lute? :1 VOL. XVIII. HOOD RIVER, OREGON, DECEMBER 27, 1906. SOCIETIES. HOOD RIVKR (XJ.MMKRCIALCLl'B Meet every second Monday to each montb at p. no., In Uie club rooms over Jackson's autre. H. K. 1m Vinson, Pres. A. 11. woe, rtecretary. HOOD RlVKil lAJIKiK NO. m. A. r. and A, M. Meels Katurday evening; on or before ewb run moon. A. a. HrxmKaa, w. M. 1. McDonald, Kecrelary. HOOD KIVKRCH AKI'KK NO. 27. R. A. M. Meets first and third Friday nights of each (montb. u. aicihinai.d, a. r. A. D. Mob. Secretary . HOOD RIVER CHAPTER NO. . O. E. 8. Meet second and fourth Tuesday evening of each mouth. Visitors cordially welcomed. HIS. 1. J. MNNAIKD, W. J Mrs. Thekkha cast ek, Hecrsiary. IDI.EW1LDE l.O OK NO. 107, I. O. O. K. Meet in Kr rnal ball, every Thursday night, n. C. UE, N. U, J. K. Rekkk -eretary EDEN ENCAMPMENT. NO. 48. 1. O. O. F. Regnlar meeting second and fourth Mondays of eucu inouin. a. u. cook, kj. r. 11 C. mmith, (Scribe. L . itkX REBKKAH DEGREE IXDUE NO. i, i. O. O. P.-Meets first aud third Friday in each month. Mrs. E. W.Udell, N.O. Slw. Dora Thomson, (Secretary. WAIKXJMA LODUE NO. 30. K. OK l. Meets In K. ot P. ball every 1 uewlay n.ylit tuoh. r. JOHNSON, t . I V.C. Bkock, K .ofR. and 8. HOOD Rl VI i. AMI", No. M. W. A Meeu In K. m hull . i-ry Wednesday night. I.. 8.MAYM, V.U (J. U.DAKIN, Clerk. HOOD RIVER CIRCLE NO. 524, WOM EN Or Woodcraft-Meet at K. of V. bullion the tint and Third Fridays of each montb. Lou M ('Reynolds, U. N, F. W. McRevnolds, Clerk. RIVERSIDE LODOK NO. 8 A. O. U. W. Meeta first and third Haturdays of each mouth. P. H. M.AUU, M. w. E. R. BBADI.KV, Financier Chkmtkk tSHUTK, Recorder. OLETA AHHEMHLY NO. 1(13, UNITED AKT- lt,ans.-Meeut the nrat aim tnira Wednes days, work; second and fourth Wednesdays ArllsaUH' hall. u. w, l hompsok, m. a C. D. Hen rich, Beortlary. COURT HOOD RIVER NO. 42, POREHTKRS of America, Meets second and fourth Mon days in eucu moan in k. oi r nan. Hknkca F. Pouts, C. R. F. C. Brosius, F. C. CAN BY POST, NO. 16, 0. A. R. MEETS AT A. O. U. W. hall, second and lourtb Hatur daya or each nioutn at i o cioca p. m. ah U. A. R. members Invited to meet with ua. 8. A. mkinnkh, commander. Thomas Goss, Adjutant. CANBY W. R. C, No. 16-MEETS SECOND and fourth Haturdaya of each Month In A. O. U. w. hall at 2 . in. Klount, President. Gertrude B. InuLks, Secretary MOUNTAIN HOME CAMP No. 84t, R. N. A. Meets at the K.ol P. Hall on the second and fourth Fridays ot eaeb mouth. Mas. Cakkie Bhosius, 0. MRS. Ella Dakin, Recorder. J. F. WATT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Telephones: Office, 281; residence, 811. 8UKGE0N O. R. & N. Co. H. L. DUMBLE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Successor to Dr. M. P. Shaw. Calla promptly answerBd In town or country, Day or Night. Telephones: Residence, 61 1: Office, 613. Office in the llrosiua Building. E. 0. DUTRO, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence over First National Bank, Hood River, Oregon. Phone Main 871 DR. J. EDGINGTON, Physician and Surgeon Office over the First National bank. Office phone 1433. Res. phone 76XI, M. F. SHAW, M. D. Office in Jackson Block. Office phone, No. 1471. Residence, No. 5H3. DR. M, H. SHARP Dr. Edna B. Sharp ' Osteopathic Physicians Graduates of the American School of Osteotxitliy, Kirksville, Mo. OHice and Residence Huxley Cottage, River street. Phone 25 Hood River. Fa C. BROSIUS, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 'Phone Central, or 121. Office Hours: 10 to 11 A. M.; 2 to 3 and 6 to 7 P. H. H. D. W. PINEO.D.D.S. DENTIST Crown Bridcib Work a Specialty. Office over First National Bank Telephone Main 311 C. H. JENKINS, D.M.D. DENTIST. Telephone?: Office 283; residence 1045 ' Utlice over nutier iskiik, Moon Rivkr, Oits. m7e7welch; LICENSED YEl'ERINAItr SL'RUEON Is prepared to do any work lu the veterin ary fine. He can be found by calling at or pti-nliig to Clarke 9 drug store. A. A. JAYNE LAWYER Abstracts Furnished. Money Loaned. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. E. H. HARTWIG, LAWYER. Will Practice in Ml Court. Oftloe wtrh tjeo. D. t!nlberton A Co. Col lection, Abstract. Settlement o Ftates. HOOD RIVKR. OKK N. SENECA F. FOUTS Attorney at Law Hrosiu Building HOOD RIVER, OREGON. A. J. DERBY Lawyer HOOD RIVER, OREGON. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON ATTORNEY-AT-I-AW, ABSTRACTER, NO TARY PUBLIC and REAL ESTATE AGENT. For 23 yearn resident of Oegon and Wash ington. Hat hart many year experience In Real Estate matters, as abstractor, searcber of titles and agent. Satisfaction guaranteed or no obarge BARGAINS IN Fruit Lands All of these are good buys. Look them over carefully then come and see us. This is a good time to buy. Don't Wait. Act now. No. 255. Six acres, only one half mile from Hood, River, all in clover, 6 in ches of water stock. A very desira ble location for a nice borne near town, and the price is only $3,000 No. 261. Seven and one half acres 2 miles from town on tbe Belmont road, 40 bearing apple trees, 350 apple trees two years old, a quarter of an acre of blackberries, small house and bam, well and spring water. Price $2,700. No. 257. Ten acres, two miles from town on the Mount Hood road. Seven acres cleared but not plowed, all un der the Bone ditch, lays fine for irri gation, the very best of orchard land, north elope. One half mile from Odell station on the Mt. Hood R. R. Co'sline. Price $2,500. No. 254. Fifteen acres 1 miles south of town, eix acres in strawberries 3 years old, 1 acres in strawberries one year old, 5 acies in Spitzenbergs and Newtowns 1 year old, balance in general farming. Eleven inches of wa ter stock. Price $5,000. This isa snap, look it up. No. 245. HO acres uncleared, 40 acres good apple land, balance in timber and good for pasture. Price only $:!,00 .. 228, 20 acres unimproved, 5 miles loin town on East side. All first i t is- apple land. Beautiful site for h mie and right among Borne of the iaiott orchards. Price $2,100 No. 24H. 10 acres 2j miles out, 5 acres in two year old Spitzenbergs and Newtowns with strawberries between trees, 5 acres clover and vegetables, new house and barn, (i inches water stock. Here is a money maker. Price $4,500. No. 178. 12 . cres. 3 miles out on East Side, joins the largest orchard in the valley, 5 in t in trees two years old, good house .in i barn, 5 acre slashed, all first class apple land. This is a snap considering the character of the land, improvements and nearness to lown. Only $4,000 No. 170. 5 acres 2 miles out, ;4 acres strawberries, second year ' plants, 600 Hpitzenberg and Newtown trees one year old, small house and barn, 4 inches water stock. Price $2,500 o. 224. 18 acres 5 miles out, 11 acres in alfalfa, 560 tbrte year old Spitzen berg trees, 400 bearing trees, good varieties, 6 room house, good barn and apple house. Here is a property that will pay for itself in three years. Price $5,2t0 No. 235, Here is a chance to double your money in two years. Don't over look this, 203 acres in upper valley, 12) miles from town, 55 acres in cultiva tion, 5 acres in bearing orchard, 4 acres in strawberries, 40 acres in hay, produced 90 tons this year, 140 acres uncleared land suitable for apples, good Blope and best roil. The timber on uncleared land will pay a good share of clearing costs, etc. 2 larjie springs, plenty of wat?r for irriga tion, 3 large barns, two modern houses, chicken, houses, cold storage house Hnd all improvements found on first cla fariun. Everything in good repair. Will pay better than 15 per cent on investment right from the start Think of it and then read this over again. Price $16,000. Remember you are doing business with a reliable firm when you deal with us. Nothing misrepresented everybody gets a Square Deal. J.H.HEILBRONNER&CO. HOOD RIVES k PORTLAND, OREGON rja.8TADI.KT, K. L.8MITB, K. O. BI.AKCBAR nee. v loe-rrss. nasnier, V. C. Brock, Ami. Cashier. The First National Bank OP HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Capital $50,000 Surplus $12,000. MABLE E. PAULSEN STENOGRAPHER Office: Room 15, Brosiua Building, HOOD RIVER, ORE. P. H. HALL-LEWIS & CO. Civil and Architcccaral Engineers and Surveyors er.llKht and power and railway planU, and furnish, subject to approval, plans, specific. .iu.,. auu ouuuitivB mr an clauses 01 DUliaings Kubllc, private and mercantile. Hpeclal at. mtlon givan to economic and slow-burning construction. Accuracy and economy gusr- DA VID80N BUILDING HOOO RIVER, OREGON. STRANAHAN & SIAVENS, Contractors and Builders HOOD RIVER, OREGON. S. H. COX Contractor and Builder Fun ak Estimatm FvuiMn. FREDFRICK A ARNOLD, CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS estimates furnished ob all kinds of work PhnnAH' Arnold. Main . ruuu' rradartaa. M.I. ass SIMONTON & SONS Architects and Builders. Decorative Painting and Paper Hanging1 Plana furnished. Estimates care fully made. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. E. A. JEROME, ArcKltaot Having had several years' experience in drafting and building.! would respectfully solicit a part tit i lie patronage of the people o( Hood Kiver who anticipate building. Terms reasonable, a id satisfaction guaranteed. Of Joe at residence on Heights. JOE WRIGHT CARPENTER AND BUILDER Phone 709 Estimates furnished on request. An honest job guaranteed. FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION of McMimivillc. Oregon, will insure your proierty at tSO per rent lefs cost than any other ins. ittition. J. K. N ICHOLS, President" Hood River, Oregon GOVERNMENT Timber and Homestead LANDS I have for location some choice apple lands and tlmqer claims; alto relinquishments and land to script. Call on or address, Wm. f. rand, Res. Phone 376, Hood River. Ore. Shepard & Franz HOOO RIVER, OREGON. Are in correspondence with all parts of the United H:ates and are in good posi tion to sell your Farm Property LOCAL AGENTS Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. Orient Fire Insurance Co. JAS. McBAIN, Hood River Marble Works Am prepared to execute all orders for granite and marble work, monuments, tombstones, etc. Also contract for all kinds of stone masonry, con crete, etc. McEWEN & KOSKEY GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Prompt sales and quick returns Wholesale dealers in all kinds of First and Produce. Consignment solicited 129 Front Sttree, Portland, Ore. Eureka Meat Market McGUIRE BROS., Props. Dealers in Fresh and Cured Meats, Lard Poultry, Fruits and Vegetable. triee Delivery. Phone Main 35. ftp It Is jrosr dutr to ntks roersslf u- u sttrsetWs ss possible. If Jon bsts JL wrinkled, unstrhtij complexion, lesra how to soiiulre s perfect skin bj nsrmlvss, fusrsntn-d methods. I will sand jtn a free psmphlet. In s plain BTtlops, flTln sll psrtlrolsrs. If fom writs toosT. Ft ye rears estsbllihrd. Malum; HrDSOK, ton Muriel? bids., JMWsshtattoa St., Pertlsnd, Oregon. Cider, Champagne Cider, Genuine Champagne, Vinegar, Wines from grapes and email frui'a. AUnliol from cereals, vegetable, plants, fiuita and wood and vulualde recipes. Send $1 for book giving practical information bow to make tliem. LEO ZABEL, P. 0. B )X 604, Portland.Or SUMMONS In lh Circuit Court of the HtaWof Oregon, for to county oi w asou. Edns Grace Wnterbcusa, Plaintiff, Y. Fred A. Waterbousa, Defendant, To Fred A. Wnter house, above naned defend' ant: In tbe name of tbe state of Oregon yoa are hereby required U appear and snswerou or Deiore tne am any oi j,uurjr, iw,, me com plaint filed aKKlust you In Uie above eutitled court and cause, and yon are hereby uotltted that If vou fall so to.appear or answer herein. the plalnlitr will apply to the court for the relief prayed lor in tne eompisint. wnicn is, that the marriaare heretofore entered Into be tween the plaintiff and yourself on September Ibtn 1MB, in Multaoman county, state or Ore gon, be forever dissolved and set sslde, and Sir such other relief as to the court way seem just ana equiiaoie. This summons Is served anon yoa bv Dubll cation, or lu Ilea of .publication, by personal service oat ol the state of Oregon, by order ol Uie Honorable w. U uraastssw. judge or the above entitled court, which order Is dated the Stitn day of November, luuts. The date ol the Hrst publication of this sum mons Is the l.ltu day of December. lMM. mSti Frank Bcblegel, Attorney Air I'lalnllfl SUMMONS In the Circuit court of lus Mate of Oregon for tne eonnty oi wasoo - i Walter Pike, PUklntlfr, Julia Pike, pefltndvnt, To Julia Pike, above named defendant. In tbe name of the Hlate of Oregon : You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint niea against you in tne aDove en titled court and eause on or before Msnusrv Hi, IH07, which Is six weeks alter December U, Hum, the date ordered for tbe Hrst publication oi mis notice, ana u yoa mu to so appear and answer, the plaintiff will apply for the rellei prayed for In his eompialnt, to-wlt: for a de cree dissolving thebonds of matrimony now existing; at this time between above nsmed plaintiff and defendant, and for such other and further relief ss to the court seems meet and Just. i ins summons is pnoiisnea oy order of the Hon. w. u nrsasnaw jndge or the above named court, made and entered on the tilli day of December, lub. K. J. Hukowsky, ai.iyn Aiioruey ior nalntltr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United Htates Ind Office, The Dalles, Oregon, twpiemoer ibiu, two. , Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions ol tbe act of Cong reus ol JuneS, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale ol timber lands In the states of California, oie- gon, Nevada and WashingU n Territory," a exteuded to all the public laud states by act of August i, Id!, JOHN M. CULBERTHON of Hood River, county of Wasoo. state of Ore. gon, has this day filed In Una olHce his sworn statement