Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 26, 1925, Image 1

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    Historic Society.
Volume 42, Number 35.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
' Court met in regular eiiion at the
Court House in Heppner, Oregon, on
Wednesday, the 4th day of November,
1925, with all officer! present, when
were had the following proceedings:
Court approved the petition of G.
A. Farrens for a dance hall permit at
Hardman and ordered a license to is
sue for the same.
Court approved the petition of R. A.
Thompson and others for the calling
of a special road meeting of Road Dis
trict No. 16 to vote on a 6-mill tax
for special road purposes in said dis
trict and the election was set for Sat
urday,, the 28th day of November, at
2 p. m., at the Willow Creek school
house at the Walter Crosby raneh.
Court approved the petition of the
residents of Irrigon calling for a 6
mill special road tax in Road District
No. 1, and said election to be held
Saturday, Nov. 28, 1925, at 2 p. m.,
at the Wadsworth hall in Irrigon.
Court sold $100,000 worth of road
bonds for the price of $101,035 at 6
, interest with accrued interest to date
of delivery of bonds to Pierce, Fair
A Co. of Portland, there being three
other bidders, but the Court consid
ering the above bid to be the most
Court with Budget Committee drew
up the budget for the coming year.
Court ordered transfered from Gen
eral County Fund to the Motor Ve
hicle Fund the sum of $5000.00 which
was levied to cooperate with the
state on the Jones Hill road work.
Court approved of the following
Helen M. Walker, institute ..$ 150.00
State Library, library . 182.70
A. J. Chaffee, overseer 75.00
A. D. McMurdo, physician .... 10.00
Lydia Ritchie, pension 10.00
M. E. Zochert, pension 10.00
D. Patterson, pension 10.00
Rebecca Knight, pension 25.00
Ida Fletcher, poor 15.00
Jess Kirk, poor - 25.00
H. Cramer, Poor 25.00
J. C. Walker, Poor- 20.00
Pad Howell, poor. .. 20.00
C. B. Oral, sealer J. 6.68
Humphreys Drug Co., election 7.30
Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co., cur. ex. 36.18
F. Rasmus, sheriff 10.00
W. L. Matte. ion, sheriff 30.00
Gazette Times, offices 45.40
Kllham Sty. Co.,, sheriff 82.26
Irwin-Hodson Co., jus. ct 47.42
Glass A Prudhomme, jus. ct. 4.49
Standard Oil Co., court house 1.85
Gilliam A Bisbee, court house 2.75
Heppner Light Co., ct hse 31.20
M. L. Case, court house -86
H. M. Walker, superintendent 64.29
Klkhorn Restaurant, poor 2.80
Phelps Grocery, poor 4.00
Geo. McDuffee, jail ..... 87.26
C. B. Smith, rebate 7.25
R. S. Howard, rebate 43.06
E. F. Fagerstrom, rebate 11.74
Geo. Mitchell, rebate 81.89
A. E. Perry, watormaster 8.50
J. Bergstrom, No. 15 6.55
H. L. Rasmussen, No. 18 9.37
Lucy Jarmon, et al, county ct. 30.00
L. P. Davidson, county court 44.00
G. A. Bleakman, county court 31.00
C. A. Miller, court house 3.44
W. H. Chandler, No. 3 48.42
Paul Rietmann, No. 9 66.00
Federal Reserve Bank, bridge 600.00
A. B. Chapmann, Lena-Vinson 1,000.00
Humphreys Drug Co., general 8.40
Union Oil Co., general 96.85
B. P. Stone, general . 2.75
W. L. McCaleb, general 9.96
A. Olsen, general 6.45
S. G. Lininger, general 2.00
J. W. Kirschner, general 60.00
Gazette Times, Lena-Vinson 11.80
Oregon Hdw. Co., No. 1 13.S5
Cash Merc. Co., No. 2 98.94
F. Shlvely, general .'. 18.40
Gilliam A Bisbee, Lena-Vinson
Tum-A-Lum, bridge 210.36
R. L. Bcnge, Lona-Vnison 31.65
Wm. Furlong,. No. 15 29.41
State Commission, roads 74.44
Bank of lone, No. 9 13,22
Arlington Bank, No. 2 . 85.44
Farmers Bank, roads 677.25
C. Sautter, Market 65.00
M. Reid, Market ,.. 261.96
F. Engclman, Market 6.05
