i' e HOOD RIVER r ; I . f ii li rni i:siv, i ( : ; puq fyimh IHinrr (6lartrr HabMrlrtjM, Per Vrar. AD VI K riMNG KA i i s )s,bv ml v Tlhlnic. wr Inrh tNMMMl rat i!f rents dim Mm mikI .'(i (n! fur (mine wlv. a 'inn. mntrrirt mtf HtkI I line M rcntr. unit I'ciiIh Kr mum' ai!v mu'hIii. I.IM'HI ICII'lillK Ilitlil'HH, .r('lltM MT Hue. I 'IllKslrtfil VIk SI papta tot OB tParM)Pt ft Itnim hi lam; lllinilh lur each iKldll lomtl luxrr. I lull ill HUM iiil W I it'll VttbMflMfl di'Hlre a I'liKMtfc in nflilrr'Mr- t li i oflhM bnulo' b not i fieri promptly, mid wwk lit-fure If piHMilble. Mwhvk kIvc old ad- taW uWtlill thfl DOW. Also, Id rod Kiver ubcrlbn ihonld notify Iblioflloa Monet when cbABirini iicir uAanm Hon una rural mate to Miotner, or Irota city delivery to country delivery, or vice versa if you do not irai nor paper prompt ly. notify hi iiy mail or lelepboD and we inatu r will be InveHtlicaled. WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT Taft chuckles and hi auilience is his from then on. His gentleness in part and parcel of his being. He can criticise as keenly as any public speak er, but there ia no abuse and nothing caustic about what he says in opposi tion to those who cannot agree with him, and yet, we believe he is all th more effective. His lecture Sunday was a clear cut presentation of the Lenttie of Nations and its purposes. It was a valuable talk. Citizens learned more Sunday about, the- great covenant than they would have gathered in weeks of read ing. Taft's little speech at the Hotel Oregon luncheon was a more personal touch. He paid the Hood Kiver apple the heat tribute we have ever heard. Apples, he declared, are a question of honesty. The difference between good apples and apples, he iharacter ized as similar to that between sub slance and superficiality. Some ap ples, he said, are good lookers. He demands apples with real juice, real flavor, real individuality or tiersonaltiy and such qualities he ascribed to the Hood Kiver fruit. Indeed. Mr. Taft said he finds it impossible to pas fruit store where Hood Kivei apples are offered. the world afire'; it will not riink'with Kapha1!' rcmim or with Washington's krn Mines . , lnil il i" ".i ll done . il will stand the test of what is needed of it," is to make our work part of Ml selves ami ifet true recognition even from (iod Himself. Tndnv the WOfld ntedl men and wom en who everywhere run fie depended on to do 'Vd work." We cannot make n perfect heaven on earth, but we can have statesmen who will build safely for the future. ShoddjP work in school, machine shop, office, home and halls of state w ill make a shoddy world ready to fall to pieces. Plain, honest work will make a safe, reliable world. Whether your work be large or small Ifct into it the snirit of deserving the Msster's appieciation. Do not expect compliments. Let your work speak for itself, and you will get a sympathy and appreciation that is far above all i ; l , i ' Let Vulcan, or whoever it is that stokes the furnace, tret busy. We want some warm weather by the Fourth of July, at least. Kor null I , nic.lt Vlli lisll M MM tor II $:Vi It , phone mien mis. WHfn Have A. Iloftinnri, Kor Halt Hun k Itoailmsr. II :, 4 cylinder, ai condition, two enira Mr, three ex trn liilwn, AI k od looki r, a ynod runner. I lie price will anrprOe ynu I need I lie money. i a I in ner, i."ii iztn hi. Mood Kiver yu l or Kent Ku i n lulled room dellKlitfully li caled. Tel. :w:i4. JMlf !"! -He I'hm' toed While Uelidan lmre . II. IUU" Koule 4. Hoi i I'lione ML JI7 Kr N ile - We alwaya have a kooiI iiMsorl mi nt id micoimI hand cara Klllott Overland I o.. Cascade (oiraijc, Tel. SS'JI J 10 Again we say : Cleanup! The No bles are coming! A BIRTHDAY PARTY This is our birthday. The (ilacier is 31 years old. We passed it without ostentation, and all the force worked as hard yesterday as usual, getting out the chronicled events of the district. We have never tried to reform our selves and those with whom we deal We hope in the future, as in the past. we can continue to pursue the even tenor of our way. The Glacier has been, and hopes to continue this policy, a constructive in fluence in the great little district. Thf Olacier, like all of those who in earh days made Hood Kiver their homes, has been the fortunate victim of cir cumstances set up by a benign Mother Nature. Yet enormous tasks havi been necessary