the I'ark street school
contract, ami that the little misir lei
standing of last week has been sell led
The park street school will be a build
ing of which we will all be proud. We
are glad that home men have Hm in
struction of it.
Mood Kiver's street cleaning force is
Duller now than at any time in the his
tory of the town. Downtown paved
thoroughfare! are scoured daily, and
residence streets have been cleaned of
all litter and trash. Residents of main
throughfares through the city have co
operated with authorities, and Hood
Kiver is being made spotless for the
arrival ofjhundreds of Shriners expect-
en here Friday and .Saturday.
Clark Seedling strawberries are be
ing allowed to ripen perfectly for the
visitors, and a surplus of cream is be
ing kept ready for the Nobles at the
Hood Kiver Creamerv.
O. W. Peffer last week assured gar
ages and the Shriners' Club that sulli-
eient gasoline will be available here
this week for transportation of Nobles
who may wish to tour up over the
Highway. Mr. Peffe informed a com
imttee who called on him that two car
loads of fuel had been allotted Hood
Possesses Remarkable Powers of Imi
tation and Mimicry.
Tom Oorwtaa li a prince among en
terlnlners. Me fills every minute Wit)
line fun and laughter. All that he does
to original. He Imitates no one un
no one can Imitate him successfully
I he Juliet I hilly News says: "Tom
Corwlne has the most marvelous throai
In existence. He Is n IIvIiil' wonder.
I he greatest crowd ever seen at a
boxing contest in Hood Kiver ia ex
peeled lo ailend an American legion
liotit, to he staged at the open air t lit
aire at Chautauqua park Monday after
noon, .1 uly f. Carl Kent, official
rnacthhiakcr for Hood Kiver. has
scheduled the following bouts: Chick
Roeco. ISO pounds, Jbf Portland, against
Hilly v isk. ol Chicago, in a 10-round
mill. .lames Fcnemore. lUfi - pound
champion of the Canadian army and a
veteran of Vitnv Kidge and Ypros,
against .lack Davis, of Hood Kiver,
three rounds. Ilarrv Sonnieksen and
Kid Morse, both of Hood Kiver and
weighing 1T." pounds, in a It-round mill.
IIh Im iii will U' staged immediately
following the base ball game betv eei
the American Legion team ami the
Multnomah (luarda, of Portland.
possessing four distinct throats in one
so that he can make a concordance ol
sounds that no other voice hns ever
arcompllshed." lie Imitates birds
animals nml mechanical contrivance!
with a perfection that Is uncanny.
Ills humorous sketches are Irreslst
Ihly laughable and have won for din
a natlon-n hie reputation.
He appears In two programs on tin
fourth day of ("hunt ampin.
The Heights
Jewelry Store
Wili open next week in the
Chapman Building
Call on us for you will lie welcome
For Sale Second -hand auto purls.
Garage, phone 3151.
Kor Sale Residence adjacent to business
district. Price One.fonrth cash, halunee
in 10 years at 8 per cent, id rooms, furnace
anil model ii plumbing. Will rent hy Ibe
month at MO, per month until sold. Apply to
A. W. OntliHiik. riiiStr
For Sale Two lirown Swiss cowr I and :i
.years old. Fresh :t weeks. Calves go with
cows. Fine cream and plenty milk. Will nike
honor W0Q4 In exchange. Also good work
na saddle horses for sale or trade. Hnellej 'a
Wood Yard. Phone 8784. mc-tt
The Now York Concert Trio, which conies to Chautauqua on the sccend
day, occupies a conspicuous place in the splendid list of musical attractions
for tin week. Every one of the three members of the company is an artist
who has won recognition in their particular fields of musical endeavor.
May BUiabeth Been, violinist, has achieved concert successes both In this
country and abroad. She returned to Europe last year again to play for our
boys in Prance tnd Belgium. She to unquestionably one of the best artists
ever presented to western Chautauqua audiences. Kuth Beverly Gamming,
nprano, possesses a voice of pure gold. She is considered by eastern critics
is having one of the most promising voices among the .sopranos of the younger
feneration, Lowell Patton, pianist, is a brilliant soloist and uccompanist
Furniture and Hardware
Highest prices paid for second-hand
articles and junk.
