1 f ft I O A GENERAL LAND AND REAL ESTATE Businesss done at Lexington ' Oregon by W. B. McALISTER U. S COMMISSIONER o A Few Good Farms For Sale Cheap Office in Lexington Bank It o tonH W5 HGTBL A. D. BECHTEL, Proprietor Board by the Pay or Wpek v Special attention to Transients Your Patronage Solicited.. ' , LEXINGTON, OREGON. C. R. McALISTER LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLES First Class Rigs Careful Drivers Special attention to Commercial Men LEXINGTON, OREGON. LOCAL NEWS It is a pleasure to us to be able to put ouj a paper In Lexington that rep resents every business In the city. A glance through our advertising pages will show you where to go for your sup plies, and the prices right. While we were not present at the lecture given in Artisan hall Wednes day evening of last week, It is said, by some, that a very able address on the art of eating peanuts, was delivered. It seems to have been a sort of peanut lecture. Mrs. C. C. Chick and little 'son, ac companied by Mrs. Chick's mother, Mrs. Sherwln, of Grand Rapids, Mich, arrived in Lexington Tuesday of last week. The Doctor and family are now located In the Boothby residence property. H. C. McAllster of . The Dalles, traveling salesman for Allen & Lewis, of Portland, was looking after the wants of our business men last week and could not get away from Lexing ton without subscribing for The Wheatfield. The Heppner Gazette says that W. R. Irwin Is the proudest man in Hepp ner on account of his little 14 months son, bills, taking first prize at the Portland baby show. Heppner people are proud of the baby because It is a Heppner baby. j SCHOOL NOTES All persons interested in what our school Is doing, will find in this column from time to time, news and sugges tions from the school. If the furniture can be secured In time the fourth grade will commence next Monday, October 2. Miss Byers, of Independence, has been engaged to" take charge of that room.. The enrollment is steadily increas ing and we expect by New Years to have the largest attendance ever re corde'd in Lexington. .The slowness with which some pupils are enrolling Is a great ( disadvantage. It would help not only then? but, the rest of, the schol also, If tney would enroll more promptly. ) It is our desire to have every boy and girl in Lexington attend school, and to this end we have some new In ducements to offer. As soon as the fourth room commences any boy or girl who is desirous of taking up work In any of the school branches and does not have the time to take the entire course along with the regular class may come and be given special work. A class of this kind Is under way of organization at the present time. It is our aim to make it possible for ev ery boy and girl in town to obtain some good from the school, if they so desire. Of course it would be much better to take the regular course and we advise if possible for the pupils to do so. ; The ninth 'grade class will com mence work next Monday. A class of ten Is ready to enroll. The work of this grade will include Composition, Algebra, Physical Geography and Bookkeeping. Special attention will be given to boo'kkeping and the same materia! and system as used by the San Francisco Business College will be used here. '. There are several ad vantages to be gained from a course of this kind. First; It is the system us ed by all business colleges. Second; From it you can get an idea about bookkeeping and decide whether you wish to make a more complete study of. It. Third; Any one taking the course given here can complete the entire regular course In any college In about three months, while If you have no knowledge of bookkeeping be fore entering the business college It will take six months or more to do the work, thus it Is readily seen that on account of the great expense of stay ing In a city It would be advlslble to take a course here. , As one of the chief aims In bookkeeping is neatness in work a fourth reason be added. Work In typewriting will also be added to this course if enough desire it. LEXINGTON FLOUR MILL JOS. BURGOYNE, Proprietor Fitted With Modern Machinery FLOUR EQUAL TO ANY ON THE MARKET Steam Power and prepared to exchange at all times. ' BARLEY ROLLS IN CONNECTION LEXINGTON, - - - OREGON I THE NEW BARBER SHOP HAIRCUTTING, SHAVING AND SHAMPOOING EXPERT MASSAGEING ONE DOOR NORTH LEXINGTON BANK I Lexington, - ' - - Oregon This space will be.occupied by McMillan & Benge t. LUMBER YARD THE WHEATFIELD ONE YEAR ONE DOLLAR PRINTS ALL THE NEWS