The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 22, 1904, Image 2

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Come and buy your Holiday Goods where you have a large assortment to select from.
If you don't see what you want, ask for it.
I i
1 1
Shirt Waists.
A Shirt Waist or Dross Pattern makes a
nice present for a lady. We have a large
assortment in this line and can give you
practically anything you may want in this
A fine line of Ladies' Handkerchiefs 60
Better Grade 100
Pure Linen, embroidered, worth 25c,
selling at 150
Linen Handkerchiefs worth 35c 250
All kinds of Initial Handkerchiefs, Silk
Handkerchiefs and Mufflers.
Toilet Cases.
We have everything you want in the line
of Toilet Cases, Jewel Poxes, Collar and Cuff
Boxes, Handkerchief Boxes, Glove Boxes,
Photo Boxes, Manicure Sets, etc. They are
made of burnt wood, fancy paper, celuloid,
stag and leather. We are selling them at
prices to suit all.
3ood Iftver Slacier.
The Dal lea newspaper rejoices because
Waaco county won the only grand prize
in the whole United States, but refrains
from mentioning what Hood River did
toward winning the prize. How un
kind. E. L. Smith hat received word from
0. J. Since), secretary of the Northwest
Fruit Growers' association, that the an
nual meeting of the organization will be
hold at Boise, Idaho, January 10, 17 and
18. Mr. Smith, who is president of
the association, will attend from Hood
River. He is desirous of having a dele
gation of fruit men accompany him
from here.
A meeting of the librarians of Oregon
will be held in Portland, Tuesday, De
cember 27, to discuss methods of work.
This will be sort of a preliminary meet
ing before the gathering of the national
association in that city next July. Li'
hrarios are a strong factor in education'
al work, and as the Hood River public
schools have a splendid beginning for a
valuable library, It would be hetpful for
those in charge of the work In this city
if one of the teachers or one of the high
school pupils could attend the meeting
in Portland next week.
The fllremen's ball New Year's eve in
a worthy object which every citizen of
Hood River and the valley who has the
prosperity of the city and country at
heart should support. A thoroughly
equipped and efficiently drilled fire
company is one of the very best acqui
sitions a live town can secure for its pro
tection and the continuity and increase
of Its prosperity. The welfare of the
city is closely allied to the success of the
valley, and many of our citizens in the
country will undoubtedly have enough
personal Interest in the creation of a
first class fire department in Hood River
to assist them to the extent of the price
of ticket at least. We have the timber
in our volunteers for the making of a
first class fire company. Let us Bee that
they have everything they need for their
work. It is all the pay they get and all
they expect, and they will repay it a
thousand times in preventing in the
future such disastrous fires as the one
we experienced but recently.
Hood River wius more gold medals on
fruit two gold ones and one grand
prize for WaBco county, the only prize
of its kind for fruit in the whole United
Mates. 1100a ltiver iruit growers are
accustomed to receiving such prizes
and while the result is gratifying, we
don't believe our farmers will be
spoiled because of these additional
notches they have carved in the tally
stick of fame. It was the apples from
the Hood River fruit fair that brought
the gold medals, and no doubt won the
grand prize for the state's horticultural
display, as well as that for Wasco coun
ty. The sending intact to St. Louis of
the apple display trom the fair last
October was made possible by the
prompt action of the Portland business
men in pledging money for the expense.
Hood River will not forget this kindness.
We have won the gold medals we went
after, now lot's spend some money in
advertising this fact fur and wide
throughout the land, and make early
preparations for a proper display nt
the Lewis and Clark fair. This will re
quire hard work and money, but Hood
River people can supply both.
Commissioner of pensions, Eugono F.
Ware, was too honest a man for the
Washington pension sharks. He re
signed last week and returned to Kan
sas, declaring he pruferB the cyclones to
his experiences in the peiiHion ollice.
The hnililing of a railroad up Hood
River valley next summer will tend to
make business lively here. We hope a
grade will be found that will make the
building of the road possible. It will
meau that the mills of the Oregon Lum
ber company will give Bteady employ
ment to hundreds of men. Not only
that, but a steam railway up the valley
will furnish means of transporting ber
ries and apples to the track of the 0, R.
& N., in better shape (linn the fruit ran
be hauled in wagons. In the next few
years the bringing to market of the ap
ples of the valley will tax the capacity
of all the wagons and the time of all the
drivers in Hood ltiver. A roud up the
valley is a necessity.