Cor. ,'lrd and Oak. Tel. 1 213
Kor Hale H room house, Just painted, foar
lots, due garden spot, running water tain
leaving tor California on May 2n- mid will Mil
ut a bargain on time to right party. Cell at
121(1 Columbia St. or I'hone MM, F. P. .limes.
For Kent I would rent my restaurant
bUlldlBf to reepeetable, carelm, parties in nr
ter to discontinue serving in the hotel, OT,
vould rent hotel. Mary V, Olsen. Under-
eood Wash. jy i
Fur Sale - My wire wheel 4 passenger IMS
Chummy minister, new tires, first e ass condi
tion, 17ili. Terms, See the carat Cascade
QsrageorJ, U. Bohaller at Apple Growers As
sociaisiin. jirJI
For Sale one cook range, a roll top desk, a
"uney iransii, ana various limning linple
inenls. Phone Mrs c. k. Marshall, 5836. jn2ltl
For ft;ut Furnished Room ClOM
For Kent Furnished room delightfully lo
cated. Tel. MM. JSlf
h or Kent -To responsible family, six room
house four miles out on West side, nice shady
PUUM with modern conveniences. See Hood
Kiver Abet .1 In v. Co. Jul."
For Kent 1 lurnished room for light house
keeping. A. Mulrle, 914 Kugene St. H)30tf
For Sale-I'I
j n2.-tr
Prominent Entertainer Coming
'Man of a Thousand Laughs" Scheduled for Chautauqua
on the Fifth Day in Two Programs
ForSile At llolstem station, one Mccor
mick Hinder 7 ft. cut, been run t wo seasons
One ;i inch wagon, one stock saddle, one span
mines, weight about i;;uo lbs. each. Tel. !' 1 1
13. Ivl
For Sale :i pure bred Poland China Pirn
(ialllgau strain, fine for breeding purposes.
U. A, Cor win, Kt. :), Hox. 73, phone 6187, JniMtf
For Sale 14 Inch wagm, complete with
springs and bed, excellent condition. Call
W04. Jyi
for Bale Macrae land 4U miles from cify
of II I River, part bottom land wilb free
water, balance good pasture land not bonded
for water. 1200 cords fir alid oak wood slum
page, county road thru land, fair buildings
Pries 187.80 per acre. J. K. Phillips. I'hone
MM. J 1121! f
rors.iie set of heavv wagon springs and
goose-neck wagon. NI03 Flemish Olsnis.
All go cheap. I'hone 2M1. Jyl5
Samuf l-Mc( Iain
The low temperatures of last win
ter caused no damage to huckleberries,
according to liilliert Hdgington, who
arrived Monday from Mud Lake, on
the In :idw -iter- of the east fork of
Herman creek.
The bunhea will be loaded down
this fall," says Mr. Etijrinirton, "and
ampins parties will be able to har
est all thi wish. Recent . rains and
snows haic benefited the lierries. Li
lian scouts have visited the huokle-
crrv area, and I predict that the dis
trict will 1 rowded with Indian pick-
rs in the tall.
Get out to the moetine; f(.r lire pre
vention Thursday, .l ily 1. An ounce
of prevention is worth more than a
pound ofcure in case of tire. Heai
Jay Stevens to prevent
We wouldn't mind if the weathei
man would even things up a bit. Givi
ua just a tiny bit of that heat that ha.
been cooking California.
Las Angeles celebrated the occasion
of ao many visitors to the NorihweM
with anearthquake. She was jeaioue.
After the Fourth will come the chau A bunch of good things all
along through the summer.
Lesion to Meet at Astoria
lo make the second annual conven
tion of the American Ix'gion for the
Department of Oregon the greatest
cventjmjthe Northwest for ex-service
men since the war, is the intention of
the committee on arrangements which
s t.isilv encased in outlining the
program for the important event.
Astoria is the city which secured the
honor of entertaining the delegates
thatf friends and the dates are
Friday, Saturday and Sunday, July 30
"!. and August I. Clatsop;Fist. No.
