THE HEPPNER TIMES. Published Every Thursday by A. J. HICKS O SUBCRIPTION On Year - -Six Months -Thre Months - KATES: 0 SI.OO 75 60 Enured at the 1'wtoffiee at Heppner, Oregon second-claas matter. . Hie rendletou district, will preach at t ie M E. church, south, on Sunday next both morning and evening. Regular services at the Christian church next Sunday, Sunday school, 10 a. id ; preaching at 11 a. m. and 7.1)0 p. m.; Y. P. S. C. E., 6:15. J. V. Craw ford. RAWLINt) POST NO. SI. G. A. R. SIKKT AT Odd Fellows' Hall at Heppner, every third 8aturrtay of earn, month. G. W. Khu, Adj. O. H. Smith, Com. All Saint Episcopal church. Advent Sunday. Sunday School 10:00 a. in. No services in the church. Thursday, December 1, monthly meeting of the Ladies' Guild at Mrs. Phelps, 2:30 p. m. John Warrkn. Missionary. THURSDAY. NOV. ,241904. It is a fact that good wheat land in Morrow county has advanced from 110.00 an acre to $12.50 and $15.00 an acre during the past four months. Last spring, although the prospects were never better for a big crop, lands were being offered for $10.00 an acre; and no buyers. Now it is $12 to $15 and more eales have been recorded the past three months thtn for an entire year before. One reason for this inactivity in the land business is that it had been offered too cheap, and buyers were skeptical as to its real value. Of course the bie croD of the present season has had something to do towards stim ulating the prices and activity in the real estate business, but that has not had all to do with it. It is a singular fact that the more you ask for your land, provided 'vour neighbors do likewise, the more attractive will thu proposi tion look to the ther fellow, whereas, if you offer it cheaply the other fellow naturally concludes that if it is worth but little to you it will be worth but little to him However, the propriety of keeping prices within the bounds of reason is very necessary also. A com par ison of prices and profits from our lands with those of other sections of the country would indicate that our soil iB selling at least one half too cheap, but it is only a matter of a few years until land prices will adjust themselves. What we need now is more men and capital to help develop our agricultural lands, and it is well that our lands do not iump too rapidly to their real value, though it is not neces eary 10 oner your property at any old price in order to stimulate lm migration to our county, it wil come just as rapidly if a reason' able price is maintained. List Your Property. Now is the time to list your real estate as the prospects are very favorable for ively selling of Morrow county realty luring the next twelve mouths. The countv has been more thomuiihly ad vertised the part few months than ever before, and the-e will doubtless be buy- rs in the field soon. The Times has tuude arrangements whereby we expect to be able to handle considerable prop erty right along. So if you have prop erty to sell it will be to your advantage to call and list now. Remember it costs you nothing if no sale is made. A Good Complexion. "Sparkling eyes and rosy cheeks res tored by using PeWitt'g LittleEarly Kis ers," go writes S. P. Moore, of Nacogdo ches, Tex. A certain cure for billioucuess, constipation, etc. Small pill easy to take easy to act. Sold by Heppner Drug Co. The Exact Thing Required for Con stipation. "As a certain purgative and stomach purifier Chamberlain's stomach and liver tablets seem to be the exact thing re quired, strong enough for the most ro bust, yet mild enough and safe for chil dren and without that terrible griping so common to most purgatives," say R. S. Webster & Co., Udora, Ontario, Canada. For sale by Slocum Drug Co. Administratrix Notice. otice 1 hereby given that the undersigned baa been appointed administratrix of the estate ol Frank Natter, deceased, by the County Court ol Morrow County, Oregon. All peraoun having claimi against aaid estate are hereby required to present the ume to me duly verl tied as by law required at the oilii'e ol C. K Woodson, In the City ol Ueppner, Morrow County, Oregon, within six months from tha date of this notice. ESTEUS N'ATTEB, Administratrix. I ated this ZM day of Nov., lso4. n.M-diJ Special Prices on Ladies' Coats and JACKETS fe1ito.AAlJmlrm.i iiw nlm iisiWlsi irTii, lsTraMTw Special Prieew on Ladies' Shirt Waists TR AOR DIN AR; PRICE REDUCTIONS- AND REASONS FOR SAME By December 1st or shortly afterward, vq will open up by far tlio largest lino of Christmas good we ever brought to the city, or for that matter, ever shown here. To do this wo must have every inch of display and counter room in our store; therefore, wo must empty them. For this reason at this early ditto wo are offering you an unexcelled opportunity to buy your winter garments at wonderfully low prices. COATS and JACKETS Regular $15.00, $15.75, $1G.00 Jackets ... $12.50 14.75 Tourists 11.75 12.75 " 10.00 12.00 Coats 9.50 11.50 " 8.75 10.00 " 8.00 SHIRT WAISTS Regular $5.00 Sicilian $1.35 3.00 " 2.05 " 3 00Cassimero 2.05 2.50 Flo unci 2.15 1.75 Flnnektte 1.35 1.50 " 1.15 WATCH THIS AD NEXT WEEK Circuit Court. Circuit Court was convened in Hepp ner Monday forenoon by Joltje W. R Ellis. District Attorney G. W. Phelps and the following attorneys were pre? eot: II II Hewett, Albany; J C Bur dett, Arlington ; A 6 Bennett, Dull J H Ralev. Tendleton! 8 E Notion, i OQ Islington; w r myers, lone; t Woodson, C E Redfitld, S E Van Vac tor, G W Res, Heppner. The grand jury was composed as fol lows: E L Freeland, J L Yeaiter, T J Matlock, J M White, J jbn Kilkenny, II Oldeo and I A Allyn. The case of D E Gilmsn vs Emmet Cochran was argued Monday, and after the jury being out all night and opto the time of converiing of court Tueaday morning, no decision having been ar rived at, the jury was d n-hared. Tuesday some equity cases were before the court, and yesterdsy the caees of the State vs P C Creaaell, and the Stat yt Albert R-a and Chas Matteson, werr postponed until Friday. The jury in the latter case a ss selected. Full pro ceedings will appear in thett columns next week. Heppner Meat Market BCY YOUK. MEAT AT THE NKW MARKET. WE KILL OUR OWN lock. Thy are Dot driven and aiarvwi We do not feed swill or offalls. Our prices are the lowest Mutton, per Quarter . . , Scents Mutton, sliced , . . 7 " Chuck Steak . . . . 6 " Round Steak . . , . 9 " Porterhouse . . . . II " Boiling Beef, forequarter . . 6 " Prime Ribs . . . . . 8 " . :: PHONE l'J7 :: THE HEPPNER MEAT MARKET, Ceo. French, Proprietor IIIIIHHIIHIIIIIItlllllllHIIUIIIIIHHHIIII oooooooopooccocooocco IX) Mothers Praise It. Mothers everywhere praise One Min ute Cough Cure for the sufferings it has relieved and the lives of their little ones it has ave t. A rertsin ure for coughs, croup and b"Oi ing cough. Fur sale )y Heppner Drug Co. Card of Thanks. We leh to express our heirtftlt thank to all our frU-nds, and ccpwially to the Order of Elks, who so k-.ndly assisted us at the death and funeral of cor beloved son Frank. J. B. Nattkr and Wife. Now is the Time FOR YOUR NEW FALL SUIT New Stock for Fall and Winter Just In :- LOUIS & PLEISS, TailorB -: HEPPNER : :: :: : OREGON ooococccccccccccocccccccccrccccccccccccccccci ccccccccccctcccccco For Sale Beef cattle and feeders. About 40 head of 2 and 3 year-old steers and 3 end 4 year old cows, Cne feeder. Also at all times Scotch Collie puppies. b24 B. P. Swaggakt. At The Churches. There will be preaching services In the Baptist church next Sundav. J, V. Mockt, Pastor. M. K. Church, South Preaching Ron- day at 11 m., sod 7:00 p. in. Sunday school 9;45 e. m. J. M. Bkaud, Pastor. JUv, II. S. Slianglc, presiding tlder of The NEW YORK BARGAIN STORE WE liKG TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE have ju-t received a large shipment of Fall and Winter goods,-consisting of dry and drt'Hs goods; Flannelettes, Flannels, Ladies' and Children's and Cent's Underwear, Men's and Hoys' Clothing, Hats and Shoes. Also a great variety of Ladies' Suits, Skirts, and Jackets. Having bought all these lines di rect from the manufacturers at a special re duced price, for spot cash, we are, there fore, prepared to sell the Fame at New York prices. Come and judge for yourself, as a trial will convince you that you will get the. best value for your money at the THE HEW YORK BARGAIN STORE Near the Palace Hotel WHITE : & : STAM 1 'f . 3 1$ LfiWtTJ s p 5 C k i --!:;l ttXX3Cl lOi I DOOCC'Q V I OCCO V I -s s ft ft ? ft I 8 s ft SI j I I 1 p We Pay I 4 Per Cent Interest i'.'i $3- . III UoniiH made at Eight Per Cent. I nte rent We 'Pay 4 Per Cent Interest THE BRANCH HANKS WHICH THK BANK OK HEPPNER Loans frue of charge to Its di ponitors is a liati'laome STEEL HOME SAVINGS BANK Which is kept at the home of the depositor, where it is always open for deposits. The bank has a slot retaining device and money can only be taken out at the Bank of Heppner where the key is kept. Get one of these banks and you will bo surprised at the rapidity witlt which your savings will accumulate. See what you could have done in the past fivo years, by the table below. TABLE SHOWING HOW MONEY ACCUMULATES. WORKING DAVS ONI.Y. Amount Intere.t Total lnpoe'd Earned Amount f .05 per day for 5 years.... $ 78 25 $ 5 57 $ S'1.82 .10 " " 6 years.... 151150 1114 1(17(14 .15 " " 5 years.... 2.14 75 10 71 250 4(1 .20 " " 5 tears.... 31S IK) 22 2H 3:15 'J8 25 " "6 years.... Sill 25 27 K5 41110 30 " " 6 years 4i f0, 31142 50 .112 .40 " " 6 year (lull 00 44 fill (170 5(1 .50 " "5 years.... 782 50 55 70 K3H.20 .75 " " 5 years.... 1 148 75 73 55 1,247 30 1.00 " 6yers.... 1,5(15 00 111.40 1,(170.40 125 ' 6 years.... 1,1151125 1 311.25 2 0115 50 150 " ' 5 years.... 2,347 M) 1(17 10 2 514 (10 175 " 5 years.... 2 73S 75 1811)5 21(23 70 2.00 " " Sytarw.... 3 130(H) 222 80 2 352 80 Itle bavc Xewfs a ci&xh ffatr Souvenir Dollars foe sale. TI11ES lias the Lar?est Circulafion. Advertise in it. X s ft 8 y 1 i '.1 I. , v ft, 6 it ii I P K' Iftl If M. T'