No. xMi, for Uie purchase or the KNWU and Wy,NK4 of section No. 20, lu Township No. 1 north, rauKe No, 11 east, W. M.. and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish bis claim to said land before the Keglster and Receiver at The Dalles. Oregon. on the 16th day of January, 1907. ne names as witnesses: win wavis, j. w. Davis, M. A. Hearch and U. D. CulberUmu. all of Hood Klver. Oregon,'. Any ana an persons maiming adversely the above described lands are requested to tile their claims In this ottlc on or before said 16th day of January, luor. nl J10 MICHAEL TNOLAN, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United States Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, eepteinDer xibi, lyuo. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the set of Congress ol Junes, W78, entitled "An act for the sale ol timber lands In the Htates of California, Ore. gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all publto laud slates by art of Augusts, 18W, FLORENCE ST. BAKER; of Hood River, eonnty of Wsm, stale of Ore gon, has this day tiled lu this office her sworn statement No. !;-JH3, for-the purchase of the HKfNEM, of section No. 21, In township No. 1 north, range No. east, W. M., and will offer proof to show tbst the land sought Is more valuable for Its limber or stone than for ani l. cultural purposes, aud to establish ber clulni to said land before the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on the lttth day of Jan uary, iwi. Hhenames as witnesses: Arthur D Moe, William F. Himd, Lewis K Morse and Seneca F. Fouts, allot Hood Klver, Oregon. Any aud all persons claiming adversely the above-described lauds are requested to file their claims In this oftloe on or before said Will day of January, iwl. ii i-j m MU IIAI-.I. T. NOL.AN, Keglster. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United Stales Land Offle. The Dalles. Oregon. Mny 3)81, 11. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress or Junes, 18T8, entitled "An act lor the sale of timber lands In tbesta'es of California. Ore gon. Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended 'o all the public land states by act of August 4, Wi, CHARLES H. BHOLES, of Portland, county of Multnomsh, slate of Oregon, has this day filed In Ibis office lit sworn statement No. 2941 for the purchase of tue in oection ih, lownsnipz norm, range east, w. M.,ana win oner prooi to snow mut he, laud songht la more valuable for its tim ber or atone than for agricultural purposes. and to establish his claim tosald land before the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Ore gon, on the 18lh day of January, 1U07. ne names as witnesses : r rea r raatscny, or Hood River, Oregon, EmllFrautschy,of Hood River. Oregon. I. L. Tickner. of Portland. Ore gon, and Mary E. Tickner, of Portland, Ore gon. Any ana an persons claiming adversely tbe above described lands are requested to flletbelr claims in this office on or before said 1Mb day of January, lsW. H8-I17 . Res-lster Timber Land Act of June 3, 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States land Office. The Dalles. Ore- fon, Nov. 8, 1000 Notice Is hereby given Hint a compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of JuneS, 1878, entitled "An act lor the sale oi limner lauas in tne states or California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public l-and States by act of August 4, MM the following named persons nave niea vneir sworn state ments In this office tow! I: UEOKUE A. CLOUOH, of Arlington, county of Gilliam, stute or Ore gon, sworn statement No. 3121, tiled August 27, 19(j6, for the purchase of the Yiyt I HE'i HVV'i of section 2i and HE'.HE tlon 20, township 1 south, range 10 east, ' 27, lytjft, ior tne purcnase oi tne wvt , 'Va in sec- W. M OERALDINE B. CLOUOH. or Arlington, county of Ollllam, state of Ore gon, sworn statement No. 8471, filed October lti, WOK, ior tne purcnase oi me ri,"4Nnw, NWi4NE'4 of section 28. and the WWHKU of section 21, township 1, south, range 10 east, Ye M., SHU will oner yinn w mmw lust llie lands sought are more valuable for the tim ber or stoue thereon than ;ior agricultural purposes, and to establish Ibeir claims to said lands before the Keglster and Receiver, at the Land Office In The Dalles, Ore., on Jan. uary 31, 1M07. Thev name the following witnesses: Charles A, Wells. Edmond 0. Milter. James H. Ptielos and Joslah K. Hatson, of Hood Klver, Oregon ; Ueorge a. ciougn, oi Arlington, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely anvot the above-described lands are reauesl- ed to file their claims In this office on or be fore the said 81st day or Jsnnary, I "(77. M1CHAK.L i. NOLAN, n2-94 Register. NOTICE OF BALE. In the County Court of the Ktate of Oregon, for Wasoo County In the matter of the estate of Henry Hteffanson, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersign ed, as administrator of the estate of Henry Hteffansou, deceased, will on the 19lh dsy of January, 1U07, sell the following described real property belonging to said estate, U-wlt: The south V4 of the sonlhwest of the south, west of Section It), in Township 8 north of Range 10 east of the Willamette meridian. In Wasco county, Oregon, at public auction to the highest bidder and best bidder therefor, for cash or part cssb and part credit: said sale will be made on the premises at the hour of II o'clock, a. m., and ssld property will be sold by me as snch administrator pursuant to the order of the Honorable County Court of the State of Oregon, for Wasco County, which order Is dated December, 17th, lfloft. JOHN HAKEL, Administrator of the estate of Henry Htef fanson deceased. Dated December 10, IMS, PROSPEROUS YEAR FOR HOOD RIVER BUT NEXT YEAR WILL BE BETTER Kair Thousand of Dollar Mill He ent Mere and All Ituslnens mil lie Itenelltted. Indications are to tbe effect next ear will lie one of tbe most proiper Us tbst tbe Hood River valley bat ku wo. iuu prorltalile seaso-i wbiob baa just closed for tbe apple grower Ins placed Muds lu bia baud vbat ba e not uuiy onalilod him to meet wate or obligatiuua be may bave contracted but lett a surplus itli wbiob to make furtber improvements. Xbe past year baa seen many vuHiig ea in tbe ownership of nioperty and many new purchase! a at double the prioe4 of tbe year before, lbe gale iu tbe past few days for $12,(XKi of part of a ranob wbicb was recently pur chased for Vlr,UUU shows tbat prinet are still on tbe advance, lbe ranch originally ooouaisted ot 70 acres and 30 acres of it was sold at tbe tlgnre al ready ouoted. the demand for properly is null keen and baa exteuded later luto tbe winter aeaaon this year than at any previous rime. Anything iu tbe waj of cleared or land set to trees oaa be disposed of at almost tbe owner't prion, but lew sales of this ohartiotei are taking plane. Tbe return for the money invested is so great tbHt ranch eis are uot letting go ot something that oau not be leplaoed. the Hood Kiver apple bas taken a Urmer bold thau ever ou tbe foreign market atbis year aud reports froiL London Bbow'thiit California ami fruit from other pails of tbo 1'ac.itii Nortbweat bave not maintained n competition of a serious uature with tbe Mood Kiver apple. lu tbo big markets of tbe bast tbe demand foi Hood Kivei fruit baa beeu gieutei than tbe supply and a now iniii ket has been created for varieties tbut h expected to bring even better price for them next year. One of tbe most Important fnutort in tbe prosperity of-tbn valley during tbe past ;yeai, ;and oue which too frequently overlooked, baa beeu the erection and operatiou of tbe big umber mills, lbe open winter Iih allowed ot their ruun'ng lute tbi year and it la the intention of the mill companies to keep them iu oper ation as long as it is possible, i'he Green Point mill has been tawing un til a day or two ago aud will be stall ed up again after tbe holidays pro vided tbe men, many of whom weut to Portland, oau be induced to re turn. Xbe Dee plant will be running all winter unless a heavy fall of snow should rendet it impossible. lbe Menominee mill bas employed a large force of men duriug tbe past year and bas probably out more lum ber in proportion to the size of tbe plant than any mill along tbe Colum bia river. Tbe maintenance by it oi a big toroe of men at the mill aud 1 1 one in tbe woods across the rivei, who spend tbeir earnings heie baa been quite a factor iu tlio city 'e uoonie. (Jtber small mills In the vicinity have also contributed their quota to tbe city's prosperity. Many thousands of doilaie have been pai l out to employes by mill couoeine duriug the past .tear which have found tbeir way into tbe lilh of Hood Kiver merchants, lu tact tor aeveial mouths tbey bave beeu tbo chief sup port of mercantile eHlabluha.iits bere. It is exported tbHt the commit year will see a greater activity in the lumber business iu lbe alloy than ever before and that the t Lip meats will reach several million fecr. Building will be more nu u-e duiiiu tbe year of 1907 thau it ban lor the past year, notwithstanding the l,.ct tbat many changes mid h ooil many thousands of dolJtiM were spent iu that way in tbe past twelve mouths. Tbe most extensive building opera tions