for us first, in oder that we might reap the rewards of na ture, and nowhere has any peoplt worked harder than in Hood Kiver. We need more roads, more Irrigation districts and furtjier improvements of various sorts, and hard work is ahead of us. Hut hard work is a Codgiven boon, as .ludtre Taft said Sunday, and we look to the future hopefully and optirn istically. TBI FAITHFUL SERVANT We have hear much lately about the increase in salaries, li nas Keen a ne cisdty for workers in all lines of lift to ask for more money. With the coal of living climbing more remuneration for services had to be forthcoming 01 the woiker we it into debt. Never ha.' ordinary labor been drawing such hie,! waxes. All up the line the crv has been for more money, and seeuuni;l the higher the pay the less has been the servile rendered. Now that tin pendulum is beginning to swing the other way, it may be well for workers, both of brain as well as brawn, to lie gin to think of giving a greater ser vice. The true worker and in the tad he is usually ahead with the content of the pay envelope gives as great thought to his task as to what he is Koing to net. He takes a pride in work well done. We reprint the following, because it is along the same line of thought, from the current issue of the Youth's Companion : There is a difference Irttween appn ciation and compliment. Appreciation is often silent: compliment, ftlBXMt always spoken B a silent, lontr-oon-tinued interest in our friend, we mav give him a far greater gift than bj sudden, extravagant word of j r.n-i Qeaaine appreciation of worth, char acter and fidelity makes itealf felt. From it grows sympathy Ml love Kven though unsia.keti, generous an preciatmn is a moral stimulant ; a toon to the soul. Compliment mav and vanit and (iilhort-Reavis Friends of Miss Gladys Keavis, in vited to attend a shower given in her honor Saturday night by Miss Vernon Shoemaker, lUppoied they were going to learn of Miss Keavis' engagement to Frank Gilbert, nharmacist at the Keir drugstore. Instead they learned that Miss Keavis and Mr. Gilbert were married in Tacorna April 26, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert moved Sunday to the res idence of Mr. and MrH. C. G. Cornelius, where they will spend the summer. The bride is a daughter of Kostmas Ler and Mrs. T. A. Keavis. She grad uated from the Whitman Conservatory of Music and is one of the city's m( st lifted soloists. She was a constant worker in patriotic causes during the war, having been a member of the Ked CroM canteen committee. Mr. Gilbert is a graduate of Wash ington high school and the North Pa cific School of Pharmacy in Portland. He is a son of T. H. Gilbert, of Port land. Joe Steinhardt Congratulated Fruit shippers and growers have Written letters of congratulation this week to Joseph Steinhardt. New York frttit merchant, who with his partner, rank Kelly, in several former seasons purchased heavy blocks of Hood Kiver ipplcs. Mr. Steinhardt is now sole proprietor of the Steinhardt & Kelly concern,' which occupies a 10-story building in New York city. He has lust ent local friends a photograph flowing him standing beside a one lorse wagon, with which he delivered fruit to his customers in Greenwich Village 2.'1 years ago. Another photo graph shows the motlern new home of I he wholesale fruit concern. Mr. Steinhardt and Mr. Kelly, peddler days, were bitter rivals. They found competition ruinous and their nartnership was formed on declaration if a truce. for Halt Adjoining city limits fr1,, acres mm merelal apple and peel orchard, good condl linn, modern 7-ronm house, large cement cel lar, furnace, electric lights, pluuihliig, spring piped to house and hum, full eiitiliimeiit , hails, tiorae, cow, ehlckcna, furniture, if de sired, ii Indies vvjiler paid up. s ine view, har- galn; Home terms. Owner. Hox U, I loud Kiver. jlO Kor Hale - :i White Leghorn Pulleta Tancred strain. I hese an- rrom the miner rouitry Kami Jennings l,odg4, Ore., u I ho; '24 Rhode Island Red I'ulleta, are laying now, and two M. B. Turkey (folders. I'hone Mrs. B. I). Smith, M7X, Avalon Way, m'27tf Kor Hale -Oak wood and shingles. Wells, phone (7H. Walter Kor Kale or Trade Nellson Tractor 12x21. Minna! new. A UO I bottom plow One new sfiaitdlsk. II li. niiilt.li. I .i - ni2Tlf Kor Hale A small sawmill. Hps, ll)d River, Ore. Hee J. It. nil. uilStf Kor Hale