Pleasant Dancing Party.
The Dancing Club's hop at the opera
house last Friday evening was a very
enjoyable event. Thirty-one couples
wore present, and Everest's five-piece
orchestra from l'ortland supplied superb
music. The lights flickered and went
out as the musicians struck up the strain
of the "Home Sweet Homo waltz," but
a little thing like that bothered no one,
as the gay dancers swung round the
hall, sorry it was the hint dunce of the
evening. i
Light refreshments were nicelv served
by the management of the Favorite
Oyster parlors.
Commissioner Welter Visits Orchards.
R. H. Weber, horticultural commis
sioner for the fourth district, and pro-
frietor of The Dalles Nurseries, was in
lood ltiver last week, visiting the or
chards of the valley, and warning fruit
growers to be careful in keeping their
trees tree irom scale ami other danger
ous pests.
Mr. Welior says he finds it very ditll
cult to get fruit trees sprayed inside the
city limits, but the law requires all fruit
trees to be sprayed, and he does not feel
that people in the town and cities
should be allowed to neglect their few
scattering fruit trees to the detriment
of the orchards in the valley. Those
who have trees within the city limits
must look after them, or the fruit com
missioner will exercise his authority in
ordering them grubbed out, should he
find any o( them infested with disease.
Cougar Took Voting Man's Nerve.
Lee Kvansol Mosier.who was in Hood
River Tuesday afternoon, tells a real
cougar story as tol.owa: Kd Harvey, a
young man of Mosier.who came up from
l'ortland last Friday night to spend a
few days with his parents, who reside a
couple of miles back from Mosierstatinn,
was going out homo with a lantern,
when a monster cougar appeared in the
road. The cougar let out blood-curdling
screeches anil refused to give the
path to young Harvey.
Harvey didn't care to force matters,
so stopped and returned not in a leisurely
manner to the home of Mr. Evans,
where Kd breathlessly told his tale, and
secured lodgings for the night.
Kvans says they went out the next
morning with a dog and gnu, and whi.e
the tracks of the beast were there,
the cougar wasn't. It wasn't a cougar
from the school section, either, savs Mr.
Dolls! Dolls! Dolls!
We start in with small China Dolls, 2 for 10
China Dolls, lung hair 10
' Full-jointed China Dolls, with long hair 50
A 9-in. China Head, Dressed Doll 30
A 3-in. China Head, Dressed Doll 100
A 10-in. jointed Doll, Dressed 50
Jointed Doll, Dressed 100
Jointed Doll, better grade, 25c, 50c, 75c
80c, 85c, $1.00, 1.25, up to 1.50
All kinds of Undressed Dolls, 10 up.
A few damaged Dolls at less than half price.
A full stock of Doll Hats, Hats, Slippers and
Games of All Kinds.
Our stock of (iames this year is com
plete. Among them are Crokinole Board,
Pit, Flinch, Panic, Wiggs' Cabbage Patch,
Checkers, Dominoes, Parchesi, Chess J India,
Buster Brown at the Circus, Parlor Croquet
and many others too numerous to mention.
Autograph Albums, 50 and up.
Photograph Albums in plush and Celu
loid. Look well and will wear a longtime.
inds of To3rs at ILorL03r Sa-vingr Prices.
Police Committee's Report Starts
Some Lively Fire Works.
The city council of Hood River levied
a ten-mill tax at the regular meeting
Monday night. This is expected to
raise about $.'500. Three millB of the
tax were designated for road purposes
and the balance for general purposes.
The assessable valuation of the proper
ty within the corporate limits of the
city of Hood River is $254,585.
The report of the police committee,
exhonerating Marshal ( Dinger from the
charges preferred against him
by a logger named Cooper, who was ar
rested on charges of drunkenness, start
ed sparks.
Early moved the adoption of the re
port, when Mayes arose to state there
liad been nothing regular about the ex
amination held in the recorder's oflice
with the marshal and Cooper two weeks
ago. "I am not a kicker," remarked
Mayes, "but when anything is carried
on in a manner not considered straight
and legal, 1 shall interpose an objec
tion." l'rather insinuated there was politics
in the rase.
Mayes replied there was nothing of
the kind, and made some more serious
charges against the marshal, stating he
was intoxicated during the week and
nearly fell against a woman in the
l'rather was on his feet in a minute.