which bave taken place hnre been in tbe vicinity of tbe railroad station where the Mount Hood rail road has built its statiou, n ado a railroad yard, built otMco and a cur barn and the U. K. A is. Is making improvements tbat cull for tin ex penditure of $80,000. lbe most Important business timid ng tbat bas been erected dining ihe past year wag the Odd rellows bu H ing. Next year, however, v. ill soe the erection of several uew btihine bulld ogs Among them will be tbe Elliot building at tbe corner of I'll ur. i.nd Oak streets aud the NiokolHcn build ing, aud it is probable tbut a now building will take the pli?o of the wooden Btruotuies beweeu the In tol Wauccma aud tbe liroblim building. A building may alto be built nt the corner opposite the Ki rut National bank formerly onupied an a moat mar ket and it is understood that Sherman Frank is serioualy considering the erection of a brick block on bis prop erty. It Is said tbat other important events of a business nature uro being fostered aud are likely to be brought to a successful conclusion, although plana for them have not aa yet been brought to a point where tbey can be aunounoed. Tbe outlook, altogether, for tbe coming year is one ot much promise. Old Pioneer Passes Away. I). P. Sha'tuck, ago I 78 years, an old pnneer ot the iiiekletou country sine" 18H0, passed away on Saturday, December 1, 1900. The funeral ser vices were held at Bickleton tbe fol lowing Monday, by Rev. Itoyd. Ho was born in North Carolina iu lH'i'.l; and came to California with bis fath er and two brothers in 18.ri0, aud set tled thirty miles north of Han t'ran clsoo, in Sonoma county. Three yeurs l'iter be weut east and brought his mother west with him, coming by the way of tbe Isthmus of Pa nam a. In tbe fall of 1850 be, with bis father and brothers, bought land and woiked it jointly, though the greater part of the time bis father aud brother, P. W. Shattuok, were in Ban t'rtinoisco, tbeir time taken op with tbeir law practioe. This method of life was fol lowed until 1HC4, when Dickson went to Mexloo for a stay of three yeats. At tbe end of that time he returned to Sonoma county and disposed of bii interests In tbe farm. Tbe next twelve years were spent in Lake coun ty, California, whence in tbe fall of bii'J he came to Klickitat county where he took up land south of the present town of Iiickleton. Tbe coun try was theu very wild and unsettled, He devoted eight year to farming ana sneep-raismg, running tne wool- bearers in tbe hat ttlesoake country in Vakiuia country. He disposed of bia stock In lHHi aud since tbat time bas devoted himself to agriculture chiefly Ills land is all well improved aud be bas a good orchard, lie also owns a numbei ot bead of horses on tbe tauge. lour sona and tbreo daugb ters survive him, all grown. Klicki tat Agriculturist. The Fruit Situation. Tbe people ot tbe Willamette vallev are tryiug to make themselvea believe that tbey bave just as good apples as tu y nave In tbe Hood Kiver valley. So far as tbe quality ot tbe fruit is concerned we bave apples tbat taste just us good as those raised in Hood Kiver orchards, but tbe truth is out apple conditions bere are not nearly up 10 me stpuciara sei oy Mood Kiver, that is all. Ibis valley has a bia amouut ot work to do before it can be iu tbe same class as Hood Kiver when it comes to tbe apple business, aud we might as well face tbe inueio aud go to work. Of course we can make selected displays of fruit tbat may be just as good aa tne Hood Kiver dis pays, but there Is no question at all, but what we are behind Hood River u tbe geuoial condition of our or chards and their bearing. Tbe pres ent very eHeotlve war tbat is being waged on posts may bring ua up to the standard tbat shall be equal to any, but it will take several years ol strict enforcement cf tbe uew law to do it. If It is done iu a milk and water way we won't get there. Eveiy napeotor will bave to be business all the time, not waiting uutil tomorrow to do things. Albauy Demooiat. It II Into River. O. N. Pearoe, postmaster at Uuler. Wash, met with an accident while orossing the White Salmon ferry dur ing rrldiiy evening tbat came near costing biiu his life. His eyesight is lefective aud while walking oil tbe ferryboat be made a misstep aud went into tbe water which was several limes over bis bead. His outcries brought immediate assistance aud be was rescued aud came to this city where alter donniug dry clothing it was found that be was none the worse for his adventure. North Hank Employes Take Holiday. Work on tbe North Hank railroad was pruotically brought to a standstill