HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1917 "the best oil urn r ww I II s for our cars CHEVROLET J W. Leavitt II Co., San Franchc "From our hauarivc teata of Zrrolrnc, ehitiV h ia tha boat oil for uac in out tata " REO Afncfkan Aotoniobiic Co.,Tacina "tried ZcruWiM ia Ro can; mult to good that hava bacn nritvly convened." . DORT Lcrh-Frwle Motor Co., Sari FrmeiKo "tictllcnt mileage with minimum ca ionization." PACKARD Curler Lea, O.kl.nd ZnUiM ha given u perfect satisfaction." ZEROLENE The Standard OilforMoior Cars Endorsed by Leading Car Distributor becauae the records of their aervice dt-partmrnta ahow that Zerolene, correctly refined from California asphalt bate crude, givea perfect lubrication- Ua wear, uiore power, least carbon deposit. Dcalf'i e cryhf and at our ervue auuuria. i V!j standard oil wIl y Ct- company tractors, Zerolen Heavy -Duty is espe cially recommended. We are selling Schillings Best Line with a Money Back guarantee if you are not satisfied after using them. Kae'sser's Grocery Grocery of Quality E. E. KAESSER, Proprietor Phone'3192 rT. HOOD RAILROAD COMPANY Time Table No. 31 Taking effect 12:01 a. m. Sunday, July 15th, 1917. ;:J. AJ; SOUTH HOC N I) .NOltTHBOl'SI) W. S No No-J I No. 2 No. 4 No. 6 No. 8 Motor Motor tJ)ftlly . . "'Daily tlmily' Mn'MomT Daily DailV t'1 Station EiPt Kswpt l3!r Haturd'J Uaily Mf H'ndj Sunday Sunday Daily only 1 P. M. A. M. A. M. p M. A. M. P. M. P. M. 5.00 10.45 8.00 ....Lv. Hood River Ar 3.00 8.25 2.15 7. 45 6.03 10.48 8.05 Powerdale 2.57 8.22 2.11 7.41 6.12 10.57 8.15 Switchback 2.50 8.15 2.04 7.34 6.2(i 11.10 8.25 Van Horn 2.40 8.02 1.52 7.22 6.29 11.18 8.30 Molir 2.35 ?.5N 1.48 7.18 fi.35 11.18 8.40 Odeil 2.30 7.53 1.43 7.13 6.40 11.23 8.45 Summit 2.25 7.40 1.36 7 00 6.43 11.26 8.50 Moneher 2 2t 7.42 1.32 7 02 6.47 11.30 9.(10 Holstein 2.10 7.37 1.27 6.57 6.50 11.33 !l.05 Winans 2.05 7.34 1.24 ft. 54 6.57 11.38 9.20 Dee pm. 2.00 7.30 1.20 6 50 6.02 11.43 9.25 Trout Creek 11.15 7.25 1.15 ti.45 6.12 11.53 0.35 W.ViJworth 11.05 7.15 1 1.05 6 35 6.17 12.00 10.00 Ar. Parkdale Lv 11.00 7.10 I 1.00 6 3d P. M. I M. I A. M. A. M. A. M. 1 P. M. P. M. Steftm. t.Motor. Owing to limited space on Motor Curs all trunks and heavy baggage will bp handled on the steam trains, either in advance of or following the passengers. Groceries of Quality Prompt service and satisfaciion for our patrons. These are some of the things that we incorporate in the principles of our business. We invite your better acquaintance during the year, 1917. ARNOLD GROCERY CO. The Purity Dairy Co. Yours for prompt service and i Good Milk TliOS. D. CALKINS Butter Wrappers SCENERY MAKES GLOBE TROTTER RECANT Mrs. William Kerr, of Chicago, who for eight years resided here and who for several years lived at Forest Grove, as a result of her interest in exploitingtOregon's wonderful scenery recently, she declares, had the pleas ure of hearing a globe totter, who had been boosting California scenery as unexcelled, recant after he had seen the Columbia Highway and Multnomah Falls. "The man, W. L. Butler, a wealhty Australian, with his family, was tour ing America. He had motored through California and the southwest, on to Chicago. He declared that the most wonderful engineering feat he had ever; seen was on Mount Lowe, Cali fornia. I just told him to wait until I could motor with him and his family up the Columbia Highway. After he had seen Multnomah Falls he came to me with his hat in hand and said. 'Mrs. Kerr, my hat is off to you ana Oregon. I have never seen anything that equals this. Mrs. Kerr, after a seven years' ab sence, has been here this week visiting friends and attending to matters of business. Mrs. Kerr declares that her love for Hood River Deonle. whom she terms the cream of the earth, is still warm. Mccarty sees many St SOLDIERS in east "New York has certainly changed since 1 was there last spring," de clares M. E. McCarty, buyer for the Paris Fair just back last week from his annual fall trip to the metropolis, "One sees soldiers on every street All talk is war talk. I never dreamed that America would be assembling such an army. "Business conditions, however, all over the east, are in tine shape. Al though prices are soaring there seems no