CANADIANS "AH-jUSED" BY LAWYERS ARREST Withdrawal From LiquorTreaty With United States Demanded. Vancouver, B. C 1 lie arrest In San Francisco of Fred R. Anderson, prom inent Vancouver lawyer, on liquor charges, his roused RrttUh Columbia business men and law yers to the fight ing pitch. They take the attitude that Anderson had gone south on legal business and that he was connected trlth Canadian liquor Interests only In a legal capacity. Anderson went to California to represent the steamer Quadra and her crew, held tor ruin running. He waa Indicted by a fed eral grand Jury. It waa also decided at the meetings to demand that the Canadian govern ment withdraw from the liquor treaty with the United States. It was de clared that If the government didn't take action at an early date the failure to do so would be made an Issue at the coming election. San Francisco, Cal. The grand Jury, In returning the long list of In dictments, named Russell Whltelaw. a wealthy resident of Vancouver, B. C; F. R. Anderson, a prominent at torney from the aame city; the entire crew of the Quadra and a number of others. Anderson who was here In behalf of the Quadra and crew, was released en bond, aa were the mem ber of the crew. The Indictment followed a long In vestigation by the grand jury In the circumstance surrounding the depar ture from Canada of the steamer Quadra, seiied by the United States coast guard cutter Shawnee with liquor said to be valued at J 500,000 n board. WATER SUPPLY TO : LOS ANGELES CUT Los Angeles, Cal. Practically the ntlre flow of the Los Angeles aque net, this city's chief source of water tor domestic and industrial uses, was diverted Into the Owens river near Lone Pine, about 200 miles north of here, by a raiding party of CO men. who stormed the aqueduct guards and threw open the Alabama waste gates. Charles Collins, aherlff of Inyo coun ty, telegraphed Governor Richardson for troops, declaring Immediate action by the military was all that could prevent bloodshed. The raiders, alleged to be residents M Owens valley, where for years a crater feud has raged between the city and valley ranchers and business an en, stood their ground at the spill way and defied Sheriff Collins and .representatives of the city of Los Uogeiea. : They announced that they would continue to Waste the water until a committee came from Los Angeles and "."settled" the water-rights controversy with them. Sheriff Collin, after rain jly endeavoring to have the waste gates closed, returned to Independence to telegraph the facts to Governor Richardson. TWO BISHOPRICS REFUSED Key. Mr. Fleming Declines Indiana f and Washington Positions, i Chicago. The Rev. Frederic 8. Fleming, who recently was Invited to Ibecome bishop coadjutor of the dis trict of northern Indiana of the Pro testant Episcopal church and a week later asked to accept the episcopacy of Olympla, Wash., announced to Mis (congregation of the Church of the Atonement that he would accept inattber place. He felt, he said, that (high honors bad been tendered him, not that he would be of greater serv ile, to the church by remaining In his (present charge. Roy Bank Robber Sentenced. , Tacoma, Wash. George Thompson entered a plea of guilty to the rob bery of the bank at Koy, Wash., November I, and was sentenced to a term of 10 to 26 years In the state penitentiary at Walla Walla. Thomp son was captured at Enumclaw, Wash., three days after the robbery and 11217 of the bank loot was found on his person. ult to 8av Big Battleship Is Lost. Washington, D. C The application f William R. Shearer of New York, for an injunction restraining Secre tary Wilbur from using the uncom pleted Datueship Washington as a target was dismissed in District of Columbia supreme court. 'Jap Dual Nationality Cod Abolished. 1 Toklo. An Imperial ordinance was ! published directing enforcement, be ginning December 1, of law abollnh ling dual nationality of Japanese born ,in the United States, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile and Peru. DRUG CONFERENCE OPENSAT GENEVA 'international Control of Habit Forming Drugs is Object of Meeting. Geneva. In the presence of the of ficlal American delegation headed b) Representatfve Stephen G. Porter ol Pennsylvania, the fourth Internationa! conference for International control of the traffic In habit forming nar cotic drugs opened Monday In the League of Nations pnlitce. The con ference was presided over by Herlul Zahle, Danish minister to Berlin, and leadlbg Dunlsh delegate to the League of Nations assembly. The object of the conference Is tc obtain an agreement tor limitation ol the exportation and Importation ol narcotics to medical and scientific needs. An American offensive launched at the very start appears to have Im pressed the delegates to the confer ence that the United States Is de termlued to do everything hutdonly possible to bring about resulta from an International gathering which has been convoked to strike another ef fective blow at opium and narcotic drugs. A bitter dispute between delegates of Japan and England at a different conference one for suppression oi opium smoking In the Far East near ly disrupted the