f Dr. A. H. Johnston PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Graduate Nurse Assistant Phone-Office Main 933 Residence Main 492 HEPPNER OREGON When You Visit Heppner Eat at the Elkhorn Restaurant Good Meals Best of Service Lunch Counter tlMMMMM MMtMMMtMMMMlMMMMMMM WOODSON & SWEEK Attorneys At Law First National Bank Building Heppner Oregon Dr. F. E. Farrior DENTIST Office: Odd Fellows Building Heppner : Orefion Independent Garage E. R. LUNDELL, Proprietor. A complete stock of Kelley-Springfield and United States TIRES Come in and see me before sending your order away. Standard and Union Gas. Repair Shop in Connection Under Management of J. H. Bryson. Independent Garage lone, Oregon. 4MMIlMMMIMIMIMIMIIMIMHHIMMMIHMMM ft hpf ip the wwi fuel corr mat cute This Is Republican Year Support the Entire Party Ticket ITS COOLIDGE Make It Unanimous Every Indication shows overwhelming sentiment for Coolidge. The Literary Digest straw vote, both in thia state and the nation, shows him at this writing leading his nearest opponent by more than two to one. , In urging votes for Coolidge we ask Oregon citizens to elect to the Congress men who will aid the President in carrying out his policies, men who wtll acknowledge party responsibility, men who will keep faith with the people in carrying out the platform pledges. YOU WILL FIND THOSE MEN ON THE REPUBLICAN TICKET Senator McNary deserves reelection. He has accom plished much for Oregon. Congressmen Hawley and Sinnott shouldfbe returned because of service to their state. Maurice E. Crumpacker, candidate for the seat of the Democratic incumbent in the third district, should receive the votes of all republicans. RESTORE THIS STATE TO CONTROL OF THE DOMINANT PARTY It is mportant that all good citizens vote for Sam A. Kozer, candidate for reelection of secretary of state, and Thomas B. Kay, candidate for state treasurer, because their election will restore the affairs of Oregon, a strongly republican state to republican control. Through .the accident of death, the governor has named his own state treasurer. This is an elective office and the people had elected a republican treasurer. By the appointment, Governor Pierce seized power not his by right, and thereby dominates the state board of control. The balance will be restored with the election of Koter and Kay. 9 OTHER CANDIDATES, TOO, ARE WORTHY OE VOTEKS' SUPPORT . Judge Harry H. Belt, of Polk county, and Judge Percy R, Kelly, of Linn county, are both able jurists and candidates of the party for justices of the supreme court, Judge Kelly being a candidate to succeed the late John McCourt. Both are eminently qualified. I. H. VanWinkle, candidate for reelection as attorney, general; H. H. Corey, candidate for reelection as 'public service commissioner; Edward Ostrander, candidate for public service commissioner; and J. D. Mickle, candidate for reelection as state dairy and food commissioner, as well as the complete legislative and full county tickets, vouched for by the republican party are worthy of support and deserve your votes. " Make Sure You Vote Nov. 4 Republican State Outral Committee, Portland, Orison. I, L. Patteraon, chairman. John W, Cochran, Birftary I'ald Adv. fVERY LANG RANGE manufacture, u buik around the famou HOT BLAST principle and I C cont."in.,K ZANC H0T AIR DRAFT, botk I 1 J orifcinul.' patented feature. Forcing tl.theataa V ly around tht oven, utilizing every particle, of fuel and healir.fc every inch of cooking aur face, the LANS ranfee is by far the most econom ical kitchen ranfce on the market. Tod y LANG tovea are Hied and endoned by tlu.uand of American houtewivea. Let us show you a ENGELMAN HARDWARE Co. II Wliooniiria llHTirii lUS!,!U,M0. la 1121 It hat reached the atartllas total of 4,I4,7IMI. without a ua terlal roduotlon la the rate par cant of taxation, la addition to tali uimi' moot, too, atata Income tax law took mora than 141.000,000 from the tax payer from ltl to 1111, Incluilve. "High coat ot government la Win oonvlu under the La Follette plan li apparent to anyone who will cooiult the record. Ha propoie to extend bit paternalletlo, aoclallitle achemee la Wlaceaala to the national goverameat It ha haa the opportunity. "Thoa. V. Lyooe, (or yeare t mem bar of the Wlacoaaln tax eommtaalon. In a reoeat review ot the Wlaconila tax altuatlon, aald: "'It will he obiorved that the lcrli jumped from I60.ITS.I7I la 1(14 to t(4,4(,(ll tn 111. or IS par cant, aed from 1(4.411.1(1 la 1111 to HIT, 111,731 In 1111, or ti l per cent. The .leereaea la the eight-year period from 1114 to ISIS waa 134.1 par cant.' "Cedar the Coolldge plan of govern ment, eoata are daareailng and laiaa are laiiaalag. I'nder the la Follette plaa. eoata are rlilag and tax are growing at a vary heavy rat. It aheuld not be difficult for tha vol era to make up thalr mind na to which policy thay prefer In thalr govern ment. ' MUST GET OUT VOTE SAYS 6. 