' ! " ' i .... THE IONE INDEPENDENT DAWES W SCHEf'E TO DEL? FARMERS Puhllihtd Every Friday by J. V. Mi AD, niiitotl'uMiihev BuuucKinium Om H.50 Bix rnuntht , , 75 Thtea rniititrn ,. 'ro Entered ns cond dais mm tor at the poatome. at on, Ortigon, under ct of Miinli S, 1S79 Friday, Oct. 24. 1924 VOTERS ADVISED ON CANDIDATES' STATUS Voter, at tl eomlng election, tht Republican Htite Cantrat committee olnl out, ahould not ba confined by Ihe grouping of names of three canill lataa for Juetlcas of lha supreme court, Judge II. H. Bait, Judge I'arcy It. Kally and Judge 0, F. Coahow, 00 lha ballot. Tha first two ara repun llcaas but bacauaa of tha fact that !ba vacancy Judge Kally aaaka 00 turad loo lata for him la Ma at republican, ha 111 compelled to have Ma name placed da tha ballot aa an Independent, Aa the names af the three raadl latee era grouped, It may be the mis taken Idea of volar they are seeking lha earn a two vecasclee en tha an (Irene court bench. Thla la not the laot. Judge Belt and Judge Coahow sr. candidate for tha vacancy caul. d by Iba resignation of Lawrence T. Harrle of Eugeae, while Judge Kelly keeks the vacancy ranted by lha death It tha lute Judge John McCourt. The mate coturalttee points out that non-partisan laeua la Involved In thla election. There are two vacaa elea la lha eapreae court to be filled, eauaed by retirement aad death of two republican. There are two repub lican candidate, Judge Belt ' and Judge Kelly, running fer Iheea place, while Judge Coehew, democrat, la rnanlag agalait Judge Belt for the 'meaner eauaed by the Judge Ham retirement ' Both thaee republican eaadldatae, H la ejrged, are well uMfled for lb poettloa they aeek aad deeerve the vote, of all republican aad. Indeed, at ail good eltlteoa at whatever nerv LAFOLLETTE FAILS 1 U. S. IN SUGAR CRISIS Portland, Or. (Hpeclal). Senator La Follette now la taylag good deal eaee ika nubile being defrauded through the tariff on eugar. But aa member of tha aeaata when the aegar tariff waa np for adoption, ba had ne alagl word to aay about rata agar. As a matter of fact there were five roll call on the eugar tariff la tha aeaata aad La rolleite .did net veto ea a alngl oaa of them. Why did La foiled wait natll n praeldaatlal aampalgn wa ea before 4aeuaclag the tuger tariff? Why did ba not only denounce It but vote agalaat It when he bad lha chancer Waa K by aay chance bacauaa Bprecklea, Ue eager btroa of Call f era la, la kin staunch aupporter la thla campaign that h would net vote agalnat a la biter!?' - La Felletle' failure then to do battle far what he new claim wr right amy welt give hie aupporter penae la planing their faith to La Fellatio for any ether economic relief. Impartial Commission Hold the Chief Reliance for Soli Problems. Portland, Or. (Special). Common una will aolve the problem of the American farmer, Jutt a It haa open ed the way for rehabilitation of Eur ope, according to Charlae 0. Dawa. republican Vice presidential candidate, la n recent apeech. General Dawea would apply the remedy of common-ten In much lb ame way It waa administered In the European altuatloa. Ha urged a com million, non polltloal, competent and trlctly aon-partlaaa In Iti makeup. He ald tht l tuition In agriculture la now comparable to tha dilemma In which European Ipduitry found Itself and with which the reparation com mlailon had to grapple, after five year of futile bickering and with Europe on the brink of chaoa. John W, Deris, bead of the demo cratic ticket, baa sniffed at tha Dawes agricultural scheme and referred slightingly to "moth ball" In con nection with It. But thla was aa noth ing compared to what critics said of n eipert commlialun to untangle European affaire. One prominent man aald tha plaf waa like prescrib ing a pill to cure an earthquake. Hut General Dawes was equal to that aneer and aald ha had always held Iba opinion that common aenae I a unlvereal remedy, whether given la the form of a pill or taken aa a ateady diet. The com minion the President Is about to appoint, It waa admitted, would meet with many difficult situ ations and la order to