Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, July 31, 1890, Image 3

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ST G'A'Z!2'I5TEv""'
THURSDAY, .1 1'LY 181)0
Union Pacific Railway Local Card.
Nti. 'M, uiix'-l. lcTfi Hfplnir 7lIi a. m.
No. :u, " tirrivoi " v. m.,
JStiie leaves for Canyon City daily,
elce t Sunday, at 6 :30 A. M.
Arrives dally, except Sunday, at
.Vim v. m.
'1 hre ip a Having of 1(J hours in time
and 10 ii cusit by takiug this route. to
C. V. Lomlar & Cc, 429, Fifth St.,
V "-ilai"!. Or., are niv ',orized to make
a tisii'K contract; for the Gazette.
They will a s- o ake collections for this
Here and There.
A. D. Johnson is on the sick list.
A. H. Tyson made a business trip to
Portland on Friday.
Born On July 22. 18!H, to the wife
of D. A. llerrou, a Ulb girl.
Mr, antl Mrs. J. H. Fell returned from
the coast last Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Lish Sperry, of lone, aie
visiting friends and relatives in this city.
i. W. Thompson orders the Gazktte
Rent to H. A. Thompson. Uollivar. .Mo..
this week. J
The Walla Walla daily Journal has j
been changed from umoruing to an even
ing paper.
Marriad At LoDg Creek on Snuday.
July 27, 1H90, lev Thomas Owens and
t lto!rijett.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Dutton returned
on Tuesday evening from an extended
visit to the Eastern states.
Pap SimonB says that he has a horse
that can beat the uinndr in the race
Saturday evening, so look out.
The population of the Slate of Wash
ingtou is 320240, which is sutucinent to
entitle her to two Representatives in
Miss Ellie Griffith, returned to Hepp
ner, yesterday evening from Salem,
where she has bet n attending school for
the past year.
W. J. Ijeezer returned from Gray's
Harbor ami ol her Washington points, on
last Friday evening, lie reports times
dull over there.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Sloeum went to the
mountains on last Saturday and spent
several days. Tiioy returned Tues
day evening.
Fairhaven, W ash., has been ohosen as
the terminus of the Great Northwestern
railroad. Seattle expected to be the
terminus but she got left.
Mm. Jerry Colin returned from Teal
Springs b st evening. There are .about
eighiy campers there at present and
more are arriving all the time.
Gov. Ilea aud daughter Maggie and
Ed. Simons and family left on Saturday
eveuing for Teal Springs, where they
will remain for a couple i.f weeks.
Born in this city on Friday July 25,
lMitO, to the wife of F.J. Hallock, a 'Jib
boy. Mother aud child doing well and
Papa Uallook is in a fair way to recovery.
Are yon married? If not, send your
address with stamp, to the American
Corresponding Club, P. O. It""1" j43,
.Clark bnrg, W. Va. 870-422
The Harney Items of June 25, reached
fthia office on July 28, a little over a
jnoulh in coming 125 miles. Fine mail
nervice we have in thin part ef the
Mr. J. C. Hayes made this office a pleav
aut call on last Saturday afternoon. He
will leave shortly for Elleusburg, Wash.,
where he expects to remain for Beveral
Married. At the residence of the
liride's parents, in Six Dollar canyon,
Monday, July 27. 18:)0, Mr. I,. D. lloyed
mod Miss U ra Uaird. The Gazette ex
tends congratulations.
All person whose accounts at Leezer
tc Thompson's are due are requested to
call aud settle tbe same without delay as
we are needing money and must have
it, bo don't procrastinate.
Alfred Ganiaire returned to Heppner
from Giay's Harbor, Wash., on last
Thursday eveuing. He has been over
there since last February, and reports
times pretty dull there at present.
F. W. Waterberry, of Lnug Creek,
came over on Monday, aud spent several
davs in Heppner. He accompanied his
Bister, Mrs. Mary Eoff. this far, where
she took the train for Salem, her future
, home.
Why suffer with headache and neural
Kia? Wiitrut's Paragon Headache Itemed y
never fails. Safe, sure, soothing to the
nerve. Does not disturb the stomach,
and induces sleep. Try it. Sold by A.
D. JohuKoji.
Harry Warren came over from Pendle
ton on Monday evening. He came in
oawer to a telegram from A. I) Johnson,
who is quite sick, and wanted him to run
his drug store here uutil he is able to be
round again.
Stop that hacking cough and soreness
of the throat and luugs, before it becom
es a seated trouble, beyond the reach of
medicines. Wright's lied Cross Syrup
is unfailing for adults aud children. Sold
by A. 1. Johnson.
