i it a n VOL. XVI. HOOD RIVER, OREGON, MARCH 2, 1905. No. 42 HOOD RIVER GLACIER issued eYsrv Thursday br ARTHUR D. MOB, PaWUSar. Tsrns ( iubwriptlon 11.40 a yssur Ml la aSiana. SOCIETIES. HUUD RIVER LOOUB NO. 10ft, A. P. and A. A. M. Meets Hal tirduy evening on or before each full moon. Tutm an Uutlku, W. M. A. D. Mob, (Secretary. HOOD RIVKR ('H AFTKR NO. 27. B. A. M. Meeuttrat mitt third Friday nights or eack month. K, Chaniilkb, H. P. A. D. Mok, Secretary. HOOD KIVKR CHAPTER NO. , O. K. 8. Meets second and fourlli Tuesday evening ofeuch month, Visitors cordially welcomed. MUS. J. I,. HKKHHNEH, W. M. Msg. Thbbksa C AHTSKR, secretary. IIILKWILPK LODOE NO. 107, I. O. O. -Meela lu Kruterual ball, every Thursday nlglil. - Wm. Oanukh, N, U. h. C. Smith, Secretary Kl'KN KNCAMPMKNT. No. 40, 1. O. O. K. Regular meeting second and fourth Mondays of each mouth. L. K. Moasa, C. P. H. R. Entkican, Scribe. LAUREL REBEKAH DKG1REE LODGE NO. 81, 1. o. O. K Meet Hrat and third Friday! in each month. Mrs. E. W.Uiikll, N. O. Mrs. Dora Thomson, secretary. WAUCOMA l.OOOE NO. 80, K. OF P -Meet Id K, of P. hall every Tuesday n gtit. V. U. Hkh k, u, C. H. T. DkWitt, K. of r. and 8. HOODRIVBHfAMP, NO. 7,702, M. W. A. Meets lu K. of P. hall every Wednesday night. Chad. JoNks, V. V. C.U.DAKiw, Clerk. HOOD RIVER CAMP, NO. 770, W, O. W. Meets on flrHt ami third Tuesday of each month In Odd Fellows' hall. F. H. Blaoo, C.C. H. W. Wait, Clerk. HOOD RIVER CIRCLE NO. 621, WOMEN OF Woodcraft-Meets at K. of P. hall ou the first and Third Frldttys of each month. I.knoka Sri'HK, N, G. NKI.I.lK hoi.lowei.i,, Clerk. RIVKKHMiE MJLHJENO. lis A. O. U. W. Meets lli'Ht and third Saturdays of each luomh. C. li. Corri.it, M. W. E. R. Huaiii.ky, Financier CHKSTKii shutb. Recorder. KlVfcKnlD. LOOUE NO. 4U, DKUREE OF Honor, A. O. V. W.-MeeW first and Ultra Saturdays at S p. in. Miss ('oka Coi'1-i.E, C. of H. Miss Cakkik (.'oi'i'LK, Recorder. OAK UROVE UUUNCll. NO. 142, ORDER OF Pendo. Meets the second and fourth Fri days ol the month. Visitors cordially wel come. F. U. BkOdiuh, Counsellor. Uko. Hi.ocom, Secretary. OROEROF WAbHTNOl'ON HOOD RIVER Union No. 142-Mtets in K. of P. hall the second and fourth tiatiirdays lu each month at 7:30 p. m. E. U Rood, President. C. U. Dakin, Secretary. OEEl'A A.strEMBLT"KO. 103, UNITED ART iMius. Meets the tlrsl and third Wednes days, work: second and fourth Wednesdays Artisans' hall. J. H. Kobkhu, M. A. C. D. Hkn Kicii.Hecntary. COURT HOOD RI VER No. 42, FORESTERS of Americu, Meets second and fourth Mon days lu each mouth In K. ol P. hall. Uko. E, Uonukk, C. R. F. C. BHosirs, F. C. CA.NUV POST, NO. 1U.U. A. R.-MEETrt AT A. O. U, W, hall, second aud lourlh Satur days or each month at 2 o'clock p. m. All O. A. R. members invited to meet with us. A. L. I'liKLrs, Commander. Thomas Oqsh, Adjutant. CAN BY W. R. C, No. l(i- M EETS SECOND and fourth Saturdays of each Month lu A. 0. U. W. hall at p. m. Ki.i.kn Blowkks, President, 1. tzziK Okk, Sicremry MOUNTAIN HOME CAMP NO.S4IS9, R. N. A. meets at the K. of P. Hull on the second and fourth Fridays of eueh month. Mkh. ( akhik Ukohius, O. Mkm. Ei.i.a Dakin, Recorder. W auk A Tkkpi.e No. U. Rathbone Sisters. Meets secon .and fourth Thursdays of each mould. Amanda Whitehead, M.E.C. Stella Richakiison, m. ol R. & C. DR. W. T. ROWLEY, PHYSICIAN, SUROEON, OCCULIST (J llice lo Smith Building. Office phone Wil. Residence phone 903. J. F. WATT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Telephones: Ottice, 281; residence, 811. BIJKUEON O. R. & N. Co. JRS. MAltY JOHNSON, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Offloes and KeHlilence in E. L. Smith Building Over First NhI. Bank. Entrance, rear of bank, ou I'liird St. Phone 311. H. L. DUMBLE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Successor to Dr. M. F. Shaw. Calls promptly answered in town or country, Day or Night. Telephones: Residence, (ill: Office, 613. office over Wood Bros,' Urocerv. DR. A. F. ROWLEY, DENTIST. Office in the Smith Building. Phone 1. C. H. JENKINS, D.M.D. DENTIST. Specialist on Crown and Bridge Work. Telephones: o&ice, 281; residence, 94. Office over Bank Bldg. Hood River, Ore. M. E. WELCH, HIE YEILKINAKY Sl'KUEON. Is prepared to do any work in the veterin ary line. He can be found by calling at or jiuouiug 10 uiarae s arug store. E. H. HARTWIG, LAWYEU. W.ill Practice in All Courts. Office wlrli Geo. D. Culbertson A Co. Col lections, Abstracts, b ttlemeut ol Estates. HOOD KIV'EK, OREGON. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON ATTORNKY-AT-LAW. ABSTRACTER, NO TARY PUBLIC and RIAL EBTATR AGINT. For Jtyesri resident of Oraconand Wash latum. Bas had many years eiperlsnca la teal Kstat miliars, as abstractor, searcher ol title and agent. BAtisfactipn guaranUMd or Bo charge. A. JAYNE. LAWYER. Abstracts Furnished. Money Loaned. Hood River, Oregon. J- C. BR081U8, M. D. ' I-HY8ICIA1I AND SURGEON. 