The Columbia register. (Houlton, Columbia County, Or.) 1904-1906, October 28, 1904, Image 5

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Reduced Rates.
Haimkii, Ore., Oct. Si, 1 "04. of MLliatl Hit Its lcn j Ivputy County C!trk llarria hw jmr
act for nest Tmn-Inr, elmuM the oM cludd tl lumU-r ami ia jrcparinjr to I
6IKh?. romona tirade. Kalnt. r, r-nm j waa live cctil tha: Ho if titling ,rc m Uo-Mory'bunucM
l'turtift di-iiringoUl nriinir aliwiM
aallat this like.
? ;
fillrtK IIi.l. L. I ..ii I. in. I
rcijjoe una uarrtn: . , . .i,
i ol one mid onu-tlurJ faro fur the ronnil
ltmiiKTKB and Journal (wml wwlly).! trip lm Wen granted (()r di-li-gnU- to
ion $1.73 per yaar
Diamond Iyci at the St. Helen
Bincy. New atot-k.
Mitw Mcl'.ruk,.of Deor Inland, vUltod
tu l'ortluud Monday,
S Lftr.nor, til Rainier, took in the
inutrottolia Mundny.'
Segll WllkeYvon, of Veroonla, moved
to lloulton liutt, week.
0. Merrill, of I'niveraity rark,.vl)i
UhI at Doer Inland Sunday.
lliiHV To tho wifo of Kc,mj, of
Warran, Wedneadny, a von.
Remember that tlio Uiuiihtkk club
nitli uU popere ol Portland
Tlio election tutllelK were printed title
x(tik in.tlio HioihTKK (illke.
TTie coutrty court liold n Uu-dny'a
pen-don, laiifc Friday and Haturday.
Mil. Volght, of GolHc, won a pli'iinnni
caller. at our aanrtum Wedneaduy.
Jatueri Mmklo aya lot'tflnu liuHhums
continued good on tliu Coweeman.
lie. AlvoriJ, tlic M. K. pnntor, as a
pkiuaant caller at our ollieu Saturday..
Attorney W. 0. Fincher made a bind-
now trip-from Itainior to Portland' lawtf
Friday. 7
Mr. and Mm. David IaviH, of Tort
land, vwiud friend in St. Helena the
flrat of t)ti Veik.
laying alt prejhdiccnald,. tlio Coi.
vmhu UwiiBiru ia the beat paper pub
liahod in Columbia county.
Do not forget the Pomona Grange at1
UlaUkanio, Saturday, November; f..
Kloction one week from next Monday.
SmwrvlHor Clark, of GoMe, wm up
before tho county court laat l'mlay in
tho lntereaU ol the roada in hit diatrlct.
(. Kicotiiovod liia household gooda
ant tu tho lfon place Wcdnclay,
' whore Mm family will reaido for the
oomirig year,
BfUher llmwn.of Kainior. hna one
of tin' 1xh-i up-to-dato markcta in CoU
nmliiu comity. Ami bo is cnjoyiryia
good trade. ;
Do not atand in tho wy of tbo car of
Iogr9.. U it going through lloulton
junt'iiow and if you do not get out of tS
. wey yuu will godtrnd lik the elitorV
k Sheridan Kloe, tho ww -butcher of
, Jtalnier, is kept quite buay aupnb in
inrrenaing trade. Sherd' bus kmocked
the bottom out of prieea of uicata and
J the 1'otiiotiit (irango to be ImU at Ulnt-
veiuber 4tli ami .tli and returning on or
iiad the acbool bonrd bad tl ru'c of
U'furo NwvfiiiU-rtlth. llewular fare will j th fclAol prinUvl and placed in the
Verily the ay of The building, when completed, will te
th trann-fior liara. jamnuroiiMi cnyoi n.iipimik. lue
A lit'.leditik'ulty aroW in tho Uatnirr ,"wr "fwywAll occupied am a atoro
' I 1 l il . IT
chorda w hich miirht have lin avoided "n uppt-rwwr lor o;ucri
1o rliarteil eoinn and certilieaUt i"nel.
wldeli'eerlitii'ato ot attendance tiiunt be
igned by the Secretary f tlm Conven
tion, when they illenti J deh-gatM to
tiekuta tor return at onem icd the regu
lar fare.
Tlila reduction will be mado only in
caKtf lh;re are .T delegate It Attend
ance from different point it on the lino of
tlw A. A V. K. It. Co., otherwiw regu
lar rate w'lll bo chartted.
Very truly, (S. It. Joiinro, Agt.
Fred Trow, of Itainirr, hippelHc-cral
car otahinglua in the p:ut fortnight to
Portland and way point.
Married, at St. IWen, October 21,
Juatice of tho Peace WiitVina oindating,
Mr. Kodford Ulnien und MiuaMngda
Unifllttfeler. Tho Kninicr (iaxclto wn dcaignuted
as the othVinl paper of tho county for
the publication of tho tax Hit and w an
awarded the contract at nine and a hull
cents per line.
Our wllom friend, Charley F-memon,.
of Deer Ialund,. was LUulto:i vittitor
Itiat Tueixlay. lie report the new hotel
at that town ns comploted and ready
for at) occupant.