Nels.Joues, Gid Bover and James
Joues returned last Friday from the east,
where thev went about a month ago
with a train load of horses. Mr. Boyer
visited his relatives in Virg-.uia before
The last quarterly conferenee of this
(conference vear will be held in the M E.
church conimenciugon Saturday evening
and continuing over Sunday. A full at
tendance of the members of this congre
gation is requested.
Lnstrons Pearlv White Teeth and firm
rnbv make beautiful faoes more
charming, and the pl iinest ones attract
ive. Us Wright's Myrrh Tooth Sp
and seenre them, A Toilet Gem.' 2oo.
Sold bv A. D Ji huson.
Simuel P. Putnam. Froe Thought
lecturer, and editor of the San e raucisco
Tree ThanqM, will be in Heppner on
August 5, o,and7. aud lecture in the
Opera House. Everybody cordially in
vited to come and hear these lectures.
Whon the blood becomes vitiated or
impoverished, the system is snsceptible
to disease, .d lit becomes a burden
Wright's Sarsaparilla will cleanse and
renew the blood, ton tbe stomach and
renew the strength. Sold fey A. D. John
son. Wm. Ingrnm, of Gooseberry .made
- this office a pleasant call on Friday.
He states that the grain crop in that sec
tion is excellent. The hay is P"!
not so long as it was last year, but w 1
Mke more tons to the acre as it stands
. thicker on the ground.
T W Bedington returned from Deso
lation lakelet Friday. be b9
been for a onpU. ol weeks o more
hunting and fishing Ilesays .that nuiit
ing would be splendid there if
DOl IOC luc ui" 2 lurt,
almost torment a man to deatn.
Bedington will leave for home the
tit next week.
The World Enriched.
The facilities of the present day for tlie
-.reduction of everything that w.U con
duce to the waU-riol welfare arid comfort
of mankind are almost unlimited and
when SvruP of Figs was first produced
the -wor'ld was enriched with the on y
perfect laxative known, as it is the only
re-nedv which is truly passing and re-
re.jcuy t.., - , andiuu . , r her last
freshing to the taste and prompt ana sccoalptkam-x her rem uns to her
effectual to cleanse the system genuv ia
the Sprine time or. in fact, at any time
and ihe better it is known the more pop -
ular it becomes.
- 'v-;-' ..vcas. -Tho Chinamen
: 'h iuih a -iiimuuiiy are m present iu a
rather l- j.Hel otate of miud, owing to
the fi:ut iliut a majority of tlitui are
(VaJ -,ke. Tbe facta io the case are
these: one of the hi&h moguls, of tbe
:ity, hone name we did not team, seems
t-i have rotten the coofldence of the rent
ol Lid almond eyed cousins of this com
munity, and secured all of their surplus
cash, which lie was to deposit for them
in the bank. Tbus far everything was
all right, but he conceived the "Melica
man" id9a of drawing that money
out of the bank and flying
with it to parts uukuown, which he did
the latter part or the week. He hired a
btigy from the stable and went from
here to Echo, where it
as supposed he ;
took the train for Portland. Conse
quently his brethren here are mourners
to the tune of about 31.6U0. Sheriff
Noble was immediately sent after him,
but he could get no tr'iee of him and he
returned after a couple of days search
ing. Died. At her residence in heppner,
on July 28, 1890, Mrs. Elizabeth Lioh
tenthal, aged 38 years, 9 mouths and 14
d tys. Mrs. Lichteuthat's illness was of
short duration and her su lden death
was a surprise to many. The funeral
took place from the residence at four
o'clock Tuesday afternoon, under the
auspices of the Knights of Pythias and
I. O. O. F. orders, of which societies
Mr. Lichtenthal was an honored mem
ber, and the remains were followed to
their last restiug place by a lare pro
cessiou of people. Mrs. Lichtenthal
leaves a husband aud three children
to monru her Iobs.
The Artesian Well. Oa Monday
evening a meeting was called by about
fifty of our citizens to consider the ques
tion of sinking the artesian well deeper.
J. W. Morrow was elected chairman.
Many speeches were made,and theactiou
of the conncil iu ordering a special vote
of the taxpayers of the city on tbe ques
tion of bonding the town in the Bum of
$5000 to oontinue the boring was appro
ved. This vote ill be taken on Satur
day August !). The artesian well is now
down 524 feet ami the water rises to with-
'n 12 feet of the surface.
Wallace Bit.ned The city of Wal
lace, Idaho, was entirely destroyed by
lire on the evening of July 27. The fire
tartcd in the Central hotel antl burned
north a'id est over the entire town. The
only buildings saved were the Union and
the Norlh rij Pacific depots. The town
of 'Wallace is situated 110 miles snulbV
east of Spok.iu Falls, iu a deep canyon
in a spur of the Rockies, aud is one of
the most flourishing mining camps in the
Cnited State". No less than a dozen
flourishing mines being direotly tribut"
arv to the town.