B. Mason, Market 39.40
Standard Oil Co., Market .... 26.73
Howard Cooper, Market 607.41
Bristow A Johnson, Market. 86.32
Peoples Hdw. Co., Market 61.21
Union Oil Co., Market 20.90
K. L. Beach, Market 16.25
E. R. Lundoll, Market 13.43
F. Shivcly, Market 6.00
Gilliam A Bisbee, Market 42.95
Al Kissler, Market 29.92
State Commission, Market .... 44.76
First Nat. Bank, Market 1,061.66
Bank of lone, Market 742
F. A S. Bank, Market, 879.17
Under the leadership of Prof. Fred
Kelly and Mrs. Lillian Turner of the
Lexington school, a somewhat differ
ent stlye nf program was given Wed
nesday afternoon at the high school
building there in commemoration of
the Thanksgiving season. After a
short program and song fest was
offered the all-school exposition which
attracted much interest, as each boy
and girl of the entire school had con
tributed some item of his or her skill
which evidenced the progress the the
pupils have so far made in their
school work this year. The appre
ciation nf the efforts of teachers and
pupils was shown by the community
In the large attendance present
"Bus" Bradbury with Duffield's
Comedians at the Star con teach the
girls the way to keep their husbands
without any of the annoyances usual
to ordinary married life In "The
Grass Widow" Friday night.
Americans Must Respond to Call
for Funds if Helpless Children
Are Cared for This Winter.
New York, Nov. 24. An impending
tragedy, which in a geographical
sense is far away, and yet in another
sense threatens to come close to
many Americans, looms into view with
current reports that the near East
Relief organization may be compelled
by shortage of funds to close out on
the eve of winter some- of its orphan
age work in Greece, Armenia and
The brunt of that tragedy would of
course befall the orphans who would
thus be turned out of the only homes
that they know. But the National
Golden Rule Sunday Committee of the
Near East Relief points out that "as
a tragedy of shame it will be worse
for America, which shouldered volun
tarily the task of housing and feed
ing these children, and in such event
would be guilty of deserting them
through sheer selfishness and ne
glect." The committee adds: "The Turks
who drove these orphaned children
from their homelands have been ex
coriated with the world's bitterest
condemnation. But the Turks were
avowed enemies of their people and
were at least guiltless of any pre
tension to a benevolent spirit. Some
new and more blistering denunciation
would have to be invented for those
people who, after hastening to these
helpless boys and girls as their Good
Samaritan, changed face and turned
them out into a homeless world.
This certainly all Americans of
conscience and sensibility will say,
must not be. Even if the welfare of
the orphans is not considered, the
good name of America is worth more
than the small cost of preventing
such a calamity. A revival of con
cern for the undertaking of the Near
Last Relief must be effected by prop
er public agitation in every Ameri
can community.
It is evident that the training of
these orphans is a duty not yet fin
ished, and a duty that cannot honor
ably be abandoned until it is finished.
Americans will not permit so great a
humanitarian work to abandon any of
its proper beneficiaries. A charity
so colossal as this Bust be carried
through properly and adequately to
its destined culmination, so that it
may stand in history as a long me
morial of sound Ameiican business
management consecrated to one of the
noblest and amplest acts of human
kindness in all time."
James M. Burgess, Local Chairman,
to Offer Prize to Child Sell
ing the Largest Number.