"We have hud all sorts of men to till
the position of marshal In this city, but
not one has shown himself perfect," he
asserted. "Hut of them all, Mr. Oling
or hits performed his duties far bettor
than anyone else. If there are charges
to be made against Mr. (dinger, let
someone make them in writing and be
brave enough to Bign his name. We
are not here to listen to the heresay of
itailey then asserted in no mild tones
that this man Cooper had used thismat
ter in the city campaign, and efforts
had been made to drag his (liuiley's)
name into the affair.
Mayor lllowers declared he was not
satisfied with the objection raised by
Mayes against the report. ''I am not
in favor of covering up crime," re
marked the city's chief executive, "but
I believe Mr. Mayes misunderstands
the matter. In this report, the commit
tee does find fault with the neg
ligence of the marshal in not
turning city money over more
promptly to the recorder, but re
garding the other matter charging him
with extorting money from prisoners,
the charge was found to be all bosh, as
the examination plainly indicated."
The question of adopting the report
was put and carried with the one nega
tive vote, that of Mayes.
A plat of Stranahan second addition
was refused because it had been record
ed by the county clerk Wfore being
accepted by the city of Hood River.
The finance committee stated that a
complete rep rt of the year's work
wouul be furnished for the next meet
ing of the council.
Mayes, for the streets and public
property committee reported that the
boat landing was now passable. He
had U'en informed, he said, by Mrs.
liutchelder, that tramps have demol
ished the pest house in the west end of
the city, and that the hobos make such
a racket there during the night as to
disturb Mrs. liatebelder at the Country
Club Inn. The tramps have broken alt
the dishes in the building, and smashed
all the furniture and have cut into the
floor for tire wood.
Marshal Olinger volunteered to see
after the property there, and to place
what tramps he caught on the streets.
Mayse also stated that P. F. Fonts
had asked for a sidewalk from River
Wooden Toys.
Toy Chairs, Wagons, Pianos,
Buggies, Carts, etc.
street to the depot. As the walk will
accommodate the general public as well
as Mr. Fonts, the same was ordered
Mr. Karly for the sewer committee
reported th at a communication was on
hand from Attorney W. H. Wilson of
The Dalles, but that matters are no
nearer a solution than before:
Street Commissioner Cunning was
notified that a barn stood in the street
in the east end of the city, and that it
must be removed at once.
The vote of the recent cfty election
was canvassed, and certificates of elec
tion ordered Issued.
Claims against the city to the sum of
$145.43 were allowed as follows:
B. F. Rclieu, labor $ 3.75
Or. Lbr Co., lumber,, 3.87
Or. Lbr C, lumber 13.86
Recording deed co. elk 3.75
Marshal Olinger, salary 50.00
Norton & Smith, tin shingles 55
K, S. Olinger, excavating 8.00
Transfer Co., team 6.50
Trent fer Co., cartage 7.50
J. P. Jensen, labor 9.80
C. W. Crowell, labor 6.40
W. W. Crowell, labor 4.60
S. D. Garner, labor 5.40
Root, labor, 1.60
Kverhart, labor 4.50
E. A. Norton, labor 3.60
lirown, labor, 6.40
Wheeler, labor 4.50
danger and Hartley, labor 9.00
After the transaction of business, the
council adjourned to attend the first
monthly tea. Owing to the lateness of
the hour, the recorder was excused from
preparing Col. Hartley's $36 calf for
beef tea, but was ordered to do bo for
tho next meeting, in honor of the re
tiring councilman, Geo. I. 1 rather.
Card of Thanks.
The benefit entertainment Monday
evening was so liberally patronized that
the management feel it their duty to re
turn to the good Christian-spirited peo
ple of this city their sincere thanks for
their warm-hearted attendance. The
net receipts of the house were $1.75,
which was duly deposited in the bank
to Mrs. Kelley b credit.
We met several good saintly eouls the
following morning, who were not able
to gain admission to the hall (which is
altogether too small for Hood River's
charatable work). They handed ui a
bunch of regrets, and said they wonld
make it a point next time to get around
earlier. This helped some. Of course
these regrets will not go at the bank for
collateral, neither will the merchants
accept them for flour and bacon, but,
coming as they did from people of high
christian ideas, it tends to make us feel
that one can do Worse things than get
up charity entertainments.
