Eight UOuu AiVm ttLAOlB THURHDAff APRIL 2 10. GRAPES, from their moit health ful properties, give ROYAL it active and principal ingredient 'Royil SaJcinff Powder It U economy to use Royal Baking Powder. It saves labor, health and money. Where the best food is required no other baking powder or leavening agent can take the place or do the work of Royal Baking Powder. VALLEY CREST Miss Nellie Robert l retunmd from Portland Aluudiiy. Miss Carrie Candoe, who taught the Valley Crest school for the page year, ban oomi letod the term and left for Viento where she is teaohiug a "iim mer snhool. We wish her succtess iu her new work. B. V. ("lay, who travels for Hailin k Oreudroff, of Portland, oame up Saturday to see how things were pro gressing ou his ranch. ,loe (Jroff moved up ou bis plaon la ' week. Mr. TliompHOu, who manages the ranch of Loudon & Powers, has pur chased ten sores ot uuiuiprnved land form Alfred Alien. The oouslderation named was 150 per acre. Mrs. Huckaby name up from Port land last week. Will Moody and Mrs. Oobln, both of whom have homesteads In the up per valley, returned form a trip to II. miiI Klver Saturday. Quits a lot of spraying has been dune in Valley ('rest orobarda dining tbi' past two weeks. Charles W. (limn, of Raymond, III., has arrived at Motuit Hood to spend the summer on Mountain View Hunch wilb hia aunt, Mra. H P. dray. GRAPPER. Mrs. i 'In. I-. Heed spent several days In 'the Dalles visiting with her aiater, Mra. Arenson. W. L. Nichols has purchased an auto and Miss Ha Is treating , her friends to rldei. James IJrcjuhiirt Is visiting his moth er Mrs. W. L. Nichols. lbs ladies' aid will meet with Mra. Carl Jantzeu Thursday afternoon. Kninin Lyons spent last week with In r grundpaiunts in town. We are pleased to note that Mrs. PrBDOll) who sprained In r ankle quite severely, is reoovoring. J, II. Suttliolf of Seattle, who pur ObBSSd the 1. II. Mai tin place north Of ' he Oak drove store, caino over Sunday to look at his property, lie was very union pleased with It and ex pects to make it his homo aometime in the future. 1. 1. la Maun, teacher in the Kaai Barrett school, spent .Sunday with the family ot P. 11. Maitiu. .1. I. Miller, wife and son, Ivan, are , milling a few days at Washougai, Wash. Gran. (Joddard left Saturday for Seattle, Wash., to prepare for the tair. lbs Irleuda of Lester Wiokham are pleased that be is able to be out after a month's illness. J. A. Kpping has purchased the Jobu Kelly place from Cult.ertaou Bros. ODELL. The Christian Lndeavor society of Odell will give a social Wednesday evening, April '2H, at the home of L. D. Boyed. This social will be given in connection with the regular mouth- PINE GROVE II. P. Ijige made a trip tu Portland Sunday. l.'m William Sunday preached to a very large audience Sunday afternoon at tue Pine Glove Grange ball. J W. Mill was at PtOS Grove the lt-t of tie week having some work done on bis place. There is a new haby at C, T. Kolierts' place. Miles Carter made a trip to hia place In tbe upper Mosier vBly Sat urday, returning home Sunday. There will be a play put ou at tbe Piue Grove Grange ball Friday, April 33. entiled, " l'he Deacon," by home talent. This play wii be very good. Come oue and all and enjoy jour selves. Litio Bernice Jackson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jackson, had tbe misfortune of getting tbe end of one of her fingers cut olf. She got it caught in tbe spray pump while ber father was spraying the orchard last v,eek. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Jack Culbertson spent Sunday in Poitlaod. Pred Bell is recovering Irom his at tack of rheumatism. W. 0, Band left Prdiay tor southern Oregon on a timber enuring trip. O. Guatafaon went to Hoaeburg Fri day to look up a laud proposition. H. 11. Wallace, wile aud daughter, spent Suuday with lelatives una friends iu I'm timid. P. K. Urosius left Thursday for Priuovill", where be will put In a moving picture show. Jas. Mcltain has beeu awarded tbe Contract lor the stone work ou a new s hool house at liingeu. At Carmichael's Complete line of BURGER'S WALL PAPER Fine Lot of Spring Samples to select from $200 in Cash Trade gets one of those Beautiful Rugs Call and see them AT CAR MICHAEL'S ON THE HILL of the society, the same tine ly business meeting which will be held at aud place. Itev. J. G. Tate will preach at Odell church Suuday morning eleven o'clock. the at Fine lot of Red Clever Seed and the prlos is right, at Whitehead's. Our Friday Bargain Sale This week we are putting out some exceptional bargains for our FRIDAY SALE We are conducting these sales from week to week in order to induce more people to try our goods. We feel confident if we can once get a customer interested enough to look at our goods and compare our prices we will have no trouble to hold their trade. We ask you to look over the bargains quoted below, and come in and let us show you the goods Ladies' Tun Oxfords, regular price 8, -Friday Sale Price $2.19- Ladies' Patent Colt Oxfords, regular price 3, -Friday Sale Price $2. 19- Men's $8.50 Tun Oxfords -Friday Sale Price $2.98- Ginghams- We know if you see our 9c Dress Ging hams you will buy nil the gingham you can use for this season. Hosiery We have a very complete line of Ladies' uotuery from luc to 75c a pair, tor our Friday Sale we are offering special prices in all grades. In i he cheaper hose we have one number that we boughl for a special valueat 15c. These are made in either ribbed or hemmed top. We wanl yon to try a pair of these hose and compare them with hose yon usually pay 15c or 20c for. Friday Sale Price 11c Per Pair F. H. Morlan Mrs. ('. II. Howell returned to Wasco Thursday, after a visit of two weeks wilh her parents, Mr. aud Mrs. Psngb. Mrs. Waldo Kiuierson was taken to a Portland hospital Thursday, where she is recovering from au operation for appendicitis. Miss Keed, daughter of A. P. Reed, was operated upon tor appendi citis at Portland last week aud is getting along nicely. Frank Jones aud wife went to Tbe Dallas Sunday evening tor medical consultation for Mr. Jouea, who has beeu under tbe weather for a time. Ihey returned Monday afternoon. .1. 8. Van Delleu, of The Dalles, was the guest of L. II. llugglns and fam i ly over Sunday. County Commit sionei Mc Isaacs, of Mouut Hood, made a business trip to The Dalles Monday. Gus Miller, of Van Weart, Ohio who has been lookiug over the valley for a tew weeks, lauded a line 1 pound salmon out ot llood Kiver near the city Sunday. It was 33 inches long. Mrs. W. V. McLaren leturned Fri day from Seattle, accompanied by her graudaughtei, daughter of Dr. Stau tou Allen, win re they have been visit mg Mrs. McLaren's two sods, W. p. and G. 1''. McLaren. Fred Coe has beguu the construc tion of the huge tabernacle ou I'm. Ilth and I'liigene streets, winch will lie used for (he church revival meetings to be held soon. It will have a seating ospaot of about 1 500, The family of Prof, stuiibs. of the Fiankton school, left for ristacada Saturday, where they will remain tor the iammar with Mrs. stuhh's par ents. Mr. Stubbs will remain here until the end of the school term before joining them. W. G. Mmgau, district manager for ICastern Oiegon for the National Life lusurance On., spent Sunday with his family at Oregon City. Mr. Moigan is now located in this territory, sod is making arrangements to move bis family to llood Kiver this summer. O. Gustatsou last week houuht the coiner of May stieet and Twelfth strssts of ('. II. Stranahau, and later sold the property to Messrs White and Ltusinan, employes of the Stan ley-Smith Lumber Co Mr. Uustafson had considerable lumber on the ground preparatoiy to biiililing a new resi dence and he is now looking fei an other building site on tbe hill. Oondootor W ledum is spending a week on bis ranch in the Odell dis trlot, and is setting out seven aud a half acres mere of tr as, He raised several hundred hacks of potatoes on theplsce lat jear between the young trees, nod now is sorting out those wtili h be had iu a pit duriug the win ter and Hilda a ready sale tor them at good prices. w0m To Our Pyrography Customers The first installment of our "Wood to Burn" has arrived. We now have an assortment that will please you and prices that will surprise you. Direct from New York. See our window. Call early and get the advantage of a complete assortment. :: :: :: "9 2 HALL DRUG STORE PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS For Sale at a bargain Twenty acres of best A PPLK anil . . STRAWliKRRY LAND in Willow Flat; 12 acres In youug orchard, rxewiown ami npnz. au tinner -j. ditch, no waste; small bouse, beautiful grove of large oaks makes T hue building sue ; hue view ol val ley and mountains, half mile from T proposed electric line; l miles to depot at Odell. Price $6,000 ; easy terms, long time at low in terest for further particulars write to owner A. Schiller Dee, Oregon. W. W. NASON CONTRACTOR Brick, Cement and Plastering Raecllth Flooring HOOD RIVER, OREGON. W. Ot. ALDRED CONTRACTOR KOK EXCAVATING & GRADING HOOD RIVER, OREGON. C. EVERETT. The Practical Shoemaker, At Kings' Old Stand. Fine Work a Specialty. BARGAINS IN LAND Forty acres at $40 per acre, $200 cash balance $10 per month. Ten acres, three acres just set to trees, all under ditch; $150 per acre, $1100 down, $1.r per month. Twenty-four acres; 130 apples 4 to 6 years old. .'WO two years old, all newly fenced, 2 scies in strawberries, build ings on place, 6 incites of water from spring. Price, $5,000 ; $1000 down and $800 ner milium until paid. 11 acres, 10 in young trees, $2.r0 an acre $r00 cash and $500 a year on balance. J. ADRIAN EPPING PHONE 1492-K. Open River Trans portation Co. Service between Portland, Hood River and The Dalles. Steamer J. N. TEAL. OWNED BY THE PEOPLE Should le supported by the People. We give special attention to fruit shipments. Spacious accommodations lor handling live stock and wagons. We solicit your patronage. H. M. Miller, Agi. Hoed Klver Dority B Smith Mgr. Portia nd m Paints and Finishes for Every Home Use This is the time to freshen up the home by doing the odd jobs of painting you have been planning. For the buggy, the furniture, for the floors and woodwork, for every paint purpose, we have the right Finish. ACME QUALITY PAINTS, ENAMELS, STAINS and VARNISHES are each and every one scientifically prepared for specific uses. Remember if it's a surface to be painted, enameled, stained, varnished or finished in any way, there's an Acme Quality Kind to fit the purpose. We can tell you what to use, how much to use and tne cost, si sm us. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY E. A. FRANZ HOOD RIVER, ORE. V CENTRAL MEAT MARKET Ph. C. YOUNG. Prop. Fresh and Cured Meats Lard, Poultry and Fish HOOD RIVER. ORE. Phone Main 6 Free Delivery We Positively Guarantee To fit you whether you are tall, short, .stout, slender, erect, stooping; whether you have h long neck, short neck, sloping shoulders, or any other peculiarity of form. From $15 to $50 M-H-M-H-H r i I t i t "l 1909 Here's a Good "Buy" 100 FOOT BUSINESS CORNER, one block from the new home of the First National Bank. Only close-in corner left on Oak Street. Now paying ten per cent on sale price. If you want to invest some money for quick action and handsome returns ask ahout this property. FOR SALE EXCLUSIVELY BY Geo. D. Culbertson & Co. ! if You Are Looking For Snaps, Investigate Lots in Blocks 4, 5, 6 and 7 Idlewilde Addi tion to Hood River. Prices, for short time only, $100 to $150 per lot. Easy terms or 5 Per Cent Discount lor Cash. For Full Parti ulars, Address : J. F. BATCH ELDER riuine HM-M 430 State Street, Hood Kiver ' " i . -!-.-. i I, i jiM-M-H 1 1 1 1 1 1 M-H H 1 1 1 I M4444444H444l I GRAY'S TAILOR SHO ' Eliot Block Hood River, Or J n