Uasollne lajwer sprayer.coinplete. on smalt troca; i n si i ne tiling ror small orch ard. Want lop-huggy, two pigs. Hpray- inii miielnne can be seen at Hunnyslde farm. West end llriaikslde drive and llelmont Road, s. II. Hherman, cascade l,ockH, Ore. in'.U.tr Kor Hale-Klume hi in , building material and siai, (rood, al mill, mile aoulh ofHuu inn, w . i. niruy. pnoneimen nm. iin.i ir Kor Hale ISIS Oulgnard Grader, K. liaveniKirl, odell M7. phone li. mixtr ror stale-rresii K.gg Keep. Put down your eggs tori cent per dozen Kuti on the eggs and put away In cartons or egg crates. Ileal preservative on the markel. Kor Hale by Avalon rouitry rami, Mherman J. Frank poone mm inistf r-nr Hale- 11 Iota In east half of block 2B. ol Hood Kiver, between Hazel and Kuirene hi reels, with hentitllul view of the Columbia that cannot be obstructed Can be bought on any terms. Aply to A. W Onthank. J22lf Kor Hale Hecond hand auto narla. Oarage, phone 3I.M. Heights J8U Kor Hale-7 I'asaenger, HtudebaKer, five giaid tires, two hiiiml new; nerfect condition. W rerius Oilier giaid second hand buys. Kl- lloll-Overhind Co. The Cascade Garage. i'lione .f.i'M. alfil f Kor Hale 1 riaiui house, large pantry, large wood house, lights and water, sewer connee- tlotiH -a nice lots, graded streelH and sidewalk. II. C. Dell., tel. IIM. altf For Hale Fir wood. nold's Grocery Hlore, 1-ave orders at Ar- a22tf For Kale Light team and harnesH. n.r: limbic work harness. tXy. two row corn maul er, Niinatnaker grader, old style. Lava lied irchardCo , I'arkdale, Or. Phone Odell 2li. BJtStf Kor Hale Resilience adjacent to business district. Price front). One.fourth cash, balance in 111 years at 11 per cent. 10 rooms, furnace Hid modern plumbing. Will rent by the month al f-lu. tier month until sold. Apply to V. W Onthank. MRU IliKhway Crews Move V.'ilh all grading work completed on the Highway west of here and the new Vlosii r-llood Kiver stretch finished the camps and branch office of the A I). Kern Co. have been vacated, an rews have been moved toother points some of the men and eiiuipment have teen taken to eastern Oregon points nere me concern has grading con tracts Most of the office force located here has been removed to Jefferson. vhare the concern will lay 2(1 miles of paving, I he men transferred there include K. A. Josling. F. M. Patterson ind G. A. Pruitt 15-Day Spray Not Needed Now (By l.eroy Cbilds) Owing to the fact that there is little ir no chance of scab developing at this late date, t lie so called Ifi-dav spray of ime sulfur can be safely omitted Prom the present development of the 1'islling moth it will probably not be lecemry to apply the first cover spray or the control of worms for 10 daya or two weeks. The time for making this ipnlicatmn will be given out later; th iccurrence ol cool weather may even farther delay the date of the applica- ! loll. Hoys lo Re Tried A session of juvenile court will be held tomorrow to hear charges pre i erred against Irwin lleft'and Andrew Larson, each 14 years old. The boys ire accused of several burglaries and ither "Ileuses in the Odell district. Bids for Wood Bide will be received on 2fi cords of lodj hr u.nal from large trees to be lelivered at the Barrett school house by August I, 1920. All bids to be in by June 10, HI20. A. G. Wing, Clerk DiaC No. 4. Bl27jl0 Hood Kiver, Ore. M-H-M-M1 1 ill I' i I l-1 l l -I l i i m l I INS, I I KS AMI H tl lll KS J I -f-H-H l-M -l-1 l"l I I I 1-H I I I I t I l.eroy Childs ia displaying the sea- s'di s hrst rattlesnake trophy. Mr hilds, en route to I'arkdale Tuesday. killed a big rattler as it crossed the highway, fiie anake had eight rattles ind a button. the often does, only ft e.l relax the moral fibre. During the football training season in one of our large colleges the stu dents alvtavs felt the value of the sec ond team, which got all f th. knocks in helping to train the lirst team and little of the glory afterwards Hut the second team memla rs often got something is dear to them M glory. It was the simple praise gn e; to some player whrn he had dim, ,( "Good work, old man!" Not excessive comnlimert : just a word of nreeie tion and a tone of fellowship. That was enough. When K iucuercati taught in his Pan atodio, he stepped one dav to look, at the painting then being done bf a young American girl. After sever minutes of silent observation. t , ssvv on, sajrtng. "Con til net, mademoiselle " Just, Go on ; finish as you have be gun." To her surprise, all the othr students gathered round her after the master had left and told her she shoo Id he the happiest girl in the r.