'Phone Central, or 1X1. Office Honrs: 10 to 11 A. M. I to I and 6 to 7 P. M. JOOKR 8. 8ANB0RX ATTORNEY AT UW BOOB HViB 0K ARRIVAL AND DETaRTURI OF BAILS. HOOD RIVER. Ths postoffle Is span dally betwesn lam. and 1p.m.; Sunday irom 11 to 1 o'clock. Malls lorttaa KasteloMstll:'Jua. m., m. and! p m.: lor tha West at 3:40 p. m. anal p.m. The carriers on R. T. D. routes No. I and No. I lears tha postoftlce at : daily. Mall leave For Mt. Hood, daily at 11:00 m.; arrives, to a. ra. For Chenowath, Wash., at T:W a. m. Tnas daya,Thurdaysand Maturdaya; arrlvas sam aay at p. m. For Underwood, Wash., at T:9 a. m. Tues days, Thursdays and baturdays; arrlvas same days at p. m. For Whit Salmon, Wash., dally at 1:46 a, a.) arrlvas at 11 s, m. WHITE SALMON. For Hood Rlvsr dally at 9 a. m.) arrival at 4:44 p.m. For Husum, Trout Lake and Outer, Wash., dally at 7 : a. m. ; arrives at M m. For Olenwood, Ullmar and Fulda, Wash., dally at 7:80 a. m.; arrives att p. in. ForPtoeltet and Wnowden, Wash., at 11:10 a. m. Tuesdays and Baturdays; arrlvas same days, 10:10 a m. For Blnuen, Wash., dally at 4:46 p. in.; ar rives at :46 a. m. STRANAHAN & SLAVENS, Contractors and Builders HOOD RIVER, OREGON S. H. COX Contractors and Builders PLAN! AND ElTIM ATM FUlNItllO. DREKA MEAT MARKET, HcGDIRB BROS, Props. Dealers In Fresh and Cured Meat, Lard, reultry, Fruits aud Vegetables. FREE DELIVERY. PHONE It B ON TON BARBER SHOP HAYNIS A OBEY, Paor. Tha place to get en easy shave, an np-to-dat hair cut, and to enjoy tha luxury of a porcelain bath tub. "HE O. K. BARBER SHOP Raasell A Rees, Props. Between J. R. Kand'i end E. C. Wright's. Strictly first class. Satis faction tuarantaed. J. F. STRANAHAN, Architect J OK .... ..I a.nArlntiM Will IOT nlth plans nd ipeeinrttioni lor ell klndi ol Dtiiiainga. oirieuy v IjOOhted at tlooa Kiver. E. A. SOULE. . Contractor and Builder. Plans and Estimates Furnish kd Upon Application. , di FREDFRICK & ARNOLD, CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS Estimates furnished on all kinds of work Phnnoo' Arnold, Main SI. J. HEMEREL & SONS Contractors and Builders Hood River, Ore. f. w. PRIBNOW, Carp enter & Builder KKtlmates cheerfullv furninhert. Flans and Hpecltlcations furnished. All work promptly and carefully attended to. Hood River, Ore. B. F. BELIEU, Contractor & Builder. i-Pl.ANH ANP KKTIWATm FrRNISHKn" SIMONTON & SONS jil6tts,GiWffi,Biifii HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Estimates and pluiiR furnlHhed. -SEE- LAW & McBAIN, Hood River Marble Works Before ordering Monuments, Tomb stone, etc. BRICK YARD. I am manufacturing at my yard near Columbia nursery south of town, us fine a qual ity of common brick as can be found in the state. Have 200,000 to 300,000 brick on hand for inspection. Price at yard $8 per thousand. Come out to the yard and see how we make brick. A. T. ZEEK. Columbia Nursery F. E. BR0SIUS, Prop. Strawberry Plants, Top-Crafted Cherry Trees, 2-yr.-old Apple Trees j including Spitzenber, Newtown, Baldwin, Ortley, Winter Banana, etc ! Gnaruntwd true to name, j Hood River, Or. i Bids Wanted. Foi 5 cords 4 loot oak. cords 4-foot pine or fir. 16 rl k 2 foot oak, l! ricks 2-fool pine or fir wood, to be delivered al nne urove sciiooi j hour on or bef Kept. 1, IW I Wood lo ba , ftml rade and In be corded up In basement u m( v,Al.hMl . a ifttufui h v the hnrd nf i1 1- reclors. Hula must be In by Marcb , at U i o'clock Dooo. V. W1NCHE1.L, Clerk. Timber Unit, Act JuneH, 178. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Slates Land OfTce, The Palled, Ore ton, Nov. tfi, MH. Notice ih hereby given that In compliance with the urovlKloim of the net of conKreiw of June 3. 1H7H, entitled "An net for the (tale of timber lands in the HUtea of Cali fornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter ritory," as extended to all the public land sittted by act of August 4, ARTHUR R. FRENCH of Waynoka, county of Woods, territory of OitIahoina,hati on June i I tuts, tiled in thlHomoe bin tiwnrn tUtt lenient No. I'KJii.for the purehane of the WN V und KU.S ol setrtion No.) in townxhip No. I north, raiiKeNo.ll eattt W.M, nd will olier proof to wliow that the lnd souRht In more viiluubte for ltd timber or Ktone than for agricultural purposed, end to eatHblitih hlH clHiin to aald Ituid before Oeo. T. Prather, U,W. CommlKNloner at bis ottloe In Hood Klver.oreKou.on the 3d day of March 1WV. He names as wltneatwn: Archie O. French Ilert L. Wooley and Albert M. t'aldwell, alt of Waynoka, okluhoma, Warren Miller, Kd mond V., M Her and Ralph French, all ol Hot)d River, Oregon. Any and all peiaomt claimliiK adveively the above dehcrlted lamU are requested to file their claims in thin office on or before the said 3d day of Mmvli.MS. d. mcha MIOHAKL T. NOlAN. Register. NOTICE OF rUBLICATIOX. Public Und 8ale-(Inolated Tract) Unltetl HLuewl.t.nd oim-o, The Iiallea, Ore gon. January &i, lna. Notice is hereby given that In purttufltice of Instruc