HOOD RIVER GLACIER. THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1913 i tic Have You Bought These Lately? HOT WATER BOTTLES A new seamless one. We guaranteefor two years. FOUNTAINSYRINGES A guaranteed article ABSORBENT COTTON The Red Cross Brand. Bath Sponges, Castile Soap. K. C.Lemon Witch Hazel Cream, The greatCream for chaffed'or rough hands. TOOTH BRUSH That hold3 its bristles. Good Toilet or Bath Soaps. Hair Brushes and Combs. K. C. LINIMENT For sprains, burns or rhumatics. K. C. Belladona and Capsicum Plaster For lame backs, cold on chest or strains. WE AIM TO PLEASE REIR . CASS WE GIVE S. & H. GREEN TRADING STAMPS 3 O C THE FIRST NATIONAL MM 3 ON SAVINGS 11 (lACajUNTjJj cm m MOOD RIVER. OREGON OUR DISCOUNT DEPARTMENT UNDER U.S. I GOVtSNMC,; SUPEBVlSIOHl includes a committee of our Directors who meet frequently with the Bank's Officers, and pass on the merits of loans offered. This plan thwarts the dangerous practice of allowing all responsibility to be assumed by a President or Cashier. New loans, of course, are sometimes held up for further investigation, but in mat ters of established credit we give you prompt service. It is the policy of the First National to care for many interests while capitalizing none. CAPITAL&5URPLUS $132.000 GENERAL MERCHANDISE Fancy and Staple Groceries, Hard ware, Farm Implements, Harness, Paints and Oils, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, and Powder and Caps We have just opened a real estate office in connection with our mercantile business and will deal exclusively in Upper Valley lands. If you have property that you want to sell, give us a trial. "W- Kodenliicer Successor to INGRAM MERCANTILE CO. ML Hood, Oregon Stanley-Smith Lumber Co. Wholesale and Retail LUMBER Lath, Shingles, Ete Lumber Delivered to Any Part of the Valley MEAT goes a long way from the stockyard to the butcher's block. Its the quality that tells in the end. Meat may be fresh and yet not be first quality. FRESHNESS AND QUALITY is the standard we set for our customers. We buy the best, and sell at prices within the reach of all. HOOD RIVER MARKET Notice of Special Bond Election East Fork Irrigation District Notice is Hkrf.by Given: That sitial elec tion will be held in Kant Fork Irrigation litricl on Tuesday, the Sth day of May, A. D. 1H18, at which election there will tie submitted to the iitial itied electors of said District the question w hether or not the bonds of said District to the amount of One Hundred Seventy-live Thousand tJ17!i.ljm) Dollars, fchall he authorized for the purpose ol pur chasing the irruutton system of bast Fork lrriRat inK Company in ritjod Kiver County, Oregon, com plete as constructed or planned, including- canals, ditches, flumes, pipe-lines, headgater, laterals, g-uatre boxes, land, rights-of-way, water nidus, and rights in and to water or the use thereof, all privileges, franchises and easements connected therewith, together with all other property, real, personal or mixed, or of whatsoever kind or nature connected with suid irrigation system or owned by said Company and used in and about the operation of the same, and for the purpose of making neces sary improvements, additions and extensions to said system, and otherwise carrying out the pro" visions of (he laws of the Slato of Oregon relating to Irrigation Districts: maps, estimates nnd other data relating to said system, and the Report of the State Kngweur, are on tile at the ortice of the Board of Directors of said District in the City of Hood Kiver, Oregon, and also at the orlice of the State Kngineer at Salem, Oregon, and are open to public inspection by the people of said District, Notice is Further Given: That by order of the Hoard of Directors of said District, said Dis trict is and has been divided into five election pre cincts for the holding of such election, as follows: Election Precinct No. 1 shall be the same s Division No. 1, to-wit: All that part of said Dis trict lying south uf the township line between Township 1, North, and Township 2, North: Flection Precinct No. 2 shall be the same as Division No. 2, to-wit; All that part of said Dis trict included in Sections 30 and 31, Township 2, North. Range 11, E. W. M., and Sections 25, 2li, 35 and M, Township 2, North, Itange 10, E. W. M. Election Precinct No. 3 shall be the same as Division No. 3, to-wit: All that part of said Dis trict included in Sect ions lf, lli, 20, 21, 22, 27, 2. 2i. 30. S3 and 34. Township 2. North. Itange 10. E.VV. M Election Precinct No. 4 shall lie the same as Division No. 4, to-wit: All that part of said Dis trict included in Sections 23. 24. s of 13, and S1 i of 14, Township 2, North, Range 10, E. W. M , and Section 19. and S'j of IS, Township 2, North, Range 11, E. W. M. Election Precinct No. 5 shall be the same as Division No. 5. to wit: All that part of said Dis trict lying north of an east and west line (extended to intersect the boundaries of said District) run ning through the centero of Sections 13 and 14, Township 2, North, Range 10. E. W. M. In said Election Precinct No. 1, the election shall be held at Warden's Mill: In said Election Precinct No. 2. the election shall be held at Union Apple House at Odell: Jn suid Election Precinct No. 3, the election shall be held at Connaway Mercantile Co. Warehouse. In said Election Precinct No. 4, the election shall be held at Fike'a Apple House: In said Election Precinct No. 5, the election shall be held at Mason's Apple House. At such election the ballots shall contain the words: "Bonds Yes" or "Bonds No," or other words equivalent thereto. At such election the polls shall be open from 8 o'clock, A. M., until 5 o'clock. P. M., of said 27th day of May. A. D. 1913. By order of the Board of Directors of East Fork Irrigation District. Dated May 1st, A. D. 1913. GEORGE R. WILBUR, ml-22 Secretary. Notice ot Hearing og Final Account In the County Court of the State of Oregon lor Hood Kiver County. In the Matter of the Kstnte of Oeorglana Smith, also sometimes known as Georgia Binllb and Georgia A. Smith, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned mi Admlnhdrutor of the Estate ol Georgians Smith, deceased, did on the 7th day of May, 1913, duly tile his Final Account as such Ad ministrator with the Clerk; of the County Court of Hood Kiver County, Oregon, and that on the 7th day of Mty, 191 1, the Judge ol said Court duly made and tiled an Order tilling a day for the hearing of objections to such Final Account, slid (he settlement thereof, and fix ing the lillh (lay of June, 1913, at HI o'clock A. M., at the County Courthouse In the Cllyof tiooa niver, ttooa Kiver county, Oregon, aa Ihe time and place of such hearing. Now, therefore, all persona Interested In said estate are hereby notified to appear at aald time an I place and show cause, if any they have, why said Final Account should not be allowed, and In all things approved and con. firmed and said Administrator discharged and said estate be declared settled and closed The d ii y of the first publication of tills notice will be May loth, 1913. Dated May loili, 1913. KZRA L. SMITH. As Administrator of the Estate of Ueorglana biuilh, Deceased. L. A. 4 A. P. REED, Attorneys Hood Kiver, Oregon. ml6)12 Notice of Sheriffs Sale In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Hood Kiver County, Security Having and Trust Company, a corporation, Plaintiff, Vi. William Henderson Totwy, Charlotte ; Ayrea loney, his wire, Allrcd T. Allen i and A. B. Shelley, Defendants. By virtue of an execution, judgment order, I decree and order ol sale Issued out of the ! aoove entitled Court In the above entitled cause, to me dlrecte I and dated the Hill day of may. isu, upon a judgment rendered and en- terea In said Court on the 7lh day of Anrll. 1913, in favor of Security Havings and Trust C mpany, a corporation, plaintiff, and against William Henderson Totiey- and Charlotte Ay res Totiey, his wile, defendanta, for the sum of K m) 00, with Interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum from the da) of recemlier, 1911, and the further sum of IsiflOO, nllorney's lees and cost and disbursements, taxed and allowed at f , and the cosisnl aud npon this writ, commanding me to make sale of the following described real property, to-v.it: The East half (E'4) of the Northwest quarter (NW'i) of Section Thirty (301, Tow nship one (I) South of Range Ten (10) East of the Wil lamette Meridian, containing eighty (nO) acres, more or less. Now, therefore, by virtue ol said execution, Judgment order, decree aud Oidernfsaie and In compliince with the commands of said writ, 1 will on the 13th day ol June, 1",3. at 10 o'clock a. m., at the front door of the Couuty Courthouse In Hood River, H. od River Coun ty, Otegon, sell at public auction (subject to redemption) to the highest bidder for cash In hand, all the right, title and Interest which the within named defendants (or either of mem) uau on me zna oay of February, 1910, the date of the execution of the note and mortgage described in the complaint In said suit, or since that date had In and totfiealsive described property or any part thereof to sat isfy said execution, Judgment order and de cree, interest, costs and accrnlng costs THoS. F. Johnson. Sheriff of Hood River County, Oregon. lraiea inis loin nay oi aiav, 1913. Date of first publication May 15.1913. Date of last publication June 12, 1913. FEDERATED CHURCH SUBMITS ARTICLES For the guidance of iny r.ew comers to Hood River who may be interected in the Baptist denomination, and for the correction of tonm errors which have been expressed corcernir the status of the local Baptist church, the lmmanuel church board asks the priv ilege of again presenting their articles of federation. These articles will indi cate to any iniertmeu i''iy me laci that the Baptist cburcn sun exists, and in such form of organic union with Christians of other names as should permit the interest and cooperation of t hnsa who irs rnnrerned in the 1 rni? ress of the Kingdom of God. 1 Ley will alo imlimta to anv nerson Hvii a in the vi cinity of the Ileights church and feel ing; inclined to worst" p mere, me ground of fellowship which is made possible for members of evangelical churches, the basis being that of euual recognition for all. roi some years the Heights church, in its peculiar lo cation, baa been a congregation of peo ple made up of many aintrtni names, and in the constitution herein set forth it has established what, it is hoped, may become a satisfactory basts ot re ligious cooperation and prove, at least. one step on the road towards those ad justments in over churched commun ities for which the uirmuan world is longing. Articles of Federation To consist of the members of the First Baptist church of Hood Kiver, Oregon, and such members of other evangelical bodies as now are associ ated members and any omers who are in sympathy with the purpose and the spirit of the federation. The entire federation shall be known as by the name lmmanuel Church Fed erated. The title to the property shall remain as at present in the hands uf the First Baptist church and its trus tees. The maintenance of the proper ty, including interest, necessary re pairs and improvements, shall be borne by the lmmanuel Church Federated. Anv additional stipulations with any further explanation of the above shall be on the basis oi tne mosier articles of federation. Its purpose ahall be the teaching uf the Gospel and plan of ethics as taught by Jesus Christ, the public worship of God, the expression of Christian spirit in the spead of the Uospel among all peoples, and the encouragement of such social matters as may tend to the upbuilding of the home community. In the teaching, disputed points shall be left to the individual conscience and the individual responsibility before God, only advising that each one be true to himself. The membership shall consist of such an are now erolled as Baptists or asso ciate members, without change of the designation, and of such others as may be members of anv evangelical church, who may be enrolled according to their denomination, and their letter being kept in custody for future need, and of those who from time to time shall cume into possession of religious experience through conversion. In the admission of converts permission shall be given to enroll under which ever name the indidvidual may desire, care having been taken to allow for the intelligent satisfaction of the conscience. The ad mission of members into the churches composing the federation shall be by an action of the church and by such methods as these churches use in re ceiving members. In the case of the ordinance of baptism, juUlon ahall be made for its administration accord ing to the desire of the candidate and by such person as shall be in full sym pathy with the act. Letters of dismissal shall lusr Ibe name of the federation and shall 1. com mend the individual to the deiiiunii.a tion desired. Any having joined the federation'sliall be dismissed as for the federation. The minister shall be a regularl or dained clergyman, recognized in the circles of an evangelical church having general recognition in this state; suid minister shall be expected to continue his association with his own body, but in his ministrations to this federation shall recognize and live up to the basis on which it is established. He shall be the choice of a two-thirds vote of a quorum at a specially called meeting of the church. The building of the First Baptist church shall be turned over to the use of the lmmanuel Church Federated and shall be kept in repair by this organiz ation during the continuance of the federation. The oflicers of this federation shall be the pastor, ex-oltlcio, a clerk and a treasurer, and three deacons, which, with the other members to be chosen by a majority of the congregation, shall constitute an executive commit tee and shall represent as nearly as possible the personnel of the federa tion. The general expenses, care of build ing, and running expenses of service shall be borne by the federation as such and without any reference to any past ratio. Four regular offerings for benevo lence shall be taken each year, the same to be arranged fur and disboursed by a Missionary Committee, said com mittee to te apppointcd at each annual meeting. If for any purpose either or any de nomination forming a part of this fed eration desires a meeting for its own particular purpose, such meeting may be held provided it does not interfere with the regulai services of the federa tion. This federation shail be in effect for at least two years. Thereafter any church may withdraw by giving three months' notice of such intention. This constitution msy be changed or amended by a two-thirds vote of a spe cial meeting called for that purpose. Except that no change shall be ap proved which may affect the local church in its title to the property or its rights as to reception of members, or of any church which at any time may form a constituent element in this federation. A man livinu at Auburn, New York, had a severe attack ( kidney and blad der trouble. Hcing a working man, not wanting to lose time, he cured liinielf completely by using- Kolev Kidney Tills. A year later be says: "It is a pleasure to report that the cure wis permanent." His name ii J. A. Farmer. Chan. N. Clarke. EDITORIAL PRAISES LOCAL WOMEN (From the Oregonian) The women of Hood kiver have proved that a stingy group of taxpay ers cannot feel certain of keeping back improvements. A proposed bond issue to erect a Carnegie library was voted down at a rectnt election city, but the Woman's club took the matter up and. wunout serious dilliculty, raised the sum required by subscription. Some of the gifts were commentlably liberal. 11 is mentioned, for example, that K. L. Smith's four daughters with some half a dozen others contributed $00. j lhtre is nothing in the way of civic improvement which an energetic and determined woman's club cannot ac- j complish if it takes hold in the right way. lhig lesson has been learned in many cities, both large and small, and others are rapidly learning it. Success in practical affairs has given the clubs an appetite to do more ot the same kind of work, and we may expect to see them becoming more powerful every day as factors in municipal gov ernment, the establishment of park and playground systems, and so on. the old notion that a woman s club was an organization to study art out of cyclopedia and listen to essays on trashy novels has about vanished. The modern woman's club is an ex tremely practical and keenly active body. It is interested in art and liter ature, but in a thousand other subjects also. It is particualrlv interested in politics of the up to date variety. The women probably care as little as they ever did for that kind of politics which is concerned merely with putting one set of rascals out ot cilice and another set in, but this is not the only kind. There is another which seeks to apply the principles of justice and common sense to the government of our cities, even to the government of the country. Women are emphatically creatures of common sense. In reality they are far less sentimental than men in relation to public business and are less liable to adhere to a political party on purely emotional grounds. At least such is the lesson we learn from their com paratively brief career with the suf frage. The increasing inclination of the women's clubs to ento into politics means an influx of common sense where it is sadly needed. MOUNT HOOD CO. COMPLETES TRESTLE The Mount Hood Railroad Co. is just completing a trestle, six hundred feet in length, on the extension of the line southwest of I'arkdale toward the Lost I.,ake country, where large tracts of timber are owned by the Oregon Lumber Co, The trestle, which crosses a canyon 32 feet deep, will form a link of the four mile extension that will be finished this summer. A Portland firm of contractors is busy grading two miles of load bed further in the forest. Post OUicc Examination The United States Civil Service Commission announces that a male clerk-carrier examination will be held at Hood River, Oregon, on June 14, 1913, to till two vacancies in the Hood River post office. Age limits are from 18 to 45 years. The post office department has ad vised that after June 30, 1913, the en ttanca aalary In the post ottica service in the first and second class offices will be JSOO per annum, and that employes in t' e $t)00 grade will be advanced to the JMM grade, July 1, 1913. Applicants should apply at once to the local secretary, board of civil ser vice examiners at Hood River post office, or the Secretary, Eleventh Civil Service District, Seattle, Wash., for application blank and full information. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Oldest, Safest, Strongest, Best Standard family medicine. No alcohol. Sold for 60 years. K Your Doctor. tSJT& Brooke Buys Tucker Place Alexander B. Brooke, of Cherryville, Ore., lias bought the 10 acre orchard tract of Chas. Tucker in Willow Flat. Mr. Brooke already owned a 17 acre 'tract in the Summit district. The ' latter place is partly improved. He now has lb acres in orcnard. Best Medicine for Colds When a druggist recommends a rem edy lor colds, throat and lung troubles, yon can (eel sure that liu knows what be is talking about. C. Lower, linguist, ol Marion, Ohio, writes of Ir. King's New Dincovery: "I know Dr. King's New Discovery is the beat throat and lung medicine I sell. H cured mv wife of a severe bronchial cold after all other rem edies failed." It w ill lo the emno for you if vou are suffering w ith a cold or any bronchial, throat or lung cough. Keep a bottle on hand all the time for anyone m the f u tn il y to use. It is a home doctor. Price We and fl.OO. Guaranteed by Chas. N. Clurku. Manufacturing Notes The Friday Manufacturing Co. is now busy turning out 1200 electric stoves, three hundred of the little cookers have already been completed. Ihe entire work is done in the local factory, where a huge stamping ma chine cuts the metal work of the stoves, which are later nickel plated. The Colhy Manufacturing Co. is now working night and day turning out the Sanitary e;g beaters, which sell very rapidly. The company has oversold its present capacity to the extent of 800 beaters. Wonderful Skin Naive Pucklen's Arnica Halve is known everywhere as the beHt remedy made for all diseases of the skin, aud also for burns, bruises and boils. Reduces in flammation and is soothing and healing. J. T. Sossaman, publisher of News, of Cornelius, N. (J., writes that one box helped bis serious skin ailment after other remedies fuiled. Only Z"c. Rec ommended by Chas. N. Clarke. Carnival Booklet is Out "A Carnival Booklet" has been is sued by the O.-W. R. & N. Co. The folder booklet, which is handsomely illustrated, tells the prospective trav eler of the four festivals that will be held In the northwest this year: The Portland Rose Festival, the Tacoma Montamara Festo, the Pow Wow in Spokane and the Golden Potalch in Se attle. The Rose Festival will be held June 9-14. On the back cover of the booklet is an engraving of a photograph of Mount Adams looking across the Columbia from a point near the Benedict tennis courts. Under the picture appears the following: "Tne Pacific Northwest, the summer playrgound of America." J. M. Howell, a popular druggist of Greensburg. Ky., savs: "We use Chamber-Iain's Cough Remedy in our own household and know it is excellent." For sale by all dealers. Cow and Hog Day Cow and hog day will be celebrated at Stanfield May 24. Under the bus- pices of the Commercial club of that piace an enthusiastic rally will be held ; and dairying and hog raising will be I boosted. Many visitors will attend! from out9ide points. Now is the time to gt rid of your rheumatism. Vou will find Chamber i Iain's Liniment wonderfully effective, j One application will convince vou of its j merits. Try it. For tale by all dealers. WHEN YOU WANT Lawn Mowers Lawn Sprinklers Garden Tools Rubber Hose Poultry Fence Pruning- Shears Or anything in the Hard ware Line, call on Blowers Hardware Co The Firm That "Mahes Good" Phone 1691 Oak and 1st Sts. Wetlinghouie Heating and CooHing Apparatus Electric Irons Frying Pans Disc Stoves Toaster Stoves Always in Stuck at Moderate Prices. Let Us Show You. Bartmess Bldfj BAILEY & COLBY Phone 1524 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS WE MAKE IT! GET IT DONE AT HOME at rin: HOOD - RIVER PLANING MILL MILL WORK FOR YOUR HOUSE SCREENS SCREEN DOORS. TABLES and FURNITURE ANYTHING YOU WANT IN WOODWORK A. W. MONOSMITH Successor to R. B. BRAGG Thone 3454 Factory at Armory Htiilding Cascade Ave. T. J. KINNAIRD Groceries Fresh Vegetables and Fruit in Season Flour and Feed Phone 2121 Hood River, Oregon HOOD RIVER BANKING & TRUST CO. extends a cordial invitation to you, personally, to call and open a checking account. Any amount will open an account in our savings department. We pay 3 per cent interest, compounded semi-annually. We promise the best of service and satisfac tion. HOOD RIVER BANKING AND TRUST CO. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS M. M. Hii-i., PreHident V. V. Rkmimiton, Vico-Pres. U. W. Pratt, Cashier Wileon Fike, W. W. Remington, C. II. Stranaliftn PLANTS FOR SALE Tomatoes Kurliana, New (ilolie, Matchless, Clialk F:arly Jewel. Cabbage- Early Spriiiu, .Savov, W'inninKHta;it, cutphalia. Cauliflower, I-kk Plants, "Winter Quttn" and "Golden Self-Bleaching" Celery. WHOLESALE PRICES OF FLOWERS PeluniaH, .V; lieraiininin, 5c; Ivy tieratiiunip, fie anil ui; Hydrangea, 35c ami up; lleliatrope, 5c and up ; Lnlielias, He and up ; Fannies, 3e and up ; Da;aieH, 5c; Cannas, 10c up; Mohs Ri.es 3c; Carnations, tic; Fuchias, 6o; Rone (ieraniiniH, 5c; Peonies, 5()c up; Clirysautliemumn, 10c up; Salvia, 6c. THE HEIGHTS GREENHOUSE, Ceo. Haslinger, Prop., Phone 3393