12, whiehjon account of its activity in
connection with combating bolshevism
has l e i me widely known through the
country, has proclaimed that the "bud
diet will Ie entertained as they have
never leen entertained before."
h'rnost U. Samuel, son of Mr. and
Mrs. A. Samuel, and Miss Alta Mc-
Ciain, daughter of U. II. McClain.' of
Avalon VYa, were married at 8.30 last
night at the orchard home, Ashley
I 'ash officiating The bride was form
erly a student of McMinnville t'ollege.
Mr. Minuiel was student of the Kugene
Hible School, and enlisted - in the Ma
rines from there.
George Samuel. brother of the groom.
was Pest man. and his sister. Miss
Mary Samel, was maid of honor. Miss
Kathcrine I. Haker played the wedding
march. Only close friends and mem
bers of the family were present. Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel will make their home
here. Mr. Samuel U-mg encaged in
The wedding of Miss Stella Mae
Hower and Wylie Kinsley was solem
nized yesterday afternoon at the home
of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Stephen A. Hower. in the Harrett dis
trict Kev. D. M. Helnnck othriated.
Mr. and Mrs. Kinsley lett immediately
for IVirtand.
Mr. Kinsley has just arrived from
Sandusky, O., the old-home of the
Mower family. The voung people.
however, will make their home here.
- ' X
Kor Sale-Hudson Super Six Tolrrlng car, 7
passenger, first class condition, used less than
.MUD miles. Write Weber Bros" Hood Kiver,
or phone Odell ISxl jnllllf
For Sale Double work harness. i:;; two row
com planter, .Nunamaker grader, old slyl
I.ava lied Orchard Co , 1'arkiiale, Or I'hone
Udell . InlTIf
Kor Sale S yr. old Jersey cow. Call Q,
ugui n. l ei. lUJl ( Men. jn
For Sale A I'JI" Ford Touring car at a price
thai win attract. Pacific rower a Light Co. inlTtf
Wanted Married man with small family,
for orchard Work, must ho good team Iter, J,
B.Clark, I'hone ITU'.. R W.D. 1, Box SB. jyl
Wanted Voung man with throe years ex
perience desires position driving car, truck or
tractor. Can furnish tiest of references. Tel.
3932. jyl
Wanted Cherry Pickers. C. Cornell, Mo
sler. Ore. Jn.'l
Wanted-To borrow ilnKi to 8J,(MI, one lo
three years, highest rale interest. Will give
first mortgage security on Hood Kiver Valley
property worth over JTi.noo. Write L. F. Hub
bard, B I). 1, BOJI Ltg, Hood Kiver. jnlOtt
Wanted Home nursing: meetly maternity
nursing. Will take a mot tier with a small
child. Call KM, Jlyl
Wanted To bay your used fat nttare, stoves
anil rugs. Cash or new goods In exchange.
K. A. Fran. I lo. saiif
Found Dog with Portland License came to
my place, owner prove property and pay lor
this notice. Apply at Glacier office. Jyl
Mrs .) w Forbes N prepared to do hem-
stltcbtnjr. ;ii vjt street, near high school.
I'hone MM. I22U
For Sale-Fresh Jersey cow.
rion Moore.
Tel, 1787 Ma
rorsie-. mowing machine, rake, tedder
Acme barrow.sprlug tooth anil riding cultlVI
lorn. i.. it. sn ftsiker. I'hone S877, jil
ror .saie-rraetically new 1 1 ., ira.1. rta'sv
churn. Tel. Klffl, Mr. Maude Haabmnnk KM
For Sale-Twenty ai res ol land Is more than
1 leei UKe caring tor. Therefore 1 will sell in
er.y rawmuir, ana lor reasonable terms
y in eousicier oner on ent ire tract. II. P.
, ii. ova. Jlll7t(
rur mip-niu, Mr wood in In. and 1 foot
lengins. uooa roads into Umber. BaqolN
u it a j miduous place, opposite
For Sale-Uasohne power sprayer.compl. te
.... ......... . me iMing inr small oreb
ard. Want lopbuggy, as,, two pigs Spray
mis macinne run ne seen at Sunnyside far.n
.7 ' "r'"'""""" unve and r.elmonf Koa.
r. H. Sherman, cascade Uxks, Ore.
ror siie-s acres land with small house
urn, i MiB.iair; aim ronl bug, in good Condi
'".oi wm kw tor house and lot in Hood
inri. iii.jiore n . A. lsenlK'rg. JJ
For Bale Windmill won slam ti
standing Take it at your own prtcaas I wani
i. V, . ' ' ' l - v nicker
itiu oi. nilir, nr..