tions trout the commissioner of thegeneral land office, under authority vested In htm by section 24 5, United States He vised Htatues. as amended by act of congress approved February 3ii, lwtn, we will proceed to otter al public sale at the hour of 11 o'clock a. in., on the ltith day of March, :w:, at this oMloe, the following tract of land, to-wlf: TheK NKH of section S8, townships north, ran n o 11 cud of Willamette meridian. Any and all persons claiming adversely the ahove-deHeribed lands are advised to file their claims in this office on or before the day above designated tor the commencement of said sale, othei wise their rights lo be for felted. MICH A FX T. NOLAN, Register, la m9 ANNK M. LANlJ. Iteceiver. SUM MONS. In the circuit court of the state ofOregon, for the county of Wancu. Norton B. Jordan, Plaintiff va. Anna Jordan, Defendant To Anna Jordan, defendant above named: In the name of the state of Orwon: You are hereby commanded to appear and an swer the complaint tiled against you in the above entitled suit, within six weeks foom the Al day of February, A. D.. '905, said day being the first day of the publication of this summons; and if you fail to so answer, for want thereof, the plain tin will apply to the court for the relief demanded in his complaint tiled in said cause, to wit: a decree of divorce dissolving the bonds of matrimony ex isting between the plaintiff and defendant in aaid cause, and for general relief. This summons is published by virtue of an or der of Hon. W, L. Bradshaw judge of the circuit court for Wasco county, state of Oregon, dated the i4th day of January, A. D., 1905. which or der specifies and provides for six weeks and for seven insertions as the time for which this sum mons shall be published in the Hood River Gla cier, a newspaper of general circulation published weekly in Hood River, Oregon. Dated at Hood River, Oregon, thts 2Uh day of January, 1905. JOHN LELAND HKNDKRSON, fi mch6 Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Depnrtrnnet of the Interior, Land Office at The Halles, Oregon, February 7, l!H)ft, Notice Is hereby given lhat the following named settler has tiled notice of his Intention lo make final proof In support of his claim, and that said final proof will be made before the register and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon on March 24, 1905, v x: DAN FORD A. HART, of Hood River, Oregon, on H. K. No. 12311, Ibr lota 11. IB and 3, section 15 and lot 4 of section 22, township 1 north, range i east W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon said land, vie: Robert LaKiire, Clarence L. Hensen. (scar Fredenhurg.and William H. Urlhble, all of Mount Hood, Oregon. fili nm MICH AFX T. NOLAN, Register. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that pursuant to an order given by the Hon. A. K, Lake, Judge of the County t oun or the mate ot Oregon for Wasco County, dHted at The Dalles, Oregon, December .M, UMM.the undersigned, Kdward Cook, has been appointed sole administrator of the estate of Ueorge Owen, deceased, late of Hoon Ktver, w asco County , ntate of Oregon. All persons having claims against said es tate ate requested to present them, accompan ied by nroner vouchers, t the office of John Leland Henderson, at Hood River, Oregon, or at tne residence oi saiu administrator on ma farm near Hood Hiver, Oregon, within six months from the dateof this no1 Ice, F;iiWAltI) COOK. fV-inO Administrator of the Folate of Ueorge Owen, Ipceased. Dated Hood River, Oregou. January 6, 1906. Notice to Creditors Notice Is hereby given that by an order of the county court of the state of Oregon for Whm'o county, dated February 9. 19)5. the un dersigned whs duly appointed executor of the will ol. j. w. hUu'K, deceased. Ml per sons having claims against said estate are hereby noli tied to present the same to the unurrMgneu, p opi'riy vuniicu, hi nib pitu-t oi nusinessui uueti, in nKHi itiver vuuey, Wasio county Oregon, within six mouths frou the date of this notice. RoHWFLI, RMKIXKY, Executor of the Ksiau-of.l. W. Hlack, nilO defeased. English Walnut Trees We are special growers. Best soft shell va rieties. Abundant bearers at early age. They thrive In Oregon. We can tell you all about them, write tor catalogue ana information, BROOKS & SONS, Walnut Xvrxerymen. Carlton, Ore. Garden P'ants. In seaxon. 1'ouulnr vitrletles In any ni after April 10. ThOH. CAl.KI.N8. to Loan. Money to lon In Finns of $MO Ui X,000, Adlr'hs H. V. KonlH, WW Chamber nl' Cum. meroe bnlUlinK, INirllanil, Ore. fltttf Thl Is not my own money. 8 K. Fouts. Notice. To continue t'e rurnl mall servic on Route N . 