Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 05, 1925, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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(bnsrttr iLiutrs
hhe heppner gazette, Etuki
Idark IA Ul
November IS, ifcSi ;
Published every TburnUj mornins by
and entered at the Port Office at Heppner,
Unvoa, u aecond-clfeu muter.
One Year
Su Months
Three Months
Single Copm .
Foreign Advertising Representative
On Buying At Home.
rpHlS is a subject that agitates
the merchants of every small
town tnd hamlet the country over,
It is also the theme for abundant
"hot air" on the part of newspa
per men in these localities. It
has been a live question for many
years in fact ever since the ad
vent of the catalogue house, and
money from the rural sections has
poured out by the millions to en
rich these big concerns who have
long ago learned the secret of
getting their wares before the buy
ing public in a way that takes.
This paper is always anxious to
have the local merchants prosper
and we try to be consistent in the
matter of boosting for them. From
our observation this is true in ev
ery community where a paper is
published. Heppner has good
stores, and our merchants are ac
commodating to the extreme that
they have almost bankrupted
themselves in order to extend
credit and help along their pa
trons, a great many of whom will
always dig up cash to the mail or
der concerns and peddlers while
they continue to ask for credit of
the local dealer. Of course this
is absolutely unfair, but is only
one side of the question. We
should help build our town by giv
ing our patronage to the local
man be he tradesman, merchant,
lawyer or doctor and we might
incidentally mention the printer,
also, for we find ourselves suffer
ing from the abundant patronage
handed out to the "mail order"
printers of Portland and other
large cities, who do not furnish
any better work at any better
prices than the lcoal shop is able
to do. So it is evident that we
are all in the same boat, and it is
not unfair to ask that considera
tion be extended all down the line
in this matter of patronizing the
mail order institutions and send
ing dollars away where other cities
are built up and where the tax
gatherer takes no toll that comes
back to help carry ths burdens of
the local communities.
We picked up a little sketch the
other day, taken from an ex
change, which is pretty good read
ing. Evidently the editor had
been criticised for his support of
the local business interests of his
town, and this is what he says:
"The editor of this paper has
been accused of being too enthu
siastic in the matter of buying at
home. If that statement is made
in the nature of criticism, we ac
cept it for what it is worth. In
one instance it was made by a bus
iness man who said that the place
to begin was with the business
men themselves, for he said that
he noticed that when other busi
ness men wanted something in
his line they took advantage of
the opportunities of their whole
sale buying from department
stores and supplied their house
hold wants. This is unjust to the
business man at home who spec
ializes in a given line. The sav
ing may be a few per cent of the
cost, but he thereby sets an ex
ample for the local merchant" in
that line to 'go and do likewise.'
The retail business of the busi
ness men of a community is a con
siderable item, and the buy-at-home
campaign should start at
home. If the business man wants
a rug or a piece of furniture, a
harness, auto accessories, radios,
coats and suits, or anything else,
why not give the local dealer a
chance to supply those wants?
Reciprocity is a splendid thing to
practice. Let's be fair to each
other and then we can with better
grace ask the community at large
to be fair to us."
Dry Vote For Steiwer.
Oregon Voter.
A PROMINENT Oregon attor
ney whose interest in and ap
titude for politics sometimes carry
him into the inner political sanc
tums and make his observations
timely, vouches for the fact that
the organized anti-saloon league
vote in Oregon has been pledged
it0 Freer'ck Steiwer, republican
candidate for senatorial nomina-
,ion He nescs ,hat senatr
Stanfield has been making frantic
efforts to forestall a comrlete de
.... t
sertion of "dry" support, but that
the efforts to date have been in
This attorney cannot for the life
of him figure how Senator Joseph
can justify a possible candidacy
for the same nomination, since he
will be opposing the junior mem
ber of his firm, Bert Haney, should
he, Joseph, receive the republican
nomination. The only ground on
which this observer can reconcile
such a position is that Joseph and
Haney are determined to keep the
senatorial honor in their office.
As to Haney 's candidacy for the
democratic nomination, this inac
rive politician asserts that Mr.
Haney, some months ago, sent
word to the democratic oreaniza
tion in Oregon to keep the field
clear for his candidacy, since he
intended to resign from the Ship
ping Doard early in 1926. Since
this alleged statement of Mr. Ha
ney's was made before the Coo-lidge-Haney-Shipping
Board en
tanglement, this attorney regards
the event of Haney 's resignation
even more probable now than it
was when forecasted several
months ago.
Still Going Strong.
LAST week Governor Walter
Pierce addressed two of the
largest and most enthusiastic po
litical meetings ever held, one at
Condon and one at Fossil. The
governor has lost strength in many
sections, but the politician who
thinks that he hasn't a few shots
left in the locker has a surprise
in store. It will take a scrapper
to beat him next fall," so states
the Optimist of The Dalles.
It is our calm opinion that Gov
ernor Pierce will be a hard man
to beat if he chooses to succeed
himself in office and the republi
cans must unite on their best man
if they accomplish his defeat.
However, George Huntington
Curry of the Arlington Bulletin
has it doped out that our governor
is going to enter the race for the
democratic nomination for sena
tor, and should this happen the
calculations of some other prom
inent politicians in the Bourbon
camp may be somewhat warped.
At any rate the governor will be
in it somewhere and he will make
an interesting race, both for his
own party at the primaries and the
republicans in the ge.neral elec
tion. Armistice Day Comes to
Sooth a Restless World.
WHAT could be more fitting
than that the ultimatum de
livered by the Council of The
League of Nations, commanding
Bulgaria and Greece to withdraw
their troops behind their national
borders, and to cease hostilities
forthwith, should have, been for
mulated and delivered practically
on the eve of Armistice Day?
Time, which modulates the pas
sions and provides a deeper back
ground for mutual understanding,
time which levels all things and
lays the shepard's crook beside the
sceptre, has brought much of mor
al advancement to the world, but
never has it given us a happier
augury than now when it turns
the consideration of Armistice
Day to one of softened joy in
place of inspiration for the re
newal of hatreds and continued
bitterness of soul. It seems al
most as if that great apostle of
peace, dying practically discredit
ed, had arisen in the spirit to
stretch His'arms over the peoples
ot tne world in calm but forceful
command that reason henceforth
shall reign supreme. Men in our
national congress may differ as to
the wisdom of this great nation
entering into the entangling alli
ances of the League; readers of
ten thousand newspapers may hold
ten thousand different views, but
all will rejoice that renewed
bloodshed on the field of battle,
with its incident horror and hu
man suffering has been checked,
and muskets silenced by the influ
ence of a great American.
As the years roll on that influ
ence must grow in power, carry
ing in place of sadness, solace to
those stricken souls whose dear
ones went west for human free
dom. No more need Armistice
Day cause the eye to flash in mem
ory of great wrong done. Rather
may it now make the stricken
soul pass from that pain that is
almost pleasure in its sacrifice, to
pleasure that is almost pain in its
Western States Fare"
EXPLOITATION of natural re
sources at the hands of de
partments in Washington contin- i
ues to the detriment of Western
One western state Oregon
has as high as 54 per cent of its
entire area locked up indefinitely
in iorest reserves, mining, graz-
ing and farming lands entriely
witnurawn trom settlement.
Senator Stanfield of Oregon,
chairman of Public Lands and
Surveys, after holding public land
hearings in each of the eleven
western states, describes the way
tnese great commonwealths are
being "milked" by bureaucratic
He is the first western senator
to take a flat stand, without reser
vations, and raises the issue that
the resources of the states shall
belong to the states in whose boun
daries they he.
He is the junior senator from
a state that has lost millions of
dollars taxes by railroad and wag
on road land grants being confis
cated by the federal government
and converted into federal re
serves. Wyoming is being drained of its
oil and mineral resources for the
benefit of the federal government,
while Oregon has 140 billion feet
of standing timber locked up in
forest reserves, and other states
are similarly situated.
In all these states the taxes on
farm lands and private property
are doubled, by withdrawing lands
from taxation and extensions of
federal power never intended" in
the constitution.
All Art Combination of
Hands, Brain, and Heart
In one of Ruskln's essays he talk
about art, and points out the differ
ence between manufacture, craft
and art How would you define
them? What' does "manufacture"
mean? You know from your music
lessDns as well as from your Latin
lessons, that "manus" means hand,
and "facto" means do, or make.
Therefore, manufacture Is to make
with the hands, says a writer In the
London Times. Nowadays, however.
machines have been Invented to
help the hands, and thus more can
be made In a given time. The fln
work of the brain Is not required
but Is left to others who show the
workers what to do.
Craft, he tells us. Is anything
that Is done with the hands and the
brain ; so more mental control Is re
quired and skill results. Thus each
worker depends upon his brain and
Invents his own methods of produc
ing results, and executes his own
Art, he asserts, is that which Is
produced by the hands, brain and
heart. Thus, painting, sculpture
and music, are on a higher plane
because they require the co-operation
of the head and heart (sou! or
spirit, some may prefer to call it).
Nothing can be called real art which
Is produced only by the hand and
head; although It may be very
clever, precise or skillful. It lacks
the inner appeal the appeal of the
Many Ingenious Ways
of Ascertaining Time
In the Sixteenth century, In pol
ished Parisian society, there came
Into vogue the etiquette of the
watch. One of the rules was that it
should not be consulted in the salon,
such an act being taken as an Indi
cation that the owner was tired of
his company.
An Ingenious watchmaker there
fore brought out a watch with raised
figures and a fairly solid hand.
When the owner wished to know
the time he slipped a surreptitious
finger into his pocket, passed it
along the pointer and read the hour
as the blind man reads Braille.
The watch with the luminous
dial, from which time may be told
In the dark, had a number of
strange prototypes. One of the
most curious was the timekeeper in
vented by a celebrated member of
the French academy, M. de Vlllayer.
He had constructed a clock which,
face upwards, was attached to the
head of his bed. In the place of the
figures marking the hours, there
were small cups which sunk into
the dial, and were filled with 12
kinds of spices.
In the night, M. de Vlllayer would
moisten a finger, pass It along the
pointer, dip it Into the cup to which
it pointed and taste the spice. The
cinnamon might stand for three
o'clock, nutmeg for four o'clock and
so on. Kansas City Times.
Cruel Old Custom
There was a time when 'laugh
ing" faces were actually manufac
tured to meet the demand of those
who wished to be amused. Up to
the end of the reign of James II,
human "sculpture" work was car
ried out by roving tribes of gypsies
called Comprachlos, who were of
.Spanish origin. They bought and
even kidnaped children, and prac
ticed a science or art of human dis
figuration. Children thus treated grew up
with an Immovable and fantastic
grin. They were an attraction at
all successful traveling booths and
entertainments until the custom
was repressed by William III.
Various Kinds of Seal
Hair seal is the term applied to
animals of the seadog family. It Is
found In extra tropical portions of
the sea, along temperate and colder
portions of the globe. Only the
variety known as Greenland seal Is
of significance to the fur trade. The
two-months-old cub of the Green
land seal has a skin used In the
trade, and Is known as white coat
seal. According to nice this nl.
mal passes Into grade known as
small spot seal, meddling spot seal
(two years old). Later It becomes
spot seal, and, when finally full col
ored, harp seal, 4
Ingenious Scheme Keeps
Parental Line Intact
Respect for one's elders la
praiseworthy custom, which, never-tt-eless,
may be carried too far, J.
D. Newson observes In Adventure
Magazine. On Kaga, In the New
Hebrides, It has become quite bad
form to let one's parents die. Of
course. It Is rather difficult to keep
them alive If they fall out of a tree
and break their necks, or meet a
shark while they are swimming
about In mid-ocean, and extreme old
age Is also responsible for many
Even so, the respected parent
must not die; he must, on the con
trary, live more vitally than ever,
and the practical-minded Indigenes
have found a perfectly simple so
lution to this awkward problem.
They go to the next village or a
neighboring Island, and buy a child
of the desired sex, whom they adopt
as their father, mother or grand
parent, as the case may require.
The child Is given the deceased's
name, rank and precedence. He is
treated with every mark of respect
formerly accorded the real relative
at least when the occasion calls
for ceremony.
This makes for astonishing confu
sion among relatives, and It drew
from one visitor, who came from
another Island, the scornful com
ment: "Kaga! Oh, that is the place
where they marry their granddaughters!"
Roman Soldier Figures
in Crucifixion Legend
In the legendary lore of the
church, the soldier who pierced the
side of Christ on the cross with the
spear has been called Longinus.
This man, unfounded tradition said,
was one of the soldiers appointed
to guard the cross, and was led to
become a follower of Christ through
the miracles which attended the
crucifixion. He was also set with
the band who watched the sepulcher
and was the only one who refused
to be bribed by money to say that
the body of Christ had been stolen
by the disciples.
For his fidelity to the truth, Pi
late resolved on his destruction;
but for a long time Longinus man
aged to escape. He left the army to
devote himself to the work of the
gospel, but he did this without get
ting legal discharge from milltarf
He and two of his fellow soldiers
retired to Cappadocla, where they
began to preach the gospel, but at
the instigation of the Jews, Pilate
sent after them as deserters, be
headed them and had their heads
brought back to Jerusalem.
So runs the story which may
have a mistake for Its base, longinus
being the technical name for a long
Where Insects Are Food
In Mexico live tribes of Indians
who eat a kind of bread made in
great part of the eggs of notonectes,
which are large water bugs. The
honey ants, swelled with sweet mat
ter, are used for a dessert In Cen
tral America. The natives of Africa
make bread with the termites, while
those of Brazil prepare them with a
Several Chinese peoples find cat
erpillars and the chrysalises of the
silkworm excellent food. They are
fried In butter oil, with the addi
tion of yolk of egg and other Ingre
dients. The Hovas of Madagascar
regale themselves with the chrys
alises of the bombyx, which are
often fried or boiled. Natives of
Australia eat moths, which they
pursue and catch with the aid of
torches. They are first dried and
then their wings are removed.
European "Holy Grass"
Sweet-grass, or vanilla grass, is
the holy grass of Europe, which is
strewn before churches and re
ligious processions. It Is the ma
terial from which the Indians of the
St. Lawrence region weave, when
dry, their thin-walled baskets, and
which, when made of the genuine
grass, retain an odor of new-mown
hay indefinitely.
Another sweet grass does not In
the least resemble grass, having
whirls and white flowers like tiny
stars In symes. When dried, It is
fragrant, however. The name Is
given, also, to certain other plants,
most of which are fragrant, espe
cially in drying. A sweet, vernal
grass Is found In fields and meadows
over nearly the whole of America.
Wonders of Insect World
The champion aeronaut Is the
king of grasshoppers, which has the
ability to Jump 100 times Its length,
and can sail for 1,000 miles before
the wind. The cricket Is a powerful
singer, Its shrill note sdmetlmeg be
ing heard a mile away. The males
alone are musical, and the females
listen to their melodious wooings
with ears which are on their fore
legs. Being so musical, it would
hardly be expected that they would
be such fighters among themselves
as they are, or cannibals, eating
members of their own species when
there is not enough other food at
hand. Our Dumb Animals.
Notice la hereby eiven that the un
dersigned has filed his final account
as administrator of the estate of
Ruth E. French, deceased, and that
the County Court of the State of Ore
gon for Morrow County has appointed
Monday, the 7th day of December.
1025, at the hour of 10 o'clock In the
forenoon of said day, as the time,, and
the County Court Room in the Court
House at Hepnner. Oreeon. as the
place of hearing and settlement of
said final account; that objections to
suld final account must be filed on or
before said date.
L. W. BRIGGS, Administrator.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned B. B. Kelley, has been duly
appointed by the County Court of the
Stale of Oregon for Morrow County,
administrator of the Estate of Emelie
A. Kelley, deceased. All persona hav
ing claims against said estate must
present them, duly verified as re
quired by law, to me at the office of
Woodson h Sweek, attorneys for the
administrator, at Heppner, Oregon,
on or before six months from the
date of first publication of this no
tice. First publication October 8, 1925.
