The Colnmbia EegistcrJ : Enter-4 Mtoconb-clau matter April i,lvi, i u pm owes m iiouiion, wr((Oii,nor mr Ac ol Conr-t ol March 1 187V. HOULTON, ORE., NOVR. . U4. rVU8HID kvkmV kmdav It. H. MITCMKIX. KdUor. Subscription prkt fl.W per yr lu'aJvanc-. AarertUIng rate ronable. Democratic National Ticket. FOR PRESIDENT; , A. D. PARKER, -OI New York. FOR VICE PRESIDENT; HENRY G.lUViS, Of West Virginia. from the vicinity nf Myk r In'di- 'O cates that the people of Onk Point - UvOli v aUO VuVitt uuuor vvivm n near the railroad as is p aible. Hoalton should have a Board of ; Trade ta solicit and encourage Tn i t -i u :...:. u migration. . it bduiuu hhiw mo mannfiMnrar ' lh farmer. tJiM mi. ner and the stockman; in fact, it j fi should have au eye ont for all f f classes of eood citizens. 1" other l frt pans oi me state, xoaruo ui - rauo are doing excellent work in adver tising the resources of their.' com- that they are doing will, entitle them JoJhe, lasting-gratitude .9 th? -people of the state as, a whole, it isup to the people Shajl we have a Boafd of Trade? CI m4 Boultoii School Kprt;',w-- The second montt of tbe Houlton -sclioo.l closed withJhefoJlqwingjrerorrw No. 0(i4iHV tuugiil.'. ..... v -U., No.of dllVB Utlt-ll'j.i l f . . .. . . . . 11 'p.; No. ioi diirt jn'mrnri-t i . i i o J No. 01 hiw 'ur l) . . . No. ol A . T. M ; JiO. ;-No.,of boya enrolled ...i. i. 32.; Total No. Hirollt-d,;;v.' : v:;: ;i-;;;2. Averflge No belonging '. Tbbeti .ln the ;.r advanced' ' deparlnierit ' "'who were neither atmene nortaxtweret Pr.0v1.ll .B Frank i'otvetov.J vj. ... " .. ;r T r r . .Jennie Speme, .Manly; Copeland, Eirl j " V' ;" ,' Perry, ' Eona Perry; Eiljel Mti.evtr j; uienn oniiiii, ciin i "ij"t f"" v-wjv-I- laud, ,0uy Boyr, : "Maiuie , Tbompiipni GladyaFredenbur'g, Eleanor - Smith, Clyde Perry, Ida Toi-ejoyV aiid Hattie ' Wikat'rpm. I? i .r, j f ' (t)9 ktsgir'il jaoS, Principal Tiiose neither abeent nor tardy in the' . primary department were ; ' ;. MftWie ftnence. IlaZel Wikstrom, Betit : Perry,- Edith Clarke Nellie Dunn.'OeorKie e a . a ' M'U-helJ,Hattie 1 Potts, Clovie ; Clark i-,'; 1 Aler r Oliver, Eatus Oronee, "1 Wilbur . r Clark Wailai-e Orbuee Enitet'?6nitht' i Ale Spenee, Clyde Heine ivaine: f . Pnlter. LifAnanI Ridler. HamiPuun,'. iM Dale Perry, Hughie JVlitchell aOtXnton j Cornell. Leota Lowe, Primary. I ' -a-.--Mf I mimf-mmvr - m v c r . - iz. z k i j - v t - -5n Od"T S. 4i f ""- tCf a, ;- -. i . el . s L-t rr i - 1 t .rs j -! i. .. M '' if 11 lYoulIavo filarial WILL CURB YCU : CURES LIVER THOU QUE. U if . v ... W Pa jtkr r w . ..r.;;?-t-u.- 1 W CONSTIPATION ' OUARANTCKO PRiSt SO CENTS