2, P Is itn, A itlve Mint all those who have subserl! el lo ttlf t-arrler s funoj pay I mined i- alely list Imlnnce Is due. Payments can be niaue at huiut t o. a dmiik. Coin. R. F. D. No. 2. Janitor Work ; Janitor work itone st rraronunle price, by I pxK-rlenced num. Apply to K. W. C'KOHS, j riione K7. Carpet Weaving. ! All kinriK ol rsriot wciivlnir. Kiim made i from old riirM'l. MRS lioliSKY. j IV tr Hood Hlver Heights. Hmw' ThM We offer one hundred dollars reward for any case of catarrh that eann.it be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHKNEY & Co., Toledo, O. We. the undersigned, have knuwn F. J. Cheney for tne last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and finan cially able to carry out any obligations made by his Aim. Walding, Kinnan A Marvin, Wholesale Drug-fists, Toledo, O. Halt's Catanh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent fre. Price, 75 cts. per little. So)d by all druuruists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. The "Hiirirlst" are Cominu; Ii. The. b g rulHlm'ii Iibh arrived and will be at the l.euig and Clark fair. It in I lie pnxlui-t ol a Murion enmity ( inn, of course, and tips the Ik'hiii at UJij ixiunds. Now let the nuiii'ter lo-et, t-lepliaiitine bi I iuik)i and the htroitet onion full in line and the proration will etartr Salem StateHinati. If it ii a hill;' u- titt ck take Clianib. erlni'ia St cinii' li and l.iver Talilets and a :j ti i-k cure ia cerlain. For sale by Willimm l'liuriuacy. SPLASH DAMS HARM DITCHES FARMER STATES GRIEVANCES Interest of Mill Company and Irri gators Conflict Seriously at Trout Lake. Trout Lake, Waah. , Feb. 2S, 1905. - Ed -Itor Glacier: Ai the Menomiueo Lum ber Co. haa preaeuted fta hide of the controversy between them and a num ber of the farmers of Trout Lake val ley, it may not be amiae .hat the aide of thoae farmers also lie mated, it waa in 1883, when the first settler save one came here. It waa In thone days a veritable howling wildorueaa. hven no wagon roada existed only a pack trail aud a poor one at tlait. It waa a hard atruggla at flint to make a bare living, until the settlers found out that with and by irrigiition they could raise anything in abun dance which the climatic conditions would permit to crow at all. iiminlv that foundation of all auccessful farm ingred clover. Eventually two sawmills came here. and, though both were small conccrnx and one left again before long, it gave the people a chance to secure build ing material at such figures as tliev could afford to pay. More settlers came in, the old log oabius and burin gave way to neat and subHtatitial frame buildings and the community prospered to sucn au extent that when a representative of the ( i olden dale Sentinel visited this settlement during the hard times in the '.)0s, he declared that he saw more money in circulation right here than in any other part of the county. isow, something like two rears aao the Menominee Lumber Co. came in and began operations. About the first thing they did wast to blast out rocks lu the river bed without regard to the riparian rights of those farmers, who own tne river bed as well as the adjoining laud. Nobody objected at the time, though it became soon ap parent that the change lu the current of the river caused by the removal of these rocks, in places the high and steep banks to cave into the river aim wash away. Later in the same year t lie comiianv started to build a splash dum iu the river just above where the settlers had taken out four different irrigat ing ditches. Then some of the people here who had seen the effect of the opreation of such dams, sounded the alarm aud foretold the consequences of such operations. But, as is fre quently the case, those who bad no experience iu the matter, would not believe them and there the mat ter was allowed to rest for the tln.e But when the time came to Irrigate, they found out to their loss, that the re sult of using the dam was exactly us predicted. Whenever the gate of the dam was closed, there was no water in the ditches, for the river bed from the dam to the junction of Trout creek would tie practically speaking dry. But when the gate was opened a volume of water rushed dowu which could not tie controlled, washing out head gates at the tipper ends of the ditches; shoving gravel liars up in front of some ditches so that no water could get iu ; removing, aided by the action of the logs ou the bot tom of the stream, bars which had raised the water sutllcient to flow in to other ditches taken out of the river further down aud washing out aud destroying young clover not suilicieut ly rooted. Acting under advice or counsel, re tained by those farmers who had fore seen the natural consequences of the proceedings of the Menominee Lum ber Co., there were meetings held of those most directly atfectod and the matter discussed. As rreuuntly In such cases, there were a few, who, for reasons best known to themselves, opposed not only any and all action to lie taken to defend the rights and proprety of the furmers injured, but also exerted themselves to keep the rest from uuitiug for such action. Their only advice was to compromise the matter. Now, anybody who knows anything