latter parley Sun day and serious fears were enter tained that Its effects might be noted at the new conference. By the way- Have you laid in that supply of Wood and Coal for winter? We have a large stock on hand at reasonable prices. Materially yours, Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. STECK TO CONTEST BR00KHART VICTORY Des Moines, la. Ballots thrown out by election judges In numerous Iowa counties and estimated to numbet thousands may decide who shall bf Iowa's Junior senator Smith W. Brookhart or Daniel F. Steck. These ballots, missing from the of ficial tabulations will form the basis of contest of the recent senatorial election. Steck will Institute the contest, he said, to demand definitely the will ol the Iowa voters rather than for the purpose of obtaining the senate seat tor himself. The total vote as shown by the com plete county canvasses was Brookhart 447,711, Steck 446.961. Hall's Catarrh Medicine Thoa who r In a "rim-down" rondl tlim will ntli- that Catarrh bother them much nxorr than when they r In (rood health. This fn''t proves Hint whlla Cntsrrh Is a lexal dliu-ant. It In cmally Inft-inred hv ro-intltuttonnt -,vin'Mnns. HW.I.'ft CAT HUM Mt-.niCIXK Is OomMnwt Treatnirnt. vtli torsi and In ternal, and has been aucreaufnl tn the trroiment of Cutarrh for over forty years, Rold bv all dniKk-tsta, F. J Cheney A Co., Toledo. Ohio. When You Visit Hcppncr Eat at the Elkhorn Restaurant GooJ Meals Best of Service Lunch Counter Dr. F. E. Farrior DENTIST Office: Odd Fellows Building Heppner -: Oregon Dr. A. H. Johnston PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Graduate Nurse Assistant Phone-OtTice Main 933 Residence Main 41)2 HEPPNER - - OREGON WOODSON & SWEEK Attorneys At Law First National Bank Building Hcppncr Oregon lfffT ' II 1 . aUaW- I . t r , I - I If - v I 1 presto ! Lightens d kitchen task One filli g lafls for days fuel nxtsleJ 'itdy to light Instda ! of several heavy K aJs of coal and woe J one easy filling ( t" Pearl Oil often lats for days in a good oil cook' stove. Fearl Oil is easier in ci'ery way al' ways rmdy, easily controlled, and no over-he:. ted kitchen. For best results be sure y u get the StandaiJ Oil Com pany's Pearl Oil. It's refined and re refined kerosene of the highest quality only, absolutely dean-burning, odor less and non-corny 6ive. Avoid disap pointment order Pearl Oil by name. STANDARD OIL COMPANY , (California) Mover !EW LEFEVER NlTRO SPECIAL only $29.00 fonitdflrlnf ihool X N k X. w, aaUkt. I Tv (V. 'IM n tund I x'V """" UM I Vv ' ' a1-' MpnaM V gUB. Midf. X X T, A eMtlocatoat tram luart. Aa 'cXi Uxk ill U-aa. Z In., aim IL.. M Klul Ail In with 14 la awk ana alMiul at la. arvp. A lfovor wn la vurK'a rltanitilimalilii ai rha IMympln aH'it,N In Uavlun. Latffvarliaa aimij ar vl.- and durability t nar SO Jrara, VTrU for Catalogu LEFEVER ARMS CO. OX A ITHACA, N. V. CHURCH DIRECTORY FIRST BAl'i'lSr CHURCH Uov. E. B. JOHNSON, Pantor St rviet'8 evury ulternute Sunday at 11:00 A. M. uml 8,00 1', M. t'ONGKKGATlONAL CHUUCH Ptwtor Rev. W. VV. HEAD, Services M. and 8:00 1'. ll:(K) A. M. KIltST CHRISTIAN CHURCH MSiaaaaaaajaaaaBt 1 I'AUL I). MORTIMORE. Tantor Services 10:00 A. M. and 8:00 F. M n i DEARl i OIL (KAOStNE) mi The INDtl'KNDENT, $1.50 per Year. , gVLRY LANG RANGE, m.nuf.iciur.J i. built around tin fumon.i HOT BLAST principle and coniums tho LAXG I,OT AIR DRAFT, bmk, pi.tcntid fou;i:ros. Porc-inf, tli hi-at en tirely nruund ths ov.-n, tit llu infe vry particle pf fuel on J hotinft every inch of cooking sur face, tho LAK(i rur.j is by f jr the n;.t econdln tcal kitchen rane on the murkrt. Tod iy LANG ateves are u.ed and cndored by thousands of American housewives. Let us show you a ENGELMAN HARDWARE Co. ( . a: iff. A lighted match to the wick and your oil cook-stove is instantly ready. It con centrates clean, steady heat directly on the cooking utensil. No coal or wood to lug, or ashes to shovel out a clean, cool kitchen free from dirt and smoke. To obtain best results, use Pearl Oil the clean-burning, uniform kero senescientifically refined and re refined by a special process. Pearl Oil is sold by dealers every where. For your own protection order by pame Pearl Oil. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) PEARL (KEROSENE) HEAT AND LIGHT XSmmml CTAHDAftJ) ' JSliill com"ant) FUEL At Reduced Prices. We have about 200 cords of wood on hand "and have set the Prices to Convert W ood into Cash to the PROFIT of the CUSTOMER. Slab, 4 ft. - - $7.00 " 16 in. - - 8.00 " 12 in. - - 8.25 Fir, 4 ft. - - $10.50 " 16 in. - - 11.50 " 12 in. - - 11.75 Oak, 4 ft. - , - 11.00 " 16 in. - 12.25 " 12 in. - - 12.50 Coal per Ton, 1 1.75 Farmer's Elevator Co. lone, Oregon. 4MIMIHMMII MHMWHUMMIHIHMMUMH SEE ME BEFORE THE FIRE H. C. WOOD REAL ESTATE & INSUIUNCE IONE, - . OREGON HEPPNER TAILORING CO. TAILORS Cleaning Dyelnj' Pressing Repairing Hcppncr, Ore. A. D. MCMURDO, IL D. Physician and Surgeon Office In Masonic Building Trained Nurse Assistant Hcppncr -: Oreuon Clyde R.Walker,M.D. Physician and Surgeon Office in Drug Store. IONE, . OREGON F. H. Robinson Attorney and Counselor at Law Will practice In all thu Court IONE, OREGON 1