For Sale-
t un ion .'in,- (...
noin III) V' ;,t
If you
A !o a
j:t t(
A good hutch Is a toni? that evoryotii- needs. It drives away the .ork n
day cares ami worries. Attend OlaMtMsfM on the tilth day and you get lih
ernl does of this "ensy-to-take medicine." J. Walter Wilson Is comii g. ar
entertainer with a thousand laughs wrapped up in hist two programs. He l
a splei, did impersonator and a musician of unusual uhiliiy. He sings well
play- the llu;e, saxophone and most every kind of musical device you car
When you want your clothes oremed
and cleaned hy the most paaita'i e
methol with a Hoffman steam preeser. art. dan
telephone J. C. Meyer, No. 1 124, and he f rare
will send for them. fBtfl hack to
Injured Trees to Be Studied
Lcroy Childs and Gordon ti Brown
will meet with orefcardists at Pin
Grove n r, r, t Wednesday afternmu
to advise as to handling of fruit trcea
lured h the lecemler cold weather.
ierU will go
chards, where
lee demonstra
i Lrmg the orcl
i e wedding of
arid David W. fence.
Mrs. Fence of Port I
nized last Friday at t
bride's pa rente, Kev.
Shellev. of (KJell. Kx
ing. Thev will mak
Fendleton. where Mi
atomohile business.
Nell Shellev
n of Dr. and
nd. was solem
e home of the
and Mrs Tr.
Boddy officiat
their home in
Mosier thrrn tualil Good
FI K( TKI) TO BOARD ber T"1y. declares that the Mosier
1V "vfiisi eternr crop will I p aatiei-
annual school election Mondavi "While we will not have more than
drew a record v.
The voiding of Walter J.
lernler of th- staff of tl
of Kev. W. H
. S'
N. t'larke,
board, 7.
te of 218. Dr. C. H.
elected to a one year term board to serve out
si time of Mrs. Alma I.,
recently resigned. Dr. V.
n was named for the three
the board. M H. Nick
i f g 1 votes, was named
for his 24th term,
n candidates for the school
follows: One vear term,
. .7 . Mrs. F. II. l astner.
ir term. F.eo. t'. ('ladder,
t. Ahraham. SI, and Fhas.
rttirirg member of the
i oO per cent of the harvest of a year
ago." says Mr. Forrett. "our fruit
i will be of excellent quality. Fp until
i the recent warm weather we were pes
j simistic over the cherry yield, as the
j fruit seemed very small. But the
1 warm days'have caused it to prow rap
! idly, and indicatons now point to large
1 sited cherries. We will begin picking
about July 1. We will need outside
Vonr , ..,
can't buy lb. iii irade me -om. t !, ing '
wagon. Shelley Woody ard. TH. ;)7M.
Kor Sale-Balck Koadsier. 1.1 :in. icy Under
Al condition, two exira Ursa, three extra
n.-oL ,?i as.Ker. a ga,d runner. The
f. -7 . t ..ou. j need the moiiec
K A. Tucker, 6w ItUl st. II. sat Kiver J2?
h'Ti.k tT5.1;""r l,ln,llw'r' '"nlding material
,7,iT i" I ! ' i "'lie south of Sum
nut. W . I kirby. phon. odeli Ids. m
FiirSultf Qln,..l.u . . . '
2V 1 ... ,iio a II II IMd K7e flo,r
windows, window tnmm and glass Ta'i
m tr
Jor.i?aJeYoan ho"es Drv 16 In HntZ
grown, nr wo..,,, til per cord in cord lots
gteMBJSI BuUrn , iregon wheat hav. JU mr
52 Sff IHaken nd tin car s lower
l.rlce will be insde. one HtDdrtJal aiV
:ie , '.ind i Hon Will take a
aV, ii 'OT ,wo ear-old Jir
- ej WimkI yard. phon.