about the matter must lie well aware that it is for the farmers of the great est importance to have an uninter rupted flow of water in the stream they depend on for irrigation, and to be able to divert as much of the water onto their land as they can use for that purpose. On the other hand it ia the interest of any logging com pany to hold the water iu the stream, to stop all the flow at times entirely and then send it down in a flood. The Menominee Lumber Co. made a proposition to furnish the farmers water for irrigation, which looked fair enough on the surface, but going deeper into it showed very plainly that if accepted by the farmers, it very easily could lie turned in such a way as to cinch the farmers good and tight. After the true inwardness of this proposition had been shown up at the next -meeting of the parties in terested, it was rejected by a vote of some 20 odd to 2. Still the dosirse for a settlement without recourse to the courts being verytrong, the Menominee Lumber Co. was invited to send representa tives to meet farmers delegated for that purpose aud discuss the matter with a view to come to au under standing in regard thereto. The meeting took place on the banks of the stream, where four of the six ditches affected have their heads. It was of course out of the question to deny that damage had been done or that a continued use of the dam would cause more damage. Mr. Frost of the Menominee Lum ber Co. admitted himself, that when ever they began to run logs through the dam nothing would save the ditch headgates under any eircuintsauces. The last words of Mr. Cameron of the same company were: "We see that we 'are doing damage by using the dum, j but we shall continue to use it, bocauso I we have too much money invested 1 therein. If you want to go to law j about it, the sooner you begin the ! better we shall like it. j Even after this very plain aud em phatic etutement of the Menominee Lumber Co. I ad been reported at the next meeting, it was impossible to get the farmers to act as a unit, i Seeing that there never would lie any steps taken to defend what is the bread and butter of the farmers iu this settlement as long as such steps hnd to be taken iu publio meet ings a house to house canvass was made and in less than two days be tween ?1'J(K and ll.'iOO was subscribed to defray the expenses of Biich suit, aud assurances given that more mou ey would lie forth coming if needed for that purpose. Counsel were em ployed and injunction granted by the superior court of this county, prohi biting the Menominee Lumber Co. from operating the dniu or interfering with the ripariuu rights of the settlers. Tpou the demand of the counsel for the company, the case was takeu from the state to the federal courts. This is a plain statement of the facts iu this controvresy, each and every one of which can easily be sub stantiated here ou the ground. A FARMER. WILL THE DALLES PLEASE ANSWER Hood Kiver, Or., Feb. 21, 1!05. Editor Glacier : Since the memorable day ou which Senator Whealdon in deiinitely poi-tponed the Cascade county bill, 1 liuve lieeu looking around for a good strong man to kick mo, for having lost a half day's work to vote for him at the last election. Perhaps there are others, if so lot us weep together. Is it a fact Mr. Editor, that the business men of The 1 nlIos d id say to Senator Nottingham, that if he did not vote against the Cascade bill that they would close all business re lations with his tirm? Further, ditl uny one with authority intimate to Senator Hodsou that if he continued supporting this bill that he need not expect uny more Wasco county print ing. 1 have lieuid rumors to this effect and I curtail ly hopo there is no truth u them. We were deieated and 1 tust fairly. It seems to me the busi ness men of the Dulles, if they made such porpositious, have ere this re gretted it, for are there not among them, those, who have and are today enjoying an exceptional business in Hood Kiverr In all fairness, I ask, if there is any truth in rumors above stated and will rely ou tho Glacier for t'other in formation. Yours truly W. KENNEDY. Pharaoh's Day Will Soon lie Here. Hood Kiver, Or., Feb. 28. Editor Glacier: Cascade county hopes have boon blasted for tho present, ow ing to the tyranny of The Dalles aud Eastern Wasco, but it is a long lane Hint has no turning. The day will come when our oppressors will weary of the plagues that will be visit ed upon them and like Pharaoh of old they will ere long rise as one man and call us by night aud say: "liise up and get you forth from among my people, aud go serve the Lord as you have said. Also take your flocks mid herds and be gone and bless me also. Aud the Egyptians were urgent upon the people that they might send them out of the land iu haste for they said: 'We lie all dead men. ' " In that day will Hood River by the Columbia be not only tho metropolis but the county seat of tho greatest county on eHrth. R. E. HARBISON. From the Oregon Timherman. C.W. Thompson, of tho Wind River Lumper Co., Cascade Locks, is on a business visit to La Crosse, Wis. The Menominee Lumber Co. of Me nominee, have just completed a chute and will place in the water about 30,- 000,(XI foot of llr. A now boom has been built at the mouth of the White Salmon. The Wind Hiver Lumber Com pany of Cascade Locks, Oregou, have purchased the Oregon lumber yard at Pendleton. A. W. Kohinson, who formerly was in charge of the company's Echo mill will manage the Pendleton yard. The Lost Lake Lumber company of LaCrosse, have installed a new Allis carriage, and will replace their circu lar rig witli an Allis bcund. The mill will cut from 1H,(XK),(KIU to 20,000,000 feet this year. With tho improve ments contemplated this company will have a good modem plant. A Business Christian Movement. "A Business Christian Movement" is the title of the great revival spread ing over England, Wales, aud the United States. Not for many years have business men taken such enthusi astic interest in a revival of religion as they are taking now. Living in this marvelous period of the world's history, are you uncon scious of, or indillereut to the world's greatest movement? A sories of services will be held in Hood River March 12 to 2.'!, conducted by Ralph G ilium of Lowell, Muss, liood River is highly fortunate in securing Mr. Gillian, who bas been doing evangelistic work with Dr. Short, Methodist Episcopal, Port land; Dr. E .T. Ford, Congregational of Tacoma, and Dr. Goe. Walton, Congregational, Spokane. Mr. Gillam is an evuugclist whose past entitles him to the confidence of the Christ ian public. He was formerly iu busi ness in Boston aud was at that time president of au infidel club. As an evuiiKelist he has visited 35 states, England, Ireland, and Nova Scotia. Hiese meetings will lie held in the Methodist church begin ing Sunday March 12, und iu the U. B. church, In Killing Sunday, March 11). There v ill lie afternoon services with the CoLgiegatiouul and Baptist during the v.eek. The executive committee hare made tho following committee appoint ments: Advertising A. C. Staten, H. J. Hersliey, Geo. F. Coe and T. It Gauo. Muisc-J. W. Mayes, S. E. Bart mess, Professor Wiley and Mrs. J. II. S;iight. Ushers Leslie Butler, Captain Dukes, J. II. DeMoss, Geo. F. Coe. "We invite and urge all the poeple of our city und country to come and hear Mr. Gillam and wait ou the Lord for his blessing," says Rev. W C. Gihuoro, of the Congregational church. 1 1 . .ii-t' and to lots in Albany will trade for Ho d Itiver property. W.J. Baker. LAW FOR COUNTY FRUITJNSPECTOR BILL INTRODUCED BY MR. JAYNE Commissioner to be Appointed Pe tition of 2i Fruit Growers-Whit His Duties Are Following Is a copy of the bill in troduced In the recent session of the legislature by Representative Jayne of Hood River, aud which waa per nltted by tho governor to become a law last week. - A bill For an act to provide for the appointment of county fruit in spectors aud to amend sections 4178 aud 4185 of the Codes and Statutes of Oregon as compiled and anuotated by Charles B. Bellinger and William W. Cotton. . i Be it enacted by the people of the state of Oregon: Section 1. lhat upon a petition of not less than twenty-five residents and fruit growers of any county iu this state, the county court of said oouuty shall appoint a county inspect or whose duty it shall be to inspect tho apple and other fruit orchards of said county aud to enforce the laws now in force and that may be here after iu force in this state applicable to the fruit- industry and to the growing and handling aud selling of fruit trees and other nursery stock. Provided, that the inspector so to be appointed shall be recommended aud cert Hied to bo competent for such position by the state district commis sioner of the board of horticulture for the said county, aud the said county Inspector shall bold his ottloe during the pleasure of said county court. See. 2. It shall be the duty of the state district commissioner to Instruct aud educate the county Inspectors as to the laws and quarantine regulations of this state aud the rules and regula tions of the state board of horticul ture. - The county inspector shall perform his duties uuder the general supervi sion of the state district commissioner for said county to whom be shall make reports in the manner prescribed by the state board of horticulture. ' Sec. 3. Such oouuty inspector shall be paid for his services, by the said oouuty, a sum not exceeding three dollars per day aud pay his own per sonal expenses, for each and every day actually employed iu tha perform ance of bis duties as herein provided aud the said oouuty Inspector shall report monthly to said district com missioners, the time of which he Is entitled to pay during the month pre ceding and the said state district com missioner shall certify the same to the county court before such compensa tion shall be paid to said county in spector. ' Sec. 4. If any county for any reason fails to appoint a county inspector as herein provided, then the Inspector of an adjacent county may perform such services and the necessary ex penses incurred in the performance of his duty shall be charged against the county where the service as performed as if he had been appointed by the county court of such county. Sec. 5. The state district commis sioner of horticulture shall hear and promptly decide all appeals from the county inspectors in his district, and bis decision shall have full force and effect until set aside by the courts of the state. 