HOOD HIVER, OR., AUG. 3, 18S9. TIMETABLE. BAHTSOITND. Express No. 2, leaves 10 40 A. M. Express No. 4, leave 12:35 A. M. WKHTBOCND. ExpreM No. 1, loaves 2:05 A. M. Express No. 8, loaves 3:45 A. M TUB MAILS. The mall arrives from Btraltsburi? at 11 o'clock A.M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; departs the same days at noon. For Chenoweth, leaves at 8 A. M. arrives at 6 P. M. Saturday. Kor White Salmon leaves dallv at 8 A'. M., arrives at 1 T. M. From White Salmon leaves for Fulda,- Gilmer, Trout Lake and Ulunwood Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Arrives on alternate Uavs. SOCIETY ISOTES. Riverside lodge, No. 68, A. 0. U. W., meets 1st and Sd Saturdays of each month at 8 P. k. Lyman Hnilth, Master Workman; 11. L. Howe, Recorder; J. 11. Middleton, Financier. Canbv Post, No. , G. A. R., mocts second and fourth Saturdays of each month BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS. C. R. Bone took a Portland party out to the glaciers Thursday. Mr. Smith informs us the fishing in Little White Salmon is excellent. Mr. John 0. Divers was in Portland during he week on a business trip. The photograph gallery is in full blast with Mr, Bony furnishing the blast. C. R. Bone, George Pratfeer and J. J. Luckey made a trip to The Dalles Tues day. Mr. C. W. Wilford Is clerking for Mr. J. II. Middleton during th3 latters ab sence. Mr. Stewart of the firm of Abrams & Stewart of The Dalles was in the citv Wednesday. Mr. Berdan announces his readiness and ability to inuve buildings quickly and cheaply. Mrs J. A. Solesby and wife, of Pendle ton, came down Thursday to visit Mr. Solesby's parents. Mr. Jos. A. Wilson went to Oregon City Monday to make final proof on his timber claim and returned Thursday. Mrs. Will Graham and daughter who have been camping six miles up the river for a week or more went home Thursday. Work was commenced on the Glacikh building Thursday and it will be com pleted as soon as possible. Mr. Cox is doing the work. Mr. J. II. Middleton and wife left by boat Thursday morning for Vancouver, W. T. They will probably visit llwaco during ineir absence. We venture the assertion that there is not a town of the size of Hood River' in the state whose merchants carry so large aim compiew scocks as ours do. Mathias & Clark are about throuah repairing and overhauling their building aim win put in a iuu 6tocic ot pamts, oils, varnishes, etc. in a few days. Mr. A. Hamilton has irone to Ellena- burgh, W. T, after teams and a stage coach which he will bring here and use in tue Kami & Hamilton hvery stable. From the way new buildings are go ing up, the short cuts across blocks will soon all be closed up. The Glacier eiiues into one 01 tnein autt mis it com pletely. Audubon Winans and William E. Nell will make final proof on their claims before the register and receiver of the land office at The Dalles on the 19th inst. Mr. J. J. Luckey has commenced builJing a blacksmith shop on Oak street between Fourth and Fifth and will soon be ready to attend to any busi ness in his line. Mr. II. C. Cje and family, 0. S. Stranahau and wife and Mrs. English and son went out to the glacier Thurs day. They will remain away for from two to three weeks. Nearly every afternoon down .freight carries from one to three car loads of rock for the walls of the canal at the Cascades. The rock, a good granite, is brought from Spokane Falls. Mr. Dearborn returned Thursday from Walla Waha after a week or ten days visit, and expresses himself delighted to get back to the cool breez.es and Bhady groves of Hood River. Mr. G. Boney has done considerable work in the brief time he has been here. A couple of views of Middleton's store are excellent in finish ami the big oaks loom up as cool looking and natural as life. Mr. A. J. Hand has made final proof on his claim which covers the outlet to Lost lake, and thinks the .phico is worth 45000. As he located it last .irinr ni the entire cost was less than $oi)0, it looks like a very good investment, Major Edwin -H. Conger, member of congress from the DusMoines district, Iowa, came up from Portland on the morning train Thursday 10 make a brief visit with his old time friend Hon. E. L. Btnith. We had the pleasure of meeting him, and hope Mr. Smith may impress upon him the necessity of opening the Columbia river. Mr. A. J. Rand informs us that ho has plenty of feed for horses and men up at Lest lake but parties going there will have to take their bedding. The fishing is good and he has put