0. P. CHAIRMAN Ot greateet Importaaoa In the forth coming election, daolarod 1. L. Fetter eon, chairman of tha Republic Slate Cealral eommtttee, la tor every party member to vote November 4. The election, he aald, la won It normal party atraagth la muttered nt tha bel lotlag. If thay fall to do their duty at the polla, the oppealtloa, be laid, might win through default. Not In yeare haa there been aurh nrgaat raaioaa for party aupport. ha aald. Deth national aad elate Ueue ahould reuae every republican to do hla utmoat, It waa Hated. The very term of the government luelf, It waa polated out, la attacked by La fel lotto, while ooatrol et the atata la nought by the democratic Incnmheal'a peraonal maebjne. "A full, repreaentatlve veto meana an out Heading publican) eletorf," declared Chairman) Fattereen. Ferelgn Felley Sound. The repuhllraa platform on foreign relation! outline a policy which, car rled out with the common acne, clear vlalon. aad courage of Calvin Coolldge, offer the American people n eon tractive eoerae of boaor, aafety aad pregreaa. for Ita own aad the world good. It offera the only policy which, at the preient time, meana the pout blllty ot accempllihmeut. -Dawea. VISCONi1!! TAXES SHOVBIG GROWTH LiFolletto System Remits In Heavily Increased Cost of Government. "We are content te leave with the people ot Oregon the economy record ot thla admlaletralton and the tamo record ot the La Follette regime In Wlaconila aa tuttlcleat reaaon for a vote for Coolldge In the forthcoming lection," aald 1. L, Patteraon, chair man of the Republican Bute Cealral committee. "We find that Coolldge, who aald, 1 am for economy. After that 1 am tor more economy,' meant what h aald and carried out thla policy to the UraK, with the avowed Intention of cutting government expeaaee and taxee atlll further la tha coming four year. "The La Follatte conduct of affair In Wlacoaala ahowa oonataatly mount ing axtravageueea ot atata govern ment aad, beoauaa La Follette baa been in complete control there, he and hla trleada who are of the aama political theorlaa aa hlmaelt, for the- peat 10 year. It ahould be fair to contrail the record of thla admlnlitre I tlon In government, with Coolldge at ' the bead, and the record of the La Follette group la Wliconaln. I "We hnow that Coolldge la the head ef the admlnlalratloa that haa aaved the people ot thla country (4,000.000 dally In federal tatea aa compared with ml. It baa lopped e.4il em ployee from the federal payroll. The national debt haa been reduced II. 7(0.000.000 In three yeara. The bud get haa been eetahlUhad. the Dawea plaa adopted and a period of prosper ity haa replaced geaeral dlatreaa that prevailed when thla admlalatralloa took charge of public affaire. "Now let na aee what constructive reeulte the La Follette group baa ac tompllahed In Wlaconaln. la lttl La, Follette became governor , aad be alnce retained control ef the atale with hla henchmen. From 101 to 130, the record abew, there waa no great la ereaie In the population of the atate. WbUa population Increaae from Itol to llll waa II per coat. Increaae la property araent for the aama per 1od an more than 131 per cent aad tha Increaae tn atate expeadlturea waa 431 per ceat. "la Wlaceaala aa army of new atata employe era creeled aed the new repltal build lag hecajoa Umi limited to houae the political awarm el tax eatera. rUlf -total n-..ed '-" .rf 113 X3 Vote For WM. BALL For SHERIFF of Morrow County A CLEAN MAN WITH A CLEAN RECORD Wm.Ball was born 44 years ago in Morrow County and has been a continuous resident. He has been employed by one establishment in Heppner for the past 26 years. He is a concientious man, reliable and trustworthy, qualified for the position of Sheriff and is well worthy of your vote. VOTE FOR Wm. Ball for Sheriff (Paid Advertisement) iiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniniiiiiiiinm