& in n V Gfacict HOOD RIVER, OR., AUG. 3, 1889. WATER FROM HOOD RIVER. The water question should be settled and settled at once. That the town will have to bring in a supply for next year ia certain, and that the farmers will bo immensely benefitted by having an abundance of water is equally certain. The town can get water very easily by going three or four miles, hut if the farmers will unite in bringing a ditch through the valley it will be better per haps for all parties to take an interest in this plan. A ditch and flume from some point near the forks of the river would bring the water out into the val ley, and once out of the canyon it can be conveyed in almost any direction. We are unacquainted with the ground, and would therefore like to hear the opinion of those who are. Let us agitate the matter now and once agreeing upon the natter call a mass meeting and take steps toward beginning the work. A good irrigating canal through the valley will double the value of every piece of land adjacent to it, and will enable us to raise abundant crops of clover and alfalfa. Let us hear from vou, gentle--caen. WANTED, CORRESPONDENTS. We want a good live correspondent ia each section of the valley as well as from the Cascade locks and the White Salmon region. It is impossible for us to give the news from every section un less some one will send it to us, and as our acquaintance in those neighborhoods is very limited we find it difficult to make arrangements for getting the local happenings. Communications should reach us by Thursday night to insure publication, and they should be signed by the parties sending them. The name of the contributor will not be made known if thus desired but it is necessary for us to know from whom we receive contributions. Send along your items and assist us in making the Glacier a compendium of tho local happenings of this entire section. By this time next year old residents will haraly know the place. By that time it is probable a dam will have bedu thrown across the river near the county bridge, and a big saw mill will be In operation near it. Ttie town will have a population of eight hundred, and it is probable that a second mill will be in operation below the depot. Then a big ditch will have been completed the en tire length of the valley, and two or three four horse coaches wiil be leaving every day for the glaciers. Hundreds of acres will be cleared and set out in orchards, and in the near future the roads will be lined in the evenings with teams bringing fruit to the railroad. Hood River has no boom nor does it waut one, but its merits are becoming known and nothing short of a vigilance committee can keep people away. The proprietors of The Dalles Trunk Factory who use pine from the head waters of Hood River in their trunk bodies, pronounce it the best lumber for the purpose in the United States. The Thillips Bros., who are interested in the factory, have worked at the trade for years, and their opinion is certainly en titled to weight. Its principal point of excellence is the fact that it will not split and from this cause much larger nails can be used in fastening the pieces together. This fact suggests the advisa bility of starting a box factory here, and no doubt this will be done when the saw mills are in operation. Communicated. Hood River, Or., July 24, 1888. -Editor Hood River Glacier: Having a curiosity to again climb the steep grades to old Hood, and view tho improvements that have been going on during the past summer, and the propo sition being numerously seconded by a Dumber of intprpstud nnrtina n.o.s,... fS ments were duly made, conveyance found us on tho road. The traveling was unusually good for this time of the year, as wood hauling so far has been unusually light, the farmers having paid more attention to their farm. and less to wood, than heretofore. After cross ing Hood river the dust was bad, until we reached the top of the Booth hill where dust gives way to stumps and brush. From Booth's will be the begin ning of the stage company's road at Baldwin's homestead. The trayelingwas very fair for this notoriously wretched piece of road. Where under the sun the road taxes of that district are worked is a mystery to everyone but them selors. The Stage Co.'s road from Baldwin homestead to the bridge, can be greatly improved by keeping on directly south on the county road, instead of turning down on the sundy river bottoms, Arriving at the bridge we made camp on the west side near the river. The bridge across the East Fork is a substantial structure of about 120 feet length and a sixty foot span acrors the main stream, was built by Stranahan Bros., and is a credit to both builders, and owners. Here the stage road proper begiiiB, and then work is apparent on every hand, in good bridges and broad anJ well worked grades. About two miles from the bridge in a heavy body of timber, we met the lead ers of a large band of sheep ; we could not turn and the sheep would not turn, nor giye the road, and so we had to re main in our wagon for nearly half an hour, and enjoy as best we could, the detention and aroma of about 28(H) head of "Mary's little school mates" that inarched by in single file. These annual incursions of marauding sheep men into our little valley is an outrage that ought not bo longer endured. The supply of grass is already scant for our own lim ited number of stock, and when these piratical bands of sheep are driven in upon us the result is that our stock is starved out, and comes home in the fall poor and unfit to enter into our rigorous winters. I understand that it has been practically demonstrated in some locali ties east of us, that saltpeter sowed plentifully during June and July brings forth fruit (sheep) meat for repentance, and I believe it is sotry it brethren. The "Elk-beds" station is our next stopping place, where we were cordially greeted by our old friend Pallas. After watering our horses and eating a hasty lunch, we start again on our final pull for "Eliot glacier." As we approach the mountain the grades get heavier, our panting horses require frequent rests, our party impatient to reach the end of our journey alight and take the more direct route by the old road, while I with my heavily loaded team, wind leisurely up the zig-zag road. The grade upon the whole is a great im provement upon the old one, but still j there is room for improvement. A very I just criticism would be that when so large an amount of money was to have been expended, a competent corps of engineers should have been sent out and a