let up, especially in Mew York city. The restaurants are all crowded. It seems as though the most popular cafes are those that demand the high est prices for service." Just Little Stories Most of us remember the days of our primer drill, when day after day we chanted, "Ann can spin flax and The cat can run. Leonard, the younger sonfof Geo. I. Slocom, a little Brownie-like boy, has just started to school. Last week his uncle Fred, Dr, J. F. Watt, asked him how he was do me at school. Oh, complained Leon ard, "we are still studying about that same old cat. Mrs. Shepard Grows Record Sunflower Jack the Giant Killer had nothing on Mrs. E. H. Shepard. Mrs. Shepard's beans have not attained any prodigious sizes, but from her garden last week she harvested a sunflower stalk that measured 15 feet two inches in height. The big stalk trought to the city and exhibited, was about all a man could carry. 1'laeed on the main business street beside an office building, the huge flower on a level with the window sills of the second floor, the big sunflower attracted the interest of all shoppers, Will Be Repaid For Their Work Women everywhere suffer from kid' ney trouble backache, rheumatic pains swollen and tender muscles, stiff joints, and it is to help those who suffer as she did that Mrs. C. J. Ellis, 505 8th Ave., Sioux Falls, S. D., writes: "I feel Bure if any one bothered as 1 was will give Foley Kidney Pills a fair trial they will be repaid for their work, it seems foolish to neglect an ailment when there is such a remedy to be had." 1 tiey cor rect bladder disturbances, too. Sold everywhere. -&-t T-b.o G-lsicier Office Bob Stone Resigns After many years of service in log ging camps of the Hood River valley, Robert Stone, who . for the past two years has been woods boss of the Ore' eon Lumber Co., directing their work on the headwaters of the West Fork of Hood river, has resigned. Mr. Stone is succeeded by John Sutherland, an-j experienced logging man. Mr. Stone, the dean of local logging camp workers, has left for Portland for a vacation. Mai. Button Promoted In a message to his mother, Mrs, F. H. Button, received Saturday morn' ing, Malcolm Button, member of the 25th Aero Squadron, stationed at Camp Kelly, San Antonio, Tex., announces that he has just been promoted to the rank of sergeant. Young Button en listed in the aero service last spring while in California. The young flier, who has a brother, Allyn Button, in the service as a mem ber of -Twelfth Company, Coast Artil lery, is a graduate or the Hood River High School. HAVE YOU A BAD BACK If You Have, the Statement of This Hood River Resident Will Interest You Does your back ache, night and day; Hinder work; destroy your rest? Does it stab you through and through When you stoop or lift or bend? Then your kidneys may be weak. Often backache is the clue. Just to give you further proof, The kidney action mav be wrong. If attention is not paid More distress will soon appear. Headaches, dizzy spells and nerves, Uric acid and its ills .Make the burden worse and worse. Liniments and plasters can't Reach the inward cause at all ; Help the kidneys use the pills Hood River folks have tried and proved. What they say you can believe. Read this' Hood River woman's account. See her, ask her, if you doubt. Mrs. F. B. Snyder, 1223 Durham St., says: "I suffered a great deal from kid ney and bladder'trouble. For about a year I was hardly able to do my work as the trouble took the life right out of me. My back ached over my kidneys all the time and my kidneys acted irregularly. Doan's Kidney Pills soon relieved the awful pains in my back and my kidneys acted more regularly. Four boxes of Doan's cured me and since then I have been free from kidney trouble." Mrs. Snyder is only one of many Hood River people who have gratefully en dorsed Doan's Kidney Pills. If your back aches if yonr kidneys bother you, don't simply ask for a kidney remedy ask distinctly for DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS, the same that cured Mrs. Sny der the remedy backed by home testi mony. 50 cents at all stores. Foater Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, S. Y. "When yonr back is lame remember the name." OREGON WOMEN MUST BE FIRST TOO "Oregon women, just as her men, must be first," declares Mrs. Chas. II. Castner, chairman of the Woman's Committee of the Oregon Division of the National Council of Defense. "Oregon has made a name for herself among her sister states for her re sponse to the call for volunteers. She has been first in Red Cross work and in subscribing for Liberty Bonds. Everything is now fully prepared for the registration of our women for the service of their country on Saturday, September 15, and from the interest taken throughout the state, I can say with a heart full of pride, that I truly believe Oregon women are going to stand first throughout the nation. We simply must do it, we cannot let our men get ahead of us." Mrs. Castner says that all of the more important cities of the state, with two exceptions, have responded to her request for preparations for Woman's Registation day, and nearly all of the smaller communities have rallied with a patriotic spirit. Per manent organizations have been per fee ted and machinery for the registra tion is in readiness. Letters of instructions to chairmen of district defense council organiza tions of women have been sent out by Mrs. Castner as follows: "It ia suggested that you at once appoint a sufficient number of compe tent women who will act as volunteer registrars. Hold a mass meeting and urge every woman to come out and learn the object and necessity of this movement Ask your ministers to make mention of the meeting from their pulpits and tell of the great need of the women in placing them selves on record in case of a necessary call from their government. "Upon registration day either use your regular polling places, where women may come to register, or divide your city into districts and make a house to bouse canvass a few days previous and have your cards distrib uted, to be returned to polling places on the day designated. "After your registration is complete, keep cards in tabulated form, to be sent later to state chairman. Your county librarian can be of valuable service to you in filing your cards. "This registration is entirely volun tary and no woman should sign up for work that she is not willing to per form. The call comes from the Woman's Committee of the National Council of Defense, and is official. A proclamation by the Governor of our state has been issued at our request, and we count upon you and the loyal women of your city to do everything in your power to carry out the full in structions and make this, our work for our government, a success. "The Hoover Food Cards have been turned over to President Kerr, of the Oregon Agricultural College. May I ask that your committee give all dob si sble assistance in this work, should he call upon you. Mrs. Castner says that so far as she knows only three other governors have issued proclamations on Woman's Reg- isunuun uay. Mrs. Castner left Monday for Rose burg, where she has held Defense Council meetings. She will then come to the Williamette valley and visit Al bany, Eugene and Salem,. addressing meetings oi women at each place, Tomorrow Mrs. Castner will be in Portland to attend a meeting of the Executive committee pof the Defense Council. "At that time," she says, "we will perfect plans for further work, following the registration on September 15. On next Monday afternoon Mrs Castner will deliver an address to the women of Portland on Defense Council work. On that day she will also attend a meeting of the Oregon Vocational Board called by J. A. Churchill, state superintendent of education, who has just returned from Washington, D. C, Mrs. Castner urges the members of the Girls Honor Guard of Oregon to take steps to answer the call ot Ure gon women on registration day. Es pecial provisions have been made to enroll girls over 16 years of age. and the Defense Council woman believes that the work will anneal to the Honor uuara. Government Wants Stenographers The U. S. Civil Service Commission announces that an examination for Stenographer and Typewriter for men ana women, and for typewriter only. for men and women, will be held in 45 different cities in the Northwest on September 15. 1917. the usual entrance salaries are from $900 to $1200 per annum. All qualified stenographers and typewriters are urged to apply for and take the coming examination, as a sufficient number of stenographers and typewriters have not been reached to meet the needs of the Government service. For application and full information apply to Herbert F. Ward, District Secretary, 303 Postoffice Building, Se attie. wshington. Lncian Carson Is Flier Lucian. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Carson, expects soon to see active ser vice in France as an air scout of the American armv. Young Carson, who enlisted early last spring in the avia tion corps, had won a marked recogni tion here for his ability as an electri- tian. He first trained at Camp Kelly, San Antonio. Tex., later beine trans ferred to an aviation camp near Day ton, Ohio. He is now leamine the art of piloting a plane through the skies. Mr. and Mrs. Carsorchave another son. ." K. Carson, Jr. who is quartermaster sergeant of 12th Co., now stationed at fort Canby. Wash. The latter son re cently graduated from the Unversity of Oregon law school. c 0 DC DOC DC DC 0 v 0 Tan and Sunburn Must Go 1 The easiest, quickest, surest way to bleach your skin and get rid of the Tan caused by your Summer's Outing, is to get a bottle of K-C. LEMON WITCH HAZEL CREAM It will banish Tan and roughness, leaving your skin white and beautiful. . It positively contains nothing injurious; is cool ing, healing, daintily scented, and quick drying delightful to use. We guarantee it to give satisfaction. A. S. KEIR, Reliable Druggist. Agent for the famous "New Edison Phonograph" DC DOC DC DC MISS BECIIEN HERE TO MEET WOMEN Miss Martha Bechen, newly appoint ed county agent for Hood River, Wasco and Sherman counties, made her initial appearance among Hood River women when she arrived here last Thursday night from The Dalles and addressed the members of the Parent-Teacher, Association. Miss Bechen visited the Odell Parent-Teacher Association Mon day night. Miss Bechen, who will make her headquarters at the Dalles, declares that she expects to organize permanent clubs for the solution of home econom ic problems during the great war in each of the three counties. "I am ready," she says, "to receive inquiries from the women of the three counties, either by letter or telephone, at any time." Miss Bechen's office will be with the Wasco county agent in the courthouse of that county. Red Gross Gift Brings Thanks The action of the Red Cross Chap ter, the executive committee ot which last week, immediately on receipt of an appeal for funds, wired to the Port land Chapter the sum of $500 for the University of Oregon base hospital unit, has elicited from Robert H. Strong, chairman of the executive committee of the Portland Chapter, a letter of thanks. The local Chapter was one of the first Red Cross organiz ations of the state to respond. Your gift of $500." writes Mr. Strong to C. N. Raviin, "was a gener ous one." Experience The Best Teacher It is generally admitted that expe rience is the best teacher, but ebould we not make use of the experience of others as well as our own? The experience of thousand persons is more to be de pended upon than thatofone individual. Many thousands of persons have used Chamberlain's Ctogh Remedy for coughs and colds with the best result. " 1 1 . . I . 1 . M wuicn mows u to pe a morougmy relia ble preparation for those diseases. Try it. It is prompt and effectual and pleas ant to take. 1 Roerlein Bros. Plan Resort Hans and Paul Hoerlein, ' whose ranch place is located on a bench of the Hood river gorge in the Oak Grove district, will enter the summer resort business next year. The young men, both of whom are college graduates, are making ready for the construction of a two story structure for the con venience of guests. The new building will be 45 feet long by 37 in width. The lower floor will be given over en tirely to a living room, while the up per story will be divided into sleeping apartments. Each bedroom will have a sleeping porch attached. The porch will also be so arranged that it can be closed during the day, making it possi ble to heat the porch during daytime. Provision will also be made for a tent colony. Both young men were formerly stu dents at the University of Iowa. Hans Hoerlein has been attending Reed Col