So we have nothing but the kindliest
feeling for these regret pedlers, and do
sincerely hope when they have finished
their career m this sin-cursed world and
passed to that land where ice cream
and cold feet are unknown, there will
be erected to their honor a monument
that w ill reach to the moon. May they
soon need it.
(iraml Christmas dinner at the Ho
tel Waucoma.
Mrs. ti. U Castner fell and dislocated
her shoulder, Monday evening.
Mrs. Savage is home from Latourelle,
where she visited her sister, Mrs. Rix.
Miss Kva Xicklason came home from
Walla Walla Tuesday to remain dur
ing the holidays.
The Hood River Real Estate and
Exchange cotrptny eold the J. W. Rig
by place this week" to Orrin H. Gray;
consideration, $800.
J. A. Knox called at the Glacier office
last Thursday to statu that, while he
made the complaint in the recent saw
dust case, he says that he did not mis
represent matters to the prosecuting at
torney; and if any one holds to that
opinion, he w ishes It corrected, as the
relations between Mr. Knox and Dis
trict Attorney Menefee have always
been the best.
Tin and Iron Toys.
Tin and Iron Toys of all kinds, includ
ing Mechanical Toys, Toy Animals, Toy
Wagons, Carts, Doll Houses, etc. The arti
cles in this line are too numerous to mention
Fancy Chinaware of every description.
Water Sets, Vases, Cups and Saucers, Cake
Plates, Mugs, etc.
We have the largest stock of Ties in the
city. They include everything for men,
women and children. They are all nice,
clean goods, and we are selling them at a
money-saving price.
Old Wasco Good Enough for Him.
Hood River, Or., Dec. 19. Editor
Glacier:. A county division again? For
10 long years the division question has
been asleep. Pray don t disturb it
now. County division may be all right
for the people in town, but it would be
very hard for the farmers to pay the tax
es and keep the town yes, keep the
You will find many that will say that
county division would be a detriment
to the valley, more so to the bast Side.
Let me tell you something I know to be
a fact. The people at Cascade Locks
would join with Multnomah county;
so wtiat would De lettr
I am with S. F. Blythe, E. L. Smith
and Malcolm Moody, and closing will
say, that with a new county we would
be taxed to death. Old Wasco is good
enough lot all ol us. J . t 11 illstrom.
New Officers Eastern Star.
At a regular meeting of Hood River
chanter No. 25, order of the Eastern Star,
held Tuesday evening, Dec. 13, the an
nual election was held with the follow-
result :
Rachael Herschncr, W. M.: C. D.
Thompson, W. P.; Kditb Earley.A. M. ;
Theresa Castner, secretary; Fannie
Bailey, treasurer;Eva Clarke.conductor;
Calla Davidson, assistant conductor
the worthy matron elect has filled
the appointive offices as follows:
Ada Kate Dumble, Ruth Maud
Chipping, Father Elisabeth Shaw, Mar
thaEmma Brosius, Electa Lily B.
Brock, Warder Mary Savage, Marshal
Marv B. Davidson. Chanlain Marv
Clarke, Organist Lizzie RobertB, Senti
nelA. L. 1'helps.
These officers will be installed at a
joint meeting with Uie Blue Lodge Ma
sons on Tuesday evening, December, 27.
If Saloons Wo, so Must Women.
The debate by the High School Liter
ary society last Friday afternoon was
decided unanimously in favor of the
"wets." The question turned on
the issue whether Hood River would be
better off without saloons Harold
Hershner and Miss Mariorie Bakerwere
the strong debaters for the winning
In answer to the argument that sa
loons had a bad influence on men, Har
old Hershner sought to prove by the
same logic that woman should be ' abol
"Didn't Eve have a bad influence on
Adam in the Garden of Eden," went on
the young speaker, "and has not Mrs
Chad wick proven the ruin of a Cleveland
banker and brought disgrace to the
name of Carnegie? In the land fraud
cases recently tried at Portland, two
women were said to be at the bottom
of the whole conspiracy. If we must
abolish that which has a baneful in
fluence on man, we must make no ex
ceptions and include woman with the
other evils of the day."