Ibis week by tbe fact tbat the em ployes took a holiday aud went to Poitland almost en masse. Most ol the men asked for a leave of absence oi a week, but it is thought by tbe contractors that tbey will not return uutil after the holidays or until their money is exhausted. A good many mill bands and also a large number ol laborers who have been working on the ditches lu tbe surrounding coun try bave gone to Portland and will not return until after .the Christmas sea sou is over. Hold Kobbery at Menominee. Two men giving the names of J. Donahue and J. Cprter entered the blacksmith shop at Menomineee last Friday aud took a watob belonging to ilios. jvjaouougal. lbe timepieoe was taken from MaoDotigal'g vest. Its oss was discovered shortly after tbe men left and be telephoned Marshal Uanger to look out for tbem beie and started for Hood Kivei. On reaching the raiload station he was met by the marshal and pointed out tbe men who were standing aear the water tank. The marshal placed tbem under arrest aud searched them. The watcb was discovered on tbe person of Carter. although ia Is claimed tbat Donahue was the one who took it. Tbey were locked up and afterward given an ex amination before Judg4 Henderson who sentenced them to tbiee months iu the county jail. Sold Valuable Hood Klver Property. 8. l' Fouts bus sold bis property between tbe Waucoma hotel aud tbe iSrosiuH building to the Star Hrewery oompauy. lbe property la 68x100 feet and is oue of the most valuable In tbe city. It is undeistood tbat tbe brew ery company contemplates putting up a iHilldi ng some time duriug tbe com ing luuimer if business conditions wurant it. Plans tbat bave not yet been fully matured provide for a two story brick building should tbe com pany decide to build. Heath of Lee Odell. Lee T Odell, aged 83 years, died at his home near Odell 1 hursday of tu berculosis. He bad been a sufferer from tba disease fir some time and lilri (te st li whs nut unexpected. He oavef h v ilo lbe itniM'ttl took place Saturday from bin lto residence, the Kev. Troy Shelley ulllciutiug and Interment was in Pine (Imve cemetery. 8. E. Ilart mutts bad charge of the funeral ar rangements. Sti that Cougli I When a cough, a tickling or an Irri tation iu tbe throat makes you feel uncomfortable take Mallard's Hore hotind Syrup. Don't wait until tbe disease has gone beyond oontrol. Mr. and Mr. J. A. Anderson, 354 West 5th St. Salt Lake City, Utah, writes: 3" We think Bullulrd's Horebound Syrnp the best medicine for coughs and colds. We bave used it tor sever al yars, it always gives immediate relief, is very pleasant and gives per fect satisfaction,." '25o,50c and tl. Sold by Cbas. N. Clarke. "lice's Laxative Cough Syrup, con taining Honey and Tar is especially ap propriate for children, no opiates or poisons of any character, conforma to the conditions of I lie National Pure Pood and Drug Law, June 30, 11)00. For Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. It ex pells Coughs and Cold by gently moving the bowels. Guaranteed. Sold by Keir&Casg, Druggists.. Open the bowels and get the cold out of your system. Kennedy's Laxative, (containing) Honey and Tar opens the bo ' els and at the same time allays tbe inflammation of the mucous membranes. Drives out the cold and stops the cough. Absolutely free from any opiates. Con forms to the National Food and Drug Law. Pleasant to take. Sold by Wil liam! Pharmacy. REGISTER NOLlii ROASTS MOODY SAYS HE TRIED TO GRAB LANDS Senator n healilnD In the Deal ALo 'o Whitewashing to He Hone If elan Has II U Say. Tbe Dalles Chronicle says that tLere is uo vacancy in The Dalles laud otUoe and there is not likely to be un til tbe term of utlice ot tbe present register and receiver expires. Peo ple who bave been "next" to politics and given the matter anv thoimht bave been satisfied that such was the case all along, those on tbe inside knew it. Tbe resignation of Reg Inter Nolan was wibtdrawn by President Roosevelt pending invesigation nf the mattler wbicb called it forth, wbicii, in short, was a leanest for a repoit in connec tion with the Sberai (and case involv ing water power on the Deschutes river. Tbe charges, wbicb are against The Dalles land otltoe aud not against any particular officer, will be thor oughly Investigated by tbe govern ment and uutil tbat investigation ia completed there will be no change. People having a knowledge ot politios know tbat resignations are not usual ly aonepted while charges are i est ing against tbem. Mr. Wnlan will no doubtgserve out his term no matter bow the Investigation turns out and his successor will probably