lege, and his brother took special work at the Oregon Agricultural College. Fire Fighters Get Lost According to Warren Cooper, who superintended the crews ot men en gaged in righting the fires m the na tional forests of the Upper Valley, it has taken the time of one man to look up the fighters getting lost in the un marked, dense woods. "It is remarkable," says Mr.Cooper, "how easily men not acquainted with the woods can become lost. One of the worst cases we had. was that of Louis Loftd, a young Hood River boy, for whom we searched for seven hours. The boy was following the fire line, when he left the trail to get a snowball in a bank a few feet distant. Return ing he missed hs bearing and was com pletely lost when we found him." Fashion Stables Beginning on Friday afternoon, April 20, the Fashion Stables will resume the Automobile Stage Service between Hood River and Parkdale. Car leaves Hood River daily at 4:30 a. m. Leaves Parkdale daily, except Sunday, at 7:30 a. m. Leaves Parkdale every Saturday at 6:30 p. m. Fare Hood River to Parkdale, one way, 90c; round trip, $1.50. Odell-Hood River, 40c each way. Uhe Fashion vStables Telephone 1201 -Hood River, Ore. Do Your Part in the production of a maximum food crop for Hood River Valley. But drt nn realize that von cannot do the maximum amount of work with tools that are in need of rejair? It us put your implement in first-class shape, in order that your part in the army of the furrows will be marked by ftlicienc-. Don't use dull discs when we can sharpen them well, quickly, at a moderate cost. Remember, too, that your horse cau do his best only when he is well ehod. At our horseshoeing department we satisfy the owner and make the horee glad. W. G. SNOW Phone 2611. Fourth Street, Hood River Parkdale Man Named C. C. Green, of Parkdale, has just been notified of his appointment as as sistant land classifier with the United States Geological Survey. His work will be with the classification of lands suitable for range homesteads as pro vided in the 640-acre homestead law passed by congress last December. Mr. Green is a graduate in animal husbandry at Oregon Agricultural Col lege. Professor Potter savs that the demand for animal husbandrymen was never better and that he could place in good positions twice as many iron as he has available. M-CM 1 11 1 1 1 I III 1 1 1 11 1 l.i.i..i.i-.M-M-a-a"I-M"M"I"l'W-'l'-I"l1-'l-l"l"I- BLUE RIBBON BrXKERY 1116 12 th St. Heights : Phone 2373 I Everything Good That's Baked WHOLESALE AND RETAIL "The House of the Home Made Bread" '? H"I-H--H"H"H- 4-l-H"l"l--H"l"l"l-I"l"I"H-1 M- Upper Valley Board Named; The county court last week appoint ed the following members of the Up per Valley library board.:- Rev. W. H. Boddy, Mrs. Elizabeth: Gregory and Frank Keating. The Ureer Vallev li- brary has recently completed a fine home, and through purchases and by contributions have assembled one of the best rural libraries in the Northwest. Olinger Truant Officer E. S. Olinger dean of Orecon con- stables, having served in that official capacity here for more than 80 years, was appointed Hood River county tru ant officer last week by the school boundary board. The appointment also carries with it the duties of probation officer. Great Faith In Chamberlain's Colic 'and Diarrhoea Remedy "Chamberlains' Colin Remedy was used by my father about a year 'ago when he bad diarrhoea. It relieved him immediately and by taking three doses be was absolutely cured. He has great faith in this remedy," writes Mrs. W. II. Williams, Stanley, N. Y. .maurs Pure ' UNSWEETENED EVAPORATED Goat Milk The Incomparable Baby Feed The Perfect Food for Invalid l warma an I m mi natraa with tvtai maala. PaaUiialyaolTaaltoflaM a laaaauw awlai AT LKAtMNa onuaeMTa fttaraall.aa.Tiaa WIDEMANNpGCIATMTLK CO. rajMoan ""aatuVi irrn,M Oregon Lumber Co. Dee, Oregon ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, SHINGLES SLAB WOOD, ETC. CAN FURNISH CEDAR SHIP LAP, ANY QUANTITY Both Phones Estimates Furnished Anderson Undertaking Co. C. C. ANDERSON, Sole Proprietor Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director 312 CASCADE AVE, . PHONE 1394 Rubber Stamps AT THE GLACIER OFFICE Stamp foj r Apple Boxes will soon be n ;eded. Order now 0 0 o