-..m Am that "Continue" waa a Irrupt the greatest compliment he ever gave. Have you ever thought what the (!reat Master said in the parable of th talents? His commc successful men waa, L . nave neen gi i and taithfui good and faithful! Yet nothi could be said of us. To look - t i m . Mice oi wura una oe able to gy( ( not a maater piece; It will not met fc" ill Kxpress Agent Johnson a-t Thursday morning released M homing nigeona sent here by the Tilla RKM k Homing Club. With the day partly cloudy the birds on release reined confused. After milling for live minutes at an elevation of 200 fe, t, ut, they struck off down the Co luaMa gorge. K. A. Krant brought cheer to the ill l Ibsal Kiver Tueaday when he pat ented each with several hataisome braek trout. Mr. Kraut waa the envy f hundreds of Hood Kiver anglers ben he exhibited at his store scores . f the handsome fish, measuring from 12 to 16 inches, which he caught at Klk Lake in Crane Valley. Mr. Krant was a memtaer of a party consisting of M i-t- r State Kish Warden Clanton, I'arl 1 Shoemaker, secretary rf the State V ish and Game Commisaion. and Kor Sale I'jll Kurd louring car, newly painled. a-1 condition: rIS rord louring car. i I condition, electric starter; Meyers spray machine, large triplex limp. I wo nuns; II n lie trtplai spray machine. Pine drove Ciar tkte, phone li.Sil, or II. (I. Iiavldson, phone MM, 9U Kor Ha'e ' hree iiiarters of a block between Wb and 7th and May Hud June sta., '27U feet on May st , ;i0ll on 71 h at., sidewalk In streets iiaded, five room bungalow, one naiin col lage, sheds, oak trees, tine views, close to blirh school. As; whole, or will subdivide. Reasonable tarniS. Make oiler to owner, Mm. H, II. ljingllle, a'IS lluraul Ave.. Berkeley, i at I lorn la. mltf Kor Sale -cheap, SS acres lliaid Klvcr land terms If desired Kor particulars write, A. H. Rofgenaaak, MRS rith Ave., Cedar HapIdH, Iowa. J ly I lor Rale Young boftea, Dry n;in. Brat rrowlb llr w I, til i i o, cord lots. lirsl-i'lass Kastern Oregon wheat hay, III per ion al (he yard If laken nil I he car a lower price will be made, one Mtudebaker Hit, 7 passenger cur. In Hue condition Will taken smaller ear lu trade. Nice two-year-old Jeff e.v milk OOW.fta, Hhellev wiaid yard, phone I7M. comer Klrsl and stlale. mllll Kor Hale-liny horse, 7 ears, fine worker, single or double, sound and true. AImo dou tile aelltiK tank pump, In giaid condition. VVtlte Ki nest (iosse, lloule No !. mi l II Knr Hale A limited amount of good, dry, ii. In. llr wimhI, delivered In town or east side. aalunaan Bros, Pbona 4711, can evenings aMMf Kor Salt StaaOare and odd size doors, vludows, Mil, dow rraines and glass. Call 1471. nid-lf Kor Sale I wo brown Hwlsa cowh i and :i earn old. Kres!i .1 weeka. Calvea go with -own I lie cream anil plenty milk Will mki nogs or wood in exchange AIho giaidwotk Old saddle horsea for sale or trade. Hhelley's Wood Vara, rimne 1754. na-tl Kor Sale I room house. Just painted, four "Is. tine garden sst, running water, lam living lor California on Mav Jo sod will sell t a bargain on lime to right party. Call al .'I'.' Columbia Si. or I'hone MM. K. ft Jones. Apl 'Mt. Kor Sale acres, nil 111 7 year old iM'trlng ii haul on Pee Klat I neOdelltOi. J:i Kor Sale-Cheap and on good lerins a Kor.l Hiring car In Al condilicn. J, T Holtuan. HiKid Kiver, On gon, tel. 1-1 1 ml I If FOR RENT Kor Kent -I luintshed nmin for light bouse keeping. A Mulrle, HU Kugene Si mjai Kor Kent Two Imrnlstied riauiis. 7 IH Mnti, SI II. II I.IIHIIIIII. II, V WANTED W anted W oiiian to do general housework sid wages, phone I I. 3 Wnnled Sell ne of duck eiras. I'ek In or I n t i.i n Ituiiner. Mrs. K K. Hon Id. lei. odell s: jlll Wauled Kihiiii all Miss ralllson ami od dowu Wilier Hank. town J3 a anted to Itn all. call r. T HI a giant, fn-sh milk cow and HUark. I70T. I uf Wanted to Kent or Buy -a rldlnt horae. C. Ilenton phone I JT. JM Man and wife with lour children would like place with large ft till grower, all season also place to live, write Oaomr Howden, 7', 1 nil i man st , Porl land, Oregon IJ Vl anted II, .is. to pa. lure iic la r Wis k.rj HI per month, al owner's risk In case ol accident ll horses miisi iisv, ta-ll on i.m-.l ..ture. all fenced, and plent- water IV Saltrmau. Iliasl Kier. Oregon I'lione 1:11 juin Wanted To rent furnished or partly fur nlshed houae by middle agsl couple I'lioi.r L aua-u "anted Mall lo conlract to lav Mi le.i.,1 t'l- d am Kis.ni and board lurriishcd He1 orchard Co . I'arkdale. Ore. Mill Wanted To buy yoor naetl lut nitare. alorf and rugs. Cah or new g.