regular grade established. This could have been done as the broad even side of tho mountain would allow it, and at no great increase of cost, but a vast improvement to the road. But the road has an end. The new hotel looms up before me perched on the summit of "Photographers Hill," then in the foreground "Eliot" glacier with its monstrous contorted, misshapen bodv of ice and rocks, while beyond and in full view stands Oregon's pride Mt. Hood, Our camp is made among the village of snowy tents that dot the groves. Many friends gather around our evening fire with eager questions of friends at home, and news of lire and flood. Our day's work is done and we sink to sleep drinking in the pure mountain air. Early morning finds us with lunch basket in hand, climbing up not "the golden stairs" but the sharp broken rocks that form the moraines and cover the lower portion of tho glacier. This passed, we reach the smooth solid ice, with its hundreds of minature rivers and creeks racing along in their crystal beds. Further along we come to im mense crevassesjthat cause you to step back and listen in awe to the infant Hood river rushing dowu its rocky bed beneath the glacier, hundreds of feet below. Still further up gigantic blocks of frozen snow stand towering above us, evidences of power immeasurable that has riven it into myriads of fantastic shapes. On land again we have evi dences of our altitude in gnarled and twisted trunks of pines two and three feet in diameter, that have defied the storms of ages and still have not grown higher than your shoulder. At your feet, see, there is a Lupin in full bloom, that at your home grows higher than your head, but here you can cover the mature plant, bloom and all, with a divided walnut shell. The beauty of the old camD is gone. Its primitive wildness has passed away forever. Thousands of mischevous sheep have shorn its billowy hills of their wealth of grasses and flowers. The woodsman's ax and destructive fires have wasted the stately forest, the grader's pick and shovel have com pleted the ruin of nature's works. The hotel, perched upon the extreme summit of Photographer's point, over looks the entire surrounding country, and affords a view unsurpassed any where in the world. From the south extreme you have the whole north fall of the mountain from the summit to the doorstep "Eliot" glacier trom its very inception on the cloud-capped peak, to its terminus, a perperdicnlar wall of ice 400 or 500 feet high. In the north there are Mts. Adams, Rainer and St. Helens that look like fleecy clouds floating on an ocean of deepest blue, while to the west at your feet, fades awav the Cas cade range- into the distant Willamette valley. Eastward the silvery thread of the Columbia can be traced as far as Umatilla, and the shadowy form of the Blue mountains in the dim distance. On the left at your feet is a chasm where over 2000 feet beiow roars the torrent of the middle fork. A mile below at Strai.ahan's falls it leaps sheer 200 feet to its rocky bed below. A queer, quaint, old-fashioned house, is "Cloud-Capped Inn." Colonel, let me congratulate you. ijueen Anne never toasteVl her roval shins before as grand a fire Jdace as that in tho middle room. No expense has ueen epareu, everything that comfort and conven ience can suggest has been added. Water brouirht in 2 inch main furnishes an abundance of the clearest and purest liquid that was ever placed to inorta lirfl. But the sun sinks low in the west, our horses are impatient of delay, and there are hours cf a cool evening urive ue tween us and our homes. Iexd Oregon Mate Wcathxr linreaa. Orecron State Weather Bureau in co oneration with U. S. Sienal Service central office. Portland. Oregon. For week ending July 28, 1889. The temperature for the week has been very decidedly above the normal. A continued hot waye seems to have overspread the state east of the coast ranges. No rainfall is reported except an occasional shower or cloudburst; there has been no good rain in the state since May 19, and the last three days oi June when light showers were generally experienced, benefiting some crops. The sunshine continues to be above the normal, few clouds being at all visible. Smoke from forest fires prevails over the larger portion of the state to a cor tain extent obscuring the sun but not giving the cooling effects caused by clouds. Grains are too far advanced to be in anv wav affected bv the weather. Gen eral reports indicate a small yield per acre but owing to the increased acreage the amount for shipment will exceed that of any former year. In some places in Western Oregon the wheat has been injured slightly by the long continued warm, dry weather. Many thousands of acres will however yield 30 to 35 bushels to the acte. The Willamette valley will yield the best wheat crop in Western Oregon ana the Grande Ronde vallev the best in Eastern Oreeon. In the Umpqua val ley in Southwestern Oregon and in the southeastern part of Umatilla county the wheat crop will also be good. The southeastern part of Jackson county and in Klamath, Lane, Wasco, Sherman, Gilliam and Crook counties the crop will be poor, though even in these counties there are favorable localities where 40 bushels to the acre will be gathered. Though considerable wheat has been al ready sacked only small amounts are being delivered or offered for sale. At Alhanv the market onened at GO cents a bushef. This may be the price for aver age wheat in the valley. In Eastern Oregon the price will be from 48 to 54 cents per bushel according to locality and quality. wTbeee prices are tho best that wheat buyers will otter at the pres ent time. B- S. Pague, Observer U. S. Signal Service. Asst. Director. A complete bulletin may be found in the Sunday Oregonian of this date. To Rent. Six pleasant rooms suitable for house keeping for small family. Water in kitchen. Rooms up stairs over postof fice. For terms inquire at postoffice. Our first installment of boots and shoes have just arrived from Chicago. We can now offer you ladies shoes from $1.25 to $4.50 per pair; men's from $1.50 to $J.50. Come in and look at them. Blowers A Son. THE GLACIER Barber Shop Grant Evans, Propr, Second St., near Oak. - Hood River, Or. Shaving and Hair-cutting neatly done. Satisfaction Guaranteed. B. R. TUCKER, PROPRIETOR OF HOOD BIVEB MILLS. LUMBER OF ALL KINDS. MANUFACTURER OF FRUIT BOXES. . HOOD RIVER, OR. J. H. MIDDLET DEALER IN Y G Groceries, Boots and Shoes - - oves and Tinware Flour and Feed A General Assortment of such is usually found in a country store. HOOD RIVER, OREGON.