With the approach of the Christ
mas season there comes again the op
portunity for even the leost of us to
help in one of the greatest of human
itarian, causes the fight against tu
berculosis, the "white plague," thru
the purchase of Red Cross Christmas
seals, which will be ready for distri
bution immediately after Thanksgiv
ing. This year, as always, the sale will
be conducted until Christmas time, in
the hope that every package, eve,ry
greeting, which carries the Christmas
spirit from Morrow county will carry
also this small harbinger of helpful
ness. School children will be sales
men for the seals, and it is the plan
of James M. Burgess, superintendent
of schools, who has charge of the sale
in Heppner, to offer a reward of aonie
sort to the child who disposes of the
greatest number.
This holiday season marks the 18tli
in which seal sales have helped to
finance those who work to stamp out
the ravages of tuberculosis. Funds
realized from them mako possible
work in two branches of tho health
campaign the ' first a great educa
tional progam to teach tho well how
to KEEP well, and the second a cam
paign to give the sick a bettor op
portunity to GET well. That the
work In Oregon is reaping a rich ben
efit is evident from a study tf the
figures indicating the annual death
rates from tuberculosis in Oregon for
the last ten years. These figures
show a decrease of 28 in those
years, mire I y an appreciable improve
ment, For tho nation as a whole, the
death rate from this disease has been
cut in half since 1908.
The price of the seals is one cent.
Not only does their use show partici
pation in a worthy caURe, but they
add a touch of color and cheor to any
piece of holiday mail. Sticking one
bn every letter or card or package
during the Christmas season Is the
easiest thing in the world to do in
proportion to the result strained. Buy
them generously and use them freely!
District Atotrncy Notson departed
on Saturday for Sidney, Iowa, where
ho Is called to nttond to some busi
noss In connection with his father's
estate. With Judgo Benge and Frank
Gilliam, Mr. Notson went to Board
mnn where some property was ap
praised for an applicant for a soldior
bonus loan, and there Mr. Notson took
the train for the east. He expects to
bo absent ton days or two weoka,
Red Cross Chapter
Has Special Meeting
There was i special meeting of the
Red Cross chapter of Heppner on last
Wednesday afternoon, at which time
Lincoln A. Corbett, field representa
tive of Oregon was the honor guest.
Others present were Mrs. Helen Wal
ker, Mrs. W. P. Mahoney, Mrs. Jessie
Pruyn and Prof, James Burgess.
The election of officers was held at
thai time, Mrs. Emmet Cochran being
re-elected as chairman; Mrs. Ralph
Benge, vice-chairman; P. M. Gemmell,
treasurer; Mrs. Chas. Glenn Smith,
secretary; Mrs. Bert Stone, produc
tion committee; Vawter Crawford,
A get-acquainted meeting is called
for December 2 which will be presid
ed over by Mrs. W. P. Mahoney, as
the chairman, Mrs. Cochran, will be
absent. A number of sweaters and
other articles were mailed to Veter
ans Hospital 77 at Portland on Fri
day, the result of the work of several
knitters of the Morrow county unit
of the Red Cross. Mrs. Cochran also
requests that all Roll Call workers
turn in money arid record cards by
mail to the chairman at Heppner at
the earliest opportunity, in order that
reports can be sent to headquarters
promptly. s
Championship of Upper Columbia
League at Stake.
When Heppner meets Wasco at
Wasco today, the football champion
ship of the upper Columbia basin
will be decided. Both are undefeated
teams and the game promises to be a
good one.
The squad left Heppner Wednesday
afternoon at 2:30 to enable the boys
to be in good condition for the game.
Rooms and meals had already been
arranged for by Coach Finch. The
lineup for the scrap is as follows:
Center, Eugene Doherty; R. Guard,
Jim Thomson; R. Tackle, Earl Mer
ritt; R. End, Bob Tash; L. Guard,
John Turner; L. Tackle, Harold Ev
ans; L. End, Onez Parker; L. Half,
Wm. Bucknum; R. Half, Elmer Buck
num; Fullback, Paul Aiken; Quarter
back, Crocket Sprouts.
Domestic Science.
The walls of the domestic science
dining room have been refinished.
Mr. Driscoll kalsomined them the lat-'
ler part of the week and also var
nished the woodwork.
The blue color, which, was on the
walla formerly, has been replaced by
a light cream color. The dining room
was ready for use last Monday.
Elks Donate.
The local Elks lodge donated a sum
of money for the traveling expenses
of the high school football team,
when it goes to Wasco for the final
game of the season on Thanksgiving
day. This makes the second treat in
two weeks, the first being a banquet
tendered the team Amistice night.
Gifts, donations and banquets have
been given because the townspeople
ish to show their hearty support of
a fighting .team. The squad has de
termined to win the game to show its
appreciation of such honor placed up
on it
Sophomore Party.
"Hick" farmers and country lasses
mingled with the other members of
the sophomore class who gathered at
the home of Stephen Thompson for a
class party last Friday evening.
'Cross questions and crooked an
swers," fortune telling and other
games appropriate for the occasion
were played. Later cocoa, doughnuts,
sandwiches and fruit salad weie
Jim Stout was elected vice-presi
dent of the Heppnerian literary so
ciety at the meeting held on Novem
ber loth, the new vice-president ap
pointed committees to make arrange
ments for the initiation of the sew
members and for publishing a paper.
The freshmen had their pennant
hung on the walls of the high school
assembly last Thursday morning. It
is made of blue felt material for a
background with gray monogram and
numerals. They won the right to
hang it with the rest of the pennants
when they defeated the sophomores
in the pennant fight several weeks
Tliu fnnlhull hnvi will. Via onldHoin.
ed at a banquet to be given in the
schoolhouse basement December 4th
by the Arion literary society. It has
hoeti tho riintnm nf tho knriotv tn irivo
- . J fN - -
the football boys a banquet after
Thanksgiving and December 4 was th
onrlinnt nnon rinto.
Prenarations for the hnnnuot woro
started by the committees appointed
for tins purpose at a meeting held
Basketball practice will start Dec.
7, giving the football men a week's
rest after the Wasco game. Coach
Finch has good material to work with
and hopes to have an even better sea
son than he has had in the football
year. The first basketball game is
scheduled for some time in January.
To test the knowledge of the Amer
ican history class a quiz was given by
Mr.' Hurgcss Mondny. The quiz cov
ered the entiro twelve weeks of school
work in history and contained seven
ty-five questions. '
School will close Nov. 28 and 27 for
Thanksgiving vacation. The football
game at Wasco is the only school ac
tivity scheduled during the vacation
Most of the teacher and mnny of the
students whose homes are out of town
have returned to them for the three
day vacation.
The CanadUa Way.
Aparently the Department of Ag
riculture of Canada considers it as
much its mission to help sell as to
help raise, and it has purchased 26,000
barrels of Ontario's big apple crop to
sell abroad, returning the profits to
the grower. The government will also
put on an advertising campaign for
the apples, both at home and in other
Costs, Middle Profits, Taxation.
One doesn't have to be a farmer to
know that farming has been the poor
est paid of all industries for some
years, says the State Market Agent.
Operating costs have reached the sky,
taxes are steadily mounting, while
the prices of products paid to the
farmer have not anywhere near kept
pace. No matter how abundant our
harvests may be, or how great the
output of mines, forests or fisheries,
state-wide prosperity cannot come if
farming costs, taxation and middle-
profit tolls rise in proportion says Mr.
Spence. If it takes about all the av
erage farmer receives to pay his taxes
and operating expenses, he is more
of a liability than asset to his com
munity and the many small agricul
tural cities that depend largely on
farmer buying. Statistics of big
crops and outputs mean little to gen
eral prosperity when producers get
but onethird of the price consumers
pay for the products. Henry Ford
tells the farmer he must cut the cost
of production to remedy this condi
tion, while Herbert Hoover tells. him
be must produce less. Either of these
men know that what the farmers
really need for relief is a just sys
tem of taxation, based on income
ability to pay -and powerful selling
agencies to cut down enormous selling
die-handling expenses and profits.
Given this relief and the same tariff
protection manufacturers thrive un
der, farming would be a profitable in
dustry, and business of the whole
state would prosper with it. We don't
produce too much, we consume too
Taking Off the Robes., '
Two co-operative organizations of
strength and standing now permit
members to withdraw and market
outside if they care to. They are the
Pacific Co-Operative Poultry Asso
ciation of Portland and the Tobacco
Growers Association of Hopkinsvillc,
Ky. This course may be taken by as
sociations after they, have become
thoroughly established end powerful
enough to be big market-price fac
tors, but until they are in this posi
tion and strong enough to withstand
the fighting strength of private in
terests which attack most co-opera
tives, an iron-clad selling contract is
absolutely essential. Neither the egg
association or the tobacco pool could
have attained their present strength
without such contracts. '
Certified Seed Paya.
Results from nearly twelve thou
sand test plants of certified vs. non-
certified potato seed planted in parts
of this country and Canada, show an
average increase per acre of 46.6 bu
shels per acre in favor of the certi
fied seed. Oregon is fast coming to
the front as a cretified seed state,
California being a big buyer.
On Basis of Quality.
The farmer who is wise will grade
and produce high quality of every
thing. Every day buyers demand more
grading and consumers demand more
from retailers. It is only fairness
that products be paid for according to
quality and market value. Something
that will make first grade should not
be paid for at a second grade price.
Quality basis is a just basis. The
farmer who produces better products
should get better prices.
Rhea Creek Grange
Will Present Play
"Aaron Slick of Punkin Creek
' Caught a cold and made him sick."
On December 11 the Rhea creek
grange will present the play, "Aaron
Slick From Punkin Creek," a three
act comedy, at the house on McKin
ney creek at the junction of the
Condon and Hardman roads.
In connection with the play there
will be an auction sale and bazaar
and a very attractive quilt will be
disposed of. Following the program
and auction, the ladies of , the grange
will serve a free supper. An admis
sion fee of 25c will be charged, the
proceeds to go into the fund that is
being raised for the building of a
grange haH.
The annual lodge of sorrow of the
Elks will be appropriately observed
by Heppner Lodge No. 858 at their
temple in this city on Sunday, De
cember 6, at 2:00 p. m. The speaker
of the occasion will be Sam E, Van
Vactor of The Dalles, member of
Heppner lodge, and an attractive pro
gram will be offered. It is our recol
lection that one of the best addresses
we ever heard on the occasion of the
Elks' memorial sevices was delivered
a number of yearB ago by Mr. Van
Vactor, and we are sure everyone will
be well repaid by hearing him at this
service, to which tho publia of Hepp
ner and vicinity are cordially invited
And if you boys want to lenrn how
to acquire a fortune easily see "The
Fortune Hunter" Thanksgiving night
with Duffield's Comedians at the Star,
The Sunshine Bathing Beauties will
have a new number for you every
night at the Star with Duffield's
Local School Children
To Have Health Test
In compliance with a law passed at
the last state legislature physical ex
aminations will be given to all grade
school chidren of Heppner Monday
and Tuesday of next week, by the
teachers in charge of each room, ac
cording to announcement from the
office of J. M. Burgess, superintend
ent. The examinations will be in no
sense complicated or technical since
their aim is only to test in a very
general way the pupil's physical fit
ness. Such defects as those of hear
ing, vision and posture wHl be tested
and f the defects are of such nature
that they hamper the child's school
work the parents will be notified.
Following Bucb notification no action
on the part of the parent is compul
sory. He is notified solely that he
may know his child's condition and
take steps to remedy it if he sees fit.
Although there is nothing whatso
ever in the test that might prove ob
jectionable to either the child or the
parent, any parent who may prefer
that his child be excused from the
examination is priviledged to object
in writing to the superintendent and
his child will be exempted from the
Making a break for freedom, a big
turkey gobbler took a fly at the front
window in Curran A Barr's pastime
Tuesday afternoon, with disastrous
results to the plate glass. Mr. Turk
went right through the heavy window
and it was wrecked while the bird
escaped entirely uninjured. That the
turkey could get up sufficient momen
tum to work such havoc in the short
distance that he had to fly is rather
remarkable, but he was a heavy bird
and his weight must have had the
most to do with the wreck. He rose
from behind the cigar case where he
had been placed with tied feet, and
with a squawk was out through the
window in a twinkling. The damage
will be around sixty dollars.
Richard Wells has rented a por
tion of the building in which the
Patterson drug store is situated, and
will move his barber shop from the
Hotel Heppner, immediately. We
understand that Mr. Patterson has
purchased the building on upper
Main steet now occupied as a studio
by B. G. Sigsbee, and will immediate
ly remove his stock to that location.
This building was a part of the Hen
ry Heppner estate in charge of Phill
Mr. and Mrs. John Weatherford and
Mrs. Oscar Mitchell of Grass Range,
Montana, arrived at Heppner Mon
day and were guests at the home of
Mrs. Rosa Richardson until Tuesday.
Mrs. Weatherford is the daughter of
Mrs. Mitchell and these people are
making a short visit among friends
at Heppner and lone where they went
Tuesday. Mrs. Mitchell also has a
daughter living in Umatilla county,
with whom she is visiting on this
Dollar mint special at Gordons.
Mrs. Ida B. WSodson departed for
Eugene Wednesday morning where
she will join her daughters. Misses
Margaret and Bernice and they will
make their home in that city in the
future. Mrs. Woodson was very suc
cessful in disposing of her property
and household effects here for which
she expresses her gratification to the
people of the community.
Dr. -A. H. Johnston's mother and
sister, Mrs. A. J. Johnston and Miss
Irene Johnston of Portland, have been
spending the past two weeks in Hepp
ner, guests at the doctor's home. Miss
Johnston came to Heppner for the
purpose of having Doctor Farrior do
special bridge work for her which
will necessitate their visit being pro
longed another week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Miller re
turned home from their honeymoon
trip Saturday, and are now domiciled
a the Miller farm northeast of Lex
ington. On Tuesday evening they
were given a proper reception and
welcome by a large number of their
neighbors who gathered to extend
congratulations and have a good time
for a few hours.
Walnut cream patties at Gordons.
Attorney F. A. McMcnamin of
Portland, accompanied by A, E. Kin-
caid of the same city, was doing bus
iness at Heppner Friday. Mr. Mc
Menamin is attorney for the F. E.
Bell estate, and Mr. Kincaid is the
owner of a considerable tract of
wheat land in the Blackhorse section.
At the Methodist community church
6n next Sunday evening at 6:30 Ver
non Sackett will lead the Epworth
League meeting. This promises to be
a line meeting for the young folks,
and any who arc not attending else
where are cordially invietd to be
present, states the presdient, Miss
Lillian Allinger.
Miss Myra Wells, who has been at
tending business colleje in Portland
for some time, was compelled to give
up the work because of her eyes, and
has returned home. Miss Wells also
took lessons in music while in the
. Jimmie Dufneld as Sambo the Black
face attendant in an insane asylum
will keep you in gales of laughter
from curtain to curtain with the good
old southern darky superstitions and
aoliloquisims. "Merry Maniacs" at
the Star Suturdny.
Get your magazines at Gordons.
Jos. J. Nys made a visit to Canyon
City the past week, where he was
called on legal business. He thinks
the trip over on the John Dny high
way is a fine one, as it passes through
The Spending of Small Sum on
Extension of Lexington Mar
ket Road Would Help.
