CLASSIFIED ADS. CLASSIFIED ADS White leghorn eggs $1 per setting. Tancred strain S. C. white leghorn ~ 49-3. eggs, $1.25 for 15. Choicest Hogan- Mrs. C. W . Mayger. ized layers. Mrs. H. H. Bradford, FOR SA L E : Two good White Leg­ Hubbard. 49tf horn cockrels, choice $3.00 or the two 48tf J. Lettenmaicr offers his 106 acre j $5.00. A. F. YODER. W AN TED : A reliable stock man farm half way between Aurora and Donald fo r sale; will sell all or part; to take small flock o f high grade For Inquire at farm. 49tf Shropshire sheep on shares. particulars write, 368 Cable St. One horse Studebaker wagon for Portland, Ore. 49 sale. S. Keane, Hubbard, route 1. Beaverdam land for rent; 3 acres 49tf cleared and in crop in 1920; 12 acres HORSE W A N T E D : About 1300 to be cleared and take crop for term lbs. Give description and price. GUY o f years fo r pay. F or particulars Q. STRYKER, R. 1, Hubbard. 48tf call the Jaekson-Coleman residence, - 48tf Loose clover hay f o r . sale,$18 per Hubbard. W A N TE D : wood cut from large ton. E. R. Stauffer, Hubbard, r 2.48tf timber; by the cord. Call the Jaek­ W anted:— 100 bushels good spring son-Coleman residence, Hubbard. oats. C. M. Swinney, Dimick Stock 48tf Farm. 47-tf Young team, harness and wagon O.A.C. Starin Barred Rock cockrels for sale,- half mile south o f school fo r sa on e Needy. Address, house on Pacific highway. J. H. Scott. Hubbard, route 2. E.D.YODER. 47-3. 48-2. Fine grade o f sorghum molasses on Tancred S. C. White Leghorn eggs sale at H. N. Beck & C o.’s and at $1.25 per 'setting. Mrs. H. H. Brad­ F. B. Stickney’s home. 46-4. ford, Hubbard. 48-tf W ANTED— Small pigs from vig­ Day-old chicks fo r sale : Tancred orous stock, give full particulars in and O. A, C. strains combined ; chicks first letter, don’t phone. Glen Caro- $17.00 a hundred; eggs $6.00 a hu- thers, Hubbard, Oregon. dred; setting $1.25. Order early for Three horse Hercules gas engine, good dates. J. H. Friend, Hubbard, 47tf first class condition good as new, will Route 1. seller trade on good cow. H. L. CARL. 4 l-tf DANDELIONS FOR HEALTH Am prepared to handle any kind o f Next time you pass a field o f dan­ truck hauling carefully and quickly. delions, sit right down and eat some Phone 3303. Wm. JUNGNICKEL. Not only do dandelions 40-tf o f them. make you healthy, but they also keep No. 1 baled hay $20 per ton, not you young. been wet, 2%miles north o f Hubbard Dr. Josiah Oldfield says that a dai­ on Pacific Highway. D. E. Bradtl. ly diet o f dandelion leaves, fo w l’s 46tf eggs, grapes, lettuce, milk, water­ Fresh cow for sale-—A large grade cress, honey and salads in general, Jersey heifer in good condition, pric­ will do more toward keeping you ed to sell. Also Gold-dollar & Marsh­ young than anything else. all strawberry . plants from vigorous Says he: “ Old age is caused large­ stock, $4.00 per thousand. ly by deposits in the blood vessels Glen C. Carothers, Hubbard, Ore. and cells o f the body o f waste mat­ Yellow Danvers and Australian, ter.’ ’ Fresh vegetables help remove Brown onion seed, government tested, this waste matter and form new cells. fo r sale. PA R D E Y BROS. 45-5. — Popular Science. . Last Sunday evening Rev. Snyder, o f the law enforcement department Dehorning, which is so often prac­ o f the Anti-Saloon League, spoke at Dr. Ben Giesy at Aurora is report­ ed on the sick list. ticed on old prune trees, is seldom the Methodist church, it being a needed except when the tree is in a union' service, the Congregationalists The girls’ basketball team plays at badly vitalized condition and under uniting. The speaker said the big Sheridan Friday night. most circumstances does harm — W. job o f dealing with the liquor people LOCAL AND PERSONAL NEWS S. Brown. Mrs. J. R. Haller o f Woodburn, On prune fertilizers : On working spent Tuesday afternoon with Miss out the plan o f orchard fertilization, Mary Goudy. do not overlook the possibilities o f thq use o f cover crops. They are one Mrs. H. M. Dtirkheimer o f Port­ land, came Tuesday to be the guest o f the cheapest forms to obtain fibre for thè soil and at the same time o f Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mack. furnish the plant food. Another Home made pastries at Thomp­ point is, do not expect fertilizers to son’ s confectionery. take the place o f pruning, spraying and good tillage.— C. I. Lewis. Mrs, Caroline Fry returned home Wednesday from Portland after spending a week with her daughter, Mrs. Sarah Hinkle. Walter Lettenmaier moved from the Lettenmaier farm north o f Hub­ bard three weeks ago and purchased a confectionery at Aurora. The egg market is so badly demor­ alized at this time it makes it hard to estimate the loss that will be sus­ tained on every case o f eggs received from the producer. Choice candies Confectionery. at O. K . Yoder left fo r y Hutchinson, Kans., on a visit to home folks. His mother was reported in failing health which was possibly thes reason the trip was made just at this time. He expects to be away about a month. W e guarantee this product to give absolute satisfaction. J_. Scholl & Son Hubbard Garage & Repair Shop Auto Accessories and Tires Service battery Station Springs Welded and Repaired H. F. SCHOLL The Jacob Troudt family received notification from Washington D. C. Friday o f last week stating the body o f Nick Troudt, whose death oc­ curred in France while with .the A. E. F ., would arrive in America in a short time. The notice also stated the family would be notified when the vessel reached port, when the body will be shipped to Hubbard. Fruits in season Confectionery. at ing . put Slip and would be continued as long as there was need. He said if the measure now before the legis­ lature became a law, fifty per cent o f the fines collected would be turned over to the enforcement department and t!i*n it would be easier to enforce the law against bootlegging. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the firm o f Hodge & Russell by mutual agree­ ment, ha's been dissolved and that hereafter the automobile business heretofore conducted by them, will be continued at the same place in the town o f Hubbard, State o f Oregon, by L. T. Hodge individually. Dated at Hubbard, Oregon, this 8th day o f January 1921. L. T. Hodge, B. H. Russell. Date o f last publication Feb, 11. ‘ ‘ Chinese are not admitted to citizenship in the United States and the Chinese egg is entitled to no better treatment. L e t’s have a law requiring that all Chinese eggs be plainly marked. ’ ’ The quoted words are. from the Oregonian o f Tuesday. Besides this law, there should be a protective tariff duty o f at least 7 cents a dozen on all foreign eggs shipped into the United States.— Statesman, Salem, Feb. 2. TO REPAIR YOUR MACHINE Sfcmggssfully J. C. Crittenden this week bid in the second trick at the Canby station o f the Southern Pacific. His hours will be from four in the afternoon to twelve, midnight. Jay has been lo­ cated at Scofield fo r some time. Have a Maxwell touring car in j good order to trade for stock. In- I quire at this office. 46-4. Genuine Congoleum was just beginning, enforcement was difficult and slow for want o f funds to enable the department to bring the violator's to trial. However, he reported an aggressive fight was be­ Thompson’s Benj. Brown, o f Woodburn was notified Wednesday 'morning o f the death o f his wife at Friend, Ore., Tuesday morning. Funeral at W ood­ burn Friday. Mr. Brown had been | with his w ife until a few days ago. I Asthma is given as the cause o f j death. / W e have just received a large shipment o f — HINTS FOR PRUNE GROWERS WE MUST KNOW HOW W e Do MILLER & HALL DR. SCHOOLS U n der our ow n m ethods w e treat General Hospital without operation, and R ecta l Diseases and C li n i c a l G y n e c o l o g y , and surgical diseases o f w om en Maternity Home E d w a rd S ch oor, M . D . C. M ., Physician and S urgeon in charge S P E C IA L L Y , H E M O R R H O ID S , T u b e r c u l o s i s in its v a r i e d f o r m s E p ith e lio m a in all its variations without operation A c c e s s ib le C ancer W ith ou t the K nife HUBBARD, OREGON. Phone Main 4602 Thompson’s Farmers are looking forward to the day which ! is hoped is not far distant when they can complete sow­ ing their grain and getting other work done which is usually complet­ ed in December. However, there are many indications that the season may soon be favorable. Oregon with its green grass everywhere compares favorable with reports from most o f the United States where snow and intense, cold rules. DO YOU KNOW that lumber constitutes only 30 to 40 per cent o f the cost o f the average frame building? That lumber has increased in price far less than any other staple com­ modity? Flowers fo r any occasion furnished on short notice at this office. Our Bank Vault Offers Protection .Y O U ’LL LAUGH A T THE HOW LING W OLF when you have hundreds or thousands o f dollars snugly tucked away in this safe bank for savings. The w olf will never come to your door because saving will make you independent— financially, mentally, soci­ ally. Thrift is the call o f the hour. Heed it, and build up your savings with ns. State Bank of Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Russell and babe, and Mr. and Mrs. G. G. dgden left fo r Portland last Saturday after­ noon. The Russells will stop in Port­ land fo r a time, while the Ogdens went to Nebraska fo r a short visit, thence on to their home at Cairo, Michigan. Saturday afternoon the household goods o f Mr. Russell were sold at auction. Mr. Russell expects to be in Portland and Hubbard for the next two weeks, or until all mat­ ters pertaining to the dissolution o f the auto sales firm o f Hodge & Rus­ sell are disposed of. That lumber has DECREASED in price in the last 90 days 25 to 40 per cent? NOW IS THE TIM E TO BU Y! Hubbard and vicinity needs many homes and other buildings ! By do­ ing your building now, you w ill have it out o f the way when spring work commences, and we are positive you will he saving money, because lum­ ber prices like all commodities are regulated by supply and demand A t present the supply is greater than the demand. OUR MOTTO: Quality First, Service Always M A R K E T REPORT ?gg|£ Eggs .............................................. 32c Hens over 41bs........................... 24e Hens « b s and under ............... 21o Springs .............. 20c Broilers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27c Old Roosters 10« Country Butter « . . . 3 6 « COPELAND LUMBER CO.