B. B. KELLEY, Administrator.
Notice is hereby given that Blaine
E. Chapel, administrator of the Es
tate of Eugene A. Chapel, deceased,
has filed his final account of his ad
ministration of said Estate and that
the County Court of the Stat of Or
egon has set as the time and place
for settlement of said account No
vember 7th, 1925, at the hour of 2
o'clock P. M. in the afternoon in the
Court room of the County Court of
Morrow County, State of Oregon, at
Mellow Natural!
that la what you will say when you hear our new
radios. Even under the most unfavorable condi
tions you can depend upon FREED-EISEMAN re
ceiving sets. They will reproduce instrumental
and dance music in pure, true tones without dis
tortion. They will give you stronger volume and
greater distance. The FKEED-EISEMAN seta are
a genuine achievement in radio performance and
are the biggest value on the market today.
Now when reception is perfect, Is the beat time
of the whole year to have a radio. While you are
Bhut in evenings Just tune in on any one of the
hundred wonderful programs and treat yourself
to real enjoyment.
O. O. F. Building
Let Jus furnish your
Staple and Fancy
Fresh Fruits and Veg
etables in Season
Phelps Grocery Company
Heppner, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that by vir
tue of that certain chattel mortgage
executed by W. B. Finley to Joseph
Cunha, Sr., dated September 24, 1924.
and recorded in the office of the
County Clerk in Morrow County,
State of Oregon, on the 4th day of
October, 1924, in Book 25 on page
355 of records of chattel mortgages:
I will, on the 26th duy of October,
1925, at the ranch of W. B. Finley,
about 16 miles Northeast of Lexing
ton, Morrow County, State of Ore
gon, sell at public Bale to the h'ghest
bider for cash all of the following
described personal property, to wit:
One Gelding, branded C on left
shoulder; Ten work mares, branded
W F on left Stifle; Twenty Geldings,
branded W F on left stifle; also har-
Heppner, Oregon
ness for thirty-one bead of horses.
Sala at 2 o'clock P. M.
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed by the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for Morrow County administratrix of
the estate of Newton S. Whetstone,
deceased, and that all persona having
claima against the said estate must
present the same, duly verified ac
cording to law, to me at the office of
S. E. Notson in Heppner, Oregon,
within six months from the date of
the first publication of this notice,
said date of first publication being
October 8, 1925.
Notice is hereby given tht the un
dersigned, administratrix of the es
tate of W. A. Richardson, deceased,
has filed her final account In the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for Morrow County, and said Court
has fixed Monday, the 7th day of De
cember, 1925, at the hour of 10 o'clock
in the forenoon of said day as the
time and the County Court room at
the Court House at Heppner, Oregon,
as the place for hearing objections to
said final account, if any there be,
and the settlement of said estate, and
all persons having objections to said
final account or the settlement of said
estate are hereby required to file the
same in said Court on or before the
date fixed for the hearing thereof.
Dated this 22nd day of October,
Physician and Surgeon
Graduate Nurse Assistant
I. O. 0. F. Building
Phones: Office, Main 933; Res. 492
Heppner, Oregon
I also handle Casing, Windmills
and Supplies, do fishing and clean
out old wells.
Box 14, Lexington, Ore.
X-Ray Diagnosia
I. O. 0. F. Building
Heppner, Oregon
600 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
Portland, Oregon
Phone Broadway 4254
A. D. McMURDO, M. D.
Trained Nurse Assistant
Office in Masonic Building
Heppner, Oregon
Offices In
First National Bank Building
Heppner, Oregon
Office In Court ouse
Heppner, Oregon
Farm and Personal Property Sales
a Specialty.
Lexington, Ore.
Drs, Thrane and Chick
Heppner, Oregon
Phone 872
Old Line Companies. Real Estate.
Heppner, Oregon
Mrs. G. C. Aiken, Heppner, Ore,
I am prepared to take a limited
humbcr of maternity cases at my
home. Patients are privileged to
choose their own physician.
Best of care and attention assured.
Phone 395
Upatalre In Humphreyi Building
Heppner, Oregon