Friedberg, the condy and cigar man
of lUlniciv in doing a good Uicinifi, and
by peraiatent effort h5 ban built up s
trado that might be envied by many A
man in a larger city.
"Meals at all hours" is often Been on
boarding house Big j-lnit K certain inn
at St.. Hejena, noted for its bsyl cacc
tropliy, ehould put out a sign "meals at
all prices to all pernons."
q aro plcaHtvl to learn that James
Dnrt, ot St. Helens, w hoi Iibh been on
the sick liet for suvoral weeks, is again'
on the- mend and w ill eoon bo able to
look after buniiietiH, as of old.
Hainier Iiodgo No. 151, I. 0.0. F.,
conferred the second and third degrees
at tueir hiMt Meeting. They w ill put on
the initiatory and third next Saturday
night. A good attendance is uesirod.
The Masons of Kainicr had work in
two degrees last Saturday night and u
very pleasant evening was rpent in their
work, so we arc informed from tho
pluuHanU smiles of some of tho- older
Tho butcher finds his trade increasing
at lloulton and it will only bo a short
time nntii ho w ill be propiired to servo
his customers of lloulton as well as
St. Helens w ith all the meat, and in any
shape they may desiro.
homes io tlut ioplo mighl know what
Is expected ef the children.
F. M. Thorp, the clkkfn man ef St.
Helens, went to rrtlnnd to lay In a
supply of feed fr the winU-r, Monday,
but lo returned nnd made roost of his
purchases In lloulton, where h: found
be could do about as well as In the city.
Afcnsor A. T. Laws has U new
premises in St. Helens enclosed with a
nice new picket fence. And be has alco
made mr.nv other improvements t bet
ter the looks of his surrounding. A. T.
knows bow hunako home look hniue
like. N. A. Terry, Houl ton's genial jt
master, and Superintendent Maguire, of
tho A. ti C. It. It., went gunning at Ih er
Iolund Sunday. Wo beur of no elalorate
duek stories, hut they Lid 5 good time
and were royally entertained by friends
Mrs. Anne Dorling," a sister of Dore
Perrv, died at htr home near (llencot,
Monday. Sho leaves n babo and two
small children. Tlo funeral was held
yesterday at tho Jackson school boufie.
N. A. Perry drove over with his family
to attend the funeral.
F-ditor P.lackford, of the Clatkanio
Chief, was in lloulton last Friday. He
said lloulton reminded him very much
of Clatukan'ie as it was many years ago,
when he first w ent there that is Defore
it put on airs and became a candidate
for county seat honors.
Kdwnrd Lonsignot,' mention of whom !
w as made in tho 1'ikiimtkii at the time
ho stole a rig from a Portland livery
firm find Bold tho same in -this county,
arretted at Astoria and' taken to Port
land, wob sentenced on last Friday to
servrthreo years for his foolishns.
Attorney Joe Day, of St.- Helens, is
thinking some of going into tbo agricul
tural business. Last week ho was ma
king a display of five onions that
weighed thirteen pounds. That is a
nico lot of onions, but wn have seen
thirteen onious that weitrhel thirteen
M. Ellis & Co., of Rainier, have for
many years lead in tho mercantile line.
They are still .in the load with a largo
Btock of almoBt anv article for which
you may can. iney are aiso nauiing
shingles and cord wood, the same pa in
former times. Their prices are qual to
the prices in Portland.
Contractor aro improving tlio city of
( lutunie at the expcnue of tho county,
uit it is only by making a good coun
ty road through th city w here formerly
tho county money has been expended
in keeping up an old bridge. Tnat is
the right way to do business. Had this
Wen done twenty vears ago the county
would have been several hundred dollars
better off.
V. II. Smith and bis son, F.ngcne, re
turned from Southern Oregon lat week.
They have some fine gold mining prop
erty out near Wimer, in Jackson coun
ty. Mr. Smith brought up some fine
speciintas. V e have freequently seen
sU il (ialt-books, bat he has a gold fish
hook that be dug out of tho bowels of
the earth. He says thai country ia not
only rich in minirg resources, but it
gnws all kinds of cereals to perfection.
He w ill return to his claim is a short
The annual rally of the Columbia;
Hiver division of .the Pacific Jurisdiction
of the Ladies of the Maccabees convened
at Skamokawa, Wash., lost Friday and
was participated in by Rainier Hive
No. i!0, one of the best drilled Hives on
the Coant. It is with no little pride
that tho JtEtiiHTKK learns that Mrs. Ed.
Clark, captain, and her army of braves
came homo bringing the silver cup as a
trophy ot bust drilled and handsome
Maccabees. Kainicr is noted for what
it undertakes to accomplish is secured,
and now holds two silver cnys won in
contest as. a reward for hi ambition
and competency. There io nothing
given or acquired without a struggle
and tho prizo was too temptiag without
an efiwt being made for it by Hive No.
20, and the cup has fallen iato worthy
hands, ,
Counterfeiting the Genuine.