be J. 8. Fish, who bas boon recommended for the place by Senator t- ulton, but all this is In tbe future and tbe numer ous aspirants Ibat have aiiren are a trifle premature in their announce ments. Tbe recommendation of Mr. Fish was without bis knowledge and made by Senator Fulton when Mr. Nolan's resignation was received and aocepted by the department of tbe in terior. While Mr. Fish has not an nounced bis intoution, it is altogeth er likely tbat he will announce bis position at the proper time. lbe Cbroniole was appraised of tbe situation through a Washington cor respondent, and a representative of the Chronicle called ou Keglster Nolan, who piomptly confirmed the correspondent's report. In tbe oourse of the interview M. Nolan said : 'I would like to state in terms so plain that it would be undertsood by some ot tbe intellects tbat ate run ning 6x9 papers upon the proceeds of land notices Issued by tbe legister of this office, that I bave made no obarges against my associate, tbat tbe copy oi complaint, wbicb made it necessary tbat 1 ask to be relieved be fore making a report on it, brings obarges against this oftloe and not against tbe receiver, or any other par ticular person iu it. Tbe apuriou dispatch from Washington, 1). C, published In tbe Oregonian ofJMovem ber 13, 1900, contained in itself clear evidenoe that tbe only part of it wbicb could be relied on was that my resignation had been tendered and aocepted. My resignation wos seut from bere on October 27, and by a letter dated November 0, 1916, 1 whs informed by tbe seoretary ot tbe In tel lor that the president acoeped it, to take eliect when my successor was elected and qualified. Uuder date of Deoember 6, 1900, iu a letter also from the socretaiy, 1 bave been in formed tba-. the letter of November 6, 1906, aooeptlug my tesignation, was withdrawn by tbe president, pending Inquiry into the causes of it. "It is my opinion, founded on strong circumstantial evidence, that the scheme to deprive Mr. Sherar ot bis water power was concocted by Mr. Moody and Mr. Wheaidou. The scrip was laid upon the land wbiob was or dered by Mr. Whealdon from a dealer In this city after a letter from tba commissioner cancelling indemnity school selection, under wliloh Mr. Sherar claims tbe land involved wus received in tbis office and it was ready for tiling before the clerk who records such letters bad even seen the letter. 1 was Informed by Mr. Mootly that a certain man would be at our office at 9 a. m. on January 20, 1900, to Hie scrip for him, aud 1 was re quested to be sure aud be there to see that be, Moody, got none the worst of it, as there might be other BliugB for tbe land. I was there, the man tiled tbe scrip, there was i:o other person after it. I yet held some confidence In Mr. Moody's probity, I was culpably careless in reference to tbe filing of tbis scrip and did not know the description of tbe land alteoted until noon ot the day it was tiled, when I ascertained that the land involved formed the important part of tbe water power for which Mr. Moody had offeied Mr. Sherar 100,000 in December, 1905. When 1 realized what was being attempted, I lost tlio vestige ot friendship aud respect, which a former attempt to wrong a person to whom I felt friendly bad left me for Mr. Moody and since that time I bave used every possible ettort to protect Mr. Sherar iu the posses sion of his property. "There will now, as indicated by the secretary's letter ot December u, 1906, be a thorough Investigation of tbe case, and if there is any attempt at whitewash, I may ask extensive spaoe from you for a statement, that may take in the whitewashes "I wish to flnieh tbis statement with the assertion tbat there was no charge against my associate by the oomplaint upon which report was de manded by tbe oomuilbt-loner of tne general 1 nd office by November 1, 1900, by my letter of resignation, or by the report wbiob I commenced immediately after writing my resigna tion, that neither I nor any one to my knowledge, expect ber to derive any nnanoiai nenem rroro me piot aganist Mr. bnerar, if it proves suc cessful. Tbe noncoctois ot tbis plot should come out from behind the shelter of a woman aud Interior De velopment Co., If it bas discovered a Ntal flaw in Mr. Sberar's title to bia land, and fight tbe case squarely and fairly in tbe open." For chapped and cracked hands noth ing is quite as good as an application of DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve. Put it on before going to bed, use an old pair of gloves and see what a difference the morning will bring, bold by Williams' Pharmacy.