1 100 Z For OS ze Dofor Economy in -ttellolno muBt U measured by two things cost and effect. It cannot bo measured by either alono. I ti i h groatest in that medicine tlm-t. arJLoos the moat for tho money tli t. ti- radioully and per. manently cur-ot nt the least ex.. pense. Tlmt. xjr2licliie is Hood's mSTarsaparllla It tCTLflea uucX oar riches the blood, cures pimples, czoma and all eruption, tl r-3J languid feelings, loss of appet i tc und general debility. "I have takon found It reliable i tiun. It take av energy and put Mm Krria C'ou Washington. I. C. Hood's Bta r-i uro and Kej XI.ed's Striaparllla and rX as? I ring ptirfix; satlsfae--at llrad fooling. gives 1 ood In food condition." m A3S lOtu Blraet, N. W, r!rllla promises ts rts promlso. - . Indeed. irjra.l must lie nuito hi lously ill. Hla.au liMHii't any appetite "Minn Humisa "Oh, a girl ban no ttietit ! "But she It cream ami Pleas. - always 111 when she Ice itc ntitx'tltA iivon fur I Jy. - Philadelphia catakki -snoi bi cubed With local erilt tlit seat l tu ft constitutional 1 1 founntiuka Isaacs tarrh ( ura la tavat av on ilia biooil ! sari Urrh t ura la tiuc jiromTlbr"! by nmmry lor yrara. It t Coin HJ..l (If Mnr.l with tli r wily on ilia rats, combination ot Its rturm orb wont! a beuil fur lean m a r. j. iiK.Ni c v- Pi by d ru arte t Ualla faintly 1111 , aa thar cannot reach tatarrn It a Mood or aand In order tu cure it r aai ramatllM. Haifa Ca. strnallr.aiiilaotedlrectljr ma?tM luiwm nail a i;a- av uk wMlolnp, It was bent iliylcin In thla a m laa rrtuitr iirewrlul on. jpti ioiih suown, coin a l ui . , . i u ...... ... aaaasa aturfartm. the period a- a iiigreiiienu in what pro. 'ul a-inula curing oalarru. -i.. I'roDrl,. Toledo. O. S av- t 7Sc, tita btt Cr ar tbe Cat. Don't fal rtiaat torsi heu the are kittinn: it- fc ve-w them fit. lon give them Colal i lk ; j lint lukewarm is the rint trru tx a-aa. t a. i re . Don t give them rhunki of raw tftt: cook it a little and cut it up i-tlcr small. Don't for got to have a of fresh, clean water convenient ft- .! -msu; rat suffer ofu-n for cool drink X-n't, if you buy mea for tlieuj, "i v-a- axil alwli" buy liver an they get t i t- I t It, and It ii not the liealthU'i.t H-t 4 - tha world. Don' forget that t bit r" frnh AkIi ia wel come. jocm! "M. Itu.fk')lng. riTA fartnavaon at f 1 1 0 alturllraiaak' llaaiiorar. Hta tnw KT. M.U. Kilo. : no flu or .ifllr lll!n.'.Url N mm a tntlboiliaand ' rca n., rhHaaalpala, fa Thai Ontx Ktatful Placa. "She all "ayrrn out and in need of rent, I tin la-r taauxtd." "Quite rlI " jsut ulio -w- only two weeka at that lummer ar-t? -: rt before she came Ijomn again . "Yea." "Why wan "Well, after welii of that life he had to cotnu laoiw to reDt.' Chi cago J'oet. y To Animal. Nell I'm ia . .Iilemnia. Of course, I can't think m-mrrylni Juck Low ft-r. but he Baya If X lcjn't he'll go to the dogs. Itellc Wel I -y mi can't help that. Nell That. m int it. I know I ran't. and I'm fonaJ. r dog.. Philadelphia Inlger. Mr. FUlat make an awful, the door? MiHB Iiorl gnch inopportaa account of tlto the clock the 1 Philadelphia Night. -XoiVt thoje trolly care icet when they go by . and they pans at xnonientd. It wua on liat you didn't hear two times it struck. fSBS. MetagCs-i "Don't yoim t.li i stand a better chi reide and iio a. I 'politician. j "He touldrt, ' y "He'a naturta.l.ly w 'that he woull ti t. Mother role tlinn '"Washington Xz fc easily Phraied. ara 5c your friend would nice if he were to sub Jc horse?" said one ariHwarcd the other. r much of a kicker Xe content with any that of a mule-." r There Is r m long as be 1ckk Taket It. liope for a man as how to take a hint. WWWVNa "Mywifobl a deep-seated cough for three years- I purchased two bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, large size, ancS. It cured her com pletely. J. I Xaarge, Micon, Col. Proball- you Know of cough rrxc5clxcinc8 that re lieve little coughs, all coughs, aExaraCaerf deep ones! The rrxesciicine that has been curing the worst