"By the expenditure of some six or
seven thousand dollars in work of
grading on the Lexington-Jarmon
market road right now great benefit
would result to at least 24 or more
families in the Alpine neighborhood,
and would be the means of helping
them over their present distress and
through the winter," is the expression
given the editor of this paper by Karl
L. Beach of Lexington, Tuesday.
Mr. Beach, with other business men
of Lexington, has been quite, active
in getting this matter before the
county court, but to date has not been
assured by that body that the request
for expenditure of further sums on
the Lexington marke road right now
will be granted; in fact, the proposi
tion has been turned down by the
court, as they feel that other roads
should now be receiving attention
and financial assistance. As we get
it from Mr. Beach, he agrees that this
is true, yet he cannot see but what
a small sum spent in grading on the
extension of their market road could
not cripple the program of the court,
and it certainly would help greatly in
tiding those farmers over for the
For the past two or three years they
have suffered short crops, the past
year having neither grain nor feed.
They have succeeded in getting feed
for their horses, and if the teams
could be put on this grading work
for a few weeks, the money earned
would help many of these people to
get their tax bills paid and also fur
nish what supplies they are in need
of. If this does not come, Mr. Beach
states, many will be compelled to
abandon their places and pull out, go
ing where they can secure work.
turning their stock loose to wander
about and be cared for by poaching
off those more fortunate, or starv
The people residing out that way
are not asking for the completion of
their road; they are willing to wait
a number of years for this," states
Mr. Beach, "but they should have
this help right now on a part of the
work that will have to be done ulti
mately, and it is because I understand
their extreme need that I am urging
the court for this expenditure, and
sincerely hope that they will be able
yet to see their way clear to grant
what I believe is a reasonable re
What these people are asking for
would seem to be quite reasonable,
and we hope the court can figure a
way to extend them the assistance.
We understand there is to be a dele
gation from out that way in to talk
this over again with the court at the
end of the week.
Lexington Defeated at
The Dalles On Sunday
The Lexington Giants went to The
Dalles on Sunday for a game of foot
ball with the American Legion team
of that city Russell Wright, man
ager of the Lexington team, states
that they went up against the real
thing and bucked a team that played
football for sure, the results being
somewhat disastrous to the Morrow
county boys, who met with a 12 to 3
much interesting country.
Ray McAlister was in Heppner for
a short time on Tuesday from Lex
ington. He but recently returned to
Lexington from Portland where he
has been spending the past year.
Manager Sigsbee of the Star Thea
ter has booked Cecil DeMille's "The
Ten Commandments" for Heppner.
Sunday and Monday, December 6 and
i This is one of the outstanding
feature productions of the year and
many are anxiously awaiting the op
portunity to see it.
Charles Cox, young son of Mr. and
Mrs. W, Claude Cox, who has been ill
for some time following an operation
for appendicitis, suffered a severe re
lapse Tuesday night.
Oyster cocktails at Gordons.
D. J. Butcher, auditor for the Pa
cific Telephone and Telegraph com
pany, with headquarters at The
Dulles, was a visitor in Heppner
Chas. S. Coon, who looks after bus
iness for the Columbia Basin Wool
Warehouse company of Portland, is
spending a few days in Heppner this
Karl L. Beach of Lexington, who
was in Heppner a short time Tuesday
aftenoon, expected to spend Thanks
giving with his family at Walla Walla.
Andrew Baldwin, assistant at the
Morrow County Creamery company
was confined to his bed yesterday
with an attack of la grippe.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Wells went over
to Pendleton to eat turkey with the
family of D. C. Wells and enjoy the
Thanksgiving Beason.
Frank Harwood departed yesterday
afternoon for Portland and will
pond the Thanksgiving holidays with
relatives in that city.
Geo. T. Coyne, representing several
wholesale houses of Portland, was
interviewing tho trade at Heppner
Hot oyster bouillon at Gordons.
Don't forget the Charleston contest
at the Star after the "Grass Widow
Friday night.
By Arthur Brisbane
Lead to Cure Cancer?
God Thundereth.
The King Shoots.
Even the Bathtub.
Professor Bell, a surgeon of author-
tiy, director of the Liverpool Cancer
Research, announces to the Toronto
Academy of Medicine a new and suc
cessful treatment of cancer. Fiftf
cases, including many considered ab
solutely hopeless, have been cured by
injection of a lead solution.
One woman, with only a few weeks
to live, was cured, so this responsible
surgeon says, of a rapidly growing
spindle-cell sarcoma."
If it is true that a poisonous lead
solution can attack and destroy can
cer tissues without destroying normal
tissue, it means the saving of mil
lions of lives, and, most important,
it means avoiding agony, physical and
mental, beyond calculation.
England, in spite of her unem
ployed, diminished trade, coal trou
bles, etc., goes along cheerfully. Good
King George has gone to shoot with
the Earl of Iveagh.
As they proceed through the estate,
shooting as they go, a traveling kit
chen accompanies them. Servants
carry their guns, load them, hand
them up when the time comes to
Sometimes "six guns" in one day's
shooting bring down as many as
1,000 pheasants and 500 partridges.
It is a most noble, glorious and
inspiring sport, every bit as exciting
as it would be to enter the Earl of
Iveagh's chicken, yard, shooting right
and left.
In Britain it is called "sport."
There is one advantage it enables
the traveling American to buy, all
cooked, for four shillings or less, a
pheasant that has cost the Earl of
Iveagh twenty shillings, merely for
the pleasure of killing it. t
George Pullman tried to create a
city. It was called "Pullman,' but as
a separate city it didn't work.
Mr. Wood, once president of the
American Woolen Company, decided
that he would build a city and spent
$21,000,000 on his model town, Shaw-
sheen, in Massachusetts. A new
president of the American Woolen
Company, Andrew G. Pierce, Jr.,
moves the company away and Shaw-
sheen will become a deserted village.
A town is like a language or a hu
man being. It must start naturally
and grow of its own power. You
can't invent it or create it.
It is said, in Job: "God thundereth
marvellously with his voice; great
things doeth He, which we cannot
To understand this universe, the
forces or the intelligence back of it,
seems hopeless aftr you read Dr.
Millikans description of the new
rays that roam through space. They
are stronger than ultra-X-rays, 1,000
times greater in frequency, their
ionization is constant, day and night,
and they are of the "10,000 volt va
When Volta, learned Italian, wrote
his treatise, "On the Attractive Force
of Electric Fire," 150 years ago, little
did he or Napoleon, who made him a
Count and Senator of the Kingdom
of Italy, imagine what terific forces
in nature would be called "volts" in
Volta's honor.
The magnificent W. K. Vanderbilt
house in New York's Fifth avenue
will soon be turned over to wreckers
and torn down. Meanwhile for char
ity, the crowd, to whom the name Van
derbilt means something, will pay to
enter the house, wander about, con
template the great dining room, two
stories high "and Mrs. Vanderbilt's
room on the third floor with the bath
room cut from Italian marble."
All this, even the bahtub, must
pass away.
The only interesting thing about it
is the fact that Benjamin F. Winter,
who owns and is tearing down the
house to build something suitable,
came here a poor Jewish boy not long
ago. He has had more fun out of
that Vanderbilt house than Vunderbilt
who built it, ever had. Winter, who
EARNS his money and power, enjoys
The birthday of her husband was
the occasion of a complete surprise
party given Fiday night last at the
home of Mrs. Andrew Reaney near
Lexington by Mrs. Karl Milltr. A
few friends of the young peoplo had
been invited, and their arrival at the
Ileaney home was a complete surprise
to Mr. Miller. The evening was spent
in the enjoyment of numerous games,
interspersed with music and followed
by a delicious luncheon. Those pres
ent were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Warner,
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bauman, Mr.
and Mrs. Art Parker, Mr. and Mrs.
John Miller, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Tur
ner, Mr. Howard Lane, Mrs. Goldlo
Leathers, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Miller
and Mrs. Reuney,