get remits worth while, II would have to be divorced abeolutely from politics, It waa aald. Oeaeral Dawea held It aa economic problem aad not a political aueetloa at all. He pointed out the dlaparlty la earn ing capacity af agricultural and In duatrml portions of the population aad touched specifically upon the altua lloa not oaly at the beef, wheat, fruit aad cotton growers but of the whole body of farmers throughout the nation. "The Idea of aa economic, non partisan aad Impartial commlnlon, which tha prealdeat ha announced he win appoint to suggest a plan for legislative aad other relief." be aald, "la to have the subject Impartially aad competeatly eonaldered from all standpoints. "There la at preaent no concensus of either economic, agricultural or political opinion behind any epeclflc remedy. It baa not beea poaalble to aecure, for aay proposed plaa of re lict eadoreemeat of all tha leading agricultural orgaattetlone. "The commlnlon plaa la tha only one, a t ee It, by which thla great agricultural problem of the nation can receive a eommon-aenee conalder atioa, tree treea political polioa. "The I pert' plaa la Europe waa accepted bacauaa nettled public epla lea demanded Ma acoeptaaca aad nny government which bad eppoaed Ita aceaptaaee would have beea over throws by pwbtte eptnloa. "There coaaa artsea s great la aa tloaal sftalr that by con bob con tent there la a luralag away from political guack ioetert. It seems to me that aucfc a trial la eeefroatee la la agricultural tltaatlaa." Notice of School Meeting NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters of School District No. 35 of Morrow County, State of Oregon, that SCHOOL MEET1NC5 of taid district will ba held at lone School House, on the 8th day of November, 1924, at 1:30 o.cloclt in the afternoon for the purpose of discussing the budget hereinafter set out with the ilevying board, and to vote on the proposition of levying a special .district tax. The total amount of money needed by the said school district durinir the fiscal year beginning on June 30th, 1924, and ending June 30th, 1925, is estimated in the following budget and includes the amounts to be received from the county school fund, state chool fund, elementary school fund, special district tax, and all other moneyi.of the district.: BUDGET ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES Personal Service. Superintendent Teachers No. Salary per year 12350.00 1440.00 12G0.0O 12G0.00 1800.00 1260.00 1170.00 1260.00 700.00 75,00 25.00 4. Janitors 5. Clerk 6. Stenographer Ttttl Material and Supplies 1 Furniture (deHks, stoves, curtains, etc.; 2 Supplies (chalk, erssers, etc.) S! Library books , a. Playground equipment . Janitor's supplies 7. Fuel 8. Light 9. Water J 4 k. 10. Postage and stationery Ttal , , Maintenance and Repairs Building and grounds Total Indebtedness: 1. Bonded and Interest thereon . 2. Warrant, and interest thereon Total ' Transportation of Pupils: Total , (continued on page 4) Total $2350.00 1440.00 12(50.00 1260.00 1800.00 1260.00 1170.00 1260.00 700.00 75.00 25.00 $12600.00 $500.00 200.00 ClOO.OO 150.00 50.00 400.00 75.00 25.00 100.00 $1 COO. 00 $200.00 $200.o0 $2400.00 300.00 $2700.00 $1885.50 -WISCONSIN LABOR tlfnnifP I nun iiniinn iiuimo Lunu nuund'27 73' ,n cw " above Btrange fo say7wrjreCegsseIsewWro have risen, they have declined la Wle- COmln In tha naat four Teara. tka i average waga la July, 1120, bela LaFollette Has Not .Working Man In State He Controls. figure for this year. Yet the Lafol. lette group baa beea In undisputed Helped eontro' to Wisconsin during these fear Hour of labor In Wisconsin ara long. In the country as a whole, 4I.S per cent of wage-earners In the manor . ,rf 1 1 vl n r Uil.ialri.. i.. A 1. Portland, Or. (gpeclal.) Ubor '" " """M V. B. that 1 fallowing LaFoll.tt. bad bet- ".Ilu I ,B WI!C"B,1 ler .ook to performance of t. Uf le te prugram elewhre rather than 4 n0ur week, or aa eight-hour day. rely ttHin the promlies of what tha Among (he states, Wlacomln Ukea plan orr.tr labor, according to a state- the humble raak of 89th In tha per ninnt Issued