Foley &ro.,ChicK", oriRlnated Honey and
Tar i a tlirout and lung renivdy, and oil Bl
ount nf the great merit and popularity of Fo-
V.V, e.1.75 112 50 ll.-i.00 tai.OO till .Suit,
With a savins to you of
$2.00 to $5.00 on a Salt
Boy's Suits $2.00 to $5.00
Men's Underwear 5t2x,)
It W21 Pay You to trade Avtth
Iho American
Mil r.LOTHiRn
22 1 -223 Morrison Sr.Tirst
Portland,- - - Oregon.
Call and examine oar new arrivals in
Oar line is tho
most complete in
tho at.
Ladies' Shoes $1 50 to $3.50
Children's Shoes 50 era to $2.00
Men's & Boy? ehoes 11.25 to 14.
230-232 Morrison St Near 2nd.
Leading roeaium pncea snoe 6uir Portland, orkoox.
Through Ticket to nil Kantern and I'm,
ropenn Point In Cojinection With the
O. K. N'. Co.mow on aale at A. Jt C.
It. 11. Ueueral Faua;r Office at As
toria. Dy an arrangement effective since Oc
tober 1st, the A. & 0. K. It. is now sell
ing through tickets over its line from
Astoria in connection with the O. K. &
X. Co. for all Eastern and European
points, in addition to tickets via the
Northern Pacific .Railway, thus civing
passengers the choice of routes to any
ley s i one aim i -r many - - J o( the cagt and Kurope, at the Same
f..nwl li.r t Iia irnnnf mi i.k flip r lllV a lllllCV I
and Tar and refine any substitute offered aa no
other preparation will rive the wane natiKiai:
llon. II In mildly laxative. It contain no
oplateK and iaaafeft for children and dclleate
pvrMtn. 8)ld by 11. O. Oliver. .
Next door to post office.
rates as in effect from. Portland.
The Steamer Iralda.
Hakes round trips between
Learlnc Rainier at 6:00 a. m. and Portland
at 2:30-p. in. daily (except Bunday). We aollcit
a ahare of the public patmnafte, and in return
will eive oulck service and a clean boat. We
are here to atay and want yonr businesa. Land'
ing at foot of Taylor Street.
C. I. HOOGHKIKK, Haater,
W. A. WOOD, Pbopbieiob,
Good accomodations at rea-
sonabte prices. Barn in con-.
nectioo with hotel.
Practice in any court, State or Federal.
:Xext door to court house. )
( ULIMH1A HtOlHTr-U. "
rKKK Wltfc eery Ol.OO .pnr
rhaae. Mode Pattern. With a
SS.00 purchase, a year'a.aub
aerlution to Blodex Monthly
Maa;aalne. Write for KA8H
Jhe people of Portland and vicinity awaited
each season for the announcement of this
store, knowing1 full wellthat what
if offers embodies all that is late, tie w, .seasonable, and stylish.
will show our patrons.a. SWELL LINE of READY-TO-WEAR
GARMENTS. We are noted all over the Pacific Coast as being
MATERIALS. Ouf FALL STOCK in these, as all. other lines,
must be seen to be appreciated. V
a m m
It is here that
Dress Goods. ,
over the- Paci6c Coast we arc
acknowledged1 leaders in Dress
Goods. No house west of the Mis
sissippi carries the line that we do.
This season' excels all previous ef
forts, and to the ladies "who are
anticipating . something extraordi
nary, dming tcrus, we'n help jjoir
and please you; v Novelties, new
and exclusive, in endless varieties.-
This 8eaBon:we will show a hand
-some line of ; Ladies' Silk waists, .
, tailoreda in te height of fashion,
all shades,, trimmed nobby and
catchy. Some for evening wear
. and some for street wear. The
styles and colors , are numerous,
quality thbes$, and the prevail
ing low prices.
Corsets and
' We carry the iiost complete as- v
sortmentof high grade and high
quality in ,the- Glove and Corset
line.;, If "it's new youH find it
here and it's always good; The
style, toojis apparent at a glance.
We guarantee a perfect fit in both
the Glove and CorseC Departments.
Cloaks -and Suits
hhhest quality, tailored to 'perfection, and from the best ladies' tailors
of the leading 'cities of America and foreign coUutries. This season,
as before, low prices will prevail, Suits, Skirts Cloaks, Jackets, Drefcs
W Sacques, and Japafiew Crepe Kimonos, satin trimmed, m ail cplora ; ,
. and-sizes. All of oiir totttirt and Butcher Coats aTe of the- latest crea-.
. tiona. ' ; : ' ', " "'V . . ..- '-X-
1 ' (ry
2nd Floor.
Our Prices Cannot Be
House, Dry Goods House, or Suit House in Portland, Oregon.
Silk Waists and Skirts a 6Decialtv. Everr sarment euaranteed as
perfect. Best values ON EARTH. Call and see us and Bave
money. The great 'and only exclusive Dry.Goods, Cloak, Suit and
Dress Goods House of the Northwest. , :
TEd Only Exclusive Dry Gbos Store, Corner THIRI) and MORRISON Sts., Pcrtlaiid, ORE.