1 All appeals from the oouuty Inspec tors to the district commissioners shall be under the form and regula tions as prescribed by the state board of horticulture. Sec. 6. That section 4178 of the Codes and Statutes of Oregon as com piled and anuotated by C. B. Bellin ger aud William W. Cotton be aud the same is hereby amended to read as follows : ' . Seo. 4178. Said board shall employ without their number a secretary, who shall exercise the powers and dis charge the duties conferred upon him by this act. aud whose compensation shall not exceed tlOO per month to be taid iu the same mauuer as other state o Ulcers. Said board shall also select from their own number a treas urer. Before eutering upon the dis charge of their duties, each niemlier of the board shall make and subscribe an oath to support the constitution of the United States aud of the state of Oregon, and to dilllgeutly, faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of bis office, which said oaths shall lie Hied-, with the treasurer of the board. Sec.. 7. That section 4185 of the codes and statutes of Oregon as com piled and annotated by C. B. Bellin ger, aud William W. Cotton, be aud the same Is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 4185 . It shall be the duty of the several member of the board and of the secretary or the county insiea tors under their direction, whenever they shall deem it necessary, to cause an inspection to be made of any or chards nurseries, trees, plants, veget ables, vines, or any fruit packing house, storeroom, salesoom or any other place within their districts and if found infested, with any pests,dis eases, or fungous growth, injurious to fruits, plants, trees, vegetables, or vines, or with their eggs or larvae, liable to spread to other places or lo calities, or of such nature as to be a publio danger, they shall notify the owner or owners, or persons in charge of or In possession of such articles, things or places, that the same are so infested, and shall require said per sons to eradicate or destroy said io tects or pests, or their eggs or larvae ... . ....... ...... 1. ..... I ,1 i .......... A ; within a certain time to be specified j in said notice. Said notices may be I served upon the person or persons, or i any of tbem, owning or having in i charge, or having possession of such , infested place article.or thing, by any ! member of the board or by the secre I tary thereof, or by any person doput . ed by the said board for that purpose, l or they may be served iu the same manner as ni a summons in au action i at law. Such uotice shall contain directions for the application of some treatment approved by the commis sioners for the eradlcatln or destruc tion of said pests, or the eggs, or lar vae, thereof, or the treatment of con tagious diseases or fungus growths. Any and all such places, orchards, nurseries, trees, plants, shrubs, veg etables, vines, fruit, or articles thus infested are hereby declared a public nuisance; and whenever any such nui sance shall exist at any place in the state, on te property of any owner or owners, upon whom, or upon the person in charge or possot,sicu v( whose property, notice has been served as aforesaid, and who shall have failed or refused to aliate the sumo within the time specified in such uotice, or in the proierty or any non-resident or any property not iu tho possession of any lierson and the owuer or owners of which cannot lie found by the resi dent niemlier of the board or tho sec retary, or county inspector after dili gent search within the dlstrict.it shall be the duty ot the board or the mem ber in whose district said nuisances shall exist, or the secretary or county inspector under his or their direction to cause such nuisance to lie abated by eradicating or destroying said in sects or pests, or thoir eggs or larvae or by treating or disinfecting or de stroying the infested or diseased arti cles. The expense thereof shall be a county charge, aud the county court shall allow aud pay the same out of the general fund of tho county. Any and all sums so paid shall become a lien upon the property and premises rrom which said nuisance shall have been removed or abated, in the pursu ance of this act, and