by Chairman L L, Pat- centage of Ita laduatrlal workers who tornon of the Republican State Ceo- dJ7 41 Bour ek or one of lean tral committee here. He said a study of the way the Lafollatte program 0btlou,I' Potll eo- bss worked out In Wisconsin will B'r ,ot I M UrUe" 1e la Wla prove, bitter dl..Ppolntmen"to labor COn"B 0ot th. One would auppoae, he sW thaUn wage.rner aay happier than In U Wl.con.ln, where UFoUeu. and bU T " ,'" ""i.0"' i"""' " U ,M' police, have been enthroned wUhou TZ Vk' Interruption for a quarter of a cen- !I. ,. ! . "V tury. th. statue of the laboring "an IVJ ' " " would be Ideal. If not entirely per- ui.m,. . v feet, It would be a..umed condition. L1lolle" "4 " there would certainly be far better ? " "clM or 'rV'J" than In any other state of the union MlJ, hM WM 10 M tt A. a matter of fact. th. conlrarv T ,n.W" V.M M " la th. truth. An e.m.n.,tnn nt ",e t flclal wage atatlatlc .bow. that ..... Tork m" "'""S""" e"trT. In Wl.con.ii, fan tor below th. "ow " 11 " Ior ,M to ... w. l.v.1 of ,h. ,untry a. a Z'tSZT Th. manufacturing eectloo United ' Stale cen.ua of ltll shows that tb Publlo Debt Reduced, average monthly waga In the menu- The public debt haa beea cat dowa lecturing Industrie of the country more than l!.00,00l.00 itac 111. waa, IH.60. The aame report ahowa Thl mean aa aaaual aavlng of mora th. average wag. In Wlaconaln was than I136.000.0O0 In Interest aloaa. only 91.. When ranked with other T.xatlon haa been reduced by Ue statea, Wlaconaln stands 2 Hi la lu closing Republican administration average wagea. Itt.m.m aaaually, or more than SS Later studies of wsge scale ahow per cent la three yearn. During th. that the altuatloa still obtains. Tb. preseat fiscal year, tax recelpta will average weekly waga paid In Wlacon- ahow a saving to the people af ap sla In all Industries In June, 12, aa preilmataly H.OOB.OoO a. day, conv atuted In the report of the Wlaconaln pared with 1121. isdiutrlai - cornjalmu-waiu. 123 , V IS1 I 00.000 la Praam! AMERICA'S LIVE STOCK CLASSIC e anat aew BipodtUa relae eng ABpMtkaati the PecMe tnUvne 1 Li Stock Eipoattae wlU be Mow end bMtar thee m, fmrartna erd uvettacli eiMMroneraof in amim, P03TLANR Nov. 1-8, 1 In ttoral Live Sux-k Eipoattae wlU be U nifM oombifMd Mhlbtt at tm Ht tutA Dnlrr Celtic bnm Bbavp, OoaU: atoo PoulUT Shvw.i4 aa. laiMtrtal Pndita, aadWerht a Oncost Mlabi Uone Sbow. RKDDCBD FABES ON ALL KAIUtOADB ytasajs I SB EOS u m r rr. , r.r. tv . 01 rs iliphr now. eCjvinter-doyour ' mside pointing OUR woodwork, your walls, your floors and stairs, cup boards and furniture all can con veniently be "freshened up" with a coat of paint, enamel, or varnish dur ing the fall and winter months. Make a list of your needs, then talk the matter over with us. We will be glad to advise you in protecting and beautifying your home, inside and out. Raa musaen Paints and Varnishe are recommended and sold by us, BERT MASON IONE, OREGON Bern end Roof Paint WaB-Dnra Waanabl yl Truck and Tractor Paha) Wall Paint yr Cnoeota Shingle State Inside Floor Paint S Kirch Floor Point Oil Stake, VamJthe - S RaeoUt Enunel Floor and Veraiih SeeiM Farm Implements VULCAN and OLIVER PLOWS, SUPERIOR DRILLS, FAIRBANKS MORSE ENGINES, MYERS PUMPS, bTAR and AERMOTOR VVLND MILLS. WINONA WAGONS. PAUL G. BALSIGER t lone, Oregon 4BQ Under New Management IONE HOTEL lone, Ore. Refurnished and Strictly Up to Date. Commer cial Table First Class. A home away from home, with best meals in Central Oregon. SAM GANGER, Proprietor. Nice Rooms. Good Service. lone MarKet CEO. W. RITCHIE, Prop. Wholesale and Retafl Dealer in . ' FRESH and CURED MEATS Your Patronage Solicited. IONE HARNESS SHOP ... C-A- beck. Proprietor Drop In and I00K over my Line of WorK Shoes. I have a good stocK of Cloves and ' Harness Supplies. Repairing at Reasonable Prices. Rochbottom Prices On John Deere Wagons and Van Brunt Drills' We have a Complete Line of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Fresh Vegetables every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Bristow & Johnson The INDEPENDENT, $1.50 a Year. i - i. i $1885.60