-sls In eirhanee K. A Krant On. njiaf MISCELLANEOUS Mrs. J w rurtas is prepared lo do h-i, .iii. hiiK rM s-h srtt. near high irbial I'lione 'll -; Wanted tt barge Herbert aadei s liisi ii v ranch, ruck. I I ISM i lk prominent anglers from i'ortlar hack from the central (Irejron i He declares Elk Ijike a veritah iiac for anglers. FOR SALE W larabP'S. it e t. VOU ' Just r finer al our "It set li Kor Male Krmb 4-eallon row. Two r calvea. work towaea al pair n, lev If can't bnv tbetn trade me Mtmt-tntnc A li (od. SUielle) Wo Ml) ard, Tel TH. J3 ' Now flower t We ken no i gerai in miller, kinds ol We h plants per ami canhrlomer. 2V ier ilurci CahLatre p atita. bruaael spn.nta an celerv plants. .K l.-a Mee ami eat ennial sto. ks on hartsl. THE HEIGHTS GREEMOWE lia. and other Jiffen-nt a area! lot of v.vetal le ieo Hash nicer Tet HM Children's Hats A new shipment just received. A bitf lot to choose from of the most becoming styles. Hats for Hoys and Girif. We know you will like. Select yours early while the assortment is complete. 2nd Floor. Wash Skirts for Ladies V dandy line to choose from of Cotton Char e and Gaberdine. If vou are in need of some- A mouse ana uaneruine. it vou tiling of this kind, you'll find it to your advantage to see this lot. Jack Tar Togs We carry a complete line of these and would call your attention to our line of Middie Blouses that we now have on display. We will be pleased to show you, and are sure you will be pleased with the big values we are offering. . Oxfords and Slippers We have the largest ahd most complete line of Oxfords and slippers in the city. We have anything Vou might want in this line from the Tennis Slipper to the finest of Kid Slippers and Oxford in white, black, brown, mahogany and patent. Some with low heels, military heels, Cuban heels and French heels. All sizes and all widths. You'll (ind you can be prop erly fitted at this store and our prices are the lowest. All the latest styles for Infants, Children, Ladies and Men. Come in and let us show you. New Tricolett Blouses Just received. The newest styles and colors. Prices the lowest. Georgette Crepe Waists Latest styles, with short or long sleeves. A new shipment just in. HOOD RIVER OREGON Ufe PARIS FAIR HOOD RIVER OREGON As "CORONA DRY" ARSENATE OF LEAD enters an other season of spraying", it seems desirable to give an expression of appreciation to the users and supporters of our product. "CORONA DRY" is conceded the foremost position among spray teads. In the east as well as the west the reputation of this product is the highest; and if proofs were needed, the use by thou sands of growers is sufficient to express the esteem in which it is held. Every one knows that the great prestige of "CORONA DRY" was built up by years of constant adherence to the highest quality chemists can produce. And all understand that the ex treme care and painstaking chemical controls have been gone to in our works to produce always a superior product. Our policies have been unusual in the "spray lead game." We believe in making only a fair profit for our dealers and our selves. In this we have tried to support local dealers, realizing that they perform a service to you and the community in which you live and for which they should have a fair return. Therefore, our prices have always been fair. Such tradition and ideals greatly encourage and stimulate the always difficult task of maintaining and increasing high qual ity; and they pave the way to a continuance of the policies that made such a success possible. In a word, "CORONA DRY" ARSENATE OF LEAD will continue to be a spray lead with qualities that give the best insect control and the name "CORONA DRY" will always be an expres sion of the utmost high quality. Our present product will be continued. Our policies will be affirmed. We ask a fair support of our dealers in return for the work they are performing in your community. CORONA CHEMICAL CO. HOOD RIVER FRUIT CO. DISTRIBUTORS I