Before such unimpeachable logic the
judges, Mayor Blowers, Rev. Spight
and Cecil Green, gave a unanimous de
cision in the young man's favor.
vt oman s sun rage will be the
next subject for debate. By a decision
of the members of the literary society,
i i . . : 1 1 i f. i i i T
uib ueimies win nerroiuir neiu in
the evening, which will permit of a
larger attendance. The next debate
will be held in the Odd Fellows' hall.
over the Paris Fair, Friday evening,
January 6.
At the Churches.
Valley Christian. Sunday school at
10 a. m. ;Christmas servi at 11 ; Y. P.
S. C. E. at 6:30; preaching at 7:30.
Subject of evening sermon : "Sampson,
and his Exploits, or The Man who Re
sisted Everything else but Temptation."
Christmas exercises Saturday evening.
Welcome. W. A. Elkins, pastor.
Pine Grove Congregational Rev. J.
L. Hershner, pastor. There will be no
service next Sunday the 25th instant, as
the pastor will be absent-in the Willam
ette valley. The next service will be on
the second Sunday in January at 11a.m.
Luthrran. A Christmas service for
Shoes and
Ladies' Misses and Children's Felt Slip
pers of all kinds and colors. They make a
warm present.
Gloves for Men, Women and Children, in
Golf and Kid. Everybody appreciates a
nice pair of Gloves for a present. Come and
loiok over our assortment.
Furs and Wraps.
A nice line of Furs for ladies and child
ren. Ladies Fur Boas, $1.80 and up.
' A large line of Ladies' Coats, Capes and
Jackets. All our wraps are of this year's
styles, and we are selling them at cut prices.
Take advantage of it. "
and by the children will be conducted
next Sunday afternoon at 3 p. m. Sun
day school and divine Christmas service
with preaching will be held next Sun
day, December 25, at it) a. m. a. J.
Kolb, pastor.
Unitarian Regular services next Sun
day. Subject: Why does the Idea of
Christmas Appeal to us?" Rev. J. O.
Kelson, paBtor.
Riverside Congregational. Rev. W,
C. Gilmore, pastor; Sunday school at
lu a. m.; Vjiinsinius survive wnu sciuiuu
11 a. m.; young peoples' meeting at 0:30
p. m.. address, "Giving and Receiving,"
7:30 p. m.
Latter Day Saints Elder Hiram 8.
Holt will preach at the Latter Day
Salnt-e church Thursday ana friday
evenings at 7:30; also Sunday, at 3 p.m.
and 7:30 p. m.
Methodist Preaching at 11 a. m. and
8 p' m.; Sabbath school 10 a. m.; Ep
worh League 7 p. m. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening. All cordially in
vited. W. C. Evans, pastor.
In Hood River, Wednesday, Decem
ber 14, 1904, the infant child ot Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Snyder. The little one was
but two days old at the time of its death.
The child appeared healthy and vigor
ous, but died from hea't failure. Burial
was made Friday in Idlewilde cemetery.
N. T. Chapman, after running a 25c
adlet in the Glacier for two weeks, made
sale of his 10 acres to 8. M. Ostium ;
consideration, $2,000. Mr.- Osburn
comes from Chenowitb and will build
on the land. Nothing pays like a Gla
cier ad.
The state horticultural society will
meet in Portland, Wednesday and
Thurday, January 11 and 12. E. L.
Smith will attend from Hood River.
Mr. Smith has been asked by Professor
Elliott of the Pullman agricultural col
lege to attend a fruitgrowers' meeting
at Pullman January 10, but he says
with the meeting in Portland, and the
convention of the Northwest F'ruit
Growers' association at Boise, January
16, 17 and 18, it is impossible for him
to attend the meeting in Eastern Wash
ington. Mr. Smith is i'l constant re
ceipt of Buch invitations, and says if he
could accept them all he would have all
his time occupied traveling about the
country talking horticulture.
Real Estate
For Sale New two-story 9-rooin
house; Stranahan addition ; $1100; terms
tor Sale or Rent Good farm with
stock and goats; farming implements
included. John Leland Henderson.
I or Sale The Abbott Store property
on the hill. Price, $3,000.
The M. M. Davenport 4 acres, nice
new residence, $1700. - Terms easy.
14 acres across the road from the M.
M. Davenport residence. $00 per acre.
Terms easy.
A 40 acre tract, some Improvements,
2 miles from Barret school house, $2,000.
A 40 acre tract, unimproved, some
free irrigating water, 1 miles from Bar
rett school house, $1,100.