I. eh Bkokes. Ij. P. Lovegreen, of
Hardm.in, had his leg broken on Sun
day, July 13. He was riding through
the timber in the mountains on tbe run
niu j; gears of his wagon. In riding over
some stumps his leg was caught between
the break-beam and a stump with suf
ficient force to brenk both bones between
the ankle and the kneo. Dr. Acres, of
Hardman, reduced the fracture and the
old gentleman is now.gettng along liioe-
On a Hi nt. - Yesterdny morning Ar
thur Ii'ior, G, li. ledrowe, Chas. Joues
and (fr:tnt Biicbannau, left for Desol ition
lake to be gone for a couple of weeks.
They wen r prepared to do a large amount
of hunting and the wild heists up iu that
country will likely bediminished in num
bers to a great degree ere they return.
They will prob ibly visit B iker City be
fore returning to Heppner.
Articles known to medical science are
used in preparing Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Every iegredient is carefully selected'
personally examined, and only the best
retained. The medicine is prepared
under the Biipervision of thoroughly
competent pharmaoists, and every step
in the prooess of manufuctureis carefully
watched with a view tojseeunng iu Hood's
Sarsaparilla the best possible result,
The fourth aunnal meeting of the
"editors and publishers'' of Oregon will
bo held in Portland, the session com
mencing at, the hour of 10 a. m. Aug.
14th, and continuing four days. The
principal business will be Thursday
evening and during Friday. A full
attendance is desired.
E. O. Penxlanb, Ch as. Nickkll,
Secretary, President.
Notice. The citizens of Heppuer are
notified to clean up around their premi
ses. See that your water closets are
properly cleaned and disinfected, and
thereby save trouble and costs.
By order of
J. W Kasmus,
City Marshal.
J. W. Redington informs us that while
he was at Desolation lake, he saw a
voiiug man swim the lake across and
back without stopping, oa a wager of
S-'o. This was surely quite a swim, bs
the lake is comething over tw miles
wide, ami the water is very coll and
likely to cause cramps, but the young
mau made it across aud back all right
and did not seem much fatigued by the
long journey in tbe water.
Rev. F. M. Shrout, Pastor United
Brethren Church, Bine Mound, Kan.,
says- "I feel it niv duty to tell what
wonders Dr. Kings New Discovery has
done for me. My lungs were badly dis
eased, and my parishoners thought I
could live onlv a few weeks. I took fave
bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery and
am sound aud well, gaining 26 pounds
in weight." ,
Arthur Love, Manager Love s Funny
Folks Combination, -vrites: "After a
,hnmnh trial and convincing evidence,
I am confident Dr. h-iugs -ew uitoimj
for consumption, beats era all. ana cures : gomes from Portlana. It is said ' he
when everything else fails. Tbe great- j there cashed three or four oheoks on one
est kindness I can do my niauv thou- f tbe banks Bt Arlington, and not l.av
saud friends is to urge them to try it. j jns the fuuds there, the checks were dis
Free trial bottles at A. D.Johnson & Co. s : honored. We hope, however, that Mr.
Drugstore. Regular sizes 50 cents i aoJ ; ottmm will return at once and cast
51 ou, j aside all suspicion that has gathered
' ' j arouud his actious. That he has beeo
CARD Of THANKS. ; negligent, there can be no donbt. But
tbe death of his father upset hi work
I desire to re'.urn my sincere thaniis, sJnewhat. However, we did not doubt
neonle of Heppner, and especially his integrity, and will not until he has
t0 thS P ?:P ;,,.kness of my ! been proven go.My.-lW Journal.
to tue tauica, ut"'s
. . ... 1 J
I dear wife, tor many acu. - - -
I courtesies shown during her afflicMon,
also to the Heppner Brass itauu. ami my
hrethre i of the Kuights of Pythias and
I fr their soirit of benevolent
, plaeej whiah I shall cnensa w uu
eeiings ail my life.
1 Kmu - M. Lichtesihal.
A H'irxe Kails wiih John Reaney, at Outralla
Wash., aud He is Fatally Injured.
John Reaney, of Lexington, who with
his brother, was driving some horses to
the Sound country, met with an acci
dent at Ceutralia, Wash., a little over a
week ago, from the effects of which he
died seven days later. He got on to his
horse, which Btarted up the street on a
run, and when nearing a crossing, he,
turned to one side to pass a buggy con
taining a lady and gentleman, when the
horse slipped and tell on Mr. Reaney's
leg, badly crushing it. Assistance came
immediately and physicians were called
who took him in charge aud dressed the
injured member, casing it up in plaster
paris. in whioh condition they ieft it for
seven days, w hen it was found neces
sary in order to save his life, that the leg
would have to be amputated. Mr.
Reaney was placed under the influence
of chloroform, and tha leg was taken
off, but he was too weak to statid the
operation and died two hours after.
His remains were brought to Lexing
ton and interred iu the cemtary at that
place yesterdry.
It will be gratifying to all who realize
the vital necessity of purifying the blood,
to know that Hihbard's Rheumatic
Syrup can be relied upon as a blood
medicine, Mr. B. C. Robinson, of Mar
shall. Mich., says:
Gentlemen: I have suffered intense
ly hillionsues-i and rheumatism for over
three years, and had tried so many rem
edies that I had lost all faith. Hearing
of Hihbard's Rheumatic Syrnp I bought
a bottle and found it helped me. X have
now used four bottles, and it has restored
my liver aud kidneys to a healthy act
tion. and done more to purify my blood
thau anything 1 have ever taken. I am
pleased to recommend it as a wonderful
blood medicine. Very truly yours,
B. C. Robinson,
Marshall, Mich.
Hall of Willow Lodge No.BC.I. O. O. F.
aud Sansici Rebecca Lodge No. 33.
Heppner, Or., Jaly 30, 1890
Whekkas It has pleased Almighty God
iu His wise Providence to remove from
our midst our worthy sister, Elizabeth
Therefoke be it resolved That in the
decease of sister Lichtenthal, we recog
nize the loss of a worthy member of our
beloved order.
Resolved That we as a Lodge do
hereby tender Bro. M. Lichteutahl.
husband of the deceased our heartfelt
sympathy in this his sad bereavement.
Resolved That as in the demise of our
wortty sister, her little children are left
niotberleas,thereby committed to the cold
charities of an unBympathising world we
as a Lodge of true Odd Fello ws regard
it as our duty to lend a helping hand to
our bereaved brother in such manner ns
is iu our power looking to the care and
protection of these little ones.
Resolved That these resolutions be
spread on the minutes of this Lodge and
that a copy be furnished tbe Heppner
Gazette for publication.
; W. A. Kirk,
Committee T. J. Morgan,
( J. L. Yeaokk
Read the hospital reports, rend the
medical pnplications, read the daily
newspapers, and learn how wide-spread
is heart disease, how difficult of detect
ion it ib to most people, bow many and
how sndden are tbe deaths it causes.
Then read Dr. Flint's Treatise on Heart
Disease, and learn what it is, what can
es it, what diseases it gives rise to, what
its symptoms are, and how it may be at
tacked. If you Bud that you have heart
disease, ask your druggist for a bottle
of Dr. Flint's Remedy. The treatise
may be had on application to Maok Drug
Co., N. Y.
The records of Marion county show
the platting of many thousand acres of
laud in small tracts of from 5 to 10 acres.
Capital City fruit farm of 640 acres,
Sunnyside No. 1, 320 acres, Suunvside
No. 2, 140 acres. Sunnyside No. 3, 500
acres, and a number of others have been
placed on the records by the Oregon
Laud Company, of Salem, Or. This
Company is also doing business in Port
land and Albany, and has for sale num
erous other small tracts. The great ad
vantage of this plan is that it brings to
gether in oue community the class of
people Tvho are alt engaged in the same
business, viz: frr.it growing; consequent
ly there springs up larue dryiug and
oanniug establishments similar to those
in the city of Salem, which advantages
make profitable markets for the products
of these fruit farms. Consult your in
terest by buying of the Oregon Land
Company of i ortland, Salem, or Albany
Wm. Timmons, Postmaster of Idavil e
Ind., writes: "Electric Bitters has done
more for me than all other medicines
combined, for that bad feeling arising
from KMney and Liver trouble." John
Leslie, farmer Bud sookman, of same
place, says: Fiud Electric Bitters to
be tbe best Kidney aud Liver medicine,
made me feel like'a new man.-" J. W.
Gardrer, hardware merchaut, same town,
says: Electric Bitters is just the thing
for a man who is all run down and don't
care whether he lives or dies; he found
new strength, good appetite and felt just
like be bad a new lease on life. Only
10c. a bottle at A. D. Johnson & Co.'s
Drug Store. 2
Notice is hereby given that the prop
erty of the Heppner & Castle Rock Tele
graph Co. will be sold at pnblic auction
on Saturday, Aug. 16th, 1890, at 2 p. m.,
at the office of the city recorder, at
Heppner. Bids may be made upon the
entire line, or on the seotion between
I lone and Heppuer and lone and Castle
Rock, also on the instruments and bat
teries. Tbe committee reserve the right
to reject any and all bids.
i J. L. Morrow,
Committee -j Thos. Morgan,
( I. E. Feli.
Gilliam county's ei-assessor, A. B.
Ottman, has not done much rustling this
spring, haviug assessed ouly a smalt part
of Gilliam conntv. He annpars to have
lost ail saap. The last report of him
i SVan:nn rl,. n:t.. A.,nnl1
-- o - .. - "-r :
, Jt appear6 to us tuat this is establishing
, rtuir s bad precedent, and besides Main
; street is not a race course and .hould
uot be couverted mio one. It la to be
j b fll tllit ,ne ooaucil will not grant
. an. flmll. , filv0Ta o 8lrt bu, ratber
enforce the U in regac to fast driving
on our main thorougmare.
. or THE
Obegos Weather Bceeac, 1
j Co-operating with U. S. Sia. Ser. V
Central Office, Portland, Or. )
Fur the Week Ending Saturday, Jaly 26, lt90.
The week has bean marked by contin
ued hiirh temperature ranging from 50
to 70 degrees along the coast, from 48 to
95 degrees in interior valleys, and from
50 to 110 degrees east of the Cascades
There baa been an entire absence of
clouds, except along the coast, where
fogs, as usual, were freqnent. No rain is
reported to have fallen within the state.
The weather has been very favorable
to harvesting operations, whioh are in
full sway throughout the state. The
weather was favorable to late spring
grain, hops, fruit, etc.
The full wheat is reported to have a
fine, large, plump berry. As little thresh
ing has been done, so far, the yields can
not be given. One report from Wash
ington county says: "One field of 60
acres has been cut and threshed which
yielded 43 bushels der acre."
At Gervais on the the 24th the first
wheat was received at the warehouse at
Monnt Angel. On the same date last
year the first wheat was reoeived at the
same place.
It is estimated that the entire section of
oountry within a radius of twenty miles
of Athena, Umatilla connty, will yield on
an average from 35 to 50 buBhels of wheat
per acre. In the French prairie. MarioD
county, the wheat is generally better and
larger yield than ever before. Crook"
county has an increased acreage of
wheat and thev expect to raise a safli-:
cieut amourtfor the local demand. In
the section douth of tbe Blue mountains?
,......, ou .ii P .-I-.,,! tt ;.,.
crops are all reported good. Union'
county bas tbe brightest of pros1
Morrow county wilt nave tbe best drain
crop ever produced. Sherman, Gilliam
and Wasco connt.es will have more than
average cropa. The entire Willamette
vlley aeuds in the most excellent re
ports as to wheat prospects and Southern
Oregon will have fully an average crop
Hops are plentiful, and good prices are
expected. Large quantities of fruit are
being shipped. Prunes, plums and
pears are especially plentiful. The mel
on crop will be unusually large. Tbe
flattering prospeo-s for a bountiful har
vest indicated tbe past few weeks are
now about to be realized.
B. S. Pagou,
Observer V. S. Signal Service.
Ass't Dir. Ore. Weather Bureau.
ENCE. Chicago, Nov. 13th.
Mr. Wisoom: Dear Sir: I beg to
thank you for tbe delightful and refresh
ing "Robertine" you so kindly sent me.
I have used the toilet preparations of
the most celebrated manufacturers of
London and Paris, but consider your
"Robertine" the superior in point of
purity and excellence. Wishing yon the
unbounded success which you deserve, I
remain. Faithfully yours.
May 29, '91. Emma Abbott
List of letterB remaining in the post
office at Heppner, July 20, '90.
Jack Jones, Pat Lannon, Wm. J. Rus
sell Bnd C. B. Taylor.
When calling for these letters please
say "advertised."
A. Mallort, P. M.
Of the National Bank of Heppner at
Heppner, in the State of Oregon,
at the close of business, July
Loans and discounts $90,321.63
Overdrafts secured and unse
cured U. S. bonds to secure circula
tion Stooks,' securities, judgments,
claims, etc
Due from approved reserve
Doe from other Nat. Banks
Bankiughouse, furniture, and fix. 2,282.05
Current ex. and taxes paid. . . 613.53
Premiums on U. S. bonds 2.700.00
Checks and other cash items. . 337.56
Bills of other Banks 320.00
Fractional paper curreucy.
nickles. and oents -99
Specie 11,197.00
Legal-tender notes 1,000.00
Redemption fund with D. S.
Treasurer (5 per cent, of cir
culation) 562.50
Total 8135,289.78
Capital stock paid in 8 50,000.00
Surplus fund 3.500.00
Undivided profits 2.697.63
Nat. Bank notes outstanding.. 11,250.00
Individual deposits subject to
check 56,633.99
Demand certificates of deposit 6,523 28
Due to other Nat. banks ...... 1 ,565.04
Notes and bills re-discounted 13,1 19.84
Totai. 8135,28978
State op Oregon, )
CorjNTY of Morrow, )
I. Ed. R. Bishop. Cashier of the above?
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
ab ve statement is true to the best of
my knowledge and belief.
Ed R. Bishop, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 3lBt day of July, 1890.
A. A. Roberts, Notary Pnblic.
Correct Attest: Nelson Jones, E. R.
SwiLbnrne and Wm. Penlund, Directors.
For Week Ending Wednesday. June 23. 1890
Mean Mean Pre- Char-.
Date Temp. Max. Min. Bar, cip. acler.
Julj34 7S.( 93.00 Ot.tU 311.120 0M cl'r
25 75 110 S9.I1U 58.01) 30.215 0.00 dr..
t 72.(10 89.(10 52.00 30.275 COO cl'r
2J 70.011 SHOO 48.1)0 J0.080 0.1O cl'r
28 69.00 7S.IW 44.00 'iS.BDO 0.00 cl'r
S K5.00 76.00 55 00 30.1911 0.00 cl'r
80 BS.riO 32.50 44.00 30.115 O.OO cl'r
A- Suits.
Tbe Importanoe of purifying the blood can
not be overestimated, for without pure blood
jju cannot enjoy good health.
At this season nearly every one Deeds
food medicine to purify, Yitalize, and enrich
the blood, and we ask you to try Hood's
DaMiliar Sarsaparilla. It strengthens
rcCUllar and builds up the system,
creates an appetite, and tones the digestion,
while it eradicates disease. The peculiar
combination, proportion, and preparation
of the vegetable remedies used give to
Hood's Sarsaparilla pecul- "T--. If eplf
lar curative powers. No I W lloCII
other medicine has such a record of wonderful
cures. If you have made up your mind to
buy Hood's SaisalT!"1 4 not be Induced to
take any other instead. It is a Peculiar
Vedicine, and is worthy your confidence.
Hood's Sarsararllla is sold by all druggists.
Prepared by C. J. Hood & Co., Lowell, Haas.
100 Doses One Dollar
compound omucTylS
Shopping "b
affords advantages to
out-of-town people
which are of special im
portance. They get
advanced styles, larger
assortments and lower
prices. HALE BROS.
& CO. make a special
ty of this business. Their
patronage extends from
Arizona to Alaska, and
is"tonstantly on the in
crease. There are rea
sons lor such a heavy
trade. Do you want
to know- them?
Hale Bros. & Co.
NOS. 825, 827, 829, 831, 833. at d 835 K ST., and 1020 NIKTH ST.
Saerameto, Oa.1.
They aim
satisiaction in every
transaction. You can
send to them with the
certainty that you will
be treated with the same
courtesy and attention
as though you were at
their counters. They
fill orders promptly, and
take no unfair advant
age of patrons. If you
have not been satisfied
with the way other firms
have treated you, note
the change in sending to
You Will Find that Ton Can Get the Most Goods of the Same Class for
the Least . Money at
J. W. Matlock & C.'s
New Grocery Store, next door to skating rink
When They Say they Keep a Complete Stook They Mean It. See for Yonrself.
Tbe Most Complete Line of Staple and Fancy Grooeries, Canned Goods,
Meats, Salt, Glassware and Queensn are, Anything and Everything.
To the County Conrt of Morrow County, Ore
gon: We, the nndereiened citizen? of Dairy prPCinnt,
Morrow county, do hereby petition your honor
able body to grant to L. W. Lewis a license to
sell Boiritoue. Malt and vinous liquors in any
quantities, at Oairyville, in Dairy precinct, for a
term of six months, and your pe itioners will ev
er pray etc.
J A Woolery B B Hendnx
C C Slulkey Wayne Hunton
F M Scrivner T A Ken worthy
J K Ken worthy ItT Acres
J W Moreland H C Poulsen
C D Coleman Chas Ferrell
A Luelling B Luelling
Harry CummingB J H Koyse
Ben Parker Mc Uiley
T H Morris Jnhn Summers
Geo P Robinson Wm S Hosack
A Q tlooper A M Sloeum
John LneUing 1 M Leforgey
John Miller W Bennett
S R Ray E Hendrix
H K Hickman K C Fry
George Hendrix G W Stewart
J A Hardman J H Wyland
W H Robinson Henry Cramer
Freman Chapel Frank Morelpnd
H Unwell J Walker
OJMulkey Barton Depuy
George Blakeman H H GlHsnford
H Schersinger James O Williams
A E Wright K W Pedigo
J M P uIko Stanford Howell
A Rood Jay Johnson
M Neiison C K Adkins
Daniel Rice John T Dickens
R A Farrens M U Leathers
C M Spencer John T Moreland
A Stephens.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
will present to ihe County Court of Morrow Co.,
Oregon., the above petition on Sept. A, ibSt.
L- Vr LEW 18.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the, oanty of Morrow.
James Jones.
tb. Summons.
W. a. t anmnehftme,
I fondant..
To W. B. i'nnninehame. the above named de
In the name of the State of Oregon.
Yon are hereby summoned and required to ap
pear in maid court on or before the first day of
the next rirnlar term thereof tp begun and
held at Heppuer, Morrow County, Oregon, on
the tret Monday in September, 1890 and answer
the complaint of plaintiff filed therein or judg
ment will be taken aRainst you for the sum of
Thirteen Hundred and Ninety-Six and 50-i0!
Dollars with interest at 10 per cent, per annum
from the 11th aay of Ausust. 188y, and One Hun
dred Dollars as attorney's fees and the costs and
disbursements of this taction.
Jt is ordered by the Hon. Morton J). Clifford.
Judge of the Sixth Judicial District of the Sta'e
of Oregon, that service of summons be made
upon you by publication iu the HeppiierGAZETTE
for six consecutive weeks.
Dated June 30 1890. Fbask Kellogg.
HISS, Attorney fo 1 'lain tiff.
Land Office at The Dalles. Or.. July 23. '90.
Notice is hereby given that the f oilowing named
saltier has tiled notice of his intention to make
final proof in support of his claim, and that said
Sroof will be made before the county judge of
orrow county, at Heppner, Or., on Sept. 11th,
l9u. viz:
James A. Frtetoc,
Hd. app. 495. for the W'i HtL and EH SWH
8c. 34, Tp. -1 a. R. 2t. E. W. M.
He names, the following witnesses to prove
hia continuums rewdancs upon, and cultiva
tion of, said land, via:
J. K . Simons, James Roberts, Ed. L. Matlock
nd L . Shipley, all of Heppner. Or.
84-9 John W. Lewis, Register.
Tbe Grande dining roora.of Arlington.
i is now nnder tbe superior management of
j W. E. Cbapaifin, It iB the place to stop
j when you' are m thht 'Iowd. Goad
beds in connection. Tbe Grande waB for
j merly known as theSanford House. 72 tf
It requires no exper
ience to order from us.
Our illustrated cata
logue, issued twice a
year gives illustrations
and describes faithfully
everything in our im
mense establishment.
It is a book of 100 pag
es and shows you every
thing that fashion de
mands. Though large
and expensive we send
it FREE to all. It
gives you prices that
you little dream of.
No matter what vou
need you can get it at
They carry immense
assortments of Dry
Goods, Household sup
plies and all kinds of
wearing apparel for
both sexes. Samples
of all goods by the yard
sent on application. It
pays to deal with them
because they buy more
goods in the East and
abroad than any house
on the coast. Tes evi
dence of it is their prices.
Land Office at The Dalles. Or., July 16. 'AO.
Notice :s hereby given that the following,
named settler hat- hied notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of hit claim and that
said proof will be made before the cttonty judge
of Morrow county. Or., at Heppuer, Ortjfon, on
August -29, 1S90, viz:
Win field S. McKinneijt
Hd. App. No. 22!2. for the SVt 8W Sec 11.
and EV SE!i Sec. 10. Tp. 4 S. li. 24 E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
hie continuous residence upon, and cultivation
or, said mmivi!;:
P. J. iislley, C. E. Jonen, Jacob S. Young and
E. B. Stanton, all of Eight Mile, Or. j
Lar.d Office at The Dalles Or.. Julr 15. '90.
Notice is hereby friven that t he followmjt-named
settler hat tiled notice of hie intention to make j
final proof in tmpnort of his claim, and that said i
proof wiil bo made before the connty clerk of I
Morrow county, at Heppner, Oregon, oa Aug. j
29, 18M), viz:
Dillon Hopkins. i
D. 8. 657(1, for the b'4 SWfc NEH SW!i and!
SKli NW! 8ec. 2. Tp. 3 8. K. 25 K. W. M. I
He namen the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, .and cultivation of
said land, viz:
James H. Koyse. Itavid N. Hardman, James H.
Hams and James Hcrivner, all of Hardman, Or.
b'ZSl. John W. Lewis, Kegister.
Land Office at The Dalles, Or,, June 30, 1SW.
Notice in hereby eivon that the following
neoiwi settler ha6 filed notice of his intention
to make hnal proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made befnre the county
judije of Gilliam comity, at Arlington Or., on
Aug. 16, 18'M viz:
Benjamin T. Snell,
HdappNo2418,fortheSWSec2bTplS B 22
E W M.
Ho names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and -culti ration of,
said laud, viz:
James P Brown. Sidney 8. Cole. Joseph Budd
and Wm. P. French, all of Olex, Or.
8u-5. Jons W. Lewis Eegiuter.
Iand Office at The Dalles. Or., July 23, '90.
Notice is hereby given that the following named
settler has tiled notioe of her intention to
make final proof in support of her
claim, and that said proof wiil be made before
the county clrk of Morrow county, at Hepp
ner, Or-, on Spt. 6. 1M). viz:
Flora Buchanan,
Is No. 1292. fortheNWH of Sec. 34, Tp. 1 8.
K. 28 E. W. M.
She names the following witnesses to prove her
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz:
J. D. Ambrose, of Lexington, Or., William
Barton. John Gentry aud iliiaui cweetzer, ol
Heppner, Or.
b4-brf. John W. Lkwib,
In the Circuit Court for the County of Morrow
State ol "regon.
W. O. Minor,
Frank Kiteh,
De fondant.
To Frank Fitch, defendant'
In the name of the State ot Qregon. you are
hereby rcyaii'd to appear and answer the com
plaint nhxl agairiBt you in the above entitled ac
tion in the above entitled court on or before the
first day of the next regular terra of said court,
To-wit: The first Monday in September, A. D.,
18'JU, or judgment will be taken anainst you for
the eum of $131.14 with interest at 8 pat cent,
from Junp 18. 1890. and for costs aud disburse
ments of thiH action.
It in ordered by Hon- Jamo9 A, Fee, JuriE of
the tfth Judicial District ortheStateof Oregon,
on the !?th dey of July, loWJ, that service of sum
iiioi;fl oe'ina k upon you by publication in the
i.Vppnpr (tAZKTTE for six cons rutive weeks.
Dated at Heppuer, July 16, 1890,
J. N. BaowN,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
will travel well wnen snoa by
G-eiiera.1 Bl?.cksmitlis & Fariers.
Horsesnoelng $4.00 per Span aftei M 1st 1889.
Mat oclLCornor, main Street, Iloppnor, On-
This Popular Millinery Establishment has a Fresh and Neat
Stock Just Open for Inspection at the
Hands of the Public.
New Hats! New Styles! New Prices!
Eaglisli Shire Slain.
Rred by Thomas Denhnrst, Whittingbam, Scotland. Imported by John Mc
Hattie, Chicago, Illinois, August, 18S9.
T? ntri c-rirkrl No. 8161, Vol. X, Shire Horse Society
5 1& 1 1'1 of Great Britain and Ireland.
Cr i"i fl tt I five-year-old chestnut stallion, and will make
rw, - - .7
the season at
Toflll C to insure,
ltllllOt gle leap.
Are You Going to Paint Your House This Spring? If so, Call on
We have just reoeived a fine line of MIXED PAINTS bought at assignee's ale
vuieu we oner Hb very low Jrices. Also a SIOCK
of the celebrated
We carry a complete stock of Oils, Colors,
Brushes Glass, etc., etc.
A Full Line of WALLPAFER of the Latest Styles Just Received
From Chicago. Call and See Them at the
tf A. D. Johnson, Prop.
A Specialty ! !
And Piping: Always
on Hand.
1 rny;s. C I citiiofil, Xt o-itr Medlolnes. Toilet:
Ax-iiooa, liiLiif, Oils. &lans . 1 1 I
"VV (ill Puper,
The Finest Assort
ment of GOLD PENS in
Eastern Oregon.
As't for Portland Oregonlan.
Leezer & Thompson's Corner, : : Main Street
HEPPNER, - - , . tf - . . " - OREGON
Saddles,Harness, Whips, Spurs, and every Con
eeivable article article kept in a First
elass Harness Shop.
r?oiiiij-iii: t Specialty !
Kept Constantly ou hand the Celebrated Heppner Saddle
Go to their store tor the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Warranted for
five years. Don't buy elsewhere till you examine their maohinea and
get oah prioes.
$15 for the season, $10 sin-
Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware,
Wood and Willoyv Ware.
Bii.l Cages, NEw HOME Sewing Ma
chines enl a complete line of
is ami Confectionery !
-' 1 ":HL'3t..