of deep c o u g lis for sixty years is -aVyer's Cherry Pectoral. Thres alfiea 3t. . nongh for an ordinary Colli) Mo., Jut a-lslft Cor btonohlUt, hoarae. Data, hard eolda. ao.i fl, molt eoonomlaal tot oiuoula m. aea n t to Icmd on liand. J. - -A-"3kT JfcClt CO., Lowtll, Has. An illuatat(Hl edition of Everymaa In prorul-HHj In the near future from the bouss of J. F. Taylor & Co., New York. The flrwt two additions to be made to llie Ainfrleun Kportiian's Library, ore "Ouna, Aniiiuiiiltloii and Tackle" aud "Itloon, MuU Ox, 8hei-x and Uoat Family." ; Knte Douglu Wigglii's new twok, "Half a Dozen IIouitekeira; a Htory for (llrln In Half a Down Cbaptera,". will be brought out by the Henry Alte iiiuk Company. Jack Ixii(lou' new novel, which be U JiiMt fln!hlng, la to appear K-rlnUy In the Century Magazine. It la aald to have all the primitive etrengtb of "The (Jail of the Wild," but la even more thrilling. HiiHkln'a biographer and friend, W. 0. Colllngtvood, linn written a uiiile inoiilHry voliinii) of mnlnlaeenceM which lie c'rIIm "Itunkln lU'llca." The Ixxilt In aimoiiiieed for publication by Thoinna V. tliowell & Co. Kulh McKmty Htuart, authwof "Na poleon Jackxon," him nnlabed another atory of Kouthern life with the aetuej laid In the city of New Orleani. It U entitled "George Waahlnirton Jonea; I Chriatmaa Gift lliat Went a Beg King." A. B. Hepburn, formerly comirtroller of the currency, n the author of an exteimlve and carefully written vol ume on the "Hlnlory of Coinage and Currency in the fulled Ktatea and the Perennial Conleat'for Kound Money," which the Macmilliiu Compuny fa pul llxhliig. Dodd. Mond & Co. have ready John Oxen lium'H new novel, "Harbe of Crand Hoyou;" bIho "The Oolden Fetich," a new atory ty Rden Phlll potta, aiHiiy of the aceiuti of which are In Id In the heart of Africa, where the hero Iium thrilling adventure. Both book are flluat rated. William Matthewe, wboee book en titled "(.rttlng on In the World" bad ucb an extraordinary aucceaa thirty yvara aro, hna juiit publhUted a new book, for young men called "Conquer ing Huecena, or Life In Karneet." It la aald to be written with all bis old time earoewtneMi and cnthuHlaam. W. A. Wilde k Co. bave In pre an Intereatlng atory fir young people, by Eva Madden. , entitled "The Little Queen." which Is baned npon that fa moua Incident In English and French lilhtory, tlie marriage of Uie little aeven-year-old Prlnceaa of the royal lifiiiu. it lrrn m.a In IflntiArMt ft it I Hl W .....VI. . V ..V .... . ... V . M.." land. Ir. i:. K. Utile aud membm of bla family K. E. Hale. Jr., Artliur, Her iKTt, and the late Robert H. Hale are the autlaorH of "Iiulliidn of New Eng land History. " begun more than twenty yeara asro and continued luteniilttcntly as a d Ivor Inn. It la noon to be pun ished by Little, Brown & Co., and will he lUuHtnitcd by Mlm Ellen llale, rhlllp Hale andMla LIUIan Hale. "The IMt" has reachd Its eighty third tlioufand, while "The Octopua," the firiner novel of the late Frank Non-la' "Wheat Epic,' Ms in its twenty seventh thouaaiid. "The Leooord'a Snota," by Thomas Dixon, Jr., baa' sold 115.OO0 and "The One Woman,") by the aame author, baa hurried the printing prefixes to supply 65,000 eoplea within the few weeka since publica tion. Looking for Appreciation. "It lixiks very much as if you were putting the intercuts of a certain cor porutioii above the hiterentn of your country," id the man who doea not ljcKitiilo to sM;ak plainly. "Well," answered Senator Rorghtim, "I've heard so much about republics lieing ungrateful that I thought I'd bet ter take a chance of being appreciated elms lierc." Washington Star. Didn't Interest Kim. Wife Here's a hook you ought to read, my dear. Jlunband What's the name of it? Wife "The (Jolden Wedding." During their fifty years of wedded life the husband and wife never spoke an unkind word to each other. It's a wonderful story. Husband It certainly must be. Put you know I don't care for fiction. Chicago News. Tha Inlurlca Enumerated. Cawy Sbure, they do be tellin' me that Itig Moike Monohan whor knocked down lc an autymobile yisterday. Wor there any hones broke, I dunno? ('on ley Troth an' there wor. The owner av the divil wagon got his nose broke, the chaw fer got his jaw broke, an' Pig Moike broke the skonnd knutkle av bin roight fibht. Sarcastic. "Would you marry a Chinaman?" he uiiked. "Oh, dear," the girl, who is sarcas tic, replied, "this ia so sudden! But I always supposed you merely looked like one." A Fraternal Beast. Teacher Tell me the name of the animal which provides you with rnoet of your food and clothes." Tommy The reindeer. Teacher And now, what is the ani mal which provides you with most of your food and clothes? Tommy Father. Sydney (N. 8. W.) Bulletin. Cold Storage. "Ah, yes," said Mrs. Backby, "Em eron ap'tcars to use women of Boston ; although he has panned beyond, we al ways keep him in our heart." "You don't say?" replied Miaa Wa banh. "Wonder how it feels to be kept in cold storage after death." Phila delphia Press. On Principal. "What makes her so solemn?" "Well, you see, she's a temperance advocate, and some one told ber that her smiles vere perfectly intoxicat ing." Philadelphia Bulletin. Peculiar to Samoa. Kava, the national beverage of Sa moa, la a wholesome and refreshing drink, though not agreeable to the un accustomed palate. A really good old Kava-bowl Is a curiosity difficult to ob tain. The frequent brewings coat the Inside with a beautiful opalescent enamel, which greatly enhances the value of the bowl. TRUMPET CALLS. fi-W 1 U WDKIgg, "The lady next door is celebrating her colden weddlnar." "Married 60 yeara?" "No, times!" Puck. The Ue of Tobacco. One of the most difficult things in the world la to get any authoritative con clusion about the effects of using to- hncco. Literature is filled with paeans In Its prale and muledlctlons In equal measure. There is abundant medical opinion on Its evil effect a on the heart, the throat and lungs, on the nerves, and everybody knows the chronic smoker whose appetite Is ruined, di gestion Impaired, whose nerves are torn to shreda, who ts a hypochondriac, a lumentablo object and a cross to his friends. On the other band, nearly everybody amokes, and there Is no easier way of starting a mutiny than to cut off the tolmeco supply of soldier or sailor. Persons who are engaged in hard labor, or in exhausting pursuits of any kind, know that a smoke, ban ishes fatigue and knits up the raveled sleeve of care. If your dentist be com plaisant be will say that smoking pre serves the teeth and "kills the germs;" your doctor if he wants to stand high in your estimation, will tell you to "use tobacco, but use it in moderation." Some things, however, we do know about tobacco: It costs a vast sum of money, is one of the most Important Industries in the world, and tin import ant source of revenue to nil nations. Americans consume 7,MX),OOO,000 cigars annually, and the yearly increase in the consumption is nenrly 1500,000,000. Smokers use 8,000,00O,OX) cigarettes aummlly, and consume in other forms, as In snuff, plug, and smoking tobacco, 315,000,000 pounds, exclusive of tlie to- bucco exported and that used in manu facture of cigars and clgnrettes. The Federal treasury receives $05,000,000 annual revenue from the tobacco tax; the manufacturers alone pay in divi dends $10,000,000 and in wages $50,- 000,000 a year, and the nnuunl value of the manufactured product in this coun try is upward of $200,000,000. L. N. R0SENBAUM Notary Public Attorney-at-Law Pension Atttorney Solicitor of Patents Phones: Sunset, Main 1589 Ind, A I860 304 Ntw York Block SEATTLE, WASH, U. S. A. Compression of the wnlst mny be harmful, but if the right young man attempts It most girls are willing to take chances. THE BEST POMMEL SLICKER IN Tilt WORLD AYMwm&sl ike allourvNtoterproof toat s. jbb and K&ts for all kmdi of wet work. V F ' It i often imitated but eos JALC BT ALL KTu l 1 .. RELIABLE PeAiERj. Ma m ol&cK or yellow vrirK-rnTMB. onanjiiysuaranieefl nv KlGN OP THE FISH. S(.5.Ni BAD " I hava haaa nam CASCAKETa mm aa a mild and efleou lautlva titer are iimpl? won derful. Mr (laughter and 1 were bothered with alck lomaob and our breath m verr bad. After taking a few dmee of Caeoareu wo Lire improved Woudarfullr. 'I'linr are a great help tu ttaa lamtly." Wimici.mina Nauei.. II8T niltanhouae St., Cluoinnatl, Onio. SfrSxS CANDY Jy CATHART!?L -a Ram's Hora Bounda a Warning Not to tba Unredeemed. fit obscurity Is God's opportu nity. The reatless are seldom re sistless. Tbe bread of service feeds tbe soul. Y o k efellows make tbe best friends. Pharisaism 1 s ISTERS OF CHART llT- known by Ita phrase. To live Is more than to make a lng. A sore bead is a sign of a shallow one. Setbacks are often tbe secret of suc cess. Honor is tbe first element in hon esty. God's power depends on no plebis cite. Tbe supernatural la not preternatural. To reject the bad is to receive tbe good. Darts of Satan may be used to drive us to God. Tbe devil always carries religion in bis bait-pall. Better an honest Lazarus than a suc cessful Dives. Most people are caught by sin trying to take tbe bait without the hook. Bin la a straight line away from God end not a circuitous route back to Him. There Is a great difference between owning a business and being owned by one. Whisky Is nine-tenths profit to the dealer and ten-tenths poison to the drinker. There may be wiser worlds where souls pray to be delivered from un broken Joy. God cannot be the end of our wor ship when lie la simply a meaus to gratify our wishes. You cannot burn the fire of lust In your own heart without kindling and consuming other hearts. The Christian's present business la more with the gutters of earth than with tbe glories of heaven. There would be a greater trade in goodness if we were more anxious to advertise the good in others. When you have given the devil a mortgage on tbe summer it Is hard to get him to sign a quit-claim in the falL SINQ SONGS ON THE WING. Pleanant. Palntabla, Potent, Taite Good. Io Qood, Merer Sloken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c, 25c, 60s. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... SUrll.g a.a, Vempumj, Clitef, atr.l. K.w Tark. sit MflaTfl.RAR 80,(1 nd SJiarantited br all drng HU" I U-'JAU 8.w to CliU : lobaooo Habit, Beat Coiwa Srrui In tuna. Taatea Ooud. Uaa CURES MtRt All EISI FAILS. a eyruu. Bold hrdriiHftnti. Blrde Of tea Warble Sweetly When soaring tha Blue Empyrean. Tbe songs of all birds gain In beauty when they are uttered on the wing. They seem to be delivered with more abandon and greater volume. Tbe water thrush's first cousin, the oven bird, furnishes a striking example of this. His ordinary song consists of a repetition of tbe same note, hammered out with a constant crescendo. Very effective it Is, too, as a part of the general music of the forest, though lacking Individual attractive ness on account of the monotony of its Iteration. But when tbe bird rises above tbe treetops and descends after tbe fashion of the indigo bird to an accompaniment of scattered notes he takes far higher rank as a performer. Not always, however, does he re quire the exhilaration and inspiration of an aerial toboggan to cause him to abandon bis plain chant for a more florid song. I have heard him sing tbe latter perched on a grapevine not two feet above the ground. And as if to show that he did not reserve his superior powers for special occasions he mingled It with his plain chant and ended with the song, sometimes re versing this order. I love to see tbe oven bird on tbe ground. There is such a ludicrous as sumption of dignity on his part as he strides about the stage,' never for a moment forgetting himself as far as to bop. There is the same even, meas ured steadiness about his movements that there 1b in his chant It is only when he launches himself into tbe effervescing song that he forgets his staid demeanor. LIpplncott's Magazine. Told to the Barber. The