one boat on the lake and is building more. The trail is in good condition. Friday of last week the flume from Stoddard's mill to the railroad caught lire and about a mile and a quarter of it was burned. The fire had been burning in the woods for some time and Friday a big tree burned off and rolled down into the canyon setting fire to the flume. Mr.. Rand has opened bis hardware Btore and is stocking up in good shape. When he gets through ar ranging his goods he will have as neat a little store as there is in the country, and will be ready to furnish anything in his line from a locomotive to a shingle uail. Mr StmldArd linn matin flrrnnifflmfint.fi to move the planer from the mill to the railroad, and has purchased another and larger one to be run in connection with it. They will be placed near the railroad track bo that the planed lumoer can be put on the cars as it comes from the machines. There will bo at least $1500 distributed in prizes for agricultural products at the fair here this fall, and the exhibit ought to be a good one despite the short crops and off year. Let every farmer bring in the best, he has anyhow, that strangers visiting us may get an idea ol the nature of our products. Wasco Sun. TDK HOTEL ON MOUNT HOOD. It Is Not Likely To Be Opened This & on A Vino Water Supply. The hotel on Mount Hood, near Eliot glacier, is about completed, but it is un decided whether it will be opened this season or not. The building of tne stage road from Hood River to the hotel was an expensive job and the work on the hotel took longer than was expected owing to the difficulty of getting mater ial up to so great an elevation. After the road was completed a largo band of sheep was driven up into the mountains over it and in their scrambling along the steep hillsides above the road to feed they rolled a great lot of limbs, stones and treetops down into the road, render ing it impassible for vehicles, and put ting the company to considerable ex pense in getting it cleared out. The sheep men have been arrested and an effort will be made to recover damages from them; It has been concluded that the hotel is too small and an addition is talked of. The water supply of the hotel comes from the melting ice of the glacier, and is brought in through pipes. A bottle of it has been sent to this city. It is as clear as crystal. The bottle was labeled: "Water supply of Cloud Cap Inn, 7500 feet above sea level. Gravity system twenty feet higher than roof ol inn. No bonds: no veto; cold as ice." It will probably be decided in a day or two whether the inn will be opened this season or not. Next summer when the big hotel is running here it is expected that a great many of the guests will visit Cloud Cap Inn, and if an addition is not built this season it will surely have to be built then. Oregonian. Rats Cats. One of our neighbors below town a couple of miles, has been bothered for some time by predatory wild cats, which, urged on by vicious and ma licious dispositions, and omnivorous and gregarious appetites, made frequent and disastrous raids Upon his hen coop, and carried off some of his young broilers and egg producers. He got tired, awful tired of rt, and vowing vengeance on the whole feline tribe, he procured a shot gun and laid for the robbers. His pa tient waiting was rewarded and the red faced moon glimmering throush tiie dense smoke, threw the dark silhouette of an immense cat before his vision. The cat was a monster, and taking de liberate aim the vengeful man pulled the trigger. There was a loud report, a wild howl of anguish, and then out triend proceeded to examine the remains, which he finally picked up, carried across the field,, and threw over the fence. The chickens now roost in quiet content, our friend sleeps the innocent sleep of the just, while Mrs. Hull seeks diligently but finds not her pet cat, which strangely enough disappeared the same night the wild cat was shot. Theatrical. "The Turn of the Tide" will be played at Mosier by the Mosier Home Dramatic Company for the oenefit of the Mosier district school tonight, with the follow ing cast of characters : Jonas Ald'ieh, a Fisherman of the pom,!;,, Samuel Wallace Capt. lluuh Kt. Morris, commander ot the '-Tidal Wave." Hnshand Col. Ellsworth, a wealthy ship owner. . .C. J. I'hslhps Herman Chda, cupta-in of the pirate- F. C. Mulcney Bowie Knife Jack,' I w- ,Ul?', Slinjr Shot Rube. )" ' iraCe ( !M"iol Wallace Pepper, a colored individual J. J. Lynch Aunt Rebecca, the tttheruian's