ia state mlltf
"ted amount cfsaitat, dry
Ivered In town or east (tide
beneiTll. call evenings.
passenger car
-mailer car in
SSV milk cow,
.T7.S4. corner Fi
For Hale-A Hi
M In. flr w.aei. dt
saluman Bros. I
Kor sale or Trade NeCaon Tractor I2-I
Mmoatnew Alno K.t ,'L
- Ml-. I
I'M :,'e
-l Ol
Kor Sale-
I 'net, American legion. No. te Meets 9Mp.
m. 1st Saturday ol each month al Library
Hail. Mrs. Anna Abraham, Fres ; .Mrs Ha
zel M urphy, Sec.
Meets the second and fourtii Thursdays ol
each month at K. of F hall.
Mrs. May rhindliind, K. C.
Mrs. Florence Hand, M. of K. and 0.
i WHY W. It. ('.-Meets second and fourth
Saturdays of each month at K.ol P. hall.
Mrs. Helle I'. Her, I'resldent.
Mrs. Anna Abraham, Secretary.
W. 0. W. Regular meetings are held the first
and third Mondays ot each month at K. ol
P. hall. Visitors cordially Invited. B.C. U.
n w. isom, c. c
I.I. Ulagg, Clerk.
second and fourth Tuesday evening
of each month. Visitors cordially welcomed
Mrs. C K. Marshall, W. M.
MUs (Jerlrude Nlekelsen, Hec'y.
Meets the first and third Tuesday evening in
each mouth In the (Kid Fellows Hall, sen II
miles south of Hood Kiver. K. 1. 1
Mrs Pauline Howard, N. U.
Kto Khrck, Si-c.
Meets m k ,f r. ball every 1st and :trd Wed.
oleach monih. Junies ll.itihorue. V I'.
W. T. Frazier. Clerk.
ol iMidcratl-Meels al K. of I', hall on the
nrstand Third Thursdavs of each month.
Mrs Nellie lick. U. N.
Mrs. Maui, Nickclai'n. Clerk.
EDEM l Ni A..1PMKNT. NO. . 1. O, O. K.
Kegular meeting second and fourth Tuesdays
i aawn nionin. ll,on:a Usher, C. r.
(ieo. . Thomson. Scribe.
.Meeli tlrst and third Mondays each mon'.h
Miss I llllan V Q
Mrs Nellie Mo.-s. Sec.
H(W)H K1VF:k CHAPfKK NO. 27. K. A. M.-
-Mwts tlrst and third Friday nights of each
mouth. C.H. Field, M. P.
IX ('. Anderson, Secretary.
Meeu in K. of P. hall every Tuesdav night.
I.. M. Baldwin. C.C
Jasper Wickham, K. of R. and S.
KKMF LOlMiK. No. 1st, I. U. O. K.-Meela in
oaen Odd Fellowa' hall every Satur
day night. Visitors cordially welcomed.
T. A. notes. N. U.
Lrl Allen, . Ii.
I.. Cnrne. Wrctarv
Kr-d J. Howard, Treasurer.
UT. ROOD OODMCIL Mat S. K. S. M. Meets
in Hail every third Tuesday In
each mouth.
W K. Ijiraway. 1 . I. M.
-. !). Moe. Reorder.
HOl RIVKR lXHHiK NO. 105. A. K. and A
rirsl and third Wedneadav nights o
h month. Kent. si.(ihiim. W. M
I BSSSSJ u r. sr'y
n.-jieeuthe0nit and third Wednea
iy. work: second and fonnh Wednesdays
rjans- hall. C. D. Hisjkichs. U. A
SHSSa trader, phone H
Meeu In Fra-
i gl.r
(msi W Thorn
NO : 7,
L o. o. r.-
ery Thursday
ard. N. O.
1 1
When in Portland stop at the modern
alace Hotel, at Washington and 12th
reets. in center of shopping and thea
e districU. I'.-tf
Kursale-H lota in east half!
I bio, k
nd I
aaaj terma. API
AU.KY HOkuma
e CI) Nicke.sei
: site l
1 -e
l. Moe. Recorder.
A. w Ontbank. ynit