barber tucked a towel under a customer's chin and then cleared bis throi.t "A victim I mean a customer of mine," he began, "told nie-a story the other day which illustrates to my mind, at least, that some men really don't know the difference between pat ent medicine and Schuylkill water. It was this way: "This customer of mine had a friend who had a great deal of trouble with bis batr. It was all tbe time falling out. He asked all bis friends what he could get to keep it In. Most of them suggested that he get n basket, butjHnnlly one of them told him of a patent medicine. "So the man whose hnir wns both ering him got a bottle of tbe medicine and discovered that it wns a dark brown sticky stuff that he wns to rub on bis hair live times a day. He tried it the first duy, and it appeared to do good, but the second day some one got there first, aud emptying the bottle of medicine, filled it up with sarsnpu rllla. And all day long that poor man rubbed the soft drink on his hair and never noticed the difference. But he did notice, though, that there was an unusually large number of flies swarm ing about his head. Bay rum?" Philadelphia Press. Use Pe-ru-na for Coughs, Colds, Grip and Ca tarrhA Congressman's Letter. In every country of the civilized world Sisters of Charity are known. Not only do they minister to the spirit ual and intellectual needs of the charges committed to their care, hut they also minister to their bodiiy needs. With so many children to take care of and to protect from climate and dis ease, these wise and prudent Sisters have found Peruna a never failing safeguard. Dr. Hartman receives many letters from Catholic Sisters from all over the United States. A recommend recently received from a Catholic institution in Detroit, Mich., reads as follows: Dr. S. B. Hartman, Columbus, Ohio: Dear Sir: "The younz eirl who used the Peruna was suffering from laryngi tis, and loss of voice. The result of the treatment was most satisfactory. She found great relief, and after furth er use of the medicine we hope to be able to say the is entirely cured." sisters oi cnartty. The young girl was under the care of the Sisters of Charity and used Peruna for catarrh of the throat with good re sults as the above letter testifies. Send to the Peruna Medicine Com pany, Columbus Ohio, for a free boos, written by Dr. Hartman. The following letter is from Congress man Meekison, of Napoleon, Ohio: The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio.: Gentlemen: "I have used several bottles of Peruna and feel greatly bene fitted thereby from my catarrh of the head, and feel encouraged to believe that its continued use will fully eradi cate a disease of thirty years standing." David Meekison. Dr. Hartman, one of the best known physicians and surgeons in the United States, was the first man to formulate Peruna. It was through his genins and perseverance that it was intro duced to the medical profession of thii country. If you do not derive prompt and sat isfactory results from the use of Peru na, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giv ing a full statement of your case and be will be pleased to give yon his valua ble advice gratis. ' Address Dr. Hartman, President oj The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus," Ohio. Tbe Modern Cruiser. "What's the use of cruisers, papa?" The principal use of cruisers, my eon, is drinking healths and firing sa lutes." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Votbera will And lira. Wlnalow'a Sootbtng; frrup the beat remedy to uae lor their children tha te thing eeaaon. . Pemii's PUe Specific The INTERNAL REMEDY . No Case Exists it Will Not Gore Tbe Real Question. She Now the Question is. where shall we elope to? He Oh no! Thn anestlon Is. where shall we come back to? Puck. Chrlatli.iiii.aend for the CtiaJntliin Fdiiralornl pie copy, 10c .W.U.Kerr.OreatBend.lvan., kditor Tbe Difference. "What is tbe difference between a woman's whist club and a man's poker club?" "Why, in one you get home to din ner and in the other to breakfast." Detroit'Free Press. T k UTTTTTl Every man or woman so In VV Ail I LA) dined to learn the Harber trade. A nk-elihtoompation, good -ragee.eaay to iearn'onaraut practice. The method la rlKhi and the price and time required the beat ponslble to give satisfactory results. I Write for full p.irtlculain to tlie AMERICAN BAKBKK COl.LUGi. (Inc.), .Everett bt.. Portland, Oregon. ORDER QUICK Special oargain list, new goods. South Bend steel Kiowa, wood beams, 14 In., flu; South Bend Chilled Hows, wood beams, 14 in., 7.70; South Bend Chilled Plows, wood beams, 8 in., I3.S0; all Fixes and styles in plows. Young America Cream Separator, No. 300, 156; Steel Wind Mill. 8-foot, $11; Wood Wheel Wind Mill, 12-foot, Write us for prices on anything in the machinery line. Reieraon Ma chinery Co., foot of Mo risoa St.. Portland, Or. P. Mil. Ma 48 ttea. VXTHEX writing to advertiaora plaaaa i r mention thla paper. 3 IS. COMING BRINGING CATAi Every Catarrh sufferer dreads the comintr of winter, for with th first- breath of the "ice-king" this miserable disease is fanned into life and all the disgusting symptoms return. The nostrils are stopped up and the throat can be kept clear of mucous secretions only by continual hawking auu suming. taiaiTU is a nuisance COTJTaD NOT HEAR THffl TICK 07 A CLOCK. Wataontown, Pa., July 13, 1903. Dear Bira: I have used S. S. 8. for Catarrh of the inner ear, and have found it an excel lent remedy for same. I had been troubled with tbla disease for years and tried many thingra in an effort to get relief, but nothing did mo any rarmanent rood until I began S. 8. 8. had a disoharge from my ear and my hearing- waa ao badly affeoted that I could not hear the tick of a clock. I waa In bad ahape when I began your med icine. S. 8). S. baa dona away with tha diaoharge and my bearing baa been wonderfully improved; ao much ao that I can now carry on a oonveraation in an ordinary tone, whereas a year ago thia waa impossible. Tour medioine baa done me a world of good and I do not beaitate to give It tha credit it deatrves. W. 7. KBUMBINE. THIS and source of annoyance, not only to the one who has it, but everybody else. The thick, yellow discharge from the head produces a feeling of personal defilement, and the odor of the breath is almost intolerable. The catarrhal poison brings on stomach troubles and affects the Kid neys and Bladder. It attacks the soft bones and tissues of the head and throat, causing total or partial deafness, the loss of smell, and giv ing to the voice a rasping, nasal twang. No part of the body is secure from its ravages. Catarrh makes you sick all over, for it is a dis ease of the blood, and circulates all through the system, and or this reason, sprays, washes, inhalers, powders and salves have proven failures. The way to cure Catarrh thor oughly and permanently is to cleanse the blood of the unhealthy secretions that keep the membranes of the body inflamed, and nothing does this so surely and promptly as S. S. S. As long as the blood is poisoned with Catarrhal matter the discharge of mucus and other disgusting symptoms of the miserable disease will continue. S. S. S. goes to the fountain source of the trouble and purifies and enriches the blood, and so invigorates aud tones up the system that catching cold and con tracting Catarrh is not so likely to occur. Keep the blood in order and winter's coming brings none of the discomforts of Catarrh. Write us particulars of your case, and let our physicians help you get. rid of this blood-tainting and stubborn disease. We make no charge whatever lot medical advice. 7? SWIFT SPECIFIC COm ATUUiTAa Ufa NO siaw of catarrh: in . TEEN YEARS. Krebs, Ind. Ter., Aug. 1, 1903. Dear Sira: About thirteen yeara ago I need your remedy for Catarrn. I had been troubled with it for about nine yeara, but since taking B. 8. S. have never been worried with it. I feel able to recommend B. 8. 8. aa a euro cure for Catarrh. T. MILLWEH.