wiJi- uuictbodv ;;-M,R A: ,'ot Susie Aldrich, the ocean waif .Miss R. Mosier Lillian Lacy, Clyde's doscit.il wife. . .Kiss D. Mosier Frisky," with no one to love Mis B. I'lullips StK Manager, 0. J. Phillips. Musical Jiirectur. Miss B. Husband. Property Maiiaicur, F. C. Maloucy. Admission 25 cents. Children 15 cents. KetrestiuientB will he served at the hall. Beet fresh candies at G. T. Trailer's. CITY ITEMS. Eye glasses at leather's. For perfection fruit jars call on J. H. Middleton. Green Mountain salve, the best in the world, for sale at Prather'a. Go to Geo. T. Trather for cigars and tobacco. Best stock in town. Try one of those Cyclone mouse traps at Middleton's. Ten cents each. Fine line of wall paper being closed out at cost at G. T. leather's. Call and see. G. T. Prather agent for D. M. Osborn & Co.'s binders, mowers and sulkey rake. When you want a sewing machine buy the White, for sale by Geo. T. Prather. Get your house insured in the Pacific Insurance Co. ot Portland, u. l. Prather, agent. Just received 1000 grain bags which will be sold at 10 cents apiece. Geo. T. Prather. A fresh stock of Men, women and children's shoes just ,in at Middleton's Trimmed canvas button shoea for misses and ladies. All that want horse shoeing done will please come Mondays and Tuesdays as there is no certainty of my being in the shop except on those days. W. E. Neff. We have just completed arrangements with a first-class harness maker to run a repair shop up stairs over our store and will carry full line of harness, saddles, whips, etc., at bottom prices. Blowers & Son. We will soon have a full line of dry goods, notions, etc., bought direct from manufacturers in New York city. When they arrive we will defy any dealer in the state to get below us on prices, money talks, and we propose to make it an object for every person in this part of the country to Duy of us. We have no inducements to offer but bottom prices and lirst class goods. Blowers & Sox It appears from the testimony of ex' perts that death by electricity may not be after all the "rock-me-to-sleep mother" process that humanitarians are look in it for in the interests ot murderers A referee has been appointed by a New York court to collect data upon this sub' iect and several electricians have testi tied that it is the reverse of what has been claimed for it. Testimony of ex Eerts was introduced showing that death y this means is uncertain, citing cases where unconsciousness of many hours had been followed by resuscitation and recovery. Others described the suffer ings of animals experimented upon to be lingering and most intense, all of which proves that in the euort to be merciful mistaken and over-zealous men have been exceedingly cruel. Hood River Market. Peaches 5 cts per pound Apples $1 per box Black berries . . . .- 8 cts per pound Peach plums 3 ' " Eggs 18 " " dozen Butter.' 20 ' " pound Cabbage 2 " " Spring Chickens $2.50 per dozen Ducks 4.00 " ' BORN. McFARLAND. At Hoppner, July 19, 188P, to the wife cf Mr. Fran Mci ariana, a son, MARRIED. LUCKEY RAND. At the residence of the bride's parents, Wednesday afternoon at fi o'clock, Mr. J. J. Luckey to Miss Lillie Hand, Justice Wells oerforming the ceremony. DIED. LAflE Near Hood River, Saturday evening, July 27, 1889, Charles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Lage, ajfed eight years, 3 months and 4 days. House Painting, Kalsomining, Paper Hanging. SATISFACTION GUARATEED. George jMathias, HOOD RIVER. SB, Real Estate Dealer And Conveyancer, HOOD lilVEll. Has for salo Improved and Unimproved Farms. Fresh Milk Cows with Calves, - Voung Stok. Horses, broke and unbroke. AA Wa,H CI WE TOWN LOTS FOR SALE. yTHE PRETTIEST TOWN SITE IN THE STATE. The Hood River Hotel, R. RAJSTD, Proprietor. Close to the R. R. Depot. - - - - Hood River, Oregon. Neat, Clean and Cool! Special Rates by the Week or Month. --7.- - : . f -- i GEO. T. PRATHER, -: DEALER IN :- eneral .:. Merchandise, GROCERIES, Books and Notions. Cigars and Tobacco. 1 Confectionery and Fruit- Orders for fruit HOOD RIVER, Olinger JYfiry an Oak Street, near Postoffiec, HOOD RIVER., - - OREGON. We have First-Class Stock and Outfits, Double Buggies, Hacks, and Saddle Horses. A Fine Four-Horse Coach, suitable for fishing or excursion parties, carries nine passengers. Parties . taken to any accessi ble point. Keliable drivers. Our Dray delivers baggage or treight anywhere in the Valley Charges Reasonable. CMS, OREGON. filled promptly. OREGON. & Bone, j 3 D I OS - J