THE IONE INDEPENDENT PublUhed Ery Friday by . V. HEAD, Hiiitor-Publither SUBSCRIPTION: Om year; $1.60 Sii month! .75 Tin months 60 Entered Mcomi rlau matter at the pottoSlce at lone, Oregon, under act of Man li 3, 1S79 Friday, Nov. 14, 1924 MORGAN LIFE ' Mr. Bert Palmeteer and son Teddy made - a I usintss call on Carl Morgan, Thursday. W. F. Palmeteer left for Port land and other valley points last Thursday for a few weeks visit with relatives, E. B Gotten it still quite feeble at the time of this writing. Mrs. Med lock called on Mrs. Hardesty last Wednesday. Mr. Earl Morgan of Broadacres hauled a load of wood for the school district last Thursday. Mrs. Earl Morgan was in Mor gan on, business Nov. 6. Miss Cleta Morgan and one of her friends from Lexington, also MissThelma Morgan of Broad acres were taking in the sights of Morgan Saturday afternoon. Mr. Orel Palmeteer, accom panied by Franklin I Ely left for Portland last Friday. Mrs. James Hardesty accom panied by her husband and Mrs. Medloek went to lone to see the eye specialist Now Mrs. Hard esty can see stars where there's none to see. While driving on the highway above Morgan, Mr. Pedro of Cecil had the misfortune of run ning off the grade and breaking a wheel on his car. No othr damage 'Was done. Martin Baurenfiend and James Hardesty pulled Mr. Pedro's car out of the ditch and hauled it down to the garage. Alvin Ely and his sister Edith took an early morning drive over to Arlington to meet their brother Franklin who failed t arrive, but never-the-less Edith and Alvin had a nice experience on the way back. . Mr. Fay Pettyjohn returned from The Dalles last week with his three sons who have been going to school at The Dalles while visiting their aunt, Mrs. Wigglesworth. On their aeturn they will attend Morgan school. Mr. Jack Wagner of Fourmile was a business visitor in Morgan last Monday. The B. & B. store at Morgan will receive your watch repairing for Haylor the jeweler, Heppner High School Notes Boardman won the football game between lone and Board- man last Saturday by the small margin of seven points. Th final score was 13-7. lone had good start at the first of the game and kicked the ball to Boanman'i ten vard tin1. Rristow put it across from there, Neither the referee nor the umpire saw it but the Boardman team said he waa out of bounds. Altho there was some doubt the referee put the ball on the four yard line. , lone tried hard but couldn't buck it across. Soon after that a Boardman man broke away for a long run and scored Boardraan's Bret touchdown. They failed to make the point after touchdown and the ball was punted back and forth until the first quarter ended. In the second quarter a'Board- Wnan man again broke away for I long run and scored the second Is broadcasting to all the World this season "Come! wimmm! thaa ever to eatarteia r aa4 auka fw rUit a WMtarf ml If you have never been to California it should be the eflort of your lie to go. When yoo are read to plan the trip let the Union PaciCic Hp. Smd wort to th. KxWtivBl br ftamm, m mmim .IL I will rv . Ih bAt at oJTf ZLT and npmnrc, or I wtU lrt .-l-Tji tiM. IkmrnjiMUw; tr.ui, cv.,r kud of qulpoMM aad U tM OO.C I Wll cum : jwur .Wm, car trnmwtrtt, prorltf. To. ma . ,v- ,, a wm raw uekwta. Ton a - "-'w1 nonw m rour oraca ta atttad to bo ovtaila. I hava tar be thar ia, aa4 k aaali ba l anaaat 1 kaow yoa daairait. J. VV. HOWK, Agent, lone, Ore. 1 1 lOStEDPRjbPERTY - Send for your free copy t of this book today! The book tell s you howyou can hunt on pouted prop erty Low farmer and iportsinan can get together to tbeir mutual advantage. Three-quarters of the hunting grounds is already posted. Where will you hunt this fall? Read the book, "Hunting Posted Property" it's free. E.LDU PONT DE NEMOURS & CO, Inc. Sporting Powder DhltUin WILMINGTON, DU. I SPOHTSMANfy touchdown. The point after touchdown- counted when lone was off side. The third quarter was featured by a Beries of line bucks and p isses by both teams which resulted them nothing. In the fourl'i quarter lone scored a touchdown on a series of line backs and a couple of fake plays, Linn dropki 'ed the goal and the Bcore stood 13- 7 the rest of the game. Thelma Forbes was absent from school last week on account of a bad cold. Virdil Mo.-gan who has been absent from school the past two weeks has n it yet recovered from the chickenux HMMIHMMMMMI Independent Garage E. R. LUNDELL. Proctor. A complete stock of Kelley-Springfield and United States TIRES Come in and see me before sending your order away. Standard and Union Gas. Repair Shop in Connection Under Management of J. H. Bryson. Independent Garage lone, Oregon. rmmiii ii Rochbottom Prices On John Deere Wagons and Van Brunt Drills We have a Complete Line of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Fresh Vegetables every . Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Bristow & Johnson IONE HARNESS SHOP v.. .rv. ph.i, Proprietor ; Drop In nd looh over my Lin of Worh Shoes, i I have a good Moch of Cloves and Harness Supplies. R.eoAlrind' t tt . - ii n . . , o ivnaoie rrices. t wwe4aaatttttt I lone Marhet CEO. W, RITCHIE, Prop. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in FRESH and CURED MEATS Your Patronage Solicited. GSSbJ i I Ti l 411 Jlieht now. pqr during the s inside painting YOUR woodwork, your walls, your floors and stairs, cup boards and furniture all can con veniently be "freshened up" with a coat of paint, enamel, or varnish dur ing the fall and winter months. Make a list of your needs, then talk the matter over with us. We win be glad to adviae you in protecting nnd beautifying your home, iniide and out Ra mosaen PainU and Vamuhes are recommended and told by ua. BERT MASON IONE, OREGON Under New Management IONE HOTEL lone, Ore. Refurnished and Strictly Up to Date. Commer cW Tabic First Class. A home away from home, with best meals in Central Oregon. SAM GANGER, Proprietor. Nice Rooms. Good Servirp Farm Implements VULCAN and OLIVER PLOWS, SUPERIOR DRILLS, FAIRBANKS MORSE ENGINES, MYERS PUMPS, STAR and AERMOTOR WIND MILLS. WINONA WACONS. PAULG. BALSIGER lone, Oregon - Ian and Roof Pilot Watt-Dure WaadaUa Trade and Tractor Pun CrwMoe. Shinf I. Staal Porch Floor Paint RaeoUta Enamel Wall Paint Inaida Floor Pah OflStalai.Vanl.haa Floor and Vanuh Sulu Thtrtq Raimuutn Product fEvtty Satact u m m m m u m m When You Visit Heppner Eat at the Elkhorn Restaurant Good Meals Best of Service Lunch Counter Dr. F. E.Farrior DENTIST Office: Odd Fellows Building Heppner Oregon Dr. A.' H. Johnston PHYSICIAN & .SURGEON Graduate Nurse Assistant Phone-Office Main 933 Residence Main aw. HEPPNER . . ORECON WOODSON & SWEEK Attorneys At Law First National Bank Bulldinf Heppner .' Oretfon eft.