may be recovered by a suit in equity against such prop erty or premises; which suit of fore closure of such liens shall be iu the cir cuit court of the county where tho premises are situate, by the district attorney iu the name and for the ben efit of the county making such pay ment or payments. Ibe proceedings in such cases shall be governed by the same rules as far as may lie applicable, as suits to fore close mechanics' liens, and the ptop erty shall be sold uuder the order of the court and the proceeds applied lu like mauuer. ino board is hereby invested with the power to cause such nuisance to lie abated in a summary mauuer. Newspapers and Charity. The general association of the news paper business with poorly fed and half clad editors has long been a juke, Which is often indulged in by the men who publish country newspapers, says the Yamhill Reporter. "ltigger patches ou our pants." "Bring us butter ou subscription." "We are under opllgatiou to Bill Jones for a mess of spare ribs," and all such Uousenso is occasionally met in small oountry papers, and it is refreshing qow aud then to see one editor who has tho courage to announce a policy Of business according to business principles. One of these is the Bond Bulletin, published at Bend, Crook county. This is the editor's senti ment : "The Bulletin Is a Imisuess institu tion. It gets its living by selling advertising space and papers. With out these sources of revenue it could not live a day. It costs money to run a paper a good deal more than some busiiisses that have a larger In come. A uewspaper which does its duty, does of course a lot of free advertising for a community. But, special, private advertising is ou the same basis as calico, sugar,lahor, con cert tickets or anything else in legit i mate business. there Is no more reason for expecting the printer to work for nothing than there is for ex pecting other workers to servo for nothing. It is proper that a news paper should do its share in tho inter est of charity or public benevolence. It is also proper that it should tie done in a manner that shall not make its burden too great. There is only one way to secure this. Put t he newspaper on the sumo basis as ot her business institutions. '1 ho Bulletin will do its full share for anyt hing that is of publio benefit. We think t ho subscription lists thus far circulated here will show that it goes into its pocket quite as deeply us it ought, it does its share just as others do theirs pays iu cash. It doesn't ask a church to take its subscription out iu advertising. It pays the church cush aud expects the church to pay cash when it needs printer's ink just as it pays Us janitor, its carpenter, its preacher. The idea that uewspaper srevice is something to pe paid for by a dish of pale ice cream or an invit a tion to a pound party or a ticket to the concert is one that is not produc tive of self respect tit either end of tho bargain. It grows out of the custom of providing the paper with facilities for making a good report of the event, which is iierfoctly proper. Most of these things are only half news, hut their promoters like to have good notices written about them ami tor that reason see that the press is afforded every facility of getting a good report. Out of this custom which is frequently violated by loth press aud people, has come the notion that the newspaper space can be paid for by such courtesies. Hence the rule: Meetings of any nature calcula ted to make money for anybody k eld pay the printer for advance num.. ce ment if they wish his service. 1 1 iugs uot calcualtod to make money lor anybody, and of lienolicinl natuin, may have a reasonable amount of tree space. It should not be forgotten that while one citizen is interested i i one church or one lodge or one cliai it ,' or one business that llnds it desin.l li to use the printer's service ou etc, s ion, the printer is the victim of all -' them all tho time. For this i- a.-ou tho Bulletin speaks of the mat:. ; uo.v, uot complainingly or iu a ;,o-tilo spirit, but iu order that there may bo a fair understanding between it and its friends, the public." Chamberlain's Kenu'dy Hied Al leruiail 1 cull he.irtily uud consci i.iiously recommend Chamberlaln'sCoi gli Item, edy for affections ol the throat and lungs" says Hon. John Slienick, 221 So. Peoria St., Chicago, "i'wo ye.m ago during u political campaign, I Caught cold after being overheated, which irritated my throat and I v h ti ii ul ly compelled lostop, as I could not speak aloud. In my extremity a friend advised me to try Chainliei Iain's I.' nigh Remedy. 1 took two d. ses that al'l. i tioou and could nol believe my sjicci when 1 found the next morning the inflammation bad lurgidy, subsided. I took several doses that day, kept right on talking through the campaign, and I thank this medicine i but 1 won my seat in the council." This remedy is for sale by Williams' Pharmacy.