A 20 acre tract unimproved, 1 miles
from the Barrett school house. 6 icm
cleared, $1,700.
The N of NW, Sec. 4, Tp. 2 N.,
R. 10 E, 40 acres. Price $2,000. $500or
more cash, balance in five years.
Lots 1 and 2, Blk. 2, Winans add. to
Hood River for $350 each.
The NE Vk of SW yK and the NWj of
SE W, section 16, Tp 2 north, range 11
east, 80 acres, partly improved, good ap
pie lanu, plenty oi limtwr, no rock
Price $800 cash or $1,000 on time at
per cent.
Money to loan.
Hanna house and lot, $2,000.
The new company now offers for sale
lots formerly belonging to the Hood
Rivor Townsite company, of which com
pany John Leland Henderson is secre
tary and the Hood River Bank treasurer.
Installment plan.
Lot 4, block 9, Hull's addition, fine 2
Btory house: $1,400.
Lot for sale in Waucoma Park addi
tion, $200.
For Kent For a term of ten years,
the lot on State street, back of
For Sale The Henderson ranch, for
merly ow ned by J. R. Galligan; 60 acres
30 cleared; orchard; strawberries;
clover and timothy, well irrigated ;large
2-story mansion, new barn ; all fenced.
Price $10,000. Brook runs through ranch.
Easy terms; telephone; rural delivery.
Four miles from Hood River.
For Sale The Donahue block on the
bill. Improved and fenced. Fine resi
dence, barn and outbuildings. $4500.
Will sell the SEW for $600, the NEJ
for $700, or the W for $3500. One
third cash, balance time at 8 per cent.
The Hunt place mile southwest of
town. House, barn, mostly in straw ber
ries and other fruits. Price, $1450.
One goat ranch on mountain east
of valley on county road. Price $1,500;
has small house, running water, and is
fenced. Terms, easy.
For Sale Beautiful lots in Park addi
tion, center of town, from $200 to $250.
For Sale The 50 acre strawberry farm
owned by A. E. Lake and others, on
west side. Price $14,000. All in straw
berries in their prime. A good oppor
tunity for several buyers to go in to
gether and each secure a part. Must all
be sold at once. Terms half of more cash.
Mrs. Clark's 1)4 acres on the hill for
sale or rent; house $10 a month, with
land $15; selling price $1,500; renter
must take subject to sale.
4. 320 acres of timber land at the falls
of Hood River, belonging to George E.
Forsyth ; 100 acres good fruit land;$4000.
8. 160 acres at White Salmon; fine
timber land ; $10 an acre.
9. The b-acre place in Crapper neigh
borhood, known as the Renshaw place;
all improved; new buildings, etc. '
For Sale. -40 acres near Monnt Hood
post office. Good land $700 cash 30
days, only.
Five acres at Frankton ; cottage and
acreandahalf in cultivation. Creek
and water power; $1,000.
Block 1, Parkhurst addition to Hood
River, all in cultivation; good house,
beautiful residence property; price,
$4,500; $1,500 or more cash ; balance ou
or before 3 years at 8 per cent.
Lots 10. 11. 12. block 5. Waucoma ad
dition; improved; price $1,600; or
more cash, balance, 1 year, 8 per cent.
The 10 acres owned by H. 8. Lewis at
Belmont, improved, with buildings,
farm implements, furniture, stock, etc.,
$3,000; the bare place. $2,500: $1,500
or more cash ; balance on time, 6 per ct.
Small house and lot on bill to rent, $24
a year; two vacant lots with privilege of
purcnase u a year lor the two.
For Rent. One or two cottages :co me r
store building to lease. Store building
can also be liought.
ror S"aie four-hiths interest in the
M.O. Wheeler 160 acres near Hood
River Falls.
For Bale Residence on State street at
nenaof front; $2,500, including 3 lots.
For Sale or Exchange for Hood River
proierty Fine residence in business
cemer of Sumpter.
For Sale Good farm with stock and
goats for sale or rent. Farming imple
ments. First-class Surveying Outfit
At the Emporium are kept 2 first-class
transits and solar attachments, and the
proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre
pared to do the work of laying out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying and platting,
rroru and after this date, April 9,' 1903,
the rates will lie as follows: $10 a day;
Lot corners established for $5 a lot;
two contiguous for one owner, the
same price.